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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 to Thursday, June 27, 2024

Event #63: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw (7-Handed)

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $604,755
  • Entries: 453
  • Remaining: 0


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Thursday, June 27, 2024 7:51 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 21 hours ago)
David Funkhouser Takes Down $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw for First Bracelet and $123,314

David Funkhouser

Event #63: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw has come to a close here at the 2024 World Series of Poker hosted at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. The event attracted 453 total entrants to generate a prize pool of $604,755. Only six players remained at the start of the third and final day, all of whom were guaranteed at least $19,087.

David Funkhouser already came close to a bracelet earlier this series when he made the final table of the $1,500 Double Board Bomb Pot Mix, ultimately finishing in fourth place in that event for $91,891. Today, Funkhouser topped that accomplishment, defeating Michel Leibgorin in heads-up play to take home his first WSOP gold bracelet and the top prize of $123,314.

Winner's Reaction

"It means a lot," Funkhouser mentioned shortly after his victory. "[I've come] close this year and close for many years. Played dozens, if not hundreds of these [bracelet events]. They're hard to win. We had a tough final table and Michel is a fantastically tough opponent. They all gave me tough spots the whole way. It's great to win and it ain't easy."

Funkhouser is no stranger to success in mixed game formats with four WSOP final tables to his name before this event and three of those four coming in formats other than no-limit hold'em. Funkhouser mentioned recently, shifting his focus from fixed-limit games to big bet games.

"I have found myself gravitating more towards big bet and away from fixed limit, whereas I was more fixed limit for a number of years. Limit is fun and casual but I've been kind of embracing the more high-intensity situations [that come with big bet games]. And single draw is kind of the best marriage of the two, it's a lowball game but then it's no-limit. Anybody who has not tried it should absolutely try it. Especially if you like pot-limit Omaha or no-limit hold'em. It's a fantastically beautiful game, as long as humans are on this earth we will be playing no-limit single draw lowball."

Final Table Results

1David FunkhouserUnited States$123,314
2Michel LeibgorinFrance$81,412
3Charles TuckerUnited States$54,868
4Owais AhmedUnited States$37,764
5Ali EslamiUnited States$26,555
6Tzu Peng WangTaiwan$19,087
7David "ODB" BakerUnited States$14,030

Final Day Action

Owais Ahmed began the final day as the shortest stack but found two double ups early on to go from the bottom to the top of the counts in the first level of the day. Meanwhile, Tzu Peng Wang started the day in the middle of the pack but couldn't get any momentum and became the first casualty of the day after getting his pat-ten cracked by Charles Tucker who drew into a seven-low.

Funkhouser also started the day with a middling stack but quickly found himself short after the first few orbits. Funkhouser kept himself in contention with a series of back-to-back shoves where he was able to win plenty without showdown from stealing the antes and blinds. It took more than two hours for another player to be eliminated following Wang's elimination earlier and several players took their turn as chipleader during this period. Ali Eslami was leading at one point during the final five but was eventually next to fall after first doubling up Funkhouser before losing the rest of it to Tucker, who had drawn an eight-low to score the knockout.

Leibgorin started the day with a commanding chip lead over the rest of the field and although he went through a few swings during the final five, he once again had a big lead over his opponents following the elimination of Eslami in fifth. He extended his lead further after Ahmed moved in with a draw to a ten-low only to find out that he was drawing dead against Leibgorin who had started with a pat-eight to eliminate the last bracelet winner left in the field in fourth place.

Michel Leibgorin
Michel Leibgorin

Leibgorin continued to pressure his opponents during the final three and at one point had over half the chips in play while Funkhouser was again short-stacked. A shift in momentum began when Funkhouser made a stand with a pat-ten and picked off a big bluff from Tucker to close the gap between the two players while Tucker became the definitive short stack. Tucker couldn't find a comeback from that point and was knocked out by Funkhouser a few hands later, giving Funkhouser a modest lead over Leibgorin going into heads-up play.

Leibgorin's aggressive playing style saw him close the gap early between himself and Funkhouser, but the lightning-fast heads-up duel was over shortly after it had begun. Leibgorin called a shove from Funkhouser with a draw to an eight-six and bricked while Funkhouser held with a pat-nine to take home the final pot of the night.

That concludes our coverage for this event but be sure to stay tuned to PokerNews for our continuing coverage of the 2024 WSOP.

Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:39 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
David Funkhouser Wins Event #63: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw ($123,314)

David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser has outlasted a field of 453 entries in Event #63: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw.

It is the first career WSOP gold bracelet for Funkhouser, who also takes home the top prize of $123,314. Stay tuned for a full recap of the final day.

Final Table Results

1David FunkhouserUnited States$123,314
2Michel LeibgorinFrance$81,412
3Charles TuckerUnited States$54,868
4Owais AhmedUnited States$37,764
5Ali EslamiUnited States$26,555
6Tzu Peng WangTaiwan$19,087
7David "ODB" BakerUnited States$14,030
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:31 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Michel Leibgorin Eliminated in 2nd Place ($81,412)

Michel Leibgorin

David Funkhouser opened to 400,000 from the button and Michel Leibgorin three-bet to 1,110,000 from the big blind. Funkhouser asked his opponent how much he had left behind, and after confirming that Leibgorin had roughly 4,100,000 back, Funkhouser moved all in with a covering stack. Leibgorin made the call and was at risk, drawing one while Funkhouser stood pat.

Michel Leibgorin:     / 
David Funkhouser:      

Leibgorin was drawing to an eight-six while Funkhouser was ahead with a pat-nine. Leibgorin picked up a   on the final draw and was forced to settle for second place while Funkhouser took down the final pot of the tournament.

David Funkhouser11,325,0005,575,000
Michel Leibgorin0-5,550,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:25 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Leibgorin Wins with a Pair

Michel Leibgorin opened to 275,000 on the button and David Funkhouser called in the big blind.

Both players asked for two cards, with both checking it down. Leibgorin showed       for a pair of fours, and it was good enough to take the pot as Funkhouser mucked.

David Funkhouser5,750,000-150,000
Michel Leibgorin5,550,000150,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:22 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Leibgorin Strikes First

As heads-up play began, David Funkhouser limped on the button and Michel Leibgorin checked his big blind option.

Leibgorin asked for three and Funkhouser took two cards. Leibgorin then led out for 350,000, taking down the pot as Funkhouser mucked.

David Funkhouser5,900,000-500,000
Michel Leibgorin5,400,000500,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:18 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Charles Tucker Eliminated in 3rd Place ($54,868)

Charles Tucker

David Funkhouser opened to 400,000 from the button, Charles Tucker three-bet shoved for 1,500,000 from the big blind and Funkhouser made the call with a covering stack to put Tucker at risk. Tucker drew one while Funkhouser stood pat.

Charles Tucker:     
David Funkhouser:      

Tucker was drawing very thin against Funkhouser's pat ten and couldn't catch a three on the draw, instead picking up a   to make a worse ten-low. Tucker's deep run came to an end in third place while Funkhouser claimed the last of his chips.

David Funkhouser6,400,0002,650,000
Michel Leibgorin4,900,000-550,000
Charles Tucker0-2,450,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:07 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Funkhouser Gets Value

Charles Tucker raised to 375,000 in the small blind and David Funkhouser defended his big blind.

Tucker called for two cards and Funkhouser took one. Tucker then checked to Funkhouser, who fired a bet of 330,000.

After a moment, Tucker tossed in the call. Funkhouser showed      , taking down the pot as Tucker mucked.

Michel Leibgorin5,450,000-200,000
David Funkhouser3,750,000770,000
Charles Tucker2,450,000-800,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:59 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Leibgorin's Big Blind Shove

David Funkhouser opened to 550,000 in the small blind and was quickly met with an all in from Michel Leibgorin in the big blind.

Funkhouser took some time before letting it go, shipping the chips to Leibgorin on his left.

Michel Leibgorin5,650,000850,000
Charles Tucker3,250,000650,000
David Funkhouser2,980,000-920,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:55 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Funkhouser Finds the Right Call

Michel Leibgorin opened to 350,000 from the button and was called by David Funkhouser in the big blind, who stood pat while Leibgorin drew two.

After the draw Funkhouser bet 275,000. Leibgorin raised to 1,000,000 and Funkhouser went deep into the tank.

After several minutes Funkhouser flicked in a call and showed a ten-low with      . Leibgorin mucked and Funkhouser took down a sizable pot.

Michel Leibgorin4,800,000-1,520,000
David Funkhouser3,900,0002,015,000
Charles Tucker2,600,000-550,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:47 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 23 hours ago)
Shove from Funkhouser

Charles Tucker folded his button and action was on David Funkhouser in the small blind. Funkhouser took some time before sliding in 1,400,000 chips, while leaving a single 5,000 red chip behind.

Michel Leibgorin asked for a count before checking his cards. After a moment, Leibgorin let his hand go and Funkhouser added an orbit to his stack.

Michel Leibgorin6,320,000320,000
Charles Tucker3,150,000-450,000
David Funkhouser1,885,000185,000
Gorilla Gaming
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:42 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Funkhouser Getting Short

David Funkhouser limped in from the small blind and Michel Leibgorin checked from the big blind, drawing one while Funkhouser drew two.

After the draw Funkhouser bet 175,000 and was called by Leibgorin. Funkhouser flashed    for a bluff at which point Leibgorin tabled       for a jack-low to take the pot.

Michel Leibgorin6,000,000360,000
Charles Tucker3,600,000260,000
David Funkhouser1,700,000-650,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:37 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Counts to Begin Level 30
Michel Leibgorin5,640,000140,000
Charles Tucker3,340,000290,000
David Funkhouser2,350,000-530,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:36 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Level 30 started
Level: 30
Blinds: 80,000/160,000
Ante: 240,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:21 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Break Time

The three remaining players have been sent on a 15-minute break.

Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:21 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Leibgorin Asks for it All

David Funkhouser opened to 420,000 from the small blind and was met with an all in raise from Michel Leibgorin in the big blind.

Funkhouser took a couple of minutes and opted to give it up, as Leibgorin added to his lead.

Michel Leibgorin5,500,000200,000
Charles Tucker3,050,000-300,000
David Funkhouser2,880,000230,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:16 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Funkhouser Flummoxed by Leibgorin

David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser opened to 420,000 from the small blind and Michel Leibgorin defended from the big blind, drawing two while Funkhouser stood pat.

Funkhouser checked after the draw and Leibgorin bet 1,000,000, putting Funkhouser deep into the tank.

"Michel, what are you doing to me? Can't you just put 600,000?" Funkhouser asked his opponent, who did not reply. "1,000,000, that's the bet? So greedy". Funkhouser continued as he weighed his options.

Eventually Funkhouser opted to fold and Leibgorin took down a healthy pot without showdown.

Michel Leibgorin5,300,000800,000
Charles Tucker3,350,000-300,000
David Funkhouser2,650,000-500,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:13 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 0 hour ago)
Two in a Row for Funkhouser

Michel Leibgorin opened to 300,000 from the button and David Funkhouser defended from the big blind, drawing two while Leibgorin drew one.

Both players checked after the draw. Funkhouser showed       for a jack-low and Leibgorin mucked.

Michel Leibgorin4,500,000-200,000
Charles Tucker3,650,000-50,000
David Funkhouser3,150,000250,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:09 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 0 hour ago)
Funkhouser Shows Down Pat-Jack

David Funkhouser opened to 240,000 from the button and Charles Tucker defended from the big blind, drawing one while Funkhouser stood pat.

Both players checked after the draw. Tucker announced he had a queen while Funkhouser tabled       for a jack-low to take the pot.

Michel Leibgorin4,700,000-40,000
Charles Tucker3,700,000-350,000
David Funkhouser2,900,000280,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:02 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 0 hour ago)
Funkhouser Folds to Tucker

Charles Tucker opened to 275,000 in the small blind and David Funkhouser made the call in the big blind.

Funkhouser asked for two cards while Tucker patted and led out for 500,000. Funkhouser checked his holding and took some time before letting his hand go, as Tucker chipped up some more.

Michel Leibgorin4,740,000-110,000
Charles Tucker4,050,000600,000
David Funkhouser2,620,000-80,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:55 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 0 hour ago)
Tucker Takes It

Charles Tucker opened to 250,000 on the button and Michel Leibgorin defended his big blind.

Leibgorin took two, with Tucker opting to stand pat. Leibgorin checked to Tucker, who checked back and showed      . That was good enough to take the pot as Leibgorin mucked.

Michel Leibgorin4,850,000-650,000
Charles Tucker3,450,000500,000
David Funkhouser2,700,000780,000
Gorilla Gaming