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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Friday, July 12, 2024 to Sunday, July 14, 2024

Event #92: $50,000 HIGH ROLLER No-Limit Holdem

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  • Buy-in: $50,000
  • Prizepool: $8,499,500
  • Entries: 178
  • Remaining: 0


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Sunday, July 14, 2024 4:52 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 1 hour ago)
Jared Bleznick Captures First Bracelet in $50k No-Limit Hold'em High Roller

Jared Bleznick

Five players came into the final day of Event #92: $50,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em here at the 2024 World Series of Poker hosted at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. All were guaranteed at least $499,097 but had the shared goal of claiming the top prize of $2,037,947.

After the dust had settled, Jared Bleznick was the last player standing in the 178-entrant field. Bleznick overcame a final table consisting of some of the best No-Limit Hold'em players in the world, last defeating Jesse Lonis in heads up play to take home $2,037,947, the lion's share of the $8,499,500 prize pool, and his first WSOP bracelet.

Event #92: $50,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em Final Table Results

1Jared BleznickUnited States$2,037,947
2Jesse LonisUnited States$1,358,633
3Christoph VogelsangGermany$957,104
4Nacho BarberoArgentina$685,405
5Justin SalibaUnited States$499,097
6Brynjar GigjaIceland$369,654
7Isai ScheinbergCanada$278,552
8Erik SeidelUnited States$213,624
9Michael RoccoUnited States$166,786

Winner's Reaction

"My whole career I was mostly a cash game player, mostly a heads up player" Bleznick commented following his win. "This means more to me for the public, for my friends, for my family and for people who said that I've never won a bracelet. I already know I can compete at the highest level and I've never given myself a chance to play a lot of tournament poker. I love tournament poker, I want to keep playing more and more. It does mean a lot to me. Having to do it in No-Limit Hold'em without any experience (playing High Roller No-Limit Hold'em tournaments) is unbelievable".

Bleznick continued, describing how poker has evolved over the years and his mindset towards staying competitive with today's top pros.

"I think the best thing about poker is that it keeps changing. It's like any business, or anything in life. The top players from ten years ago are not the top players today. Like Jesse Lonis, he's a young kid, one of the top players in the world and he wasn't playing five years ago. So there's new guys coming in, figuring out new things and getting better. My job is to overcome all that, try to figure out what they're doing and beat that style, which is something I've always been good at playing heads up poker".

Jared Bleznick, Jesse Lonis
Jared Bleznick, Jesse Lonis

Bleznick came into the final day second in chips while Christoph Vogelsang held a commanding chip lead over the rest of the field. Despite big pay jumps and heavy ICM pressure, Bleznick showed no fear in playing multiple big pots with Vogelsang throughout the final table.

"I was going after Vogelsang. I didn't care if he had more chips. I wanted to play pots with him, because he plays like a computer and that's the type of player I want to play against. When I know exactly what he's up to and what he's doing, I want to play pots with the chip leader at the time. Even if he has position on me, I don't care. When there's five left I'm playing to win. When I play for big money, my biggest edge is that I'm used to this, I'm comfortable and I want to play big pots with people that I feel I have an advantage over".

Bleznick had one last person to thank for motivating him towards his victory.

"The person I want to thank the most is Shaun Deeb. I made all these side bets with him and it forced me to play all these tournaments. I never would have played this tournament if I didn't have side action. I've been friends with him for a long time, and just beat him out of a lot of money. But the reality of it is this summer was about proving that I can win. My whole career I beat everyone playing heads up but in a tournament structure I just wanted to prove that I can beat all these guys. Obviously I just did it, but Shaun motivated me".

Final Day Action

With most players starting the day under 20 big blinds the action was fast and furious from the start of play today. Justin Saliba was eliminated by Bleznick in one of the first hands of the day in a brutal cooler that saw Saliba get all the money in with ace-king versus Bleznick's ace-queen only for the latter player to make a flush after catching running spades. That hand saw Bleznick, who began the day second-in-chips, close the distance between himself and Vogelsang. Not long afterwards, Nacho Barbero doubled through Vogelsang at which point the three players were very close in chips with Lonis trailing behind in fourth place.

Nacho Barbero
Nacho Barbero

Lonis went on a heater following the first break, doubling up twice through Barbero to keep himself in contention while Barbero was left with crumbs and bowed out in fourth shortly afterwards.

Immediately following Barbero's elimination Bleznick was involved in arguably the most important pot of the tournament for him. With the blinds having increased to the point that all three remaining players had very little room left to maneuver, Vogelsang open-shoved with ace-nine only for Bleznick to wake up with pocket tens. Bleznick's hand held up in the biggest pot of the tournament up to that point to send Vogelsang out in third place and enter heads up play against Lonis with roughly a 2:1 chip advantage over his opponent.

Christoph Vogelsang
Christoph Vogelsang

The heads up duel between Bleznick and Lonis was over quickly. Lonis was able to win a couple of small pots off of Bleznick early on but Bleznick was able to get paid off with a few well-timed value bets, leaving Lonis very short. Lonis soon found himself getting the rest of his chips in with pocket sevens and was in great position to double up versus Bleznick who had called with ace-four. Bleznick pulled ahead on the flop after catching an ace and remained ahead to eliminate Lonis and claim the victory.

Jared Bleznick and his Rail
Jared Bleznick and his Rail

That concludes the PokerNews coverage for this event but stay tuned for our continuing coverage of the final week of the 2024 WSOP.

Sunday, July 14, 2024 4:48 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 1 hour ago)
A Successful Friendship Is Born
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:56 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Jared Bleznick Wins Event #92: $50,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold’em

Jared Bleznick

Out of a record-breaking field of 178 entrants, Jared Bleznick was crowned as the winner of Event #92: $50,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em. He wins his first ever WSOP bracelet and $2,037,947.

A recap will follow shortly.

Event #92: $50,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em Results

1Jared BleznickUnited States$2,037,947
2Jesse LonisUnited States$1,358,633
3Christoph VogelsangGermany$957,104
4Nacho BarberoArgentina$685,405
5Justin SalibaUnited States$499,097
6Brynjar GigjaIceland$369,654
7Isai ScheinbergCanada$278,552
8Erik SeidelUnited States$213,624
9Michael RoccoUnited States$166,786
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:47 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Jesse Lonis Eliminate in 2nd Place ($1,358,633)

Jesse Lonis

After Jesse Lonis limped from the button, Jared Bleznick raised enough to put him all-in from the big blind. Lonis called for his remaining 13,000,000 and the cards were revealed.

Jesse Lonis:   
Jared Bleznick:   

The flop of     catapulted Bleznick into the lead, having paired his ace. The   on the turn meant only a seven on the river would keep Lonis alive. The river came the  , and Lonis was eliminated in second place.

Jared Bleznick53,400,00013,500,000
Jesse Lonis0-13,500,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:41 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Bleznick Extends His Lead

Jared Bleznick limped in from the button and Jesse Lonis checked from the big blind.

Both players checked the flop and turn leading to a final board of      . Lonis checked, Bleznick bet 2,000,000 and Lonis called.

Bleznick turned over two pair, kings and queens with    and Lonis' hand hit the muck.

Jared Bleznick39,900,0002,100,000
Jesse Lonis13,500,000-2,100,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:34 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Bleznick's Flop Bet Wins Him the Pot

Jared Bleznick called from the small blind and Jesse Lonis checked from the big blind.

The flop came    . Lonis check-folded to a bet of 1,000,000 from Bleznick.

Jared Bleznick37,800,0001,600,000
Jesse Lonis15,600,000-1,600,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:32 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Bleznick Slowly Extends His Lead

Jesse Lonis limped from the small blind and Jared Bleznick checked out of the big blind.

Both players checked it all the way down on a runout of      , and Bleznik took down the pot with    for queen-high.

Jared Bleznick36,200,000300,000
Jesse Lonis17,200,000-300,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:24 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Bleznick Finds Value on the River

Jesse Lonis limped in from the button and Jared Bleznick defended from the big blind.

Both players checked the flop and turn leading to a final board of      . Bleznick bet 1,600,000 and Lonis called.

Bleznick had two pair, kings and fours with    and Lonis mucked.

Jared Bleznick35,900,0003,000,000
Jesse Lonis17,500,000-3,000,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:23 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Lonis Adds to his Stack

Jesse Lonis limped in from the button and Jared Bleznick checked from the big blind.

Both players checked the     flop leading to the   turn. Bleznick checked, Lonis bet 1,800,000 and Bleznick folded.

Jared Bleznick32,900,000-4,100,000
Jesse Lonis20,500,0004,100,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:12 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Short Break

The final two players are taking a short break before heads up play begins.

Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:09 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 2 hours ago)
Christoph Vogelsang Eliminated in 3rd Place ($957,104)

Christoph Vogelsang

Christoph Vogelsang open-shoved from the button for around 16,000,000. Jared Bleznick made the call from the big blind with a covering stack to put Vogelsang at risk.

Christoph Vogelsang:   
Jared Bleznick:   

Bleznick was ahead preflop with his pocket pair and remained so when the board ran out       to send the start-of-day chip leader to the rail and take down a colossal pot, giving him roughly a 2:1 lead over Jesse Lonis going into heads-up play.

Jared Bleznick37,000,00017,700,000
Jesse Lonis16,400,000-3,200,000
Christoph Vogelsang0-14,500,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:00 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Level 29 started
Level: 29
Blinds: 400,000/800,000
Ante: 800,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:00 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Nacho Barbero Eliminated in 4th Place ($685,405)

Nacho Barbero

Nacho Barbero moved all in from the cutoff for 800,000. Jesse Lonis called for the extra 200,000 from the big blind to put him at risk.

Nacho Barbero:   
Jesse Lonis:   

The board came      , giving Lonis a pair of sixes, eliminating Barbero from the tournament in fourth place.

Jesse Lonis19,600,0001,700,000
Jared Bleznick19,300,0001,300,000
Christoph Vogelsang14,500,000-3,100,000
Nacho Barbero0-700,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:58 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Barbero on Fumes After Lonis Doubles

Jesse Lonis opened to 1,200,000 from under the gun, Nacho Barbero shoved for around 9,000,000 and Lonis, who was slightly covered, made the call and was at risk.

Jesse Lonis:   
Nacho Barbero:   

Lonis' kings held up on the       runout and he scored a full double up while Barbero was left with just over one big blind.

Jesse Lonis17,900,0009,400,000
Nacho Barbero700,000-8,500,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:56 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Updated Counts

No hands have seen a flop in the last two orbits. Jesse Lonis has chipped up slightly after getting several shoves through and picking up the blinds.

Jared Bleznick18,000,000500,000
Christoph Vogelsang17,600,000-1,200,000
Nacho Barbero9,200,000-1,300,000
Jesse Lonis8,500,0001,900,000
Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:45 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Vogelsang Takes from Barbero

Nacho Barbero opened to 1,400,000 from the button and Christoph Vogelsang defended from the big blind.

Both players checked the     flop leading to the   turn. Vogelsang bet 2,300,000 and Barbero folded.

Christoph Vogelsang18,800,0001,300,000
Jared Bleznick17,500,000500,000
Nacho Barbero10,500,000-500,000
Jesse Lonis6,600,000-100,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:38 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Lonis Doubles WIth Pocket Nines

Jesse Lonis shoved from the small blind for 3,200,000, and Nacho Barbero called from the big blind to put him at risk.

Jesse Lonis:   
Nacho Barbero:   

The runout of       meant Lonis' pair of nines would earn him a much-needed double up.

Christoph Vogelsang17,500,0005,500,000
Jared Bleznick17,000,0000
Nacho Barbero11,000,000-4,700,000
Jesse Lonis6,700,000700,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:26 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Bleznick Gets a Fold from Barbero

Nacho Barbero limped in from the small blind and Jared Bleznick checked from the big blind.

Both players checked the flop and turn leading to a final runout of      . Barbero checked once more and Bleznick bet 1,200,000.

Barbero used a time extension before opting to fold and Bleznick took the pot without showdown.

Jared Bleznick17,000,0001,500,000
Nacho Barbero15,700,000-800,000
Christoph Vogelsang12,000,000-1,500,000
Jesse Lonis6,000,000-1,750,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:13 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Level 28 started
Level: 28
Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Ante: 600,000
Sunday, July 14, 2024 2:11 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 3 hours ago)
Life Outside Poker: 'American Pie' Star Shannon Elizabeth Talks 25th Anniversary, Phil Hellmuth Entrance
Shannon Elizabeth Life Outside Poker
Shannon Elizabeth Life Outside Poker

Life Outside Poker is a new podcast for PokerNews hosted by Connor Richards that seeks to pull back the curtain on poker players and allow viewers and listeners to get to know them on a personal level.

In the 12th episode, Connor speaks with actress and conservationist Shannon Elizabeth on the 25th anniversary of American Pie, in which she played the iconic role of Nadia. Elizabeth talked about her roles in films like Scary Movie and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, playing poker with the cast of That '70s Show, finishing third in the 2007 NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship and taking part in Phil Hellmuth's 2024 WSOP Main Event entrance.

Elizabeth also spoke about her conservation efforts in South Africa through the Shannon Elizabeth Foundation, including caring for and providing a sanctuary for a blind black rhino named Munu.

The Life Outside Poker podcast is available on major streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeartRadio. You can also watch the interview with Shannon Elizabeth by heading to the PokerNews YouTube channel.

Learn More About Life Outside Poker!

Playtika - Jason Alexander