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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Thursday, July 11, 2024 to Saturday, July 13, 2024

Event #90: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha (6-Handed)

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $1,740,840
  • Entries: 1,304
  • Remaining: 0


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Saturday, July 13, 2024 7:44 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 22 hours ago)
Joseph Sanders Claims First Bracelet and $269,530 in Event 90: $1,500 6-Handed Pot-Limit Omaha

Joseph Sanders

After six hours of play of Day 3 at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas, Event 90: $1,500 6-Handed Pot-Limit Omaha of the 2024 World Series of Poker (WSOP) has come to its conclusion as Joseph Sanders has emerged victorious after defeating Anatoliy Zlotnikov in a brief heads-up battle. Along with the first place prize of $269,530, Sanders takes home his first WSOP gold bracelet.

Sanders is a Henderson local who plays mostly cash, but likes to hop into the Pot-Limit Omaha tournaments whenever he can. His previous best tournament cash was in 2021 when he took fifth place in the PGT $10,000 PLO for $50,400 and then he had a similar score in the 2021 WSOP in the $25,000 PLO later that year.

"I was hopeful…" Sanders said when asked how he felt coming into Day 3 "…but ya know, I was trying to be realistic, every player was capable and good, but hey it worked out."

He then reminisced on when he doubled heads-up against Zlotnikov to take the lead.
"Oh man, that was huge, I mean he got lucky on the turn but yeah that one felt really good… Once that happened I felt like it was my tournament to lose."

Sanders said he plans on playing the larger buy-in version of this one, Event #97: $3,000 6-Handed Pot-Limit Omaha which starts on Monday, July 15.

"I doubt I'll run as pure as I did in this one but I gotta give it a try, ya know."

Speaking of running pure, Sanders did have to navigate a field of 1,306 players, including some of the best PLO players in the world over a course of three days, which is no easy task.

Event #90: $1,500 6-Handed Pot-Limit Omaha Final Table Results

1Joseph SandersUnited States$269,530
2Anatoliy ZlotnikovRussia$179,689
3Alfred KarlssonSweden$124,984
4Long TranUnited States$88,273
5Mike LeahCanada$63,321
6Dustin NelsonUnited States$46,144

Day 3 Action

Today saw six players return to action at noon but the action started off relatively slow as the players were still fairly deep-stacked, with Long Tran as the chip leader with 100 big blinds. The first elimination of the day was an hour and a half into play when short-stacked Dustin Nelson got it all in on the flop against Alfred Karlsson with just a pair of fives, but Karlsson rivered a superior pair of tens to send him out in sixth place.

After that, the action REALLY slowed down as the next elimination wasn't until Mike Leah dwindled down to around 13 big blinds when he got it all in preflop against Karlsson who held aces. The board ran out seven-high and Karlsson wound up making a wheel to send out Leah in fifth.

With Leah gone, the players seemed to get a lot more loose as the chips began to fly. The lead changed several times before they eventually accumulated in front of Zlotnikov, who at one point earlier in the day was down to 10 big blinds himself. He then went on a tear, first by eliminating Long Tran in fourth by hitting a full house, then quickly followed that up by sending out Karlsson in third with a rivered straight.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov
Anatoliy Zlotnikov

Zlotnikov then entered the heads-up battle against Sanders with over a 2:1 chip lead, but in one of the first few hands, Sanders scored a huge double when he rivered a full house after Zlotnikov had turned a straight. Sanders then took down another big pot after that when he check-raised the flop to force a fold from Zlotnikov in a big pot, putting him in a dominating chip position. It wasn't long before all of the chips were back into the middle once again, but this time it was Zlotnikov whose tournament life was on the line. They got it in on a flop of nine-nine-ten, and Zlotnikov held aces for top two pair, but Sanders held a nine for trips that held to send out Zlotnikov as the runner-up for $179,689. Sanders was then awarded the WSOP gold bracelet along with the grand prize of $269,530.

That's it for the coverage on this event but be sure to keep a tab open on PokerNews for all of the remaining coverage during the 2024 WSOP.

Saturday, July 13, 2024 6:16 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 24 hours ago)
Anatoliy Zlotnikov Eliminated in 2nd Place ($179,689)

Anatoly Zlotnikov

On a flop of    , Anatoliy Zlotnikov in the big blind bet 2,100,000, then Joseph Sanders raised all-in with the biggest stack. Zlotnikov snap-called.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov:     
Joseph Sanders:     

Sanders flopped trips and kept the lead on the   turn and the   river to win his first ever WSOP bracelet. Finishing in second place, Zlotnikov wins $179,689.

Joseph Sanders32,650,00014,650,000
Anatoliy Zlotnikov0-14,000,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 6:14 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 24 hours ago)
Sanders Hits River to Take the Lead

Joseph Sanders

On the flop of    , all of the chips between Joseph Sanders and Anatoliy Zlotnikov got into the middle, with Sanders at risk.

Joseph Sanders:     
Anatoliy Zlotnikov:     

Sanders was in the lead with his aces, but Zlotnikov still had an open-ended straight draw. Sure enough, the   peeled on the turn to give him the nut straight as well as top set for Sanders. Miraculously, the   spiked on the river to give Sanders a full house to claim the pot for a huge double into the lead.

Joseph Sanders18,000,0008,250,000
Anatoliy Zlotnikov14,000,000-8,800,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 6:05 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 24 hours ago)
Heads-Up Play Begins

After the elimination of Alfred Karlsson in third place, the heads-up battle between Anatoliy Zlotnikov and Joseph Sanders begins, with Zlotnikov holding over a 2:1 lead.

Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:55 PM Local Time (about 16 days and 24 hours ago)
Alfred Karlsson Eliminated in 3rd Place ($124,984)

Alfred Karlsson

After Joseph Sanders limped from the button, Anatoliy Zlotnikov in the small blind raised to 1,125,000. Alfred Karlsson in the big blind then raised again to 3,675,000 and made Sanders fold. "Pot" Zlotnikov said and Karlsson called, finding himself at risk for 6,000,000.

Alfred Karlsson:      
Anatoliy Zlotnikov:     

Zlotnikov was in the lead with queens, and he hit two pair with the     flop.

"Spades" Karlsson asked. He was heard, as he found a flush draw with the   turn. But the   river didn't change anything and Karlsson was eliminated.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov22,800,0002,800,000
Joseph Sanders9,750,000750,000
Alfred Karlsson0-4,500,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:40 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 0 hour ago)
Long Tran Eliminated in 4th Place ($88,273)

Long Tran

Long Tran in the cutoff opened to 1,050,000, and he was called by Anatoliy Zlotnikov in the big blind who bet for more than Tran's stack on a flop of    . Tran made the call with his last 1,800,000 chips.

Long Tran:     
Anatoliy Zlotnikov:     

Zlotnikov flopped a pair, hit two pair with the   turn then a full house after the   river to eliminate Tran in fourth place for $88,273.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov20,000,0003,775,000
Long Tran0-2,800,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:39 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 0 hour ago)
Updated Counts; Zlatnikov Holds Dominating Lead
Anatoliy Zlotnikov16,225,0004,925,000
Joseph Sanders9,000,0000
Alfred Karlsson4,500,000-4,800,000
Long Tran2,800,000-2,725,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:30 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 0 hour ago)
Level 33 started
Level: 33
Blinds: 150,000/300,000
Ante: 300,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:19 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 0 hour ago)
Where's The 1 Seat?
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:17 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 0 hour ago)
Mike Leah Eliminated in 5th Place ($63,321)

Mike Leah

After Anatoliy Zlotnikov limped from under the gun, Mike Leah in the cutoff raised to 1,125,000. Alfred Karlsson in the small blind then re-raised all-in, prompting Zlotnikov to fold while Leah made the call, finding himself at risk for a total of 2,775,000.

Mike Leah:      
Alfred Karlsson:     

Leah didn't find any help on       and he was eliminated in fifth place for $63,321.

Alfred Karlsson9,300,0002,000,000
Mike Leah0-2,775,000
Gorilla Gaming
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:15 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
A Controversial Angle & Wild 7-Bet Bubble Hand in WSOP Main Event | PokerNews Podcast #846

In the 846th episode of the PokerNews Podcast, Chad Holloway and Kyna England are joined at Level 9 Studio by PokerNews Pennsylvania Ambassador Keith Becker, who served as special co-host to talk about the latest happenings at the 2024 World Series of Poker (WSOP).

That included a controversial hand from Day 3 that some viewed as an angle and/or scummy, as well as the wild seven-bet bubble hand on Day 4. What two hands could inspire two big stacks to get 120 big blinds all in preflop on the money bubble? Find out here. The trio also take a look at the WSOP Main Event payouts and how they compare to past years, which former Main Event champs lasted the longest, and how both Mo Nuwwarah and Josh Reichard took pre-tournament misfortune and used it as motivation to make a deep run into Day 5.

Chad also shares why he was inspired to turn extra links from his WSOP gold bracelet into a pair of gold earrings, while Keith talks about his life in the Keystone State, which includes a successful Twitch stream. As a matter of fact, he even streamed from the recently completed Global Poker x PokerNews Cup, which crowned a pair of Freeroll Finale Champions.

Finally, hear about recent WSOP gold bracelet winners including Garth Yettick, Carsten Heidemann, Matthew Alsante, and Chance Kornuth, who took down Event #85: $1,000 Flip & Go for his fourth gold bracelet. Hear from Kornuth himself in our winner's interview. Oh, and don't forget your regular $25K Fantasy update.

A new PokerNews Podcast will drop twice weekly during the 2024 WSOP every Tuesday and Friday at 8a PT / 11a ET / 4p UK time. Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you do not miss an episode!

Click here to listen to the new PN Podcast!

Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:13 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
Leah Doubles with Ace-High

Mike Leah

Short-stacked Mike Leah managed to get all of his chips in peflop against Anatoliy Zlotnikov, who covered.

Mike Leah:     
Anatoliy Zlotnikov:     

The runout of       gave Leah the win with just ace-high for a double.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov11,300,0001,700,000
Mike Leah2,775,0001,700,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 5:00 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
Sanders Hits a Full House to Double Up

Joseph Sanders

Joseph Sanders opened to 600,000 from under the gun, then called after Mike Leah on the button three-bet to 2,175,000.

On a flop of    , Sanders moved all-in for 2,200,000 and Leah called.

Joseph Sanders:      
Mike Leah:     

Sanders flopped two pair against Leah's aces, and he even hit a full house with the    runout to double up.

Joseph Sanders9,000,0003,750,000
Mike Leah1,075,000-5,325,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 4:51 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
Zlotnikov Good with an Ace

Alfred Karlsson opened to 500,000 preflop and Anatoliy Zlotnikov defended from the big blind to see a flop of    .

Both players then checked and went to the   turn. Karlsson then bet 1,000,000 and Zlotnikov check-called to continue to the river  .

"It's yours," Karlsson sighed after a check from Zlotnikov, who then tabled      for a pair of aces to take the pot.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov9,600,0003,000,000
Alfred Karlsson7,300,000-1,400,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 4:39 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
Leah Makes Zlotnikov Fold

Anatoliy Zlotnikov raised from the small blind and was called by Mike Leah in the big blind.

Zlotnikov continued for 475,000 on the    . But after some time, Leah decided to raise, pushing forward two piles of chips for a total of 2,000,000.

It didn't take long for Zlotnikov to fold.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov6,600,000-1,250,000
Mike Leah6,400,0001,300,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, July 13, 2024 4:30 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
Level 32 started
Level: 32
Blinds: 125,000/250,000
Ante: 250,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 4:19 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 1 hour ago)
Updated Chip Counts
Alfred Karlsson8,700,0001,750,000
Anatoliy Zlotnikov7,850,000850,000
Long Tran5,525,000-225,000
Joseph Sanders5,250,000150,000
Mike Leah5,100,000700,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 4:16 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 2 hours ago)
Color-Up Break

The five remaining players are now on their second 15-minute break of the day and will return to action shortly.

The pink 5,000 chips will also be raced off and colored up at this time.

Saturday, July 13, 2024 4:03 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 2 hours ago)
Zlotnikov Bluffs Leah

Mike Leah under the gun and Anatoliy Zlotnikov in the big blind apparently checked the     flop, then Leah bet 400,000 on the   turn.

Zlotnikov, who checked, announced "pot" and raised to almost 2,000,000. Leah took his time and called.

On the   river, Zlotnikov moved all-in for 2,660,000. Leah went into the tank and folded. Immediately, Zlotnikov flipped over      and cheered with his rail.

Anatoliy Zlotnikov7,000,000-50,000
Mike Leah4,400,000-2,150,000
Saturday, July 13, 2024 3:55 PM Local Time (about 17 days and 2 hours ago)
Zlotnikov Scoops with Flush

On a three-way flop of    , Joseph Sanders and Anatoliy Zlotnikov both checked to Alfred Karlsson on the button, who bet 375,000 and was called by both opponents.

The turn was the   and this time Sanders checked, Zlotnikov bet 300,000, and Karlsson and Sanders both called.

On the river  , all three players checked.

"Two pair," announced Sanders.

"Flush," Zlotnikov proclaimed and showed      for an eight-high flush, which prompted the quick folds from the other two.

"Ahh, you had the ace of clubs, didn't you?" Zlotnikov said to Karlssen, who just smiled. "Aha, I knew it!"

Anatoliy Zlotnikov7,050,0001,250,000
Alfred Karlsson6,950,000-1,050,000
Joseph Sanders5,100,000-1,000,000
Gorilla Gaming