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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Tuesday, July 02, 2024 to Thursday, July 04, 2024

Event #79: $50,000 HIGH ROLLER Pot-Limit Omaha

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  • Buy-in: $50,000
  • Prizepool: $8,929,250
  • Entries: 187
  • Remaining: 0


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Thursday, July 4, 2024 5:13 PM Local Time (about 25 days and 24 hours ago)
One Cash, One Bracelet; Daniel Perkusic Wins $50,000 High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha in Dominating Fashion ($2,100,325)

Daniel Perkusic

Out of a field of 187 entries in Event #79: $50,000 High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha at the 2024 World Series of Poker, Germany's Daniel Perkusic has come out on top after a heads up duel with Danny Tang. They earned the two biggest slices of the $8,929,250 prize pool, with Perkusic walking away with the top prize of $2,100,325 whereas Tang had to settle for a runner-up score of $1,400,217.

Perkusic was the only contender without a WSOP gold bracelet to his name when the final day resumed. In fact, this was the first-ever live WSOP event he managed to cash in. However, he navigated the final table expertly and sealed the victory after a masterclass heads-up performance. His two-million-dollar score is by far the largest cash of the Omaha specialist's career, more than tripling his total live recorded earnings.

Event #79: $50,000 High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha Final Table Results

1Daniel PerkusicGermany$2,100,325
2Danny TangHong Kong$1,400,217
3Jim CollopyUnited States$973,882
4Ronald KeijzerNetherlands$692,232
5Santhosh SuvarnaIndia$503,085
6Gabriel AndradeEcuador$374,020
7David BenyamineFrance$284,604
8Brian RastUnited States$221,778

Day 3 Action

The day started with just five players returning to the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. Indian high roller Santhosh Suvarna entered the day as the shortest stack and hit the rail after only a few hands. Suvarna got it in with aces on the flop, but ran into the set of Perkusic and received no help.

Dutch pot-limit Omaha giant Ronald Keijzer and Tang then created a huge pot of over 20,000,000 chips. Keijzer check-shoved on the river on a paired board against chipleader Tang. Tang eventually sniffed out Keijzer's bluff, who had put all his chips in with blockers to full houses. Tang played the second nuts and made the correct call to eliminate Keijzer.

Ronald Keijzer
Ronald Keijzer

With over half the chips in play, Tang seemed to run away with it at that point. However, Perkusic won some pots against the leader to close the gap. Perkusic eventually even overtook the lead and solidified it when he knocked out two-time bracelet winner Jim Collopy in third place when his pocket aces held against the pocket kings of Collopy, setting up the heads-up match with Tang.

Early in the heads up, Tang momentarily took back the lead, and it looked like a comeback was in the cards for the Hong Kong native. However, after a while, Tang could not seem to win any hand, with Perkusic winning small pot after small pot while being cheered on by his friends on the rail.

Tang managed to double twice, with four big blinds to his name the first time and three the second time. On the final hand, Tang got it in good again as he had flopped bottom set against Perkusic's top two pair, but the river gave the German a full house to secure his victory and award him his maiden bracelet.

This concludes our coverage of the $50,000 High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha. However, the 2024 World Series of Poker is still in full swing with the iconic $10,000 Main Event just getting underway, so keep checking in with PokerNews to not miss any of the action from all the bracelet events going on.

Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:32 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 0 hour ago)
Danny Tang Eliminated in 2nd Place ($1,400,217)

Danny Tang

Daniel Perkusic raised the pot to 2,400,000 and Danny Tang called out of the big blind, then asked "are you folding any flops?"

The     flop saw Tang move all-in for the rest of it and Perkusic called.

Danny Tang:     
Daniel Perkusic:     

Tang had flopped bottom set while Perkusic had the top two pair. On the   turn, Perkusic asked for an ace or nine and got his wish granted with the   river to seal his victory.

Tang was denied a second WSOP gold bracelet, but has earned a handsome payout of $1,400,217.

Daniel Perkusic56,100,0006,400,000
Danny Tang0-6,400,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:29 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
One More Short Stack Double for Tang

Danny Tang

Prior to the hand, Daniel Perkusic promised that there would be a "blind all-in" and Danny Tang then got his last 2,800,000 in from the button with Perkusic coming along.

Danny Tang:     
Daniel Perkusic:     

The board ran out       and the king kicker played to ensure the double-up.

Daniel Perkusic49,700,000-3,600,000
Danny Tang6,400,0003,600,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:24 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Tang Folds Twice

Danny Tang limped in on the button and called Daniel Perkusic's raise to 2,400,000 from the big blind. Perkusic then jammed all in on the     flop and Tang folded.

The next hand, Perkusic made it 2,400,000 on the button and Tang called in the big blind. Tang check-folded to yet another shove on the     flop, leaving himself just over three big blinds.

Daniel Perkusic53,300,0007,600,000
Danny Tang2,800,000-7,600,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:15 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
The Preflop Raises Recommence

Daniel Perkusic raised the button to 2,400,000 and Danny Tang folded.

Tang potted to the same amount in the next hand and Perkusic called, then check-folded when Tang potted the     flop.

Perkusic raised the pot on his next button for Tang to call. The flop came     and Tang checked, then folded when Perkusic bet 1,600,000.

Tang potted the next button once more and Perkusic folded. Right after that, both players went on a short bathroom break.

Daniel Perkusic45,700,0003,700,000
Danny Tang10,400,000-3,700,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:11 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Tang Down But Not Out

Danny Tang went all in preflop for 3,400,000 chips and Daniel Perkusic made the call.

Danny Tang:     
Daniel Perkusic:     

The board ran out       to give Tang a flush and double him up.

The next hand, Perkusic raised to 2,400,000 on the button and Tang called in the big blind. Both players checked on the     flop before Tang check-called 800,000 on the   turn.

The   river was knuckled down again and Tang showed      for another flush.

Daniel Perkusic42,000,000-8,400,000
Danny Tang14,100,0008,400,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:01 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Tang Drops To Severe Short Stack

Throughout a series of smaller pots that mostly went to Daniel Perkusic, the momentum heavily shifted in his favour as Danny Tang dropped to 15 big blinds without any showdown whatsoever.

Tang then limped in and Perkusic checked to the     flop. Both players checked and did so again on the   turn. Perkusic bet the   river for 2,000,000 and Tang folded.

Perkusic limped in the next hand and Tang checked. On a     flop, Tang check-called for 1,200,000 and they checked the   on the turn.

After the   river, Tang bet 3,500,000 and folded when Perkusic raised the pot. Perkusic flashed the      for a bluff.

Daniel Perkusic50,400,0009,800,000
Danny Tang5,700,000-9,800,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:55 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Initial Dates Released for 20th WSOP Circuit Season
WSOP Circuit Ring
WSOP Circuit Ring

The initial schedule — US and international — is out for the 2024-2025 World Series of Poker Circuit (WSOPC) season, and it should create some excitement within the poker community.

Action for the 20th Circuit season kicks off at a familiar spot — Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant, Oklahoma — on July 17, the same day as the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event concludes. There will also be a return to the same casino in October.

There are 18 stops — 13 in the US and five in other countries — on the 2024 portion of the WSOPC schedule. That includes five different countries and eight US states.

Find the full schedule here

Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:48 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Level 30 started
Level: 30
Blinds: 400,000/800,000
Ante: 800,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:48 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Perkusic Grinds Tang Down Further

Daniel Perkusic

Daniel Perkusic made it 1,500,000 to go on the button and Danny Tang called in the big blind. Tang then check-called a 1,500,000 bet on the     flop but folded once Perkusic made it 2,000,000 on the   turn.

The next hand, Tang limped his button and Perkusic raised to 1,700,000 in the big blind. Tang called before both players checked the     flop. Perkusic then checked again on the   turn and Tang pushed in 2,600,000 chips.

Perkusic announced a pot-sized raise and Tangs cards immediately flew in the muck in defeat.

Daniel Perkusic40,600,0006,900,000
Danny Tang15,500,000-6,900,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:40 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 1 hour ago)
Perkusic Pulls Further Ahead

Daniel Perkusic

Both players limped in and then folded to a pot-sized raise in consecutive hands.

Daniel Perkusic then limped and Danny Tang checked to the     flop. Both checked again to see the   turn on which Tang check-called for 900,000. The   river was checked and Tang won the pot with the     .

Tang then limped and Perkusic checked. The     flop was checked and Perkusic's bet of 600,000 on the   turn took it down.

Perkusic raised his next button to 1,500,000 for Tang to call. Without any betting action, the board of       was checked down. Tang showed    but Perkusic won the pot with the      for tens and fours.

Daniel Perkusic33,700,000-400,000
Danny Tang22,400,000400,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:28 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Perkusic Strikes Back

Daniel Perkusic raised his button to 1,500,000 chips and was called by Danny Tang in the big blind. Tang then check-called Perkusic's bet of 2,000,000 on the     flop before the   turn was checked by both.

Tang led out for 1,700,000 on the   river and Perkusic called. Tang announced top pair, top kicker, after which Perkusic tabled      for a set of fours.

Daniel Perkusic34,100,0005,500,000
Danny Tang22,000,000-5,500,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:25 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Two for Perkusic Nearly Evens Out the Stacks

Daniel Perkusic raised to 1,500,000 on the button and Danny Tang defended the big blind. On the     flop, Tang checked and subsequently folded when Perkusic bet 1,500,000.

One hand later, Perkusic bet the     flop for 1,400,000 and Tang called. They checked the   turn and Perkusic bet the   river for 2,200,000. Tang only gave it brief consideration to then fold.

Daniel Perkusic28,600,0007,100,000
Danny Tang27,500,000-7,100,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:20 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Tang Takes Back Lead

Danny Tang

Danny Tang limped in from the button before Daniel Perkusic raised to 1,800,000 in the big blind. Tang called and was checked to on the     flop.

He then bet 2,000,000 chips and took down the pot when Perkusic mucked his cards.

The next hand, Perkusic raised to 1,500,000 on the button and Tang three-bet the pot. Perkusic called and placed a bet of 4,500,000 when Tang checked on the     flop.

Tang then raised the pot and Perkusic quickly folded as the chip lead shifted to Tang.

Danny Tang34,600,00011,600,000
Daniel Perkusic21,500,000-11,600,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:14 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Two Barrels Are Enough for Perkusic

Danny Tang limped the button and Daniel Perkusic checked to the     flop, on which Perkusic check-folded to a bet worth 800,000.

Perkusic then opened to 1,500,000 on his next button and Tang defended. Tang check-called the     flop for 1,000,000 and check-folded the   turn when Perkusic increased his sizing to 4,000,000.

Daniel Perkusic33,100,0002,200,000
Danny Tang23,000,000-2,200,000
Gorilla Gaming
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:09 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Level 29 started
Level: 29
Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Ante: 600,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:07 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Tang Leads Pot

Daniel Perkusic limped in from the button and Danny Tang checked in the big blind. Both players checked through the     flop before the   fell on the turn.

Tang checked, Perkusic bet 1,000,000, and Tang called. Tang then led out for 3,500,000 on the   river. Perkusic used one time bank before tossing in a call.

Tang tabled      for the second nuts and raked in the pot.

Daniel Perkusic30,900,000-4,300,000
Danny Tang25,200,0004,300,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:05 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Perkusic Wins First Heads-Up Pot

Daniel Perkusic

Daniel Perkusic limped the button and called a raise to 1,500,000 by Danny Tang as they headed to the     flop. Tang continued for 2,200,000 and Perkusic called to see the   on the turn.

The check by Tang prompted a bet worth 4,000,000 by Perkusic and that was enough to take down the pot without any further resistance.

Daniel Perkusic35,200,0004,200,000
Danny Tang20,900,000-4,200,000
Thursday, July 4, 2024 3:02 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Heads Up Underway

Daniel Perkusic and Danny Tang have found their way back to the table and have started their duel for the $50,000 High Roller Pot-Limit Omaha bracelet.

Thursday, July 4, 2024 2:55 PM Local Time (about 26 days and 2 hours ago)
Jim Collopy Eliminated in 3rd Place ($973,882)

Jim Collopy

Daniel Perkusic limped the button and Jim Collopy did so from the small blind. Danny Tang raised the pot and Collopy called the 1,500,000 total. The     flop saw Collopy check and then fold to a bet worth 1,225,000 by Tang.

Collopy then potted the button to win the blinds, flashing the    .

One hand later, Collopy was in the big blind with a stack of around 6,300,000 behind. Perkusic raised the pot out of the small blind and Collopy repotted. "All in, all in," he quickly said once Perkusic piled it in and they flipped them over.

Jim Collopy:     
Daniel Perkusic:     

"How do we get kings versus aces, and you even have a three as well," a frustrated Collopy said.

There was no escape for him on the       runout and Collopy exited in third place for $973,882. Both remaining players now take a quick break prior to the heads-up duel.

Daniel Perkusic31,000,0004,100,000
Danny Tang25,100,0001,600,000
Jim Collopy0-5,700,000
Gorilla Gaming