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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Monday, July 01, 2024 to Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Event #76: $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed)

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  • Buy-in: $10,000
  • Prizepool: $8,974,500
  • Entries: 965
  • Remaining: 0


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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 6:03 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 0 hour ago)
Matthew Lambrecht Clinches First Bracelet in $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em for $1,018,933

Matthew Lambrecht

Matthew Lambrecht clinched his maiden World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet and his first seven-figure score in Event #76: $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em for $1,018,933 — a career-best. Lambrecht overcame his compatriot Damarjai Davenport heads up, who banked $678,707 for his efforts.

A total of 965 entries were recorded which generated a prize pool of $8,974,500, and eclipsed the 568 that played last year's edition of the event.

Final Table Results

1Matthew LambrechtUnited States$1,018,933
2Damarjai DavenportUnited States$678,707
3Tauan NavesBrazil$478,247
4Simas KaraliunasLithuania$341,963
5Vladimir MinkoRussian Federation$248,174
6Eshaan BhallaUnited States$182,846
7Andrei KonopelkoBelarus$136,792
8Robert HeidornGermany$103,942
9William JiaAustralia$80,238
Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht

Winner's Reaction

"I feel great," were Lambrecht's first words as he spoke with PokerNews. "I recently just had my biggest score so this is another one, so it's like, certainly. Maybe I'll play more of the bigger stuff later this year or next year, like the $25ks or something," replied Lambrecht when he was asked about how the money would change his poker world.

Lambrecht, who already won two WSOP rings in his career, was then asked if he preferred the Mystery Bounty format or different poker variants. "I like it. I've done very well in Mystery Bounties, whether or not that's just luck but I think it's good, you know. It kinda mixes things up, no complaints. There's still a huge prize pool."

"I think I might have pulled four today and maybe four yesterday. I think the biggest I got was a $25,000 at the end just now," replied Lambrecht on the bounties he collected.

Lastly, Lambrecht was asked what's next for him at the WSOP. "Umm, Main Event. Let's do it! I'll probably play Day 1c".

Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht

Final Table's Action

Nine players came back on Day 3 for the final table of Event #76: $10,000 Mystery Bounty No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed). However, dreams of success quickly disappeared for William Jia, who lost a flip to the chip leader Tauan Naves in the first minutes of the day to finish in ninth place for $80,238.

Robert Heidorn was more fortunate at first as he doubled up, but after he moved all in once again with ace-eight, he ran into Matthew Lambrecht's ace-king and was eliminated. He won $103,942 for eighth place, plus at least $200,000 in mystery bounties. Moments after his elimination, Andrei Konopelko was sent to the rail as well by Naves' kings (7th - $136,792).

At the same time, Eshaan Bhalla came back from short stack to big stack by winning a big flip. The same situation occurred to Damarjai Davenport, who saw his stack decrease during the first levels before doubling up with kings against Bhalla.

Damarjai Davenport
Damarjai Davenport

Bhalla was next to double, and he was imitated by Lambrecht who found aces at the perfect time to win the chip lead pot against Naves.

After this new double up, Naves, Vladimir Minko, and Bhalla were all short-stacked. But out of these three, Bhalla was first to fall (6th - $182,849) while Minko survived thanks to quads to reach the next break. However, he didn't last long after the restart, as his tens got cracked by Lambrecht's two pair (5th - $248,174).

These two eliminations benefited Naves, who doubled up twice and reached a new pay jump after Simas Karaliunas' elimination in fourth place for $341,963. Despite having the loudest rail of the final table, Naves' tournament eventually came to an end in third place for $478,247 when he ran ace-five against Lambrecht's ace-queen.

Thanks to this last hand, Lambrecht started the last duel with more than twice Davenport's stack. Although Davenport doubled up once, Lambrecht continued extending his lead. Ultimately, cards went on their backs one last time and Lambrecht was crowned the winner of this $10,000 Mystery Bounty.

Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht

This concludes PokerNews coverage of the event. Be sure to check out our live-reporting hub for continuing coverage of the 2024 WSOP and other events around the globe.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 5:16 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 1 hour ago)
Damarjai Davenport Eliminated in 2nd Place ($678,707)

Damarjai Davenport

Damarjai Davenport shoved all in for 5,400,000, and Matthew Lambrecht made the call.

Damarjai Davenport:   
Matthew Lambrecht:   

Davenport was dominated and needed to find a lot of help from the board in order to stay alive and keep the heads-up match going. On the other hand, Lambrecht was just five cards away from his first bracelet.

The     flop offered no help to Davenport, and his situation got worse as the   turn removed some outs as Lambrecht improved to a flush draw.

Davenport had one more shot at survival but found no help as the   river completed the board, which eliminated him in second.

Damarjai Davenport, Matthew Lambrecht
Damarjai Davenport, Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht
Matthew Lambrecht58,000,00012,050,000
Damarjai Davenport0-11,950,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 5:12 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 1 hour ago)
Davenport Finds a Double Up

Damarjai Davenport

Matthew Lambrecht on the button announced "all-in". "This is the time" someone in the rail said to Davenport. Davenport recognized his friend, showed him his cards and called, finding himself at risk for 5,575,000.

Damarjai Davenport:    
Matthew Lambrecht:   

Supported by his friend, Davenport found the right cards at the right moment and doubled up on      .

Matthew Lambrecht45,950,000-5,650,000
Damarjai Davenport11,950,0005,650,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 5:08 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 1 hour ago)
Davenport and Lambrecht Split Again

Damarjai Davenport on the button jammed for 5,900,000 and he was called by Matthew Lambrecht in the big blind.

Damarjai Davenport:   
Matthew Lambrecht:   

The dealer fanned a board of       and nobody saw at first that Davenport and Lambrecht were splitting the pot. Both players eventually realized that, so they took their chips back.

Matthew Lambrecht51,600,0002,600,000
Damarjai Davenport6,300,000-2,700,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 5:04 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 1 hour ago)
Chop It Up

Damarjai Davenport limped in and Matthew Lambrecht shoved. Davenport called off his stack of around 9,000.000.

Damarjai Davenport:   
Matthew Lambrecht:   

Lambrecht was behind but had a chance to win the tournament if he could come out on top in the hand.

However, the honors were split as the runout of       meant they both chopped the pot.

Matthew Lambrecht49,000,0000
Damarjai Davenport9,000,000500,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 5:01 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 1 hour ago)
Davenport Bets the Same on Every Street

Matthew Lambrecht limped in and Damarjai Davenport checked his option from the big blind.

The flop fell     and Davenport led out for 800,000, and Lambrecht called.

A   landed on the turn and again Davenport chose the 800,000-chip sizing for a bet, which Lambrecht called.

On the   river, Davenport fired a third bet of 800,000, and Lambrecht called.

Davenport tabled   , but Lambrecht had the winner with   .

Matthew Lambrecht49,000,0003,000,000
Damarjai Davenport8,500,000-3,500,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:56 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Davenport Hits a Pair

Damarjai Davenport limped from the button so Matthew Lambrecht in the big blind only had to check his option to find a flop of     where he led out for 800,000. Davenport called.

On the   turn, Lambrecht fired a second barrel of 2,000,000. Davenport called once again.

The   completed the board, but both players checked. First player to reveal his cards, Lambrecht showed   . Davenport had    and scooped the pot.

Matthew Lambrecht44,000,000-2,000,000
Damarjai Davenport14,000,0002,000,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:46 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Level 36 started
Level: 36
Blinds: 400,000/800,000
Ante: 800,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:46 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Lambrecht Chipping Away at Davenport

The last 15-20 hands have been relatively quiet but Matthew Lambrecht has been winning more pots than his opponent and holds an almost four-to-one chip lead.

In the last hand, Damarjai Davenport limped in and Lambrecht checked his option.

On the     flop, Lambrecht check-called a bet of 600,000 from Davenport.

Both players then checked to showdown on the    runout and Lambrecht took it down with    for a pair of eights.

Matthew Lambrecht46,000,0005,000,000
Damarjai Davenport12,000,000-4,900,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:35 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Lambrecht Hits Trips to Extend his Lead

On a board of       with 4,700,000 already in the pot, Damarjai Davenport in the big blind checked and saw Matthew Lambrecht on the button bet 4,500,000.

Davenport went deep into the tank, and he eventually threw chips in front of him to call. However the pot went into Lambrecht's direction, as he found trips on the river with   .

Matthew Lambrecht41,000,0009,500,000
Damarjai Davenport16,900,000-9,500,000
Gorilla Gaming
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:25 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Lambrecht Flops an Ace

Damarjai Davenport limped in and Matthew Lambrecht made it 2,000,000. Davenport called.

On the     flop, both players checked to the   turn. Lambrecht checked, Davenport fired 1,425,000, and Lambrecht called.

When the   landed on the river, both players checked to showdown.

Lambrecht flipped    for a pair of aces, and Davenport mucked.

Matthew Lambrecht31,500,000-800,000
Damarjai Davenport26,400,000800,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:16 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Stick to the Status Quo

Both players checked all the way through a board of     . But on the   river, Matthew Lambrecht in the big blind bet 1,150,000.

Damarjai Davenport on the button went into the tank and eventually called. But his cards went into the muck after Lambrecht flipped over   .

Moments later, Lambrecht opened to 1,500,000 from the button then called after Davenport raised to 4,200,000.

However when Davenport pushed chips forward to make a continuation bet on    , Lambrecht snap-folded.

Matthew Lambrecht32,300,000-8,700,000
Damarjai Davenport25,600,0009,600,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:09 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Level 35 started
Level: 35
Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Ante: 600,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:09 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Heads-Up Play Begins

Matthew Lambrecht, Damarjai Davenport

Here's a reminder of the payouts for the top two positions.

Matthew Lambrecht41,000,0000
Damarjai Davenport16,000,000-3,000,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:07 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Tauan Naves Eliminated in 3rd Place ($478,247)

Tauan Naves

Matthew Lambrecht made it 1,200,000 on the button and Tauan Naves shoved for around 6,000,000 in the big blind. Lambrecht quickly called.

Tauan Naves:   
Matthew Lambrecht:   

Naves rail saw the bad news but weren't dishearted as they started to chant.

"Cinco, cinco, cinco!" shouted Naves' rail as they wanted to see a five on the board.

A flop of     soon quietened down the rail as Lambrecht improved to top pair. Naves' best hope was a king for a chop but it never arrived as neither the   turn nor   river could save him from elimination.

Matthew Lambrecht41,000,0009,000,000
Tauan Naves0-7,550,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 4:03 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 2 hours ago)
Lambrecht Pays Off Davenport

Matthew Lambrecht limped from the small blind and Damarjai Davenport checked the big blind.

On the     flop, Lambrecht bet 500,000, and Davenport called.

The turn brought a   which was checked through to the   river. Lambrecht checked, Davenport bet 1,350,000, and Lambrecht called.

Davenport tabled    for two pair, and Lambrecht mucked,

Matthew Lambrecht32,000,000-1,500,000
Damarjai Davenport19,000,0001,950,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:48 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 3 hours ago)
Simas Karaliunas Eliminated in 4th Place ($341,963)

Simas Karaliunas

Everybody folded to Simas Karaliunas in the small blind who moved all-in for 8,600,000. Matthew Lambrecht in the big blind made the call.

Simas Karaliunas:   
Matthew Lambrecht:   

Bad timing for Karaliunas, who shoved when Lambrecht had a very good hand in the big blind. The board of       even brought top pair then the nut flush to Lambrecht, who sent Karaliunas to the rail in 4th place for $341,963.

After Karaliunas's elimination, the three remaining players asked for a short break.

Matthew Lambrecht33,500,0008,500,000
Damarjai Davenport17,050,00050,000
Tauan Naves7,550,0001,550,000
Simas Karaliunas0-9,000,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:41 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 3 hours ago)
Lambrecht Gets Chips Back From Naves

Tauan Naves raised the button to 1,000,000 and Matthew Lambrecht called from the big blind.

On the     flop, Lambrecht checked, Naves bet 600,000, Lambrecht check-raised to 1,800,000, and Naves called.

A   landed on the turn and Lambrecht shoved, and Naves elected to fold which left him with around 6,000,000 chips.

Matthew Lambrecht25,000,0003,700,000
Tauan Naves6,000,000-4,200,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:36 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 3 hours ago)
Naves Hits the River to Double Up

Tauan Naves

Matthew Lambrecht opened to 1,200,000 from under the gun, then Tauan Naves in the small blind three-bet to 4,250,000. Simas Karaliunas in the big blind folded, but Lambrecht eventually four-bet all-in. Naves didn't wait to call, being the player at risk for a total of 4,650,000.

Tauan Naves:   
Matthew Lambrecht:   

Naves was on the edge of elimination after the     flop and the   turn. "Ten," he asked, and he was heard as the   river landed on the felt.

"Boom!" he shouted, while the loud Brazilian rail was fervently celebrating.

Matthew Lambrecht21,300,000-5,200,000
Tauan Naves10,200,0004,200,000
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:29 PM Local Time (about 27 days and 3 hours ago)
Naves Stays Alive

Tauan Naves raised to 2,000,000 from under the gun and Simas Karaliunas three-bet to 4,000,000 from the cutoff. It got back to Naves who made the call for his remaining 375,000.

Tauan Naves:   
Simas Karaliunas:   

Naves had to sweat the runout but stayed ahead and doubled up on the       runout.

Simas Karaliunas9,000,000-3,500,000
Tauan Naves6,000,0001,800,000
Gorilla Gaming