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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Monday, June 24, 2024 to Thursday, June 27, 2024

Event #59: $1,000 SUPER SENIORS No-Limit Hold'em

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  • Buy-in: $1,000
  • Prizepool: $2,958,560
  • Entries: 3,362
  • Remaining: 0


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Thursday, June 27, 2024 7:01 PM Local Time (about 32 days and 24 hours ago)
Sean Jazayeri Claims First Bracelet in Event #59: $1,000 Super Seniors No-Limit Hold'em for $368,025

Sean Jazayeri

Sean Jazayeri conquered a field of 3,362 to emerge victorious in Event #59: $1,000 Super Seniors No-Limit Hold'em at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas for a payday of $368,025 and his first World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet. Jazayeri defeated Yucel Eminoglu in an electrifying heads-up duel that saw the Turkish player claim the $238,748 runner-up prize.

Jazayeri's share of the $2,958,560 prizepool is his third cash of the 2024 WSOP which is also his largest-ever WSOP cash — and the second-biggest of his poker career.

Event #59: $1,000 Super Seniors No-Limit Hold'em Final Table Results

1Sean JazayeriUnited States$368,025
2Yucel EminogluTurkey$238,748
3Paul RungeUnited States$178,250
4Manelic MinayaUnited States$134,075
5Gary FisherUnited Kingdom$101,606
6Felix BarrigaChile$77,584
7Michael MinettiUnited States$59,693
8Kevin SongUnited States$46,281
9Buck BucceriUnited States$36,161

Winner's Reaction

"I feel great, it's always been on my bucket list. Hopefully I'll win a bracelet in an open event, too, but man, this is a dream come true," replied an elated Jazayeri when he was asked how he was feeling.

Jazayeri was then asked how he felt being the short stack throughout most of the day and if he preferred deep-stacked poker.

"No, I hate playing short stack but it's the easiest way to play. You either shove or you fold, and I was very lucky with a couple of hands like when I had ace-five against kings. Super, super lucky. Then I won a race with ace-queen against jacks, so it all worked out. Luck is a part of this game,".

"It was pretty standard, I mean in a few hands I got very lucky, in a few hands I got very unlucky. That's poker," Jazayeri responded with when asked how the initial days of the tournament went for him.

Jazayeri was asked how the Super Seniors event compares to playing an open event with no restrictions on who can enter.

"That's a good question. For one thing, there are less pros in them, and people tend to be a little less aggressive. You get some amateurs in the game so I would confess it's an easier field than most poker fields but still pretty tough to beat over three-thousand players,".

"I've already qualified for the Main Event so I'm going to play that on 5th July. Maybe there's some online tournaments in the next few days and of course the [bracelet] ceremony, other than that, I'm going to play the Main [Event]," were Jazayeri's final words on what's next for him at this year's WSOP.

Final Day's Action

The day started with eleven hopefuls looking to ladder up the payouts and get their hands on the bracelet but it was a short day for one as Philip Muller was eliminated in the opening level by Eminoglu.

When the unofficial final table got underway, Eminoglu held a sizable chip lead over the field with almost a third of the chips in play, and way over double the stack of Jazayeri who was second at the time.

Gregory Nichols fell to Jazayeri within minutes of the final table starting when his ace-jack couldn't improve against the eventual champion's pocket queens.

Kevin Song
Kevin Song

Buck Bucceri was sent to the rail in ninth and fan favorite Kevin Song followed in eighth when his king-ten was cracked by the king-seven of Manelic Minaya. Song already sits at the top of South Korea's all-time money list and extends his lead at the summit to nearly two-million dollars.

Michael Minetti then lost a flip with pocket fours to the ace-king of Paul Runge which ended his run in seventh.

A pivotal moment of the final table came next when Felix Barriga, who was second in chips at the table, clashed in a pot with the chip leader Eminoglu. Barriga limp-shoved from the small blind over Eminoglu's raise from the big blind and found himself flipping with king-queen against the Turkish player's pocket jacks. A jack on the flop sealed the pot to Eminoglu which saw him hold over half of the chips in play, while Barriga was eliminated in sixth.

Felix Barriga
Felix Barriga

Play wasn't five-handed for long as the UK's Gary Fisher was the next player to feel the force of Eminoglu's run-good after the two got the chips in preflop. Fisher held ace-jack and held the lead until the river card gave Eminoglu a straight with his queen-nine. Fisher's payday of $101,606 is a career-best score for the British player and saw him move up thirty-nine spots on his country's all-time money list.

Jazayeri was then on the brink of elimination after he committed his stack with ace-five and was way behind the pocket kings of Runge. As if by magic, two fives fell on the flop which improved Jazayeri to trips and brought him back into contention for the bracelet.

It was Minaya who fell just short of the podium places after he flopped top pair with king-eight but was way behind to the pocket kings of Runge, who had top set. Despite picking up both flush and straight draws on the turn, the river bricked out which meant Minaya was eliminated in fourth.

Paul Runge
Paul Runge

Runge had Jazayeri at risk during three-handed play but his ten-nine suited wasn't able to improve against the winner's ace-king. Not long after that, Runge was sent to the rail after he got the chips in on the flop with a straight draw and couldn't beat the flopped pair of Eminoglu.

Eminoglu held an over two-to-one chip lead going into heads-up play and extended that lead early on to an over three-to-one lead. With all of the momentum, it seemed certain that Eminoglu was just moments away from being crowned the victor but Jazayeri had other ideas and the comeback began.

Jazayeri was at risk with ace-four against the queen-ten of Eminoglu but but managed to survive as the Turkish player couldn't improve.

Yucel Eminoglu
Yucel Eminoglu

The roles had been fully reversed not long after as Jazayeri won pot after pot and eventually gained the chip lead for the first time when he check-shoved the river and forced a fold from his opponent.

An interesting play by Jazayeri followed after he rivered the second nut flush but just elected to call the river bet of his opponent instead of shoving.

Luckily for Jazayeri, that decision would not come back to haunt him as in the final hand of the tournament, Jazayeri had shoved with ace-ten and Eminoglu made the call holding ace-eight. The board ran clean for Jazayeri which meant he was crowned the winner, and Eminoglu had to settle for second. The journey home may be a bittersweet one for Eminoglu but the payday of $238,748 will certainly help ease the pain.

Sean Jazayeri
Sean Jazayeri

That concludes the coverage from PokerNews for this event but be sure to stay tuned throughout the rest of the 2024 WSOP for all of the latest updates from the floor.

Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:08 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 1 hour ago)
Yucel Eminoglu Eliminated in 2nd Place ($238,748)

Yucel Eminoglu

Sean Jazayeri shoved from the button with the bigger stack and Yucel Eminoglu called for his last 10,075,000.

Yucel Eminoglu:   
Sean Jazayeri:   

The flop came     to keep Jazayeri ahead and pick up the nut-flush draw.

The turn was the   for both of them to hit a pair but Jazayeri was still ahead with the higher kicker and the flush draw.

Eminoglu needed an eight to stay alive but the   completed the board and the flush to spell the end of the tournament for Eminoglu as he was eliminated in second place.

Sean Jazayeri67,500,00010,075,000
Yucel Eminoglu0-10,075,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:04 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Makes the Right Call

Yucel Eminoglu called the 1,800,000 raise of Sean Jazayeri on the button to see the     flop.

They both checked to the   on the turn. Eminoglu barreled a bet of 2,500,000 over the line for Jazayeri to call.

The river completed the board with the   and Eminoglu fired a bet of 5,000,000 into the pot. Jazayeri called and revealed the    for the flush and pot as Eminoglu mucked his hand.

Sean Jazayeri57,425,00022,425,000
Yucel Eminoglu10,075,000-21,925,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:56 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Takes the Chip Lead

Yucel Eminoglu opened to 1,200,000 and Sean Jazayeri made the call.

They both saw a flop of     which was checked through to the   turn. Jazayeri checked, Eminoglu bet 1,500,000, and Jazayeri called.

On the   river, Jazayeri checked, Eminoglu bet 8,000,000, Jazayeri shoved, and Eminoglu folded.

Sean Jazayeri35,000,00016,000,000
Yucel Eminoglu32,000,000-16,000,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:54 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Emingolu's Turn to Pick Up Pocket Fours

Yucel Eminoglu opened to 2,500,000 and Sean Jazayeri called.

On the     flop, Jazayeri check-called a bet of 2,500,000 from Eminoglu.

The   fell on the turn and after Jazayeri checked, Eminoglu fired a bet of 6,000,000. Jazayeri called.

Both checked the   river and Eminoglu took it down holding   .

Yucel Eminoglu48,000,00013,000,000
Sean Jazayeri19,000,000-13,000,000
Gorilla Gaming
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:52 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Rakes Another Pot

Sean Jazayeri opened to 1,500,000 and Yucel Eminoglu called.

On the     flop, Eminoglu check-called a bet of 1,500,000 from Jazayeri.

The   turn saw Eminoglu check-called another bet of 2,500,000 from Jazayeri.

Both players checked the   river. Jazayeri tabled    and won the pot as Eminoglu mucked.

Yucel Eminoglu35,000,000-5,100,000
Sean Jazayeri32,000,0004,600,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:47 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Shoves on Eminoglu

Yucel Eminoglu raised to 1,500,000 from the button and Sean Jazayeri three-bet to 4,000,000 which Eminoglu called.

The flop came    , Jazayeri shoved for around 18,800,000. Eminoglu went through his options and then opted to fold.

Yucel Eminoglu40,100,0003,100,000
Sean Jazayeri27,400,000-3,100,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:41 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Level 36 started
Level: 36
Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Ante: 600,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:40 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Doubles to Reduce Chip Deficit

Yucel Eminoglu opened to 3,000,000 and Sean Jazayeri shoved for 15,100,000. Eminoglu didn't need to think long and made the call.

Sean Jazayeri:   
Yucel Eminoglu:   

'Queen! Ten!" shouted Eminoglu and his rail.

The dealer put out a flop of     which heavily favored Jazayeri as he improved to both straight and flush draws, which also removed some of Eminoglu's outs.

Neither the   turn nor   river could clinch Eminoglu his first bracelet, which meant Jazayeri doubled up and brought the stacks much closer to even.

Yucel Eminoglu37,000,000-14,000,000
Sean Jazayeri30,500,00015,500,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:37 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Eminoglu Extends Chip Lead

Sean Jazayeri opened to 1,500,000 and Yucel Eminoglu three-bet to 4,800,000. Jazayeri called.

They both saw a flop of     and Eminoglu open-shoved. Jazayeri had around 15,000,000 chips behind but elected to fold.

Yucel Eminoglu51,000,0004,400,000
Sean Jazayeri15,000,000-4,900,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:33 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Paul Runge Eliminated in 3rd Place ($178,250)

Paul Runge

Paul Runge raised to 1,300,000 from the small blind and Yucel Eminoglu defended his big blind.

The flop came    . Runge shoved and Eminoglu jumped up from his seat. He glanced over to Runge's stack who counted it out for him and confirmed he had around 6,000,000 behind. Eminoglu considered it for a while, counting out calling chips.

"You got the flush draw, I call!" Eminoglu said before making the call.

"Straight draw," Runge replied but then he saw Eminoglu's cards. "Oh no, you're ahead."

Paul Runge:   
Yucel Eminoglu:   

Runge had the open-ended straight draw but Eminoglu had flopped middle pair.

The rest of the board was completed with the   on the turn and the   on the river for Runge to finish in third place.

Yucel Eminoglu46,600,0005,600,000
Sean Jazayeri19,900,0002,400,000
Paul Runge0-8,000,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:23 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Eminoglu Rivers the Nuts

Yucel Eminoglu raised to 1,400,000 from the small blind and Sean Jazayeri called from the big blind.

They saw a flop of     where Eminoglu bet 1,200,000, and Jazayeri called.

On the   turn, both players checked to the   river. Eminoglu bet 4,600,000, and Jazayeri called.

"Nuts," said Eminoglu before he tabled    for a straight. Jazayeri mucked

Yucel Eminoglu41,000,00011,000,000
Sean Jazayeri17,500,000-10,900,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:19 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Hits Trips to Stay In It

Yucel Eminoglu raised to 1,300,000 from the button and Seam Jazayeri three-bet shoved from the small blind for Paul Runge to fold immediately but Eminoglu made the call.

Sean Jazayeri:   
Yucel Eminoglu:   

The flop came     for Jazyeri to find the bigger pair before the   on the turn gave him trips.

The river completed the board with the   to keep Jazayeri ahead and double up.

Yucel Eminoglu30,000,000-14,000,000
Sean Jazayeri28,400,00014,900,000
Paul Runge8,000,000-1,000,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:11 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Jazayeri Hits a Full House

Paul Runge opened the button to 1,100,000 and Sean Jazayeri shoved for around 6,500,000 from the big blind. After thinking it over, Runge made the call.

Sean Jazayeri:   
Paul Runge:   

Jazayeri needed to win the hand to stay alive and he did so emphatically after the runout of       improved him to a full house.

Sean Jazayeri13,500,0003,000,000
Paul Runge9,000,000-5,000,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:09 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 2 hours ago)
Eminoglu Reads Runge Like a Book

Yucel Eminoglu

Yucel Eminoglu raised the button to 1,300,000 and Paul Runge called from the big blind.

They saw a flop of     where Runge check-called a bet of 1,600,000 from Eminoglu.

A   came on the turn and again Runge went into check-call mode after Eminoglu bet 4,000,000.

On the   river, Runge checked, and Eminoglu had some thinking.

"I put you on seven-five or five-three. I check," said Eminoglu.

Runge showed    for a missed straight draw, and Eminoglu flipped his    for a pair of aces to take the pot.

"It's like I can see his cards," shouted Eminoglu to his rail.

Yucel Eminoglu44,000,0005,500,000
Paul Runge14,000,000-6,000,000
Gorilla Gaming
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:06 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 3 hours ago)
Eminoglu Pairs His Ten

Paul Runge limped from the small blind and Yucel Eminoglu raised to 1,800,000 from the big blind. Runge called.

On the     flop, Runge check-called a bet of 3,700,000 from Eminoglu.

Both then checked to showdown on the    runout and Eminonglu announced he had a ten then showed   . Runge mucked.

Yucel Eminoglu38,500,0004,500,000
Paul Runge20,000,000-3,000,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:00 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 3 hours ago)
More for Runge; Eminoglu Shows the Bluff

In the first hand, Paul Runge raised to 1,100,000 from the button and Sean Jazayeri defended his big blind. On the     flop, Runge's continuation-bet saw him getting awarded with the pot.

A few hands later, he completed his small blind and then called the 1,600,000 raise by Yucel Eminoglu in the big blind. On the     flop, Runge check-raised the 1,800,000 bet of Eminoglu to 6,000,000 and won again.

But in the third hand, Eminoglu bet 1,100,000 from the button and Runge defended his big blind.

The flop came    , Runge check-called the 600,000 bet of Eminoglu.

They both checked through the   on the turn to the   on the river. Runge checked and Eminoglue bet 3,800,000 out. Runge contemplated for a bit but folded. Eminoglu tabled the    for the bluff.

Yucel Eminoglu34,000,000-50,000
Paul Runge23,000,0003,500,000
Sean Jazayeri10,500,000-3,775,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:48 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 3 hours ago)
Celebrate the World Series of Poker with Exclusive Menu Items at Horseshoe Las Vegas

In celebration of the 55th Annual World Series of Poker (WSOP) Tournament, Horseshoe Las Vegas has introduced two exclusive limited-time menu items that will delight both poker enthusiasts and food connoisseurs alike.

Running through the remainder of the WSOP, these culinary experiences promise an unforgettable addition to the poker festivities!

4-of-a-Kind Burger at Guy Fieri's Flavortown Sports Kitchen

4-of-a-Kind Burger
4-of-a-Kind Burger

Guy Fieri's Flavortown Sports Kitchen at Horseshoe Las Vegas is pulling out all the stops with the introduction of the 4-of-a-Kind Burger. This mouthwatering creation features a juicy beef patty topped with:

  • Two slices of crispy bacon
  • Super melty cheese
  • Fiery dragon's breath chili
  • Tender smoked brisket
  • Crunchy fried onions
  • All served on a garlic-buttered brioche bun

For just $34.99, this burger promises a flavor-packed experience that's a winning hand every time.

JB's Callin' Your Bluff Challenge at Jack Binion's Steak

JB's Callin' Your Bluff Challenge
JB's Callin' Your Bluff Challenge

For those seeking a high-stakes culinary challenge, Jack Binion's Steak presents JB's Callin' Your Bluff Challenge. This formidable feast includes:

  • 32oz Prime Rib Slow-roasted to perfection: Accompanied by red wine balsamic roasted onions, roasted carrot garnish, horseradish, and au jus
  • Jack Binion's Baked Potato: A full 1-pound Idaho Russet Potato with six shots of decadent toppings: shredded cheese, sour cream, chopped bacon, chives, whipped butter, and pepper jack fondue
  • Chocolate Layer Cake: Layers of rich chocolate buttercream, pretzel streusel, and bourbon white chocolate sauce

Challenge Rules

  • Participants have 20 minutes to complete the entire meal.
  • If successfully finished within the time limit, the meal is on the house.
  • If not completed, the cost is $149.99.
  • The challenge is for a single person, and all food must be consumed from the plate.
Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:48 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 3 hours ago)
Manelic Minaya Eliminated in 4th Place ($134,075)

Manelic Minaya

Paul Runge opened from under the gun to 1,100,000 and Manelic Minaya called from the big blind.

On the flop of    , Minaya checked, Runge bet 1,000,000, Minaya shoved for 4,500,000, and Runge snap-called,

Manelic Minaya:   
Paul Runge:   

Runge had flopped top set which crushed the top pair of Minaya, whose only hope was his backdoor draws. Minaya did hit the perfect turn card as the   improved him to both straight and flush draws, which gave him the chance he needed to survive. Unfortunately for Minaya, the   river was a brick meaning he was eliminated in fourth.

Paul Runge19,500,0006,300,000
Manelic Minaya0-5,550,000
Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:39 PM Local Time (about 33 days and 3 hours ago)
Level 35 started
Level: 35
Blinds: 250,000/500,000
Ante: 500,000
Gorilla Gaming