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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Friday, June 21, 2024 to Sunday, June 23, 2024

Event #55: $250,000 Super High Roller No-Limit Hold'em

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  • Buy-in: $250,000
  • Prizepool: $18,675,000
  • Entries: 75
  • Remaining: 0


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Sunday, June 23, 2024 10:17 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 20 hours ago)
Santhosh Suvarna Overcomes Online Poker Legend for WSOP $250K Super High Roller Title ($5,415,152)

Santosh Suvarna

Despite being a relative newcomer to poker, Santhosh Suvarna has quickly captured the hearts and souls of poker fans worldwide. The Indian casino mogul has had a meteoric rise in popularity following his appearances on cash game and tournament streams.

Suvarna's never been afraid to splash around at the highest stakes, and once again, at the World Series of Poker, he proved he's more than just a VIP as he took down the biggest buy-in event of the summer, the $250,000 Super High Roller.

Suvarna was awarded his second WSOP bracelet after he topped the 75-entry field to claim the lion's share of the $18,675,000 prize pool. He defeated online poker legend Ben Tollerene in heads-up play to seize the $5,415,152 that was set aside for the winner.

Tollerene, who was in control for most of the finale, missed out on a crowning moment, but the $3,537,135 runner-up prize should do well to soothe any wounds. Chris Hunichen rounded out the podium finishes, and it was his chips that allowed Suvarna to pull off the unlikely comeback against one of the best heads-up poker players of all time.

2024 WSOP $250K Super High Roller Payouts

1Santhosh SuvarnaIndia$5,415,152
2Ben TollereneUnited States$3,537,135
3Chris HunichenUnited States$2,397,312
4Matthias EibingerAustria$1,688,278
5Charles HookUnited States$1,237,296
6Taylor von KriegenberghUnited States$945,219
7Jeremy AusmusUnited States$754,052
8Mikita BadziakouskiBelarus$629,407
9Sean WinterUnited States$550,878
10Adrian MateosSpain$506,757
11Phil IveyUnited States$506,757
12Jonathan JaffeUnited States$506,757

"He's like, the nicest guy ever in poker,"

While Hunichen may have had the biggest rail, Suvarna had plenty of fans of his own, with the likes of Hustler Casino Live stars Nik Airball and The Professor cheering him on.

"He's just, like, the sweetest guy you can find," said a jubilant Airball as he watched his friend take his winner's photos. "He's just always happy, always nice, always cheerful, always helpful.

"It takes a lot of balls to just pony up to 50K or 100K etc and battle all the wizards. He's got no fear, and he gives it his all. And I think it's f****** awesome. It's great for poker. It's great for everyone. And I'm really happy for him."

Santhosh Suvarna
Santhosh Suvarna

"I'm feeling very happy," Suvarna said as he collected his bracelet. "Every day, I'm learning. I'm doing very good."

Suvarna is all-in on poker as well. When he's not tending to his business ventures or spending time with his family. Poker is the only thing on his mind.

PokerNews spoke to Survana after his first bracelet win at the 2023 WSOP Europe, where he reigned supreme in the €50K Diamond High Roller.

In his winner's interview there, he shared that he's grown his game quickly by studying other players. He goes over hands in the Triton app, analysing the decisions made by those who think they are at the top of the game.

He's continued to follow that strategy, and it's yielded his biggest ever score and has put him at the top of his country's All-Time Money List despite his poker pursuits being in its infancy.

Bubble Play; Ivey Misses Out on FT

Fourteen players returned for Day 3, with twelve of them guaranteed to make the money. Hand-for-hand play began immediately, and within just 35 minutes, the bubble burst.

Businessman and Triton Montenegro Main Event champion Mikalai Vaskaboinikau was the first to be eliminated. The Belarussian, who entered the finale as the short stack, succumbed to the big slick held by Charles Hook. The latter had earlier survived a crucial hand against Vaskaboinikau on Day 2, where his kings spiked a king on the flop to overcome Vaskaboinikau's aces. This fortunate turn of events for Hook left Vaskaboinikau at the bottom of the chip counts coming into Day 3.

Charles Hook
Charles Hook

Hook, known for his appearance on the recent Hustler Casino Live Million Dollar stream, stayed a dominant force after the first elimination. He played a critical role in ensuring the remaining players reached the money, taking out high-stakes regular Brian Kim on the stone bubble by winning a flip against Kim's pocket sixes. This secured a minimum payday of $506,757 for those still in contention.

Following Kim's departure, Tollerene burst into life, reeling off a trio of knockouts in quick succession. The 37-year-old collected Jonathan Jaffe's short stack ahead of eliminating Phil Ivey via a rivered five-outer. Soon after, Tollerene straightened out start-of-day chip leader Adrian Mateos to set up the nine-handed final table, where he entered as the commanding chip leader.

Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

Tollerene Dishes Out Brutal Beats; Survana Bides His Time

Tollerene's composed and calculated navigation continued to be on display, where he correctly folded pocket jacks preflop when Sean Winter and Taylor von Kriegenbergh woke up with bigger pocket pairs. Winter held kings, but the cowboys were cracked after Von Kriegenbergh's queens flopped a full house.

With Winter's exit, Mikita Badziakouski laddered up, but he reached his final rung after succumbing to the pocket jacks of Matthias Eibinger.

After having a brief reprieve from taking souls, Tollerene's onslaught resumed, with Jeremy Ausmus, Von Kriegenbergh, Hook and Eibinger next in his firing line.

After seeing off Ausmus, Tollerene went runner-runner to make a straight, cracking Von Kriegenbergh's flopped set of kings. Hook's bust out was equally if not more brutal and exemplified how well Tollerene was running. Hook got it in with tens, flipping against ace-king. The board ran out with quad deuces to counterfeit the pocket pair, which was met with a chorus of "oohs" and "so sick's" from the railbirds. Eibinger's deuces also went into the muck after Tollerene made a straight on the turn.

Hunichen bowed out in third, falling short of pulling off back-to-back WSOP high-roller victories. The former No. 1 online poker player received a standing ovation from those in the bleachers as his memorable run over the last week came to end. Hunichen's performances across the $100K and $250K yielded a $5,235,701 windfall.

Ben Tollerene
Ben Tollerene

Survana, who had been fairly quiet prior to stacking Hunichen, closed the gap between himself and Tollerene and then took the lead. Chips were exchanged back and forth until a crucial pot (straight vs. two pair) went the way of Suvarna, leaving Tollerene with a handful of big blinds.

The last of the American's chip went in soon after, and while he lived throughout the river for much of the final table, a rivered ten sealed his fate as the runner-up, allowing Suvarna to pull off the underdog triumph.

This concludes the PokerNews coverage of the Super High Roller, but be sure to explore our WSOP hub to keep up with all the action from Horseshoe and Paris, Las Vegas.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 10:16 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 20 hours ago)
Ben Tollerene Eliminated in 2nd Place ($3,537,135)

Ben Tollerene

From the button, Ben Tollerene moved his short stack all in for 9,700,000. Santhosh Suvarna, in the big blind, made the call.

Ben Tollerene:   
Santhosh Suvarna:   

Tollerene was ahead and the      runout looked promising for a double. However, the   river spiked one of Suvarna's few outs, propelling him to victory. As Suvarna's rail burst into celebration, Tollerene departed in second place for $3,537,135.

Santhosh Suvarna112,500,00018,200,000
Ben Tollerene0-18,200,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 10:08 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 20 hours ago)
Tollerene Finds a Double

Santhosh Suvarna moved all in from the button, putting Ben Tollerene, in the big blind, to the test for his effective stack of 8,300,000. Tollerene snap-called.

Ben Tollerene:   
Santhosh Suvarna:   

Tollerene was in great shape and the     flop solidified this point. The   turn and   river didn't improve Suvarna's gutshot draw and Tollerene found a much-needed double.

Santhosh Suvarna94,300,000-8,300,000
Ben Tollerene18,200,0008,300,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:59 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 20 hours ago)
Suvarna Leaves Tollerene Short In the Biggest Pot of the Tournament

Santhosh Suvarna

Santhosh Suvarna limped in from the button with   . Ben Tollerene checked his option in the big blind, holding   .

The flop landed     giving Tollerene top pair, while Suvarna flopped the nut straight for the second time in this heads-up match. Tollerene checked and Suvarna slow played, checking back his straight.

The   turn saw Tollerene improve to two pair, prompting him to lead for 3,200,000. Suvarna raised to 9,000,000 and Tollerene used several time extensions before making the call.

The   turn saw Tollerene play in flow. Suvarna chose to play for it all, moving all in for an over-bet jam of 39,500,000. Upon receiving a count, Tollerene made the call.

Santhosh Suvarna:   
Ben Tollerene:   

Suvarna was the beneficiary of this cooler as he found a huge double, leaving Tollerene on a lifeline.

Santhosh Suvarna102,600,00064,400,000
Ben Tollerene9,900,000-64,400,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:50 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 20 hours ago)
Tollerene Gets Value from Aces

Santhosh Suvarna raised to 3,200,000 from the button with   . Ben Tollerene, in the big blind, woke up with    and three-bet to 7,500,000. Suvarna called.

The dealer spread the action flop of    , giving Suvarna a flush draw. Tollerene continued for 8,000,000 and Suvarna called.

The   turn saw Tollerene size up to a massive bet of 38,200,000; an effective all-in with 3,900,000 behind the line. Suvarna used several time extensions before choosing to fold his draw to the nuts.

Ben Tollerene74,300,0000
Santhosh Suvarna38,200,0000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:49 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 20 hours ago)
Level 26 started
Level: 26
Blinds: 800,000/1,600,000
Ante: 1,600,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:41 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 21 hours ago)
Tollerene Takes the lead

Ben Tollerene raised to 2,700,000 from the button holding   , and Suvarna call from the big blind with   .

The     flop saw Suvarna play in flow. Tollerene continued for 1,700,000 and Suvarna check-raised with his open-ended straight draw, making it 3,800,000 to go. Tollerene chose to float.

The   turn slowed down Suvarna with a check. Tollerene retook the lead for 7,000,000 and Suvarna called.

The   river bricked out for Suvarna, who checked and then folded to a sizeable river bluff of 22,000,000 from Tollerene.

Ben Tollerene58,800,00011,400,000
Santhosh Suvarna53,700,000-11,400,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:31 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 21 hours ago)
Suvarna Flops the Nuts to Take the Lead

Ben Tollerene rasied to 2,700,000 from the button, holding   . Santhosh Suvarna defended in the big blind with   .

The     flop saw Suvarna make the nut straight. Suvarna played in flow and Tollerene checked back.

Suvarna set the trap also choosing to check the   turn. Tollerene made top pair, but elected to check it back.

The   river saw Suvarna go for value with a bet of 5,000,000 and Tollerene made a quick call. Suvarna's flopped straight won this pot and propelled him into the chip lead.

Santhosh Suvarna65,100,0006,400,000
Ben Tollerene47,400,000-11,300,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:26 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 21 hours ago)
Suvarna Evens the Stacks

Ben Tollerene raised to 2,700,000 from the button with   . Santhosh Suvarna defended in the big blind with   .

The     flop saw Suvarna check-call a bet of 1,600,000 from Tollerene, having made top pair.

The   turn checked through to the   river. Suvarna put out a value bet of 4,500,000 and Tollerene elected to make the call. Suvarna tabled his king and was awarded the pot, evening out the stacks.

Ben Tollerene58,700,000-8,800,000
Santhosh Suvarna58,700,00013,700,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:15 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 21 hours ago)
Tollerene Stabs the Turn

Santhosh Suvarna raised to 3,200,000 from the button with   . Ben Tollerene defended in the big blind with   .

The     flop saw Tollerene pull ahead, pairing his ten. Both players checked to the   turn.

Tollerene took the lead for 3,500,000 and Suvarna folded the worst hand.

Ben Tollerene67,500,0003,500,000
Santhosh Suvarna45,000,000-3,500,000
Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:01 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 21 hours ago)
Chris Hunichen Eliminated in 3rd Place ($2,397,312)

Chris Hunichen

Chris Hunichen raised to 2,400,000 from the button and Santhosh Suvarna defended in the big blind.

The dealer spread the     and Suvarna played in flow. Hunichen continued for 1,600,000 and Suvarna check-raised to 3,800,000.

The action fell back on Hunichen, who elected to three-bet jam for 17,600,000 and Suvarna snap-called.

Chris Hunichen:   
Santhosh Suvarna:   

Suvarna's two pair was in front but Hunichen had outs to a flush. The   turn gave Hunichen additional ways to stay alive, but the   river confirmed his departure for $2,397,312; Hunichen's second seven-figure score of the week, having won the $100,000 High Roller just five days ago.

Ben Tollerene64,000,000-6,600,000
Santhosh Suvarna48,500,00027,200,000
Chris Hunichen0-20,600,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:51 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 21 hours ago)
Updated Counts Three Handed
Ben Tollerene70,600,0003,200,000
Santhosh Suvarna21,300,000-6,200,000
Chris Hunichen20,600,0003,000,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:42 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Level 25 started
Level: 25
Blinds: 600,000/1,200,000
Ante: 1,200,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:37 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Break Time

The three remaining players are on a 5-minute break.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:37 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Suvarna Turns the Best Hand Into a Bluff

Ben Tollerene raised to 2,700,000 from the small blind with   . Santhosh Suvarna, in the big blind, defended with   .

The     saw Tollerene continue for 1,300,000. Suvarna didn't back down with his top pair.

The   saw a repeat of the action, this time Tollerene sized up to 3,500,00.

The   river saw Tollerene wave the white flag with a check. Suvarna elected to turn his hand into a bluff, betting out for 4,100,000. Tollerene was forced to fold.

Ben Tollerene67,400,000-7,500,000
Santhosh Suvarna27,500,00013,700,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:32 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Hunichen Takes from Tollerene

Chris Hunichen limped in from the small blind with    and Ben Tollerene checked his option in the big blind with   .

The     flop saw Tollerene take the lead as he paired his six. Hunichen check-called a bet of 1,000,000 from Tollerene.

The   turn checked through to the   on the river. Hunichen had turned top pair, prompting him to lead for 3,700,000 on this river. Tollerene made a quick fold.

Ben Tollerene74,900,000-9,700,000
Chris Hunichen17,600,0003,500,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:22 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Survana Doubles Once More

Ben Tollerene jammed from the small blind and Santhosh Suvarna called off his stack of 6,400,000 from the big blind.

Santhosh Suvarna:   
Ben Tollerene:   

Both players failed to connect on the       runout, and Suvarna's ace-high was enough to take the pot.

Ben Tollerene84,600,0004,100,000
Chris Hunichen14,100,000-3,000,000
Santhosh Suvarna13,800,000-3,600,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:11 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Hunichen Gets the Best Hand to Fold

Chris Hunichen limped in from the small blind with    and Ben Tollerene checked his option, in the big blind, with   .

Hunichen checked at the sight of the     flop. Tollerene bet out 1,000,000 and Hunichen check-raised to 2,600,000. Tollerene called.

The   river saw Hunichen commit an additional 2,700,000 into the middle with his gutshot draw, and Tollerene quickly folded his top pair.

Ben Tollerene80,500,000-3,100,000
Chris Hunichen17,100,000-1,900,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 7:59 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Hunichen Finds a Double

Chris Hunichen moved all in for 9,000,000, from the small blind, and Santhosh Suvarna called, from the big blind.

Chris Hunichen:   
Santhosh Suvarna:   

Hunichen had the dominating kicker and the       runout proved no threat, doubling him up.

Chris Hunichen19,000,0008,500,000
Santhosh Suvarna17,400,000-1,000,000
Sunday, June 23, 2024 7:52 PM Local Time (about 36 days and 22 hours ago)
Updated Counts
Ben Tollerene83,600,000-4,400,000
Santhosh Suvarna18,400,000-5,000,000
Chris Hunichen10,500,000-2,500,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander