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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 to Friday, June 21, 2024

Event #50: $10,000 Razz Championship

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  • Buy-in: $10,000
  • Prizepool: $1,097,400
  • Entries: 118
  • Remaining: 0


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Saturday, June 22, 2024 1:38 AM Local Time (about 38 days and 17 hours ago)
"It's Been 15 Years:" George Alexander's Long Quest For WSOP Gold Finally Ends in the $10,000 Razz Championship

George Alexander

"It's been 15 years. I think I've made nine final tables."

Those were the first words George Alexander chose to celebrate his inaugural World Series of Poker bracelet when he defeated Dzmitry Urbanovich heads up to win Event #50: $10,000 Razz Championship, ending a lengthy wait that had seen so many close calls.

"Quite emotional. I've been locked in all day. Didn't want to think about how many chips I had or what was going on. I tried to play every hand as well as I could. It all just hit me at the end," Alexander said after securing the jewelry and $282,443 first-place prize. "I've been playing in the World Series for about 15 years, so many final tables, but never quite got one so it's a huge sigh of relief to finally get one."

Alexander had been in this spot several times before but couldn't get over the finish line until today. He had seven top-ten finishes in WSOP events with his best result being third place in the $1,500 Dealers Choice in 2018. Four of those have come in $10,000 Championship events, including seventh in the Dealers Choice Championship earlier this series.

All those near-misses under the bright lights of a final table served him well today. "Massively. I've been in a lot of spots with like half the chips in play, chip leader with like three people, five people. And this time I wasn't even thinking about the situation. It was all about letting lady luck, if she wanted it to, give it to me this time," he said.

To get his first bracelet, Alexander had to conquer one of the most talent-packed fields on the WSOP calendar. The 12 players who returned on Day 3 had a combined 30 bracelets between them, including the likes of Phil Ivey and Daniel Negreanu. It's a challenge that Alexander relishes and makes his win all the more meaningful.

"I like the 10Ks more than the 1,500s. I've enjoyed battling the best of the best. I enjoy it a lot more than the random fields. It is more meaningful, and also it being like a world championship," he said. "Razz is one of my favorite games. A lot of people dismiss it. They say Razz is simple, boring, but I love the nuance in it. I think it has a lot of room for creativity. I'm quite happy that it came in Razz."

Alexander's journey to the bracelet began when he was still young. He spent several years as a professional poker player but had taken a step back from the game in recent years to focus on his other career. He's now a Crypto investor, running his own firm, Selini Capital, and hosting his own YouTube podcast titled "Steady Lads Podcast."

"I used to play professionally when I was a kid. I played for a few years in my early 20s. Ever since I've been a recreational player, but in the back of my head I still have all the work that I put in back in the day. It was pre-solver days. I don't play as much no-limit. I think it would be quite hard for me to keep up there. But for mixed games, I think I can still match the best evenly," he said.

Final Table Results

1George AlexanderUnited States$282,443
2Dzmitry UrbanovichPoland$188,296
3Ren LinChina$130,447
4Hal RotholzUnited States$92,774
5Brandon Shack-HarrisUnited States$67,783
6John RacenerUnited States$50,915
7Jared BleznickUnited States$39,350
8Denis StrebkovRussia$31,317

Day 3 Action

Day 3 began with 12 players remaining out of a starting field of 118. Five-time bracelet winner Brian Yoon was the first to bust when he ran into Denis Strebkov's nine-six. Negreanu was then eliminated in 11th place by Ivey with a jack-eight versus jack-seven.

Former WSOP Player of the Year Robert Campbell bubbled the nine-handed final table when he got his extreme short stack in against John Racener and Ren Lin. Racener ended up making a 6-4 and Campbell was sent to the rail in tenth place. Brandon Shack-Harris, chip leader at the start of the day, maintained his big advantage at the start of the final table with 1,920,000, while Alexander was in second place with 1,050,000.

Ivey came in as a short stack and quickly fell in ninth place as Shack-Harris made a ten-eight to bust the 11-time bracelet winner. Strebkov, the Russian online superstar who has won an astounding 17 combined WCOOP and SCOOP titles, fell in eighth when Urbanovich made a six-four.

Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

Racener vaulted up the chip counts when he caught a wheel on seventh street to take a massive pot off Shack-Harris, climbing over 1,000,000. Alexander then made a 7-6 in a big pot against Jared Bleznick, knocking Bleznick down to 450,000. Bleznick busted shortly afterward against Racener's seven-six.

It was a steady downfall for Racener from there, however, as Shack-Harris won a big pot with a nine-seven. Left with just a few chips, Racener was all in against Lin but ended up with a full house against Lin's king to finish in sixth place, denying him his second bracelet of the summer.

John Racener
John Racener

The flamboyant Lin took the chip lead in a massive pot against Hal Rotholz with 8-6-4 against 8-6-5. Urbanovich then took down a massive three-way pot with a 6-5 as he joined Alexander over 2,000,000 and near the chip lead.

Shack-Harris eventually busted in fifth place against Alexander's seven-six. Alexander made another seven-six in a big pot against Lin to climb above 3,000,000, leaving Lin with less than 400,000. He then hit 4,000,000 after beating Urbanovich with a 10.

Rotholz, runner-up in this event two years ago, had just 30,000 remaining when he got all in against Alexander, who made an eight-six and forced Rotholz to settle for fourth this time. Lin doubled up once with his favorite card, a queen (or "Lady Gaga"), but soon afterward Alexander made a 7-4 to bust the affable, fun-loving Chinese pro in third place.

Ren Lin
Ren Lin

Alexander led Urbanovich 4,750,000 to 2,330,000 as each sought to win their first bracelet. Alexander began building a massive lead when he made a nine-four, knocking Urbanovich down to less than 1,000,000. Urbanovich then got all in on sixth street with a nine-draw, while Alexander made his nine-eight. Urbanovich missed with a queen as he had to settle for second place, bringing Alexander's decade-plus-long wait to an end.

The relief on Alexander's face was palpable once the final cards were tabled. He's spent years battling the best players in the world, holding his own if not quite able to cross the finish line. He finally did it today, and the journey made it only sweeter.

That concludes PokerNews coverage of the $10,000 Razz Championship. Stay tuned for more updates from the 2024 WSOP.

Saturday, June 22, 2024 12:30 AM Local Time (about 38 days and 18 hours ago)
Dzmitry Urbanovich Eliminated in 2nd Place ($188,296)

Dzmitry Urbanovich

Dzmitry Urbanovich:   /    / 
George Alexander:   /    / 

George Alexander completed, Dzmitry Urbanovich raised, and Alexander called.

Urbanovich bet on fourth street and Alexander called. Alexander then leaned over the table to peer at Urbanovich's stack and board before betting on fifth.

Urbanovich called and Alexander bet on sixth. Urbanovich tanked for a minute before sticking in his last chips.

Urbanovich had    for a nine-draw, while Alexander showed   . Alexander caught the   to make 9-8-7-6-A, while Urbanovich flipped over the   to seal his elimination in second place.

"It's been 15 years. I think I've made nine final tables," an over-joyed Alexander said upon securing the bracelet.

George Alexander7,080,000580,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich0-580,000
Saturday, June 22, 2024 12:22 AM Local Time (about 38 days and 18 hours ago)
Urbanovich on the Ropes

Dzmitry Urbanovich:    /     
George Alexander:    /     

Alexander completed, Urbanovich raised, and Alexander called. On fourth, Urbanovich bet and Alexander called. Fifth street saw Alexander bet and Urbanovich call. On sixth, Urbanovich showed a third seven, so Alexander bet again and Urbanovich made a frustrated fold.

George Alexander6,500,000900,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich580,000-870,000
Saturday, June 22, 2024 12:13 AM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Alexander Rides a Nine to a Big Chip Lead

George Alexander

George Alexander:   /    / 
Dzmitry Urbanovich:   /    / 

Dzmitry Urbanovich completed and George Alexander called.

Urbanovich continued betting on fourth and fifth streets as Alexander called down to sixth. Alexander then bet and Urbanovich called.

Alexander bet again on seventh and Urbanovich called. Alexander then showed     for 9-4-3-2-A and Urbanovich mucked.

George Alexander5,600,000800,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich1,450,000-750,000
Saturday, June 22, 2024 12:09 AM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Alexander Drags One

Dzmitry Urbanovich:    /      /  
George Alexander:    /      /  

George Alexander completed and Dzmitry Urbanovich called on his bring in. Fourth street saw Alexander bet and Urbanovich call. On fifth, Alexander bet again and Urbanovich called once more. Both players checked sixth and seventh street.

Alexander showed his jack-nine and Urbanovich mucked.

George Alexander4,800,000400,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich2,200,000-500,000
Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:58 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Urbanovich Starts Off With a Reraise

Dzmitry Urbanovich:   /   
George Alexander:   /    - folded on fifth street

On the first hand of heads-up play, Dzmitry Urbanovich completed before George Alexander raised. Urbanovich reraised and Alexander called.

Urbanovich bet on fourth street and Alexander called. Another bet from Urbanovich on fifth was enough to chase away Alexander as Urbanovich took the first pot.

George Alexander4,400,000-350,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich2,700,000370,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:52 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Ren Lin Eliminated in 3rd Place ($130,447)

Ren Lin

Ren Lin:    /      /  
George Alexander:    /      /  

Ren Lin completed before George Alexander raised and Lin called. On fourth street, Alexander bet and Lin called. Fifth saw Alexander bet again, and Lin called for his remaining chips. The final streets were dealt and Alexander showed a seven-four to beat Lin's queen-ten and eliminate him in third place.

George Alexander4,750,000650,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich2,330,000-20,000
Ren Lin0-450,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:45 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Lin Doubles With "Lady Gaga"

Ren Lin:   /   
George Alexander:   /   

George Alexander completed and Ren Lin called.

Lin then bet on fourth street and Alexander called. Lin put in his last chips on fifth as Alexander put him at risk.

Alexander finished with      for Q-J-8-5-A, while Lin had     going to seventh. "Lady Gaga," he yelled out as he caught a   to make Q-7-6-3-A and double up.

"Not with a queen. That's insulting. At least make a seven or something," Alexander said.

George Alexander4,100,000-400,000
Ren Lin450,000100,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:41 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Hal Rotholz Eliminated in 4th Place ($92,774)

Hal Rotholz

Hal Rotholz:    /      /  
George Alexander:    /      /  

Hal Rotholz called a bet on third street to put himself at risk against George Alexander. The remaining streets were dealt and Alexander made an eight-six to beat Rotholz's ten-seven and eliminate him in 4th place.

George Alexander4,500,000150,000
Hal Rotholz0-30,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:33 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 19 hours ago)
Level 24 started
Level: 24
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0
Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:17 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Break Time

The remaining four players are taking another 15-minute break.

George Alexander4,350,000550,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich2,350,0000
Ren Lin350,00020,000
Hal Rotholz30,000-30,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:11 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Rotholz Left on Fumes by Urbanovich

Dzmitry Urbanovich:   /    / 
Hal Rotholz:   /    / 

Hal Rotholz completed, Dzmitry Urbanovich raised, and Rotholz called.

Urbanovich continued betting down to sixth street as Rotholz stuck around and called. Both players checked on sixth.

Urbanovich then bet on seventh and Rotholz called. Urbanovich showed     for 7-6-5-4-A and Rotholz mucked an 8-6, leaving himself with just around 60,000.

After paying the antes for a few hands, Rotholz was forced all in from the bring-in as Urbanovich bet on fourth street to chase out the rest of the table.

Urbanovich finished with         for a J-10, but Rotholz caught         for 9-8-7-2-A to double up.

Dzmitry Urbanovich2,350,000750,000
Hal Rotholz60,000-440,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 11:07 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Life Outside Poker: UFC's Bruce Buffer Dishes on Poker Games w/ Leonardo DiCaprio
Bruce Buffer Life Outside Poker
Bruce Buffer Life Outside Poker

Life Outside Poker is a new podcast for PokerNews hosted by Connor Richards that seeks to pull back the curtain on poker players and allow viewers and listeners to get to know them on a personal level.

In the eighth episode, Connor speaks with legendary UFC ring announcer Bruce Buffer in an exclusive in-depth interview after Buffer's deep run in the 2024 World Series of Poker (WSOP) $50,000 High Roller. Buffer, a longtime poker player, finished in eighth place for a career-best $212,423 after kicking off Day 3 with his trademark "it's time" introduction.

Buffer talked about finding his long-lost half-brother, Michael Buffer, and becoming his manager, the early days of the UFC, the similarities between poker and martial arts, his relationships with Joe Rogan and Dana White, playing poker with Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio and the time he injured himself in a poker tournament before announcing the biggest UFC fight in history.

The Life Outside Poker podcast is available on major streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeartRadio. You can also watch the interview with Bruce Buffer by heading to the PokerNews YouTube channel.

Learn More About Life Outside Poker!

Friday, June 21, 2024 11:05 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Rotholz Folds

Ren Lin:    /     
Hal Rotholz:    /     

Lin and Rotholz went heads up to fourth street which saw both players check. On fifth street, Lin check-called a bet from Rotholz. Lin then bet all-in for his remaining 75,000 in chips. As Rotholz thought about his decision, Lin said, "No way you can fold that."

To the table's surprise, Rotholz did fold and Lin raked in the chips with a smile.

Hal Rotholz500,000-250,000
Ren Lin330,000-70,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 10:59 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Rotholz Doubles Off Alexander

Hal Rotholz

Hal Rotholz:   /   
George Alexander:   /   

George Alexander completed, Hal Rotholz raised, and Alexander called.

Rotholz bet on fourth street and Alexander called. Rotholz then bet on fifth and Alexander asked how much he had remaining.

"Okay, let's put it in," Alexander said as he raised. Rotholz called all in.

Rotholz finished with      for a 7-5-4-3-2. "That's a good card. Took away the sweat," Alexander said when Rotholz caught the three as he mucked     , surrendering a double up to Rotholz.

George Alexander3,800,000-400,000
Hal Rotholz750,000350,000
Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 21, 2024 10:56 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Ten Good Enough For Alexander

George Alexander

George Alexander:   /    / 
Dzmitry Urbanovich:   /    / 

George Alexander completed and Dzmitry Urbanovich called.

Alexander bet on fourth street and Urbanovich called. Alexander bet again on fifth, but this time Urbanovich raised.

Alexander got up from his seat and peeked over the table to see how much Urbanovich had behind before calling. He then bet on sixth and Urbanovich called.

Both players checked seventh and Alexander showed     for 10-7-6-4-3 to win the pot.

George Alexander4,200,000400,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich1,600,000-100,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 10:52 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Urbanovich Takes One

Hal Rotholz:    /    ~folded on fourth street
Dzmitry Urbanovich:    /    
Ren Lin:    /    

Rotholz completed, and both Urbanovich and Lin called. On fourth street, Urbanovich bet and Lin called, but Rotholz released his hand. Fifth street saw Urbanovich bet when his opponent paired, and Lin laid his cards down.

Dzmitry Urbanovich1,700,000-250,000
Ren Lin400,000-150,000
Hal Rotholz400,000-400,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 10:40 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Alexander Putting Big Stack to Work

George Alexander:   /   
Ren Lin:   /    - folded on fifth street

Ren Lin completed, George Alexander raised, and Lin called.

Both players checked on fourth street. "Baby," Lin pleaded as he paired his deuce on fifth.

"That is a baby," Alexander said as he bet. Lin tanked for a moment before folding.

"So tilting," Lin said.

Alexander then got involved in another pot against Dzmitry Urbanovich.

George Alexander:   /   
Dzmitry Urbanovich:   /    - folded on fifth street

Urbanovich completed, Alexander raised again, and Urbanovich called.

"Baby," Urbanovich said, emulating Lin. Alexander bet and Urbanovich called.

"Baby," he repeated, but he paired his ten and quickly folded to another bet from Alexander.

George Alexander3,800,000200,000
Dzmitry Urbanovich1,950,000-310,000
Ren Lin550,000-50,000
Friday, June 21, 2024 10:38 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Daniel Negreanu Hits Quads in $250,000 Super High Roller
Friday, June 21, 2024 10:35 PM Local Time (about 38 days and 20 hours ago)
Alexander Drags More

Hal Rotholz:    /     
George Alexander:    /     

Rotholz completed and Alexander called. Fourth street saw Rotholz bet and Alexander call. On fifth street, it was Alexander betting and Rotholz calling. Alexander bet sixth street, but Rotholz folded his hand.

George Alexander3,600,000400,000
Hal Rotholz800,000-700,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander