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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Thursday, June 13, 2024 to Friday, June 14, 2024

Event #36: $800 No-Limit Hold'em Deepstack (8-Handed)

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  • Buy-in: $800
  • Prizepool: $3,011,712
  • Entries: 4,278
  • Remaining: 0


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Saturday, June 15, 2024 6:58 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 22 hours ago)
Timur Margolin Wins Third Bracelet in Event #36: $800 NLHE Deepstack for $342,551

Timur Margolin

A lightning fast final table of Event #36: $800 8-Handed No-Limit Hold'em Deepstack came to a close after only four hours of play, with Timur Margolin overcoming Agharazi Babayev to take down his third bracelet.

The Israel native was congratulated by a rail of friends and fellow players. After what felt like a dominant run on the final table, he pocketed $342,551 for first place and, of course, a coveted WSOP bracelet to add to his collection.

Crushing last year's impressive numbers, the event was another record-breaker, with a turnout of 4,278 entries, which generated a prize pool of $3,011,712.

Final Table Payouts

1Timur MargolinIsrael$342,551
2Agharazi BabayevAzerbaijan$228,321
3Michael AllenUnited Kingdom$168,276
4Adam HendrixUnited States$125,074
5Joseph CoudenUnited States$93,758
6Francisco RiosvallejoMexico$70,890
7Cole UvilaUnited States$54,066
8Vaughan MachadoUnited States$41,597
9Jeremy ChenTaiwan$32,288

With the inclusion of an unexpected Day 3, Margolin found himself starting the day as the chip leader. However, his early aggression hindered his stack as he failed to win many pots throughout the first 45 minutes of play. His prior experience with final tables in the WSOP and continued aggression helped him to climb back and soar through the remaining field looking unstoppable along the way.

Winner's Reaction

Margolin was quick to thank his family for their support, and said he was looking forward to playing more at the Series.

"I wanna thank my wife and kids for being so supportive of my decision to travel and play poker," Margolin told PokerNews. "To live a family life and grind tournaments is not an easy lifestyle to manage.

"If it wasn't for my wife's support, I would be playing the Series in the first place."

Compared to his previous bracelet wins, Margolin said that this tournament went quicker than expected.

"It just led to more action and short-stack play," he told PokerNews.

Margolin shared that a big win with ace-queen suited was a calculated risk as he had a lot of fold equity against the similar sized stacks.

"This allowed me to regain momentum and apply maximum ICM pressure on the shorter stack players and expand my chip lead exponentially." Margolin added.

Timur Margolin
Timur Margolin

Final Day Action

Margolin already held two WSOP bracelets and his prior experience in WSOP events showed. Also among the final table were 25k Fantasy Draft picks Adam Hendrix and Joseph Couden.

Jeremy Chen was the first to fall as Babayev chipped up to a healthy third place stack.

Margolin then eliminated Vaughan Machado in a battle of the blinds to hold nearly double the stack of his nearest opponent.

Players began dropping left and right while Margolin continued to assert maximum pressure. Cole Uvila and Francisco Riosvallejo fell in rapid succession to Margolin who now sat with sixty percent of the chips in play.

Timur Margolin
Timur Margolin

Both Couden and Hendrix found themselves with most of their stack committed due to the increased blinds. Couden lost his flip, while Hendrix made a double with the worst starting hand in poker.

Hendrix soon fell to Babayev as both he and Michael Allen both battled to ladder up. It was the former who achieved that as Allen was eliminated soon after.

Finally, Margolin's overwhelming chip lead was too much to overcome over the heads-up contest, as Babayev finished as the runner up.

Timur Margolin
Timur Margolin

This ends PokerNews coverage of this event, but be sure to stay tuned as we bring you all the action for the rest of the World Series of Poker.

Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:52 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 23 hours ago)
Agharazi Babayev Eliminated in 2nd Place ($228,321)

Agharazi Babayev

Agharazi Babayev called on the button. Timur Margolin checked his option.

The board came     and Margolin checked to Babayev. He fired for 3,000,000 and Margolin made the call.

While the   peeled off on the river, Babayev jammed all in and was snap called by Margolin. Both players revealed their hands.

Agharazi Babayev:   
Timur Margolin:   

The board completed with the   sending Babayev out just shy of the victory.

Timur Margolin171,200,00012,500,000
Agharazi Babayev0-12,500,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:44 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 23 hours ago)
Level 43 started
Level: 43
Blinds: 1,500,000/3,000,000
Ante: 3,000,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:42 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 24 hours ago)
Babayev Finds an Unlikely Double

Timur Margolin, on the button, raised enough to put Agharazi Babayev, in the big blind, all in. Babayev, with most of his stack already in the middle, looked pained by his decision but ultimately made the call.

Agharazi Babayev:   
Timur Margolin:   

In an unlikely showdown, Babayev actually had Margolin dominated. The       changed nothing and Babayev's nine high doubled him up.

Timur Margolin158,700,0003,100,000
Agharazi Babayev12,500,000-3,700,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:32 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 24 hours ago)
Michael Allen Eliminated in 3rd Place ($168,276)

Michael Allen

Timur Margolin raised to 6,500,000 from the small blind. Michael Allen, in the big blind, thought for a considerable amount of time before moving all in for 36,600,000 and Margolin snap-called.

Michael Allen:   
Timur Margolin:   

The board ran out      ; Allen was dominated from the start and couldn't improve on the five-card run out, ultimately sending him to the rail in third place.

Timur Margolin155,600,00037,900,000
Agharazi Babayev16,200,000-6,300,000
Michael Allen0-37,900,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:22 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 24 hours ago)
Allen Flops the World

Michael Allen

Timur Margolin raised to 20,000,000 from the small blind and Michael Allen made the call from the big blind.

Michael Allen:   
Timur Margolin:   

The board ran out       for Allen to find the double.

Timur Margolin117,700,000-1,400,000
Michael Allen37,900,00010,000,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:15 PM Local Time (about 44 days and 24 hours ago)
Adam Hendrix Eliminated in 4th Place ($125,074)

Adam Hendrix

Agharazi Babayev moved all in for 11,200,000 from the button. After some time in the tank, Adam Hendrix called off the bet from the big blind for his effective stack of 7,500,000.

Adam Hendrix:   
Agharazi Babayev:   

The flop brought a decent sweat for Hendrix as the     gave him a flush draw. However, the   turn and   river did not complete Hendrix's draw and he was sent to the rail.

Agharazi Babayev22,500,0002,825,000
Adam Hendrix0-11,000,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:09 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 0 hour ago)
Level 42 started
Level: 42
Blinds: 1,300,000/2,500,000
Ante: 2,500,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:08 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 0 hour ago)
The "Worst Starting Hand in Poker" Becomes the Best

Adam Hendrix

Adam Hendrix had 4,000,000 of his 6,500,000 chips in for the big blind and ante. Action folded to Timur Margolin in the small blind and he raised to 5,000,000. Hendrix said he had "the worst starting hand in poker" but he had to make the call as both players revealed their hands.

Adam Hendrix:   
Timur Margolin:   

The board ran out       for Hendrix to find the double.

Timur Margolin119,100,00011,200,000
Adam Hendrix11,000,000-7,000,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:01 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 0 hour ago)
Joseph Couden Eliminated in 5th Place ($93,758)

Joseph Couden

Timur Margolin continued to abuse his big stack at the final table, moving all in from under the gun to put all remaining players at the table at risk. Joseph Couden, on the button, fought back and called off the bet for his remaining 8,800,000.

Joseph Couden:   
Timur Margolin:   

The flop brought little to no sweat for the room as the dealer spread    , giving Margolin a set. The   turn had Couden drawing dead and the   river confirmed Couden's departure.

Timur Margolin107,900,00040,500,000
Joseph Couden0-9,800,000
Gorilla Gaming
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:58 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 0 hour ago)
Couden Finds a Dream Flop to Double

As the hand began over half of Couden's stack was in the pot for the big blind and ante and he announced that "he would be all in no matter what." Action folded to Timur Margolin in the small blind who raised to 4,000,000. Couden called and both players revealed their hands.

Joseph Couden:   
Timur Margolin:   

The board ran out       for Couden to find the double.

Timur Margolin67,400,000-26,700,000
Joseph Couden9,800,000-4,050,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:56 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 0 hour ago)
Francisco Riosvallejo Eliminated in 6th Place ($70,890)

Francisco Riosvallejo

Timur Margolin moved all in from the cutoff, covering all stacks behind him. Francisco Riosvallejo called off the bet for his last 6,100,000 from the button and the hand went to a showdown.

Francisco Riosvallejo:   
Timur Margolin:   

This flip ultimately fell in favour of Margolin as the board ran out      . Margolin claimed another tournament life at this final table and extended his chip lead.

Timur Margolin94,100,00022,800,000
Francisco Riosvallejo0-16,700,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:50 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 0 hour ago)
Cole Uvila Eliminated in 7th Place ($54,066)

Cole Uvila

Cole Uvila moved his short stack of 5,600,000 infrom under the gun. Timur Margolin, in the cutoff, three-bet to 14,500,000 and the hand went to a showdown.

Cole Uvila:   
Timur Margolin:   

The board ran out      ; Uvila couldn't pull in front of the premium pocket pair of the chip leader and was sent to the rail.

Cole Uvila0-20,200,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:40 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 1 hour ago)
Vaughan Machado Eliminated in 8th Place ($41,597)

Vaughan Machado

Vaughan Machado moved all in for his last 6,400,000 from the small blind. With the size of the starting pot being so large, Timur Margolin, in the big blind, felt priced in to call.

Vaughan Machado:   
Timur Margolin:   

Machado was ahead but the     flop reversed their fates. The   turn and   river couldn't put Machado back out in front and he was sent to the rail.

Timur Margolin71,300,00019,400,000
Vaughan Machado0-14,400,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:36 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 1 hour ago)
Level 41 started
Level: 41
Blinds: 1,000,000/2,000,000
Ante: 2,000,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:28 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 1 hour ago)
Aggression Pays off for Margolin

Timur Margolin

Timur Margolin raised to 3,000,000 from middle position with   . Michael Allen defended his big blind with    as both players went to the flop.

The flop came     and Allen was quick to check. Margolin fired for 2,600,000 and Allen was quick to fold.

Timur Margolin51,900,0009,500,000
Michael Allen27,900,000-3,500,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:24 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 1 hour ago)
Life Outside Poker: Norman Chad – From Newsrooms to WSOP Fame
Norman Chad Life Outside Poker
Norman Chad Life Outside Poker

Life Outside Poker is a new podcast for PokerNews hosted by Connor Richards that seeks to pull back the curtain on poker players and allow viewers and listeners to get to know them on a personal level.

In the seventh episode, Connor speaks with World Series of Poker (WSOP) commentator Norman Chad, one of the most recognizable voices in poker who has provided color commentary on poker's biggest stage for over 20 years.

Chad talks about getting his start as a sports writer in college, his decades-long syndicated sports humor column for the Washington Post and being asked to commentate on the 2003 WSOP Main Event that sparked the Poker Boom.

Chad also discusses the state of poker broadcasting today, the need for more color commentary in the booth, and the need for more interesting characters on the felt.

The Life Outside Poker podcast is available on major streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeartRadio. You can also watch the interview with Norman Chad by heading to the PokerNews YouTube channel.

Be sure to follow Norman Chad and Connor Richards on X.

Learn More About Life Outside Poker!

Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:16 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 1 hour ago)
Margolin Puts in a Squeeze

Michael Allen raised to 3,000,000 from middle position holding   . Agharazi Babayev three-bet to 7,500,000 from the hijack with   . The action fell on Timur Margolin, on the button, who thought for some time before cold-four betting to 22,000,000, with   .

Francisco Riosvallejo, in the big blind, woke up with    but chose to snap-fold. Allen followed suit. Babayev thought for a moment before also choosing to fold.

Timur Margolin42,400,0009,450,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 4:11 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 1 hour ago)
Level 40 started
Level: 40
Blinds: 1,000,000/1,500,000
Ante: 1,500,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 3:25 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 2 hours ago)
Players on Break

Play is on a 45-minute break and will resume with blinds of 800,000 and 1,600,000 with a big blind ante

Playtika - Jason Alexander