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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 to Friday, June 14, 2024

Event #34: $2,500 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout

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  • Buy-in: $2,500
  • Prizepool: $2,819,075
  • Entries: 1,267
  • Remaining: 0


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Saturday, June 15, 2024 1:17 AM Local Time (about 45 days and 15 hours ago)
Antonio Galiana’s Big Bluff Propels Him to First WSOP Bracelet in Event #34: $2,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em

Antonio Galiana

Joined by his friends and family on the rail, Antonio Galiana dominated Day 3 of Event #34: $2,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em to claim his first World Series of Poker gold bracelet. He started the day as the chip leader before losing three flips that put a major dent in his stack, but Galiana kept his composure and found his spots. Then he made some calculated moves to reacquire those chips and entered the final table with the chip lead. From there he was able to apply ICM pressure to his opponents, who would be looking to avoid confrontations.

"It's something you dream of to win a World Series of Poker bracelet, but I have to profess that I need some sleep before I can process what just happened."

The event saw 1,267 entries, which surpassed last year's total of 1,139 participants and generated a prize pool worth $2,819,075. Galiana takes home $439,395 for the win, defeating France's Johan Guilbert in a heads-up battle that will be remembered for one significant hand.

Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (USD)
1Antonio GalianaSpain$439,395
2Johan GuilbertFrance$292,927
3Jeremy AusmusUnited States$202,358
4Juha HelppiFinland$151,592
5Romain LewisFrance$111,222
6Joshua ReichardUnited States$82,702
7Patrick LeonardEngland$62,334
8David GoodmanUnited States$47,632
9Eoghan O'DeaIreland$36,908

Day 3 Action

Day 3 kicked off with 13 players at two tables and Galiana as the chip leader, followed by Patrick Leonard in second place. The tables played for roughly three hours before bracelet winner Brett Apter was eliminated in tenth place after running his suited king-queen into Galianna's pocket aces.

The field boasted many WSOP Main Event champions including Ryan Riess, Espen Jorstad, Joe McKeehen, Qui Nguyen, Joe Cada, and Koray Aldemir. Plenty of decorated players made deep runs but fell short of the ultimate prize.

The final table had an international feel to it, as France, Spain, Finland, England, and Ireland were all represented. The final table also consisted of five bracelet winners in Eoghan O'Dea (ninth place, $36,908), Leonard (seventh place, $62,334), Romain Lewis (sixth place $82,702), Juha Helppi (fourth place, $151,592), and Jeremy Ausmus (third place, $209,358).

Antonio Galiana
Antonio Galiana

Heads-up play was between Galiana and Guilbert, both looking for a first career bracelet and battling back and forth for several hours. Galiana told PokerNews that he felt he had an edge against his opponent and wanted to keep pots small and variance low. His plan was working, except that Guilbert was winning all the all-in confrontations.

Bluff of the Year?

A spellbinding hand occurred during Level 34 when Galiana pulled off a historic bluff that quickly grabbed the attention of the poker world. Galianna shared his thought process about the hand with PokerNews.

"Preflop was pretty standard," said Galiana, "I usually give up when the flop is all clubs, but I also do have clubs when I check the flop and turn."

"I bet the river because I felt Johan was pretty capped and I expected a lot of folds," Galiana continued. "When he raises, he is not representing anything, because all of his good clubs are either betting the flop or the turn due to the high stack-to-pot ratio; betting was the only way to get all the money in by the river."

"When he raised me, it was obvious that he was bluffing, so I decided to raise him again. When he makes the last bet, the size doesn't make sense to me because he would just go all in with his value hands so I decided to put the pressure back on him and went all in myself."

Antonio Galiana
Antonio Galiana

The historic bluff gave Galiana the necessary chips to survive Guilbert's seemingly endless string of all-in wins. Galiana kept his poise and found his spots which ultimately led to a dominant Day 3 performance.

That concludes our coverage of Event #34: $2,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em, but stick with PokerNews for continuing action from the rest of the 2024 World Series of Poker.

Saturday, June 15, 2024 12:32 AM Local Time (about 45 days and 16 hours ago)
Johan Guilbert Eliminated in 2nd Place ($292,927)

Johan Guilbert

Johan Guilbert looked down at his hole cards and moved all in for his remaining stack to put himself at risk, and Antonio Galiana obliged his opponent with a call.

Johan Guilbert:   
Antonio Galiana:   

The dealer fanned     on the flop, giving Galiana top pair while opening a gut-shot straight draw for Guilbert.

The   on the turn didn't help Guilbert, and the   on the river gave Galiana the winning hand.

Guilbert finished the tournament in second place for a payout of $292,927.

Antonio Galiana
Antonio Galiana
Antonio Galiana44,400,00018,100,000
Johan Guilbert0-18,100,000
Saturday, June 15, 2024 12:13 AM Local Time (about 45 days and 16 hours ago)
Guilbert Wins Battle of Rags

Antonio Galiana and Johan Guilbert got involved in a battle of rag cards.

Galiana held   , while Guilbert had   . With no preflop raising, off to the flop they went.

The dealer fanned    , which both players checked. The   on the turn also produced checks.

The   showed up on the river, and taking down the pot would boil down to who wanted it more.

Guilbert showed he desired the pot by firing an 800,000 bet with air to take it down.

Antonio Galiana26,300,000-5,200,000
Johan Guilbert18,100,0005,200,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:55 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 16 hours ago)
Galiana Takes Another One

Johan Guilbert was on the button and decided to raise to 1,800,000 with   . Antonio Galiana defended his big blind with   .

The flop came    . Galiana made top pair but checked in turn. Guilbert bet almost the size of the pot, 3,200,000 into 3,400,000. Galiana called.

The turn was the  . Galiana checked and Guilbert checked behind.

On the   river, Galiana decided it was time to bet and made it 5,000,000. Guilbert folded, and sent a pot of over 10,000,000 Galiana's way.

Antonio Galiana31,500,000-2,950,000
Johan Guilbert12,900,0003,950,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:36 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 17 hours ago)
Level 37 started
Level: 37
Blinds: 400,000/800,000
Ante: 800,000
Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:35 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 17 hours ago)
Galiana Padding Lead

Antonio Galiana is starting to pull away again from Johan Guilbert.

Galiana called from the button holding    and Guilbert checked his option with   .

The dealer fanned    , resulting in checks from both players despite each hitting a pair. The   appeared on the turn and Galiana bet 600,000 after Guilbert checked.

Guilbert called, resulting in   on the river. Both players checked and Galiana's pair of fives took it down.

Antonio Galiana34,450,0004,800,000
Johan Guilbert8,950,000-5,800,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:33 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 17 hours ago)
Guilbert Doubles Up to Stay Alive

Johan Guilbert is channeling his inner cat, he may have nine lives in Event #34, as he is winning his all ins when they matter most. Action picked up when Antonio Galiana limped in from the button. Guilbert then raised to 2,100,000 before Galiana bet enough to put Guilbert all in. Guilbert made the call and was ahead.

Johan Guilbert:   
Antonio Galiana:   

The dealer ran out clean board for Guilbert containing       securing the double up for Guilbert and keeping his chances at a bracelet alive.

Antonio Galiana24,700,000-4,950,000
Johan Guilbert19,700,0004,950,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:22 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 17 hours ago)
Galiana Gets Another One Through

Antonio Galiana decided to switch it up and played a hand by betting every street postflop as a bluff.

The hand started with a limp from Galiana with   . Johan Guilbert checked his option with   .

The flop came     and Guilbert checked. Galiana bet 600,000 and Guilbert called.

The turn was the  . Guilbert checked again and Galiana now bet 2,000,000. Guilbert thought for a while and called again.

The river was the  . Guilbert checked. Galiana thought for a while and then bet 5,000,000 into a pot of 7,000,000. Guilbert visibly struggled with the situation holding top pair on a high-card, four-to-a-straight board. He would have taken the chip-lead if he called correctly, but he couldn't quite sniff it out. He thought for quite a while and then folded. Galiana again decided to quickly show him the bluff.

Antonio Galiana29,650,0002,700,000
Johan Guilbert14,750,000-2,700,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:17 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 17 hours ago)
Galiana Checks His Way to Straight

Action has drastically slowed down in Level 36, as multiple hands haven't gone past the turn, and three-bet preflop hands are absent.

But a handful of hands have gone to the river, such as this one.

Antonio Galiana raised 2,000,000 with   , and Johan Guilbert called with   .

The dealer fanned    , giving Guilbert middle pair. Galiana didn't have anything, but that didn't prevent him from putting chips in the middle with a 1,500,00 bet, which Guilbert called.

Things slowed down on the turn when   appeared, which gave Galiana an open-ended straight draw. Both players checked.

The   on the turn completed Galiana's straight for the winning hand, but he checked. If Galiana had hoped to trap his opponent with a check-raise, it wouldn't have happened because Guilbert had checked behind.

Antonio Galiana26,950,0002,900,000
Johan Guilbert17,450,000-2,900,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 11:05 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 17 hours ago)
Action Cools Down in the Freezeout

For quite some time, heads-up play has been slow. Both players have been playing very carefully, very few bets going in.

One of such hands that made it to showdown started characteristically, with a limp from Johan 'YoH ViraL' Guilbert on the button. He was holding   . Antonio Galiana checked in the big blind with   .

The flop was    . Both players made two pair, but neither bet. The turn was the  . Galiana bet 600,000 and Guilbert called fairly quickly.

The river was the  . Galiana now checked and Guilbert made one of the biggest bets we have seen recently, 2,300,000 or almost four big blinds. Galiana quickly called and saw that he was out-kicked.

Antonio Galiana24,050,0003,100,000
Johan Guilbert20,350,000-2,600,000
Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 14, 2024 10:34 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 18 hours ago)
Level 36 started
Level: 36
Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Ante: 600,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 10:33 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 18 hours ago)
Galiana Chipping Up

Johan Guilbert raised to 1,250,000 from the button, and Antonio Galiana called from the small blind.

The flop came    , and Galiana checked his option. Guilbert decided to bet 2,500,000, and Galiana made the call.

The turn card was the  , and Galiana again checked his option. Guilbert chose to bet 3,000,000 on this street, and Galiana made the call.

The river was the  , Galiana checked for a third time. Guilbert quickly checked back. Galiana tabled the   , which bested Guilbert's   .

Johan Guilbert22,950,000-6,750,000
Antonio Galiana20,950,0006,750,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 10:27 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 18 hours ago)
Players Are on Break

The two remaining players in Event #34 are on a 15-minute break

Friday, June 14, 2024 10:18 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 18 hours ago)
Guilbert Takes Chip Lead Again

Johan Guilbert

It's turning into a back-and-forth affair at the final table between Johan Guilbert and Antonio Galiana.

Galiana had Guilbert reeling, but two previous double ups have kept Guilbert alive.

Make it a third, and this one swung the chip lead.

Galiana raised with   , and Guilbert elected to flat with    to bring the flop. The dealer fanned     on the board, resulting in Galiana betting 1,000,000. Guilbert responded with a 2,500,000 check-raise, which Galiana called.

The turn brought   on the board, and Guilbert moved all in. Galiana appeared anguished by the move and placed his chin on the rail while shuffling chips. He then brought his head up, looked into his stack and eventually made the call to put Guilbert at risk.

The   appeared on the river, giving Guilbert the win. And with it, the chip lead.

Johan Guilbert29,700,00014,600,000
Antonio Galiana14,200,000-15,100,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 10:06 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 18 hours ago)
Guilbert Doubles Up

As in many hands before, action started with a limp from Johan Guilbert on the button. He was holding   . Antonio Galiana looked down at   . He decided to put Guilbert all-in for his stack of 7,300,000 chips. Guilbert snap-called.

The flop was good for Guilbet, as he hit top pair on    . The turn   brought the gutshot for some additional outs for Galiana. However, the river   confirmed this was Guilbert's pot, as he made trips to double up.

Antonio Galiana29,300,000-5,200,000
Johan Guilbert15,100,0005,200,000
Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 14, 2024 9:45 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 19 hours ago)
Guilbert Doubles Up and Stays Alive

Antonio Galiana open shoved from the button effectively putting Johan Guilbert all in. Guilbert made the call and was at risk.

Johan Guilbert:   
Antonio Galiana:   

The board ran out       securing a much needed double up for Guilbert.

Antonio Galiana34,500,0003,550,000
Johan Guilbert9,900,000-3,550,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 9:19 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 19 hours ago)
Level 35 started
Level: 35
Blinds: 250,000/500,000
Ante: 500,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 9:17 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 19 hours ago)
Guilbert Takes One Back With Pocket Kings; Makes a Conservative Check on the River

The heads-up play has been very conservative since the fireworks hand, which saw Antonio Galiana five-bet bluff the river. The players have been exchanging small pots, and many of them limped preflop.

Action again started with Johan 'YoH ViraL' Guilbert limping in on the button, this time with a monster   . Galiana looked down at    and made a substantial raise to 1,400,000. Guilbert thought about it and just called.

The flop was    . Galiana continued for half the pot, 1,600,000. Guilbert called.

The turn was the  . Galiana now bet small, 900,000. After thinking, Guilbert again just called.

The river was the  . Gailana thought for a while, then shut down the betting and checked. At this point, Guilbert had 6,800,000 behind, and the pot was 8,200,000. Guilbert thought for a while but then surprised with a careful play: the check. He later told Gailana that he would have played pocket tens or eights similarly.

Antonio Galiana30,950,000-1,600,000
Johan Guilbert13,450,0001,600,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 8:53 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 19 hours ago)
River Battle for the Ages

Antonio Galiana

Johan Guilbert and Antonio Galiana were involved in a hand that started off innocently enough.

Guilbert, who had   , and Galiana, who had   , checked down on a flop of    . They repeated the action after   appeared on the turn.

But buckle in, folks, because the   brought a flush on the board and plenty of fireworks in what would've been a chopped pot if both players tabled their hands without betting.

The two players clearly had other ideas, though.

Galiana led out with a 900,000 bet, which Guilbert pondered. After a brief moment, Guilbert came over the top with a 1,950,000 raise.

Galiana went into the tank, studying the board and his opponent as time passed. He then reached into his chip stack and announced a re-raise to 6,300,000.

That clearly wasn't enough to end the action because it was Guilbert's time to shine. Guilbert went back in the tank and grabbed a full barrel of 500,000 chips before moving forward for a re-raise of 10,000,000.

End of hand?


Galiana, leaning forward in his seat and shuffling chips in his right hand, then announced an all-in bet, which drew an immediate fold from Guilbert.

Galiana slammed his cards face up, triumphantly showing the    on the table.

To the victor belongs the spoils.

And in this battle of wills, Galiana stood tall.

Antonio Galiana32,550,00010,450,000
Johan Guilbert11,850,000-10,450,000
Friday, June 14, 2024 8:21 PM Local Time (about 45 days and 20 hours ago)
Level 34 started
Level: 34
Blinds: 200,000/400,000
Ante: 400,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander