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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Monday, June 10, 2024 to Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Event #28: $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $3,093,195
  • Entries: 2,317
  • Remaining: 0


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Thursday, June 13, 2024 12:06 AM Local Time (about 47 days and 18 hours ago)
From Poker Beginner to WSOP Bracelet Winner, Evan Benton Claims Victory in Event #28: $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em For $412,484

Evan Benton Wins EV28 $1500 Freezeout

What could be more of a dream for a poker fan than winning a bracelet in their first-ever World Series of Poker? That's what Evan Benton managed to do when he emerged as the winner of Event #28: $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em, here at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

Just a bit over a year after he started playing poker, Benton triumphed over a field of 2,317 entries, earning his first WSOP gold bracelet along with a hefty payout of $412,484. Despite having one of the shortest stacks at the beginning of the final table, he made his way to the chip lead and defeated Balakrishna Patur during the heads-up play to win the tournament.

Finishing second, Patur won $274,972. Spain's Andres Gonzalez took third place for $201,518, while Nick Maimone reached the final table (7th, $64,202), as did Nicolas Vayssieres (9th, $38,517).

Event #28: $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em Results

1Evan BentonUnited States$412,484
2Balakrishna PaturUnited States$274,972
3Andres GonzalezSpain$201,518
4Haiyang YangChina$149,145
5Mukul PahujaUnited States$111,485
6Guofeng WangChina$84,175
7Nick MaimoneUnited States$64,202
8George TomescuRomania$49,472
9Nicolas VayssieresFrance$38,517

Winner's Reaction

"I feel financial freedom. Honestly, it feels good," Benton said moments after he touched his WSOP bracelet for the first time. "I did not expect to win. These guys were much better tournament players than I was. I just ran good when the time came and felt like I played pretty well throughout the day," he added.

His story looks like a fairytale, as he started playing "just over a year ago". "I used to play back then when I was like 12 years old, but I didn't know anything. About a year and a few months ago, I just played with some friends and I was like, 'man, this is kind of fun,' and I just ran with it. I'm obsessed with it now. I play every day and study," Benton explained.

To live the dream, Benton flew all the way from Louisiana to Las Vegas to play his first-ever World Series of Poker. "I've been here since Friday, right before the Mystery Millions, and I was supposed to go home Monday," he said. But the beginning of the Series didn't go as planned: "I made a few bankroll mistakes before, and I was like, 'I'm not going home down, so let me fire in this one.' And it paid off. I guess the wife's not so mad anymore!"

Evan Benton
Evan Benton

Talking about the $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em event, Benton arrived late on Day 3 with one of the biggest stacks in the field. But after the restart, his tournament felt like a roller coaster: "I was like, 'don't get excited, there's gonna be so many swings today. Just roll with them, anything can happen, it's anybody's day.'"

He eventually reached the final table, "his goal," with one of the shortest stacks of all. "I honestly preferred being in that situation because I'm not very well-studied in terms of poker, and I felt like my decisions were a little easier. Then I didn't have to play much post-flop until it was heads-up."

Thanks to his victory, Benton is thinking about staying a little bit longer. "I guess I'm gonna stick around and fire a few more events. And play the Main Event, you know, that was kind of the goal, and I'll get that opportunity now."

Day 3's Action

Out of 2,319 entrants, only 22 players remained after Day 2 and they came back on Day 3 hoping to win a WSOP bracelet. Alex Massman was one of these players, but his hopes of becoming world champion came to an end moments after the restart, as he ran his kings into Mukul Pahuja's aces.

Kia Raisdana was next to make his way to the payout desk, eliminated with ace-three by Blake Bohn's ace-eight. Jason Corbett was more fortunate, as he found a double-up a few minutes later.

Nicholas Verderamo had the shortest stack of all at the beginning of Day 3 but failed to achieve a last-to-first comeback after he was forced all-in from the big blind and lost to Haiyang Yang. He was followed by Scott Stewart, who couldn't do much against Fahredin Mustafov's aces. Finishing 19th, he won $15,730 and left the 18 remaining players to gather at the last two tables.

Scott Stewart
Scott Stewart

Jeffrey Kurtz didn't stay long at his new seat because he saw his queens being cracked by Nick Maimone's flopped straight. Then it was Ravee Sundara's turn to be eliminated after he was in the lead in an all-in and call situation. Jacks were not enough for him against Balakrishna Patur, who hit a runner-runner flush.

After she lost a big pot when 19 players remained, Ebony Kenney had only two blinds left. But she managed to almost triple up and eventually reached 16th place,where her king-queen didn't make it against ace-queen.

Ebony Kenney
Ebony Kenney

On the other table, Stan Yuk Lee lost a flip to finish 15th. But after his elimination, very little action happened for more than an hour until Bohn, with tens, lost against Pahuja's kings. There were kings involved as well in Christopher Collier's elimination. But this time, he was the one who had cowboys in his hands, while Evan Benton flopped a full house with eights.

The last woman standing, Ruiko Mamiya, saw her tournament come to an end in 12th place for $24,094. Then, one more elimination was needed to reach the unofficial final table. Unfortunately for him, Corbett became the one who took 11th placeafter he didn't see that Haiyang Yang hit a straight on the river.

Once on the last table, Nicolas Vayssieres and then Andres Gonzalez doubled up. Fahredin Mustafov tried to imitate them but lost a flip against Gonzalez to bubble the final table.

Nicolas Vayssieres
Nicolas Vayssieres

After a short dinner break, Vayssieres became the first player to find himself at risk with ace-queen. As Yang had the same hand, they were supposed to split the pot, but Yang was lucky enough to hit a flush on the river to send Vayssieres to the rail. Another short stack was George Tomescu, but he was eliminated as well with ace-jack against Evan Benton's ace-king.

Benton and Nick Maimone then both doubled up, one after the other. But it still wasn't enough for Maimone to come back in the race because Patur hit a flush against him. Finishing seventh, Maimone won $64,202 while the six remaining players were sent on a short break.

Nick Maimone
Nick Maimone

But from six, the field was quickly reduced to four when Guofeng Wang, with sevens, ran into Gonzalez's two pair, and then Mukul Pahuja failed to improve with king-queen against Patur's ace-nine. We even had the final three shortly after, because of Yang who shoved with jack-seven but found Patur's kings in his way.

Now three-way, Patur and Gonzalez both had 25,000,000 while Benton had 7,000,000. But Benton managed to come back and even take the lead after he doubled through Gonzalez. Both players put all their chips in the middle once again a few hands later with two pair on each side on the river. But Benton, with ace-nine, had the best hand and extended his lead as the WSOP bracelet was placed on the table for heads-up.

Patur regained the chip lead during the last duel, but Benton came back and eventually saw his top pair hold after Patur moved all-in to win the tournament.

Evan Benton Wins EV28 $1500 Freezeout
Evan Benton Wins EV28 $1500 Freezeout

That concludes the coverage from Event #28, but be sure to follow PokerNews, as we will continue to provide live updates and coverage throughout the 2024 World Series of Poker.

Thursday, June 13, 2024 12:02 AM Local Time (about 47 days and 18 hours ago)
Balakrishna Patur Eliminated in 2nd Place ($274,972)

Balakrishna Patur

Evan Benton limped in and Balakrishna Patur raised to 1,700,000. Benton called.

The flop came     and Patur bet 1,500,000, and Benson quickly raised to 4,000,000. Patur then shoved all in for 19,850,000, and Benton made the call.

Balakrishna Patur:   
Evan Benton:   

Benton was two cards away from a bracelet and got past the first hurdle as the   turn offered no help to Patur.

The   landed on the river which meant Benton took the pot, and the bracelet.

Evan Benton58,000,00022,200,000
Balakrishna Patur0-22,150,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:55 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 18 hours ago)
Benton Has a Better Kicker

Evan Benton limped in with    and Balakrishna Patur checked with   .

The flop came     and Benton check-called a bet of 600,000 from Patur.

A   turn card went check-check to the   river, which was also checked through. Benson took it down with his better kicker.

Evan Benton35,800,0001,200,000
Balakrishna Patur22,150,000-1,200,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:53 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 18 hours ago)
Patur's River Bet Goes Uncalled

Evan Benton limped in with    and Balakrishna Patur checked   .

They saw a flop of     which saw Patur check-call a bet of 650,000.

A   came on the turn which went check-check to the   river. Patur led out for 2,000,000, and Benton folded.

Evan Benton34,600,0002,950,000
Balakrishna Patur23,350,000-2,950,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:43 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 18 hours ago)
Benson Back in Front

Evan Benton raised to 1,200,000 and Balakrishna Patur called.

The flop came     and Patur check-called a bet of 825,000 from Benton.

On the   turn, both players checked to the   river. Patur bet 2,500,000, and Benton called.

Patur tabled a bluff with    and Benton had the winner with   .

Evan Benton31,650,0005,125,000
Balakrishna Patur26,300,000-5,125,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:33 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 18 hours ago)
Patur Regains the Chip Lead, Benton Folds Two Pair

Balakrishna Patur

Balakrishna Patur limped in with    and Evan Benton raised it up to 1,800,000 holding   . Patur called.

A flop of     saw Benton continue for 1,100,000, and Patur raised to 3,300,000. Benton made the call.

The   fell on the turn which Benton checked, and Patur checked back.

A   completed the board which Benton checked, and Patur fired 7,000,000. After thinking it over, Benton folded.

Balakrishna Patur31,425,0006,900,000
Evan Benton26,525,000-6,900,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:20 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Benton Hits Trips

Balakrishna Patur limped in with    and Evan Benton checked   .

On the flop of    , Benton checked, Patur bet 1,000,000, and Benton called.

A   fell on the turn which both players checked to the   river. The action went check-check again and Benton took it down with trip sixes.

Evan Benton33,425,0001,325,000
Balakrishna Patur24,525,000-1,300,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:15 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Level 36 started
Level: 36
Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Ante: 600,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:03 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Break Time

Players are taking an unscheduled break.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:02 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Patur Flops a Set

Balakrishna Patur opened    to 1,250,000 and Evan Benton called form the big blind with   .

A flop of     was seen which Benton check-folded after Patur bet 1,500,000.

Evan Benton32,100,000-1,775,000
Balakrishna Patur25,825,0001,750,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:00 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Patur Bluffs With the Best Hand

Evan Benton opened the button to 1,250,000 with    and Balakrishna Patur called holding   .

The flop came     and after Patur checked, Benton fired 2,200,000, and Patur called.

A   fell on the turn which went check-check to the   river. Patur put together a bet of 6,000,000, and Benton quickly folded.

Evan Benton33,875,000-2,925,000
Balakrishna Patur24,075,0002,950,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:47 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Benton Three-Bets

Balakrishna Patur raised the button to 1,250,000 with    and Evan Benton three-bet to 3,450,000 holding   . Patur folded.

Evan Benton36,800,0003,225,000
Balakrishna Patur21,125,000-3,250,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:42 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 19 hours ago)
Play Resumes

Play has resumed as the two remaining players battle it out for the bracelet and the $412,484 first prize.

Evan Benton33,575,000-425,000
Balakrishna Patur24,375,000-1,250,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:22 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Break Time

There will now be a short break while the final two players prepare for heads-up play.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:21 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Andres Gonzalez Eliminated in 3rd Place ($201,518)

Andres Gonzalez

Evan Benton opened the button to 1,000,000 and Andres Gonzalez called from the big blind.

A flop of     saw Gonzalez check-call a bet of 750,000 from Benton.

The   fell on the turn and Gonzalez checked, Benton bet 1,900,000, and Gonzalez called.

When the   completed the board, Gonzalez checked, Benton shoved, and Gonzalez called off his last 6,000,000 chips.

Benton tabled    for top two pair, and Gonzalez showed he had rivered a small two pair with   .

Evan Benton34,000,00010,600,000
Andres Gonzalez0-10,175,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:16 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Gonzalez Flops an Ace

Andres Gonzalez raised the button to 1,000,000 with    and Balakrishna Patur called from the big blind holding   .

An     flop saw Patur check, Gonzalez bet 750,000, and Patur called.

The   fell on the turn and Patur checked again, only for Gonzalez to fire a bet of 2,100,000. Patur folded.

Balakrishna Patur25,625,000-2,275,000
Andres Gonzalez10,175,0002,750,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:11 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Patur Picks Up Jacks

Balakrishna Patur raised to 1,000,000 on the button with    and Evan Benton peeled from the big blind holding   .

The dealer put out a flop of     which Benton checked. Patur bet 1,000,000, and Benton called.

A   turn went check-check to the   river. Both players checked and Patur took it down with his pocket jacks.

Balakrishna Patur27,900,0002,275,000
Evan Benton23,400,000-2,500,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:04 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Benton Wins a Flip to Double Up

Andres Gonzalez on the button opened to 1,000,000, then Evan Benton in the small blind three-bet all in for 12,450,000.

Balakrishna Patur in the big blind discovered    but decided to fold. However Gonzalez made the call.

Evan Benton:    
Andres Gonzalez:   

After the     flop, the dealer revealed the   turn to make Benton double up after the   river.

Evan Benton25,900,00013,450,000
Balakrishna Patur25,625,000-1,000,000
Andres Gonzalez7,425,000-12,575,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:59 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Benton in Shove Mode

Balakrishna Patur opened    on the button to 1,000,000 and Evan Benton shoved    for 10,700,000 from the big blind. Patur folded.

Balakrishna Patur26,625,000-2,050,000
Evan Benton12,450,0001,250,000
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:53 PM Local Time (about 47 days and 20 hours ago)
Gonzalez Folds the Best Hand

Evan Benton raised the button with    to 1,000,000 and Andres Gonzalez called from the big blind with   .

On the flop of    , both players checked to the   turn where Gonzalez check-called a bet of 850,000 from Benson.

The   paired the board and after Gonzalez checked, Benson fired a bet of 1,600,000. Gonzalez didn't give it much thought and folded.

Andres Gonzalez20,000,000-5,075,000
Evan Benton11,200,0003,400,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander