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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Sunday, June 09, 2024 to Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Event #27: $1,500 Big O

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $2,075,925
  • Entries: 1,555
  • Remaining: 0


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Wednesday, June 12, 2024 12:39 AM Local Time (about 48 days and 16 hours ago)
Michael Christ "Gets Lucky" On His Way to Winning Event #27: $1,500 Big O

Michael Christ

The third and final day of Event #27: $1,500 Big O at the 2024 World Series of Poker has concluded. After three long days, the winner of his first gold bracelet and the top prize worth $306,884 is Michael Christ.

There were 1,555 entries into this tournament, creating a prize pool of $2,075,925 with 234 players making the money. There were 20 players left in the field to start Day 3, with Christ beating Matthew Beinner heads up.

Final Table Resuts

1Michael ChristUnited States$306,884
2Matthew BeinnerUnited States$204,601
3Dylan LindseyUnited States$146,595
4Eduardo LezcanoUnited States$106,315
5Matthew BretzfieldUnited States$78,056
6Damjan RadanovUnited States$58,025
7Tomoki MatsudaJapan$43,681
8John BunchUnited States$33,035

Notable Day 3 Exits

Legend of the game Sammy Farha was one of the 20 players to make it to Day 3, but Farha's great run ended when he was eliminated in 11th place after Farha's kings lost to Matthew Beinner aces in a three-way all-in preflop hand.

Bracelet winner Nathan Gamble also made it to Day 3, but hit the rail in 15th place after Farha rivered a straight against him.

Sam Farha
Sam Farha

The Road to the Gold

Of the 20 players who came back for Day 3 at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas, Christ was in third place, with 3,335,000 chips. Christ continued to chip up through the start of Day 3 when he found himself in a peculiar situation when he was all in and at risk in a hand versus Tomoki Matsuda on the turn.

Christ and Matsuda were two of the biggest stacks in the tournament when Christ raised all in with aces full of threes, only to find out Matsuda had aces full of sixes and his exit looking eminent. However, the river improved Christ to aces full of tens and allowed him to double up and become the chipleader of the tournament.

When asked about the hand, Christ said, "I knew he had the nuts, either having ace-six or ace-deuce-three type of hand for the low. I thought by going all in I could possibly get him off the low hand, but he didn't, and I got lucky." Christ said after the hand and numerous times throughout the tournament that his "mantra" is "play bad and get lucky."

Final Table Dominance

Christ used the momentum of the hand versus Matsuda right into the final table, where he came in with the chip lead. He held that lead through most of the final table and held almost half the chips when there were only four players remaining. Christ also eliminated five of his seven opponents at the final table on the way to winning the gold bracelet.

Winners Reaction

When Christ was asked about the journey of winning the event over the last three days, he said, "Absolutely exhausting," and that he tries to keep his "poker sessions between six to eight hours, so I'm literally pooped right now."

As far as the feeling of winning the bracelet goes, Christ said, "It's super surreal. That excitement hasn't really hit me yet. But never in a million years did I think it would be me as the last one standing."

When asked about his mentality or belief that he could win the tournament, Christ never let himself look at the finishing line, saying, " I chipped up to a goal number every single break. I never worry about my results, so winning the tournament was never my goal. I just played each hand individually to the best of my ability."

When Christ was asked about his plans for the rest of the series, he said, "I was thinking about the 10K Big O, but I told my wife if I won a bracelet, I would catch an early flight and meet up with her and the boys, so we'll see."

Michael Christ
Michael Christ

That concludes the coverage from Event #27, but be sure to follow PokerNews, as we will continue to provide live updates and coverage throughout World Series of Poker.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:47 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 18 hours ago)
Matthew Beinner Eliminated in 2nd Place ($204,601)

Matthew Beinner

Matthew Beinner raised the pot and committed the rest of his stack after Michael Christ three-bet from the big blind.

Matthew Beinner:      
Michael Christ:      

Beinner found two pair on the     flop, while Christ sealed up the low. The   turn changed nothing, but the   river delivered a set to Christ for the scoop.

Beinner shook hands on his way off the feature stage, finishing runner-up for $204,601.

Michael Christ38,875,000875,000
Matthew Beinner0-800,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:40 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 18 hours ago)
More Pressure from Christ

Michael Christ raised to 750,000 on the button and Matthew Beinner defended to the     flop.

Beinner checked before a quick all in from Christ. That was enough to take down another pot as Beinner folded.

Michael Christ38,000,0001,300,000
Matthew Beinner800,000-1,300,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:36 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 18 hours ago)
Gap Continues to Widen

Matthew Beinner opened to 750,000 on the button and Michael Christ made the call.

A pair of checks followed the     flop before the dealer revealed the   turn.

Christ checked to Beinner, who fired 800,000. After a moment, Christ check-raised enough to put his opponent all in.

Beinner checked his holding before mucking his hand, as Christ added to his chip lead.

Michael Christ36,700,0002,200,000
Matthew Beinner2,100,000-1,600,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:31 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 18 hours ago)
Christ Goes for All of It

Matthew Beinner raised to 750,000 on the button, and Michael Christ made the call.

The flop came    , and Christ check-called the bet of 1,000,000 from Beinner.

The turn was the  , and Christ again check called the bet of 1,700,000 this time.

The river was the  , and Christ jammed all in, which got a quick fold from Beinner.

Michael Christ34,500,0001,800,000
Matthew Beinner3,700,000-2,300,000
Gorilla Gaming
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:29 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 18 hours ago)
Christ Extends His Lead

Michael Christ raised to 750,000 on the button and Matthew Beinner made the call.

The flop came     and both player checked.

The turn was the   and after Beinner checked, Christ bet 1,000,000. Beinner than raised to 3,250,000 before Christ snapped jammed all in. After taking some Beinner laid his hand down.

Michael Christ32,700,0003,625,000
Matthew Beinner6,000,000-3,700,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:19 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
Dylan Lindsey Eliminated in 3rd Place ($146,595)

Dylan Lindsey

Michael Christ opened to 750,000 and made the call after Dylan Lindsey moved his short stack all in.

Dylan Lindsey:      
Michael Christ:      

Christ connected with the       runout, making a flush and the best low to scoop the pot. That sent Lindsey to the rail in third place, wishing good luck to both of his opponents on the way out.

Players then took a short break before starting heads-up play.

Michael Christ29,075,0002,575,000
Matthew Beinner9,700,000500,000
Dylan Lindsey0-2,600,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:07 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
Eduardo Lezcano Eliminated in 4th Place ($106,315)

Eduardo Lezcano

Eduardo Lezcano raised in the hijack to 1,050,000 before he was raised by Michael Christ to 2,300,000 from the big blind. Lezcano then announced all in, and Christ made the call.

Eduardo Lezcano:      
Michael Christ:      

It Christ in front with aces, and when the board ran out       Lezcano was officially eliminated in fourth place.

Michael Christ26,500,0007,750,000
Eduardo Lezcano0-6,200,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:59 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
Lezcano Gets Value from Beinner

Matthew Beinner opened to 550,000 and was called by Eduardo Lezcano. Both players checked the     flop before the dealer flipped over the   turn.

Lezcano led out for 500,000 and Beinner called to the   river.

A quick bet of 700,000 followed from Lezcano, with Beinner taking a moment before opting to call. Lezcano showed       for a full house, raking in the pot as Beinner mucked.

Matthew Beinner9,200,000-2,600,000
Eduardo Lezcano6,200,000-675,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:54 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
For More on the $25K Fantasy League Follow PokerNews' Curated X List of All Draftees
$25K Fantasy League
$25K Fantasy League

At the end of May, 152 players were auctioned off into 19 teams of eight during the 25K Fantasy Draft for the 2024 World Series of Poker, held at the illustrious PokerGO Studio.

With a total prize pool of $475,000, the stakes are incredibly high for the participants. The payouts are structured to reward the top four teams substantially, with the first-place team taking home $225,000, followed by $125,000 for second place, $75,000 for third, and $50,000 for fourth.

Most of the players drafted are on social media, and PokerNews has taken the liberty of compiling all of their accounts into a single list on X (formerly Twitter). Simply follow our list and you'll be able to see any update posted by the draftee!

Click here to follow the $25K Fantasy list on X!

Remember, PokerNews has been tracking $25K Fantasy players in our live updates, and have even made it simple to follow the action by tagging all players with a $25K Fantasy badge. That allows you to utilize our chip count filter option to follow only those players (just tick the $25K Fantasy badge); what's more, each blog will have a "$25K Fantasy" tab that if you click all you will see are hands played by $25K Fantasy players.

Playtika - Jason Alexander
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:46 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
Level 33 started
Level: 33
Blinds: 150,000/300,000
Ante: 300,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:43 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
Matthew Bretzfield Eliminated in 5th Place ($78,056)

Matthew Bretzfield

Matthew Bretzfield opened to 875,000 on the button and Matthew Beinner made the call in the small blind.

The     flop saw Bretzfield moved all in, with Beinner making the quick call.

Matthew Bretzfield:      
Matthew Beinner:      

Bretzfield flopped a set of jacks, but the   turn gave Beinner a straight. The   river changed nothing, ending Bretzfield's deep run in fifth place for $78,056.

Matthew Beinner11,800,0003,900,000
Matthew Bretzfield0-3,100,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:29 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 19 hours ago)
Lindsey Saved by the River

Michael Christ raised in the hijack to 775,000. Dylan Lindsey then three bet all in for 2.500,000. When the big blind folded, Christ made the call.

Dylan Lindsey:      
Michael Christ:      

When the board ran out       it was Christ taking the high with two pair queens and eights, while the river gave Lindsey the best low with ace-deuce.

Michael Christ18,750,0002,150,000
Dylan Lindsey2,600,000-1,900,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:12 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 20 hours ago)
Beinner Doubles Set Over Set

Matthew Beinner

Action folded to Matthew Bretzfield in the small blind, who limped. Matthew Beinner then checked his big blind option to see the     flop.

Bretzfield fired a bet of 700,000 and Beinner took a moment before making the call.

The   turn saw Bretzfield bet the pot, making the quick call once Beinner announced all in.

Matthew Beinner:      
Matthew Bretzfield:      

Both players had flopped a set, with Beinner's queens in the lead. The   river changed nothing, as both players were unable to make a low allowing Beinner to earn the full double up.

Matthew Beinner7,900,0004,950,000
Matthew Bretzfield3,100,000-2,475,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:04 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 20 hours ago)
Christ Strikes Right Back

Michael Christ raised to 600,000 in the cutoff, with Dylan Lindsey making the call in the small blind.

The dealer fanned out the     flop and Lindsey checked. Christ fired 800,000 into the middle, recovering some chips from Lindsey right away after the fold was made.

Michael Christ16,600,000800,000
Dylan Lindsey4,500,000-1,400,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 8:55 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 20 hours ago)
Lindsey Takes from the Leader

Dylan Lindsey opened from under the gun to 525,000 and was called by Michael Christ in the small blind.

Christ checked the     flop, making the call after Lindsey continued for 600,000. Action was then checked through the   turn to see the   river.

Another check from Christ was met with a bet of 2,000,000 from Lindsey. That was enough for Lindsey to take the pot without showdown, as Christ mucked his hand.

Michael Christ15,800,000-1,800,000
Dylan Lindsey5,900,00075,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 8:46 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 20 hours ago)
Level 32 started
Level: 32
Blinds: 125,000/250,000
Ante: 250,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 7:54 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 21 hours ago)
Chip Counts on Dinner
Michael Christ17,600,000-800,000
Eduardo Lezcano6,875,000-125,000
Dylan Lindsey5,825,000-1,290,000
Matthew Bretzfield5,575,00075,000
Matthew Beinner2,950,000-530,000
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 7:49 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 21 hours ago)
Break Time

Players have been sent on a 60-minute dinner break.

Action will resume at approximately 8:45 p.m. local time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 7:48 PM Local Time (about 48 days and 21 hours ago)
Lezcano Shows Top Set Before Hand is Over

Eduardo Lezcano raised from the cutoff to 700,000 and Matthew Bretzfield in the small blind made the call.

After Bretzfield checked dark, the flop came     and Lezcano bet the pot.
Bretzfield then stood up and said, "I don't think I can fold this".

But Lezcano thought Bretzfield folded and flipped over    for top set. After the dealer confirmed Bretzfield did not fold, after a couple of minutes, he elected to fold his hand.

Eduardo Lezcano7,000,0001,940,000
Matthew Bretzfield5,500,000-50,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander