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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Thursday, June 06, 2024 to Saturday, June 08, 2024

Event #21: $25,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em (6-Handed)

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  • Buy-in: $25,000
  • Prizepool: $6,392,000
  • Entries: 272
  • Remaining: 0


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Sunday, June 9, 2024 12:55 AM Local Time (about 51 days and 18 hours ago)
"Feeling Vindicated": Brek Schutten Wins WSOP $25,000 High Roller for $1,405,641

Brek Schutten Wins $25k 6Max NLH

Call an ambulance! But not for Brek Schutten, because the ICU nurse and accomplished poker player won his first World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet by taking down Event #21: $25,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em (6-Handed) for $1,405,641.

The second-ever $25,000 six-handed event drew 272 runners, a nearly 30% increase from the 207 players who played last year's inaugural event, for a prize pool of $6,392,000. The field included many of poker's biggest names like Phil Ivey, Daniel Negreanu and Erik Seidel.

But the last player standing inside Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas was Schutten, who has plenty of experience battling with poker's most accomplished in between hospital shifts. Schutten won a World Poker Tour (WPT) title in 2021 and finished runner-up in the WSOP $50,000 High Roller a year later.

This time around, Schutten defeated heads-up opponent Tyler Stafman, who had just $203,810 in live earnings before picking up the career-best score of $938,775.

Tyler Stafman
Tyler Stafman

The victory was redemption for Schutten, who told PokerNews he was "feeling vindicated."

"I got second to Jake Schindler and just had those regrets ever since," he said in a winner's interview. "Certain hands go through your mind all the time and you never know if you're going to get back to a high roller final table, let alone heads-up, let alone win the thing."

Event #21: $25,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em (6-Handed) Final Table Results

1Brek SchuttenUnited States$1,405,641
2Tyler StafmanUnited States$938,775
3Michael RoccoUnited States$639,620
4Taylor von KriegenberghUnited States$444,766
5Brandon WilsonUnited States$315,771
6Masashi OyaJapan$229,002

"I Love These Fields"

The final table also included Michael Rocco (3rd - $639,620), Taylor von Kriegenbergh (4th - $444,766), Brandon Wilson (5th - $315,771) and Masashi Oya (6th - $229,002), all of whom were looking for their maiden bracelet.

After spending most of Day 2 as one of the chip leaders but entering the final table on Day 3 as a short stack, Schutten's focus was solely on winning the tournament.

"I was more concerned about winning the bracelet than the ICM for pay jumps and stuff, so I think that helped to be able to put my chips in when I felt like I had the best hand and hope for the best."

Schutten said he's "focusing more on poker than nursing right now but still working a few shifts here and there."

Brek Schutten Wins $25k 6Max NLH
Brek Schutten

"I love these fields. I love playing against the best in the world. It's just a great experience and it's good to know that I can win a tournament with this field."

Now that he has a bracelet and WSOP title, is Schutten thinking about going for the Triple Crown?

"I have not played an EPT before, I've actually never been to Europe. But maybe. Haven't thought about it yet, but it might be possible."

Day 3 Action

Much of the action took place yesterday on Day 2, including Dylan Destefano bubbling in painful fashion, Alex Foxen six-bet jamming with a non-premium holding and Paul Jager being three-outed by the same card in nearly back-to-back hands.

There were 12 players who advanced to Day 3 and Justin Saliba was quickly out the door as his king-queen couldn't hit against the pocket fives of Kevin Rabichow. It took several hours, but Rabichow was next out after running ace-jack into the pocket queens of Stafman.

Kevin Rabichow
Kevin Rabichow

The eighth-place elimination of Chongxian Yang, whose pocket tens were pipped by the fishhooks of von Kriegenbergh, set up an unofficial final table of seven inside the Horseshoe Event Center.

After a break to set up the stream, the seven players returned and battled for several hours before losing Ognyan Dimov as his king-nine couldn't hold up against the queen-jack of Schutten.

Next out was Oya, whose king-jack never pulled ahead of von Kriegenbergh's pocket nines as he fell in sixth place for $229,002.

Wilson, who maintained a chip lead throughout both Day 1 and Day 2, couldn't continue his domination and went out in fifth before the fourth-place elimination of von Kriegenbergh as he ran queen-ten into the ace-queen of Rocco.

Rocco was next to go as he jammed seven-three into the ace-seven of Stafman. The high-stakes pro was clearly disappointed after his close call of winning a bracelet and gave some emotional words to PokerGO's Jeff Platt after his elimination.

Michael Rocco
Michael Rocco

Schutten had the heads-up chip lead but Stafman managed to double multiple times to stay in contention. In the final blow, Stafman's ace-nine was dominated by Schutten's ace-queen and couldn't improve.

Schutten's wife supported him on the rail and posed for a winner's photo with the newly minted bracelet winner.

Brek Schutten Wins $25k 6Max NLH
Brek Schutten

That does it for PokerNews' coverage of the $25,000 High Roller. Be sure to check out the 2024 WSOP Hub for coverage of other events and news.

Saturday, June 8, 2024 11:20 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 20 hours ago)
Tyler Stafman Eliminated in 2nd Place ($938,775)

Tyler Stafman

Tyler Stafman completed on the button and Brek Schutten raised to 1,800,000. Stafman three-bet jammed a stack of 10,050,000 and Schutten called.

Tyler Stafman:    [allin]
Brek Schutten:   

Stafman was dominated and couldn't pull ahead as the board ran out       to mark his elimination in second place.

Brek Schutten40,800,00010,775,000
Tyler Stafman0-10,800,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 11:01 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 20 hours ago)
Another Double for Stafman

Tyler Stafman jammed for 5,150,000 and Brek Schutten called from the big blind.

Tyler Stafman:   [allin]
Brek Schutten:   

Schutten had one hand on the bracelet after the     flop but Stafman paired up on the   turn and held out to double once again after the   river.

Brek Schutten30,025,000-5,150,000
Tyler Stafman10,800,0005,150,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:55 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 20 hours ago)
Stafman Doubles to Stay Alive

Brek Schutten jammed from the button and Tyler Stafman called off the 3,075,000 he had from the big blind.

Tyler Stafman:    [allin]
Brek Schutten:   

Stafman paired up on the     flop and made two pair on the   turn. Schutten missed his straight draw on the   river and Stafman stayed alive.

Brek Schutten35,175,000-75,000
Tyler Stafman5,650,00050,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:48 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 20 hours ago)
Schutten Flops the Nuts to Retake the Chip Lead

Brek Schutten

Brek Schutten looked down at    on the button and made it 1,000,000. Tyler Stafman defended with   . Stafman check-folded to a bet of 700,000 on the     flop.

Stafman opened to 1,000,000 with    and folded out Schutten's   .

Schutten limped in with    and folded when Stafman raised to 1,000,000 with   .

Stafman then decided to limp in with on the button. Schutten made it 1,800,000 with and was called.

On the     flop, Schutten check-raised to 3,500,000 over a bet of 1,500,000 and was called. The   turn saw Schutten check, and he snap-called for his last 12,075,000 when Stafman moved all-in.

Brek Schutten:   [allin]
Tyler Stafman:   

Stafman was drawing dead and was left with 11 big blinds after the   completed the board.

Brek Schutten35,250,00017,875,000
Tyler Stafman5,600,000-17,850,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:40 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Schutten Closes the Gap

Brek Schutten opened to 1,000,000 from the button with    and Tyler Stafman defended with   .

Both players picked up something on the     flop. Schutten was ahead with his pair, while Stafman had a flush draw and a gutshot straight draw.

Stafman check-raised to 2,500,000 over a bet of 700,000 and was called.

The   turn improved Schutten to trips. Stafman checked and folded to Schutten's bet of 7,000,000.

Tyler Stafman23,450,000-7,100,000
Brek Schutten17,375,0007,100,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:37 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Level 27 started
Level: 27
Blinds: 250,000/500,000
Ante: 500,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:27 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Stafman's Turn to Extend Lead

Brek Schutten opened to 800,000 from the button with    and called when Tyler Stafman three-bet to 2,400,000 with   .

Stafman check-called for 1,300,000 on the     flop, and made two pair on the   turn. Stafman checked again, prompting Schutten to fire out 2,900,000. Stafman jammed, and Schutten folded.

Tyler Stafman30,550,0006,400,000
Brek Schutten10,275,000-6,725,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:21 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Stafman Doubles with Jacks for Chip Lead

Tyler Stafman

Tyler Stafman raised to 800,000 and called off his 11,875,000 stack after Brek Schutten jammed from the big blind.

Tyler Stafman:   [allin]
Brek Schutten:   

The     flop was no good for Schutten, neither was the   turn. The   river gave Stafman the checkmark and he took the chip lead for the first time in heads-up.

Tyler Stafman24,150,00012,475,000
Brek Schutten17,000,000-12,150,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:19 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Pots Being Traded

Tyler Stafman limped in from the button with    and called when Brek Schutten made it 1,400,000 from the big blind with   . Stafman paired his ace again on the     flop. Schutten led out for 1,100,000 and folded when Stafman made it 2,500,000.

Schutten woke up with    the following hand and raised to 800,000. Stafman defended with   . Stafman check-folded to a bet on     flop.

The hand after, Stafman gave Schutten a walk, and then Stafman received a walk from Schutten.

Brek Schutten29,150,000-700,000
Tyler Stafman11,675,000700,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:14 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Schutten Rivers a Straight

Tyler Stafman limped in with    and Brek Schutten checked with    from the big blind.

Stafman paired up on the     flop. Schutten check-called for 600,000.

The   turn kept Stafman in front while giving Schutten an open-ender. Both players checked.

The   river gave Schutten his straight and he led out for 2,400,000. Stafman made the fold and Schutten increased his lead.

Brek Schutten29,850,0001,200,000
Tyler Stafman10,975,000-1,200,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 10:07 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Trips for Schutten

Tyler Stafman opened to 800,000 on the button with    and Brek Schutten defended with   .

Schutten checked on the flop of     and Stafman bet 600,000. Schutten called. Schutten checked again on the   turn and Stafman checked back.

Schutten bet 1,800,000 on the   river and Stafman called before seeing the bad news.

Brek Schutten28,650,0003,200,000
Tyler Stafman12,175,000-3,200,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:53 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Break Time

The two remaining players have been sent on a 10-minute break.

Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:52 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Michael Rocco Eliminated in 3rd Place ($639,620)

Michael Rocco

Michael Rocco jammed for 6,725,000 from the small blind and Tyler Stafman called from the big blind.

Michael Rocco:   [allin]
Tyler Stafman:   

Rocco was dominated but picked up four more outs on the     flop. The   turn gave Rocco a flush draw but the   river was a brick, confirming Stafman's ace-high as the winner to set up heads-up play.

Brek Schutten25,450,0000
Tyler Stafman15,375,0006,725,000
Michael Rocco0-5,925,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:45 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 21 hours ago)
Schutten Creating Distance
Brek Schutten25,450,0003,900,000
Tyler Stafman8,650,000-3,700,000
Michael Rocco5,925,000-1,000,000
Gorilla Gaming
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:37 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 22 hours ago)
Rocco Runs into a Better Ace

Tyler Stafman opened to 800,000 from the button and snap-called for his stack of 5,875,000 when Michael Rocco jammed as the big stack from the big blind.

Tyler Stafman:   [allin]
Michael Rocco:   

Rocco failed to find his three-outer and Stafman doubled into second place after the       runout.

Brek Schutten21,550,0000
Tyler Stafman12,350,0007,675,000
Michael Rocco6,925,000-7,275,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:36 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 22 hours ago)
Two Pair Good for Schutten

Brek Schutten completed in the small blind with    and Michael Rocco checked his option in the big blind with   .

Schutten checked on the flop of     and Rocco checked back. Schutten checked again on the   turn and Rocco checked back.

Schutten bet 500,000 on the   river and Rocco called, only to muck as Schutten showed a rivered two pair.

Brek Schutten21,550,0001,500,000
Michael Rocco14,200,000-1,900,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:24 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 22 hours ago)
Level 26 started
Level: 26
Blinds: 200,000/400,000
Ante: 400,000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:17 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 22 hours ago)
Schutten Jams on Stafman

Brek Schutten raised to 600,000 with    from the button before Tyler Stafman three-bet to 1,500,000 from the big blind with   .

Schutten four-bet jammed and folded out Stafman.

Brek Schutten20,050,0001,950,000
Michael Rocco16,100,000100,000
Tyler Stafman4,675,0000
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:16 PM Local Time (about 51 days and 22 hours ago)
Schutten Rivers the Nuts

Brek Schutten

Brek Schutten completed in the small blind with    and Michael Rocco checked back in the big blind with a mystery hand.

Schutten checked on the     flop and Rocco checked back. Schutten checked again on the   turn and Rocco checked back.

Schutten then bet 1,000,000 after making the nuts on the   river and Rocco paid it off.

Brek Schutten18,100,0000
Michael Rocco16,000,000-250,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander