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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Friday, May 31, 2024 to Sunday, June 02, 2024

Event #9: $1,500 Limit Hold'em (8-Handed)

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $591,405
  • Entries: 443
  • Remaining: 0


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Sunday, June 2, 2024 10:40 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 18 hours ago)
"I'm Only Here to Win Bracelets..." says Nick Guagenti

Winner Nick Guagenti

Only six hopefuls remained at the start of Day 3 of Event #9: $1500 Limit Hold'em at the 2024 World Series of Poker at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. In the end, only one remained; Nick Guagenti proudly raised up the gold bracelet, earning himself the lion's shares of the $591,405 total prize pool.

Heads up was no short affair as Joseph Brodsky put up a tremendous fight despite going into heads up with a three-to-one chip disadvantage. Brodsky and Guagenti had an excellent rapport, conversing often and showing appreciation for each other. Brodsky well surpassed his previous best cash of $8,101.

Final Table Results

1Nick GuagentiUnited States$121,074
2Joseph BrodskyUnited States$80,717
3George ChenUnited States$54,708
4Juha HelppiFinland$37,880
5Qinghai PanUnited States$26,807
6Bradley CarterUnited States$19,400
7Abdulrahim AmerUnited States$14,363
8John KimUnited States$10,886

The Journey to the Final Table

Guagenti cut his teeth years ago playing $5/$10 Limit Hold'em, and it was evident he was comfortable throughout the three days of this competition. Guagenti finished Day 1 above average and bagged the lead by the end of Day 2. He only relinquished the lead shortly to Brodsky and George Chen for short stints at the final table.

Many notable professionals were thwarted along the way in this event, including the likes of Jesse Sylvia, Ronnie Bardah, JJ Liu, Daniel Negreanu, Josh Arieh, Ryan Hansen, Kenny Hsiung, Benjamin Scholl, Robert Como, Renan Bruschi, and Michael Coombs.

Winner Reaction

Winner Nick Guagenti
Nick Guagenti

"I'm only here to win bracelets," was Nick Guagenti's response when asked how he felt and what this win meant to him. According to him, Guagenti has an online bracelet, but the live one had eluded him for about 20 years, and you could see the relief and joy written on his face.

When asked what he would be doing to celebrate, Guagenti said he might have some dinner but then jump straight into the next tournament. When asked if he would be making a run at Player of the Year, he said, "I mean, I was planning on playing 50-55 events this summer regardless. I mean, I could still end up stuck on the Series despite this win, so I'll be playing."

Guagenti was the second player drafted in the 25K Fantasy Draft to win a bracelet (John Hennigan was the first in the $1,500 Dealer's Choice). Guagenti earned a tremendous 54-point score for Team Baker, which puts their team into third place, behind Team Land and Team The Dinkers. Guagenti has been playing mixed games since he was a teenager and recommends people learn the HORSE variants as a stepping stone to learning all the other games.

Guagenti might be the first and only player to have two of the lead floors in the industry kiss him on the cheek in the winner's photo. Just another example of the amount of respect and appreciation others in the poker industry have for the way he presents himself.

When asked what makes Limit Hold'em special, Guagenti laughed and said, "It's fast. The pace of it is much faster than the other games. It's kind of automatic and robotic."

Final Table Action

Greg Wohletz and John Kim made the unofficial final table, and neither was able to get any traction and fell one after the other.

Abdulrahim Amer came into Day 2 with the chip lead and ran deep to finish in seventh, just before the end of the day. He played surgically the entire tournament but he continued to run into hands just a pip or two better than him to lost momentum.

Bradley Carter found himself on the rail in sixth place after making a flush in hand against Juha Helppi, only to discover the Finn had made a higher flush, before a short-stacked Qinghai Pan busted to Guangenti and finished in fifth.

Juha Helppi
Juha Helppi

Popular two-time bracelet winner and all-around poker pro Helppi fell in fourth place, when his single pair was squashed by the two-pair of Chen.

Chen was in contention throughout the three days but eventually fell in third when his queens couldn't hold against Guagenti.

Brodsky approached PokerNews late at the end of Day 2 to say he wanted the team to let him know how he was still in the tournament. Well, he fought his best until the very end but wasn't able to surpass his final opponent.

That concludes PokerNews' coverage of the $1,500 Limit Hold'em event. Stay tuned to our live reporting pages through the 2024 World Series of Poker as we bring you all of the action, as it happens, from all 99 bracelet-awarding events.

Sunday, June 2, 2024 7:42 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 21 hours ago)
Nick Guagenti Wins Event #9: $1,500 Limit Hold'em ($121,074)
Nick Guagenti
Nick Guagenti

Stay tuned for a full tournament recap coming soon. Congratulations to Nick Guagenti on his second World Series of Poker gold bracelet!

Sunday, June 2, 2024 7:40 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 21 hours ago)
Joseph Brodsky Eliminated in 2nd Place ($80,717)

Joseph Brodsky

Joseph Brodsky was the king of major comebacks in this tournament and was again able to take a few pots from Nick Guagenti on the short stack, forcing Guagenti to fold for Brodsky's last chips twice. He managed to build his stack back up to about 1,400,000.

However, it was then Guagenti's turn to win a few medium sized pots, leaving Brodsky absolutely crippled with less than a big bet to play.

In the last bigger heads-up pot, Brodsky started the hand with about 800,000 chips. Guagenti was on the button and raised, Brodsky called.

The flop was     and was checked around. On the turn   Brodsky bet and got called. On the river   he checked, Guagenti bet and forced him to fold with only 250,000 chips left behind.

Despite having less than a big bet, Brodsky was able to win another hand for a double up with    versus Guagenti's    on the       runout.

On the very last hand of the tournament, Brodsky had 385,000 chips left and was in the big blind. Guagenti's single raise put him all in. Brodsky called.

Joseph Brodsky:   [allin]
Nick Guagenti:   

Brodsky was dominated, and the flop of     left him with slim chances for a return, as he would need runner-runner cards. The turn   and river   ended his tournament.

Nick Guagenti10,950,000750,000
Joseph Brodsky0-750,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 7:14 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 21 hours ago)
Brodsky On the Ropes

Nick Guagenti raised his button and Joseph Brodsky defended his big blind.

Brodsky led the flop     and Guagenti called.

The turn   saw Brodsky bet, Guagenti raise, and Brodsky call.

The river fell the   and Brodsky check-called a bet from Guagenti.

Guagenti showed    for top pair and Brodsky mucked.

Nick Guagenti10,200,0001,750,000
Joseph Brodsky750,000-1,750,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:59 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 21 hours ago)
Brodsky Doubles Up Again

After getting short to around 1,200,000 in chips, Joseph Brodsky limped on the button. Guagenti checked his option.

The flop was    , Guagenti bet and Brodsky called.

The turn   brought in the action. Guagenti bet again, Brodsky raised. Guagenti put Brodsky all in, he called. The players flipped over:

Joseph Brodsky:   [allin]
Nick Guagenti:   

The river came the   and Brodsky, who was already ahead on the turn with a pair of jacks, made a flush.

Nick Guagenti8,450,000-1,250,000
Joseph Brodsky2,500,0001,250,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:57 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 21 hours ago)
Guagenti Pulling

Nick Guagenti raised his button and Joseph Brodsky called.

The flop fell     and Brodsky check-called a bet from Guagenti.

The turn   saw Brodsky lead and Guagenti call.

Brodsky also led the river   and Guagenti called.

Guagenti showed    for a pair and Brodsky mucked.

Nick Guagenti9,700,000850,000
Joseph Brodsky1,250,000-850,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:39 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 22 hours ago)
Back and Forth; Big Bets Fly

Hand 1:

Nick Guagenti bet on a flop reading     and Joseph Brodsky made the call.

The turn fell the   and Guagenti bet again but when faced by a raise from Brodsky he released his hand.

Hand 2:

Both players checked on a board     before the   came. Brodsky bet and Guagenti called.

The river completed with the   and when Brodsky's bet was called he showed a    and Guagenti quickly tabled the    for a better pair.

Nick Guagenti8,850,0001,350,000
Joseph Brodsky2,100,000-1,350,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:37 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 22 hours ago)
Brodsky Not Giving Up

Nick Guagenti raised his button and Joseph Brodsky defended his big blind.

The flop     saw Brodsky lead and Guagenti call.

The turn came   and Brodsky check-called Guagenti's bet.

Once again, Brodsky checked-called a bet on the river  

Brodsky rolled over    for a pair and Guagenti mucked.

Nick Guagenti7,500,000-650,000
Joseph Brodsky3,450,000650,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:26 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 22 hours ago)
Level 31 started
Level: 31
Blinds: 150,000/300,000
Ante: 0
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:25 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 22 hours ago)
Players Playing the Patience Game

The larger part of this level mostly showed very patient play from both players. Joseph Brodsky folded multiple buttons, including with    and   , while Nick Guagenti seemed to take Brodsky's bets and raises seriously, often slowing down when Brodsky showed aggression. Few hands got to showdown, pots have been small and going both ways.

Guagenti has been the one that has managed to win a few more small pots overall. One of the few hands that were three-bet before the flop, Guagenti opened from the button and called Brodsky's three-bet.

The flop came     and Brodsky contined. Guagenti raised the flop and Brodsky called.

The turn   and   got checked by both players and Brodsky announced ace high.

Guagenti showed    for a pair of nines and took down the pot.

Nick Guagenti8,150,0001,150,000
Joseph Brodsky2,800,000-1,200,000
Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:05 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 22 hours ago)
Brodsky Takes Another Pot

Nick Guagenti raised his button and Joseph Brodsky called in the big blind.

Both players checked the flop of    

The turn   saw Brodsky bet, Guagenti raise, and Brodsky call.

Brodsky bet the river   and Guagenti called.

Brodsky showed the    for a full house and Guagenti mucked.

Nick Guagenti7,000,000-1,980,000
Joseph Brodsky4,000,0001,650,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:46 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Phones at the Poker Table - Yes or No?
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:45 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Both Sides Still Battling

Joseph Brodsky continue to put up a fight and on a river reading       he had placed a bet that sent Nick Guagenti into the tank. After putting his hand in the muck he asked if Brodsky would show one but was refused.

"You weren't afraid of the river ace?", asked Guagenti, still trying to get information.

"Oh, was there an ace out there?!" was Brodsky's good-natured, albeit sarcastic response.

The next hand, Brodsky one another small one betting a flop of    .

Nick Guagenti8,980,000430,000
Joseph Brodsky2,350,000-50,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:43 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Brodsky Hanging Around

Nick Guagenti raised his button and Joseph Brodsky three-bet his big blind. Guagenti called.

The flop fell     and Brodsky bet. Guagenti quickly called.

On the turn  , Brodsky check-raised a bet from Guagenti and Guagenti laid his hand down.

Nick Guagenti8,550,000-850,000
Joseph Brodsky2,400,000850,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:35 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Brodsky Surprised by Guagenti’s River Raise

Action started with a limp from Nick Guagenti, Joseph Brodsky checked in the big blind.

The flop was     and got checked around.

The turn was the   and both players checked again.

The river was the  , Brodsky was the first to finally bet post flop and was surprised to see a raise from Guagenti. Brodsky commented that Guagenti can't have hit a jack, but ultimately believed the bet and folded.

Nick Guagenti9,400,000850,000
Joseph Brodsky1,550,000-850,000
Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:24 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Level 30 started
Level: 30
Blinds: 120,000/240,000
Ante: 0
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:18 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
15-Minute Break

The final two players have gone on a 15-minute break.

Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:16 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Brodsky Chipping Up Some More

The last 20 minutes or so of play saw the players exchange multiple pots. Joseph Brodsky has come up to over 2,000,000 chips, then went back down under 1,400,000, but is now back to 2,400,000 chips after winning a decent-sized pot.

Action started with a limp from Nick Guagenti on the button and Brodsky checked his option.

There was a lot of action on the flop of    , as Brodsky check-raised and Guagenti put in a three-bet, which Brodsky called.

The turn   was checked around.

The river was the  , Brodsky now led and took down the pot.

Nick Guagenti8,550,000-650,000
Joseph Brodsky2,400,000950,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:03 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 23 hours ago)
Brodsky Out of the Dark

After losing another series of small pots, Joseph Brodsky was quite short and heads up to a flop of    . Brodsky checked and Nick Guagenti bet. Brodsky responded with a raise and Guagenti made the call.

Brodsky placed a bet in the dark before the   rolled off the turn, Guagenti raised and Brodsky called off for his remaining chips.

Joseph Brodsky:    [allin]
Nick Guagenti:   

The river fell the   and Brodsky remained in contention.

Nick Guagenti9,450,000-850,000
Joseph Brodsky1,450,0001,375,000
Sunday, June 2, 2024 4:45 PM Local Time (about 57 days and 24 hours ago)
Brodsky Doubles Up On the Extreme Short Stack

Nick Guagenti has been successfully chipping away at Joseph Brodsky, winning a number of pots without showdown.

Before the hand, Brodsky had fallen down to as little as 350,000 chips or less than two big bets. However, as has been the case all tournament, Brodsky found a way to bounce back with just a few chips in front of him.

Brodsky was first to act on the button and raised. Guagenti called.

The flop came    , and Guagenti led out, Brodsky raised and was all-in. Guagenti called.

Joseph Brodsky:   [allin]
Nick Guagenti:   

Brodsky commented that he was behind before seeing the cards, but it was not the case.
The turn was the  , and the river was a  , giving both players a flush and doubling up Brodsky.

Nick Guagenti10,300,0001,500,000
Joseph Brodsky75,000-2,025,000
Gorilla Gaming