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2024 55th Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Thursday, May 30, 2024 to Saturday, June 01, 2024

Event #6: $25,000 Heads-Up No-Limit Hold'em Championship

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  • Buy-in: $25,000
  • Prizepool: $1,504,000
  • Entries: 64
  • Remaining: 0


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Saturday, June 1, 2024 8:26 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 20 hours ago)
Darius Samual's 50% Bankroll Risk Pays Off in WSOP $25K Heads-Up Championship

Darius Samual Wins 2024 WSOP $25K Heads Up

For poker players, there's taking a shot, and then there's taking a shot — and that's exactly what Darius Samual did after risking half his bankroll to compete in the $25k Heads-Up Championship. The gamble paid off in spades, as Samual emerged victorious in the event by besting six opponents in a row to earn his first WSOP gold bracelet along with the $500,000 first-place prize here inside the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

Samual's victory was all the more impressive considering he had to overcome a slew of poker juggernauts, including fan-favorite John Smith, Russian poker phenom Artur Martirosian, and Faraz Jaka, who has multiple poker titles to his name across various series.

"The match with John Smith I think was [my favorite]," Samual explained. "His small ball style was a lot of fun and it lasted a long time."

Samual, who said he only started playing "big tournaments" within the past six months, explained he doesn't specialize in any particular format of poker but was eager to take a shot.

"I don't have an exact area, I just play for fun and making some money," Samual said. "I basically put 50 percent of my bankroll on one tournament. I really wanted to go for it and this payout is like 95 percent of my poker money now. I took a shot! I think I was the only one who didn't care about the bracelet, I only cared about the money."

Event #6: $25,000 Heads-Up No-Limit Hold'em Championship Final Results

1stDarius SamualUnited Kingdom$500,000
2ndFaraz JakaUnited States$300,000
3rdNikolai MamutUnited Kingdom$180,000
4thArtur MartirosianRussian Federation$180,000
5thJohn SmithUnited States$86,000
6thMarko GrujicSerbia$86,000
7thOwen MessereUnited Kingdom$86,000
8thPatrick KennedyUnited Kingdom$86,000

Semifinal Action

Artur Martirosian
Artur Martirosian

Artur Martirosian was arguably the man to beat today as he already had two WSOP bracelets to his name — one of which was from a $10,000 heads-up championship event online last year. Martirosian started the match off strong, using well-timed aggression and benefitting from an ill-timed bluff from Samual to pull out to an early lead.

Martirosian managed to build a 2:1 chip lead over Samual within the first few levels of play, but Samual's fortunes began to change once they were sent to the feature table. Shortly after being seated, Martirosian ran a multi-street bluff with ace-jack after flopping a gutshot draw, but Samual hung tough after flopping a pair of queens to flatten Matirosian's lead. Not long after, Samual took over the chip lead after flopping a pair of aces and getting three streets of value from Martirosian.

After a bit of back-and-forth, the final hand occurred after Martirosian got all in preflop with ace-ten against Samual's ace-king in a bit of a preflop cooler. The flop came king-high and ran out clean for Samual to earn his spot in the finals.

Across the room, Jaka got off to a bit of a rough start against Mamut after getting creative with ten-six suited, but he quickly rebounded by making a nice call facing a river three-bet bluff from Mamut. It was all Jaka from that point on, with several large pots ending in a fold by Mamut as the cards did not seem to go his way.

Mamut did manage to find a much-needed double-up after spiking two pair on the river against Jaka's single pair, but the momentum was short-lived. Several hands later, Mamut shoved preflop with king-queen and ran into Jaka's ace-jack. The board ran out clean for Jaka, which set the stage for the final match.

Heads-up Finale

Faraz Jaka
Faraz Jaka

Samual jumped out to an early lead by making several strong hands against Jaka, who was largely card-dead and unable to connect with any flops. The pain continued for Jaka for several levels, including a hand where he semi-bluff raised with a pair and a straight draw and was forced to fold facing a shove from Samual.

Not long after, the rest of Jaka's chips went into the middle in a classic preflop race, with Jaka holding ace-king and Samual holding pocket queens. Jaka flopped two pair and held, and just like that he was back to even.

Samual wouldn't be denied, however, and he quickly re-established the lead after pulling off a savage triple-barrel bluff with queen-high. With escalating blinds forcing the action, Jaka decided to make a stand with ace-six suited facing a preflop three-bet shove from Samaul, who held king-queen. Despite getting it in as a slight favorite, Samual flopped two pair and Jaka was unable to catch up, securing Samual's victory.

That a wrap for PokerNews event coverage. Be sure to check out our live-reporting hub for continuing coverage of the 2024 World Series of Poker and other events around the globe.

Darius Samual Wins 2024 WSOP $25K Heads Up
Darius Samual Wins 2024 WSOP $25K Heads Up
Saturday, June 1, 2024 8:05 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 20 hours ago)
Fantastic Kickoff to the Summer for Jaka
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:56 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Faraz Jaka Eliminated in 2nd Place ($300,000)

Faraz Jaka

Faraz Jaka raised to 240,000, but then had a decision to make when Darius Samual re-raised to put Jaka all-in for his remaining 3,630,000.

Jaka decided to make a stand with a call, which put his tournament life at risk.

Faraz Jaka:    [allin]
Darius Samual:   

Jaka's Ace held the momentary lead before the flop, but it changed when the dealer fanned     on the board, putting Samual ahead with bottom two pair.

The   on the turn didn't help Jaka, and the   on the river ended Jaka's run at a second WSOP bracelet.

Jaka earned $300,000 for his effort.

Faraz Jaka0-4,085,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:33 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Level 63 started
Level: 63
Blinds: 60,000/120,000
Ante: 0
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:33 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Jaka Making Moves

Faraz Jaka raised on the button to 200,000 with   , and Darius Samual called in the big blind with   

The flop came    , giving Samual the advantage with middle pair. Both players elect to check this flop, to see a turn.

The turn was the  , giving Jaka an open-ended straight draw. Once Samual bet out 150,000, Jaka applied pressure and raised it up to 600,000, which was enough to get Samual and the better hand to fold.

Darius Samual5,515,000-200,000
Faraz Jaka4,085,000200,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:28 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Samual’s Triple-Barrel Bluff Gets Through

Darius Samuel looked down at    and raised the action to 200,000, which Faraz Jaka called with    as his hole cards.

The dealer placed     on the board, which both players completely missed. Jaka's king kept him in the lead, but he checked his action and watched as Samuel bet 125,000. Jaka called.

The   appeared on the turn, and Jaka once again checked. Samual responded by sizing up to a 450,000 bet despite having nothing but queen-high. Jaka pondered the action, but then called to bloat the pot to 1,550,000.

Action heated up on the river when the dealer placed   on the board.

Jaka checked, an action that opened the door to Samual to make a move on the pot. Samaul used the opportunity to fire a third time, and this time it was an all-in bet.

Jaka promptly folded, and Samual added to his chip lead.

Darius Samual5,715,000175,000
Faraz Jaka3,885,000-175,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:14 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Level 62 started
Level: 62
Blinds: 50,000/100,000
Ante: 0
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:11 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Samual Goes for it All

Darius Samual raised on the button to 200,000 with    before being three-bet by Faraz Jaka to 700,000 with   . After thinking things over, Samual elected to four-bet all in for Faraz's remaining 4,060,000 chips. However, the price was too much for Jaka, as he laid his hand down.

Darius Samual5,540,000530,000
Faraz Jaka4,060,000-530,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:08 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Jaka Wins Classic Race to Double

Faraz Jaka

Darius Samual opened to 175,000 on the button and was three-bet by Faraz Jaka to 525,000.

Samual then shoved to put Jaka all in for his last 2,295,000 and Jaka called.

Faraz Jaka:    [allin]
Darius Samual:   

The     flop vaulted Jaka into the lead with two-pair and left Samual drawing slim.

The   turn and   river bricked out for Jaka, who gained new life in the match after doubling up to nearly even.

Darius Samual5,010,000-2,495,000
Faraz Jaka4,590,0002,495,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:03 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 21 hours ago)
Battle of Junk Cards Goes in Samual’s Favor

The hand started off innocently enough.

Darius Samual limped from the button with   , and Faraz Jaka checked his option at the big blind with   .

The dealer fanned     on the board, giving both players a piece. Jaka checked his bottom pair, leading to Samual to bet 80,000 on his middle pair. Jaka called.

The turn then provided fireworks after   appeared on the board, which gave Samual two pair. Meanwhile, Jaka still had bottom pair, but picked up a gut-shot straight draw.

Jaka checked, prompting Samual to bet 250,000. Jaka came over the top with a check-raise of 750,000, which bloated the pot to 1,320,000.

The action caused Samual to momentarily pause, but he responded in kind by announcing an all-in bet. Jaka promptly folded his hand and the dealer pushed the pot to Samual.

Darius Samual7,505,0001,205,000
Faraz Jaka2,095,000-1,205,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:51 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Level 61 started
Level: 61
Blinds: 40,000/80,000
Ante: 0
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:46 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Samual Four-Bet Bluffs

Darius Samual opened to 130,000 on the button with    and was three-bet to 400,000 by Faraz Jaka with   .

Undeterred, Samual made it 1,100,000 to go and Jaka slid his hand into the muck after mulling it over.

Samual continues to hold his lead over Jaka, who still hasn't quite found his footing in the match.

Darius Samual6,300,00070,000
Faraz Jaka3,300,000-70,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:43 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Jaka Flops Trips

Darius Samual called 60,000 on the button with  , and Faraz Jaka checked his option in the big blind   .

The flop came    , giving Jaka trip sevens and Samual a flush draw. However, both players elect to play it slow, and check to see a turn.

On the turn it gave Samual a pair to go along with his flush draw when the   hits the felt. Jaka overbet the pot when he bet 160,000, and Samual made the call.

Samual's flush draw bricked out when the   completes the board. Jaka went for value again, this time betting 350,00. However, Samual wisely chose to lay down his pair threes, and Jaka took the 470,000-chip pot.

Darius Samual5,960,000-270,000
Faraz Jaka3,640,000270,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:32 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Level 60 started
Level: 60
Blinds: 30,000/60,000
Ante: 0
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:25 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Players on Break

Players are taking a quick break. Action will resume in 10 minutes.

Gorilla Gaming
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:25 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Samual Chases Down Jaka on Turn

Faraz Jaka raised to 100,000 with    and Darius Samual called with   

The dealer fanned     on the board, giving Jaka the lead with his pair of fours.

Samual checked, and Jaka bet 50,000, which Samual called.

Jaka's opponent was behind, but the situation changed when   appeared on the turn. Samual checked second pair, prompting Jaka to bet 200,000. Samual called.

The dealer placed   on the river, resulting in checks from both players. Samual took down the 700,000 pot and extended his chip lead over Jaka.

Darius Samual6,230,000330,000
Faraz Jaka3,370,000-330,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:19 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Samual Sitting Pretty

Faraz Jaka opened to 100,000 with    and Darius Samual defended his blind with   .

Samual check-called a 50,000 bet from Jaka on the     flop and both players checked on the   turn.

The   filled the river and Samual bet 75,000 with his two pair. Jaka quickly let his busted draw go and Samual extended his lead further.

Darius Samual5,900,000150,000
Faraz Jaka3,700,000-150,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:15 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Samual Continues to Chip Up

Daruis Samual raised on the button to 90,000 with   , and Faraz Jaka made the call in the big blind with   .

The flop rolled out     and Samual bet out 55,000 with his bottom pair and flush draw. Jaka wanted to see a turn with his back door draws and made the call.

That brought some of those draws in the form of the Broadway straight when the   peeled off on the turn. However, when Samual bet out 105,000, it was too much for Jaka to continue, and threw his hand into the muck.

Darius Samual5,750,000140,000
Faraz Jaka3,850,000-140,000
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:09 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Level 59 started
Level: 59
Blinds: 20,000/40,000
Ante: 0
Saturday, June 1, 2024 6:04 PM Local Time (about 58 days and 22 hours ago)
Jaka’s River Aggression Takes It Down

Faraz Jaka

Faraz Jaka raised to 75,000 with   , and Darius Samual called with his   .

The flop of     saw Samual check-call Jaka's 50,000 bet, leading to the   on the turn, which both players checked

The dealer placed   on the river, meaning both players were set to chop the pot if there was no action.

Jaka, however, had other things in mind when action fell on him after Samual checked. Jaka took the opportunity to make a 350,000 bet, which placed pressure on his opponent.

It worked because Samual folded.

Darius Samual5,610,000-170,000
Faraz Jaka3,990,000170,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander