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Pharmacology 1

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By the end of this unit the learner should be able to administer

drugs safely in the management of patients and to promote
health and prevent illness.
• Definition of terms:
Pharmacology is the study of effects of chemical substances on the
function of living systems.
 pharmacology is the science of drugs which includes their preparation,
use and effects.
It is also the science that deals with the origin, chemistry, effects and
uses of drugs.
Pharmacy: Branch of health science that deals with preparation and
dispensing of drugs.
pharmacotherapy: The study of therapeutic uses and effects of drugs.
Pharmacognosy: the study of drugs that come from natural sources
e.g. plants, animals and minerals as well as search for new drugs from
natural sources.
Pharmacokinetics :this is the study of the body acts on the drugs; it
is characterized by absorption, distribution,
metabolism(biotransformation)and excretion/elimination. It can
further be described as how the body handles a drug from site of
administration to the site of action and elimination.
 Pharmacodynamics/mechanism of action: the study of how drugs
act on the body.
Pharmacogenetics: the study of the effects that genetics have on an individuals
response to drugs.
 Contra-indication: A health condition/ state that will prelude the administration of
a drug e.g. aspirin is contraindicated in peptic ulcer disease.
Half life or half time (t1/2):Time taken for plasma concentration to fall by half
following its elimination in the body.
Drug interactions :effects produced when some drugs are given together
 Desired therapeutic effect: This should indicate the mechanism of action of a drug analgesic is for pain relief, accompanied by central nervous system depression
inhibition of inflammation, neutralization of acid in the stomach, vasodilation in
angina or muscle relaxation.
• Toxicology: This branch of pharmacology which deals with the an
desirable effects of chemicals on living systems from individual cells to
complex body systems.
• Drug: Any substance used in diagnosis, cure, treatment and prevention
of disease/condition or any substance that brings a change in biological
functions through its chemical actions. The term drug, medication, and
medicine are used synonymously.
• Placebo: Any component of therapy that is without specific biological
activity e.g. inactive substance such as normal saline or distilled water
usually used in clinical trials research and for psychological treatment.
drug reactions and interactions
Any physiologically active drug has the potential to cause an undesirable
reaction that may induce illness in the recipient. These include toxic
reaction, side effects, allergic reactions, cumulative reaction, tolerance and
dependence and detrimental drug reaction.
• Side effects: these are physiological effects exerted by the chemical that
are not related to the desired therapeutic effects. you must therefore be
familiar with serious side effect and commonly occurring effects.
• Adverse drug reaction: this an injury occurring by taking medication .It
may occur following a single dose or prolonged administration of a drug
or result from a combination of two or more drugs. The study of ADR is
known as pharmacovigilance.
• Drug interaction: this is when an interactant chemical modifies the
therapeutic results that are anticipated with a drug the interact may
be another drug, some combination of a drug, natural or artificial
components in the diet, pollutants chemical from the environment,
endogenous body chemicals and Chemicals used for diagnostic
laboratory test. Drug interaction may be detriment or beneficial drug
and may vary from one person to another. This may affect the
absorption, distribution ,metabolism or excretion of the drugs.
• Allergic reactions: This the body's immunological response to a drug
following previous exposure to the same drug.
• Idiosyncratic reactions: this is genetically determined, un expected response to a
drug. The response may take the form of extreme sensitivity to low doses or
extreme insensitivity to high doses to the drug.
• Chain reaction: Medication are often added to a regime to control side effects of
other drugs. This can initiate a chain reaction e.g. cortisone is prescribed to treat
a serious inflammatory condition it can cause hypertension, ulcers, diabetes and a
reactivation of arrested tuberculosis.
• Cumulative reaction: Drugs accumulate in the body whenever the dosage
exceeds the amount the body can eliminate through metabolism or excretion
• Tolerance and dependence: Tolerance occurs when a person no longer responds
to the drug in the way that person initially responded as a result of continued use
of the drug causing a need to increase dose of a drug to achieve the same effect.
• There three basic types of tolerance.
metabolic /pharmacokinetics tolerance this occurs due to increased metabolism
of a drug leading to reduction in drug concentration at the receptor site.
cellular/pharmacodynamic tolerance this caused by adaptive changes that take
place at the receptor site or drug action site.
cross tolerance when tolerance to one drug confers tolerance to another drug.
Drugs that have the same chemical structure tend to portray cross tolerance e.g. people
tolerance to one barbiturates are usually tolerant to all barbiturates e.g., phenobarbital,
thiopental. However drugs of similar class can also portray cross-tolerance.
• Intolerance: low threshold to normal pharmacological response. A drug causes an
exaggeration of a normal pharmacological response e.g. morphine may cause coma
instead of respiratory distress which occurs with administration of a normal dose.
• Dependence: A state arising from repeated periodic or continuous administration
of a drug that results in harm to the individual or sometimes society. People feel
desire or compulsion to continue using the drug and feel ill if abruptly withdrawn
or an antidote is used. Substance that cause dependence are taken to induce a
good feelings or avoid discomfort of their absence.
Types dependence:
a. psychological dependence: usually first to appear, where the individual have a
craving for the effect the drug produces motional distress like fear, anxiety and
irritability occur when the drug is withdrawn.
b. Physical dependence: this dependence is usually defined in terms of
withdrawal/abstinence syndrome that are physical in nature e.g. tremors, ataxia,
• Iatrogenic responses: these are responses produced an intentionally
during the cause of treatment e.g. penicillin may cause hepatic
toxicity, steroid may cause Cushing's syndrome.
• Anaphylaxis: A sudden serious life threating allergic reaction and
should be treated as a medical emergency, it causes more than one of
the following ; an itchy rash throat and tongue swelling, shortness of
breath ,vomiting, lightheadedness and low blood sugar.
drug development
• After a chemical that has shown therapeutic value has been identified,
it must under go a series of scientific test to evaluate its actual
therapeutic and toxic effects. The process is controlled by legally
established bodies e.g. pharmacy and poisons board and food & drug
administration (FDA)development IN Kenya and USA respectively.
Before receiving legal approval to be marketed to the public ,drugs
must pass through several sequential stages of development.
Pre-clinical trials: this phase involves testing the drug on laboratory
animals to test their pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and
toxicology. The toxicity studies include mutagenic, carcinogenic and
reproductive studies.
Phase I: clinical pharmacology
This is first phase human volunteers, usually 20-50 (healthy volunteers or volunteer
patients depending on the class of drug and its safety)are used to test the drug.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics era tested. Toxicity and therapeutic effects
are further tested.
Phase II: therapeutic exploration
Tests are done on patients who have the disease usually 100-200 patients are
involved in the study. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics era determined as
well as dosing requirements and efficacy of the drug at the given dose
Phase III: Therapeutic confirmation
The drug is used on Avast clinical market 300-3000 patients are involved. Prescriber
observes patients closely for drug adverse effects and therapeutic effects.
Phase IV: continuous evaluation
the prescribers are expected to report to the regulatory bodies any
unexpected effects which then evaluates this information. A drug may be
withdrawn from the market if it produces toxic effects e.g. thalidomide.
• Orphan drug : drugs that have been discovered but are not financially
viable and therefore have not been adopted by any drug company. may
be useful in treating a rare disease or may have potentially dangerous
adverse effects. They are often abandoned after preclinical trials or
phase I studies.
sources of drugs
a)Plants sources: plants have been used as a source of drugs since pre-historic
times. Plants are an important source of chemicals that are developed into
drugs. Any part of a plant; including leaves, roots and back can be used. Drug
can be processed using the synthetic version of the active chemical found in
plants e.g. dronabinol which contains the active ingredients delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol found in prevents nausea and vomiting in
cancer patients but does not cause adverse effects as when one smokes
Examples of active ingredients in plants.
i)alkaloids: Taste bitter and are poorly absorbed in water but become soluble if
dissolved in acids examples of drugs derived from alkaloids includes; atropine,
caffeine, cocaine, quinine, codeine and morphine.
ii)Glycosides: these are digitalis products e.g. digoxin, digitoxin which are
gotten from digitalis purpureal or foxglove plants.
iii)Gums: these are polysaccharides exudates that can be used for bulk
laxatives and dental adhesives.
iii)Resins: the most common resins is benzoin which is used as an
iv)Oils: These can be volatile oils like peppermint, spearmint, menthol,
cinnamon, lemon camphor. They have pleasant fragrance and evaporate
easily. The other types of oils is fixed oils which include castor oil used as a
laxative, olive oil for cooking, emollients used in cosmetics and solvents
for injections.
b) Animal sources: these are used to replace human chemicals that are not
produced adequately due to disease or genetic problems e.g. insulin from
pancreases of pigs and cows. Thyroid drugs and growth hormone
preparations from animals hypothalamus. Despite these animal sources
most of these products are being currently produced synthetically which
provides purer and safer products than animal sources.
c)Inorganic sources: salts of various elements have therapeutic effect in the
human body e.g., aluminum ( used as antacids),fluoride( used to prevent
dental cavities and osteoporosis), gold( used for rheumatoid arthritis),
iron( used for anemia) and potassium (used in potassium K+ supplements.)
d)Synthetic sources: Many drugs are developed synthetically after
chemicals in plants ,animals or other environment have been screened
for signs of therapeutic activity. This eliminates side effects and
increases drug potency. Drugs have genetic engineering are used to
produce chemicals that have therapeutic effects.
e)Microbiological sources: example penicillins,tetracycline
f)recombinant DNA technology
uses of drugs
1. curative: this is the primary therapy e.g. in treating infections or
auxiliary therapy e.g. application of anaesthetic medication.
2. suppress signs and symptoms, hence improve quality of life
without attaining cure e.g. anti diabetics.
3. prevent/prophylaxis- this could be primary e.g. use of vaccines to
prevent one from getting a disease or secondary to stop progression
of an existing disease.
4. diagnosis- for instance the use of tuberculin test to diagnose PTB
drug nomenclature
Nomenclature is the systematic naming of drugs especially pharmaceutical drug
Drugs in majority of circumstances have three types of names.
1. i)Chemical/molecular/ scientific name: this is the chemical/molecular structure of a
drug. It states the structure in terms of atoms and molecules accompanied by a
diagram of the chemical structure. Most useful to a few technically trained personnel
e.g. chemist or research pharmacist the names are unsuitable for general use since
they are long. e.g. acetyl-p-amino-phenol is for paracetamol or acetaminophen
2. ii)generic/non-proprietary/approved name; this is the abbreviated and approved
name. it is the official medical name assigned by the producer in collaboration with the
food and drugs board and nomenclature committee. The generic name can be used by
any interested party and it removes confusion of giving several names to the same drug
regardless of who manufactures them once they have the same chemical structure. A
generic name is not capitalized e.g. acetylsalicylic acid commonly known as aspirin,
iii)Trade name/proprietary/brand name: name given to the drug by
the manufacturing and marketing company. One drug may have so
many trade name e.g. acetaminophen has about 30 names some are
paramol, Tylenol, Panadol etc. they are usually capitalized.
example of drugs chemical name, generic
name and trade name.
Chemical name Generic name Trade names
2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanoic acid ibrufen Brufen, advil, nurofen
N-acetyl-para-aminophenol Paracetamol, acetaminophen Calpol, Panadol, tylenol
2-(2-methl-5-nitro-1h-imidazol1- metronidazole Flagyl ,metrogyl
y)ethyl benzoate.
two major methods of dispensing drugs
• Over the counter drugs (OTC):they do not need a prescription and
can be purchased at the chemical shops; examples pain relief, blood
tonics, vitamin preparation, ORS, antacids, antimalarial.
• Prescription drugs: They need a prescription and must be controlled
from abuse and dependence; e.g. antibiotics, anti-hypertensives,
sedatives, diabetics drugs etc.
Patients education -about OTC drugs
• You need to give your attention to all the drugs the patient is taking
whether prescription or OTC.
• Caution patient not to treat themselves with OTC drugs.
• Inform them that most of the OTC medication contain more than one
active ingredient.
• Tell he patient that interactions can occur when takes more than one
OTC medication at a time or takes one with a prescription drugs.
patients education about drugs –
prescription drugs
• Inform patient about special consideration and drug safety
• Encourage: complete medication list complete adverse reaction list.
• Patients compliance.
• Pharmacokinetics is the process by which the body, sick or well, handles and affects
the drug.
• It is characterized by four processes
i) absorption ;This is the process by which a drug is transferred from the site of
administration into the circulating fluids of the body e.g. Blood and lymph.
• The rate of absorption is vital because it determines when the drug is available to
exert its action.
• Bioavailability: This is the fraction extent to which a dose of drug reaches its site of
action .for example;1. hepatic metabolism and biliary excretion may occur before a
drug taken orally reaches systemic circulation.(first pass effect)
2. Drug given intravenously its bioavailability is 100%thus bioavailability must be
considered when calculating none intravenous routes of administration.
factors affecting absorption
• Route of drug administration.
• Dose.
• Dosage formulation.
• Food and fluids administered with the drugs.
• Status of the absorptive surface.
• Rate of blood flow to the small intestines.
• acidity of the stomach
• Status of GI motility.
Factors influencing drug administration
• The nature of the absorbing surface.
• Blood flow to the site of administration; increase in blood flow
facilitates abortion ; and e.g. sublingual route and pulmonary
• The health status of the person taking the drug. This affects the rate of
absorption and transportation.
• The lipid solubility of drugs the higher the solubility the more a drug is
absorbed especially in the GIT.
• The PH of the drug.
• Drug concentration and critical concentration.
routes of drug administration
A drugs route of administration affects the rate and extend of
• Enteral route : drugs given along any portion of the is most
common, safe, convenient. and economical. but it is the slowest, it
can be orally, sublingually, and rectally.
• Parenteral route: intradermally, subcutaneous, intramuscular,
intrathecal intravenous.
• Pulmonary route: administered by in halation.
• topical: applied on the skin, mucus membrane of eyes, ears, nasal
mucosa, bladder, vagina and the penis.
Factors to consider when choosing the
route of drug administration
1. The time at which the effect of the drug is required.
2. The method most suitable for the drug required.
3. The site of drug action.
4. Patients status whether conscious or unconscious.
5. Desire off the patient.
• When prescribing drugs the dose may vary with certain factors ; age, route,
ii)distribution: this is the transport of a drug in body fluids to various
tissues of the body and ultimately site of action.
The rate of distribution depends on;
• The permeability of the capillary to the drug.
• Lipid solubility and ionization of the drug. lipid soluble drugs are more rapidly
absorbed and distributed than their lipid insoluble drugs
• Cardiac function e.g. cardiac out put and regional blood, drug are fast
distributed to areas with rich blood flow(Heart, kidneys, brain) later to areas of
low blood flow (muscle, fat tissue).
• Drugs are widely distributed in body water (free fraction of drug)and
partly as bound to plasma proteins and or tissues.
• Plasma protein and tissue binding of drug reservoirs that sustain
pharmacological action of a drug. The bound fraction and the free
fraction are usually in a state of equilibrium
• other proteins involved in drug binding include; lipoproteins,
glycoprotein and globulins.
Biological membranes which limit the
distribution of drugs
• Blood brain barrier: allows distribution of only lipid soluble drugs e.g.
general anesthetics, barbiturates into the brain and spinal cord.
• Placenta barrier: lipid soluble and some lipid insoluble can diffuse
through hence some drug meant for the mother may pass through
and harm the baby e.g. steroids ,narcotis and anaesthetics.
• Blood-testes barrier: this may limit some chemotherapeutic agents
used for treating testicular neoplasms.
the biological transformation of a drug into an inactive metabolite, a
more soluble compound ,or a more potent metabolite.
The Liver is the main organ of metabolism.
The Kidneys, gut mucosa, lungs and the skin are also involved in drug
NB: Delayed drug metabolism results in accumulation of drug in the
body and prolonged effect of the drug
Factors influencing metabolism

• Physiological factors like starvation, liver diseases, cardiovascular

problems, these depress microsomal enzyme systems.
• Age people with extreme ages have decreased metabolism
• Genetic predisposition genetic differences in the rate of metabolism
of some drugs exist.
• Prior administration of the particular drugs or other drugs e.g.
repeated administration of a particular drug may cause induction or
Enzyme induction or inhibition
• enzyme induction this is a situation whereby the re is an increase in
amount and activity of the liver microsomal enzymes usually due to
exposure to certain substances such as drugs and endogenous
• A drug may induce its own metabolism
pharmacological Importance of enzyme induction
1. Drug interaction may occur.
2. Disease may result .
3. Tolerance (metabolic) to the drug.
• Enzyme inhibition this refers to decrease synthesis and activity of
liver microsomal results in reduced metabolism of other
drugs/inhibiting drug and endogenous substance.
• General enzyme inhibition(beyond liver enzymes )has a greater
pharmacological importance utility than enzyme induction.
• Examples of drugs that inhibit enzymes include chloramphenicol and
iv) Excretion: this the process by which drugs and pharmacologically active or inactive
metabolites are eliminated from he body primarily through the Kidneys.
Net renal excretion of a drug is as a result of 3 processes
1. filtration (passive glomerular filtration)
2. re-absorption,
3. active tubular secretion.
other routes through which drugs are eliminated include
intestines or biliary excretion e.g. neomycin
Pulmonary elimination e.g. volatile liquids (general anaesthetics)
Sweat and saliva elimination e.g. thiazides.
Breast milk elimination e.g. narcotics.
Pharmacodynamics/mechanism of action
The study of how drugs act on the body. It is the chemical changes or effects that a
drug has on body cell and tissues.
• Drug action: the cellular process involved in the drug and cell interaction.
• Drug effects: the physiology reaction of the body to the drug.
The common drug molecules (targets) on which drugs bind to produce therapeutic
effects include enzymes, carrier molecules, ion channels, and receptors.
• The receptor : these are proteins that are found within or on the surface of cells
Two terms related to receptors are affinity and efficacy.
• Efficacy the tendency of a drug to activate the receptor once bound.
• Affinity the tendency of a drug to bind to the receptor.
Drug interactions

Harmful interactions-
-Oral contraceptives and anti TB drugs – contraceptive failure.
-Tetracycline and antacids – cimetidine renders tetracycline ineffective.
-Anticoagulants warfarin and aspirin – may result to bleeding.
Beneficial drug interactions-
-Amino glycoside & penicillin's achieve synergic antimicrobial effects
-probenecid plus penicillin prolong action of penicillin..
-Morphine poisoning-naloxone is used as an antidote.
This can either be
summation- this occurs when the effect of two drugs having the same
action are additive e.g. beta blockers plus thiazide diuretics have an
additive anti hypertensive effects.
Potentiating- this means to make more powerful, occurs when the
action of one drug increases the action of another. e.g trimethoprim
plus sulfamethoxazole.
• Agonist- drug binds to a receptor there is a response.
• Antagonist-drug binds to a receptor-no response, prevents binding of
agonist(alpha and beta blockers)
• Partial agonist-a drug that is able to both stimulate and block at
• Antagonism- occurs when two or more drugs oppose the action of
one another producing opposite pharmacodynamic effects e.g.
Antacids and tetracycline form a complex which is excreted in feaces
chemical antagonism.
Administration of medication
• Administration of medication involves all the activities related to safe
drug use which are the nursing responsibilities.
1. Assessing the risk to a client of a new drug order.
2. Delivering the drug dose to the proper body tissues.
3. Assessing the client’s response to drug therapy.
4. Treatment of adverse reactions to drugs.
5. Consulting with the doctor about adjusting the prescribed regime.
6. Educating the client about proper use of drugs substances.
Principles of drug administration
• For a Nurse administration of medication is an important avoid errors a nurse must adhere to the principles of
drug administration.
• To provide safe administration of drugs a nurse should practice the
rights of drug administration. they are
1. Right patient.
2. Right drug.
3. Right dose.
4. Right time.
5. Right route.
Five additional right are essential in professional nursing practice. they are
1. The right assessment e.g. patients ability to swallow, allergies,
contraindication, new signs and symptoms that may indicate adverse
effects of administration, heart, liver or kidney disorders.
2. The right documentation.
3. The clients right to information of name, purpose, action and potential
side effects.
4. The right evaluation.
5. The clients right to refuse medication regardless of the consequences.
• Right client/patient:
-You should make sure that the right client receives the right drug.
-You should only give drugs to the person for whom they are prescribed
or recommended for.
-If the patient is wearing an identification bracelet, check the clients
name on the identification bracelet with the name, hospital number on
the medication card in your hand.
-Alternatively if the patient is conscious and sane simply call out the
patients name.

Right drug
• You must check and double check the package label , the cardex and the medication card or sheet.
• The right drug label should be read at list three times;
-before removing the drug from the cupboard.
-Before preparing or measuring the actual prescribed does.
-Before replacing the drug on the shelf just before administering the drug to the client.
• You must prepare the medication you give yourself and DO NOT giver drugs prepared by someone
• You should recheck the order, label and the medication card if a client questions the medication.
A Mentally alert person will notice a change in medication or mention problems that have arisen from
the medication.
ensure that you take the following precaution when administering
1. All doses are best prepared from the original container.
2. Medicines should not be prepared in the dark
3. You should caution clients about the use of non-labelled pillboxes
4. Do not mix supplies of several tablets or capsules in a single
5. make sure you check medication label before removing from the
shelf before pouring or measuring and when returning to the shelf.
right dose:
-to obtain the right dose you must carefully measure the medicine.
-when pouring solid drugs such as capsules and tablets use proper technique to
avoid contaminating the drugs. you should pour the medication in the container
cap, and transfer the number of units required from the cap to the medication
-if a half a tablet is required a scored tablet may be cut into two pieces with a
knife-edge or folded in a clean paper and broken with the fingers. this
procedure is easiest with large tablets.
-for small tablets which provide little leverage for fingers ,should be cut with a
-DO NOT ATTEMPT to split NON-SCORED tablets or to divide a dose of
a single capsule.
-when you split tablets, give the two halves in successive doses so that
any deviation from the prescribed dose due to uneven breakage is
levelled out as quickly as possible.
-DO NOT break all the tablets available and mix the halves.
Liquids should be measured with a scale that provides a mark for the
required dose e.g. plastic glasses or spoons.
Dosage calculation use the (WIG) calculation; what you want multiply
by what's in and divide by what you got equal to amount to give.
Right route:
• The right route must be used for drug delivery.
• Most drugs are given orally or by topical application .
• Ensure the patient understands how the drug is to be taken.
• sub lingual or chewable tablets should NOT BE swallowed whole.
• Crush oral drugs if swallowing is difficult or if they are to be taken in liquid
• Demonstrate to the patient the procedures for application of topical drugs.
• Always check the doctors orders ,the cardex and the treatment sheet to verify
the medication route.
• Alert the doctor if the route is not in accord with which is recommended
for the drug preparation.
Right time:
• Under normal circumstances the right time for drug administration Is not
indicated by the doctor. The doctor only indicates the number of times a
drug is to be given.
• For example;
The hourly interval between doses
The relationship of dose to the clients activity ,such as before or after
meals, on rising or retiring, every 4hours, hour, 12 hours.
• Patients with poor time orientation, short term memory defects or
distracting activity schedule need some systems for guiding them in
self medication.
• Most hospitals have set up routines for intervals and times for
• Nonetheless you must be familiar with times for medications and the
appropriate times for administering them.
medication in children
Take great care when administering drugs in children;
• There is high risk of errors due to changes in weight and age.
• Most drugs have not been tested in children.
• Many drugs are marked in dosage forms and concentration suitable for
adults. Therefore this requires dilution, calculation preparation and
administration of very small doses.
• Children have limited sites for IV (intravenous)administration ,several
drugs may be given through the same site.
• This increases the need for small volumes of fluid and flushing between
medication errors
• Wrong client
• Wrong route
• Wrong medication or IV fluids
• Wrong dose or IV rate
• Omission of dose
• Incorrect discontinuation of treatment.
drug records
• Every health institution has its own records for drug accountability,
these are;
1. patients drug order card/treatment sheet
2. Antibiotic register oral and injectables this has, stock at hand, drugs
received from pharmacy, drug issued to patients, date and time issued,
signature of the dispensing nurse. this book is balanced at he end of each
3. Handing over register for the purpose of handing over drug during each
4. Requisition register for ordering drugs from pharmacy should always be
accompanied by the drug register.
drug storage
• Many factors can change your medication including heat, .air , light, and
moisture. This will infective or even harmful.
• Drugs require careful storage and handling to maintain their safety and potency.
• Every medication has its owner recommended storage condition from room
temperature, refrigeration and freezing thus check the specific storage condition.
• They must be kept in special spaces secured from access by unauthorized
• Storage areas should be kept clean, cool, and dry with no direct sun light.
• Drugs should not be placed on the floor.
• Sterile substances should be protected from contamination.
• Drugs are best kept in their original containers. original containers
protect their content.
• Do not transfer sterile substances from container to container as it
increases the probability of contamination. Protect the label from
soiling to ensure it remains legible.
• Drugs should only be labeled in pharmacy.
Stock control
Stock control;
This is done by use of a medication stock sheet for each drug .
Content of the sheet is the
-name of the drug
-date and time
-quantity stock
-quantity received
-quantity used
-quantity discarded
-Expiary date.
Use FEFO (first expiry first out) when arranging and issuing drugs , for drugs with the same expiry
date use FIFO (first in first out)
Classification of drugs
Classification systems enable us to readily identify the similarities and
differences among a large number of medications within or outside a
Drugs can be classified according to;
1. Body systems as follows;
-Respiratory medications
-Cardiovascular system medications
-Nervous system medications
-GIT medications
1. Their functions or use e.g.
3.Their chemical make up
antibiotics/anti- infective agents
• Antibiotics are among the most commonly used and misused
of all drugs.
• The inevitable consequence of their widespread use has
been the emergence of antibiotic-resistance pathogens.
• There different groups of antibacterial agents based on
molecular structure and members of each group have a
comparable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics.
Classification of antibiotics
• Beta- lactam antibiotics
• tetracycline
• Aminoglycoside
• Macrolides
• Quinolones
• Azoles
• Antimycobacterial
• Sulphonemides
• lincosamides
• Unclassified antibiotics like chloramphenicol, spectinomycin and vancomycin
Beta –lactam antibiotics
All beta –lactam compounds ,so named because of their unique four
membered lactam ring as a basic chemical structure.
They are sub divided in to
• Penicillin
• Cephalosporins
• Others e.g. carbapenems and monobactams
Classification of penicillins
• Narrow spectrum e.g. benzyl penicillin, phenoxy methyl penicillin,
• Antistaphylococcal penicillin also called beta-lactamase resistant
penicillin, or penicillinase resistant penicillin's e.g. nafcillin, cloxacillin,
flucloxacillin, methicillin.
• Broad spectrum penicillin e.g. ampicillin, amoxicillin, bacampicillin
• Antipseudomonal (extended spectrum penicillin) e.g. carbecillin,
carfecillin, ticarcillin, temocillin.
Mechanism of action
• All beta lactam anti biotics inhibit bacteria cell wall synthesis.
• By inactivating enzymes located in the bacteria cell membrane .
• They are bactericidal agents acting against multiplying bacteria
(diving cells) as resting bacteria do not make new cell walls.
Mechanism of bacterial resistance
general mechanism of bacteria resistance to antibiotics including beta
–lactams are;
1. Decreased penetration to the target cells
2. Alteration of the target site
3. Inactivation of the antibiotics by a bacterial enzyme e.g. beta –
• Benzylpenicillin is destroyed by gastric acid hence it is parenterally
• Phenoxymethylpenicillin can be orally given.
• Metabolism is in the liver.
• Half life less than 2hours.
• poor lipid solubility hence they don’t cross the BBB.
• distribution in body fluids and tissues with a few exception. they are
polar hence extracellular concentrations exceed he intracellular.
• Elimination in the kidneys by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion.
Benzyl penicillin G
• Penicillin G is gastric acid unstable is used where high plasma
concentration era required.
• Maximum plasma concentration is reached after 15 minute of
• Half life 0.5 hours hence reasonably spaced doses have to be large to
maintain a therapeutic concentration high doses can be maintained
by use of probenecid.
Indication for penicillin G
It is generally active against gram positive and gram negative cocci,
hence indicated for treatment of conditions such as;
• Otitis media
• Gonococcus infection
• Throat infections
• Streptococcal endocarditis
• Meningococcal meningitis
• Pneumonia meningitis
• actinomycosis
• half live is 30 minutes
indication for infections due to penicillinase (enzyme against
penicillin) producing staphylococci especially skin infections and soft
tissue infections e.g. cellulitis, otitis externa, impetigo
Dosage; Adults by oral 500mg every 6 hours at least 30 minutes before
meals because food decreases absorption.
IM 250mg every 4-6 hours.
IV injection or infusion 500mg every 4-6 hours .
The dose may be increased in severe infections.
• A child less than 2 years should get ¼ of adult dose.
• Children 2-10 years should receive ½ of adult dose.
• Is gastric stable, it is moderately 50 % absorbed orally as food
interferes with absorption..
• The drug is concentrated in the bile and it under goes enteral hepatic
• Excretion is through the kidneys 1/3 of the administered drug appears
unchanged in urine.
• Almost all staphylococcus aureus ,50% of E.coli, and 50% of
haemophilus influenza are now resistant .
• Urinary tract infections.
• Sinusitis .
• Chronic bronchitis.
• Invasive salmonellosis gonorrhea
Side effects
Diarrhea is quiet common, nausea
Macular rashes resembling measles/rubella – discontinue treatment
• Adults oral 0.25 to 1g 6 hourly at least 30 minutes before food.
• Different dose are used in treating different condition.
• Gonorrhea 2-3g is administered as a single dose with probenecid.
• UTI :500mg every 8 hours IM/IV/infusion.
• Children under age 10 years give half the adult dose.
• This is a broad spectrum penicillin.
• A derivative of ampicillin and differs by only one hydroxyl (OH) group.
• Have similar anti bacteria spectrum as ampicillin.
• when given orally absorption is better than ampicillin.
• Absorption is not affected by food in the stomach.
• Half life is 1 hour’
• UTI, otitis media, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, inversive salmonellosis
and gonorrhea.
• Adult dose orally 250mgs 8 hourly which can be doubled in severe
• Children up to 10 years of age get 125mg 8 hourly this is doubled in
severe infections.
• IM/IV adults 500 mg 8 hourly.
• IM/IV children get 50-100mg /kg daily in divided doses.
Side effects
Diarrhea is less frequent with the use of amoxicillin than ampicillin
co- amoxiclav
• Amoxicillin ( 250mg or 500mg )can be combined with clavulanic acid
(125mg) to make co- amoxiclav.
• clavulanic acid itself has no significant anti bacteria activity but binds
to beta-lactamase and there by competitively inhibits its activity
hence protecting the penicillin. This potentiate the action of penicillin.
Active against beta-lactamase producing bacteria that are resistant to
amoxicillin which include; staphylococcus aureus, 50% of E-coli, 15% of
H. influenzae strains and klebsiella spp,
adverse effect of penicillin's
• 1gE –mediated allergic reactions.
• serum sickness.
• Dermatological reactions e.g. eryema multiforme ,steven johsons
syndrome and exfoliative dermatitis.
• Neurologic reactions.
• Gastrointestinal reactions.
• Hepatobiliary reaction.
• Renal reactions.
• Nursing Administration
• Instruct clients that penicillin V, amoxicillin, and amoxicillin-
clavulanate may be taken with meals. All others should be taken with
a full glass of water 1 hours before meals or 2 hours after.
• Instruct clients to report any signs of an allergic response such as skin
rash, itching, and/or hives.
• IM injection should be done cautiously to avoid injection into a nerve
or an artery.
• Advise clients to complete the entire course of therapy regardless of
presence of absence of symptoms.
• Cephalosporins are the most frequently prescribed class of
• They are structurally and pharmacologically related to the penicillins.
they have a wider spectrum of activity than penicillins hence they are
more expensive.
mechanisms of action
• They are bactericidal, interfere with the bacterial cell wall synthesis.
Classification of cephalosporins
• They are grouped in “generations” based on their spectrum of
antimicrobial activity.
• The first cephalosporins were designated first generation while later,
more extended generation cephalosporins.
• Each newer generation of cephalosporins has a significantly greater
gram negative antimicrobial properties than the preceding
generation, in most cases with decreased activity against gram
positive organism.
• The newer agents have a much longer half life resulting in the
decreased of dosing frequency.
first generation cephalosporins
• These are generally active against gram positive bacteria. They have
moderate activity against gram negative bacterial.
• They include;
• cephalexin.
• Cephaloridine
• Cephalothin
• Cephapirin
• Cefazolin
• Cephradine
• Cefadroxil.
second generation cephalosporin
• They have a greater gram-negative spectrum eg H.influenza n.
gonorrhea, E.coli, shigella.
• Also some gram-positive organism e.g. clostridium, staphylococcus,
streptococcus and pneumococcus.
• they are more resistant to beta lactamase.
• Upper and lower respiratory tract infection
• Sinusitis
• Otitis media
Third generation cephalosporins
• They are especially better than SECOND AND FIRST generation
cephalosporin against gram negative bacteria.
• These are;
• Cefriaxone
• Cefperazone
• Cefotaxime
• Ceftazidine
• Cefodizime
Fourth generation cephalosporin
• These drugs are very good against both gram positive and gram negative
• Examples ;
• Cefepime
• Cefditoren and loracarbef.
Pharmacokinetic of cephalosporins
Usually given parenterally, though few may be given orally e.g.
Distribution- Wide distribution because of lipid solubility.
Metabolism- in the liver with half life of 1-4 hours.
Excretion- excreted unchanged in urine especially tubular secretion.
• Dosage should be reduced for patients with renal impairment.
• Active excretion in the kidneys can be blocked by probenecid.
Indication; Septicemia, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Biliary tract infection,
Peritonitis, Urinary tract infection, sinusitis
Unwanted effects of cephalosporins
• Hypersensitivity is the most common
10% of the patients sensitive to penicillin are sensitive to
• Hemorrhage due to interference with blood clotting factors.
• Use of cephalosporin for more than two weeks causes
thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, interstitial nephritis and abnormal
liver function tests.
Drug interactions

• Cephalosporin with alcohol- disulfiram like effects.

Patient should avoid alcohol when taking the drug.
• Cephalosporin with high frusemide and torsemide are likely to cause
• Cephalosporin with aminoglycoside – nephrotoxicity.
• Cephalosporin with oral anticoagulant like warfarin may cause bleed
because both interfere with clotting factors.
Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
• Half life 4hours hence requires to be administered once a daily.
Indication; Septicemia, Pneumonia, UTI, RTI, soft tissue infections.
• penicillin sensitivity
• Administer with caution in renal impairment.
• Do not administer to infants below 6 weeks.
• Cephalosporin hypersensitivity.
• Nursing administration
• Instruct clients to complete the prescribed course of therapy, even
though symptoms may resolve before the full course of antimicrobial
treatment is completed.
• Advise clients to take oral cephalosporins with food.
• Instruct clients to store oral cephalosporin suspensions in a
• First isolated in 1948, isolated from Streptomyces fungi.
• Naturally occurring;
Doxycycline, lymecycline, meclocycline, methacyline, minocycline,
• Tetracyclines are partially absorbed in the alimentary tract EXCEPT
minocycline and doxycycline which have a good absorption.
• Absorption is increased in absence of food
• antacids and milk decrease absorption as they contain metals like
magnesium, calcium, aluminum ,iron which chelate with them.
• Distribution is narrow but they cross the placenta barrier.
• Metabolism is in the liver
• Excretion in urine via glomerular filtration unchanged.
• Tetracyclines are broad spectrum bacteriostatic.
• They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to the 30s sub unit of the
bacterial ribosomes.
• Indication; psittacosis, pneumonia, brucellosis, shigellosis, rickettsia
diseases e.g. Q fever, typhus, cholera, borrelia ( lame disease,
relapsing fever)acne ,amoebic dysentery, spirochetes, protozoa,
bacillary dysentery and chlamydia infections
Gentamycin, kanamycin, amikacin, tobramycin, streptomycin, neomycin,
They are always used in combination of beta lactam antibiotic because of
their synergism effect.
pharmacokinetics; they are water soluble hence hey not
absorbed through the gut .
They are given IM/IV route
distribution; narrowly distributed hence do not cross the blood
brain barrier.
Pharmacodynamics/mechanism of action
• they are bactericidal act by binding to the 30s ribosomal sub unit
and they inhibit bacterial protein synthesis.
• Drug interaction;
• -muscle weakness or paralysis when given with neural muscular
blocking agent.
• Ototoxicity when given with ototoxic agent.
• Synergic effect when give with beta lactam antibiotic .
• Bone marrow depression when give with bone marrow depressing
Unwanted effects
• Have serious un wanted effects and that are dose dependent
these are; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea , lethargy, hypersensitivity and headache.
Others are ,nephrotoxicity, ,ototoxicity, bone marrow depression, neuromuscular
blockade, palpitation, numbness, tingling sensation, depression and disorientation.
• Patients with hearing deficit because thy damage the 8th cranial nerve(vestibular
cochlear/auditory nerve)
• Myasthenia gravis since they cause neural muscular blockade.
• Patients with severe renal disease as they are nephrotoxic
• Hypersensitivity
• Neonates, geriantrics, infant, botulism and patients with packinsonism
• This is the most active aminoglycoside.
• Half life 2-3 hours and reaches peak plasma concentration within 30 minute.
• route of administration IM/IV.
• indication gram negative and gram positive; septicemia, meningitis,
endocarditis, UTI, neonatal sepsis and acute pyelonephritis among other
Contraindications; is like for the other aminoglycoside.
dosage adults GIVE 2-5 MG/kg body weight daily 8hrly for 7 days. Reduce the dose
in renal impairment and the elderly.
Children below 2wks 3mgs/kg body weight every 12 hours.
Those aged 2wks-12years 2mg/kg every 8 hourly.
• Aminoglycoside can replace penicillin in penicillin sensitive patients
• Gentamycin combine with penicillin have a synergic antibiotic effect expands the
spectrum of antibiotics activity and prevent emergence of resistance..
• Neomycin and kanamycin can be used for hepatic coma to reduce normal flora and
therefore ammonia gas formation.
• Amikacin has broadest antibacterial spectrum because it is stable to 8 of the 9
classified aminoglycoside inactivating enzymes whereas gentamycin is inactivated
by five of them.
• Amikacin is indicated for serious gram negative infections resistant to gentamycin.
• Neomycin and framycetin are too toxic for systemic use hence used topically for
treatment of aer, nose and skin infections,

• these are broad spectrum antibiotic though some like nalidixic acid
and cinoxacin have a narrow antibacterial spectrum.
other newer quinolones include
• They are act by inhibiting bacterial DNA gyrase the enzyme that
maintains the Helical twist/structure of the DNA.
• They are bactericidal but some are bacteriostatic

• Quinolones are absorbed in the gut though aluminum and magnesium

antacid interfere with the absorption.
• Distribution wide distribution such that they cross the placenta and are
distributed in breast milk.
• They are concentrated in the lungs, kidneys, prostate, and phagocytes.
• They don’t cross the BBB except ofloxacin and pefloxacin.
• Metabolism they under go hepatic metabolism with a variable half life
• Norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin half life of 2-3 hours, 5 hour ofloxacin,
perfloxacin10 hour.
• Excretion/elimination via renal and biliary.
Adverse effects
• GIT effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
• CNS effects like dizziness, headache, confusion and convulsions.
• Allergic reactions in form of skin rashes,
They are reported to cause arthropathy in immature animals hence not
recommended for children and adolescence unless the benefit out
ways the risk.
• Photosensitivity
• Bone marrow suppression.
• History of epilepsy or seizures.
• Glucose-7-phosphatedehydrogenase deficiency.
• Myasthenia gravis.
• Pregnancy and breast feeding.
Indication; quinolones are basically indicated for UTI ciprofloxacin has a broader
spectrum of antibacterial activity.
These are often caused by gram negative organisms like E.coli, proteus spp. Therefore
infections like complicated UTI, inversive otitis externa, salmonella typhi infection,
gonorrhea, bacteria prostatitis and cervicitis.
They are also indicated for anthrax which has been used as a biological warfare.
So the soldiers can take quinolones just before they go to war just in case they are at risk of
exposure to anthrax.
drug interactions
• These antibiotics are enzyme (cytochrome p-450) inhibitor hence
interact with other drugs at metabolism e.g. theophylline, warfarin,
and caffeine.
• NSAIDS and quinolones causes an increase in the risk of convulsion.
• NSAIDS tends to potentiate the effect.
• half life is 3hours
• It is mostly effective against gram negative bacteria e.g. salmonella,
shigella, Campylobacter, pseudomonas, enterobacteria.
• It is indicated for chlamydia and some mycobacteria
Indication UTI and genital urinary tract infections.
• Oral 250-750mg bd.
• IV infusion (30-60) 200-400mg twice daily.
Interactions Medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education

• Cationic compounds (aluminum-magnesium antacids, iron salts,

sucralfate, milk and dairy products) decrease absorption of ciprofloxacin;
Administer cationic compounds 6 hrs. before or 2 hrs after ciprofloxacin
• Plasma levels of theophylline can be the increased with concurrent use
of ciprofloxacin;
Monitor levels and adjust dosage accordingly.
• Plasma levels of warfarin can be increased with concurrent use of
Monitor prothrombin time and INR, and adjust the dosage of warfarin
Nursing Administration

• Ciprofloxacin is available in oral and intravenous forms.

• Decrease doses of ciprofloxacin in clients with renal dysfunction.
• Intravenous ciprofloxacin should be administered slowly over 60 min.
• For inhalation anthrax infection, ciprofloxacin is administered every 12
hrs for 60 days.
• Instruct clients to complete the prescribed course of antimicrobial
therapy, even though symptoms may resolve before the full course is
• These broad spectrum antimicrobials including;
• Erythromycin
• Azithromycin
• Spiramycin
• Clarithromycin
Pharmacodynamics; they inhibit protein synthesis by irreversibly binding to
ribosomal 50s sub unit of the sensitive micro-organism hence they are bacteriostatic.
But sometimes can be bactericidal if the dose is high.
Example azithromycin is bactericidal against streptococcus pyogenes,
streptococcus pneumonia and hemophilus influenza
• They can be administered orally though erythromycin is unstable in
acidic environment.
• Distribution is good except that the drugs do not cross the BBB
• Metabolism is in the liver and have variable half life.
E.g. clarithromycin has4.5 hours , azithromycin less than 3.5 hours and
erythromycin has1.4 to 2 hours.
• Therapeutic Uses/indication
• Used to treat infections in clients with a penicillin allergy, such as for
prophylaxis against rheumatic fever and bacterial endocarditis.
• Used for clients with Legionnaires’ disease, whooping cough
(pertussis), and acute diphtheria (eliminates the carrier state of
diphtheria) .
• Used for chlamydia infections (urethritis and cervicitis; pneumonia
caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae; respiratory tract infections
caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria gonorrhea.
• Complications /Side/Adverse Effects; Nursing Interventions/Client
Gastrointestinal discomfort
• (nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain) Administer erythromycin with meals.
• Observe for GI symptoms and notify the provider.
Hepatotoxicity (abdominal pain, lethargy, jaundice) . Instruct clients to
notify the provider because the medication should be discontinued.
Prolonged QT interval causing dysrhythmias and possible sudden cardiac
• Use in clients with prolonged QT intervals is not recommended.
• Avoid concurrent use with medications that affect hepatic drug
metabolizing enzymes.
• pre-existing liver disease
• Erythromycin is the commonest macrolide in use.
Erythromycin is inactivated by gastric enzymes hence it is administered as
protected enteric coated tablets.
It is hydrolyzed in the 1st phase metabolism to release the active erythromycin.
It is dissolved and absorbed in the small intestines where it undergoes enetro
hepatic recirculation.
• Distribution is very good as it is well distributed in the spleen, liver,
placenta, breast milk and inflamed meninges.
• Excretion 90% in feaces and small amounts in urine.
Dosage and route of administration
• Orally adults and children above 8years 250-500mg 6 hourly.
• Maximum dose is 4g in severe infections.
• Children up to 2years 125mg 6hourly.
• IV infusion 25-50/kg body wt. daily as continuous infusion.
Drug interaction
Macrolides are enzyme inhibitor and they interfere with the metabolism of
drugs like warfarin, carbamazepine, theophylline , corticosteroids, oral
contraceptives, digoxin, and cyloserine and sodium valproate
• food tends to decrease the absorption of macrolide, hence should be given
one hour before food or 2-3 hours after meals.
• azithromycin is derived from erythromycin by adding a methylated
nitrogen into the lactogen ring,
• Its specrum of activity and clinical uses are virtually identical to those
of clarithromycin.
• Azithromycin is active against mycobacteria avium complex and
toxoplasma gondii
• These are among the first antibacterial drugs to be discovered in 1935.
• Examples
• Sulphfamethoxazole,
• sulphadiazine,
• sulfisoxazole,
• sulphadimidine,
• sulfasazine,
• sulfametopyrazine,
• sulphaloxate
• they have good absorption except a few of them sulpadiazine and
which are poorly absorbed in the gut.
• Distribution widely distributed in body tissues and fluid including
crossing the BBB.
• They are metabolized in the liver withhalf life of 10 hours.
• Majority are excreted in urine hence dose should be reduced in renal
Side and adverse effects
• Hypersensitivity including Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Do not administer TMP-SMZ to clients with allergies to: Sulfonamides (sulfa), Thiazide
diuretics [hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)] , Sulfonylurea-type oral hypoglycemics [tolbutamide
(Orinase)], Loop diuretics [furosemide (Lasix)]
- Stop TMP-SMZ at the first indication of hypersensitivity, such as rash.
• Blood dyscrasias (hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia) •
-Draw the client’s baseline and periodic CBC levels to detect any hematologic disorders.
- Observe for any bleeding episodes, sore throat, or pallor. • If the above symptoms occur,
instruct clients to notify the provider.
• Crystalluria
- Maintain adequate oral fluid intake.
- Instruct client to drink 2 to 3 L/day.
• Kernicterus (jaundice, increased bilirubin levels)
- Avoid administering TMP-SMZ to women who are pregnant near term, breastfeeding
mothers, and infants younger than 2 months.
- Monitor the client’s liver function. Photosensitivity
- Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, use sunscreen, and wear appropriate
400mg/trimethoprim 80mg) serpin.
• . This has replaced use of sulphonamide due to resistance.
Dosage for children
• 6weeks to 5months 120mg every 12 hours
• 6months to 5years 240mg 10 hourly
• 6years to 12 years 480mg 12hourly
• Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia
• Toxoplasmosis
• sometimes chronic bronchitis
• Others sulphonamides are used for topical application for prophylaxis of burns, leg
ulcers, pressure sores because of their wide anti bacteria spectrum
drug Interactions Medication/Food Interactions
Nursing Interventions/Client Education
• Sulfonamides can increase the effects of warfarin (Coumadin), phenytoin (Dilantin),
sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic, and tolbutamide (Orinase) by inhibiting hepatic
- dosages of these medications may be required during therapy.
Nursing Administration Instruct clients to take the drugs on an empty stomach with a
full glass of water. (Plenty of oral fluids)
- Instruct clients to complete the prescribed course of antimicrobial therapy, even
though symptoms may resolve before the full course is completed.
Nursing Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness
- Depending on therapeutic intent, effectiveness may be evidenced by: Improvement
of infection symptoms, such as improvement of urinary tract symptoms (decreased
frequency, burning, and pain during urination) and negative urine cultures
• This includes several classes of drugs e.g. metronidazole and
tinidazole which have both anti bacteria and anti protozoal activity.
• others are fluconazole, itraconazole econazole, ketoconazole, and
miconazole which are anti fungal drugs .( to be covered under anti
fungal drugs)
• others are mebendazole, thiabendazole, which are anti helminths (to
be covered under ant-helminths)
• It is very effective against anaerobic bacterial and protozoa.
• metronidazole is converted into an active form and bind to the bacterial DNA and
prevents nucleic acid formation which consequently interferes with bacterial
replication hence its bacteriostatic.
well absorbed after oral and rectal administration
Distribution is wide.
Metabolism is in the liver.
It is excreted in urine partly unchanged and partly as metabolite.
Half life is 8 hours.
• used for treatment of sepsis caused by orgasms like Bacteroides
and anaerobic cocci.
• Intra-abdominal infections
• Septicemia, wounds, pelvic infection
• Osteomyelitis.
• pelvic infections
• Infections of the brain and lungs.
• Used in prevention of post operative infection especially after bowel, antibiotic related
colitis, eg pseudomembranous colitis , amoebiasis EH
• other indications include giardiasis, acute ulcers, gingivitis, and dental infections. and
anaerobic vaginosis
• Treatment of protozoal infections (intestinal amoebiasis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis) and
obligate anaerobic bacteria (Bacteroides fragilis, antibiotic-induced Clostridium difficile,
Gardnerella vaginalis)
• Treatment of H. pylori in clients who have peptic ulcer disease in combination with
tetracycline and bismuth salicylate.
Dosage and route of administration
Established anaerobe are usually treated for 7 days.
• The dose per oral is then 8oomgs initially for 3 days then 400mg or
500mg 8 hourly, or just 400mg 8 hourly for 7 days.
• By rectum 1gm every 8 hours for 3 days then1gm 12 hourly.
• By infusion 500mg 8 hourly.
• In children 7.5/kg every 8 hours by any route.
for surgical prophylaxis
• Per oral 400mg 8 hourly started 24 hours before surgery then continued
postoperatively by IV infusion until oral administration can be resumed
for 2days
Complications Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client

Gastrointestinal discomfort (nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, and

metallic taste) Advise clients to observe for symptoms and to notify the
Darkening of urine Advise clients that this is a harmless effect of
CNS symptoms (numbness of extremities, ataxia, and seizures)
Advise clients to notify the provider if symptoms occur.
Stop metronidazole.

• Use cautiously in clients with renal dysfunction to prevent

accumulation of toxic levels with prolonged use.
• Avoid use during the first trimester of pregnancy and use with
caution during the rest of pregnancy because metronidazole can pass
through the placenta.

Medication/Food Interactions Nursing Interventions/Client Education

• Alcohol causes a disulfiram-like reaction/ Advise clients to avoid
alcohol consumption.
Metronidazole inhibits inactivation of warfarin.
• Monitor prothrombin time and INR, and adjust warfarin dosage
Nursing Administration
• Administer by oral or IV route.
• Instruct clients to complete the prescribed course of antimicrobial therapy,
even though symptoms may resolve before the full course is completed.
Nursing Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness
• Depending on therapeutic intent, effectiveness may be evidenced by:
Improvement of symptoms (resolution of bloody mucoid diarrhea, formed
stools, negative stool results for ameba and Giardia, , decrease or absence
of watery vaginal/ urethral discharge, negative blood cultures for anaerobic
organisms in the CNS, blood, bones and joints, and soft tissues)
• It is soluble in water and poorly soluble in alcohol
• Chloramphenicol succinate which is used for parenteral
administration is highly water soluble
• The usual dosage of chloramphenicol is 50-100mg/kg/d.
• After oral administration crystalline chloramphenicol is rapidly and completely
• A 1g oral dose produces blood levels between 10and 15mcg/ml
• Chloramphenicol palmitate is a pro drug that is hydrolyzed in the intestine to
yield free chloramphenicol.
Pharmacodynamic chloramphenicol potent inhibitor of microbial protein
It binds to the 50s sub unit of the bacteria ribosome
It is bacteriostatic, broad spectrum against both aerobic and anaerobic gram
positive and gram negative bacterial.
clinical uses
• it is rarely used due to it potential toxicity and bacterial resistance.
• Used to treat; serious rickettsia infections such as typhus and rocky
mountain spotted fever.
• Alternative for beta lactam antibiotics for treatment of
meningococcal meningitis and pneumococcal meningitis
• Topical eye infections
Adverse reactions
GIT disturbance nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
-This rare in children.
-Oral and vaginal candidiasis may occur due to alteration of the normal
Born marrow disturbance
-suppression of the born marrow
-Aplastic anemia it is irreversible and fatal
Toxicity for new born infants:
- new born infants lack glucuronic acid for the conjugation and
detoxification of chloramphenicol.
-Therefore drugs may accumulate resulting in gray baby syndrome with
vomiting flaccidity, hypothermia, gray colour, shock and collapse
• Fungi are saprophytic organism as they lack chlorophyll which is present in
• Many fungi are commensals in the bodies of healthy people but pose a
problem when immune system is compromised.
• Since 1970s incidence of fungal infections has increased due to the following
1. Increase use of broad spectrum antibiotics which decrease non pathogenic
bacterial that compete with the fungi.
2. Increases number of people with immunosuppression, use of cancer
chemotherapy, and immunosuppressants, diabetes mellitus or have burns.
3. Inversive procedures may introduce fungi into systemic circulation.
Therapeutic Uses

• Antifungals are the treatment of choice for systemic fungal infection

(Candidiasis, Aspergillosis, Cryptococcosis, Mucormycosis) and non
opportunistic mycoses, (Blastomycosis, Histoplasmosis,
• Resistant is usually due to a
1.decrease in membrane ergosterol content
2.Or a change in membrane structure
Classification of anti fungal drugs
1. Topical anti-fungal
• Polyenes anti-fungal agents e.g. nystatin
• Benzoic acid
2. Systemic anti fungal
• Polyenes anti-fungal agents e.g. amphotericin B
• Fluorinated pyramids e.g. only flu cytosine
• Azoles ;imidazole and triazoles
-Imidazole's include clotrimazole and econazole, sulconazole, fenticonazole,
ketoconazole, and miconazole
-triazole include fluconazole, itraconazole and voriconazoles among others
3. Miscellaneous; terbinafine and Griseofulvin
• Polyenes anti-fungal agents; nystatin and amphotericin B are the only
ones in clinical use.
• MOA; they act by binding to the ergostel in fungal cell walls forming
pores or channels which increase permeability and allow leakage of
fungal cellular molecules e.g. potassium and magnesium
Therapeutic uses
• Antifungals are the treatment of choice for systemic fungal infection
(Candidiasis, Aspergillosis, Cryptococcosis, Mucormycosis) and non-
opportunistic mycoses, (Blastomycosis, Histoplasmosis,
• Some antifungals treat superficial fungal infections:
• dermatophytic infections (tinea Pedis [ringworm of the foot], tinea
cruris [ringworm of the groin]); candida infections of the skin and
mucous membranes; and fungal infections of the nails
Amphotericin B
Amphotericin B has been available for use since 1950s
• Amphotericin B deoxycholate is an antifungal agent that acts on fungal cell
membranes to cause cell death.
• Depending on concentration, these agents can be fungi static (slows growth on the
fungus) or fungicidal (destroys the fungus).
• administered intravenously
• wide distribution though poor penetration to the CNS
• 90% bound to plasma, half life of 24 and 15 days
• excretion predominantly via the biliary route(slow excretion over a period of days)
Therapeutic Uses

• Antifungals are the treatment of choice for systemic fungal infection

(Candidiasis, Aspergillosis, Cryptococcosis, Mucormycosis) and non-
opportunistic mycoses, (Blastomycosis, Histoplasmosis,
side/ adverse reactions
Infusion reactions (fever, chills, rigors, and headache) 1 to 3 hr. after initiation
• Pretreat with diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and acetaminophen.
• Meperidine (Demerol), Dantrolene, or hydrocortisone may be given for rigors.
Thrombophlebitis Observe infusion sites for signs of erythema, swelling, and pain.
• Rotate injection sites.
• Administer in a large vein and administer heparin before infusing amphotericin B
• Obtain baseline kidney function (BUN and creatinine) and do weekly kidney function test,
Monitor I&O.
• Infuse 1 L of saline on the day of amphotericin B infusion.
• Monitor electrolyte levels, especially potassium.
• Administer potassium supplements accordingly.
Bone marrow suppression • Obtain baseline CBC and hematocrit, and monitor weekly.
Hepatotoxicity (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, dark urine, and clay-
colored stools)
• Obtain baseline liver function studies and monitor liver function
• If symptoms occur, notify provider and discontinue medication.
Effects on sex hormones:
• In males, gynecomastia (enlargement of breast), decreased libido,
erectile dysfunction
• In females, irregular menstrual flow
Advise clients to observe for these symptoms and to notify the provider.

• Antifungals are contraindicated in clients with renal dysfunction because of the risk
for nephrotoxicity.
Interactions Medication/Food Interactions Nursing Interventions/Client Education
• Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, streptomycin, cyclosporine) have additive nephrotoxic
risk when used concurrently with antifungal medications.
Avoid use of these antimicrobials when clients are taking amphotericin B due to
additive nephrotoxicity risk.
• Antifungal effects of Flucytosine (Ancobon) are potentiated with concurrent use of
amphotericin B.
Potentiating the effects of flucytosine allows for a reduction in amphotericin B dosages.
Nursing Administration
• Amphotericin B is highly toxic and should be reserved for severe life-threatening
fungal infections
Systemic infection for mucocutaneous
• Griseofulvin is a very insoluble fungistatic drug derived from a species
of penicillium.
• It is only used in the systemic treatment of dermatophytosis.
• It is administered in a microcrystalline at a dose of 1g per day.
• Absorption is improved when it is given with fatty foods.
• Nail infections may require therapy for months to allow regrowth of
the new protected nail and is often followed by relapse.
Topical anti fungal
• Nystatin is a polyene macrolide much like amphotericin B.
• it is too toxic for parenteral administration and is only used topically
• nystatin is currently available in creams, ointments, suppositories and
other forms for application to skin and mucous membrane.
• nystatin is active against most candida species and is most commonly
used for suppression of local candida infections.
Anti mycobacterial agents (anti-
• The main mycobacterial infection are the tuberculosis and leprosy.
The treatment of tuberculosis assumes the principle of combination
therapy for two main reasons,
I. To prevent emergency of resistance (tubercle bacilli develops
resistant very fast when monotherapy is used).
II. To reduce the rate of spread by reducing bacterial population
For this reason the available tablets contain multiple drugs in a fixed
dose combination (FDC).
anti-TB conti’
• Anti TB are divided into two first line and second line
I. First line; this is not a universal principle but depend on local
scientific evidence.
The drugs include isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and
ii Second line drugs include capreomycin, cycloserine, clarithromycin
and ciprofloxacin
Anti TB cont.’
• First initial phase: takes two months and three drugs are used
• These includes Isoniazid (H), Rifampicin (R) Pyrazinamide (Z) plus
(Ethambutol or streptomycin) if resistant organism are suspected.
This combination reduces bacterial population rapidly.
• Continuation phase takes four months and two drugs are used these
are isoniazid and rifampicin
• Expected Pharmacological Action
• This medication is highly specific for mycobacteria. Isoniazid inhibits growth of
mycobacteria by preventing synthesis of mycolic acid in the cell wall.
• Therapeutic Uses; Indicated for active and latent tuberculosis
• Latent: INH only – 6 to 9 months
• Active: Multiple medication therapy including INH, for a minimum of 6
• The initial phase (induction phase) focuses on eradicating the active tubercle
bacilli, which will result in non infectious sputum.
• The second phase (continuation phase) works toward eliminating any other
pathogens in the body.
isoniazid cont.’

• Length of treatment varies and may be as short as 6 months for

medication-sensitive tuberculosis (2 months for the initial phase and
4 months for the continuation phase) or as long as 24 months for
medication-resistant infections.
Complications Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client Education

• Allergic skin eruptions are the commonest side effects

• Others are fever , GIT disturbance
• Peripheral neuropathy (tingling, numbness, burning, and pain resulting from deficiency of
pyridoxine, vitamin B6 ).
Instruct clients to observe for symptoms and to notify the provider if symptoms occur.
Administer 50 to 200 mg of vitamin B6 daily.
• Hepatotoxicity (anorexia, malaise, fatigue, nausea, and yellowish discoloration of skin
and eyes).
Instruct clients to observe for symptoms and notify the provider if symptoms occur.
Monitor liver function tests.
Instruct clients to avoid consumption of alcohol.
Medication may need to be discontinued if liver function test results are elevated.
• Contraindications/Precautions
INH is contraindicated for clients with liver disease.

Interactions Medication/Food Interactions Nursing

Interventions/Client Education
INH inhibits metabolism of phenytoin, leading to buildup of medication
and toxicity.
Ataxia and incoordination may indicate toxicity.
Monitor the client’s levels of phenytoin.
Dosage of phenytoin may need to be adjusted based on phenytoin levels.
Concurrent use of alcohol, rifampin, and pyrazinamide increases the risk
for hepatotoxicity.
Instruct clients to avoid alcohol consumption.
Monitor liver function.
Interactions cont.’
• Induce liver enzymes ,hence affect the metabolism of warfarin,
glucocorticoids, narcotics, oral anti diabetes, dapsone and estrogens
and oral contraceptives.
• Advice clients on oral contraceptives to change method of family
planning or use a back up method.
Nursing Administration
• Administer by oral route
• For active tuberculosis, direct observation therapy (DOT) is done to
ensure adherence.
• Advise clients to take INH 1 hours before meals or 2 hours after.
• If gastric discomfort occurs, the client may take INH with meals.
• Instruct clients to complete the prescribed course of antimicrobial
therapy, even though symptoms may resolve before the full course is
• This is one of the most active anti TB .it is also active against gram
positive and gram negative bacteria.
• Mechanism of action: Rifampin is bactericidal as a result of inhibition
of protein synthesis.
• Indications:
Rifampin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective for gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria,
M. tuberculosis, and M. Leprae.
• Given orally
• Has a wide distribution
• It causes orange tinge coloration to saliva ,sputum, tears, sweat and
• It is excreted in urine and under goes enterohepatic recycling.
• Metabolism is in the liver and the metabolites has anti bacterial
activity but poorly absorbed from the gut.
• Half life is one to five hours but reduces during treatment since it
induces microsomal enzymes, hence its own metabolism.
Side/adverse effects

i) Discoloration of body fluids.

• Inform clients of expected orange color of urine, saliva, sweat, and
ii)Hepatotoxicity (jaundice, anorexia, and fatigue)
• Monitor the client’s liver function.
• Inform clients regarding symptoms of anorexia, fatigue, and malaise,
and instruct them to notify the provider if symptoms occur.
• Avoid alcohol.
iii) Mild gastrointestinal discomfort associated (anorexia, nausea, and
abdominal discomfort.
• Abdominal discomfort is mild and usually does not require

• Use cautiously in clients with liver dysfunction.

Interactions Medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education

Rifampin accelerates metabolism of warfarin (Coumadin), oral

contraceptives, protease inhibitors, and NNRTIs (medications for HIV),
resulting in diminished effectiveness.
• Increased dosages of HIV medications may be necessary.
• Monitor PT (prothrombin time) and INR (international normalized ratio)
• Clients may need to use alternative form of birth control.
Concurrent use with INH and pyrazinamide increases risk of
• Instruct clients to avoid alcohol consumption. Monitor liver function.
Nursing Evaluation of Medication
Depending on therapeutic intent, effectiveness may be evidenced by:
• Improvement of tuberculosis symptoms such as clear breath sounds,
no night sweats, increased appetite, no afternoon rises of
• 3 negative sputum cultures for tuberculosis, usually taking 3 to 6
months to achieve.
• Pharmacodynamics;
• Mechanism of action through inhibiting inhibition of bacterial growth
through suppression of RNA synthesis. Resistance emergence occurs
rapidly if used on its own.
• good absorption from GIT.
• Metabolism is in the liver.
• Excretion in urine.
• It can reach therapeutic concentrated with CSF for tuberculosis.
Unwanted effects
These are common.
• Optic neuritis dose related especially if renal function decreases.
this leads to visual disturbances, red/ green color blindness followed by
decreased visual acuity.
Monitor color vision in long treatments
• Patients with known optic neuritis
Patients who are unable to appreciate and report visual side effects or
changes in vision e.g.
• young children and unconscious patients
• It is often inactive in neutral PH.
• its mechanism of action is unknown but it is tuberculostatic at acidic PH.
• it is very effective against intracellular organism in macrophages since
after phagocytosis, in which PH is low.
• it has good gut absorption .
• it is widely distributed in that it crosses the BBB
• excreted in the kidneys
• pharmacodynamics
• DAPSONE is chemically related to sulphonemides and it acts by inhibiting the
enzyme dihydrofolate reluctance hence inhibits folate synthesis.
• Its action is antagonized by PABA. resistance to this drug
• Has increased, hence it ‘s combined with other drugs during treatment.
• Pharmacokinetic
• Good oral absorption.
• It under goes enteral hepatic recycling.
• It has a half life of 24 to 48 hours
• it is excreted in feces
Unwanted effects
• Hemolysis of white blood cells .
• Anorexia , nausea and vomiting.
• Fever and allergic dermatitis,
• neuropathy
• Leprareation where there is exacerbation of lepromatous lesions can
occur and a syndrome resembling infectious mononucleosis which
can be fatal.
Antiviral agents
• Viruses present a more difficulty problem of chemotherapy than do
higher organisms, e.g. bacteria, for they are intracellular parasites that
use the metabolism of the host cells.
• Antiviral agents are most active when virus are replicating.
• The earlier the treatment is given the better.
• Apart from primary infections ,viral illness is often the consequences of
reactivation of latent virus in the body.
• Patients whose immune system is compromised may suffer particular
severe illness.
• Viruses are capable of developing resistance.
Antiviral and antiretroviral cont.’
Drug viruses Chemical type target
Non nucleotide reverse HIV Virus Non nucleotide analogue Reverse transcriptase
transcriptase inhibitor.

protease inhibitors; HIV virus Peptide analogue HIV protease

Saquinavir, Ritonavir,
Indinavir, Nelfinavir.

Ribavirin Broad spectrum: HCV, HSV, Triazole carboxamide RNA mutagen

Measles, Lasa fever, SARS

Amantadine/Rimantadine Influenza A strains Tricyclic amine Matrix

Zanamivir, oseltamivir Influenza strains A and B Neuraminic acid mimetic Neuraminidase inhibitor
Pleconaril picornaviruses Small cyclic Blocks attachment and
Interferons Hepatitis B and C virus protein Cell defense
Antiviral and
antiretroviral agents
Nucleoside analogue
Virus polymerase
acyclovir Herpes simplex (HSV) Nucleoside analogue Virus polymerase
Ganciclovir and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) nucleoside analogue Virus polymerase
Nucleoside reverse Retroviruses (HIV) Nucleoside analogue Reverse transcriptase
inhibitor (NRTI)
zidovudine( AZT)
didanosine (ddI),
zalcitabine (ddC),
stavudine (D4T),
lamivudine (3TC)

Non nucleotide HIV virus Non nucleotide analogue Reverse transcriptase

reverse transcriptase
inhibitor (NNRTI)
nevirapine and

Protease inhibitors HIV virus Peptide analogue HIV protease

saquinavir, Ritonavir,
indinavir, nelfinavir
• Expected Pharmacological Action
• Acyclovir prevents the reproduction of viral DNA and thus interrupts cell
Therapeutic Uses
• Acyclovir is used to treat herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses
Ganciclovir is used for treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV).
• Prevention therapy using ganciclovir is given for clients who have HIV/AIDS, organ
transplants, and other immunocompromised states.
• Interferon alfa-2b and lamivudine are used to treat hepatitis.
• Oseltamivir is used to treat influenza A and B.
• Ribavirin is used to treat respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza.
Complications Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client education

Acyclovir Phlebitis and inflammation at the site of infusion

• Rotate IV injection sites.
• Monitor IV sites for swelling and redness.
• Administer acyclovir infusion slowly over 1 hr.
• Ensure adequate hydration during infusion and 2 hr. after to minimize
nephrotoxicity by administering IV fluids and increasing oral fluid intake as
Mild discomfort associated with oral therapy (nausea, headache, diarrhea)
• Observe for symptoms and notify the provider.
Complications Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client education

Granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia
• Obtain baseline CBC and platelet count.
• Administer granulocyte colony-stimulating factors.
• Monitor WBC, absolute neutrophil, and platelet counts.
• Acyclovir should be used cautiously in clients with renal impairment or dehydration,
and clients taking nephrotoxic medications.
• Ganciclovir is Pregnancy Risk Category C;
• contraindicated in clients with a neutrophil count below 500/mm3 or platelet counts
less than 25,000/mm3, and should be used cautiously in clients with pre-existing low
white and platelet counts.
Interactions Medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education

• Probenecid may decrease elimination of acyclovir.
• Monitor for medication toxicity.
• Concurrent use of zidovudine may cause drowsiness.
• Use with caution
• Cytotoxic medications may cause increased toxicity.
• Use together with caution.
Nursing Administration

For topical administration, advise clients to put on rubber gloves to avoid
transfer of virus to other areas of the body.
Administer IV infusion slowly over 1 hr or longer.
Inform clients to expect symptom relief but not cure.
Instruct clients to wash affected area with soap and water 3 to 4
times/day and to keep the lesions dry after washing.
Advise clients to refrain from sexual contact while lesions are present.
Clients with healed herpetic lesions should continue to use condoms to
prevent transmission of the virus.
Nursing administration
Administer IV infusion slowly, with an infusion pump, over at least 1 hr.
Administer oral medication with food.
Administer intraocular for CMV retinitis.
Instruct clients to complete the prescribed course of antimicrobial
therapy, even though symptoms may resolve before the full course is
Antiretroviral drugs
• antiretroviral therapy goal is to delay disease progression and to
prolong survival by suppressing the replication of the virus.
• Two types of antiretroviral combination are recommended for initial
HIV therapy;
1. first line ; 1 NNRTI plus 2NRTI.
2. second line; 1PI plus 2 NRTI.
3. protease inhibitors are preserved for second line
five goals of ART
1. to reduce amount of HIV virus in the body.
2. Support and restore the immune system.
3. Improve the quality of life.
4. Reduce HIV related illness and deaths.
5. reduce general risk of transmission.
Mechanism of action of ARVs
1. Block reverse transcriptase to disrupt copying of HIV genetic
cord(NRTIs, NNRTIs).
2. Block protease enzyme, preventing maturation of new virions.(PIs).
3. Prevent fusion of HIV with cell membranes (fusion inhibitors).
4. Block CCR5 co receptor (CCR5 antagonist)
• Other Medications:
• Didanosine (Videx)
• Stavudine (Zerit)
• Lamivudine (Epivir)
• Abacavir (Ziagen)
Combination Medications:
Abacavir, lamivudine zidovudine (Trizivir)
Abacavir, lamivudine (Epzicom)
Lamivudine, zidovudine (Combivir)
Expected Pharmacological Action

• Reduces HIV symptoms by inhibiting DNA synthesis and thus viral

Therapeutic Uses
• Used to treat HIV infection
• Route of Administration: Oral, IV
Side/Adverse Effects Nursing
Interventions/Client Education
Suppressed bone marrow resulting in anemia, agranulocytosis (neutropenia) and
• Monitor CBC and platelets.
• Advise clients that transfusions may be needed.
Lactic acidosis
• Monitor for symptoms of lactic acidosis, such as hyperventilation, nausea, and abdominal pain.
• Pregnancy increases the risk of lactic acidosis.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
• Clients may take the medication with food to reduce gastric irritation. Monitor fluids and
Hepatomegaly/fatty liver
• Monitor liver enzymes
Medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education
Probenecid, valproic acid, and methadone may increase zidovudine.
• Reduce dosage
• Monitor for medication toxicity.
Ganciclovir or medications that decrease bone marrow production may
further suppress bone marrow.
• Use together with caution.
Rifampin and ritonavir may reduce zidovudine levels.
• Adjust dosage if needed.
Phenytoin may alter both medication levels.
• Monitor medication levels.
Nursing Administration
• Monitor for bone marrow suppression.
• Obtain baseline CBC and platelets at the start of therapy and every 4
• Anemia may be treated with epoetin alfa or transfusions.
• Neutropenia may be treated with colony-stimulating factors.
• Advise clients to monitor for fever, sore throat, increased bleeding,
bruising or fatigue.
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitors (NNRTI s)
• Select medication: delavirdine (Rescriptor), efavirenz (Sustiva)
• Other Medications: nevirapine (Viramune), etravirine (Intelence)
• Expected Pharmacological Action
• NNRTIs act directly on reverse transcriptase to stop HIV reprication
• Therapeutic Uses
• Primary HIV-1 infection
• Often used in combination with other antiretroviral agents to prevent medication
• Route of administration:
• Oral
• Monitor for rash.
Complications Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client Education

Rash, which may become serious and lead to Steven’s-Johnson

• Monitor for rash.
• Treat with diphenhydramine (Benadryl), if prescribed.
• Notify the provider for fever or blistering.
Flu-like symptoms, headache, fatigue
• Monitor for adverse reactions.
• Encourage rest and adequate oral fluid intake
• NNRTIs are Pregnancy Risk Category C.
• These medications are contraindicated in clients with medication
• Use with caution in clients who have liver disease.
Medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education
Antacids may decrease absorption of delavirdine.
• Allow 1 hr. between medications.
NNRTIs may increase effects of amphetamines, antihistamines, calcium channel blockers,
ergot alkaloids, quinidine, warfarin, and others.
• Monitor for medication toxicity.
Rifampin and phenytoin may cause decrease in levels of delavirdine.
• Do not use together.
Didanosine may reduce both medications’ absorption.
Allow 1 hour between medications.
NNRTIs hypotension and changes in vision.
• may cause increase in sildenafil level.
• Monitor for Use together with caution.
Protease inhibitors
Members of this group are;
ritonavir (Norvir)
Saquinavir (Invirase)
Indinavir (Crixivan)
Amprenavir (Agenerase)
Nelfinavir (Viracept)
Mechanism Of Action
Protease inhibitors act against HIV-1 and HIV-2 to alter and inactivate the virus by inhibiting enzymes
needed for HIV replication.
Used to treat HIV infections
Should be used with another antiretroviral medication to reduce medication resistance
Route of administration: Oral
Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client
• Diabetes mellitus/hyperglycemia ; Monitor serum glucose,
Adjust diet and administer anti-diabetic medications as prescribed. Advise clients to monitor for
increased thirst and urine output.
• hypersensitivity reaction;
Monitor for rash.
Notify the provider if rash develops.
• Nausea and vomiting; Take medication with food to reduce GI effects and increase absorption.
• Elevated serum lipids
Monitor for hyperlipidemia.
Adjust diet.
• Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia
Monitor CBC. Monitor for signs of infection (fever, sore throat). Monitor for bleeding, blood in stool
and bruising
Medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education
• Ritonavir may cause these medications to accumulate to toxic levels:
Bupropion, carbamazepine, diazepam, lidocaine, prednisone
clozapine, lovastatin, simvastatin, alprazolam, and ergotamine.
Avoid concurrent use.
• Ritonavir may increase medication levels of sildenafil, tadalafil, and
Use with caution. Dosages of these medications may need to be
• Ritonavir decreases levels of ethynyl estradiol in oral contraceptives.
Instruct clients to use an alternative form of birth control.
Entry/fusion inhibitors
Enfuvirtide this is the first antiretroviral to target the host cell
Mechanism of action/pharmacodynamics
• It inhibits fusion of the cellular and viral membranes.
• It is give by S.C. injection half life is 4hours.
adverse effects
• Limited to mild injection site reactions
• Hypersensitivity and peripheral neuropathy may occur.
Standard 1st line regime for adults in Kenya
• Stavudine (D4T)/Zidovudine (AZT)+ Lamivudine(3TC)+Nevirapine
• Stavudine (D4T)/Zidovudine (AZT) +Lamivudine (3TC)+ Efavirenz.
Find out the standard 1st line and the 2nd line ART regime in children.
• Analgesics may be defined as any member or group of drugs used to
achieve analgesia, relief from pain. They relieve pain without causing any
loss of consciousness.
• Analgesics drug works in various ways on the periphery and the CNS.
• NSAIDs are referred to as non narcotic analgesics or non-opioid analgesics.
• They differ from opioids in the aspects;
-they are less potent
-fail to produce drowsiness or CNS depression
-non additive in nature
-posses anti inflammatory/antipyretic activities
NSAIDs cont.’
• 1st generation NSAIDs (COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors):
• Aspirin
• Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
• Naproxen (Naprosyn)
• Indomethacin (Indocin)
• Diclofenac (Voltaren)
• Ketorolac (Toradol)
• Meloxicam (Mobic)
• 2nd generation NSAIDs (selective COX-2 Inhibitor):
• Celecoxib (Celebrex)
Mechanism of action
• Inhibition of prostaglandin synthase, also known as cox — Inhibition of COX-1 can
result in decreased platelet aggregation and kidney damage.
• Inhibition of COX-2 results in decreased inflammation, fever, and pain.
Therapeutic Uses /indication ( analgesic , antipyretic, and anti inflammatory)
• Inflammation suppression.
• Analgesia for mild to moderate pain, such as with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
• Fever reduction.
• Dysmenorrhea.
• Inhibition of platelet aggregation, which protects against stroke and myocardial
infarction. (aspirin)
• The exception of acetaminophen which is an analgesic and antipyretic.
Side/Adverse Effects Nursing
Interventions/Client Education
• Gastrointestinal discomfort (dyspepsia, abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea)
• Damage to gastric mucosa may lead to GI bleeding and perforation, especially
with long-term use. •
• Advise clients to take medication with food or with a full glass of water or milk.
• Advise clients to avoid alcohol.
• Observe for signs of bleeding (passage of black or dark-colored stools, severe
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting).
• Administer a proton pump inhibitor, such as omeprazole (Prilosec), or an H2
receptor antagonist, such as ranitidine (Zantac) to decrease the risk of ulcer
formation. Use prophylaxis agents such as misoprostol (Cytotec).
side/adverse effects cont.’
Renal dysfunction (decreased urine output, weight gain from fluid retention, increased
BUN and creatinine levels)
• Use cautiously with older adults and clients who have heart failure.
• Monitor I&O and kidney function (BUN, creatinine).
Increased risk of heart attack and stroke (non aspirin NSAIDs)
• Use the smallest effective dose for clients with known cardiovascular disease.
• Salicylism may occur with aspirin. Signs and symptoms include tinnitus, sweating,
headache and dizziness, and respiratory alkalosis.
• Advise clients to notify the provider and to stop taking aspirin if symptoms occur.
• Reyer syndrome is rare, but serious in childhood.
• This occurs when aspirin is used for fever reduction in children who have a viral illness,
such as chickenpox or influenza
• Advise clients to avoid giving aspirin when a child has a viral illness, such as chickenpox or
Complication and adverse effects cont.’
Aspirin toxicity
• Aspirin toxicity should be managed as a medical emergency in the hospital.
Therapy includes:
• Cooling with tepid water.
• Correction of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance with IV fluids.
• Reversal of acidosis and promotion of salicylate excretion with bicarbonate.
• Gastric lavage Activated charcoal may also be given to decrease absorption.
• Hemodialysis may be indicated.
Contraindications for aspirin and other 1st generation
NSAIDs include
• Pregnancy (Pregnancy Risk Category D)
• Peptic ulcer disease
• Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, vitamin K deficiency
• Hypersensitivity to aspirin and other NSAIDs
• Children with chickenpox or influenza (aspirin)
• Use NSAIDs cautiously in older adults, clients who smoke cigarettes, and in clients with H.
pylori infection, hypovolemia, asthma, chronic urticaria, and/or a history of alcoholism.
• Celecoxib is contraindicated in clients with allergy to sulfonamides.
• Ketorolac is contraindicated in clients with advanced renal dysfunction
• Use should be no longer than five days because of the risk for kidney damage.
• 2nd generation NSAIDs should be used cautiously in clients who have known
cardiovascular disease.
Mechanism Of Action;
• Acetaminophen slows the production of prostaglandins in the central
nervous system.
Therapeutic Uses
• Analgesic (relief of pain) effect
• Antipyretic (reduction of fever) effects
complications Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client

Acute toxicity that results in liver damage with early symptoms of

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and abdominal discomfort
progressing to, hepatic failure, coma and death
• Advise clients to take acetaminophen as prescribed and not to
exceed 4 g/day.
• Administer the antidote, acetylcysteine (Mucomyst).
• Use cautiously in clients who consume three or more alcoholic
drinks/day and those taking warfarin (interferes with metabolism).
Medication/Food Interactions Nursing Interventions/Client Education

Alcohol increases the risk of liver damage.

• Advise clients about the potential risk of liver damage with
consumption of alcohol.
Acetaminophen slows metabolism of warfarin (Coumadin) leading to
increased levels of warfarin.
• This places clients at risk for bleeding.
• Instruct clients to observe for signs of bleeding (bruising, petechiae,
• Monitor prothrombin time and INR levels and adjust dosages of
warfarin accordingly
Opioid analgesics/narcotic analgesics
● Opioidsare classified as agonists, agonist-antagonists, and antagonist.
Opioid Agonists
• morphine sulfate
• Fentanyl (Sublimaze, Duragesic)
• Meperidine (Demerol)
• Methadone (Dolophine)
• Codeine, oxycodone (OxyContin)
Mechanism of action
• Opioid agonist produce analgesia by binding to specific proteins-
coupled receptors that are located in the brain and the spinal cord
regions involved in the transmission and modulation of pain
Indication/Therapeutic Uses
• Relief of moderate to severe pain (postoperative, myocardial
infarction, cancer)
• Sedation
• Reduction of bowel motility
• Codeine: cough suppression
route of administration
• Morphine sulfate – Oral, subcutaneous, IM, rectal, IV, epidural, and
• Fentanyl (Sublimaze, Duragesic) – IV, IM, transmucosal and
• Meperidine (Demerol) – Oral, subcutaneous IM, and IV
• Codeine – Oral, subcutaneous IM, and IV
• Methadone (Dolophine) – Oral, subcutaneous, and IM
• Oxycodone (OxyContin) – Oral, rectal
• Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) – Oral, subcutaneous, IM, IV
Side/Adverse Effects Nursing
Interventions/Client Education (morphine
Respiratory depression.
• Monitor the client’s vital signs.
• Stop opioids if the client’s respiratory rate is less than 12/ min, and then notify
the provider.
• Have naloxone (Narcan) and resuscitation equipment available.
• Avoid the use of opioids with CNS depressant medications (barbiturates,
benzodiazepines, and consumption of alcohol).
• Increased fluid intake and physical activity.
• Administer a stimulant laxative, such as Bisacodyl (Dulcolax), to counteract
decreased bowel motility, or a stool softener, such as docusate sodium (Colace),
to prevent constipation.
Side/ adverse effects cont.’
Orthostatic hypotension
• Advise clients to sit or lie down if symptoms of lightheadedness or dizziness
• Avoid sudden changes in position by slowly moving clients from a lying to a
sitting or standing position.
• Provide assistance with ambulation as needed.
Urinary retention
• Advise clients to void every 4 hr.
• Monitor I&O.
• Assess the client’s bladder for distention by palpating the lower abdomen area
every 4 to 6 hr. side and adverse effects
Adverse effects cont.’
Cough suppression
Advise clients to cough at regular intervals to prevent accumulation of secretions in the
Auscultate the client’s lungs for crackles, and instruct clients to increase intake of fluid to
liquefy secretions.
Advise clients to avoid hazardous activities such as driving or operating heavy machinery.
Biliary colic
Avoid giving morphine to clients who have a history of biliary colic. Use meperidine as an
• Administer an antiemetic such as promethazine (Phenergan).
Opioid overdose triad of coma, respiratory depression, and pinpoint
• Monitor the client’s vital signs.
• Provide mechanical ventilation.
• Administer opioid antagonists, such as naloxone (Narcan) or
nalmefene (Revex)

• Morphine is contraindicated after biliary tract surgery.

• Morphine is contraindicated for premature infants during and after
delivery because of respiratory depressant effects.
• Meperidine is contraindicated for clients with renal failure because of
the accumulation of normeperidine, which can result in seizures and
Use cautiously with: Clients who have asthma, emphysema, and/or
head injuries; infants, and older adults.
Use cautiously with:

• Clients who have asthma, emphysema, and/or head injuries; infants, and older
adult clients (risk of respiratory depression).
• Clients who are pregnant (risk of physical dependence of the fetus).
• Clients in labor (risk of respiratory depression in the newborn and inhibition
of labor by decreasing uterine contractions)
• Clients who are extremely obese (greater risk for prolonged side effects
because of the accumulation of medication that is metabolized at a slower
• Clients with inflammatory bowel disease (risk of megacolon or paralytic ileus)
• Clients with an enlarged prostate (risk of acute urinary retention)
• Clients with hepatic or renal disease
Opioid agonist-antagonist
• butorphanol (Stadol)
• Nalbuphine hydrochloride (Nubain)
• Buprenorphine hydrochloride (Buprenex)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• These medications act as antagonists on mu receptors and agonists on kappa
Compared to pure opioid agonists, agonist-antagonists have:
• A low potential for abuse causing little euphoria.
• In fact, high doses can cause adverse effects (anxiety, restlessness, mental confusion).
• Less respiratory depression.
• Less analgesic effect.
opioid agonist- antagonist cont.’

• Relief of moderate to severe pain
• Treatment of opioid dependence (buprenorphine)
• Adjunct to balanced anesthesia
• Relief of labor pain (butorphanol)
Route of administration:
• Butorphanol – IV, IM, intranasal
• Nalbuphine – IV, IM, subcutaneous
• Buprenorphine – IV, sublingual, epidural
Side effects
Abstinence syndrome (cramping, hypertension, vomiting )
Sedation respiratory depression
Increased intracranial pressure, headache
Use cautiously in clients who have a history of myocardial infarction,
renal or liver disease, respiratory depression, or head injury, and clients
who are physically dependent on opioids.
Interactions medication/Food Interactions Nursing
Interventions/Client Education

• CNS depressants and alcohol may cause additive effects.

• Use together cautiously.
• Monitor respirations.
• Opioid agonists may antagonize and reduce analgesic effects of the
opioid. Do not use concurrently.
Opioid antagonist
• Naloxone (Narcan)
• Naltrexone (Re Via, Depade ),
• nalmefene (Revex )
Mechanism of Action Opioid antagonists interfere with the action of opioids by competing for opioid
receptors. Opioid antagonists have no effect in the absence of opioids.
Therapeutic Uses
Treatment of opioid overdose Reversal of effects of opioids, such as respiratory depression
Reversal of respiratory depression in an infant
Route of administration:
Naloxone- IM, IV, subcutaneous
nalmefene – IV, IM, subcutaneous
Naltrexone – Oral
Opioid antagonist cont.’
Therapeutic Uses
Treatment of opioid overdose Reversal of effects of opioids, such as
respiratory depression
Reversal of respiratory depression in an infant
Route of administration:
nalmefene – IV, IM, subcutaneous
Naltrexone – Oral
Opioid anti-agonist cont.’
Side Effects
• Tachycardia and tachypnea
• Abstinence syndrome (cramping, hypertension, vomiting)
• Pulmonary edema
• Opioid antagonists are Pregnancy Risk Category B.
• These medications are contraindicated in clients with opioid
Adjuvants medication for pain
• Tricyclic antidepressants: amitriptyline (Elavil) – oral/IM
• Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine (Tegretol) – gabapentin (Neurontin) oral
• CNS stimulants: methylphenidate (Ritalin) – oral
• Antihistamines: hydroxyzine (Vistaril) – oral/IM
• Glucocorticoids: dexamethasone (Decadron) – oral, IV, IM
• Bisphosphonates: etidronate (Didronel) – oral
• NSAIDs: ibuprofen (Motrin) – oral
• Other Medication: Tricyclic antidepressants: imipramine (Tofranil) – oral
• Anticonvulsants: phenytoin (Dilantin) – oral, IV, IM
• CNS stimulants: dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) – oral
• Glucocorticoids: prednisone (Deltasone) – oral
• Bisphosphonates: pamidronate (Aredia) – IV
• NSAIDs: ketorolac (Toradol)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• Adjuvant medications for pain enhance the effects of opioids
Therapeutic Uses
• These medications are used in combination with opioids and cannot be
used as a substitute for opioids.
• NSAIDs are used to treat inflammation.
• Tricyclic antidepressants are used to treat depression and neuropathic
pain such as cramping, aching, burning, darting, and lancinating pain.
• Anticonvulsants are used to relieve neuropathic pain.
• CNS stimulants augment analgesia and decrease sedation.
• Antihistamines decrease anxiety, prevent insomnia and relieve nausea.
• Glucocorticoids decrease pain from intracranial pressure and spinal cord
• Bisphosphonates manage hypercalcemia and bone pain
• Benzimidazole (BZAs)
These are broad spectrum anthelmintic agents.
Thiabendazole., Mebendazole and Albendazole have been used extensively
for human helminth infections.
• Other drugs are ;pyrantel pamoate, ivermectin, praziquental, piperazine
citrate , benzdiazepines and diethylcarbamazine.
Thiabendazole is active against a wide range of nematodes that infect the GI
tract but it clinical use has declined due to its toxicity.
Mebendazole is used for the treatment of intestinal roundworm infections.
Anthelminthic cont.’
• Albendazole is used primarily against a variety of intestinal and tissue
nematodes but also against Larva forms of certain cestodes
(cysticercosis, hydatidosis)
• Used with ivermectin or diethylcarbamazine for control of
Anthelminthics action
• The BZAs inhibit microtubule polymerization by binding to b-tubulin.
• Mebendazole and Albendazole are highly effective in treating the major
infections (ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichuriasis, and hookworm)’
-These drugs are active against both larva and adult stages of the
nematodes, and they are ovicidal for ascaris and trichuris .
-Immobilization and death of susceptible GI parasites occur slowly and
their clearance from the GI tract may not be complete until several days
after treatment.
Albendazole is more effective than mebendazole for strongyloidiasis, cystic
hydatid disease caused By Echinococcus Granulosus And Neurocysticercosis
Anthelminthic cont.’
• The choice of drug depends on specific helminths involved
• Example cestodes infestations e.g. echinococcus granulosus the drugs
used are thiabendazole, Albendazole, piperazine citrate, pyrantel
pamoate, ivermectin and diethylcarbamazine (hetrazan).
Absorption, fate, and excretion
• thiabendazole is absorbed rapidly after oal ingestion and reaches
peak plasma concentration after 1 hour. Most of the drug is excreted
in urine.
• Mebendazole is rapidly metabolized resulting to low systemic
• Albendazole is variably absorbed after oral administration, a fatty
meal enhances absorption. It is well distributed into various tissues
including hydatid cysts. It excreted in urine.
• The common protozoa infection include;
• Amoebiasis ,
• trypanosomiasis,
• giardiasis,
• malaria,
• cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis
• Chagas disease,
• toxoplasmosis and
• trichomoniasis
Examples include; quinine, chloroquine, mefloquine, proguanil,
pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine, tetracycline, doxycycline & minocycline,
primaquine, and also artemether-Lumefantrine (coartem)
• The first line treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Kenya is
• The second line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Kenya is
dihydroartemisinic-piperaquine (DHA-PPQ)
• This is available in a fixed dose combination with adult tablets
containing 30mg/320mg of DHA-PPQ
• Pediatric tablets containing 20mg/160mg of DHA-PPQ
Dosage; Artemether Lumefantrine
day 1 day 2 day 3
1st dose 8hours 24hours 36hours 48 hours 60 hours

5-14 5/12- 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
15-24 3-7 years 2 2 2 2 2 2
25-34 8-11 years 3 3 3 3 3 3
Above 34 Above 12 4 4 4 4 4 4
anti-malaria cont.’
• Other anti-malarial drugs for uncomplicated malaria are;
• Amodiaquine plus artesunate
• Mefloquine plus artesunate
• Halofantrine (halfan) .this drug can cause arrhythmias, and is
contraindicated in patients with heart disease.
• Quinine is an alkaloid derived from cinchona tree.
Reserved for severe and complicated malaria.
Pharmacodynamics/mechanism of action
• It binds to plasmodium DNA to prevent protein synthesis but its exact
mode of action remains uncertain.
• It is used to treat plasmodium falciparum in areas of multiple drug
• Quinine is well absorbed in the gut but absorption is delayed by antacids. It
can be given via slow IV Infusion.
• Metabolism occurs in the liver, the excretion is in the kidneys.
• It is used for the treat of chloroquine resistant P . falciparum often With
Combination Of Pyrimethamine/ Sulfadoxine
unwanted effects
• has a low therapeutic widow and it produces effects in the skeletal muscles
and can cause; GI irritation, renal damage, hemolytic anemia
(rarely)associated with “black water fever” in previously sensitized patients.
• black water fever has a fatality rate of 25% due to intravascular coagulation
and renal failure.
unwanted effects cont.’
• Hypotension
• Hypoglycemia
• Cinchonism
Loading dose IV Quinine 20mg/kg body wt. in 500mls of 5% or 10%
dextrose (MAX 1200MG) for 4 hours then 10mg/kg body wt. as
intravenous infusion in 500mls of 5% or 10% dextrose to run for 4hrs
every 8 hourly ( maximum 600mgs)
After 3 IV doses of quinine, one should try to change into oral treatment
and treatment should continue for 7 days.
quinine cont.’
• for children loading dose is 20mg /kg body wt. in 15mls/kg of isotonic
fluid to run over 4 hours and maintenance dose 10mg/kg body wtin
10mls /kg of isotonic fluids to run over 4 hours every 12 hourly un til
the patient can take orally.
• Oral quinine is given 10mg/kg body wt 8 hourly to complete a total of
(parenteral + oral ) 7 days.
Prevention of malaria
• Chemoprophylaxis; mefloquine or atovaquone-proguanil or
• Intermittent presumptive treatment (IPT) in recommended for
pregnant women in areas of high malaria transmission.
• Current recommended IPT medication is sulphadoxine
500mg ,pyrimethamine 25mg given as a dose of 3 tablets.

Amoebicidal drugs
metronidazole was covered under azoles antibiotics.
• Also known as anti anxiety drugs
• Sedative hypnotics refers to drugs that depress the CNS activity, relieve
anxiety and induce sleep.
• effective Sedatives ( anxiolytic ) drug should reduce anxiety and exert a calm
• Hypnotics drug should produce drowsiness and encourage the onset and
maintenance of a state of sleep.
• All sedative hypnotics cross the placenta barrier and may contribute to the
depression neonatal vital function.
• Sedative-hypnotics are detectable in breast milk and may exert depressant
effects in the nursing infant.
Classification of sedative hypnotics
• Benzodiazepines; clonazepam, diazepam, midazolam, lorazepam,
triazolam, flurazepam, alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide.
• barbiturates; phenobarbital, metharbital, thiopental sodium
• Newer generation; zopiclodine, zolpidem.
• Miscellaneous; chloral hydrate
• B-adrenoreceptor antagonist; Flumezanil
• The most commonly used are benzodiazepines and barbiturates
Pharmacological actions
• Useful predominantly as anticonvulsants, muscle relaxant and in
status epilepticus.
• Abrupt withdrawal causes precipitation of epileptiform seizures.
• They potentiate analgesics .
• Wide margin of safety
• give rise to drug dependency (abuse liability)
• Obliterate moments of sequential events
Pharmacodynamics of benzodiazepines,
barbiturates &new hypnotics
• Molecular pharmacology of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid)
receptor (GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter)
• The benzodiazepine, barbiturates , zolpidem, zaleplon and other
drugs bind to molecular component of GABA, a receptor in neuronal
membrane in the CNS. improving the symptoms of sleep disturbance,
tremors and muscle tension.
Organ level effects

• Sedation; exert calming effects with reduction of anxiety at relatively low

• Hypnosis; all sedative hypnotics induce sleep if high enough doses are
• Muscle relaxation
• Effects on respiratory and cardiovascular functions especially on
patients with pulmonary disease
• Anticonvulsant effects e.g. phenobarbitone
• anesthesia, e.g. barbiturates thiopental
• Tolerance ; psychological & physiological Dependence
Clinical uses
• Insomnia
• Sedation and amnesia before and during medical surgical procedures.
• Treatment of epilepsy and seizure state.
• as a component of balanced anesthesia.
• For control of ethanol and other sedative hypnotic withdrawal states.
• For muscle relaxation in specific neural muscular disorders
Direct toxic action
• relatively low doses may lead to Drowsiness , impaired judgement,
diminished motor skills. sometimes with impact on driving, working
and personal relationship.
• Criminals use BZDs in cases of “date rape” is based on their dose
dependent amnestic effects.
• At higher dose toxicity may present as lethargy or state of exhaustion
or as gross symptoms equivalent to those of ethanol intoxication.
Benzodiazepines commonly
• Most commonly used sedatives hypnotics.
MOA exert their action as the other CNS depressants.
Short acting e.g. midazolam, triazolam, half life five hours.
Intermediate e.g. lorazepam, oxazepam, clonazepam. Half life five to
24 hours.
Long acting e.g. diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, prazepam. Half life 24
Unwanted effects
• Daytime drowsiness, ataxia, rebound insomnia on withdrawal
• The elderly develop blurred vision, tremors , constipation, and
anterograde amnesia.
• Respiratory depression which may worsen in COPD
• Decrease BP and heart rate.
• Paradoxical effects in the first 2 weeks of therapy such as hostility,
aggression, excitement, antisocial behavior
• cross tolerance with other sedative/hypnotics agents e.g. alcohol/
• withdrawal symptoms may develop any time after stopping E.G.
anxiety, insomnia, GIT disturbance, tinnitus, perceptual disturbance,
lack of appetite and perspiration. treat with flumazenil
• In pregnancy, shock, acute alcohol intoxication and neonatal
withdrawal symptoms, in the elderly and during lactation
Drug interaction
• Alcohol plus benzodiazepines cause severe CNS depression.
• Cimetidine, disulfiram and oral contraceptives cause increase
benzodiazepines effects.
• Ranitidine and theophylline decrease benzodiazepine effects.
• Include;
• mephobarbital (mebaral)
• pentobarbital (Nembutal)
• Phenobarbital (luminal, solfoton)
• Amobarbital
• Thiopental sodium.
Pharmacological effects
I. Depression of CNS
II. Sedative hypnotic
III. Anticonvulsant
IV. General anesthetic (sodium thiopental)
V. Enhance analgesic effect of morphine
Therapeutic application
• Sedatives
• Hypnotic
• Anticonvulsant
• pre anesthetic medicament
• Potentiate analgesic activity
• anti epileptic; phenobarbitone, metharbital
• general anesthesia ;thiopental sodium
Adverse reaction
• Acute drug dependence
• Drug tolerance
• Withdrawal symptoms
Renal damage
Hepatic ailments
Pulmonary insufficient
anticonvulsant/ant seizure /anti
epileptic medication
• Barbiturates: Phenobarbital (Luminal) , Primidone (Mysoline) amobarbital,
• Hydantoins: phenytoin (Dilantin)
• Benzodiazepines: Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam (Ativan)
• Carboxamide: Carbamazepine (Tegretol, carbatrol) ,oxcarbazepine (Trileptal)
• Phenyltriazine: Lamotrigine (lamictal)
• pyrrolidines: levetiracetam (Keppra)
• Succinimides: ethosuximide (zorontin)
• Miscellaneous: acetazolamide (Diamox), primidone(mysoline), valproic
acid(depakene, Depakote), zonisamide (zonegran)
Mechanism of action
• Unfortunately the mechanism of seizure activity is not well
• AEDs control seizure disorders by various mechanisms, which include:
 Slowing the entrance of sodium and calcium back into the neuron
and, thus extending the time it takes for the nerve to return to its
active state.
 Suppressing neuronal firing, which decreases seizure activity and
prevents propagation of seizure activity into other areas of the brain.
 Decreasing seizure activity by enhancing the inhibitory effects of
gamma butyric acid (GABA.
Therapeutic uses
• Phenobarbital is used for partial seizures and generalized tonic clonic seizures.
• This medication is not effective against absence seizures.
• phenytoin effective against all major forms of epilepsy except absence seizures.
• Use IV route for status epilepticus.
Phenytoin is an ant dysrhythmic.
Carbamazepine is used for the treatment of partial (simple and complex)
seizures, tonic-clonic seizures, bipolar disorder, and trigeminal and
glossopharyngeal neuralgias.
Therapeutic use cont.’

Ethosuximide is only indicated for absence seizures.

Valproic acid :
• Valproic acid is used for partial, generalized, and absence seizures;
bipolar disorder; and migraine headaches.
• Gabapentin is used as a single agent for control of partial seizures.
• This medication is also used for neuropathic pain and the prevention
of migraine headaches.
Diazepam : Diazepam is used in status epilepticus.
Adverse drug reaction of anti epileptics/
anticonvulsant medication
• Almost all cause undesired effects
• All cross the placenta barrier;
Cleft lip, cardiac malformation; phenobarbitone, phenytoin.
Spina bifida; folate deficiency induced by sodium valproate,
phenytoin, phenobarbital
• This is the oldest non sedative anti seizure drug introduced in 1938.
Mechanism of action
It blocks sodium channels and inhibit the generation of rapidly
repetitive action potentials.
pharmacokinetics; oral ,IM, IV.
Metabolism; is in the liver.
Side /adverse effects and nursing education
CNS effects (nystagmus, sedation, ataxia, double vision, cognitive
• Monitor for symptoms and notify the provider if symptoms occur.
Gingival hyperplasia (softening and overgrowth of gum tissue,
tenderness, and bleeding gums)
• Advise clients to maintain good oral hygiene (dental flossing, massaging
• Skin rash • Stop medication if rash develops.
• Teratogenic (cleft palate, heart defects)
• Avoid use in pregnancy..
Side /adverse effects and nursing education
Cardiovascular effects (dysrhythmias, hypotension)
• Administer at slow IV rate and in dilute solution to prevent adverse CV effects.
Endocrine and other effects (coarsening of facial features, hirsutism, and
interference with vitamin D metabolism)
• Instruct clients to report changes.
• Encourage clients to consume adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D.
• These are antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers
• Depression is a mood (affective) disorder and is a widespread problem,
ranking high among causes of disability.
• Clients starting antidepressant medication therapy for depression need to
be advised that symptom relief can take 1 to 3 weeks and possibly 2 to 3
months for full benefits to be achieved. Encourage continued adherence.
• Clients with major depression may require hospitalization with close
observation and suicide precautions until the antidepressant medications
reach their peak effect.
Antidepressants cont.’
Antidepressant mediations are classified into four main groups:
 Tricyclic antidepressants
 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
 Atypical antidepressant
a)Tricyclic antidepressant;
Amitriptyline (Elavil), Imipramine (Tofranil), Doxepin (Sinequan) ,
Nortriptyline (Aventyl), Amoxapine (Asendin),
Trimipramine (Surmontil)
Mechanism of action
• Tricyclic antidepressant medications block reuptake of
norepinephrine and serotonin in the synaptic space, thereby
intensifying the effects of these neurotransmitters.
Therapeutic Uses
• Depression
• Chronic pain
• childhood Enuresis
• Obsessive compulsive disorders (clomipramine)
Side effects
• Sedation
• Anticholinergic effects
 Dry mouth
Blurred vision
 Photophobia
 Urinary hesitancy or retention
 Constipation
Seizures and impotence
• older patients; dizziness, postural hypotension, constipation, delayed
micturition, edema, muscle tremors.
Tricyclic overdose
• Lethal 70 to 80 percent die before reaching the hospital
• CNS and cardiovascular systems are affected.
• death results from seizures and dysrhythmias
no specific antidote
Decrease drug absorption with activated charcoal
Speed elimination by alkalinizing urine
Manage seizures and dysrhythmias
Basic life support
Drug interactions
• Antipsychotics and steroids may inhibit TCAs
• Aspirin may displace TCAs from binding site
• TCAs and alcohol potentiate the effects of each other hence death
due to severe respiratory distress.
b)Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI s)

• phenelzine (Nardil)
• Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
• Tranylcypromine (Parnate)
• Selegiline (Emsam) – transdermal MAOI
Mechanism of action;
MAOIs inhibit the MAO enzyme system in the CNS.
Amines ( Norepinephrine, Dopamine And Serotonin) resulting in
higher levels in the brain to transmit impulses.
Therapeutic use
• Highly effective considered second line treatment for depression not
responsive to cyclics.
• Atypical depression
• Bulimia nervosa
• Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD)
Side effects
Few side effects most common; orthostatic hypotension.
Tachycardia, dizziness, insomnia, anorexia, blurred vision, palpitation,
drowsiness, headache, nausea, impotence
MAOIs overdose
• Symptoms appear 12 hours after ingestion.
these are; tachycardia, circulatory collapse, seizure, coma.
gastric lavage
Urine acidification
MAOIs hypertensive crisis and tyramine
• Ingestion of food/drinks with amino acid tyramine leads to
hypertensive crisis, which may lead to cerebral hemorrhage, stroke,
coma, or death
• Avoid foods that contain tyramine;
aged mature cheese
Smoked/pickled or aged meat, fish, poultry(herring ,sausages, corned
beef, salami, pepperoni).
Red wine(chianti, sherry, vermouth)
Italian broad beans (fava).

• MAOIs are Pregnancy Risk Category C.

• These medications are contraindicated in clients taking SSRIs and in
those with pheochromocytoma, heart failure, cardiovascular and
cerebral vascular disease, and severe renal insufficiency.
• Use cautiously in clients with diabetes and seizure disorders or those
taking TCAs.
• Transdermal selegiline is contraindicated for clients taking
carbamazepine (Tegretol) or oxcarbazepine (Trileptal), which may
increase blood levels of the MAOI.
c)Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
• Fluoxetine (Prozac)
• Citalopram (Celexa)
• Escitalopram oxalate (Lexapro)
• Paroxetine (Paxil)
• Sertraline (Zoloft)
• SSRI inhibit the reuptake of only serotonin at the part of the amine pump that is
specifically for reuptake of serotonin.
• This explains why these drugs have lesser unwanted effects compared to TCAs.
• the drug of choice for Depression.
Therapeutic Uses

• Major depression
• Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD)
• Bulimia nervosa
• Premenstrual dysphoric disorders
• Panic disorders
• Posttraumatic disorder (PTSD)
• SSRIs are well absorbed orally
• Wide distribution and half life of fifteen to 24 hour but fluoxetine has
a half life of 24 to ninety six hours.
• They achieve effects within 2 to 4 weeks.
• Paroxetine and fluoxetine are not used with TCAs since they inhibit
TCA hepatic metabolism
Unwanted effects
This include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, agitation, anorgasmia
Drug interaction
• MAOIs, TCAs, and St. John’s wort increase the risk of serotonin syndrome.
• Fluoxetine can displace warfarin (Coumadin) from bound protein and
result in increased warfarin levels.
• Fluoxetine can increase the levels of tricyclic antidepressants and lithium.
• Fluoxetine suppresses platelet aggregation and thus increases the risk of
bleeding when used concurrently with NSAIDs and anticoagulants.
d) Second generation antidepressants
• Fewer side effects than tricyclic but not superior in overall efficacy or
onset of action.
Examples are
Mechanism of action
• selective inhibition of serotonin uptake
• Advantage over tricyclic and MAOIs little or no effect on
cardiovascular system.
Therapeutic uses
Depression, bipolar affective disorders, obesity, eating disorders,
obsessive compulsive disorders, panic attacks, myoclonus, treatment
for various substance abuse problems (bupropion is used for smoking
cessation treatment)
Side effects
• CNS; headache, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, fatigue and
• GI; nausea, diarrheal, constipation, dry mouth, sweating, sexual
dysfunction .
• Classification of neuroleptic is based on chemical structure or severity
of resulting unwanted effects.
• Based on unwanted effect;
Conventional (typical, first generation)
chlorpromazine, haloperidol, and fluphenazine
Newer (atypical, second generation)
Example; clozapine, loxapine, asenapine, olanzapine, quetiapine,
paliperidone, risperidone, sertindole.
Classification cont.’
• The distinction between typical and atypical neuroleptic is not clear but rest
on ; receptor profile , incidence of extrapyramidal effects which are less in
the atypical group, efficacy in treatment and efficacy in negative symptoms.
Classification according to chemical structures;
Phenothiazines; chlorpromazine 100 to 1500mg , trifluoperazine,
fluphenazine 1 to 10 mg
Butyrophenones; haloperidol 2 to 20mg
Dibenzodiazepine; clozapine 25 to 900mg
Thienobenzodiazepines; olanzapine
Thioxanthene's; flupentixol 6 to 18mg
Benzisoxazole; risperidone 1to 12mg
• They act by blocking the dopamine receptor.
• Treatment of acute and chronic psychosis
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar disorders (primarily the manic phase)
• Tourette’s syndrome
• Delusional and schizoaffective disorders
• Dementia
• Prevention of nausea/vomiting through blocking of dopamine in the chemoreceptor
trigger zone of the medulla
• hiccups
Side effects typical antipsychotic
• Extrapyramidal effects (dystonia, parkinsonism, tardative dyskinesia)
• Anticholinergic effects; (dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention,
constipation and impotence)
• Cardiovascular effects; tachycardia, arrhythmias, postural hypotention
• Galactorrhea,
• gynecomastia
Side effect atypical antipsychotics
• Clozopine; weight gain, agranulocytosis
• Risperidone; insomnia anxiety, agitation
• Olanzapine; weight gain, dizziness, sedation, anticholinergic effect
Mood stabilizers
lithium carbonate
Expected Pharmacological Action
Lithium produces neurochemical changes in the brain, including
serotonin receptor blockade.
There is evidence that the use of lithium can show a decrease in
neuronal atrophy and/or an increase in neuronal growth.
Therapeutic Uses
• Lithium is used in the treatment of bipolar disorders. Lithium controls
episodes of acute mania, helps prevent the return of mania or
depression, and decreases the incidence of suicide.
• Other uses:
• Alcoholism
• Bulimia
• Schizophrenia
• Absorption :rate and extent vary with dose form. absorption is
complete within hours of oral use.
• Distribution :wide distribution in the body, concentration in thyroid
gland, bone and brain tissue exceed serum levels.
• Metabolism :not metabolized
• Excretion : excreted unchanged in urine. Half lif18 hours
(adolescence)to 3 hour (elderly).
Dosage adults :300mg to six hundred mg up to q.i.d increasing to
achieve optimal dosage.
Adverse reaction
• Gastrointestinal distress (nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain).
• Fine hand tremors that can interfere with purposeful motor skills and
can be exacerbated by factors such as stress and caffeine.
• Polyuria, mild thirst.
• Weight gain
• Renal toxicity
Goiter and hypothyroidism with long-term treatment Brady
dysrhythmia, hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances .

• Lithium is Pregnancy Risk Category D. This medication is teratogenic,

especially during the first trimester.
• Discourage clients from breastfeeding if lithium therapy is necessary.
• Use cautiously in clients with renal dysfunction, heart disease, sodium
depletion, and dehydration
Medication/Food Interactions
• Sodium is excreted with the use of diuretics. Reduced serum sodium
decreases lithium excretion, which can lead to toxicity.
• Concurrent use of NSAIDs (ibuprofen [Motrin] and celecoxib [Celebrex])
will increase renal reabsorption of lithium, leading to toxicity.
Avoid use of NSAIDs.
Use aspirin as a mild analgesic.
• Anticholinergics (antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants) can induce
urinary retention and polyuria, leading to abdominal discomfort
• Advise clients to avoid medications with anticholinergic effects. rt.
Nursing Administration
• Monitor plasma lithium levels while undergoing treatment. At
initiation of treatment, monitor levels every 2 to 3 days and then
every 1 to 3 months. Lithium blood levels should be obtained in the
morning, usually 12 hr. after the last dose.
• During initial treatment of a manic episode, levels should be between
0.8 to 1.4 mEq/L.
• Maintenance level range is between 0.4 to 1.0 mEq/L.
• Plasma levels > 1.5 mEq/L can result in toxicity.
• Care for clients who have a toxic plasma lithium level in an inpatient
setting and provide supportive measures. Hemodialysis may be
• Advise clients that effects begin within 7 to 14 days.
Nursing administration cont.’
• Advise clients to take lithium as prescribed. Lithium must be
administered in 2 to 3 doses daily due to a short half life. Taking
lithium with food will help decrease GI distress.
• Encourage clients to adhere to laboratory appointments needed to
monitor lithium effectiveness and adverse effects. Emphasize the high
risk of toxicity due to the narrow therapeutic range.
• Provide nutritional counseling. Stress the importance of adequate
fluid and sodium intake.
• Instruct clients to monitor for signs of toxicity and when to contact
the provider. Clients should stop taking medication and seek medical
attention if experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive sweating.
Other mood stabilizing drugs
• Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
• Valproic acid (Depakote)
• Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Purpose
Expected Pharmacological Action: AEDs help treat and manage bipolar
disorders by various mechanisms, which include:
• Slowing the entrance of sodium and calcium back into the neuron
and, thus extending the time it takes for the nerve to return to its
active state.
• Potentiating the inhibitory effects of gamma butyric acid (GABA)
• Inhibiting glutamic acid (glutamate) which in turn suppresses CNS
Therapeutic Uses

• Treatment of manic and depressive episodes, prevention of

relapse of mania and depressive episodes.
• Especially useful for clients with mixed mania and rapid
cycling bipolar disorders.
Methylphenidate Ritalin, Methylin Ritalin SR, Methylin ER ethylin ER Ritalin LA,
Concerta, Daytrana
Dexmethylphenidate Focalin
Dextroamphetamine Dexedrine Dexedrine Spansule

Amphetamine mixture Adderall Adderall-XR

CNS stimulants cont.’
Expected Pharmacological Action :
These medications raise the levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, and
dopamine into the CNS.

Therapeutic Uses:
• ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
• Conduct disorder
Side effects
• CNS stimulation (insomnia, restlessness)
• Weight loss
• Cardiovascular effects (dysrhythmias, chest pain, high blood pressure)
• These medications may increase the risk of sudden death in clients
with heart abnormalities.
• Development of psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia
Withdrawal reaction.
• Hypersensitivity skin reaction to transdermal methylphenidate (hives,

• These medications are contraindicated in clients who have a history

of drug abuse, cardiovascular disorders, severe anxiety, and psychosis.
Medication/Food Interactions:
Concurrent use of MAOI s may cause hypertensive crisis.
Concurrent use of caffeine may increase CNS stimulant effects.
Methylphenidate inhibits metabolism of phenytoin (Dilantin), warfarin
(Coumadin), and phenobarbital, leading to increased serum levels.
OTC cold and decongestant medications with sympathomimetic action
can increase CNS stimulant effects.
Nursing Administration
• Advise clients to swallow sustained-release tablets whole and to not
chew or crush the tablets.
• Teach clients the importance of administering the medication on a
regular schedule.
• Teach clients who use transdermal medication (Daytrana) to place
the patch on one hip daily in the morning and leave it in place no
longer than 9 hr. Alternate hips daily.
• Instruct parents and clients that ADHD is not cured by medication and
should be managed with an overall treatment plan that may include
family therapy and cognitive therapy.
• Instruct parents that these medications have special handling
procedures controlled by federal law. Handwritten prescriptions are
required for medication refills.
• Neuromuscular blocking agents have various uses including assisting
 sedation during general anesthesia,
 control of seizures during electroconvulsive therapy,
 suppression of gag reflex during endotracheal intubation.
• Medications include succinylcholine (Anectine) and vecuronium
Anti -Parkinson's drugs
Neuromuscular agents cont.’
Muscle relaxants and antispasmodic agents can affect both the central and
peripheral nervous systems.
• These agents are used with spasticity related to muscle injury, cerebral
palsy, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis.
• Agents include diazepam (Valium), baclofen (Lioresal), and dantrolene
• Bethanechol (Urecholine), a muscarinic agonist, is used for urinary
• Oxybutynin (Ditropan), a muscarinic antagonist, is used for neurogenic
Muscle relaxant/ Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
Depolarizing neuromuscular blocker: succinylcholine (Anectine)
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers: pancuronium (Pavulon)
Other Medications:
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers: atracurium (Tracrium),
Vecuronium (Norcuron)
Expected Pharmacological Action
Neuromuscular blocking agents block acetylcholine (ACh) at the
neuromuscular junction, resulting in muscle relaxation and hypotension.
They do not cross the blood-brain barrier, so complete paralysis can be
achieved without loss of consciousness or decreased pain sensation.
Neuromuscular agents cont.’
Therapeutic Uses
• Neuromuscular blocking agents are used as adjuncts to general
anesthesia to promote muscle relaxation.
• These agents are used to control spontaneous respiratory movements
in clients receiving mechanical ventilation.
• These agents are used as seizure control during electroconvulsive
• Neuromuscular blocking agents are used during endotracheal
intubation and endoscopy
Side effect
• Respiratory arrest from paralyzed respiratory muscles
• Hypotension
• Low pseudo cholinesterase activity can lead to prolonged apnea
• Signs of malignant hyperthermia include muscle rigidity accompanied
by increased temperature, reaching levels as high as 43° C (109.4° F).
• After 12 to 24 hr. postoperative, clients may experience muscle pain
in the upper body and back.
• Hyperkalemia
Drug interaction
General anesthetics are often used concurrently in surgery.
• Dosage of tubocurarine should be reduced to prevent extreme
neuromuscular blockade.
Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines can increase the effects of
neuromuscular blockade.
• Take complete medication history of clients who are to receive
neuromuscular blockade.
Neostigmine and other cholinesterase inhibitors increase the effects of
depolarizing neuromuscular blockers, such as succinylcholine.
• Monitor clients during neuromuscular blockade reversal after surgery
Nursing Administration

• Clients must receive continuous cardiac and respiratory monitoring

during therapy.
• Monitor clients for respiratory depression and have life support
equipment available.
• Carefully monitor clients for return of respiratory function.
• local anesthetic bind reversibly to a specific receptor site within the
pore of the sodium channels in nerves and block ion movement when
applied locally to nerve tissues in appropriate concentration.
• Local anesthetic can act on any part of the nervous system, on every
type of nerve fibers, reversibly blocking the action potentials
responsible for nerve conduction.
• Thus a local anesthetic in contact with a nerve trunk can cause both
sensory and motor paralysis in the area innervated.
Mechanism of action
• Local anesthetic block conduction by decreasing or preventing the
large transient increase in the permeability of excitable membranes.
• This action is due to direct interaction with voltage gated sodium
• As the anesthetic action progressively develops in the nerve ,the
threshold for electrical excitability increase. The rate of rise of the
action potential also declines, impulse conduction slows, and nerve
conduction eventually fails
Local anesthetics
Drug Duration of action
lidocaine medium
Bupivacaine (Marcaine),levobupivacaine (chirocaine) long
Ropivacaine (naropin) long
Mepivacaine (carbocaine, isocaine) medium
articaine medium
benzocaine Surface use only
Tetracaine (pontocaine) long
Cocaine medium

Procaine short
Neuromuscular agents
The action of non depolarizing muscle relaxant is antagonized, once
muscle paralysis is no longer desired with an acetylcholinesterase
inhibitor such as neostigmine or edrophonium
Skeletal muscle relaxants
• Succinylcholine mimics ACh by binding with cholinergic receptors at the
neuromuscular junction. This agent fills the cholinergic receptors, preventing
ACh from binding with them, and causes sustained depolarization of the
muscle, resulting in muscle paralysis.
Reversal agent: Pseudo cholinesterase enzyme
• Pancuronium, atracurium, vecuronium
• These agents block ACh from binding with cholinergic receptors at the motor
end plate. Muscle paralysis occurs because of inhibited nerve depolarization
and skeletal muscle contraction.
• Reversal agent: Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
General anesthetics
• General anesthetics depress the CNS sufficiently to permit surgery
and other noxious or unpleasant procedures.
• Gas have a low therapeutic indices and are require great care in
• The consideration of patients age, associated medical condition and
medication use is important.
• The physiological state induced by general anesthesia include;
analgesia, amnesia, loss of consciousness, inhibition of sensory and
autonomic reflexes, and skeletal muscle relaxation.
a)Parenteral anesthetics
Pharmacokinetic principle
• After a single intravenous bolus these drugs preferentially partition
into the highly perfused and lipophilic tissues of the brain and the
spinal cord where they produce anesthesia within a single circulation.
• Blood levels falls rapidly, resulting in drug redistribution out of the cns
back into the blood.
• The anesthetics then perfuse into less perfused tissues such as
muscle and viscera , and at a slower rate into the poorly perfused but
very hydrophobic adipose tissue.
Parenteral anesthetics
• Thiopental and Propofol are the two most commonly used parenteral
• thiopental has a long established track record of safety.
• Propofol is advantageous for procedures where rapid return to a
preoperative mental status is desirable.
• Etomidate usually is reserved for patients at risk for hypotension
and /myocardial ischemia
• Ketamine is best suited for patients with asthma, children undergoing
short ,painful procedures
Pharmacological characteristics of parenteral
anesthetics (IV)
etomidate Rapid onset and moderate fast recovery Provides cardiovascular stability, causes
decreased steroidal genesis and involuntary
muscle movement
ketamine Moderate onset and recovery Causes cardiovascular stimulation, increase
cerebral blood flow and emergence reaction
that impair recovery
midazolam Slow onset and recovery; flumazenil Provides cardiovascular stability and marked
reversal available amnesia, used in balanced anesthesia and
conscious sedation.
Propofol Rapid onset and recovery Used in induction and maintenance can
cause hypotension ,has useful antiemetic
thiopental Rapid onset and recovery (bolus dose) Standard induction agent, causes
slow recovery following infusion. cardiovascular depression, avoid in
fentanyl Slow onset and recovery. opioid used in balanced anesthesia
Naloxone reversal available and conscious sedation produces
marked analgesia
Inhalation anesthetics
• They have a low safety margin.
• The selection of inhalation anesthetic is often marching a patient
pathophysiology with drug side effects.
• The inhalation anesthetics also vary widely in their physical
properties, which govern the pharmacokinetics of the inhalation
• They produce a rapid induction of anesthesia and a rapid recovery
following discontinuation.
• Examples are: nitrous oxide, halothane, desflurane, sevoflurane,
enflurane, and methoxyflurane.
Side effect of anesthetics
• Hemodynamic effect e.g. decrease in systemic arteria BP.
• respiratory effects; elimination of both ventilatory drive and reflex
that maintain airway patency, gag reflex is lost, no cough stimulus,
lower esophageal sphincter tone is reduced.
• Hypothermia, nausea and vomiting.
Other emergence Postoperative effects

• Hypotension and tachycardia,

• myocardial ischemia,
• post anesthesia shivering, (give small dose of meperidine 12 mg lowers the shivering
triggers temperature.
• Airway obstruction
• Respiratory suppression
• Hypoxemia may occur
• Negative pressure pulmonary edema may occur due to strong inspiratory efforts against a
closed glottis
• pain control can be complicated
• These emergence phenomena can be greatly reduced when opioids are employed as part
of the intraoperative regimen
• Diuretics are drugs that increase the rate of urine flow; clinically
useful diuretics also increase the rate of excretion of sodium and
accompanying anion chloride.
• Most clinical application of diuretics aim to reduce extracellular fluid
volume by decreasing total sodium chloride volume.
• diuretics alter excretion of sodium and also may modify handling of
other cations(potassium, hydrogen and magnesium) anions (chloride,
bicarbonate, hydrogen phosphate ), and uric acid
Clinical pharmacology of diuretics
• Edematous state :in heart failure, kidney disease and in renal failure.
• Non edematous state : in hypertension, nephrolithiasis hypercalcemia.

classification of diuretics
Loop diuretics : furosemide
Thiazide diuretics: hydrochlorothiazide
Potassium sparing diuretics: spironolactone
Osmotic diuretic: mannitol
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: acetazolamide (DIAMOX)
a)High Ceiling Loop Diuretics
furosemide (Lasix)
Other Medications:
• Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)
• Bumetanide (Bumex)
• Torsemide (Demadex)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• High ceiling loop diuretics work in the ascending limb of loop of Henle to:
• Block reabsorption of sodium and chloride and to prevent reabsorption
of water, Cause extensive diuresis even with severe renal impairment.
Therapeutic Uses

• High ceiling loop diuretics are used when there is an emergent need
for rapid mobilization of fluid such as:
• Pulmonary edema caused by heart failure
• Conditions not responsive to other diuretics such as edema caused by
liver, cardiac, or kidney disease; hypertension
• These medications may also be used to treat hypercalcemia related
to kidney stone formation.
• Route of administration: Oral, IV, IM.
Side effects
• Dehydration, hyponatremia, hypochloremia.
• Hypotension
• Ototoxicity (transient with furosemide and irreversible with ethacrynic
• Hypokalemia (K+ less than 3.5 mEq/L
• Other adverse effects (hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, and decrease in
calcium and magnesium levels)
• Contraindications/Precautions ;Pregnancy Risk Category C , Avoid using
these medications during pregnancy unless absolutely required. Use
cautiously in clients who have diabetes and/or gout
Drug interaction
• Digoxin (Lanoxin) toxicity can occur in the presence of hypokalemia.
• Concurrent use of antihypertensive can have additive hypotensive
• Hyponatremia can lead to decrease in lithium carbonate excretion,
which may lead to toxicity.
• NSAIDs reduce diuretic effect.
Nursing administration
• Obtain the client’s baseline data to include orthostatic blood pressure,
weight, electrolytes, and location and extent of edema.
• Weigh clients at the same time each day; usually upon awakening.
• Monitor the client’s blood pressure and I&O.
• Avoid administering the medication late in the day to prevent nocturia.
Usual dosing time is 0800 and 1400.
• Administer furosemide orally, IV bolus dose, or continuous IV infusion. Infuse
IV doses at 20 mg/min or slower to avoid abrupt hypotension and
• If potassium level drops below 3.5 mEq/L, clients should be placed on a
potassium supplement.
Nursing administration cont.’
• If the medication is used for hypertension, teach clients to self-monitor blood
pressure and weight by keeping a log.
• Advise clients to get up slowly to minimize postural hypotension. If faintness
or dizziness occurs, instruct clients to sit or lie down.
• Teach clients to report significant weight loss, lightheadedness, dizziness, GI
distress, and/ or general weakness to the provider.
• Encourage clients to consume foods high in potassium, such as avocados and
• Instruct clients with diabetes to monitor for elevated blood glucose levels.
• Instruct clients to observe for signs of low magnesium levels such as muscle
twitching and tremors.
b)Thiazide Diuretics
• hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril)
Other Medications:
• Chlorothiazide (Diuril)
• Methyclothiazide (Enduron)
Thiazide-type diuretics:
• indapamide (Lozide, Lozol)
• chlorthalidone (Hygroton)
• metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
Mechanism of action
Expected Pharmacological Action
• Thiazide diuretics work in the early distal convoluted tubule to:
• Block the reabsorption of sodium and chloride, and prevent the
reabsorption of water at this site
• Promote diuresis when renal function is not impaired
Therapeutic Uses
• Thiazide diuretics are often the medication of first choice for essential
• These medications may be used for edema of mild-to-moderate heart
failure and liver and kidney disease.
Side/Adverse Effects
• dehydration
• Hypokalemia (K+ less than 3.5 mEq/L)
• Hyperglycemia
Medication/Food Interactions
• Digoxin (Lanoxin) toxicity can occur in the presence of hypokalemia
• Antihypertensive have additive hypotensive effects. Monitor the client’s
blood pressure.
• Hyponatremia can lead to decrease in lithium (Eskalith) excretion, which
may lead to toxicity.
• NSAIDs reduce diuretic effect
Nursing administration
• Chlorothiazide may be administered orally and IV, all others can only be given
• Obtain the client’s baseline data to include orthostatic blood pressure, weight,
electrolytes, and location and extent of edema.
• Monitor the client’s potassium levels
• Instruct clients to take the medication first thing in the morning; if twice-a-day
dosing is prescribed, be sure the second dose is taken by 1400 to prevent nocturia.
• Encourage clients to consume foods high in potassium and maintain adequate
fluid intake (1,500 mL per day, unless contraindicated).
• If GI upset occurs, clients should take the medication with or after meals. ●
• Alternate-day dosing can decrease electrolyte imbalance
c)Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
spironolactone (Aldactone)
Other Medications: triamterene (Dyrenium), amiloride (Midamor)

Expected Pharmacological Action

Potassium-sparing diuretics block the action of aldosterone (sodium
and water retention), which results in potassium retention and the
secretion of sodium and water.
Therapeutic Uses

• Potassium-sparing diuretics are combined with other diuretics for

potassium-sparing effects.
• Potassium-sparing diuretics are used for heart failure.
• In primary hyperaldosteronism, potassium-sparing diuretics block actions of
• Route of administration: Oral
Side/Adverse Effects;
• Hyperkalemia (K+ greater than 5.0 mEq/L)
• Endocrine effects (impotence in male clients; irregularities of menstrual
cycle in female clients)

• Do not administer to clients who have hyperkalemia.

• Potassium-sparing diuretics are contraindicated in clients who have
severe renal failure and anuria.
Medication/Food Interaction
• Concurrent use of ACE inhibitors increases the risk of hyperkalemia
• Concurrent use of potassium supplements increases the risk of
Nursing Administration

• Obtain the client’s baseline data.

• Monitor the client’s potassium levels regularly.
• Can only be given orally.
• Teach clients to avoid salt substitutes that contain potassium.
• Teach clients to self-monitor blood pressure.
• Instruct clients to keep a log of blood pressure and weight.
• Warn clients that triamterene may turn urine a bluish color.
d)Osmotic Diuretics
• mannitol (Osmitrol)
• Expected Pharmacological Action
• Osmotic diuretics reduce intracranial pressure and intraocular pressure by raising
serum osmolality and drawing fluid back into the vascular and extravascular space.
Therapeutic Uses
• Osmotic diuretics prevent renal failure in specific situations, such as hypovolemic
shock and severe hypotension.
• These medications decrease intracranial pressure (ICP) caused by cerebral edema.
• These medications decrease intraocular pressure (IOP).
• Osmotic diuretics promote sodium retention and water excretion in clients with
hyponatremia and fluid volume excess
Side/Adverse Effects
• Renal failure
• Heart failure, pulmonary edema
• Fluid and electrolyte imbalances
• Use extreme caution in clients with heart failure.

• Furosemide contributes to therapeutic effect by promoting renal

excretion of fluid drawn into vasculature by osmotic diuretics.
Nursing Administration
Administer mannitol by continuous IV infusion.
To prevent administering microscopic crystals, use a filter needle when
drawing from the vial and a filter in the IV tubing.
Monitor daily weight, I & 0, and serum electrolytes.
Monitor for signs of dehydration, acute renal failure, and edema.
Use of furosemide may help prevent rebound fluid retention; this
contributes to therapeutic effect.
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
• Blockade of carbonic anhydrase activity induces a sodium bicarbonate
diuresis, which reduces body bicarbonate levels.
• These drugs include;
• Acetazolamide (DIAMOX)
• Dichlorphenamide (DARANIDE)
• Methazolamide (GLAUCTABS)
Acetazolamide administration causes a reduction in aqueous humour
and CSF fluid production
acetazolamide cont.’
• the proximal tubule is the major site of action of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
• the collecting duct is the secondary site of action .
Clinical application
Glaucoma; because acetazolamide decreases the rate of aqueous humor
production, a decline in IOP occurs.
The major indication of carbonate anhydrase inhibitor is open angle glaucoma.
It may also be given in secondary glaucoma
Preoperatively in acute angle glaucoma.
Treatment of epilepsy.
Altitude sickness familial periodic paralysis
• Hyper chloremic acidosis.
• Renal potassium loss.
Hepatic cirrhosis.
Cardiovascular pharmacology
• Antihypertensive drugs potential drug targets;
• CNS: decrease sympathetic tone
• Heart: decrease cardiac out put
• Veins: dilate; decrease preload
• arterioles: dilate; decrease preload
• Kidneys: increase diuresis; inhibit renin angiotensin aldosterone
Classification of anti hypertensives
• diuretics:
Thiazide and related agents (hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone)
Loop diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide,, torsemide, ethacrynic)
Potassium sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone)
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors ( captopril, enalapril, lisinopril,
quinapril, Ramipril, benazepril)
• Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBS)
(losartan, candesartan, Irbesartan, valsartan, telmisartan, eprosartan)
• Calcium channel blockers (CCB)
(verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine, felodipine, nicardipine, isradipine, amlodipine)
Classification of antihypertensive
Arterial ( hydralazine, minoxidil, diazoxide fenoldopam)
Arterial and venous (nitroprusside)
Sympatholytic drugs
Alpha adrenergic blockers; (prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin, phentolamine,
Beta adrenergic blockers; (metoprolol, atenolol, etc )
Mixed adrenergic; ( labetalol, carvedilol)
Centrally acting alpha2 agonists (methyldopa, clonidine, guanabenz)
Adrenergic neuron blocking agents;( guanethidine, reserpine)
: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE)
captopril (Capoten)
• Other Medications: Enalapril (Vasotec), Enalaprilat (Vasotec IV),
Fosinopril (Monopril), Lisinopril (Prinivil), Ramipril (Altace)
Mechanism of action
ACEIs prevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II which is a
potent vasoconstrictor. this causes vasodilation, reduces peripheral
resistance, and decreases secretion of aldosterone (thereby resulting in
decrease sodium and water retention and extracellular volume)
• Merits of ACEIs
• Safe for asthmatics, diabetics
• Absence of rebound hypertension upon abrupt withdrawal.
• Total absence of postural hypotension.
• maintains renal blood flow.
• devoid of electrolyte imbalance.
• Therapeutic Uses
• Hypertension
• Heart failure
• Myocardial infarction (To decrease mortality and to decrease risk of
heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction)
• Diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathy
• For clients at high risk for a cardiovascular event, Ramipril can be
used to prevent MI, stroke, or death.
Side/Adverse Effects
• Cough related to inhibition of kinase II (alternative name for ACE)
which results in increase in bradykinin
• First-dose orthostatic hypotension.
• Hyperkalemia
Rash and dysgeusia (altered taste), primarily with captopril
• Angioedema.
• Neutropenia (rare but serious complication of captopril)
• These medications are Pregnancy Risk Category D during the second
and third trimester, related to fetal injury.
• renal stenosis when present bilaterally or in a single remaining kidney.
• history of angioedema following use of ACE inhibitor.
• Use cautiously in clients with renal impairment and
• collagen vascular disease because they are at greater risk for
developing neutropenia. Closely monitor these clients for signs of
• hypotension
Medication/Food Interactions
• Diuretics can contribute to first-dose hypotension
• Antihypertensive medications may have an additive hypotensive
• Potassium supplements and potassium-sparing diuretics increase the
risk of hyperkalemia.
• ACE inhibitors can increase levels of lithium carbonate (Eskalith)
• Use of NSAIDs may decrease the antihypertensive effect of ACE
Nursing Administration

• Administer ACE inhibitors orally except enalapril, which is the only

ACE inhibitor for IV use.
• Advise clients that the medication may be prescribed as a single
formulation or in combination with hydrochlorothiazide.
• Advise clients that blood pressure has to be monitored after the first
dose for at least 2 hr. to detect hypotension.
• Instruct clients that captopril should be taken at least 1 hr. before
meals. All other ACE inhibitors can be taken with or without food.
• Advise clients to notify the provider if cough, rash, dysgeusia (lack of
taste), and/or signs of infection occur
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
• losartan (Cozaar)
• Other Medications: Valsartan (Diovan) , Irbesartan (Avapro) ,
Candesartan (Atacand) , Olmesartan (Benicar)
Expected Pharmacological Action
These medications block the action of angiotensin II in the body.
This results in:
• Vasodilation (mostly arteriole)
• Excretion of sodium and water, and retention of potassium (through
effects on the kidney)
Therapeutic Uses :

• Hypertension,
• Heart failure and prevention of mortality following MI,
• Stroke prevention ,
• Delay progression of diabetic nephropathy
The major difference between ARBs and ACE inhibitors is that cough and
hyperkalemia are not side effects of ARBs
Side/Adverse Effects
• Angioedema
• Hypersensitivity
• Pregnancy
• renal stenosis when present bilaterally or in a single remaining kidney
monitor BP, HR, Weight, Edema, Blood Urea Nitrogen, Serum
can be used in patients intolerant to aceis (due to cough)
• Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
• Verapamil (Calan)
• Amlodipine (Norvasc)
Other Medications:
• Amlodipine (Norvasc)
• Felodipine (Plendil)
• Nicardipine (Cardene, Cleviprex)
• Diltiazem (Cardizem)
Mechanism of action of CCB

Mechanism of action of
• inhibits calcium influx in the smooth muscles and the myocardium.
• Blocking of calcium channels in blood vessels leads to vasodilation of
peripheral arterioles and arteries/arterioles of the heart, slows down
heart conduction and reduction of blood pressure.
• give rise to coronary vasodilation.
• Enhances coronary blood flow.
• Reduces total periphery resistance, reduces systolic and diastolic
Therapeutic use
• Chronic angina
• Congestive heart failure
• Acute myocardial infarction
• Peripheral vascular disorders
Adverse drug reaction
Palpitation, nausea, vomiting, flushing, headache, edema.
• Serves as a long acting calcium channel blocker.
Therapeutic use
• Treatment of essential hypertension.
• Angina pectoris
Adverse drug reaction
ce, conjunctivitis
• Enhances coronary blood flow rate,vasodilation.
• Exerts anti arrhythmic action.
• Reduces peripheral resistance.
Therapeutic uses
• Supraventricular tachycardia.
• Acute coronary spasms
• Angina pectoris
• Hypertension with myocardial infarction
Adverse reaction

• Dizziness, vertigo, constipation, hypotension, nausea, pedal edema

Advantages of calcium channel blockers
• Exhibits rapid onset and longer duration of action hence administered once a day.
• Do not exhibit cardiac depression.
• Do not cause adverse effects on the fetus.
• Cause no sedation.
• Recommended for patients having angina and asthma.
• Do not cause male impotence.
• Mostly indicated for the elderly, pregnant and asthmatic.
• safe with history of renal impairment.
• Do not exhibit action on electrolyte balance.
• Monitor BP, HR, rhythm,
• Control calcium supplement.
• Inform patient not to stop drug abruptly.
• Patient to report signs of adverse effects such as irregular heart beat,
shortness of breath, oedema in the hands and feet, dizziness,
constipation, nausea and hypotension.
• Discontinue in breast feeding because they are excreted in breast milk
and have potential for adverse effects in neonates.
Hydralazine (APRESOLINE) causes direct relaxation of the arterio
smooth muscle secondary to a fall in the intracellular calcium. this is
associated with powerful stimulation of the sympathetic nervous
system, due to baroreceptor mediated reflexes
Toxicity and precaution
• These includes; headache, nausea, flushing, hypotension, palpitation,
tachycardia, dizziness and angina pectoris.
• Myocardial ischemia (increased oxygen demand)
• Immunological reactions, drug induced lupus syndrome. this occurs after
six months of treatment with hydralazine.
• symptoms include, arthralgia, arthritis and fever.
• The treatment can result in an illness that resembles serum sickness,
hemolytic anaemia, vasculitis, and glomerulonephritis.
Therapeutic uses
• Due to adverse effect profile, hydralazine is no longer a first line drug
in the treatment of hypertension.
• Used in patients with CCF(in combination with nitrates for patients
who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors.
• Treatment of hypertension emergencies in pregnancy.
(especially preeclampsia).
The usual dose is twenty five to 100mgs twice a day
He maximum recommended dose of hydralazine is 200mg/day.
• Parenteral administration in coronary artery disease.
• Elderly patients
• Medication: prazosin (Minipress)
• doxazosin mesylate (Cardura)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• It inhibits Alpha adrenergic receptor causing Venous and arterial dilation
leading to reduction in total peripheral vascular resistance.
• Smooth muscle relaxation of the prostatic capsule and bladder neck
Therapeutic uses
• Primary hypertension.
• Doxazosin mesylate (Cardura) may be used to decrease symptoms of benign
prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), which include urgency, frequency, and dysuria.
Side/Adverse Effects
• First-dose orthostatic hypotension
• Start treatment with low dosage of medication.
• First dose may be given at night.
• Monitor blood pressure for 2 hr. after the initiation of treatment.
• Instruct clients to avoid activities requiring mental alertness for the
first 12 to 24 hr.
• Instruct clients to change positions slowly and to lie down if feeling
dizzy, lightheaded, or faint

• Pregnancy
• clients with hypersensitivity to medication
• Medication/Food Interactions Nursing Interventions/Client Education
• Antihypertensive medications may have an additive hypotensive effect
Instruct clients to observe for signs of hypotension (dizziness,
lightheadedness, faintness).
Instruct clients to lie down if these symptoms occur, and to change positions
• NSAIDs and clonidine may decrease the antihypertensive effects of prazosin.
Advise clients to avoid OTC NSAIDs.
Nursing Administration

• Obtain baseline blood pressure and heart rate.

• Instruct clients that the medication can be taken with food.
• Recommend that clients take the initial dose at bedtime to decrease
“first-dose” hypotensive effect.
clonidine (Catapres)
• guanfacine HCl (Tenex),
• methyldopa (Aldomet)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• These medications act within the CNS to decrease sympathetic outflow resulting
in decreased stimulation of the adrenergic receptors (both alpha and beta
receptors) of the heart and peripheral vascular system.
• Decrease in sympathetic outflow to the myocardium results in bradycardia and
decreased cardiac output (CO).
• Decrease in sympathetic outflow to the peripheral vasculature results in
vasodilation, which leads to decreased blood pressure.
Therapeutic Uses
• Primary hypertension (administered alone, with a diuretic, or with another
antihypertensive agent)
• Severe cancer pain (administered parenterally by epidural infusion)
Investigational use
• Migraine headache
• Flushing from menopause
• Management of ADHD and Tourette’s syndrome
• Management of withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, tobacco, and opioids
Side/Adverse Effects
• Drowsiness and sedation
• Dry mouth
• Rebound hypertension
• Clonidine is Pregnancy Risk Category C.
• Avoid use during lactation.
• This medication is contraindicated for clients taking anticoagulant medications
• Avoid use of transdermal patch on affected skin in scleroderma and systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE).
• Use cautiously in clients with cerebrovascular disease, recent MI, diabetes
mellitus, major depressive disorder, or chronic renal failure
• Antihypertensive medications may have an additive hypotensive
• Concurrent use of prazosin (Minipress), MAOI s, and tricyclic
antidepressants can counteract the antihypertensive effect of
• Additive CNS depression can occur with concurrent use of other CNS
depressants, such as alcohol.
Nursing Administration

• Administer medication by oral, epidural, and transdermal routes.

• Medication is usually administered twice a day in divided doses. Take
larger dose at bedtime to decrease the occurrence of daytime
• Transdermal patches are applied every seven days. Advise clients to
apply patch on hairless, intact skin on torso or upper arm.
Methyldopa (ALDOMET)
• Acts through its metabolites (amethylnorepinephrine)which stimulates
central alpha adrenergic receptors, thus increasing total peripheral
• It does not affect glomerular filtration, cardiac output or heart rate.
Therapeutic effects
moderate to severe hypertension
Adverse effects:
GIT upsets, sedation, depression, nasal stuffiness, myocarditis edema,
orthostatic hypotension, diarrhea, dry mouth, erectile dysfunction,
eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, fever.
• Hypersensitivity, activity liver disease, those who developed liver cirrhosis
with previous treatment of methyldopa.
• Patients taking diuretics and antihypertensive.
• Those taking levodopa because of potential for additive antihypertensive
• patient to avoid hazardous task.
• Lower dose in impaired renal disease.
• Monitor liver functions.
Caution cont.’
• Monitor HB, RBCs for signs of anemia.
• Monitor weight, fluid input and out put.
• Signs of drug induced depression,
• Take BP in different patients position during dose adjustments, warn of
signs and symptoms of adverse effects and toxicity
• Tolerance may develop 2to 3 weeks after start of treatment.
• Urine may darken on exposure to air(as drug is broken down to its
• Dose increase should be made with the evening dose to minimize the
effects of drowsiness.

Cardioselective: Beta1
• Metoprolol (Lopressor)
• Atenolol (Tenormin)
• Metoprolol succinate (Toprol XL)
• Esmolol HCL (Brevibloc)
Nonselective: (Beta1 and Beta2)
• Propranolol (Inderal)
• Nadolol (Corgard)
• Labetalol (Normodyne)
Expected Pharmacological Action

They block beta- adrenergic receptors in the myocardium and in the

electrical conduction system of the heart.
• Decreased heart rate
• Decreased myocardial contractility
• Decreased rate of conduction through the AV node
Therapeutic Uses
hypertension , Angina, arrhythmias, heart failure and myocardial
Other uses may include: Treatment of hyperthyroidism, migraine
headache, pheochromocytoma, and glaucoma
adverse effects
• Bradycardia, fatigue, dizziness, nightmares, depression, memory loss,
hallucination, impotence, cold extremities, elevated serum cholesterol.
severe hypotension, bradycardia, congestive heart failure, asthma,
diabetics, critically abnormal lipid profile
• Explain the rationale of therapy and importance of taking drugs as
• Patient should not discontinue drugs abruptly because it can cause MI or
Consideration cont.’
• Advise clients to avoid sudden changes in position to prevent occurrence of
orthostatic hypotension
• Administer medications orally, usually once or twice a day.
• Administer the following medications by IV route: atenolol, metoprolol,
labetalol, propranolol.
• Teach clients to self monitor heart rate and blood pressure at home on a daily
• Monitor weight & signs of hypovolemic shock especially in diabetic patients.
• Glucagon is prescribed to reverse signs of overdose.
• Dose are lowered in geriatrics due to delayed metabolism and enhanced side
Medications for Hypertensive Crisis
nitroprusside sodium (Nitropress)
Other Medications:
Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat IV)
Nicardipine (Cardene)
Clevidipine (Cleviprex)
Enalaprilat (Vasotec IV)
Esmolol HCL (Brevibloc)
mechanism of Action Direct vasodilation of arteries and veins resulting in
rapid reduction of blood pressure (decreased preload and afterload) ●
Therapeutic Uses Hypertensive emergencies
Side effects
Excessive hypotension
• Administer medication slowly because rapid administration will cause
blood pressure to go down rapidly. • Monitor the client’s blood
pressure and ECG.

Nitroprusside should not be administered in the same infusion as any other

Nursing Administration
• Prepare medication by adding to diluent for IV infusion.
• Note color of solution. Solution may be light brown in color. Discard
solution of any other color.
• Protect IV container and tubing from light.
• Discard medication after 24 hr.
• Monitor vital signs and ECG continuously
two main types
• cardenolides (digitalis, convallaria, oleandra)
• Bufadienolides (Helleborus, Poison Arrow Frog)
Mechanism of action
Cardiac glycoside slows down the heart rate and increase the force of
Pharmacological action
• Enhances myocardial contractility and is used in congestive cardiac
• Enhances cardiac output, minimizes dilated cardiac size, blood volume
and venous pressure.
• They modulate autonomic nervous system activity, and this
contributes to their efficacy in management of heart failure.
• Diuretic effect, reduce oedema.
• It is usually given only when diuretics and ACEIs have failed.
• Congestive heart failure, heart failure with atrial fibrillation, or pts
who remain symptomatic despite therapy with ACE inhibitors and b
Adrenergic receptor antagonists
• Left ventricular failure.
• Atrial fibrillation.
• It is the most commonly used digitalis
Tablets (Lanoxin)
Capsules (lanoxicaps)
Parenteral digoxin is available for intravenous administration and
maintenance doses can be given intravenously when oral dosin is
Digoxin cont.’
Expected Pharmacological Action
Positive inotropic effect
 increased force of myocardial contraction Increased force and efficiency of myocardial
contraction improves the heart's effectiveness as a pump,
 improving stroke volume and cardiac output.
 Increase perfusion of the kidneys which facilitates excretion of fluid by the kidneys
Negative chronotropic effect
 decreased heart rate ,
 At therapeutic levels, digoxin slows the rate of SA node depolarization and the rate of
impulses through the conduction system of the heart.
 A decreased heart rate gives the ventricles more time to fill with blood coming from the
atria, which leads to increased SV and increased CO.
Digoxin cont.’
Therapeutic Uses
• Treatment of heart failure
• Dysrhythmias (atrial fibrillation)
side/adverse effects
• Dysrhythmias (caused by interfering with the electrical conduction in the myocardium)
• Cardiotoxicity leading to bradycardia.
• GI effects include anorexia (usually the first sign), nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
• Teach clients to monitor for these effects and report to the provider if they occur.
• CNS effects include fatigue, weakness, vision changes (diplopia, blurred vision, yellow-
green or white halos around objects).
Digoxin cont.’
• In Pregnancy
• clients with disturbances in ventricular rhythm, including ventricular
fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and second- and third-degree
heart block.
• Use cautiously in clients who have hypokalemia, partial AV block,
advanced heart failure, and renal insufficiency.
Medication interaction
• Thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), and loop
diuretics, such as furosemide (Lasix), may lead to hypokalemia, which
increases the risk of developing dysrhythmias
• ACE inhibitors and ARBs increase the risk of hyperkalemia, which can
lead to decreased therapeutic effects of digoxin.
• Sympathomimetic medications such as dopamine (Intropin)
complement the inotropic action of digoxin and increase the rate and
force of heart muscle contraction.
• Quinidine increases the risk of digoxin toxicity when used concurrently.
• Verapamil (Calan) increases plasma levels
Over view: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. It
is an intermittent and reversible airflow obstruction that affects the
bronchioles. The obstruction occurs either by inflammation or airway
hyper-responsiveness leading to bronchoconstriction.
• Medication management usually addresses both inflammation and
• These same medications may be used in symptomatic treatment of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD
• Advise clients to take the medication as prescribed. If a dose is missed, the next dose
should NOT be doubled.
• Check pulse rate and rhythm before administration of digoxin and record. Notify the
provider if heart rate is less than 60/min in an adult, less than 70/min in children, and
less than 90/min in infants. Administer digoxin at the same time daily.
• Monitor digoxin levels periodically during treatment and maintain therapeutic levels
between 0.5 to 2.0 ng/mL to prevent digoxin toxicity.
• Avoid taking OTC medications to prevent adverse and side effects and medication
• Instruct clients to observe symptoms of hypokalemia, such as muscle weakness, and to
notify the provider if symptoms occur.
• Instruct clients to observe symptoms of digoxin toxicity (anorexia, fatigue, weakness),
and to notify the provider if symptoms occur.
Management of digoxin toxicity
• Digoxin and potassium-sparing medication should be stopped
• Monitor K+ levels. For levels less than 3.5 mEq/L, administer
potassium intravenously or by mouth. Do not give any further K+ if
the level is greater than 5.0 mEq/L.
• Treat dysrhythmias with phenytoin (Dilantin) or lidocaine.
• Treat bradycardia with atropine.
• For excessive overdose, activated charcoal, cholestyramine, or
Digibind can be used to bind digoxin and prevent absorption.
Bronchodilators cont.’
Medications include:
Classification of Bronchodilator ;
• beta2-adrenergic agonists short acting; salbutamol,
• beta2-adrenergic agonists long acting; salmeterol and formoterol
• Methyl xanthine's e.g. theophylline
• inhaled anticholinergics e.g. tiotropium
• anti-inflammatory agents such as glucocorticoids, mast cell stabilizers,
and leukotriene modifiers.
Beta2-Adrenergic Agonists
• albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin)
• Formoterol (Foradil Aerolizer)
• Salmeterol (Serevent)
• Terbutaline (Brethine)
albuterol ( Proventil, Ventolin)
• Mechanism of Action
• Beta2-adrenergic agonists act by selectively activating the beta2-receptors
in the bronchial smooth muscle, resulting in bronchodilation. As a result of
this: Bronchospasm is relieved, Histamine release is inhibited, Ciliary
motility is increased.
Therapeutic uses
Medication Route Therapeutic uses
Albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin) • Inhaled, short-acting • Prevention of asthma attack
Oral, long-acting (exercise-induced) • Treatment for
ongoing asthma attack • Long-term
control of asthma
Formoterol (Foradil Aerolizer) • Inhaled, long-acting • Long-term control of asthma
Salmeterol (Serevent)
Terbutaline (Brethine) Oral, long-acting • Long-term control of asthma
Side effects
• Inhaled agents (short and long acting) have minimal adverse effects.
• Oral agents can cause tachycardia and angina because of activation
of alpha1 receptors in the heart.
• Tremors caused by activation of beta2 receptors in skeletal muscle.
• Beta2-adrenergic agonists are Pregnancy Risk Category C.
• These agents are contraindicated in clients with tachydysrhythmia.
• Use cautiously in clients who have diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart
disease, hypertension, and angina
Medication and food interaction
• Use of beta-adrenergic blockers (propranolol) can negate effects of both
• MAOIs and tricyclic antidepressants can increase the risk of tachycardia and
Nursing Administration
Instruct clients to follow manufacturer’s instructions for use of device: metered-
dose inhaler (MDI), dry-powder inhaler(DPI), and nebulizer.
When a client is prescribed an inhaled beta2-agonist and an inhaled glucocorticoid,
advise the client to inhale the beta2-agonist before inhaling the glucocorticoid.
The beta2-agonist promotes bronchodilation and enhances absorption of the
Advise clients not to exceed prescribed dosages.
Ensure that clients know the appropriate dosage schedule (if the medication is to be
taken on a fixed or a when-necessary schedule).
• Formoterol and salmeterol are both long-acting beta2-agonist inhalers. These
inhalers are used every 12 hr. for long-term control and are not to be used to abort
an asthma attack. A short-acting beta2-agonist should be used if clients need to
treat an acute attack.
• Advise clients to observe for signs of an impending asthma attack and to keep a log
of the frequency and intensity of attacks.
• Instruct clients to notify the provider if there is an increase in the frequency and
intensity of asthma attacks.

theophylline (Theolair, Theo-24)
Expected Pharmacological Action
Theophylline causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle, resulting in
Therapeutic Uses
Oral theophylline is used for long-term control of chronic asthma.
Route of administration: oral or IV (emergency use only)
Side/adverse effects
Mild toxicity reaction may include GI distress and restlessness.
• More severe reactions can occur with higher therapeutic levels and
can include dysrhythmias and seizures.
• in Pregnancy
• Use cautiously in clients who have heart disease, hypertension, liver
and renal dysfunction, and diabetes.
• Use cautiously in children and older adults.
Nursing Administration
• Advise clients to take the medication as prescribed. If a dose is
missed, the following dose should not be doubled.
• Instruct clients not to chew or crush sustained-release preparations.
These medications should be swallowed whole.
• ipratropium (Atrovent)
• tiotropium (Spiriva)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• These medications block muscarinic receptors of the bronchi, resulting in
Therapeutic Uses
• These medications are used to relieve bronchospasm associated with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
• These medications are used for allergen-induced and exercise-induced asthma.
Route of administration: inhalation
Local anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, hoarseness)
Advise clients to sip fluids and suck on hard candies to control dry
• Inhaled anticholinergics are Pregnancy Risk Category B.
• These agents are contraindicated in clients who have an allergy to
peanuts because the medication preparations may contain soy
• Use cautiously in clients who have narrow-angle glaucoma and benign
prostatic hypertrophy (due to anticholinergic effects).
• Nursing Administration
• Advise clients to rinse the mouth after inhalation to decrease
unpleasant taste.
• Usual adult dosage is two puffs. Instruct clients to wait the length of
time directed between puffs.
• If clients are prescribed two inhaled medications, instruct clients to
wait at least 5 min between medications
• Medication/Food Interactions
• Caffeine increases CNS and cardiac adverse effects of theophylline.
• Caffeine can also increase theophylline levels.
Advise clients to avoid consuming caffeinated beverages (coffee,
caffeinated colas).
• Phenobarbital and phenytoin decrease theophylline levels.
• Cimetidine (Tagamet), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), and other
fluoroquinolone antibiotics increase theophylline level.
Inhalation: beclomethasone dipropionate (QVAR)
Oral: prednisone (Deltasone)
• Budesonide (Pulmicort Flexhaler)
• Fluticasone propionate and salmeterol (Advair)
• Fluticasone propionate (Flovent)
• Triamcinolone acetonide (Azmacort)
systemic :
• Oral Prednisolone E 30 to 40mg for initial to 7 days,
• IV/IM dexamethasone
• IV Hydrocortisone sodium succinate (Solu-Cortef) (
• IV Methylprednisolone sodium succinate (Solu-Medrol)
• Expected Pharmacological Action
• These medications prevent inflammation, suppress airway mucus
production, and promote responsiveness of beta2 receptors in the bronchial
• The use of glucocorticoids does not provide immediate effects, but rather
promotes decreased frequency and severity of exacerbations and acute
• Therapeutic Uses
• Short-term IV agents are used for status asthmaticus.
• Inhaled agents are used for long-term prophylaxis of asthma.
• Short-term oral therapy is used to treat symptoms following an acute
asthma attack.
• Long-term oral therapy is used to treat chronic asthma.
• Replacement therapy is used for primary adrenocortical insufficiency.
• Promote lung maturity and decrease respiratory distress in fetuses at risk
for preterm birth
Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client Education

Beclomethasone dipropionate
Difficulty speaking, hoarseness, and candidiasis
• Advise clients to use a spacer with MDI.
• Advise clients to rinse mouth or gargle with water or salt water after
• Advise clients to monitor for redness, sores, or white patches and to
report to provider if they occur.
• Candidiasis may be treated with nystatin oral suspension.
prednisolone when used for more than 10
• Suppression of adrenal gland function, such as a decrease in the ability of the adrenal
cortex to produce glucocorticoids: Can occur with inhaled agents and oral agents
Taper the client’s dose.
• Bone loss (can occur with inhaled agents and oral agents)
• Myopathy as evidenced by muscle weakness
• Hyperglycemia and glycosuria
• Myopathy as evidenced by muscle weakness a
• Peptic ulcer disease
• Infection
• Disturbances of fluid and electrolytes (fluid retention as evidenced by weight gain,
and edema and hypokalemia as evidenced by muscle weakness)
• Pregnancy risk category C
• Contraindicated in clients who have received a live virus vaccine
• Contraindicated in clients with systemic fungal infections
• Use cautiously in children, and in clients who have diabetes,
hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, and/or renal dysfunction.
• Use cautiously in clients taking NSAIDs.
Medication/Food Interactions
• Concurrent use of potassium-depleting diuretics increases the risk of
• Concurrent use of NSAIDs increases the risk of GI ulceration.
Concurrent use of glucocorticoids and hypoglycemic agents (oral and
insulin) will counteract the effects
Nursing Administration
• Instruct clients to use glucocorticoid inhalers on a regular, fixed schedule
for long-term therapy of asthma.
• Glucocorticoids are not to be used to treat an acute attack.
• Administer using an MDI device, DPI, or nebulizer.
• When a client is prescribed an inhaled beta2-agonist and an inhaled
glucocorticoid, advise the client to inhale the beta2-agonist before inhaling
the glucocorticoid. The beta2-agonist promotes bronchodilation and
enhances absorption of the glucocorticoid.
• Oral glucocorticoids are used short-term, 3 to 10 days following an acute
asthma attack.
• If client is on long-term oral therapy, additional dosages of oral
glucocorticoids are required in times of stress (infection, trauma).
• Clients who discontinue oral glucocorticoid medications or switch from
oral to inhaled agents require additional doses of glucocorticoids during
periods of stress.
INFLATORY DRUGS (cromolyn sodium (Intal)
others are: nedocromil sodium (Tilade)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• Anti-inflammatory action
• These medications stabilize mast cells, which inhibits the release of
histamine and other inflammatory mediators.
• These medications suppress inflammatory cells (eosinophils,
Complications Safest of all asthma medications, Safe to use for children
therapeutic uses
• Management of chronic asthma
• Prophylaxis of exercise-induced asthma
• Prevention of allergen-induced attack
• Allergic rhinitis by intranasal route
• Route of administration: inhalation
• These agents are Pregnancy Risk Category B.
• Fluorocarbons in aerosols make this medication contraindicated for clients
who have coronary artery disease, dysrhythmias, and status asthmaticus.
• Use cautiously in clients with liver and kidney impairment.
Nursing Administration
• Advise clients to take medication 15 min before exercise or exposure
to allergen.
• Advise clients that long-term prophylaxis may take several weeks for
full therapeutic effects to be established.
• Advise clients that this is not a bronchodilator and is not intended for
aborting an asthmatic attack.
• Instruct clients in the proper use of administration devices (nebulizer,
leukotriene receptor antagonist ;
• Montelukast (Singulair)
• Zileuton (Zyflo),
• Zafirlukast (Accolate)
Expected Pharmacological Action
Leukotriene modifiers prevent the effects of leukotrienes, thereby suppressing
inflammation, bronchoconstriction, airway edema, and mucus production.
Therapeutic Uses
Leukotriene modifiers are used for long-term therapy of asthma in adults and
children 15 years and older and to prevent exercise-induced bronchospasm.
Route of administration: oral
• Use cautiously in clients with liver dysfunction

Medication/Food Interactions
• Zileuton and zafirlukast inhibit metabolism of warfarin (Coumadin),
leading to increased warfarin levels.
• Zileuton and Zafirlukast inhibit metabolism of theophylline, leading to
increased theophylline levels.
Nursing Administration
• Advise clients to take zileuton as prescribed. Zileuton can be given
with or without food.
• Advise clients that zafirlukast should not be given with food, and to
administer it 1 hr. before or 2 hr. after meals.
• Advise clients to take Montelukast once daily at bedtime.
acid peptic disease includes:
• peptic ulcers (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer , NSAIDS induced ulcers)
• gasro oesophageal reflux disease,
• hypersecretory states like Zollinger Ellison Syndrome (ulcerogenic tumour of the
islets of Langerhans.
Principles of therapy
The aim of therapy is to;
• relieve symptoms,
• induced ulcer healing and cure in the long run
• Decreased risk of complications
• Stopping reoccurrence .
Classification of agents used in treatment of
peptic ulcer:
• Inhibition of acid secretion
H2 receptor agonist e.g. cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine roxatidine.
Proton pump inhibitors e.g. omeprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole,
Anticholinergics e.g. pirenzepine.
Prostaglandin analogue e.g. misoprostol.
• neutralization of gastric acids
Sodium bicarbonate systemic
Non systemic: magnesium hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide, magnesium
• Mucosal protective agents e.g. sucralfate, colloidal bismuth.
• Anti helicobacter pylori drugs (ANTIBIOTICS) e.g. Clarithromycin, Ampicillin, Metronidazole, Tetracycline,

anti H. pylori drugs

• Amoxicillin (Amoxil)
• Bismuth (Pepto-Bismol)
• Clarithromycin (Biaxin)
• Metronidazole (Flagyl)
• Tetracycline
Expected Pharmacological Action
• Eradication of H. pylori bacteria
• Therapy should include: Combination of 2 or 3 antibiotics for 14 days

The disease process is only altered by the use of antibiotics. All other medications make an environment that is
conducive to healing.
Two weeks regimen
• Tetracycline 500mg QID and metronidazole 200mg BID and Bismuth
sub salylicylate.
• Amoxicillin 100mg BID and clarithromycin 500mg BID+ Lansoprazole
30mgs BID.
• Clarithromycin 500mg TDS +Omeprazole.
Clarithromycin 250mg BID + Metronidazole 400mgs + Omeprazole
20mgs BID.
Amoxicillin 500mg Bid + Clarithromycin 250mg Bid+ Omeprazole 20mg
Histamine2 -Receptor Antagonists

• ranitidine hydrochloride (Zantac)

• Cimetidine (Tagamet)
• Nizatidine (Axid)
• Famotidine (Pepcid)
Expected Pharmacological Action: Histamine2-receptor antagonists
suppress the secretion of gastric acid by selectively blocking H2
receptors in parietal cells lining the stomach
• Therapeutic Uses
• gastric and peptic ulcers,
• gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
• hypersecretory conditions, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
• Histamine2-receptor antagonists are used in conjunction with
antibiotics to treat ulcers caused by H. pylori.
Side/Adverse Effects
• Cimetidine may block androgen receptors, resulting in decreased
libido and impotence.
• Cimetidine may cause CNS effects (lethargy, depression, confusion)
• Ranitidine, nizatidine, and famotidine have few adverse effects and
• These medications are Pregnancy Risk Category B
• Use in older adults can cause antiadrenergic effects (e.g., impotence)
and CNS effects (e.g., confusion).
• H2-receptor antagonists decrease gastric acidity, which promotes
bacterial colonization of the stomach and the respiratory tract. Use
cautiously in clients who are at a high risk for pneumonia, such as
clients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Medication/Food Interactions
• Cimetidine can inhibit medication metabolizing enzymes and thus
increase the levels of warfarin, phenytoin (Dilantin), theophylline, and
• Concurrent use of antacids can decrease absorption of histamine2 -
receptor antagonists.
Nursing Administration
Cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine can be administered IV for acute
Advise clients to practice good nutrition. Suggest eating six small meals
rather than three large meals a day.
Inform clients that adequate rest and reduction of stress may promote
Clients should avoid smoking, because smoking can delay healing.
Encourage clients to avoid aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) unless taking low-dose aspirin therapy for
prevention of cardiovascular disease.
If alcohol exacerbates symptoms, advise clients to stop drinking.
• Availability of these medications OTC may discourage clients from
seeking appropriate health care.
• Encourage clients to see the provider if symptoms persist.
• The medication regimen can be complex, often requiring clients to
take two to three different medications for an extended period of
time. Encourage clients to adhere to the medication regimen and
provide support.
• Ranitidine can be taken with or without food
Proton Pump Inhibitor

• omeprazole (Prilosec)
• Pantoprazole (Protonix)
• Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
• Rabeprazole sodium (AcipHex)
• Esomeprazole (Nexium)
Expected Pharmacological Action
• Proton pump inhibitors reduce gastric acid secretion by irreversibly
inhibiting the enzyme that produces gastric acid.
• Proton pump inhibitors reduce basal and stimulated acid production.
Therapeutic uses
• gastric and peptic ulcers,
• hypersecretory conditions such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
• Insignificant side effects and adverse effects with short-term
• Low incidence of headache, diarrhea, and nausea/vomiting
• Contraindications/Precautions
• These medications are Pregnancy Risk Category C.
• Use cautiously with children and women who are breastfeeding.
• Contraindicated for clients hypersensitive to medication
• These medications increase the risk for pneumonia. Omeprazole
decreases gastric acid pH, which promotes bacterial colonization of
the stomach and the respiratory tract. Use cautiously in clients at high
risk for pneumonia, such as clients with COPD.
• Long-term use of proton pump inhibitors increases the risk of gastric
cancer and osteoporosis.
• Medication/Food Interactions
• Digoxin (Lanoxin) levels may be increased when used concurrently with
• Monitor digoxin levels carefully if prescribed concurrently.
• Absorption of ketoconazole (formerly Nizoral), itraconazole (Sporanox),
and atazanavir (Reyataz) is extremely decreased when taken concurrently
with proton pump inhibitors.
Nursing Administration
• Do not crush, chew, or break sustained-release capsules.
• Clients may sprinkle the contents of the capsule over food to facilitate
• Clients should take omeprazole once a day prior to eating in the
• Encourage clients to avoid alcohol and irritating medications such as
• Active ulcers should be treated for 4 to 6 weeks.
• Pantoprazole (Protonix) can be administered to clients intravenously.
In addition to low incidence of headache and diarrhea, there may be
irritation at the injection site leading to thrombophlebitis. Monitor
the client’s IV site for signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, local
pain) and change the IV site if indicated.
• Teach clients to notify the provider for any sign of obvious or occult
GI bleeding such as coffee-ground emesis.
Piperazine :
• it is a selective M1 receptor blocker
• Produces less effects.
• Reduces acid secretion by 40 to fifty percent
• Has a small therapeutic window
Prostaglandins analogue
• They have o cytoprotective role by inhibiting acid secretion by
increasing mucus and bicarbonate secretion.
• Inhibit gastrin secretion and increase mucosal blood flow.
• a synthetic pge1 analogue and inhibits acid output.
• ulcer heal in 4 to six weeks but relieving pain
Therapeutic Use
prevent ulceration and bleeding induced by NSAIDS
sucralfate (Carafate)
Expected Pharmacological Action
The acidic environment of the stomach and duodenum changes sucralfate into a
thick substance that adheres to an ulcer. This protects the ulcer from further injury
that may be caused by acid and pepsin.
This viscous substance can stick to the ulcer for up to 6 hr.
Therapeutic Uses
• promotes healing of duodenal and gastric ulcers
• Poorly absorbed systemically, not used frequently due to a large doses.
• Should not be used with antacids, H2 Antagonist, PPIs as it is dependent on
gastric PH.
colloidal bismuth compounds
• promote healing of duodenal and gastric ulcers.
• Act by binding to an ulcer, denaturing the protein and creating a
physical barrier.
• Inhibition of pepsin, activation of mucous production, increase of
• It is effective in healing of duodenal and gastric ulcers.
• Effective in non ulcer gastritis, caused by H.pylori
• take before meals and at bed time for 4 to 8 weeks.
• Poor acceptance due to blackening of tongue, dentures and stool
• inconvenience of dosing used as a regimen of multiple therapy for
H.Pylori not used alone.
This are drugs tha promote deafacation
*laxatives; mild action
*Purgative; strong action
Bulk forming purgatives
Magnesium sulphate, magnesium hydroxide, sodium phosphate,
lactulose, sodium tartrate, osmotic cathartic.
Vegetable fibres, bran
Hydrophillic colloids, methyl cellulose
• Irritants and stimulants
Diphenylmethanes; phenolphthalein, Bisacodyl
Anthraquinone derivatives; senna, cascara
Fixed oil; castor oil
• Stool softeners; docusate, mineral oil, glycerin suppositories
Mechanism of action of laxatives
• Laxatives cause retention of fluid in colonic contents increasing bulk
and softness of stool and its transit.
• They may decrease absorption of water and electrolyte by acting on
intestinal mucosa.
• They may enhance intestinal motility reducing absorption of water.
Bulk forming purgatives
Osmotic or saline cathartics
• They are poorly absorbed hold water through osmosis.
• In addition the ions stimulate secretion and motility.
• Main used salts are; magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate,
magnesium hydroxide, sodium potassium tartrate.
• Sodium salts contraindicated in congestive heart failure.
• Cause after constipation therefore not used routinely
• Preferred for pre-operative care before colonoscopy and in poisoning.
• A synthetic disaccharide containing fructose and galactose absorbed in the GIT.
• Produces soft stools within 1-3 days
• Side effects; abnominal cramps, flatulence,
• Contraindicated in patients requiring galactose free diet.
Vegetable fibres
• Dietary fibres derived from whole grains, vegetables and fruits. They contains the indigestible portion of cell
• Dietary fibre act by binding water and ions in the intestine softens stool and promotes peristables. Also
increases faecel mass.
• Prevention and treatment of functional constipation.
• Used for symptomatic relief of mild diarrhea
Adverse effects
Intestinal obstruction, oesophageal obstruction may occur.
Irritant and stimulant purgatives
• They promote accumulation of water and electrolytes in the lumen.
• Enhance intestinal motility
• Increased water secretion is through activation of cAMP and synthesis
of prostaglandins
• Phenolpthalein and bisacodly are widely used.
• Castor oil is hydrolysed to glycerol and ricinoleic acid which stimulates
peristalsis. Effect in the small intestines causes rapid complete
• Side effects include; Cramping, dehydration.
• Regular use bordestroys mucosa
• Should be avoided in pregnant women, can intiate labour.
Stool softeners
• Used as an emulsifying, wetting and dispersing agent.
• soften stool with 1-3days
Liquid paraffin
• It’s a mineral oil.
• Pharmacologically inert and acts as lubricants and softens stool.
Adverse effects of liquid paraffin
• Leakage of oil past anal sphincter
• Affect absorption of fat soluble vitamins.
• Used as a suppository, produces effects within 30mins.
Indication of laxatives
• Constipation not responding to non- pharmacological measures: fibre
rich diet, regular exercise, regular bowel movements, ( bulk laxatives
are the 1st choice).
• Before and after surgery to produce soft stool in patients with
haemorrhoids and fissures.
Undiagnosed abnominal pain
Intestinal obstruction
Should be avoided during later stages of preganancy.
Anti- diarrhoeal agents
• Diarrhoea is marked by frequent passage of unformed or liquid stools.
Treatment of diarrhoea
• fluid and electrolyte replacement
• Nutritional management
• Drug therapy
Drug Therapy
Anti-diarrhea drugs include;
a) Antimotility drugs
b) Antisecretory drugs
c) Adsorbents
d) Antibacterial agents
Atimotility drugs
E.g loperamide, diphenoxylate
• Acts mainly on GIT receptor.
• Acts quickly and has a longer duration of action
• Decreases GIT motility and is excreted unchanged indicated for non
infective diarrhea, mild travellors diarrhea.
Adverse effects
• Skin rash , abdominal cramps with excessive use paralytic ileus
• Contraindication; below 4years, infective diarrhea, ulcerative colitis
Antisecretory drugs
• Enkephalinase inhibitor that increases endogenous enkephalin level
and reduce intestinal hyper tension of water and electrolytes.
• Used for systematic treatment of diarrhea.
• Has no side effects like bloating and after constipation.
• Should not be used in pregnancy, lactation and children.
• Include kaolin, pectin, methylcellulose , magnesium aluminium
• They act by absorbing microorganisms and/ toxins by altering normal
flora or by protecting the mucosa of the intestines.
• Their efficacy is doubtful
Antimicrobial agents
• Cholera; tetracyclines, norfloxacin/ciprofloxacin
• Infections with camphylobacter; erythromycin and flouroquinolones
• Amoebiasis or giardiasis; metronidazole, diloxanide furoate,
• Shigella spcs, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin or cotrimoxazole.
• Contain viable lactic acid bacilli.
• Improve intestinal microflora
• Known as probiotics
• Useful in rotavirus diarrhoea and anti biotic induced diarrhoea
• Vomitting is reflex action that results in forceful evacuation of gatric
• Conditions pregnancy, ulcers, motion sickness, chemotherapy.
Anti emetics
Applied to suppress or prevent vomiting.
Anti muscarinic: scopolamine (hyoscine), dicyclomine
H1 antagonist: promethazine, doxylamine,
Prokinetic drugs; metoclopramide, domperidone, cisapride, mosapride.
Neuroleptics; phenothiazines, chlorpromazine
Adjuvant antiemetics; dexamethasone, benzodiazepines
1. Prokinetic drugs
a. Metroclopramide
• Effective for all types of vomiting, post- operatively, radiation, chemotherapy.
• Less effective in motion sickness.
• Blocks dopamine receptors, enters CNS
Side effects: extrapyramidal effects, dystonia, dyskinesia.
• Anti emetic
• Dyspesia
• facilitate lactation
b. Domperidone
• Peripheral D2 receptor agonist .
• Causes less extra pyramidal effects, doesnot cross the blood brain barrier.
• Lower efficacy than metoclopramide
Uses; levodopa or bromocriptine induced vomiting.
Side effects; increased prolactin, galactorrhoea, dry mouth, rashes. Headache.
2. Anti muscarinic
Scopolamine (hyoscine)
• Alkaloid related to atropine
• Most effective in prophylaxis of motion sickness
• Antimuscarinic action blocks afferent pathways for vomiting reflex.
• Has short duration of action
• Produces anticholinergic effects; blurred vision, dry mouth, sedation.
• Not effective with vomiting of other aetiologies.
3. Neuroleptics
• Phenothiazines: chlorpromazine
• potent anti emetics in vomiting due to drug toxicity, chemotherapy.
• They act by blocking the D2 receptors in the medulla oblongata
chemoreceptor trigger zone.
• Not effective in motion sickness
• Dosage is lower than antipsychotics
Side effects; sedation, extrapyramidal effects; dyskinesia, dystonia
4. H1 antagonist
• Doxylamie useful in motion sickness
• Modest effect on chemotherapy
• Reduce extra pyramidal effects of D2 receptor antagonist.
• Are antagonist therefore avoided in pregnancy.
Adjuvant antiemetics
Corticosteroids; dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, used to control
chemotherapy vomiting.
• Act by blocking prostaglandins.
• Cause insomnia and hyperglycemia
Cannabinoids; tetrahydrocannabinol
• active principle of marijuana
• Reduce chemotherapy emesis.
• For patients intolerant or refractory to others antiemetics
Side effects; hallucinations. Disorientation, vertigo, sedation
• Anti coagulant refers to any substance which inhibits normal blood
clotting, lowers coagulability of blood.
• The anti coagulant interfere with normal coagulation process by
interfering with the clotting cascade and thrombin formation.
• These agents are used to inhibit clot formation but they do not
dissolve existing clots.
Classification of anticoagulants
• Parenteral anticoagulants:
Low molecular weight heparin; enoxaparin, dalteparine, nadroparin,
Semisynthetic heparinoid; heparin sulphate, dextran sulphate,
ancrod, danaparoid.
Others; lepirudin, bivalirudin, argatroban
• Oral anticoagulant; warfarin, acenocoumarin, dicoumarol
• Fibrinolytic; streptokinase urokinase, alteplase
mechanism of action: heparin acts prophylactically to prevent the formation
of clots in the activates anti thrombin III which inhibits thrombin
and clotting factor IX, X, XI, XII, consequently conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
does not occur and the formation of a fibrin clot is prevented
Therapeutic Uses
Heparin sodium, LMWH, fondaparinux sodium
• In conditions necessitating prompt anticoagulant activity (evolving stroke,
pulmonary embolism, massive deep venous thrombosis)
• As an adjunct for clients having open heart surgery or renal dialysis
• As low-dose therapy for prophylaxis against postoperative venous
thrombosis (for example, hip/knee replacement surgery, abdominal surgery)
• In conjunction with thrombolytic therapy when treating an acute myocardial
• Treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation
• These medications cannot be absorbed by the intestinal tract and must be given by
subcutaneous injection or IV infusion.
• Heparin sodium: Subcutaneously every 12 hr., continuous or intermittent IV infusion
• Enoxaparin, dalteparin sodium, tinzaparin: Subcutaneously every 12 hr. for 2 to 8
• Fondaparinux sodium: Subcutaneously every 12 hr. for 5 to 9 day.
Side/Adverse Effects
• Hemorrhage secondary to heparin overdose
• thrombocytopenia,
• Hypersensitivity reactions (chills, fever, urticaria)
• Administer a small test dose prior to the administration of heparin.
• Administer protamine sulfate, which binds with heparin and forms a heparin-
protamine complex that has no anticoagulant properties.
• Protamine sulfate should be administered slowly intravenously, no faster than 20
mg/min or 50 mg in 10 min.
• Hemorrhage Monitor vital signs • Advise clients to observe for signs
and symptoms of bleeding, such as increased heart rate, decreased
blood pressure, bruising, petechiae, hematomas, black tarry stools. •
Monitor platelet count. Instruct client to avoid aspirin.
• Neurologic damage from hematoma formed during spinal or epidural
• Thrombocytopenia, as evidenced by low platelet count , Monitor
platelets. Discontinue medication for platelet count less than
100,000/mm3 .
• Toxicity/overdose; Administer protamine sulfate
• Contraindications/Precautions
• Parenteral anticoagulants are contraindicated in clients with low
platelet counts (thrombocytopenia) or uncontrollable bleeding.
• These medications should not be used during or following surgeries
of the eye(s), brain, or spinal cord; lumbar puncture; or regional
• clients who have hemophilia, increased capillary permeability,
dissecting aneurysm, peptic ulcer disease, severe hypertension,
hepatic or renal disease, or threatened abortion
Medication/Food Interactions
• Anti-platelet agents such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and other anticoagulants
may increase risk for bleeding..
Nursing Administration; Heparin sodium:
• Obtain the client’s baseline vital signs.
• Obtain baseline and monitor complete blood count (CBC), platelet count, and hematocrit levels.
• Read label carefully. Heparin is dispensed in units and in different concentrations.
• Check dosages with another nurse before administration.
• Use an infusion pump for continuous IV administration. Monitor rate of infusion every 30 to 60
• Monitor PTT every 4 to 6 hr. until appropriate dose is determined, then monitor daily.
• For subcutaneous injections, use a 20 to 22 gauge needle to withdraw medication from the vial.
Then, change the needle to a smaller needle (gauge 25 or 26, 1/2 to 5/8 in length).
• Administer deep subcutaneous injections in the abdomen ensuring a distance of 2 inches from
the umbilicus. Do not aspirate.
• Apply pressure for 1 to 2 min after the injection. Rotate and record injection sites.
• Instruct clients to monitor for signs of bleeding (bruising, gums bleeding, abdominal pain, nose
bleeds, coffee-ground emesis and tarry stools).
• Instruct clients not to take over-the-counter NSAIDs, aspirin, or medications containing
• Advise clients to use an electric razor for shaving and a soft toothbrush.
• These are the most commonly used oral anti coagulants;
• Warfarin,
• Dicoumarol,
• Acenocoumarol
Mechanism of action
Vitamin K antagonist; these agents inhibit the liver synthesis of vitamin
K clotting factor II,VII, IX, X.
Advantages over heparin
• Bioavailability is almost 100 percent.
• Low volume distribution,
• Long half life.
• Produces delayed action,
• possibility of genetic resistance
Clinical indication
• Treatment deep venous thrombosis.
• Pulmonary embolism
• Prevent blood clotting in patients with thrombophlebitis, pulmonary
embolism and embolism from arterial fibrillation.
Contraindication /precaution
• Not given to pregnant women because it crosses the placenta barrier,
it is teratogenic, and can cause an a abortion.
• Not given to patients with bleeding disorders e.g. hemophilia, peptic
ulcer, sever renal/ liver disease and eclampsia.
• Monitor prothrombin time usually done before administering the
• The PT SHOULD BE 1.5-2.5 times the reference value to be
• If it is below the recommended range warfarin should be increased.
• If it above the recommended range warfarin should be decreased.
Adverse effects of warfarin
• Hematologic effects: increased bleeding, thrombocytopenia
• Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and dermatitis.
• Hemorrhage
• Interference with bone formation in early pregnancy
Drug interaction
Potentiation activity
• Inhibition of metabolism: chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole,
• Displacement from plasma protein; ethacrynic acid.
• Platelet function inhibition; NSAIDs (Aspirin)
retarded activity
• inhibition of absorption; Sucralfate
• Enzyme induction; barbiturates, carbamazepine, rifampicin
• take 2-3 DAYS.
• Arterial fibrillation,
• pulmonary embolism,
• prophylaxis following insertion of heart valve.
adverse drug reaction
Alopecia, diarrhoea, hepatic dysfunction, pancreatitis vomiting
Nursing Administration of warfarin
• Administration is usually oral, once daily.
• Obtain the client’s baseline vital signs.
• Monitor PT levels (therapeutic level 18 to 24 sec) and INR levels (therapeutic levels 2 to
3). INR levels are the most accurate. Hold dose and notify the provider if these levels
exceed therapeutic ranges.
• Obtain baseline and monitor CBC, platelet count, and Hct levels.
• Instruct clients that anticoagulant effects may take 8 to 12 hr and full therapeutic effect
is not achieved for 3 to 5 days. For clients in the hospital setting, explain the need for
continued heparin infusion when starting oral warfarin.
• Advise clients that anticoagulation effects can persist for up to 5 days following
discontinuation of medication because of long half-life.
• Advise clients to avoid alcohol and over-the-counter and non-prescription medications
to prevent adverse effects and medication interactions, such as risk of bleeding.
• Advise clients to employ nonmedication measures to avoid development of thrombi,
including avoiding sitting for prolonged periods of time, not wearing constricting
clothing, and elevating and moving legs when sitting.
• Advise clients to wear a medical alert bracelet indicating warfarin use.
Nursing administration of warfarin
• Be prepared to administer vitamin K for warfarin overdose.
• Teach clients to self-monitor PT and INR at home as appropriate.
• Advise clients to record dosage, route, and time of warfarin
administration on a daily basis.
• Plan for frequent PT monitoring for clients who are prescribed
medications that interact with warfarin. The client is at greatest risk
for harm when the interacting medication is being deleted or added.
Frequent PT monitoring will allow for dosage adjustments as
• Advise clients to notify the provider regarding warfarin use.
• Advise clients to use a soft-bristle toothbrush to prevent gum
Thrombolytic /Fibrinolytic Medications
Two phenomena which causes hemostasis include,
• Coagulation of blood .
• Formation of a thrombus
formation of a thrombus is restricted through:
1. Fibrin inhibition: anti thrombin III, Ant plasmin, Antitrypsin,
2. Fibrinolysis: tissue plasminogen activator and CF XII activate fibrin
bound plasminogen to active plasmin, restrict formation of a
Mechanism of action of fibrinolytic
Thrombolytic/fibrinolytic medications dissolve clots that have already
formed. Clots are dissolved by conversion of plasminogen to plasmin,
which destroys fibrinogen and other clotting factors. The result is clot
The commonly used fibrinolytic include:
• Streptokinase (Streptase)
• Urokinase
• Alteplase (Activase, tPA),
• Anistreplase
• Reteplase (Retavase)
Mechanism of action:
• streptokinase is a semi synthetic that acts systematically to dissolve the blood
clot by activating plasminogen to plasmin.
Clinical indication
• Acute myocardial infarction
• Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
• Massive pulmonary emboli
• thrombo embolic stroke (alteplase)
• Peripheral arterial thrombosis
• To open clotted iv catheters
Adverse reaction
• Allergic reaction (urticaria, itching, flushing, bronchospasms); possible severe
anaphylactic reaction.
• Serious risk of bleeding from different sites (within brain, needle puncture sites,
• Hypotension
• Arrhythmias
• Any prior intracranial hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke)
• Active internal bleeding
• History of significant closed head or facial trauma in the past 3 months
• Acute pericarditis
• Brain tumors
• Use cautiously in clients who have severe hypertension, a recent episode of
ischemic stroke (6 months prior to start of treatment), or a recent major surgery
(2 to 4 weeks prior to start of treatment).
• Isolated from human renal cells from tissue cultures.
• Helps in direct conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.
Therapeutic uses
• Myocardial infarction.
• Venous thrombosis.
• Pulmonary embolism.
Adverse reaction
• Fever.
• Hemorrhage.
Mechanism of action
• Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)
• helps in Critical activation of plasminogen bound in fibrin clot. Reduces the risk
of systemic bleeding to an appreciable extent.
• Half life 4-8 minutes
• More efficacious than others
Therapeutic use
Lysis of occlusive coronary artery thrombi associated with myocardial infarction.
Deep venous thrombosis.
Ischemic cerebrovascular disease
Adverse reaction
• Nausea
• Fever
• Rash, pruritic
• Mild hypertension
• Localized bleeding
Nursing Administration of thrombolytic agents
• Use of thrombolytic agents must take place within 4 to 6 hr. of onset of
• monitor in a setting that provides for close supervision and continuous
monitoring during and after administration of the medication.
• Obtain baseline platelet counts, hemoglobin (Hgb), hematocrit (Hct), a PTT,
PT, INR, and fibrinogen levels, and monitor periodically.
• Obtain baseline vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure) and monitor
frequently per protocol.
• Nursing care includes continuous monitoring of hemodynamic status to
assess for therapeutic and adverse effects of thrombolytic (relief of chest
pain, signs of bleeding). Follow facility protocol.
• Provide for client safety per facility protocol.
• Ensure adequate IV access for administration of emergency medications
and availability of emergency equipment.
• Do not mix any medications in IV with thrombolytic agents.
Nursing administration cont.’
• Minimize bruising or bleeding by limiting venipunctures and
subcutaneous/intramuscular injections.
• Discontinue thrombolytic therapy if life-threatening bleeding occurs.
Treat blood loss with whole blood, packed red blood cells, and/or
fresh frozen plasma. IV aminocaproic acid (Amicar) should be
available for administration in the event of excessive fibrinolysis.
• Following thrombolytic therapy, administer heparin or aspirin as
prescribed to decrease the risk of rethrombosis.
• Following thrombolytic therapy, administer beta blockers as
prescribed to decrease myocardial oxygen consumption and to reduce
the incidence and severity of reperfusion arrhythmias.
• Administer H2 antagonists, such as ranitidine (Zantac), or proton
pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole (Prilosec), as prescribed to
prevent GI bleeding.
Anti platelets drugs
• These are agents that decrease the formation of platelet plug by decreasing their
responsiveness to various stimuli that would cause them to risk and combine together on
a vessel wall.
This include;
• Acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin)
• Thienopyridine analogues
• Glycoprotein receptor antagonist:
mechanism of action of platelet inhibitors
• these agents inhibit the aggregation of platelets in the clotting
process by blocking receptor sites on the platelets membrane,
preventing platelet to platelet interaction, there by prolonging the
bleeding time.

Acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin)

Universally accepted anti platelet drug.
Mechanism of action
• Irreversibly causes inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) that leads to
formation of thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin.
• TXA2 is the key platelet activator inhibition of platelets action.
Therapeutic Uses
• Primary prevention of acute myocardial infarction
• Prevention of reinfarction in clients following an acute myocardial
• Prevention of stroke
• Acute coronary syndromes (abciximab, tirofiban, eptifibatide)
• Intermittent claudication (cilostazol, pentoxifylline, dipyridamole)
Route of administration
• Aspirin: Oral
• Abciximab: IV
• Clopidogrel: Oral
• Pentoxifylline: Oral
Side/Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions/Client Education
• Aspirin GI effects (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia) Advise clients to use
enteric-coated tablets and to take aspirin with food. Concurrent use
of a proton pump inhibitor, such as omeprazole (Prilosec), may be
• Hemorrhagic stroke
• Prolonged bleeding time, gastric bleed, thrombocytopenia
• Tinnitus, hearing loss
Nursing Administration
• Advise clients that prevention of strokes, myocardial infarctions, and
reinfarction can be accomplished with low-dose aspirin (81 mg).
• Aspirin 325 mg should be taken during initial acute episode of
myocardial infarction
• Advise clients to notify the provider regarding aspirin use.
Thienopyridine analogues
Clopidogre and ticlopidine
• Clopidogre and ticlopidine reduces platelets aggregation by inhibiting
the ADP pathway of platelets.
• These drugs achieved their antiplatelet effects by irreversibly blocking
the ADP receptor on platelets.
• unlike aspirin, these drugs have no effects on prostaglandin metabolism.
• Important for aspirin intolerant
• Use of clopidogre or ticlopidine to prevent thrombosis is now considered
standard practice in patients undergoing placement of coronary stent.
• Clopidogrel plus aspirin is used for long term treatment of severe cases
of coronary syndromes.
• Rashes caused by ticlopidine.
Hemostatic agents/ coagulants
• Haemostatic agents help to stop bleeding at the local site.thus enhancing and
promoting coagulation and formation of network fibrin around the wound.
These drugs are :
Aminocaproic acid and tranexamic
• These are fibrin stabilizers that maintain or stabilize the clot in the bleeding
Protamine sulfate
• This agent antagonizes the anticoagulant effects of heparin.
• It is derived from fish testis and is high in arginine content.
• The positive charge interacts with the negative charge of heparin to form a stable
inactive complex.
Drugs for various bleeding conditions
• epistasis – adrenaline
• Overdose of fibrinolytic, bleeding post surgery – aminocaproic acid
• Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia – adrenochrome, ethamesylate.
• PPH – carboprost
Vitamin K
Is a fat soluble vitamin occurs in two forms :
vitamin K1 (phytonadione):leafy vegetables
Vitamin k2 (menadione): GIT through microbes.
Bile salts are required for absorption of vitamin K from the intestines.
VIT .K cont.
Deficiency occurs due to two conditions
• Prolonged gut sterilization. VIT. K2
• Obstructive jaundice. VIT. K1, K2.
may be given orally, IM, IV
if given orally give with bile salts.
Menadione sodium bisulphate
Oral, IM ,IV, or SC
does not require bile salts
Takes longer duration
Vitamin K is given to antagonize oral anticoagulants.
The response to vitamin K is slow, requiring about 24 hours thus, if immediate
hemostasis or bleeding control is required, fresh frozen plasma should be
Therapeutic uses
• Vitamin K deficiency.
• Treatment of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
• newborn and premature to cover the reduced intestinal synthesis.
• Prolonged anti microbial therapeutic activity.
• Obstructive jaundice.
• malabsorption

a hematinic is a nutrient required in the formation of blood cells the main hematinic are iron
, B12 and Folate. deficiency can lead to anemia
Iron and iron salts
• Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional anaemia in humans
• It result from inadequate iron intake, malabsorption, blood loss, or an increased
requirement as with pregnancy.
• When severe it results in microcytic hypochromic anemia.
Ferrous sulphate
Iron is given orally as a ferrous salt 50 -100MG is administered daily for the treatment of
anemia .
Iron is absorbed readily in presence of gastric acid.
Ferrous sulphate cont.’
• It is given before meals though many patients cannot tolerate it due
to its irritating effects.
• After sometime the patient shows improved appetite, increased
erythrocyte cell count and decreased microcytic hypochromic
anaemia .
• At lest six months of therapy is necessary to restore iron levels to
storage site.
• It can be given parenterally as iron dextran or iron sucrose that is by
slow im or iv.
Unwanted effects
• Oral can cause GIT discomfort
• Liquid form for infants can stain teeth.
• Allergic reactions are possible with chills, urticaria, sweating , fever
and even anaphylaxis after parenteral administration.
• Patients pass black or dark stool this in harmless results of
unabsorbed iron.
folic acid
Expected Pharmacological Action
• Folic acid is essential in the production of DNA and erythropoiesis (RBC, WBC, and
Therapeutic Uses
• Treatment of megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia secondary to folic acid deficiency
• Prevention of neural tube defects during pregnancy; therefore it is needed in all
women of child-bearing age who may become pregnant.
• Treatment of malabsorption syndrome such as sprue
Contraindications/Precautions .
Indiscriminate use of folic acid is inappropriate because of the risk of masking signs of
vitamin B12 deficiency.
Medication/Food Interactions
• Decreased folate levels with concurrent use of sulfonamides,
sulfasalazine, or methotrexate.
Nursing Administration
• Assess clients for signs and symptoms of megaloblastic anemia
(pallor, easy fatigability, palpitations, paresthesia of hands or feet).
• Obtain the client’s baseline folic acid levels, RBC and reticulocyte
counts, Hgb, and Hct levels. Monitor periodically.
• Advise clients with folic acid deficiency to concurrently increase
intake of food sources of folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables and
liver. Monitor clients for risk factors indicating that folic acid therapy
may be needed, such as heavy alcohol use and child-bearing age.
NB :vitamin B12 will be covered in nutrition.
Insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents
• Overview
• Diabetes mellitus is a chronic illness that results from an absolute or
relative deficiency of insulin.
• Various insulins are available to manage diabetes. These medications
differ in their onset, peak, and duration.
• Oral hypoglycemic agents work in various ways to increase available
insulin or modify carbohydrate metabolism.
• Newer injectable medication are used to supplement insulin or oral
agents to manage glucose control.
• Review regulation of insulin secretion and its function in control of
blood glucose level from A/P.
diabetes mellitus and effects of insulin
• DM consists of agroup of disorders characterized hyperglycemia,
altered metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins and
increased complications from vascular diseases.
• Most patients can be classified clinically as having either type1 or type
2 DM.
• The criteria for the diagnosis of DM include symptoms (e.g.polyuria,
polydipsia, and unexplained weight loss)and a random plasma glucose
concentration of greater than 200ml/dl )11.1mmol.
• A fasting plasma glucose of greater than (126ml/dl) 7mmol
• there two types of DM . DM TYPE 1 and DM TYPE 2
Insulin Therapy
• Insulin polypeptide hormone is the mainstay for treatment
• Of all types of diabetes.
• Insulin may be administered IM , IV, SC.
• long term treatment relies on subcutaneous injections of the
Expected Pharmacological Action
 Promotes cellular uptake of glucose (decreases glucose levels)
 Converts glucose into glycogen
Moves potassium into cells (along with glucose)
Therapeutic Uses
• Insulin is used for glycemic control of diabetes mellitus (type 1, type
2, gestational) to prevent complications.
• Clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus may require insulin when:
• Oral hypoglycemic, diet, and exercise are unable to control blood
glucose levels.
 Severe renal or liver disease is present.
 Painful neuropathy is present.
Undergoing surgery or diagnostic tests.
Experiencing severe stress such as infection and trauma.
Undergoing emergency treatment of diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) and
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS).
 Requiring treatment of hyperkalemia.
Classification of insulin; classified according to
duration of action
classification Generic Onset Peak duration
(trade name)
Rapid acting Lispro insulin Less than 15 min Less than 15 min 0.5 3 to 4 hr.
(Humalog), Insulin to 1 hr.
aspart (NovoLog) ,
Insulin glulisine
Short acting • Regular insulin 0.5 to 1 hr. 2 to 3 hr. 5 to 7 hr.
(Novolin R)
Intermediate acting neutral protamine 1 to 2 hr. 4 to 12 hr. 18 to 24 hr.
insulin (Humulin N) ,
lente insulin
Long acting Ultra lente, Insulin 1 hr. None 10.4 to 24 hr.
glargine ( Luntus)
Premixed insulins
• 70% NPH and 30% Regular (Humulin 70/30) – mixture of intermediate
acting and short-acting insulin
• 75% insulin lispro protamine and 25% insulin lispro (Humalog 75/25) –
mixture of intermediate acting and rapid-acting insulin Complications
Risk for hypoglycemia (too much insulin)
• Monitor clients for signs of hypoglycemia. If abrupt onset, client will
experience sympathetic nervous system (SNS) symptoms (tachycardia,
palpitations, diaphoresis, shakiness). If gradual onset, client will
experience parasympathetic (PNS) symptoms (headache, tremors,
• Administer glucose. For conscious clients, administer a snack of 15 g of
carbohydrate (4 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. grape juice, 8 oz. milk, glucose
tablets per manufacturer’s suggestion to equal 15 g).
• If the client is not fully conscious, do not risk aspiration. Administer glucose
parenterally such as IV glucose, or SC/IM glucagon.
• Encourage clients to wear a medical alert bracelet.
• atrophy of the sub cutaneous fat at the site of insulin injection is probably an
immune response to insulin.
• It may occur with human insulin if patients inject themselves repeatedly in the
same site
• Instruct clients to systematically rotate injection sites and to allow 1 inch
between injection sites.
Insulin allergy resistant
• identify the underlying cause.
• If allergic reaction to porcine insulin human insulin should be used.
• Antihistamines may provide relieve in patients with cutaneous reaction.
• Glucocorticoids are used in patients with resistant to insulin or more severe
systemic reactions
Drug interaction
• Drug interaction is often caused by ethanol, adrenergic receptor
antagonist, and salicylates.
• Adrenergic receptor antagonist pose a risk of hypoglycemia due to
inhibition of catecholamine effects on gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis.
• These agents may also mask he autonomic symptoms associated with
• Salicylates enhance cell sensitivity to glucose and potentiate insulin
secretion and also have a weak insulin – like action in the periphery.
• Epinephrine, glucocorticoid, atypical antipsychotic drugs such as clozapine
and olanzapine, and ARVS (protease inhibitors) have direct effects on
peripheral tissues that counter the effect of insulin.
• Phenytoin, clonidine, ca2+channel blockers cause hyperglycemia by
inhibiting insulin secretion directly or in directly via depletion of K+
Nursing education
• Ensure proper storage of insulin.
Unopened vials of a single type of insulin may be stored in the
refrigerator until their expiration date.
 Vials of premixed insulins may be stored for up to 3 months.
 Insulins premixed in syringes may be kept for 1 to 2 weeks under
refrigeration. Keep the syringes in a vertical position, with the needles
pointing up. Prior to administration, the insulin should be
resuspended by gently moving the syringe.
 Store the vial that is in use at room temperature, avoiding proximity
to sunlight and intense heat. Discard after 1 month.
• Administer NPH by subcutaneous route.
• Instruct clients to administer SC insulin in one general area to have
consistent rates of absorption. Absorption rates from subcutaneous
tissue increase from thigh to upper arm to abdomen.
• Use only insulin-specific syringes that correspond to the
concentration of insulin being administered. Administer U-100 insulin
with a U-100 syringe; administer U-500 insulin with a U-500 syringe.
• Select an appropriate needle length to ensure insulin is injected into
subcutaneous tissue versus intradermal (too short) or intramuscular
(too long).
• Encourage clients to enhance their diabetes medication therapy with
a proper diet and consistent activity
• For insulin suspensions, the nurse should gently rotate the vial between his
or her palms to disperse the particles throughout the vial prior to
withdrawing insulin.
• Do not administer short-acting insulins if they appear cloudy or discolored.
• Insulin glargine and insulin detemir are both clear in color, not administered
IV, and should not be mixed in a syringe with any other insulin.
• Administer lispro, aspart, glulisine, and regular insulin by subcutaneous
injection, continuous subcutaneous infusion, and IV route.
• Adjust the client’s insulin dosage to meet insulin needs.
• The client’s dosage may need to be increased in response to the client’s
increase in caloric intake, infection, stress, growth spurts, and in the second
and third trimesters of pregnancy.
• The client’s dosage may need to be reduced in response to level of exercise
or first trimester of pregnancy.
Oral hypoglycemic Classification
Medications Expected pharmacological action
Sulfonylureas Results in insulin release from the pancreas
• 1st generation – tolbutamide (Orinase),
chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
• 2nd generation – glipizide (Glucotrol, Glucotrol
XL) ,glyburide (DiaBeta, Micronase ,
glibenclamide) glimepiride (Amaryl)
Meglitinides Results in insulin release from the pancreas
repaglinide (Prandin)
nateglinide (Starlix)
Biguanides • Reduces the production of glucose within the liver through
metformin HCl (Glucophage) suppression of gluconeogenesis
• Increases muscles’ glucose uptake and use
Thiazolidinedione's (Glitazones) , • Increases cellular response to insulin by decreasing insulin
rosiglitazone (Avandia) , pioglitazone (Actos) resistance
• Results in increased glucose uptake and decreased glucose
Alpha glucosidase inhibitors • Slows carbohydrate absorption and digestion
acarbose (Precose) , miglitol (Glyset)
Gliptins • Sitagliptin (Januvia • Augments naturally occurring incretin hormones, which
promote release of insulin and decrease secretion of glucagon
• Lowers fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels
Therapeutic Uses
• All classifications of oral hypoglycemic agents control blood glucose levels in clients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus and are used in conjunction with diet and exercise lifestyle changes.
Metformin HCl is used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Glipizide and repaglinide
• Hypoglycemia
• Gastrointestinal effects (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, which frequently results in weight loss
of 3 to 4 kg [6 to 8 lb])
• Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency caused by altered absorption
• Lactic acidosis (hyperventilation, myalgia, sluggishness, somnolence) – 50% mortality rate
• Fluid Rosiglitazone retention
• Elevations in low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol
• Hepatotoxicity .
Side/ adverse effects
• Intestinal effects (abdominal distention and cramping, hyperactive
bowel sounds, diarrhea, excessive gas).
• Risk for anemia due to the decrease of iron absorption
• Hepatoxicity with long-term use
• generally well tolerated
• Pregnancy Risk Category C: Glipizide, repaglinide, rosiglitazone
• Pregnancy Risk Category B: Metformin HCl (Glucophage), acarbose
(Precose), sitagliptin (Januvia)
• These oral agents are generally avoided in pregnancy and lactation,
but the provider may decide to prescribe them.
• Use cautiously in clients with renal failure, hepatic dysfunction, or
heart failure because of the risk of medication accumulation and
resulting hypoglycemia. Severity of disease may indicate
• Contraindicated in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Metformin HCl is contraindicated for clients with severe infection,
shock, and any hypoxic condition.
• Acarbose is contraindicated for clients with gastrointestinal disorders,
such as inflammatory disease, ulceration, or obstruction.
Medication interaction

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