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A Comprehensive Study On Regulatory Requirements For Development and Filing of Generic Drugs Globally

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The key takeaways are that developing generic drugs for the global market is challenging due to differences in regulatory requirements between countries. Strategic planning is required before development to address these differences.

Some of the main challenges are the heterogeneity in regulatory landscapes between countries. Requirements for quality, safety and efficacy testing; clinical trial protocols; and application dossier formats can all vary significantly. This makes developing a single drug for global approval difficult.

Some of the major regulatory requirements that differ are guidelines for quality assurance, drug regulations, approval pathways and dossier requirements. For example, the EU and US have distinct approval systems, while countries like Brazil, India, Russia, Hong Kong and Tanzania each have their own national authorities and guidelines.

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Review Article

A comprehensive study on regulatory requirements for

development and filing of generic drugs globally
Shweta Handoo1,2, Vandana Arora2, Deepak Khera1, Prafulla Kumar Nandi1, Susanta Kumar Sahu3
Drug Regulatory Affairs, Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd., Noida, 2Department of Pharmacy, Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology,

Mahamaya Technical University, Greater Noida, 3University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India

The regulatory requirements of various countries of the world vary from each other. Therefore, it is challenging for
the companies to develop a single drug which can be simultaneously submitted in all the countries for approval. The
regulatory strategy for product development is essentially to be established before commencement of developmental
work in order to avoid major surprises after submission of the application. The role of the regulatory authorities is to
ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of all medicines in circulation in their country. It not only includes the process
of regulating and monitoring the drugs but also the process of manufacturing, distribution, and promotion of it. One
of the primary challenges for regulatory authority is to ensure that the pharmaceutical products are developed as per
the regulatory requirement of that country. This process involves the assessment of critical parameters during product
Key words: Development, drug, generic, global, regulatory

ambitions, mergers and acquisitions are in focus with a reason
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the highly regulated to enter new market. For sustained growth over the next few
industries, with many rules and regulations enforced by the decades, firms have to concentrate on generic drug products.
government to protect the health and well-being of the public. “Diseases that cannot be cured, diseases that have to be managed,
Therefore, the aim of the pharmaceutical industry is to identify provide great opportunities for generic drugs.” Government has
and develop a generic drug product which can be tailor made the responsibility to protect their citizens. It is the responsibility
to meet the diverse market requirements. As per global market of national governments to establish regulatory authorities with
trend, it is estimated that approximately $150 billion worth strong guidelines for quality assurance and drug regulations in
of drugs will be off-patented during the period 2010 to 2017, the respective territories. Somewhat parallel with the ongoing
which will serve as a platform for pharmaceutical companies harmonization and movement toward creating a common market
to develop generic drugs.[1] The pharmaceutical industry in for medicines inside the EU, the need for wider harmonization
India has shown a remarkable growth which in turn has risen was felt by officials from Japan, EU, and US during International
the economy of India.[2] After the introduction of the product Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) organized
patent regime in India, there was a need for pharmaceutical by world health organization (WHO). The informal discussions
companies both in India and abroad to explore newer markets. had led to a need of the harmonization of requirements relating
Indian pharma majors are entering new markets with global to the new innovative drugs and also subsequently paved
the wayto the establishment of International Conference on
Address for correspondence:
Ms. Shweta Handoo,
Harmonization of Technical Requirements for the Registration of
Drug Regulatory Affairs, Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd., Noida, India, Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), a collaborative initiative
and Department of Pharmaceutics, Lloyd Institute of Management between the EU, Japan, and the United States with observers
and Technology, Mahamaya Technical University, Greater Noida, from WHO, EFTA, and Canada. Efforts to harmonize various
India. E-mail:
elements of drug regulatory activities have been initiated by
Access this article online various inter-governmental organizations at regional and inter-
Quick Response Code: regional level in the past decade. The driving force behind these
efforts has been the increase in global trade in pharmaceutical products, and growth in the complexity of technical regulations
related to drug efficacy, safety, and quality.
10.4103/2230-973X.104392 Status as of today: Due to the emerging regulatory needs of
pharmaceutical sector, the drug evaluation for the control of drug

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Handoo, et al.: Regulatory requirements of generic drugs

quality and trade has become highly sophisticated. Regulatory a responsibility to ensure that high-quality, safe, and effective
guidelines and standard tools provide a basis for implementation medicines are made available to patients in a timely manner.
of laws, whereas laws provide a legal basis for drug control.
The world covers more than 100 countries, where most of them Despite the fact that all regulators worldwide share the same
have established pharmaceutical legislations and regulatory aims, they do not adopt a consistent approach to drug approval
requirements. For worldwide regulatory dossier submissions, it requirements, and as a result, medicines are often approved
is a pre-requisite requirement to have a knowledge of country quicker in some countries than others.[4] Therefore, there is need
specific guidelines and norms. Therefore, it is very important to for a harmonized drug regulation globally.
analyze the differences and commonness between the regulatory
requirements and pharmaceutical legislations of different
countries of the world. The Pharmaceutical market based on FILING A GENERIC DRUG APPLICATION
the diversity in the regulation region and marketing interest can
be divided into two groups: Regulated and emerging markets. When a dossier is ready as per the regulatory requirement of the
The regulated market involves those countries where there are respective country, it is submitted to the regulatory agency of that
defined regulatory requirements set by the regulatory bodies of country. Various regulatory agencies worldwide are tabulated in
that country and the emerging market countries are those who the Table 2.
still lag behind in putting forward the well defined regulations
for drugs. United States (US) and the EU are the biggest and Food and Drug Administration(FDA), European Medicines
the most potential markets for in the world and are categorized Agency (EMA), Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency
under the regulated markets, whereas ROW (Rest of the World) (PMDA), Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Medicines
market includes all the emerging markets like Brazil (LATAM), Control Council (MCC), Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority
Tanzania (Africa), Russia (CIS), Hong Kong (ASIA), etc. (TFDA), AgênciaNacional De VigilânciaSanitária (National
Health Surveillance Agency) (ANVISA), Commonwealth
Independent States (CIS), Department of Health (DOH), The

To make a generic product, formulator must know in detail United States of America
the exact regulatory requirements of each concerned country USA is the major market for the pharmaceutical industry. The
where the drug is intended to be filed. Generic drug product USA has evolved from no regulations in the 18th century to one
development uses a different approach and strategy compared of the highly regulated and admired regulatory authority in the
to that used to develop an innovator drug product containing a world. The food and drug administration (FDA) within the
new chemical entity. Generic drug product manufacturers must U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regulates the
formulate a drug product that will have the same therapeutic drug approval system in United States with help of six product
efficacy, safety, and performance characteristics as of its branded centers including Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
counterpart. The key factor is that the generic drug product (CDER).[5] Drug registration in USA is majorly categorized
must meet all the necessary criteria to be therapeutically by two types of applications: New Drug Application (NDA)
equivalent to the innovator drug product. Therapeutically and Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA). ANDA
equivalent means that the drug product shows pharmaceutical is filled for generic drug products; those require marketing
equivalence as well as bioequivalence. Table 1 shows regulatory authorization and are of exact or close copies of already
requirement for generic drug product development in some approved drugs.[6] The ANDA approval process is depicted
selected countries. in Figure 1[7] Indeed, the way this country regulates drugs
typically has been born out of adversity, out of events that have
The decision to proceed with the development of a generic drug killed and injured thousands. The evolution of the current
product should therefore be based on well-researched data that drug regulatory system in USA is recognized globally as the
primarily indicate market value together with a sound knowledge gold standard for drug safety and efficacy. During 1990, FDA
of patent expiry dates, predicted market share, and growth rate began work to develop standards for the exchange of electronic
for the product, amongst others. The predicted profitability of information critical to the agency’s mission. This recognized
the new generic product will require strategic planning for the both the inefficiency of paper for transferring mass quantities
subsequent launch timing, which must take into account the of data and the need to develop a harmonized format that
expected generic price and knowledge of anticipated competitors, would be usable by FDA as well as its counterparts in the
such as who they are and when they are expected. According to European Union and Japan. Consequently, firms are now
Hamrell R.Michael “The Drug Price Competition and Patent able to submit paperless product applications and related
Term Restoration Act” in 1984 changed the regulatory climate material to world regulatory agencies more efficiently, while
for generic drugs. This law allowed for the approval of generic each review authority maintains its own high standards for
“me-too” copies of many approved drug after the patent had product evaluation. Because all drugs have some risk, FDA
expired.[3] As per Kathy Redmond the regulatory agencies have task force advised the agency to make more systematic use of

100 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation | July 2012 | Vol 2 | Issue 3

Table 1: Comparison of regulatory requirement in selected countries during generic product development
Requirement USA EU Brazil (LATAM) Tanzania (AFRICA) Russia (CIS) Hong Kong
Number of exhibit 1 exhibit, Mfg Batch 2 exhibit, Mfg Batch 3 Exhibit, Mfg 2 exhibit, Mfg Batch 3 Exhibit batches, Mfg Batch 3 representative
batches required for size: 100,000 size: 100,000 units, or Batch size:100,000 size:100,000 units, or 1/10th size:100,000 units, 1/10th exhibit batches
submission units, or 1/10th of 1/10th of commercial units, or 1/10th of of commercial batch size of commercial batch size
commercial batch batch size whichever commercial batch whichever is larger. whichever is larger.
size whichever is is larger. size whichever is
larger larger.
Stability condition CRT 25 ± 2ºC/60 ± CRT 25 ± 2ºC/60 CRT 30 ± CRT CRT CRT 30±2ºC/7
5%RH Accelerated ± 5%RH Accelerated 2ºC/75 ± 5%RH 30±2ºC/75±5%RHAccelerated 25±2ºC/60±5%RHAccelerated 5±5%RHOR25
40 ± 2ºC/75 ± 5%RH 40 ± 2ºC/75 ± Accelerated 40 40oC±2ºC/75%RH±5%RH 40±2ºC/75±5%RHIntermediate ±2ºC/60±5%R
Intermediate30 ± 5%RH Intermediate ± 2ºC/75 ± 5%RH 30±2ºC/65±5%RH HAccelerated
2oC/65 ± 5%RH 30±2ºC/65±5%RH 40±2ºC/75±5%RH
Stability commitment On 3 commercial On 3 commercial On 3 commercial Optional Optional Not required
while filing batches CRT till shelf batches,Accelerated batches,Accelerated
life data till 6 months and data till 6 months
CRT till shelf life and CRT till shelf life
Min stability data 3 months accelerated 6 months accelerated 12 months 6 months accelerated and 12 6 months accelerated and CRT 6 months
required during and CRT data. and CRT data. accelerated and months CRT data. data. accelerated and

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation | July 2012 | Vol 2 | Issue 3

submission CRT data. CRT data
Packagingrequirements Child resistant Blister No specific No specific requirement No specific requirement No specific
packing. requirement requirement
Dissolution Only Official Media Multimedia (min 3 Multimedia Multimedia (min 3 media’s Multimedia (min 3 media’s from Submission of
Requirements media’s from pH range (min 3 media’s from pH range 1-7) 12 units pH range 1-7) 12 units data. dissolution profile
Handoo, et al.: Regulatory requirements of generic drugs

1-7) 12 units data. from pH range 1-7) data. not required.

12 units data.
BE studyrequirements Fast/Fed condition, Fast condition, against Fast condition Fast/Fed condition, against Fast and Fed condition, against BE required only
against RLD/US EU innovator (fed only against Brazilian any innovator.US/EU BE data any innovator. Clinical trails are for epileptic drugs
innovator at FDA if required) innovator and at is acceptable also requiredUS/EU BE data is
approved center ANIVISA approved acceptable

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Handoo, et al.: Regulatory requirements of generic drugs

the principles of risk management in the way FDA oversees which are member of European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA)
drug development and marketing. Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein.[8] These EFTA members are
those countries which were unable to join rest of the 27 member
European Union states as common market. These three EFTA member countries
The EU has one of the most highly regarded regulatory systems along with 27 EU member states, comprises of the European
in the world. The system comprises of European parliament, the Economic Area (EEA). The European Medicines Agency
council of ministers, and the European Commission. EU consists is a decentralizedagency of the European Union, located in
of 27 member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech London.[8] The Agency is responsible for the scientific evaluation
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, of medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, the European Union and applications for European marketing
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, authorizations for both human and veterinary medicines
Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom and three countries (centralized procedure). Under the centralized procedure,
companies submit a single marketing-authorization application
to the Agency. Once granted by the European Commission, a
Table 2: Illustrates the regulatory authorities of centralized (or “Community”) marketing authorization is valid
various countries in all European Union (EU) and EEA-EFTA states (Iceland,
Name of Country/ Regulatory authority Liechtenstein and Norway). The European parliament approves
Group the laws together with the council of ministers. The council of
USA FDA ministers is the voice of Member states and is responsible for
Canada HPFB enactment of directives.
Japan PMDA
Australia TGA Legal basis for applications in Europe
South Africa MCC
AFRICA (Tanzania) Independent regulatory agencies/TFDA
The eligibility and the requirements are set in the commission
LATAM (Brazil) Independent regulatory agencies/ANVISA regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and defined in articles 8 and 10
CIS (Russia) Independent regulatory agencies/ are of the Directive 2001/83/EC. The Figure 2[10] represents the
ROSZDRAVNADZOR types of application filed in Europe.
ASIAN (Hong Kong) Independent regulatory agencies/DOH
GCC Independent regulatory agencies/National
filling Types of submission procedure
To market a generic medicinal product in European Economic
Area (EEA) which consists of 27 member states and 3 EFTA
countries, a marketing authorization has to be issued. European
medicines Agency (EMA formerly known as EMEA) regulates
the medicinal products marketing authorization through
various committees. Different types of submissions for receiving
Marketing authorization in Europe are given below in Table 3.

In case of Generic drug products, generally the decentralized

procedure is followed whereas in case of the new drug products
the application for marketing authorization is always submitted
through a centralized procedure.

Figure 1: Approval process of ANDA[11] Figure 2: Types of Application filed in Europe[11]

102 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation | July 2012 | Vol 2 | Issue 3

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Handoo, et al.: Regulatory requirements of generic drugs

Brazil (LATAM) by the local Brazilian based office of the foreign company or its
Brazil’s pharmaceutical market is the 11th largest in the world and distributor in Brazil. The registration is valid for 5 years and can
second in Latin America after Mexico since the devaluation of be renewed continuously for the same period. Law must complete
2001.[11] Brazil’s market is clearly a key market to drive the global the registration process within 90 days after the registration
development of any pharmaceutical company with international is requested, or denied. For registration purposes, ANVISA
ambitions and may have located regional headquarters classifies the products in various categories. The medications for
in the country. The regulatory framework is considerably human use are divided into three distinct areas i.e., New Product,
improved and makes Brazil a preferred gateway to other Latin Similar Product, Generic Product.
American markets. The federal regulatory agency responsible
for pharmaceutical product registration in Brazil is ANVISA Tanzania (AFRICA)
(National Sanitary Vigilance agency), which was established in African medicines regulatory authorities (MRAs) role is to ensure
1999.[12] The 1999 Law (The Generics Law) and the ANVISA that the pharmaceutical products those are needed, are registered
regulate the implementation of generic pharmaceuticals policy in their country: This process is called “registration,” “marketing
in Brazil, establishes the technical standards and defines the approval,” “marketing authorization” or “product licensing”,
concepts of bioavailability, bioequivalent drugs, innovators, and involves assessment of product information submitted by
reference drugs, and similar. According to the Brazilian the manufacturer (the product ‘dossier’) to make sure that it is
legislation, all the pharmaceutical products must be registered safe and effective for use by local patients. Assessment of generic
with ANVISA before coming to market in Brazil. Product drugs is relatively simple. This is because the regulator only
registration in Brazil is a laborious exercise, and is to be requested needs to establish two key points. First, generic drug product is

Figure 3: Scheme of the registration process

Table 3: Different types of procedures for marketing authorization applications in europe

Agencies responsible Procedure type Summary
EMA Centralized It is for single application, single evaluation and authorization allowing direct access
procedure to the single market of the member countries.
Reference member Decentralized Application is submitted to all member states where intended and choose one of
state (RMS) procedure (DCP) them as reference member state. The assessment report is prepared by RMS
including the concerned member states and based on both comments MA is granted.
Reference member Mutual recognition It is followed where an applicant having MA in one member state, wishes to obtain
state (RMS) procedure (MRP) the same in other member states. It is based on mutual recognition of concerned
member states, granted by the reference member states.
Member states National MA is granted by Member states and hence an application must be submitted to the
authorization particular member state.

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Handoo, et al.: Regulatory requirements of generic drugs

bioequivalent to and thus therapeutically interchangeable with of challenge from pharmaceutical sector despite the issues raised
the comparator product. Secondly, product meets comparable are of plain trade and business. The HA’s adoption of purchasing
sustainable quality standards to that of the innovator product. policy favoring use of bulk contract and generic substitution
Every country of the African region has its own regulatory has undercut the market for multinational pharmaceutical
framework. Drug product registration was gradually introduced companies represented bythe Hong Kong Association of the
in Tanzania under the Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Pharmaceutical Industry (HKAPI). This alongside the difficulty
Act 2003, to have a smooth transition, beginning with 1-year of listing new drugs in the HA Drug Formulary, the delay in
provisional registration taken as a notification from 1998. This new drug registration application submitted to the Hospital
gave ample time for the Pharmacy Board to prepare guidelines to Authority (HA) Drug Formulary, the delay in new drug
assist applicants and evaluators to respectively submit and evaluate registration applications submitted to the pharmacy and poisons
correctly the required information. Following the preparation of Board (PPB), and Intellectual property rights issues,[17] have
the guidelines, the first application was received in 1997 and the provoked outcries about deterioration in business environment
first product was registered in April 1999.[13] All documents shall for the pharmaceutical trade sector that calls for government
be in Kiswahili or English. Applications that do not comply to policy changes. Hong Kong’s pharmaceutical regulatory body
requirements prescribed in these guidelines will be rejected and and its pharmaceutical business sector evidently lag behind
returned to the applicant at his own cost. All ingredients used international developments in number of ways. The PPB has not
in the formulation of generic medicinal products must comply gained membership of Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation
with specifications prescribed either in the USP (United States Scheme (PICS) that facilitates signing of Mutual Recognition
pharmacopoeia), BP (British pharmacopoeia), EP (European Agreement with regulatory bodies in developed countries. This
pharmacopoeia), and International orJapanese pharmacopoeia. lack of International harmonization of GMP standard makes it
In-house specifications shall only be accepted if the limits are difficult for local pharmaceutical manufacturers to go down the
tighter than those prescribed in those pharmacopoeias and other path of becoming exporters of medicines.
specifications may be accepted if they are validated.


According to some estimates, Russia is poised to be among the top
five Global pharmaceutical markets in terms of value in the next Although there is a continuous process of harmonization
five years.[13] Today, Russia stands at the threshold of becoming taking place all around the world, still we see a huge challenge,
a major force in the global pharmaceutical market. Russia is a which is yet to be overcome by the Pharmaceutical industry in
member country of “The Commonwealth of Independent States” case of generic drug development and filing. This is due to the
(CIS) founded in 1991, which is a regional organization whose heterogeneity in the regulatory landscape of the various countries.
participating countries are former Soviet Republics, formed after Therefore, to meet these challenges, a lot of strategic planning
the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). is required before the development of any generic drug product.
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