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Music and Arts Lesson 1 - Week 1 and 2

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Music & Arts

Quarter 1-Lesson 1
Learning Competencies and Objectives:
Discuss how representative contemporary and emerging performing and visual arts of the Philippines
and selected Southeast Asian countries influence their cultural identity and diversity

1. Identify key contemporary and emerging artists, musicians, and genres from the
Philippines and selected Southeast Asian countries.
2. Examine the cultural influences that shape contemporary and emerging performing
and visual arts in the Philippines and the Southeast Asia.
3. Recognize the significance of cross-cultural exchanges and collaborations in the
development of Southeast Asian performing and visual arts.
Activity 1 : Making Consonance

In this activity, the teacher will

facilitate a song to recall the musical
elements and other art forms
discussed during primary lessons.
“Gento” by SB19
Activity 1 : Making Consonance

The teacher will ask the students to do the

following movements or modifications while
singing the chorus part of the song. The teacher
must challenge students to recall the musical
elements that are being implied in each movement
or modification.
Activity 1 : Making Consonance
Beat – stomp your feet following the beat of the song
Rhythm – clap the syllable of the lyrics
Timbre – students may describe the differences between the voice quality of
SB19 members and the musical instruments used in the music.
Dynamics – the teacher may show hand signals for the learners to sing loudly
or softly.
Tempo – the teacher may ask students to visualize a situation that triggers the
speed of singing the song (slow and fast).
Activity 1 : Making Consonance

Melody – The teacher may ask the learners to hum the tune of each song and
use hand gestures to show melodic movement (ascending, descending,

Harmony and Texture – the teacher may ask how many independent melodies
they can hear.
Activity 2 : Guess the Origin
(this activity may be done individually or by group)
The teacher will play representative contemporary music from Southeast Asian
countries. Learners will be asked to guess the origin country for each item.
• Ting Ting Tang Ting (Vietnam)
• Mini Miss U (Philippines)
• Da Yang Gatal Gatal (Indonesia)
• Mong Nan Nan (Thailand)
Ting Ting Tang Ting (Vietnam)
Mini Miss U (Philippines)
Da Yang Gatal Gatal (Indonesia)
Mong Nan Nan (Thailand)
Activity 2 : Guess the Origin

Processing Questions:
1. Were you able to guess the country of origin of the
2. How did you come up with your responses?
3. What is your favorite among the examples? Why?
Activity 3 “Spot on the Map”

Ask the learners to identify the Southeast

Asian country represented by each flag and
plot the country on the map using the
respective flag.
Activity 3 “Spot on the Map”
Identify the Southeast Asian
country represented by each
flag and plot the country on
the map prepared by your
teacher using the respective
flag. Write your answer on
your activity notebook/a
clean sheet of paper.
Activity 4 “Word Search”
Find 10 hidden words in the
word search grid and match
these words with the list of
meanings below. Use this
link to play the online word
search puzzle:
Activity 4 “Word Search”
Activity 4 “Word Search”

1. It is a series of genres for

solo voice and voices in
combination, with or without
instrumental accompaniment
(Porter, 2022).
Activity 4 “Word Search”

2. It is a piece of music that

does not contain any words or
Activity 4 “Word Search”

3. It is a magazine or book that

contains a set of stories told in
pictures with a small amount of
Activity 4 “Word Search”

4. It is a technique of creating
the illusion of movement or
change in a visual artwork,
typically in the form of a
sequence of individual images
displayed rapidly in
Activity 4 “Word Search”

5. This process involves

passing the weft threads over
and under the warp threads in a
systematic pattern using a
device called a loom.
Activity 4 “Word Search”

6. It is the art and science of

designing buildings and
Activity 4 “Word Search”
7. It is the process of recording,
capturing, and preserving various
aspects of the filmmaking process.
This includes the creation of written
records, photographs, videos, and
other forms of media that document
everything from pre-production
planning to post-production
Activity 4 “Word Search”
8. It is a series of moving pictures,
usually shown in a cinema, theatre
or on television and often telling a
Activity 4 “Word Search”
9. It is a form of artistic expression
and physical movement that is often
accompanied by music or rhythm.
Activity 4 “Word Search”
10. It is where the actors portray
characters and convey stories
through dialogue, actions, and
gestures on a stage, often supported
by costumes, sets, lighting, and
sound effects.

art involves using the human voice to create
music, convey emotions, or tell stories. It
encompasses singing, chanting, spoken
words, and vocalizations in various musical
genres and contexts.

art revolves around creating music using musical
instruments without vocal accompaniment. This
includes playing instruments like pianos, guitars,
violins, and drums to produce melodies,
harmonies, and rhythms.

is a performative art form where actors perform
live on a stage, portraying characters and telling
stories. It combines elements like acting, set
design, costumes, lighting, and sound to engage
audiences in a shared experience.

is a physical art form that involves rhythmic
movement of the body to express emotions, tell
stories, or convey abstract concepts. It comes in
various styles and genres, each with its own
techniques, movements, and cultural influences.
is a visual storytelling medium that uses moving
images and audio to convey narratives, ideas, and
emotions. It involves a combination of
cinematography, editing, sound design, and acting
to create a complete audiovisual experience.
n involves creating the illusion of motion by
displaying a series of still images in rapid
succession. It can be done through various
techniques, such as traditional hand-drawn
animation, computer-generated imagery (CGI), or
stop-motion animation.
is the art of designing and creating physical spaces that encompass both
functionality and aesthetics. It involves the planning, designing, and construction
of buildings and structures that serve various purposes, from residential and
commercial spaces to public and cultural landmarks. Architects 6 blend practical
considerations like safety, comfort, and efficiency with artistic elements such as
form, materials, and spatial relationships to shape environments that impact
human experience and culture. Architecture has the power to shape societies,
reflect cultural values, and inspire emotions through the built environment.
are visual storytelling mediums that use a
combination of illustrations and text to convey
narratives, ideas, and humor. They often use
panels and sequential art to guide the reader
through a story.
is a textile art form that involves creating fabric
by interlacing threads or yarns at right angles. It
can produce intricate patterns and textures, and it
has been used historically for both functional and
artistic purposes.
art captures real-life events, situations, or
concepts through various artistic mediums like
photography, videography, and written records. It
aims to preserve and convey moments of reality
for artistic or informative purposes
Activity 5 “Watch and Learn”
The teacher will present five (5) selected
contemporary and emerging performing and
visual arts to the class and provide readings for
each one. The learners will have to choose one
from the presented art forms and discuss it within
their group using the guide questions below.
Activity 5 “Watch and Learn”
Title of Performance

A. Theme and Message: What do you believe was the main theme or message of the
performance? How did the acting, dialogue, and other elements contribute to conveying this

B. Musical Forms: Describe how music contributed to the performance.

C. Setting and Atmosphere: Describe the setting (time and place) of the performance. What
kind of atmosphere or mood did the setting create?
Activity 5 “Watch and Learn”
D. Costumes and Makeup: Describe the costumes and makeup of the characters. Did the
costumes enhance the characters' identities or the overall theme of the performance?

E. Stage Design: Describe the stage design, including any props and scenery. How did the
stage design contribute to the storytelling?

F. Acting and Characterization: Choose one main character and describe their portrayal by
the actor. Did the actor effectively convey the character's emotions and motivations?
Activity 5 “Watch and Learn”
G. Cultural and Social Context: Did you notice any cultural or social references within the
performance? How did these references contribute to the story or its relevance?

Suggested Performance with References: (The teacher may choose from the following
Activity 5 “Watch and Learn”
Day 2

Activity 6 “Prep Up!”

Activity 6 “Prep Up!”

Directions: Students will prepare visual aids about their chosen

art form to be presented to the class. They are free to choose the
material to be used in preparing for their presentation.
Activity 7: It's Showtime!

The learners will be given 5

minutes per group to present
their output.
Activity 7: It's Showtime!
Rubrics for Performance (provide this rubric for guidance)
Activity 8: “Share your thoughts!”
In this part, the teacher will facilitate the sharing of insights regarding
the previous activity.
1. What are your overall thoughts and impressions of your chosen
2. Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?
3. What did you learn about contemporary art forms from analyzing
these performances
Day 3

“Think, Pair, and Share”

“Think, Pair, and Share”
The teacher will ask learners to choose two art forms
(one from The Philippines, and one from other SEA
countries) from the links below and accomplish the
Venn diagram with the following instructions.
“Think, Pair, and Share”
1. Examine the cultural influences of the
Philippines and other Southeast Asian
2. Share your insights with a classmate and
use the Venn diagram below to compare
these influences.
3. Fill in the overlapping sections with
shared influences and the separate sections
with unique influences.
“Think, Pair, and Share”
The teacher will ask the learners the following questions: (10 minutes)
1. How do contemporary performing arts influence our culture as

2. What could be the implications of these cultural influences on our

identity as a country?

3. In what way are these influences evident in you as a student?

Day 4

“Unity in Diversity”
Formative Assessment
Ask the learners to write a short essay discussing the title below:
“Diversity Gives A Nation Strength”

The teacher can give a brief explanation about the subtopics below in
which the learners can focus on:
- Cultural Enrichment
- Social Cohesion
- Innovation and Creativity
- Global Perspective
- Economic Growth
- Adaptability
Formative Assessment
Thank you
God bless!

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