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TTL 2 Report

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Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
Cyrex Bulado

Margie Abubakar

Jeralyn Remando
Grade 9

01 02 03 04
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
 Doing Scientific  Microscopy  Motion in One Dimension  The Philippine Environment
Investigations  Levels of Biological  Waves  Interactions in the
 Diversity of Materials in the Organization  Sound Atmosphere
Environment  Animal and Plant Cells  Seasons in the Philippines
 Elements and Compound
Learning Content Open-Ended
Quarter 1
Competencies Standards Questions

The learners should be The learners demonstrate What are the different
able to describe the an understanding of scien- scientific ways to solve
components of a scientific tific ways of acquiring problems?
investigation; knowledge and solving

investigate properties of The learners demonstrate What are the different

unsaturated or saturated an understanding of: some properties of solutions?
solutions; important properties of

recognize that substances The learners demonstrate How do elements differ

are classified into elements an understanding of: from compounds?
and compounds classifying substances as
elements or
Learning Content Open-Ended
Quarter 2
Competencies Standards Questions

The learners should The learners demonstrate an What is the purpose of

be able to identify understanding of the parts and Microscope?
parts of the microscope and functions of the compound mi-
their functions; croscope

describe the different levels of The learners demonstrate an What are the different
biological organization from understanding of: the different levels of biological
cell to levels of biological organization organization?

differentiate plant and animal The learners demonstrate an How do plant cells differ
cells according to presence or understanding of: the from animal cells?
absence of certain organelles difference between animal and
plant cells
Learning Content Open-Ended
Quarter 3
Competencies Standards Questions

The learners should be able to The learners demonstrate an How do displacement,

describe the motion of an understanding of: motion in speed, or velocity and
object in terms of distance or one dimension acceleration differ?
displacement, speed or
velocity, and acceleration;

The learners demonstrate an The learners should be able to What are the different
understanding of: waves as a differentiate transverse from forms of wave energy?
carriers of energy longitudinal waves, and
mechanical from
electromagnetic waves

The learners demonstrate an The Learners should be able to How do wavelength’s

understanding of: the describe the characteristics of energy differ from each
characteristics of sound sound using the concepts of other?
Learning Content Open-Ended
Quarter 4
Competencies Standards Questions

The learners should be able to The learners demonstrate an How do Philippines

demonstrate how places on understanding of: the relation geographical locations
Earth may be located using a of affect its environment?
coordinate system geographical location of the
Philippines to its environment

The learners demonstrate an discuss how energy from the What are the different
understanding of: the Sun interacts with the layers of layers of the earth’s
different phenomena that the atmosphere Atmosphere?
occur in the atmosphere

The learners demonstrate an using models, relate the tilt of How do season change?
understanding of: the the Earth to the length of
relationship of the seasons daytime the length of daytime
and the position of the Sun in to the amount of energy
the sky received the position of the
Earth in its orbit to the height
of the Sun in the sky.
Thanks !

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