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Syllabus - Gen Bio

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SY 2016 - 2017

One of the 10-Point Education Reform Agenda of President Benigno Aquino III is the K-12 Basic Education Program. According to Pres. Aquino,
“We need to add two more years to our basic education to catch up with the rest of the world.” Our country, the Philippines ranked 5th in Quality Education in
ASEAN, 8th (last) in Quality Science and Math Education and Capacity For Innovation and LAST country in Asia with 10-year pre-university program. Thus we
must catch up with the rest of the world. Two reasons for this are firstly, input shortages and lastly, short curriculum cycle.

The K-12 Enhanced Basic Education addresses the need for learners to have enriched, learner-centered, decongested and seamless education. It is
geared to produce learners with 21st century skills who all prepared for entrance into higher education, employment or entrepreneurship with room for middle level
skill development. Every graduate will be equipped with Information, media and technology skills, Learning and innovation skills, Effective communication skills,
and Life and career skills.

In pursuit of a strengthened curriculum, several reforms were provided in the Enhanced Basic Education Act, which include the spiral progression
approach and putting up career tracks as part of the senior high school including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand of the
Academic Track. The spiral progression approach’s objective is to impart knowledge in a less compact and more temporally distributed way. Basic knowledge will
be taught in the early years of education and will be used as building blocks to add more complex concepts in the succeeding years. Career tracks in senior high
school will define the subjects students will have to master. A scientific educational program in the K-12 Science program strives to develop knowledge and its use
for the definite purpose of serving the needs of the country through the promotion of national industries. Thus it aims to generate the highest possible number of
quality scientists, technologists and engineers. Every conceivable way to achieve this must be pursued.
At the end of Grade 11, learners under the STEM track understand the significance of the subunits within a cell and its relationship with the levels of
organization in the environment. They can demonstrate comprehension of the main four molecules that make up life and their significant roles in daily living activities as well as
the processes involved in the procurement, conversion and utilization of biological energy. They recognize the key differences and similarities between plant and animal
organismal systems and their mechanisms of adaptation in response to changes in the environment. The learners will also demonstrate understanding of how traits can be passed on
and acquired. Learners will have explored deeper about genetics, its basic principles, complexities and implications and possibilities. They can discuss how traits can be passed on
and acquired. They can infer as to how genetics can be applied to solve mutations and correct flaws in DNA. The learners will have exhibited proficiency in systematics and
classification of organisms. They will recognize the merit in knowing about the history of life on earth and its relevance to our modern world.

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017

The learners demonstrate understanding of basic science concepts and application of science-inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and
values to solve problems critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people,
make informed decisions, and engage I discussions of relevant issues that involve science, technology, and environment.


At the end of Grade 11, learners can connect to their real-world experiences and future careers through meaningful, updated, and context-specific
content that highlights important points and corrects common misconceptions. Through diverse learning experiences that tap cognitive, affective and psychomotor
domains are accompanied by field-tested teaching tips that aid in facilitating learners’ discovery and development of higher-order thinking skills and through
flexible and relevant content and performance standards allow learners the freedom to innovate, make their own decisions, and initiate activities to fully develop
their academic and personal potential.
The learners will demonstrate Global awareness, scientific and economic literacy, curiosity, critical thinking and problem solving skills, risk taking,
flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, media literacy, technological literacy, creativity, flexibility and adaptability, productivity and accountability,
multicultural literacy, collaboration and interpersonal skills, social and cross-cultural skills, leadership and responsibility.

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017


TOPIC: The Cell
Time Frame: 40 days

Established Goal Transfer Goal Understanding Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Transfer Task
Questions (EQ)
Content Standard Students will Students will Students will Students will Students are
be able to understand keep know: skilled at: Your task is to
The learners independently that: considering prepare a model
demonstrate an use their the following and/ or other
understanding of learning to questions: I. The Cell instructional
the significance create a Cell materials to
of the subunits Model with its 1. Cell Theory 1. Explaining demonstrate a
within a cell cell organelles 1. There are 1. What are 2. Cell the Cell Analogy.
and its visibly different the Structure different The cell can be
relationship identified for cell different and theories on likened for
with the levels a “Cell theories. cell Functions the example to a
of organization Analogy” theories? 3. Prokaryotic discovery of school where
in the comparing the versus the cell. the nucleus is
environment. cell to an 2. Subcellular Eukaryotic 2. Describing the
organization, organelles 2. What is the Cells the administration
Performance institution or play a importance 4. Cell Types different and other
Standard group or a unique roles of the 5. Cell cell organelles have
system. for cell structures Modificatio organelles parallel
The learners maintenance and n and comparisons.
shall be able to and functions 6. Cell Cycle identifying Other
construct three- activities. of 7. Transport their unique organizations
dimensional subcellular Mechanisms functions. can be used
General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
models of whole 3. There are organelles? 3. Comparing like a business
cells using key and company, a
indigenous or differences contrasting restaurant, a
recyclable between 3. How does a the car or
materials. The Prokaryotic prokaryotic characterist computer.
models shall and cell differ ic of
show the Eukaryotic from a prokaryotic
following Cells. eukaryotic and
cell parts: cell? eukaryotic
(1)Endomembrane cells.
System, 4. Identifying
(2)Mitochondria, cell
and(3) 4. There are modification
Chloroplast two 4. What are s according
eukaryotic the to their
cell types. different functions.
eukaryotic 5. Discussing
cell types? the
relevance of
mitosis and
meiosis in
the daily
5. Modified life of
cells have 5. How are organisms.
significant modified 6. Illustrate
and unique cells transport
functions significant mechanisms
that they ? by
are well predicting
adapted to. the effects
6. The cell isotonic,
cycle is a and
continuous 6. How is cell hypotonic
process that cycle environments
General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
has a check controlled? on
points that osmosis in
serve to animal cells
control it.

7. Transport
in the cell 7. Why are the
move transport
substances mechanisms
in and out of the cell
of the cell. significant

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017


TOPIC: Biological Molecules and Energy Transformation
Time Frame: 40 days

Established Essential
Transfer Goal Understanding Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Transfer Task
Goal Questions (EQ)
Content Students will Students will Students will Students will Students are
Standard be able to understand keep considering know: skilled at: Your task is
independently that: the following to make a meal
Learners use their questions: I. Biological plan that will
demonstrate an learning to Molecules cover 7 days.
understanding carefully 1. How can you 1. Carbohydrates 1. Identifying Ensure that
of the main create a well- 1. Biological categorize and there is a
four molecules balanced 7-day molecules can biological 2. Protein categorizing right balance
that make up menu to promote be identified molecules? biological and proportion
life and their proper by their 3. Lipids molecules of the four
significant nutrition and chemical according to biological
roles in daily healthy structures 4. Nucleic Acids their molecules in
living lifestyle. and specific structure and the different
activities as functions. II.Energy function. menus.
well as the 2. What is the Transformation
processes 2. Each of the role of each 1. Photosynthesis 2. Explaining
involved in the biological biological the different
procurement, molecules molecule in 2. Cellular functions of
conversion and perform specific Respiration each
utilization of important and metabolic biological
biological individual processes? 3. ATP-ADP Cycle molecule
energy. functions during
during metabolic
metabolic processes.

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
Performance processes in
Standards the body. 3. Illustrating
3. How can the
Learners shall 3. A number of factors such photosyntheti
be able to factors can as pH, c and
create a well- either slow temperature, cellular
balanced 7-day down or and respiration
menu to promote quicken substrate process
proper enzyme affect through a
nutrition and action. enzyme diagram.
healthy activity?
lifestyle. 4. Constructing
4. ATP is the 4. What is the a chart to
currency of role of ATP demonstrate
the cell to in energy the ATP-ADP
perform any coupling and cycle.
activity. transfer?

5. In 5. What are the

photosynthesi major
s and cell features and
respiration chemical
processes events in
occur to photosynthes
convert raw is and
materials respiration?
into a usable
form of
6. What is the
6. The different importance
pigments of
serve to chlorophyll
harness and other
sunlight pigments?
General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
7. What is the
7. Oxygen serves role of
as a oxygen in
catalyst. respiration?

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017


TOPIC: Organismal Biology and Genetics
Time Frame: 20 days

Established Essential
Transfer Goal Understanding Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Transfer Task
Goal Questions (EQ)
Content Students will Students will Students will Students will Students are
Standard be able to understand keep know: skilled at: Your task is
independently that: considering the to make a
Learners use their following I. Organismal simple map
demonstrate an learning to questions: Biology showing places
understanding develop a 1. Comparing and where erosion
of the key presentation 1. Both plants 1. How do 1. Plant and contrasting and landslides
differences and to and animals plants Animal the different may pose risks
similarities show how an have special differ from Organismal biological in the
between plant organism organs and animals with Systems and processes in community.
and animal maintains organ regards to their plants and
organismal homeostasis systems to performing Functions animals.
systems and through handle different
their the interaction biological biological 2. Feedback 2. Explaining
mechanisms of of the various processes. processes? Mechanisms how some
adaptation in organ systems organisms
response to in the body. 2. Living 2. How do some maintain
changes in the organisms organisms steady
environment. have maintain internal
The learners feedbacks in steady conditions
will also response to internal that possess
demonstrate changes in conditions various
understanding the despite structures
of how traits environment. changes in and

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
can be passed the processes.
on and environment?
3. What are the 3. Describing
Performance 3. Positive differences examples of
Standards feedback between homeostasis
amplifies negative and and the major
Learners shall the effect positive features of
be able to of the feedback? feedback
develop a stimulus loops that
presentation while produce such
(e.g. negative homeostasis.
role-playing, feedback
dramatization minimizes
and the effect
other forms of of the
multimedia) to stimulus.
show how an
the interaction
of the various
organ systems
in the body.

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017


TOPIC: Genetics
Time Frame: 20 days

Established Essential
Transfer Goal Understanding Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Transfer Task
Goal Questions (EQ)
Content Students will Students will Students will Students will Students are
Standard be able to understand that: keep know: skilled at: Your task is
independently considering the to make a
The learners use their following I. Genetics pedigree
will learning to make questions: analysis in
demonstrate a pedigree 1. Genotype is 1. Mendel’s Laws 1. Predicting the learner’s
understanding analysis in the allele 1. How is a of genotypes and family using
of how traits the learner’s for a genotype Inheritance phenotypes of a simple
can be passed family using a certain trait different parents and genetic
on and simple genetic while from a 2. Sex Linkage offspring trait.
acquired. trait. phenotype is phenotype? using the laws Present it by
the physical of creating an
Performance form of the 3. Central Dogma inheritance. infinity card
Standards trait. of Molecular which also
Biology 2. Explaining sex includes
Learners shall 2. Sex linkage linkage and facts about
be able to make refers to the 2. What is sex 4. Recombinant recombination. heredity and
a pedigree traits linkage and DNA genetics.
analysis in associated recombination 3. Describing
the learner’s with sex. ? modifications
family using a to Mendel’s
simple genetic 3. There are classic
trait. structural ratios.
differences 3. What are the

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
as well as differences 4. Illustrating
functional between RNA the molecular
individualiti and DNA? structure of
es between DNA, RNA, and
DNA and RNA. Proteins

5. Diagramming
4. The central the steps in
dogma of DNA
biology 4. What is the replication
refers to the “Central and protein
flow of Dogma of synthesis
information Biology”?
from a DNA to 6. Discussing the
mRNA to applications
translation of recombinant
into amino DNA
acids for

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017


TOPIC: Evolution and Origin of Biodiversity
Time Frame: 20 days

Established Essential
Transfer Goal Understanding Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Transfer Task
Goal Questions (EQ)
Content Students will Students will Students will Students will Students are
Standard be able to understand that: keep know: skilled at: Your task is
independently considering the to create a
The learners use their following I. Evolution personal
will learning to questions: timeline and
demonstrate 1. Evolution is 1. Relevance, 1. Describe compare it
create a
understanding a process. 1. What is Mechanisms, general with the
of how evolution? Evidences features of geologic time
timeline and
evolution 2. There are and the history scale. Begin
compare it with
affects the four theories 2. What are the Theories of of life on from your
the geologic
present world of evolution. theories of Evolution Earth. birth and
time scale.
and the evolution? include all
relevance of 3. The different 2. Explaining the
history of life theories of 3. Where are the significant
on earth to the evolution are the theories mechanisms events and
way we live based on the of evolution that produce changes in
life today. fossil based? change in your life over
records, populations the years
Performance embryology from until the
Standards and others. generation to present.
Learners shall 4. Evolutionary
be able to thoughts 4. What is the 3. Describing
create a allow us to relevance of the

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
personal infer on the evolutionary development
timeline and relationships thoughts? of
compare it with among evolutionary
the geologic organisms. thought
time scale. through a

4. Explaining
evidences of

5. Inferring
using the
evidence of

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017


TOPIC: Systematics Based on Evolutionary Relationships
Time Frame: 20 days

Established Essential
Transfer Goal Understanding Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Transfer Task
Goal Questions (EQ)
Content Students will Students will Students will Students will Students are
Standard be able to understand that: keep know: skilled at: Your task is
independently considering the to create a
The learners use their following I. Systematics personal tree
will questions: and of life and
learning to
demonstrate 1. Systematics Classificatio 1. Explaining compare it to
create a
understanding is a method 1. What is n how the the
personal tree
of the of organizing sytematics? structural phylogenetic
of life and
different ways organisms in 1. Basic and tree of life.
compare it to
of classifying groups with Taxonomic developmental Begin with
organisms similar Concepts and characteristi four
systematically characteristi Principles cs and generations
tree of life.
and understand cs. 2. Binomial relatedness back from you.
the Nomenclature, of DNA
relationships 2. There are 3. Phylogenetics sequences are
among organisms four methods 2. How are 4. Cladistics used in
in terms of of organisms classifying
ancestry and classifying classified? living
evolution. things, things.
depending on
Performance the 2. Identifying
Standards highlighted the unique/
similar distinctive
Learners shall chracteristic characteristi

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017
be able to . cs of a
create a 3. How is the specific
personal tree 3. The system of system of taxon
of life. classificatio classificati relative to
n may serve on relevant other taxa.
as a timeline to our
to follow how modern 3. Describing
organisms world? species
evolved into diversity and
the way they cladistics,
are today. including the
types of
evidence and
that can be
used to

General Biology Syllabus
SY 2016-2017

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