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Fundamental Tools of Space Planning Design and

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Fundamental Tools of

Space Planning, Design

and Analysis
Space planning is a complex process with many factors to consider. The principles of space
planning involve satisfying a defined criteria on a priority basis – as a result, space planning is
frequently about compromise. That being said, there is often more than one solution to
planning out the space requirements of a building.
Part 1 – Collect information
The design of a building or space will have numerous requirements from the client or end user. It is important in the
very early stages of design to carry out in depth research and consider as many aspects of the use of the spaces as possible.
Some considerations can include:
•Do the spaces have specific functions or need to be particular shapes or forms?
•Do the spaces need to be flexible?
•Is it possible to create a sequence of spaces (offices, museums for example)?
•Do the spaces have different requirements in terms of light, ventilation, view, accessibility?
•Do the spaces need to have access to external spaces?
•Must any of the spaces have particular security or privacy?
•Is there any hierarchical requirements of the spaces?
•What relationships must each space have with one another, and the external environment?
•How should the spaces be connected?
•Which rooms need to be adjacent to one another and which rooms need to be apart?

An example of some questions to consider if you are designing a residential unit:

•What is the family size and structure
•Location of site
•Number of levels
•Family or individual interests and activities

The more information and data that can be collected in these earlier stages, the easier it will be to make the leap from
data to diagrams and drawings as you proceed through the space planning process.
Part 2 – Interpret requirements – build the brief

When we look at how to create spaces and accommodate humans in those spaces we can consider some universal
concepts relating to how people interact with their environments.
•Insider vs outsider
•Individual vs community
•Invitation vs rejection
•Openness vs enclosure
•Integration vs segregation
•Combination vs dispersion

With these factors in mind we can start to develop a plan of requirements, extract from the data we have collected the
necessary functions these spaces will be fulfilling.

In some cases it is suitable to develop a matrix/table that demonstrates the requirements of each room, in terms of
privacy, daylight, access, equipment and so forth, along with writing out any additional requirements or special considerations
for each room. This information will be a useful reference as you work through the spaces of each room and start to develop
some sketch diagrams.
Part 3 – Consider spaces and
spatial relationships Spatial

How can spaces be related to

one another?
•Space within a space
•Interlocking spaces
•Spaces linked by a common space
•Adjacent spaces
Organizing the space

You can consider a varying forms of spatial

organization, some of which are more naturally suited
to particular
uses than others:
•Centralized organization
•Linear organization
•Radial organization
•Clustered organization
•Grid organization

Consider some of the following as you plan out

your spaces:
•How does the envelope affect the internal spaces?
•How will the contents of the room be arranged?
•Do the rooms connect?
•What is the flow of the circulation?
•Are the proportions of the spaces comfortable?
Developing circulation

•How people move around the building from

room to room is just as important as the
•When developing a circulation structure we
can look at a few basic principles.
•How efficient is the circulation in getting from
point A to point B
•Is the circulation discrete?
•What is the fluidity of the circulation? Is there
a smooth flowing route or a more direct route?
•Does the circulation route clash with
furnishing requirements?
Part 4 – Create the solution
Once the spaces have been considered and the
requirements have been studied it is time to start
sketching out relationship diagrams. The
relationship diagram takes your design from data
to a more visual look at physically planning out
your space. It is abstract, and rough but enables
you to develop your understanding of the
requirements and visualize how the spaces will
work together and how the circulation may flow
between them.

At this stage the diagram does not need to

represent the building size or space, more a look at
how each room relates to one another, sizes and so
on. Lets look at some examples:
Try different options and configurations, sketch your ideas and how the spaces will connect to one another. As you work
through the different options, make notes on each one as to any pros and cons, benefits etc, so that later you can easily
disregard options that you don’t think will work at a later point.
Part 5 – Review and revise

Once some solutions have been sketched out it is then possible to review these solutions and look for areas that
require improvement. Things to consider when we look at a residential scheme:

•How will the occupants move from room to room?

•Does the circulation cut up the space?
•Does guest traffic flow through private areas?
•Are the doors and windows in suitable positions? Do they interfere or add to the overall spatial plan?
•Does the plan orientate itself correctly with the site?
•Do the rooms work well in relation to one another?

Once you have reviewed your initial sketches and ideas the plans can be developed further by adding more detail and
refining your drawings. It is key to refer to any building regulations, codes and standards that will have an impact on your
space planning to ensure that your design is compliant from an early stage.
Space Planning Considerations
The Programme data gathered during the Design Process lays the foundation for space planning. The
Design Programme identifies the proposed function and the preferred mood and style of the space.

Intelligent space planning involves consideration of the following factors:

•Function and zoning
•Dimensions and shape of the space
•Site, orientation and climate
•Stretching space
•Circulation patterns (traffic flows)
•Permanent fixtures (kitchen and bath spaces)
•Special needs for elderly or disabled users
•Emotion and psychology
•Application of the Principles of Design
•Skillful use of the Elements of Design
1. Function and Zoning

Arguably the most important among space allocation considerations is a functional

analysis of the space. The functional use of the space can be graphically illustrated.

Typically, homes have four zones: social zones; work zones (kitchen, utility, office);
private zones (bedrooms, bathrooms); and storage zones (cupboards, closets and cabinets).
There are normally functional interrelationships between zones – certain zones have an
adjacency relationship to one another – a kitchen is traditionally sited close to the dining
area and bedrooms are typically grouped around a shared bathroom. Other zones may
overlap – the kitchen-diner or ‘great room’ is an increasingly popular feature of modern
homes. The space-planning process recognizes which areas and functions are to
be interrelated; that is to say, in a well-designed space, activities should flow smoothly and
effectively from one zoned area into another.
Diagramming is the process of placing a two- or three-dimensional graphical
representation of the proposed space on paper (Nielson et al, p.103). The schematics are
refined in stages, from rudimentary bubble diagrams to a finished floor plan, which will form
the basis of the blueprints or working drawings.
2. Dimensions and Shape of the Space

The research phase of the Design Process involves ascertaining the adequate floor
space for each activity area within the building. Generally, around 80% of the available
area is allocated to living space, 10% for passage and 10% for storage (Nielson et al, p.104).
With the aim of creating good designs for comfortable interior living, the sizes, shapes and
spatial arrangement of the interior spaces should determine the exterior shape of the
building, although in reality the desired style and proportions of the exterior may constrain
the interior shapes or sizes.

Another important consideration is the number of users who will occupy the space.
The average floor area per household varies between countries: the average size of a new
home in the United Kingdom in 2009 was 76m2 (the average number of residents is 2.3); in
the united States it was 201m2 and in Hong Kong it was just 45m2.1 Countries in
more developed regions tend to have more floor space per person than those in
less developed regions.
The shape of the interior space has both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Rectangular
rooms are the easiest to build and decorate, but are less architecturally interesting than
spaces with curved or angled walls and ceilings, which may create the impression of
greater space and so serve to visually expand the actual dimensions of the interior.
3. Site, Orientation and Climate
The size and shape of the space may be
determined by constraints of the site, such as
the size of the building plot, the slope of the site,
the location of nearby buildings or the style of
neighboring architecture.
The orientation of the site (the direction the
plot faces) will influence the fenestration and
good design will take full advantage of the solar
aspects (the direction of sunshine).
Planning for climate is an important
consideration of design. Homes in Finland will
have different planning from those in California,
for example, because houses in colder climes are
designed to provide protection from winter cold
and residences in hotter climes must provide
respite from the heat from the sun.
4. Economy

Economy is a paramount consideration in space planning. In most cases, the client will need to impose a
maximum spending limit, or a financial limit may be determined indirectly by the client’s lender. The first
economic consideration will be the amount of space, which directly affects the cost of the building. Two-storey
dwellings are less costly to construct (per square metre of living space) than single-storey living space, since a
single roof and set of foundations can serve all levels, fireplaces can be stacked and plumbing and electrical
systems can be centralized. Attic and basement conversions can provide an economical expansion of living

The volume and shape of the building also affect construction costs. Buildings with high ceilings cost incur
the cost of additional building materials and labour. Square or rectangular buildings cost less to build (per
square metre) than L-shaped, U-shaped or angular buildings with many gables (roof points) and dormer windows
in the roof. Careful forward structural planning to accommodate possible future extension or remodelling can
prove economical by avoiding major structural changes when the time comes.

It can be economical to incorporate multi-use areas which can accommodate more than one activity concurrently,
or can easily be transformed for alternative uses. Multi-use space is generally open-plan space, allowing greater
flexibility to re-arrange furniture for alternative functions, and the omission of walls would represent an
additional cost saving.
5. Stretching Space
A number of decorative devices can make small spaces appear
A number of structural larger:
devices can be employed to •Light colours appear to recede, making light-coloured walls
seem further away
‘expand’ the space:
•Smooth textures expand space
•Open-plans with few
•Wall-to-wall floor coverings make the floor area appear larger
structural walls •Strong vertical lines direct the eye upwards, making ceilings
•Use of half-walls or appear higher
transparent walls •Floor-length window treatments can make walls look taller
•Extensive use of windows •Use of horizontal holdings can give the impression of greater
and glass in doors width
•Vertical space, •Small-scale furnishings make the space appear larger
accomplished with vaulted •Mirrors can be positioned (e.g. to reflect a view from a window)
ceilings, 1.5-storey ceilings so as to expand space
or skylights •Use of small-scale pattern, or no pattern at all
•Use of glass tables and other transparent materials
•Furnishings that show their legs, rather than upholstered skirts
Conversely, too much space can be as big a dilemma as too little space.2 Areas that
larger than human scale in height or space, can amplify and echo noise, provide little
opportunity for privacy, and seem unwelcoming.

A number of decorative devices can also make large spaces appear smaller:

•Dark colours make space seem smaller

•Heavy textures reduce space
•Furniture can be arranged into a number of functional or conversational groupings
•Area rugs can divide the space into separate areas or emphasize furniture groupings
•Use of heavy or large-scale furnishings
•Use of large-scale pattern
•Use of furniture that is solid to the floor, or soft furnishings with upholstered skirts
6. Circulation Patterns

Circulation patterns are also referred to as ‘traffic flow’. Space planning entails careful
evaluation of traffic flow between rooms and between areas within rooms. Traffic patterns
may be depicted as lines and arrows on a bubble diagram. Direct traffic flow should be
hindered as little as possible.

Some pitfalls to avoid in managing traffic patterns:

•Rooms that act as hallways, providing the only access to other rooms
•Areas too small to accommodate furniture and circulation
•Door locations that force circulation through conversation furniture groupings
•Traffic where private areas or untidy work areas are open to view

Heavy traffic areas in homes such as hallways and staircases must be sufficiently wide to
accommodate two-way traffic, typically 1-1.5 metres in width. Doors should be placed
towards the corner of a room to avoid dissecting the wall space and to maximize flexibility
for furniture placement.
7. Storage

Possessions are hard to part with so storage fills up quickly. Storage areas should be
located at the point of first or most frequent use. Storage zones are required in or near
specific locations throughout the home:

•The entrance hall for coats, shoes, scarves, gloves

•The kitchen for food, cookware, crockery, appliances, cleaning products
•The utility or laundry room for washing machine, dryer, mops, brooms, vacuum
•Linen cupboard for towels, bed linen (often housing a hot water tank)
•Bedroom wardrobes and cupboards for clothing.
•Bathroom cupboards for toiletries
•Study or home office for books, paper, stationery supplies, computer equipment
•Family room for DVDs, CDs
•Tool shed or outside storage for garden and maintenance tools and equipment
8. Permanent Fixtures
Kitchen and bathroom design are
Rooms that contain built-in fixtures require
specialized fields of interior design. Certified
particularly careful planning. Permanent fixtures
kitchen designers consider all aspects of
are treated as structural components, specified by
lifestyle when designing a kitchen for clients,
the architect or designer, and included on the
including family traffic patterns, how many
floor plan. Kitchens, bathrooms and laundry
family members prepare the meals, their
rooms contain permanent fixtures and other
physical proportions and any special needs.
rooms may also contain built-in cabinetry.
When two or more family
members commonly cook together,
The kitchen is often the hub of the family home;
concepts such as the standard
the centre for food storage, preparation, service
working triangle are less applicable.
and dining. Kitchens have also become an
important centre for entertaining – a setting for
Planning an efficient kitchen
hosts to cook and converse with guests. A kitchen
layout involves assigning work zones to the
costs more to outfit in cabinetry, appliances and
different activities involved in food
plumbing fixtures, than any other room in the
The three main

Activity zones, and the traffic flow

between them, are commonly sited to form a so-
called ‘working triangle’:

•Refrigerator zone
•Cooking zone
•Sink/cleanup zone

An important part of kitchen planning

is to decide where the refrigerator, sink and
cooker will be sited in relation to on another.
Walking distance among these three areas
should be at least 2 metres, to avoid activities
becoming too crowded, and not more than 7
metres to avoid exhaustion.
9. Special Needs for Elderly or Disabled

The ageing population, and the growing Interiors for people with disabilities
number of people aged over 65 who maintain a may require particular modifications to
longer period of independent living, require facilitate independent living. Wheelchair
adaptations in traditional kitchen design. Safety users, for example, require modified spaces
considerations are paramount, as well as comfort and dimensions. Under anti-discrimination
and convenience for users who may have legislation (the Disability Discrimination Act
impaired movement. 1995, in England and Wales, and the
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990),
The kitchen must be planned for accessibility, landlords have a duty to make reasonable
with no excessively high or low shelving to avoid adjustments to make rental
bending and work surfaces at a properties suitable for people with
comfortable height. disabilities.
11. Application of the Principles 12. Skillful use of the Elements of
of Design Design

Effective space planning The objective of achieving a

necessitates careful consideration of balance between functionality and
the principles of design – harmony, aesthetics in space planning is
emphasis, rhythm, balance and scale accomplished by manipulating the
– in order to create effective and elements of design – shape, mass,
aesthetically pleasing interiors. The light, line, pattern, colour and
scale and proportion of interiors texture.
should always be related to the scale
and proportions of the human frame.

Nielson, Karla and David Taylor, Interiors: an introduction, 2nd


1.Average house sizes around the world (
2.Nielsen et al, p.109
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