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Paul Loeb's Complete Book of Dog Training (1E) (1974)

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By Paul Loeb

PRENTICE-HALL, INC Englewood Cloi, N.J.

Copyright 0 1974 by Paul Loeb All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means,

except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

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Prentice-Hall International, Inc London

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Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd New Delhi

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library of Congress cataloging in Publication Data Loeb, Paul, Complete

book of dog training.

SF431.I,63 636.7 74-9531

ISBN 0-13-654533-4

To Stephanie To our dogs: Plum, Inches, Skepy, and Snap and to Tam, who
put it all together

Foreword: Who Is Paul Loeb?

Paul Loeb, a dog trainer for many years now, has written a most
important contribution for people who own pets. He repeatedly
demonstrates wisdom and insight into the often intimate relationships
between owners and their dogs. By skillfully blending his own humorous
experiences with his deep awareness of the psychological and emotional
bonds between man and dog, Mr. Loeb teaches us all how to teach our
dogs to be more enjoyable companions.

He draws on an extensive practice of training "companion animals" as

well as more unusual and exotic creatures for movies and television.

Step by step, the reader learns how to teach his or her dog the basic
rules of obedience. and once learned, these rules become the basis for
more complicated acts that a dog can then perform on command.

The need for patience and an awareness of an animal's special makeup are
emphasized repeatedly throughout this clear, humane book.

Both reader and pet are drawn closer together through understanding, and
thereby, both their lives are enriched.

PART ONE What Dog Owners Should Know but Usually Don't

1. My Philosophy on Dog Training

2. The Love Fallacy

3. Canine Development and Anatomy

4. A Word on Clipping and Bathing

5. Your Dog's Senses

6. Other Facets of Pack Behavior

7. Between Human and Dog

PART TWO Basic Care and Controlling Bad Habits

8. Where Dog Owners Go Wrong

9. Reprimands, the Word "No," and Body Language

10. Feeding

11. Chewing

12. Paper Training and Basic Housebreaking

13. Housebreaking the Older Dog

14. What If He Breaks Training?

15. Whining, Barking, and jumping

16. Biting
17. Why Dogs Fight and Kill

18. Adapting Your Dog to a Human Environment

19. Traveling cars, Kennels, and Airplanes

PART THREE Obedience Training

20. Basic Training-for You

21. "Sit" and "Stay"

22. "Come"

23. "Lie Down"

24. "Heel"

PART FOUR Tricks and Advanced Training

25. Tricks-an Introduction

26. "Roll Over" and "Play Dead"

27. Jumping-Over and Through

28. ,out, or "GO7'

29. Carrying and Retrieving

30. Fetching by Scent Discrimination

31. Shopping

32. Diving and Surfing

33. Obedience Trials, Movies, and Commercials

34. -attack Dogs . . .

35. . . . versus Defense Pets

36. Sniffing out Bombs and Drugs

part FIVE From Birth to Death

37. Selecting Your Puppy

38. To Breed or Not to Breed?

39. Epilogue


PART ONE What Dog Owners Should Know, but Usually Don't

My Philosophy on Dog Training

One Long Island socialite had a three-and-a-half year old Maltese, which
she had trained herself. Assured that he was perfectly housebroken, she
bought another to keep him company, and then had her entire house
redecorated. The final result-with eighteenth-century antiques,
oriental rugs, and fine engravings-was so splendid that soon she
received a call from the feature editor of a top home-decoration
magazine, who wanted to interview her and publish full-color pictures of
her decorator's work.

The editor and photographer were shown in and settled themselves on a

needlepoint couch. One of her Maltases sauntered into the room.

"Do your dogs ever mess up the house?" the editor asked, smiling.

"Never," the owner assured her. "I trained them both myself, and this
one is perfectly housebroken."

With this, the "perfect" Maltese came closer, sniffed, and urinated
copiously on the editor's shoe. The interview was quickly terminated.

The next morning the chagrined owner called me. Among other things, I
explained that a "perfect" dog often regresses when a new dog enters the
house. But there are techniques to stop this kind of behavior.

I have four dogs-three Maltases (Inches, Sleepy, and Snapper Dan) and a
Weimaraner (Plum)-all of whom are totally housebroken. I will not have
them lifting a leg in my apartment, which is full of large houseplants,
and patchwork leather and suede couches and chairs fashioned entirely by
hand, by my wife Jo.

In addition to the dogs, I have a parrot, Martha (who won't talk but can
bark), and a parakeet, Saturday. I also recently installed an
eighty-gallon all-glass saltwater aquarium, with a number of damselfish,
angelfish, and tangs. And last but not least, there's my daughter,
Stephanie, who is the only one in the house who doesn't listen to me but
whom I have to listen to when she practices on her piano or talks for
hours on the phone to her friend Mary.

Plum, my Weimaraner, is a showpiece for my theories and techniques.

He responds to voice, hand, and body commands with absolute precision.

When I merely indicate an object with a gesture, he leaps over it with
the grace of a gazelle.

As a joke, he will steal a specific lady's purse on command. People are

fascinated by his ability to bring back the magazines of my choice.

I say, "Bring me Time." Plum passes by Newsweek and picks up Time.

I floored everyone in the bank one morning by asking the teller for one
one dollar bill and one one-hundred dollar bill, then having Plum
successfully fetch me the larger denomination. However, my favorite
feat is to send Plum out to shop for groceries. Given a basket and sent
out the door, Plum makes his way to the proper shelves, tips cans of dog
food into the basket, and trots up to the cashier, who, recognizing
Plum, charges me for the day'S basketful. Plum races home, careful not
to spill, and gets a reward for his good work.

All the tricks in this book are ones that my dog has mastered.

The training techniques I used to teach him are ones you will soon

In some twelve years of working with animals, I have trained

approximately eight thousand dogs for individual clients. In addition,
I have trained the animal actors for hundreds of movies, TV commercials,
and ads.

I grew up in Brooklyn, where I was first drafted into dog training when
my father brought home a puppy named Tonto. He gave me and my two
brothers four weeks to housebreak the dog.

The first three weeks we didn't bother to try to train him. Like all
too many people, we thought that training takes care of itself. As the
four week deadline approached, Tonto was still untrained. The three of
us, fearful of having to give the puppy away, set up round-the-clock
watches of eight hours each. Tonto would misbehave, be punished, be
taken out again and again-and finally shaped up.

The next dog I got was after I had left home. I started training him,
and almost immediately I noticed a great difference between him and the
dogs we had as children. I realized that it's the owner who makes a dog
what he is. I soon became so fascinated by this principle that I began
devoting all my free time to training the dog and researching the effect
that people have on their dogs. I never thought of making a business
out of training dogs, I was just fascinated by the whole relationship of
dogs and people and wanted to find out as much as I could about the

I read as many books as possible, researched every conceivable training

method, including military training, police training, hunting,
obedience, trick, and anything else you can think of. I spoke and
worked with many different trainers. Some I learned from, others
learned from me But this just wasn't enough.

Nobody could explain the one thing I wanted to know more than anything
else-the human element. Nobody's dog is the same as anybody else's.

No dog responds in quite the same way as another. Therefore, I started

to research dog owners and not just dogs, and in order to do this I had
to start working with them.

By this point, I had made a fair amount of money in the Seventh .Avenue
garment industry-a job I really didn't care for. I left and devoted my
time to researching owner/dog dynamics.

That was the beginning of my career. Since then, I have made many
personal TV and radio appearances across the country and abroad.

Whenever I'm on, the questions run pretty much the same from program to
program: :'How do you stop a dog from chewing?"

'My dog bit someone. He used to be so gentle. Why did he do that?"

"How do you stop a dog from pulling you down the street?"

"How% do you stop a dog from relieving himself in the house?"

"'that kind of dog will go with ours?"

"We would like to mate our dog. Can you set it up?"

"Did you train the dog in this commercial? Or that movie?"

(When the inevitable leopard-coat question comes up, I simply reiter ate
that it should be left on the leopard. T7he only skins we should use
are those of animals raised for food.) At home, the questions
continue. My desk is an architect's drawing board, and calls come in
constantly to either of two phones on the floor of my cluttered foyer.
Callers often want a little something extra for their dime, especially
free advice. They call up and say things like "What kind of progress
are you making in the study of animal behavior?" Or "What is your
method of making a saluki sit?"* Very few diagnoses can be made over the
phone, and I am most adamant about working with the owner and dog in
their own environment, the home. Some dogs have more problems than
others, radier, some people have more problems than others. And, of
course, certain cases deserve special attention.

I don't always succeed in my goals, however. A convent of nuns on the

West Side tried to engage me, but when they found out that I had to come
to their residence, they changed their minds. No man had ever been
inside the convent, and they would not budge from their firm policy.

* Salukis are fascinating dogs. They move very deliberately, much like
an antelope, and are very alert. They are the oldest hunting dogs on
record, and are pictured in ancient Egyptian tomb paintings.

But the clients home is where the dog's habit patterns are formed and
where all the training problems should be solved. That's where the rug
is being soiled, where the curtains are being chewed, so that's where we
work the problem out. If the dog has trouble behaving in supermarkets,
I work with him in supermarkets.

In one secretary's apartment, the furniture was all scarred because

"Baby" had been chewing everything in sight, and his mistress didn't
know how to stop him. He was her first dog, and like most people, she
didn't know how to handle him.

The dog was six months old, and I would rather he were six weeks.

By six months, a puppy has had time to pick up bad habits that have to
be removed. At six weeks, he hasn't had as much opportunity to make
mistakes, and if properly trained, he can be more easily molded to his
owner's way of life.

With this particular dog, the first thing I did was to discard the
greasy steak bone he had been chewing. I explained to the owner that
every spot that a greasy bone touches will absorb grease and meat
odors-and thereby becomes a potentially nice place for chewing.

When I entered the apartment of my next client the cocker spaniel

immediately jumped up on me, and I carefully flipped him over backward,
saying "no"-the way to stop a dog from jumping up on people. The cocker
quickly retreated to his special closet-from which he attacked anyone
who went near him.
As a puppy, he had been sent there as a punishment after being
reprimanded. He soon learned that he could avoid a reprimand by running
to his closet whenever he felt he might be punished.

Surrounded by walls on three sides, where a human could get at him only
by bending down and reaching in, he felt very secure. He knew he had
the advantage there, and he took it.

This spaniel had a lot of other problems too-urinating on the rug, shoe
chewing, nipping the children. As is customary, I wanted to see how the
family acted with this dog. I had to meet every member of the household
to assess the difficulties involved. I wanted to find out what was the
cause of this behavior problem, and so I tried to get a complete history
of the dog.

In this particular case, it was very obvious that the owners were at
fault. I explained that what they thought was punishment-putting him in
the closet-was in fact a lesson in aggression for the dog. By putting
him in the closet, they had unknowingly given him a "fortress" ' from
which he could strike, a way for him to control them. And when he saw
what he could get away with, he, like any other animal, decided to take
advantage of the situation.

What had to be done with this dog was to take away his security spot,
neutralize his aggression, and teach him some good habits. And it had
to be done in this order, or it wouldn't have worked.

At another stop, a more technological-and expensive-approach was needed

to control an obstreperous pet. The dog was left to wander alone
through the apartment, while I watched his actions on the screen of a
closed-circuit TV monitor outside. Whenever the dog started to chew
furniture, urinate, or literally tear up the house, I would say "no"
into an intercom mike, and my voice was amplified many times by a
speaker inside the apartment. The animal quickly shaped up. This is a
rather expensive way to train dogs, but sometimes, as in this case,
there is no alternative.

By this time, of course, you've realized that it's the owners who are my
pupils. And if I feel a person won't follow my advice, I won't take him
as a client. There's little point in taking a dog and training him to
my way of life. The dog is living with his owner, not with me, and he
should be trained by him and not me. I theorize that, since most
problems come from the owner and not the dog, the owner should be taught
to under stand the dog and his role in the dog's life, and vice versa.

Now and again I have had to retrain dogs who have been to other training
schools. Some of these trainers never fully explain the dynamics of dog
behavior and owner-and-dog relationship. They simply lay down a series
of iron-clad rules and employ inexperienced help who train strictly
according to the rule book, with little or no flexibility.

The owner is seldom if ever warned to expect occasional breakdowns in

discipline or given instructions on what to do if the dog errs.

After the usual contractual time limit of six to eight weeks is over,
the owner's complaints are answered in one of two standard ways: "Your
dog is untrainable." Or "It's your fault."

In general, I visit my clients once a week, and if there is a problem

with their dog, I ask them to call between visits. When there are
absolutely no calls from a new client, I know there's a giant list of
problems. Nobody can have a perfect dog in the first two weeks.

Dogs are living things and, like us, are all subject to idiosyncrasies.

I consider my work a practice, not a business. I have no set rules for

training. Each dog is a new experience, just as each family is unique
-and therefore the problems and causes of these problems are different.
When I listen to people talking about their dogs, I usually find they
don't know too much about dog behavior. So training must start at the
most basic point, the beginning.

The first thing I do is to try to make my clients feel relaxed. I want

people to think of training their dogs as enjoyable rather than a chore.
The most important principle in my training technique, however, is
transference-making sure the dog recognizes his owner, not me, as the
authority figure. I try to take advantage of a dog's natural pack
instincts, only substituting the dog's owner as the dominant pack
leader. The dog should never be a leader but always a member When
people ask me to spell out dog-training techniques and care, I find that
stories about other owners and their dogs is the best way of
illustrating dog problems and their solutions. This book, then, is full
of my experiences and case histories, and shows what happens if
exercises are not done correctly. You can learn from your own as well
as others' mistakes.

This book should entertain you as well as instruct you, and the lessons
apply to owners of mixed-breed dogs as well as to owners of purebreds.
Your dog can probably learn as many as eighty or even a hundred commands
in his lifetime, and by following my instructions in this book, you can
teach him to do almost anything within reason. It's a good idea to read
this book completely through, however, before starting any training at
all. Once your dog's entire makeup is clear to you, you'll find it
easier to do the right thing automatically. And knowing the full range
of feats that dogs can perform will give you greater confidence for the
more elementary steps.

The Love Fallacy

One of the chief reasons we have difficulty

understanding dogs is, paradoxically, because.they've been associated
with us for such a long time-so much so that we take them for granted.

The first evidence of dog's association with man is found at the

Mesolithic site of Star Carr in England about 9500 B.c when the dog's
superior sense of smell probably directed man to within bowshot of food

Recently in the ruins of Pompeii the lava casts of the bodies of a little
boy and his huge dog were found. On the dog's bronze collar was the
still legible inscription: "This dog has saved his little master three
times once from fire, once from drowning, and once from thieves."

The dog had obviously tried to rescue his master once more. * Very few domestic animals
were found in the archaeological excavations of Pompeii.

Animals instinctively know of impending catastrophe, and obviously most

of the dogs fled before the eruption occurred. The night before the San
Francisco earthquake in 1906, dogs barked strangely. Horses snorted and
stampeded minutes before anyone realized what was going on. In the
mountains of Sicily, people leave their houses should the dogs suddenly

* In England,medals and trophies are awarded for canine bravery. One is the National
Canine Defense League Medal, the dog's version of the Victoria Cross.
Swansea Jack, a black retriever, saved twenty-seven people from drowning
at the Swansea Docks and was awarded the dog's V.C. Chum was decorated
by the Duke of Gloucester for bravery in saving two people from a fire.
The dog was sixteen years old.

John Garfield once turned down a film role which required him to
mistreat a dog. "Slapping women, robbing kids, yes, but the public
would never forgive anyone who kicked a dog."

One of my most unforgettable clients was a man in his forties who had
built a towering reputation in New York's manufacturing community.

Midway through his executive life, he acquired a Newfoundland puppy.

He found that he had barely enough time to play with the dog when he
came home in the evening. Most owners would compromise with such a p

full schedule, but not this gentleman. He retired from his enormously
successful business and moved away from his family. During the winters
he and the Newfoundland went to live in Florida, where he served as a
cabana attendant. In the summers he came north again, to tend bar and
have the full day to spend with his dog.

For seven years he relished his full-time companionship, never missing

his previously wealthy life. Then tragedy struck; the Newfoundland
became ill with a spine problem. Over $ 10,000 was spent on surgery and
recuperation kennels, but the dog was still unable to walk. His owner
hired physiotherapists to take the dog swimming each day in the surf-but
to no avail, and eventually he had his pet put to sleep.

Heartbroken, the man no longer had any "excuse to keep on with his
nomadic existence”. He went back to his old line of work, and in a few
short months, he had turned a few inventive ideas into a fortune. This
brought him no particular joy, but his success was a thorn in the side
of his competitors who retaliated-if you can call it that-by leaving
another lovely puppy literally on the doorstep of his brownstone. And
indeed, he became so involved with his new pet that again he left his
business to spend his waking hours with a four-legged companion.

An unhappy majority of the population work at jobs they don't like,

taking orders from others, forced to hold back their emotions.

When they return home in the evening, their only emotional outlet is
through their family or their pets. Those who live alone have no
immediate family, so they use the dog to balance the day's ledgers either
by being nice or being nasty. When they realize that the animal will
accept them with no backtalk, they usually look forward to coming home
and enjoying their animal. I always remind owners that the ultimate
one-to-one relationship is with another person. But if a man wants to
take a walk after supper to relax and do some heavy thinking, who does
he choose to take along-his wife, his kids, or the dog?

People can tell a dog anything, be inconsistent and ill-tempered, and

still be assured of faithful love. Some people tell me that if it
weren't for their dogs, they couldn't have gotten through moments of
stress. When I'm bothered about certain things, I find it relaxing just
walking and playing and even talking to my dog. My wife finds pleasure
holding her dog in her arms and dancing with him to some good music. I
hate to admit it, but if I had to choose between saving my dog and a
total human stranger, I would probably save the dog.
Check the daily listings in the newspapers lost-and-found column to see
how much the average dog can mean to its owners.

And once a dog is adopted into the family, no expense seems too high to
be justified. An interesting example of this occurred to a New York
couple, each of whom was extremely wrapped up in a career. They
acquired a collie and since neither was able to walk the animal on any
regular schedule, a professional dog walking service was hired. When
the husband complained about the bills, the wife told him simply, ,It's
too late. “The dog is already part of the family."

The status conscious will pick a breed that's very showy and obviously
very expensive: a saluki, Afghan, or Russian wolfhound. The dogs that
New York's -swinging singles pick are all very good measurements of what
the owners want you to think of them. But the owners who worry me are
those who choose certain breeds to compensate for their own

Some people want very aggressive dogs because either they are, or want
to be, aggressive people. Specifically, I find that many owners
themselves are physically shy and feel put-upon. So they choose a dog
who's anything but. The most common problem, of course, is that the shy
master finds it difficult to control an animal he has already decided is
46 stronger' than he is.

Many people consider their dog a human being, or at least a creature who
appreciates the same luxuries we do. Who hasn't seen households with
covered-up chairs for the dog's comfort, televisions turned to a certain
channel "for the dogs"?

On Park Avenue, there's a poodle who lives in the utmost of style.

He has steps up to his bed so that he doesn't have to jump. A rubber

mat lies under his sheets, which are changed daily by a maid hired
especially for this purpose. The poodle is fed pits, caviar, and
champagne, and has a tailor-made wardrobe. His mistress doesn't want to
inhibit him in any way.

A middle-aged woman called me to check on what supplies she would need

for a weekend trip to the Poconos. When questioned what she had already
added to the carload, she listed dog deodorizer, foam cushions, food,
water bowls, chew bones, toys, a spatula, and a New York Times.

My question was where was she going to rest up the next weekend after
unloading the car. (When I went on a 13,000-mile camping trip, I took
four dogs, one wife, two sleeping bags, and one tent.) Thumb through
your weekly magazines and see exactly how people are expected to say "I
love you" to their dogs. A sample list: uitton's 14-inch pet tote
$150.00 Madeira wicker carrying basket 14.50 Breath Sweet hard rubber
ball 3.00 Breath Sweet hard rubber pull ring 3.00 Grooming rake 1.65
Oval brush 2.80 Wicker igloo wlred plaid cushion 18.00 Stainless steel
trimming shears 15.50 Roiled natural leather leash 9.00 Plaid wool coat
10.00 Non-tarnish all aluminum foodlwater dish 5.00 Ceramic bowl 3.00
Oster stainless steel aiijet Mr dryer 36.00 Wooden handled wire grooming
brush 2.80 Wire "slicker" brush 2.50 Metal comb 2.50 Rubber shampoo
brush 1.90 Grooming mitt 5.00 Gold-plated chain leads 7.00 Braded collar
bellfrom India 1.00 Braided leather kad 5.00 For people who get really
involved with dogs as family, there's Our Puppy's Baby Book. The book
includes sections for all those things you'd want to remember about your
child: early snapshots, birth date, first paw print, feeding charts,
health records, handling instructions, family trees (actual or
imaginary), famous firsts like barks, fights, trips, dog shows, ribbons
and so forth. There's even a section for people he has met, i.e
mailman, paper boy, !milkman, grocer.

These canine indulgences obviously give the owner more pleasure than the
dog, and what's wrong with that? When a person starts treating a dog
like a human being, however, he often begins thinking of him as one. And
this is where the owner/pet relationship begins to break down.

I asked one new client for a list of the things he felt were wrong with
his dog. Naturally I expected a string of bad habits, such as not
sitting on command or chewing the rug, but the man took me too seriously
and submitted a list of human problems. He asserted he could tell that
the dog was emotionally disturbed by the way he ate his food, by the way
he walked down the street and played, and especially by the way his
stool came out. The man said that his dog had no ambition, no
motivation, was emotionally unhappy, didn't work well in groups and had
severe jealousy hang-ups.

Many owners say that their dog reacts a certain way because of some
human trait that they are used to dealing with. An enthusiastic hair
dresser was explaining his difficulty in housebreaking his Doberman:
"He's exactly like I am. Stubborn, uncontrollable, and totally erratic."

One psychologist asserted that his dog "only responds in group therapy."
In reality the dog stopped chewing up his master's shoes simply because
of all the new attention that the "encounter group" lavished on him.
Once the group began meeting elsewhere, the dog was thrown on his own
again and resumed chewing out of boredom.

One client had trouble reconciling the fact that his poodle wouldn't
come to him. He felt the poodle was rejecting him and demonstrating it
in this way. The dog was trained to come long before his master got
over his rejection complex.

One woman was actively involved in weekly visits to her psychiatrist who
was convinced that radical confrontation was the way to mental health.
He told her to scream out whatever her problems were. The poor dog who
had to listen to all of this Sturm unddrang was a wreck. I advised her
to scream at her husband if she felt the need, but not at her dog.

Then there's the lady who thought her dog was suicidal. Every day the
dog went out on a glass-doored patio, looked around, and came back in.
Finally, the dog broke through the glass door, wound up with severe
cuts, and he was immediately taken to a veterinarian. His owner now
told the vet that the dog was in shock. His cuts were not bleeding
much, and when people are in shock, they don't bleed. The veterinarian
thanked her for her diagnosis and asked her please to wait outside.

The dog was in no way suicidal, I pointed out, but a victim of

circumstance. He was locked up every day, and was taken out only once.

He simply wanted out. He went to the glass door, not expecting to find
it shut. The family was particularly neat and had cleaned the glass
hours before.

Human beings walk through plate-glass doors all the time. This dog
simply did the same. I told the owner in no uncertain terms that her
dog's life was in her hands. It was up to her to see that he was walked
at least four times per day, and to make sure that safety bars were put
on the doors.

Yet another lady wanted to know if there was a dog IQ test. I informed
her that a dog's intelligence has nothing to do with how well he's
trained. If the feat required of him is reasonable, he can probably
accomplish it. Don't ask him to push the elevator buttons, because he's
not manually dextrous, but to come when called is not too much to ask!

I often hear statements such as "I tell my dog he's doing something
wrong, and he goes right on doing it. But then, he's a Leo, and must
have his own way." Whenever I hear something to this effect, I feel
sure that the dog is spoiled rotten. It's sometimes easier to relate
to a client through his or her fantasies.

Giving human characteristics to dogs is not advisable, and even though

at times he almost appears human, a dog is not programmed to respond to
human psychology.

In the wild a strong male can have his pick of females. In your home
his sex life has to be curtailed and controlled. In the wild he can
lift his leg and move his bowels as many times and in as many places as
he wants. In your home there are schedules and specific places where he
must go. In the wild he can run free. In your home he must learn to
walk on a leash. In the wild he can bark and howl at the moon. But you
have to think of the neighbors.

A small proportion of dog owners go through life not training their dogs
in simple canine terms. As a result, they put up with a lot of
nonsense. One psychologist let his great Dane take over the whole
apartment. I walked in to see all the chairs covered, rugs kicked back,
and clothing strewn all over the room. "Well," says the embarrassed dog
owner, "he likes it that way."

"But," I asked, "Do you like it that way?"

"I get used to it."

One dog chewed up a complete room, so the owner gave him the room,
saying, "It's his. He likes it. He can have it."

I am seldom surprised by the many ways in which a dog can adapt to man.
What does startle me is the ways in which owners adapt to their dogs.
One family felt that they couldn't possibly train their dog not to chew
or urinate in the house. So they had their living room installed with a
lovely wrought-iron gate to protect the corner with their choice
belongings. In cases like this it's hard to determine whether it's the
owner or the dog who's being confined for bad behavior.

Untrained dogs should have certain areas where they do belong, as well
as offlimit regions. One particularly congenial Manhattan woman with
just such a dog called me a meanie for wanting to place restrictions on
him. She felt her dog should be allowed complete run of the house. But
a week after her new shag rug arrived, she had boards installed across
the living-room doorway.

One doctor encourages his spaniel to jump up and nuzzle his hand.

Without knowing it he could be training the dog to bite. The dog has
taken to knocking mailmen and milkmen down the front steps, and the
doctor's wife says that "if he weren't so pretty, I'd get rid of him."

This family has no real concept of what's happening to their dog. In

any case, it's pretty hard to perform surgery with only one hand.

There's a lady whose Afghan refuses to come when she calls him. So
whenever she takes him out to the park for a run, she comes prepared to
wait for him usually all day!
She can't make any other appointments. "He usually comes back around
four o'clock," she guarantees.

One particular owner claimed his dog was really well-trained. For some
reason, he never seemed to notice him barking, biting, chasing other
dogs and children, and being a general nuisance.

Another client informed me that his German shepherd was thoroughly

housebroken. "He only messes in the house once a day, only chews things
I don't need anymore." Other than that, he'll be the first to admit,
the dog is perfect.

A woman once called me in for a visit, complaining that her animal was a
barker, a biter, and generally obnoxious. But her husband felt he was
in complete control of the dog: "I have no problem with him."

To demonstrate, the man opened his car door and the dog obediently
jumped into the back seat on command. However, as the owner settled
himself in the driver's seat, the dog began barking furiously. The
owner turned in his seat and said, "Now be quiet," in a firm voice.

His dog bit him on the nose.

Every family claims to love its dog. But what is love? What seems
right to you isn't necessarily right for your dog. Many people proclaim
that they give their dog total freedom out of love, but what about

That is part of love too. He needs the discipline of someone saying no,
as well as praise and rewards when he does things properly.

Certain individuals say, "You'll break the dog's spirit." Some are
afraid that disciplining the dog will make the animal feel unloved.

This is the exact same reason they refuse to discipline their children,
and often have the same kind of obedience dilemmas with them. In one
case the daughter of a client told me that her family had once had
another dog that they couldn't housebreak. "Mommy was afraid he would
wet on the rugs, so she made us keep him in the bathroom all the time."

Dogs and children both want and need to be disciplined. They crave the
security this kind of authority affords them. As long as reprimands are
not overly harsh and don't become a way of life and are balanced with a
lot of affection and tender loving care, your dog should develop into a
well-trained and happy pet.
Some owners find their dogs are just too much trouble. They lose their
patience in training and give up. I get lots of calls from people who
thought (and rightly so) dogs were for fun, but somehow just can't cope
with the details of ownership. "Do you want to buy a dog?" they inquire politely. "He's
four years old, and we want him to have a special, healthy home."

I ask them why they want to get rid of the dog. Among the many answers
I get, the most common is "We're moving."

To where? "None of your business." There's no whimper of care in the

conversation, just a pretense for finding a "nice home." Someone wants
to get rid of a potentially marvelous pet that just hasn't been trained

There are many strays wandering the streets day and night, looking for
food and shelter. Where do they come from? All too often they are the
unwanted victims of "love" substituted for discipline. That "nice home
in the country" often turns out to be some deserted area where the owner
can dump his pet to forage and fend for himself, without too many
witnesses to make him feel guilty.

You can see your dog running in his dreams. It's almost as though he
sees or chases a rabbit, or is in pain. it's safe to bet he dreams just
as we do. But remember your dog is not a person! Never confuse his
life with yours. You are a breed apart, and you must accept him as a
dog and train him as such. This brief fact is the key to years of
rewarding relationship with your pet. And to train him properly, it's
absolutely vital to understand his basic makeup-how he thinks, what his
body demands of him, what he responds to, and what instincts have made
him the way he is.

Canine Development and Anatomy

Where did dogs evolve from; We don't

know. Many theories, including the one that a dog was once a
domesticated jackal, have been discredited. In the years I have been
investigating this question, I have yet to come up with a satisfactory
answer. It is known, however, that dogs did not evolve from wolves, but
rather both evolved from some common ancestor. To put it another way, a
wolf is to a dog what a chimpanzee is to man. The latter did not
"descend" from the former. Each pair represents the end products of
parallel evolution. But all breeds of dogs do belong to the same
species, as was recently proved when a dachshund bitch gave birth to a
healthy litter sired by a St Bernard!

When a dog gives birth to a litter of puppies, she does all the
training, instilling them with the basic techniques of survival, until
they're about six weeks old. Then it's time for you to take over.

Naturally, if a puppy has been taken from his mother before that time,
it's up to you to be both mother and trainer.

If the newly separated puppy cries, the old trick of placing a ticking
clock and hot-water bottle nearby will probably calm him down.

But not because he associates the ticking with her heartbeat and the
heat with her body warmth. A dog's body temperature naturally falls
during sleep (as does ours or any warm-blooded animal's), and a small
puppy's body volume is often too small to retain much heat and keep him
from getting chilled. You'll see that puppies in a pet shop window
usually take naps under, around, or atop other sleeping puppies all
piled together like a bin of discount goods. Being next to another warm
body simply helps the sleeping dog regulate the fluctuations in his body
temperature. There fore, the hot-water bottle makes your puppy more

As for the ticking clock, it simply provides a regular, constant,

familiar, and comforting sound, and helps to mask other small noises
that might unnerve him if they were heard in an utterly quiet room. A
puppy is used to constant fuss and racket from his brothers and sisters,
and the sudden silence and solitude of his new home affects him much as
a first 16 night in the country affects a lifelong city dweller, who
becomes grateful for the chirp of crickets.

In estimating a dog's lifetime, most people count seven "people" years

for each year of a dog's life. But I feel that the first year of a
dog's life is the equal of fifteen human years. At the age of one, your
dog is an adolescent, still learning his limitations and not yet
physically mature. This accelerated development emphatically points out
the difference between a dog and a child. At three months, a dog can
understand much more than a baby of the same age. At sixteen weeks a
dog is able to sit, stay, lie down, and heel on command. No human baby
can possibly master so many responses so quickly.

By age two, he's added nine more "human" years. He's now sexually
mature, and grows only in strength and general savoir-faire. After the
age of two, he ages at the rate of five "human years" a year. The years
from two to five see a male dog grow from a young stripling to a mature,
dominant animal. He's smarter now, mentally and physically, and by age
five, he's reached his peak, in full control of himself and his
environment. This is prime time for the male dog. By this time the
owner should know him pretty well and have figured out his quirks and
idiosyncrasies, and the dog has learned to accept what the master lays
down vice versa. The dog retains his peak until about age seven
(forty-nine "human years"). And then, though his physical strength
tapers off, his mental capabilities do not, and he becomes "a smart old
fox." By this modified timetable, a fifteen-year-old dog (not an
uncommon age) is not a canine Methuselah, but about eighty-nine in human
terms, which is not an uncommon age for anyone to reach.

Owners question me about the normalcy of their dogs. What is normalcy?

Years of study make the answer available. Each dog is unique, of
course, but certain patterns repeat constantly, making problem solving
less of a labyrinth than it could be. Circling, for example, is usually
normal. Dogs walk in circles for various reasons.

It is instinctive before defecation and before bedding down, since in

the wild, it's far more comfortable to beat down the prickly grass
before lying or squatting. Dogs also circle when about to fight or
play-just to get into an advantageous position or to expend nervous

Show me a dog who's in a bad way, and I can usually show you a master
who's not observant, who can't see the obvious.

A great majority of people feel a dog is helpless since he can't talk.

When your dog is in pain, he can most certainly tell you. Dogs have a
way of moping around, coming up to you and nudging you.

Although they can't tell you where it hurts, their behavior patterns do

An abnormal dog is simply one who acts odd to the practiced eye.

I don't claim to be qualified in medicine, all I am is an animal

trainer. However, I do refer people to veterinarians who are able to
tell if the dog is physically healthy.

Dogs are living creatures and should be treated with concern. One
client called to say his dog had been hit by a car. I told him that he
ought to see a veterinarian who, in this client's case, lived just down
the block. Half an hour later, I dropped by to check, and found the
owner still puttering around while his dog-whose leg appeared to be
broken was apparently suffering acute pain.

Common sense is good for about 75 percent of all dog problems, but for
the remaining 25 percent, you have to know a little about biology,
chemistry, and sometimes plain natural history. For example, one
worried owner complained about a rapidly growing tumor in his dog's ear.

I checked it out and found that the "tumor" was in reality a

blood-gorged tick, which I quickly pulled off. The bump's gray color
matched that of the dog's skin, and the owner panicked. What had
happened was that the animal had recently romped through some long,
country grass and picked up some ticks. (By the way, never apply a
lighted cigarette to dislodge a tick. It's too easy to injure your
dog.) A normal dog's anatomy has a few features that may seem decidedly
abnormal to the novice owner. For one thing, most owners soon notice
that a dog's skin fits him very loosely. A basset hound's soulful gaze
is partly the result of his facial skin being too large for the
skull-hence the drooping eyelids. This is primarily a defensive
adaptation. Unless another dog can get a grip on the underlying muscle,
the bitten dog can still maneuver within his skin for a better position.
For the same reason, a dog's skin is provided only lightly with blood
vessels. When a dog's skin is laid open, he will bleed only slightly
unless, of course, the underlying tissue is damaged.

Similarly, his skin is provided with only a sprinkling of pain

receptors. Many people are surprised to learn that our sense of touch
comprises at least five sub-senses: sensitivity to pressure, temperature
(heat and cold), and pain, among others. A dog's skin is relatively
insensitive to pain. To get an idea of what it feels like to be inside
your dog's skin, pinch the fold of wrinkled skin right over your elbow
as hard as you can. This pinch, which would bring sharp pain to other
parts of your body, produces only a mildly uncomfortable sensation. Your
elbow takes a great deal of abrasions and abuse, and there's no point in
having your "alarm system" constantly jangling. However, the muscles
and bones immediately beneath your elbow are exquisitely sensitive, as you learn whenever
you hit your funny bone. This is your body's way of saying that an injury to the
skin in this area is standard wear and tear, but an injury that reaches
any deeper is worth knowing about.

So it is with your dog's skin. If you decide to punish him by hitting

his flank with a magazine, the blow may be about as troubling as a pinch
on your elbow.

Your dog has a higher tolerance to pain and a lower awareness of it than
you do. For example, a man with a bad leg will still favor it when he
crosses the street to meet a beautiful girl he hasn't seen in months. A
dog with an injured leg will race right across to get to a bitch in
heat. The dog's desire is simply stronger than his aversion to pain,
and so he puts it aside.

You must remember that pain is not a deterrent in itself, not even to
human beings. One anthropologist passed out a number of safety pins to
members of an aboriginal tribe who'd never seen such things before.

A short time later he returned to find the native children gleefully

inserting the pins through their lower lips! The pins couldn't have
been comfortable, but the novelty and excitement of discovery were more
compelling than physical distress.

All dogs have a layer of fat beneath the skin that provides all the
insulation they need for cold weather. And some dogs have a double coat
consisting of long silky hairs and a woolly undercoat. A dog's skin has
another unique feature, a total absence of sweat glands. This is an
evolutionary adaptation to aid the dog in hunting game. With no sweat
glands, the dog's body odor is far less distinct, so that other animals
will have trouble locating the dog by scent alone. Even a filthy dog
smells cleaner than a well-groomed horse, for instance.

But now that a dog no longer hunts for a living, his lack of sweat
glands are less of an advantage. Heat will bother him much more than it
would you. Dogs have a natural instinct to dig, to hide something, to
find something, or just for the pleasure of digging. On a very hot day,
a dog will often dig holes in the ground under bushes to find a damp
layer of the earth, protected from the sun's rays, to lie in and thereby
cool himself off.

Many pets die each summer from being left in parked cars. If he has no
way to cool himself except by panting, a dog's body will soon heat up.
If he goes to sleep, his metabolism-and hence his internal body
temperature-will be lowered. But if sleep is impossible or ineffective,
he may go into shock-a natural response to put the brakes on metabolism,
but one that can be fatal to the dog.

A Word on Clipping and Bathing Some long-haired dogs do not need their
hair as much to keep them warm as to screen them from the heat of the
sun. The Mexican hairless has a tough, crusty skin to deflect the sun's
rays. A Maltese or Yorkie has a silky outer coat, but no woolly under
coat, so if either of these dogs is shaved close, the sun can blister
the skin, and the dog can get sunstroke more quickly.

Therefore, the misguided owner who clips his pet every summer "to help
the poor thing stay cool" is Sabotaging the dog's own air-conditioning
system at the very time he needs it most! However, if you keep your
dog indoors most of the time, it shouldn't make much difference. Most
dogs shed their hair constantly all year round, with exceptionally heavy
shedding occurring about twice a year. (This is why I recommend a
weekly brushing to remove loose hair and avoid its winding up on rugs
and furniture.) But no dog, not even a poodle, ever requires clipping
except for cosmetic reasons.

The poodle's distinctive cut, incidentally, evolved from the breed's

original use as a hunting dog. left to its own devices, a poodle will
develop a curly bathmat "afro" which gives it the approximate appearance
of an English sheepdog. But this curly hair tended to pick up weeds and
refuse whenever a poodle entered the water, and so most of the body hair
was clipped to increase the animal's aquatic efficiency.

Skin odor may be a warning sign that your dog has contracted seborrhea,
a common disorder among pets. There are two distinct kinds. One where
your dog has oily skin, and one where he has very dry skin that flakes
off like dandruff. A very unpleasant odor accompanies either of these
symptoms. Your veterinarian will instruct you in what medication to
use. Forget perfume-it only adds to the problem.

Many owners spray their dogs with artificial scents to camouflage the
fact that the animal needs a bath, but the truth of the matter is that
sweet-smelling perfumes contain alcohol, which could dry out your dog's
skin. Use perfume only on a ribbon or some item that he wears.

Wash your dog at reasonable intervals. Once every three to four months
is enough. But brush him regularly-every day if he's a longhaired
breed. You should have solid determination when you wash your dog. A
sodden dog often makes such a flood that the owner shies away from ever
trying it again.

A sink or bathtub will do for bathing your dog and there's only a few
simple rules to follow: 1. Get him used to the bathroom and tub.

This makes the later bathing easier. Don't turn on any water, just
bring him into the bathroom and praise him. Place a towel or something
in the tub so that your dog can get a secure footing, because if he
slips or does not feel secure, he will jump out, and you will have a
very tough time getting him back in. Then put him in the tub and praise
him again.

Give him a treat such as a cookie show him it's fun to be there.

Increase the time he has to stay in the tub. Make the time sufficient
for you to give him a good bath.

2. Long-haired dogs should be brushed out thoroughly before bathing or

their hair will become matted and tangled. Use a mild soap or baby
shampoo. Don't dunk him in any soaps with chemical additives, even if
the labels say they're harmless.

3. Keep the door closed when bathing him because he might decide to
leave the bathroom in the midst of his bath. If he gets out, he can do
a lot of staining and tracking, and a soapy dog is as hard to handle as
a greased pig.
4. Drain all the water out of the tub before you take your pet out, but
be sure to keep him away from the drain, because the suction might
frighten him. When the water is drained, he will then shake himself
(off a few times, and the mess will be kept at a minimum. Dry him off as best you can.

I wash Plum when the spirit moves me. On warm mornings I send him
swimming after a stick I throw in a pond, lake, or river. By the time
he retrieves it, he's thoroughly wet. I then soap him down with baby
soap and throw the stick out in the pond again-Plum retrieves it and at
the same time rinses himself off.

Your Dog's Senses

In training your dog, you must know exactly what it is

that he responds to.

Everyone has heard of the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov who conditioned
his dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. But don't confuse this
with training. His laboratory dogs would automatically salivate when
the bell rang because their brain cells had associated the sound with
food. They were not obeying Pavlov, but were simply prisoners of their
own nervous systems' association patterns.

By contrast, most of what I teach dogs-and what you will want to teach
your own pet are not simple knee-jerk responses, but conscious behavior
on the part of the animal. A well-trained dog is not a robot.

He is perfectly able to disobey you, but doesn't because his desire for
approval and praise from his master-and his respect for his masters
dominance override whatever satisfaction he gets from doing his own

Another trainer once asked me if a dog could be trained to cross the

street only when the "walk" light was on. I explained that he couldn't,
simply because he has trouble differentiating between certain colors at
a distance. Some breeds do not have good eyesight to begin with. The
"sight" hunting dogs (Afghan, saluki, greyhound, wolfhound, etc.) have
the very best eyesight, but even they find it easier to recognize moving
targets than stationary shapes. Plum can recognize the difference
between Time and Newsweek, but only at close range. The stop-and-go
signals a dog could respond to best, would have to be directed to his
keener sense of smell and hearing. A whistle for stop and silence for
go, or vice versa, would work, but a giant atomizer alternately spraying
aromas of meat and vinegar seems one device that will never be patented.
A pity, because it would certainly appeal to a dog's best-developed
One dog owner was amazed that her beagle could smell her coming home,
even after she had rinsed herself thoroughly at the beach. But this is
simply because a dog's sense of smell is at least seven times as acute
as ours, and a beagle is one of the tops in olfactory acuity.

It makes sense when you recall that your dog's ancestors used to hunt
for a living. A 22 Your Dogs Senses dog's nose is particularly
attuned to acid so acutely that he can distinguish one part acid
dissolved in a solution of I million parts water! Your sweat contains
nitrogenous wastes which have an acid content, and since the most
cleansing shower still leaves some minute traces of sweat on the skin, a
dog can smell it out.

Psychologists are just recognizing that all animals crave stimulus, call
it variety, almost as much as they do food and sex. A dog loves to go
out because he needs all of the stimuli, such as new smells, he picks up
outside. His sense of smell is his most highly developed sense, so it
is through smell that he gets most of his information about the world
around him.

Even a dog's call to the opposite sex is controlled by an odor.

(Humans use the same principle on a much subtler, sophisticated, and

controlled level. What do you think perfume is for?) Your dog's sense
of smell explains a great deal of his behavior.

Cat droppings and horse manure are great delicacies for dogs-they eat
them with gusto. Dog-food companies know all about a dog's love for a
strong odor. Haven't you noticed that most dog foods have a very strong
smell? The stronger the smell, the more a dog loves it, so if your pet
isn't eating too well, try putting some very strong cheese in his food.

You know how your dog loves to lick your face in the early morning.
Well, it's not only out of attachment, it's also because dogs love bad
breath. Owners always figure that the dog drags their underwear around
out of affection. it's actually the odor that intrigues him. If your
pet seems overly affectionate, check all of the local smells.

When you take your dog to the beach or to the park, you may see him
rolling on the ground as if he were scratching his back. The reason he
does this is because there is, or was, the carcass of a dead animal or
the wastes of an animal of a species other than a dog on that spot.

This is a natural instinctive action, a form of odor camouflage.

The non-dog aroma effectively covers his natural odors and in this way
throws off any possible predator, who will not be interested in the
smell of feces or carrion. (It goes without saying that neither will
you!) Also, rolling in the odor of a carcass or the carcass itself is an
aggressive action, a dog's sign of victory-a coup de grace.

What's behind the anus-sniffing ritual that inevitably occurs whenever

two dogs meet on neutral ground? Since a dog's eyesight is not very
keen, and because most dogs look basically alike, he uses his sense of
smell to identify other animals. As we've mentioned, a dog does not
sweat and hence has no distinguishing body odor, so a curious dog has to
search for distinguishing smells from the strange dog's body orifices.
He picks the non-biting end to sniff at simply because, if he has made
a mistake, he'll have time to get out of the way.

You may well be asking yourself, "But if a dog's sense of smell is so

keen, how can he stand to roll in dead fish or eat rotten things?"

You must remember there's a distinction between sensitivity and

discrimination. From a very early age, we humans are taught that
certain odors are distasteful and "bad," even though they may not be
actually harmful. On the other hand, a dog dislikes only those smells
that mean danger or unpleasantness-such as the antiseptic smell of the
vet's examining room, or the whiff of the extra secretions you
automatically give off when you're mad at him. His sense of smell is
probably able to find "more" in a ghastly stench than our nose can, and
its unpleasantness probably troubles him no more than an ugly shade of
green would you.

A dog's sense of hearing is also particularly keen, but here he does

have specific standards of what sounds are "good" or "bad."

Naturally he won't care for sounds associated with things that once hurt
him, or sounds heard in conjunction with obvious visual dangers.

For instance, if a dog sees an elephant roaring, he wll at first be

terrified at the sight of the elephant itself. After that, however, the
mere sound of the roaring will bring the elephant to mind, and he will
be afraid of the noise too.

I worked with one dog who had an abnormal fear of the sound of a door
slamming. He would run away with his tail between his legs. It turned
out that as a small pup, he had been caught and hurt in a slamming door.

Notice what happens when an unusual noise crops up outside your door,
especially at night. The dog senses that something is out of the
ordinary, feels he is a protector, and wants to do his job. Sudden
strange noises specially footsteps-will startle him in the same way they
do you. Both people and animals are frightened of the unknown. You can
explain to a child what noises are, but one cannot do this with a dog.
Therefore, the best approach is to expose him to strange noises and then
pat him to calm his fears. This is very important when you move from
the country to the city, where your dog may panic at traffic and other
unaccustomed city noises.

However, no amount of familiarity will overcome a dog's inborn aversion

to high-pitched noises such as a very high-pitched whistle.

It's not that they are actually afraid of the sound, it's just that it
annoys them, much in the same way we are bugged by fingernails
scratching on a blackboard. If they can't determine the source or
direction of the sound, dogs don't know which way to run and so just
cry, whine, or howl.

The quality of the sound to human ears means nothing to a dog.

Judy Garland was once given an Irish setter. The dog was undone by her
singing and used to growl every time she rewed up for a song. At one
point, he actually chased her out of the room.

It's a moot point whether dogs enjoy music at all unless it relaxes
you-in which case they are soothed by your mood, not by Beethoven. A
dog's eyesight is simply too weak to help him enjoy television, and once
he realizes that these human voices and images have nothing to do with
him, he will usually ignore Masterpiece Theatre.

It's the loud noises of screen violence that may bug him, but not the
violence itself.

But if dogs hate whistles because of the high pitch, why does a dog come
at the sound of an "inaudible" high-pitched trainer's whistle?

Simply because your dog can attach meanings to sounds quite apart from
his fondness for the sound itself. He may not love the whistle, but he
knows he's in trouble if he doesn't obey it.

An amusing example of how a dog uses hearing over sight occurred when I
appeared on the TV panel show What's My Line. I was sitting on stage,
and I gave a signal for Plum to appear and promenade. The curtain
opened, but Plum had disappeared. Alan the moderator asked me, "What
does your dog do?" I told him I wasn't quite sure myself. I found out
later that he had become confused by the microphone system, which made
my voice sound louder at the back of the studio than at the front.
Naturally, when I called him, he raced to the back, where the louder
sound was coming from, knocking over a table and some sophisticated
equipment en route.

Not unlike human beings, dogs need extra medical attention when young
and when very old. Their relatively carefree "middle age" falls between
the ages of one year and about seven or eight.

By now you should have a pretty clear picture of your dog's special
canine makeup. But if you view your dog as an isolated individual, you
are still far from understanding why he behaves the way he does. The
entire secret of canine coexistence lies in understanding that your dog
is a pack animal, constantly varying his behavior according to the
company he's with. Once you understand the dynamics of pack psychology,
it's remarkably easy to adapt it to your own advantage.

The common ancestor of both wolves and dogs was clearly a pack animal:
Wolves, and their close relations, jackals and dingoes, hunt in packs
even today. Packs of wild dogs or more correctly, dogs who have
reverted to pack life-are an increasing problem in many suburban or
rural areas. In one issue of New York Magazine, Dan Greenberg
dramatized the wild dog situation on the Long Island shore: One night
last summer I was awakened by a strange sound .

. . (my house in East Hampton is in a wooded area and has

floor-to-ceiling windows . . . ) I walked into my living room that
night and there I beheld just behind the glass, a pack of about eight
German shepherds in the moonlight gazing in at me.

I backed rapidly out of the living room and watched them watch me from
the relative safety of the bedroom doorway. Eventually they slunk back
into the woods to continue more German shepherd activities.

These dogs, I have learned, are one of a number of packs of wild dogs
that roam East Hampton and other summer resort areas at night. The
dogs, or their parents, were once pets which were abandoned at summer's
end by their inhumane owners. The dogs have become wild and travel
together for protection. They would just as soon tear out your throat
as raid your garbage can.

Before you eye your next-door neighbor's puppy as a savage marauder, we

should hasten to add that Mr. Greenberg's conclusions are only
partially correct. A pack of wild dogs would far rather raid your
garbage can than "tear your throat out." There's no point in their
taking on a human being unless they have to-which is (a) when there
aren't enough garbage cans or local game, and they're starving, or (b)
when they see you as a dangerous threat that has come to hunt them.

You can't be sure of either point, of course, because the males who are
leading the pack usually gobble the available food first, leaving the
underdogs in a lean and hungry state. Moreover, you never can be sure
what constitutes a threat to a wild dog. Had Mr. Greenberg's
pack been allowed to raid garbage cans unmolested, they would probably
have fled if he had stepped outside to claim his territory. But if they
had been hunted, chased, or otherwise discriminated against, they would
be ready to return the favor.

A dental assistant and her husband live in rural Westchester, where

concerted effort against a wild-dog pack has resulted in something less
than peaceful coexistence. One night she and her husband were out with
a shotgun, on the track of a garbage-raiding raccoon, when the barking
of the pack sounded from the nearby woods.

Her husband took to his heels.

"But you have a gun," she protested.

"Yeah," he panted. "But they don't know that."

Good point! If these dogs had been fired at before, they would respect
the sight of a shotgun, just as your own pet is alerted by the sight of
a rolled-up magazine in your hand. But if they hadn't-or if their
eyesight did not pick up the shotgun in the dark-they would have no
reservations about closing in, until it was too late for all concerned.
If there is a wild pack in your locale, it can be broken up (during
daylight only), and the dogs can even be rehabilitated. But it's best
to rely on as humane methods as possible, so that whatever dogs escape
remain merely wild and not savage.

But a dog does not "learn" pack behavior in his master's absence-it is
built into him at birth, and a dog will revert to pack behavior
constantly, whether he has a human master or not.

This simple fact is the key to my entire training approach.

The male and female dog basically think and feel the same way, except
for taking on the roles that nature has given them. In a pack
situation, dogs are forced to compete with one another for supremacy.

Each pack is usually dominated by a single male who has proved his
strength to all the other members. Don't think that dogs are alone in
their tendency to dominate the weak by force. It's a rule of behavior
in every animal species, including humans!

A male dog's entire life is based on dominance-whether he's raised in

the city or the country, whether or not there are other dogs present to
pull rank on. All male dogs are born with the instinct to be a leader.
Each male feels compelled to dominate-and does, while the female is
generally content to let him, although females in a pack usually have a
hierarchy of their own. Therefore, even after the pack leader has
managed to cow the weaker males, he still must be constantly on the
alert for challenges to his rule. Younger and potentially stronger
males are eager to climb in the pack's hierarchy and are constantly
testing their leader. In the average household, however, there is usually only one dog-who,
left to himself, will assume he's the leader. If you want to be his master
in more than name only, you have to convince him he's wrong-that you are
the dominant pack leader.

Pack animals divide all other beings into two categories-leaders and
followers. This is my basic training premise. When you bring a dog
into your home, you inevitably become either the leader of his pack, or
his follower. Training a puppy is simple because it's easy to convince
him that you're stronger than he is. When he grows up, he'll still feel
you can handle him easily, and is less likely to put you to any serious

But in any case, your show of strength can't be a purely physical battle
with your dog. You must use your own power of reason to overcome such
basic domestication hurdles as housebreaking and obedience training.
Your dog must learn to listen to your commands, such as "sit," stay,"
"come," and "heel," in order to become part of the household. His
species has been domesticated for so long that there really is no other
place for him to go. He must learn to adjust to you as the leader.

This amazingly simple dictum could have distressing implications,

however, should you consider getting yourself a second dog.

Most people want a second pet to keep the current one company.
when people go off to work and leave the dog alone, they become very
guilty, especially if their dog is a young one, and decide to get it a
playmate. They also think that the extra dog will make the training
procedures go easier. But obviously, once you have more than one dog in
the house, you have what constitutes the basis of a pack.

Those who claim that the first dog will be less messy, destructive, and
lonely with a second dog, are mistaken. Two of anything can be better
or worse than one of anything, simply because one of your dogs will
immediately accept the other one as dominant. If he is paying full
attention to his canine pack leader, you may wind up being ignored

What if you already have one dog in his prime, and then introduce
another dog to your household? If the newcomer is a puppy, you have
little cause to worry-he'll automatically accept the older dog as his
superior. But if you are introducing two males of approximately the
same age, chances are they will fight unless you are in complete
control-unless, that is, both dogs respect your authority and ability to
give them orders.

One suburban matron keeps twelve German shepherds with her at all times.
They simply stay around the house, wandering from room to room of her
large house. She employs lots of help to assist with the dogs, but she
never really gets involved in their training-which presents a big
problem. I've been able to train only three of them with any
satisfaction. The woman does not give the whole matter enough time,
there's no one person the dogs can identify as their leader. She simply
likes the idea of having a dozen dogs crowding around her, but as time
goes by, whatever dominant male is in control of the pack will
eventually detrain the three animals that I have managed to reach.

Remember the perfectly housebroken Maltese who urinated on the editor's

foot back in chapter 1? He was the dominant male in the "pack" his
owner created when she brought home the second Maltese. But it wasn't
that the new, younger dog detrained him. Rather, his position of
dominance gave him new self-confidence, to the point where he decided to
test his mistress' rules. The second Maltese then followed his cue.

For this reason, removing the dominant male can often have a quieting
effect on the rest of a pack. Two males, from the same litter had a
habit of putting other neighborhood dogs in the hospital, one by one.
When the larger, more aggressive male developed kidney problems and was
put to sleep, he was no longer there to incite his brother to aggressive
action. The surviving dog relaxed, literally OVERNIGHT.

But in any case, it's easy for any dog in your private pack to get out
of line simply because of the presence of another dog. Therefore,
training of one and training of two must necessarily be a little
different. When training two dogs in the house it is best to work
thoroughly with one alone, and then the other-alone also. When you are
successful in that area, then work with them both.

A good example of this type of training took place when I was called in
to direct the canines in Robert Downey's Pound-to be exact, forty dogs
and a cat! (In one scene that quickly hit the cutting-room floor, a
zealous dog mounted an unsuspecting cat, while a great Dane's legs were
simultaneously mounted by four terriers.) For Pound, I had to train
them all to live amicably together. To do this I had to construct a
pack of which I was the leader.

How? Not easy. I started by bringing in the pups first and working
with them, then with the females both young and old. Females will fight
if left alone, but are easier to control if there is a dominant male
around. 'these females would get obnoxious once in a while, but they
were easier to control than males.

After that I worked with the young adult males alone, got their respect
through dominance. Two of them assumed leadership over the other males,
so I made sure these two were on a leash when I introduced the males to
the pack of females and pups. As soon as they seemed to be pretty
well integrated, I released one of the aggressive young males. Each
time he got a little nasty, I reprimanded him and persisted until he
stopped. I then repeated the same procedure with the second young
aggressive male.

As long as I was there, everything was peaceful. But if I left, I had

to tie the two young males up, because once I did leave for about a
minute, and they started fighting in an attempt to assume leadership.

This fight would have been extremely bloody-so strong is their instinct
to lead. Fortunately they didn't have enough time to really get into

I used young dogs to keep the chance of fighting to a minimum, but since
each dog in the movie had to be a representative of a particular
breed-and that breed in turn was representative of a human counterpart-I
also had to use a seven-year-old sixty pound Mexican hairless and a
six-year-old English bulldog. These two dogs were never allowed out of
sight for a second. They were both completely untrustworthy.

Both also wanted to lead.

My assistant was always within two feet of the bulldog and I within the
same distance of the hairless. We each carried a blanket, and every
time a dog looked as if he might get into a battle, a blanket was thrown
over him, and he was pulled away. Each of these two dogs were worked
with separately for two weeks before being introduced to the pack. This
quarantine period was used to make sure that the dogs responded
instantly to commands given either by myself or my assistant. Even so
they were never trustworthy and were used only when absolutely

I used the same principle when introducing the cat. He was first put in
with the pups, then with the young females, later with the young males,
and finally with the dominant males. Any dog who attempted to bother
him was discouraged immediately. Eventually he was accepted.

In fact, he sort of got lost amongst the dogs.

I take Plum with me whenever I visit a client for training. For one
thing, it gives the owners an incentive to work with their own dogs.
Once they see what a well-trained dog is like, they want to have one
too. It gives them a goal. I also use Plum as an example for what I
expect the other dog to do and put him through an exercise for the
owners. It is much easier to demonstrate than to explain what I want

But at the same time, I use Plum's dominant instincts to an advantage.

dogs relate to other dogs and pick up habits, good and bad, from one
another; all dogs respond to a dominant leader. When dogs see Plum
responding to me, they have an instinctive tendency to do likewise.

This doesn't mean that the clients dog will automatically listen to me,
but it does give me a starting point.

Sheepdog puppies are sent out with the older, more experienced dogs to
learn to herd sheep. Once they've picked up the basics, their trainers
give them additional technical pointers to make them really good at it.
I use this same principle.

However, training by a human-me, that is-finishes off the job, so don't

expect your neighbor's well-trained dog to train yours. He can help set
an example, but you must do the teaching.

On the other hand, another dog can be the main reason for disobedience
on the part of your pet. So later in the training, I use a
distraction to the dog I am working with, so that the owner can be sure
his pet will always respond, even when there are other dogs around. For
example, I have the owner make his dog sit and stay, then I send Plum
over to annoy him. The dog sees another of his own kind and naturally
wants to be with him, but he must be taught to do what you want and not
what he wants. If the dog still sits after Plum goes over to him, I can
be pretty confident that he's listening to his owner.

Other Facets of Pack Behavior In or out of a pack situation, a dog uses

his urine to establish his territory.* As we've seen, a dog's skin has
no pores, and thus he has no distinctive body odor all his own. However,
his nose is acutely sensitive to acid-and uric acid, of course, is a
main ingredient in any animal's urine. No two dogs' urine smells are
the same.

The acid eats into whatever it touches, and is thus a more or less perm
anent marker-which any dog can distinguish months or even up to a year
later, despite the actions of soap, wind, or weather. Naturally the
intensity of the smell diminishes in time, so that the intensity of the
scent is a good clock," telling any dog how recently another male has
passed that way.

That is why, once outside, your dog's first act is to smell all of the
fire hydrants, lamp posts, or trees. If you watch him carefully, you'll
find that he often goes in exactly the same spots.

This is because he wants to cover the smell of a dog who's already

been,by, to reaffirm his presence.

One owner complained to me that when he and his dog visited Fire island,
his animal forgot all about being housebroken. He and the other dogs
present must have lifted their leg a thousand times indoors.

In this case, territorial instinct simply overcame training: the dogs

were marking off their territory this way, especially since it was a new
place. But even on a dogless street, a dog will spray the same corner
or tree day after day for the same reason that authors renew their
copyrights on books -to keep the odor strong enough so that the
territory does not lapse into public domain."

The next time you take your dog along on a picnic, you'll see a good
example of how, he uses his urine to establish his territory.

Once you have set out your blanket and food and settled down, your dog
will usually move in a circle around the blanket, pausing to lift his
leg here and there. This establishes his fighting perimeter. any dog
who approaches his urine-marked area ill get a growl or bark.

* Understanding this simple behavior pattern is vital to housebreaking

your dog effectively, which we'll discuss in a later chapter.

If your dog still feels his territory threatened, he will begin walking
in a circle around the area he feels driven to protect. If the "new"
dog heeds this warning, he will either retreat or accept dominion. If
he doesn't, the defending dog will then escalate to a higher form of
warning-a leg lift on a spot near the invader. If the invader wants to
challenge the other, he will then urinate on the same spot, and the two
of them will usually fight watch or

alternate as in the children's game of "Said It Last."

Finally, one dog will either get tired of these shenanigans, back down,
or chase the other away.

Should the other dog step inside the original circle, your dog will
fight. He'll usually win, because a dog who feels territorially
justified will attack with absolutely no fear, and fight with 100
percent of his capacity. An invader knows he's intruding, simply by the
smell of urine, and he will usually fight half-heartedly, like a soldier
sent to defend a foreign country.

But as long as other dogs stay well outside that acrid line, your dog
won't care and may even ignore them. The exception occurs when the
owner of the land has a dog who already considers the whole meadow as
his range and won't acknowledge any claim jumpers.

Once out of the house a mature male urinates constantly in small

amounts. He will never completely empty his bladder, always saving some
urine for later use. It may be that a male's partly full bladder even
gives him a feeling of confidence. In fact a mature male uses both
feces and urine to establish his territory. My dog often defecates many
times even during a short walk.

Most mammals, and even man in some cases, employ their own excrement in
an aggressive fashion. My little Maltese, Inches, was too small to take
on Plum personally, so he would defecate right next to the Weimaraner's
food dish, kick out his four legs, and trot off victoriously. I have to
remind many a client that when a dog urinates near, or on, a human
being, it's not simply a question of housebreaking.

The dog is showing his aggression and dominance over his human

One dog belonging to a family of children directed by a nanny would

relieve himself only in the bedsheets-probably because nanny was so used
to covering up the kids' lapses in toilet training that she concealed
the dog's misbehavior too; but also because he felt he owned the
children and was letting them know it by adding his own territorial
claims. By keeping the dog confined in the same room with one adult
member of the family at night, they gradually coaxed him to the outside.

You must remember that a dog is constantly testing his pack leader or in
other words, you. In the wild he fights for survival. In the home
everything is taken care of for him-so he spends the whole day thinking
up ways to get more of what is enjoyable for him. He is always looking
to dominate.

For example, one perfectly innocent young couple were sabotaged by what
they thought was going to be a fun pet. They decided to buy a dog for
all of the standard reasons, and since they had never had experience
with a dog before, spent hours reading about his care. The book
education they looked into concerned training and talking to the dog

Not too much stress was put on discipline.

The two tried so very hard to be loving masters that the first signs of
the dog's taking over were not noticed. They loved their dog, so they
looked the other way. They would clean up the dog's messes and say
"no," but these were not "no's" with any kind of authority or vigor.
When the dog chewed up their antique bed, they simply locked him out of
the bedroom. Being human, they often neglected to close the door, so
once again the dog could chew on their belongings to his heart's

They did worry about their valuable hand-carved Chinese furniture,

however, which they stashed away in one of the smaller rooms of their
five-room apartment. The TV followed. Anything they really cherished
was confined to this do-free sanctuary. Friends and neighbors began
touching on the subject, and finally one of the prisoners decided to
fight back. When he reprimanded the animal for messing on the Oriental
rug, the dog growled at him. He called the dog's bluff, the dog bit
him, and he called his vet in a panic. The doctor told him to call me.

He called and explained what had happened. I recognized the situation

immediately and instructed him to leave the phone off the hook, go get
the dog and firmly reprimand him.

He was hesitant, but I told him that he must correct the dog
immediately, or he could well have a biting dog on his hands.

If a dog isn't stopped on the first bite, chances are he'll try again.
You can't let a dog dominate you. You must be the authority or he will
take over.

You'll notice that your dog doesn't like to maintain eye contact,
especially if you don't show any emotion but just stare. To a dog,
staring is an aggressive act, just like the game played between two
people who try to outstare each other. If two dogs are staring at each
other, eventually one will always look away, and this in itself is a
sign of defeat. If you stare at a full-grown male you do not know, he
will probably growl, bark, or possibly even attempt to defend himself in
some way.

If you are going to give your dog any hand or voice commands, do not
continue staring at him after he's carried out your wishes, since he'll
take your stare as a sign of displeasure. And if you must stare at your
dog, be sure to give him a command at the same time-otherwise you will
confuse him. But you can use the "stare test" to determine if your dog
accepts you as boss, simply by the length of time it takes him to avert
his gaze from yours.

You must be equally alert to what it means when your dog stares at
you-such as when you're at the dinner table. If you finally give him a
tidbit off your plate, he thinks you are the submissive one. You did
what he wanted, didn't you? Whenever a dog stares at you, he wants you
to submit to his present whim-to go out, eat, sleep on your bed, or be

just as your dog has specific signs like leg-lifting for challenging his
pack leader, so he has other specific gestures to indicate that he'll
toe the line. When an errant pet gets smacked with a rolled newspaper,
by way of a reprimand, he will often crawl down on all fours or roll
over on his back with his feet in the air.

This is a submissive reaction. Rolling over is his way of giving in,

admitting that he accepts your superiority.

The whole point of these stylized urinations, staring, and submissive

gestures is to avoid the necessity of actual physical battle. Without
the ability to challenge-and defeat-each other through these harmless
"games," pack animals would be forced to attack each other at the
slightest provocation, and the species would quickly be exterminated.

This "ritualized behavior" is the key to disciplining your dog without

the use of actual physical force. A puppy quickly learns that you're
bigger and stronger than he is, but once he's grown up, why does he fall
in line at a slight tap with a rolled newspaper? Depending on his
size, it may not even be painful, but it's the concept of your disfavor
that undoes him. If he accepts you as his pack leader, his main drive,
between periods of testing you, will be to do things that earn your

In the next chapter, we'll begin to explore precisely how he determines

what's expected of him.

Between Human and Dog

Konrad Lorenz, who has unravelled the behavior

patterns of jackdaws, geese, water shrews, and stickleback fish, was
once baffled by his own dog! In his classic King Solomon's Ring, he
adts: My Alsatian, Tito, knew by "telepathy" exactly which pick y
nerves, and when. Nothing could prevent her m got on m from biting,
gently but surely, all such people on their repwetiors. It was
particularly dangerous for authoritative old gents to adopt towards me
the well-known 'u are, of course, too young" attitude. No sooner had
the stranger thus expostulated, than his hand felt aously for the pZm in
which Tito had punctiliously chewed him. I could never understand how
it was that this reaction functioned just as reliably when the dog was
lying under the table and was therefore prevented from seeing the faces
and gestures of the people around it: how did she know who I was
speaking to or arguing with?

With what you now know of a dog's senses, the answer ought to be
obvious. The dog could not see who Lorenz was arguing with, but she
could listen and, of course, smell. Scent and hearing are all a dog
needs to judge your mood and locate your source of antagonism. A dog
knows instinctively that he must please his leader, so the tone of your
voice is often enough to make a well-trained dog respond to you.

But after you have had your dog for a while, he also knows exactly what
the smell of your body chemistry is. He can sense any changes in it,
because if you are afraid, angry, or excited, your adrenal glands work
overtime and your body gives off extra sweat through the pores in your
skin. The dog's sense of smell is SO acute that he picks up this change
in your odor and responds accordingly.

A dentist once told me, "My dog only barks at mean-looking characters,
such as long-haired hippies or black people." I asked him how he felt
about these people himself. It turned out that he felt frightened when
they walked near him. The dog was only picking up his master's unspoken

This helps explain Konrad Lorenz's mystery-but how did Tito know which
guest to bite? A dog can pick up the reactions of other people as
well as his master and will, again, act accordingly. Tito could easily
hear the "too young" attitude in the words of any "authoritative old
gentleman"-not necessarily the words, but the tone of voice.

A dog understands only a limited number of words, and unless

conversation is directed specifically at him, he will probably not react
to any words except his name and such promising concepts as "out,"

"ride," or "food." Like his master, a dog reacts only to what concerns
him; the rest bores him. And so, dogs quickly learn to respond to your
tone of voice, because they can easily use it as an index to your
pleasure or anger. To prove this quickly, praise your dog in a stern,
harsh voice and watch his tail and ears droop. Then really chew him out
in happy, loving tones, and see the transformation. Of course, if your
voice is a habitual grumble, they'll learn to love that, and react to
pats and food rather than wait for a "happy" tone of voice.

The reason a dog sees your "enemies" as his is because he accepts you as
his pack leader. It is true that a dominant male dog will test you
constantly to try to become pack leader himself, but the threat of
danger to you will temporarily suppress even his feeling of competition
toward you, and he will rally wholeheartedly to the "pack's" defense.

When someone who is frightened of dogs comes to visit you, the dog can
sense this right off from the increased odor. If you are friendly
toward your frightened guest, your dog's natural dominant instincts will
often translate themselves into excessive attention, hence the perennial
complaint, "I don't like dogs. Then why do they always come around me?"
The answer is to test you out, to see if you'll accept them as dominant
over you. But if their owners weren't around to set a good example,
their attention might be of a different sort.

Dogs really do know when you're scared, and when you know they know,
it's doubly hard to remain cool. You can be around a friend and his
dogs for weeks, only to find the dogs regard you as any other suspicious
character the moment you're apart from their master. Once a house guest
of mine was gathering her clothes and various paraphernalia out of
bureau drawers. I had gone out to the corner delicatessen, and in my
absence the dogs decided she was some kind of intruder, taking things
that didn't belong to her. She received a few warning growls and
decided it would be better to pack when I returned.

If you plan to continue a social existence populated by varying numbers

of other humans, you must train your dog about strangers and insist that
he treat them with utmost courtesy. Otherwise, he's apt to "read" your
scent some day and treat your mother-in-law the way you'd really like

There exists a situation with the same dynamics as a human love

triangle, only in this case one of the members is a dog. Oftentimes,
when a person living alone owns a dog, the dog assumes an equal position
in the house. Then, when another person enters the picture, a problem
often develops. The dog may feel his secure position is jeopardized
and will act accordingly.

He may become hostile toward the new person or annoying to his owner in
an attempt to regain all the attention and affection.

One of my clients had this problem. At first her dog just growled at
her dates when they came to visit her, and she just laughed it off as a
joke. Then one day the dog bit one of them. After that, before
inviting dates to her house, she had to make sure that they weren't
afraid of dogs. Eventually, however, she couldn't invite anyone,
because her dog had become too aggressive to control. She couldn't
understand why.
The first thing I did was to explain the "love triangle syndrome" to
her. I told her that if the dog wasn't stopped immediately, it would
always be just her alone with her dog.

The only way to correct this problem is to reprimand your dog whenever
he gets out of hand. This is the kindest thing you can do because most
of the people who can't control this problem give their dogs away, and
who knows where they end up?

Many people feel that this whole phenomenon is simply the result of
disillusionment at having lost the center of attention. It is not,
however, and should be treated merely as an aggressive act on the dog's
part. If you make the mistake of paying a little extra attention to
your dog to make up for his feeling displaced, you are letting yourself
in for plenty of trouble. He will think that he is being praised for
his aggression, and it will only become more overt. So please remember,
it's the reprimand that will straighten this out, not feeling sorry.

In the case of the newlyweds, it is the dog's original owner who must
correct the situation and make sure the dog is not aggressive.

The new person in the house cannot immediately punish the dog for an
aggressive act because the punishment will have no meaning and could
quite easily make the dog resent him/her. If the dog's aggression is
ended immediately, he should soon accept the new' family member.

If you want your dog to get along with children, it's important that
he'd been around humans since his puppyhood and been handled a great
deal. Dogs often bite out of fear. You can assuage this problem before
it starts by making sure he's used to people.

You can put a baby on the floor next to a puppy. Don't be afraid, but
do stick around. The baby will be left intact. A dog catches on
miraculously fast that children are his friends, as long as someone
takes the time to introduce them properly. Many times the good behavior
potential of kids and animals alike is just wasted because no one takes
the time to explore and develop it.

Obviously, you should keep children segregated from strange dogs, whose
previous training, temperament, and habits are not known to you.

But family dogs that have not been attack-trained will never bother
children in a family, unless there are extraordinary circumstances. For
instance, running children can be exciting to a dog. He may run after
them, playfully nipping or jumping at them without meaning to hurt them.
But if the children panic, the dog can then become aggressive.
Therefore, it is extremely important that these habits be curbed by
obedience training.

If a small child is caught in the melee between two males fighting over
a female in heat, things can get dangerous, especially if he cries and
shows obvious signs of panic. Therefore, also remember to teach your
child how to behave around dogs.

A problem could develop when the dog belongs to the family first.

A newborn baby can disillusion a dog who used to get enormous amounts of
attention from his masters. One dog became so upset about being pushed
out of a central position by the new baby that one day, while the baby
was in the playpen, he jumped into the baby's crib. I had to sit the
family down and explain what was going on.

The thing to do, again, is to try to get the dog used to children.

When the dog comes near the child, don't panic. Don't explain to him
that he is not being forgotten, because the more attention he gets, the
worse the situation will become. just quietly chase him away you don't
want him around the child. Eventually the dog and baby will become good
friends. Most of the time when you hear of dogs being jealous of
children, it's conjured up in the minds of the people telling the story.
An animal will accept his environment.

Parents with more than one child often get a dog for each child to
relieve arguments of whose dog it is. Generally this arrangement works
out until the first feeding time comes around, and the responsibility
falls on the parents. I have to laugh when people reminisce about the
fun they had caring for their dogs when they were little. Most kids
never really do take care of the dogs. The chores of dogdom usually are
handled by parents.

If you have very young children, though, any dog you get should grow to
be a sizeable animal. I find something unsettling about seeing a small
dog in a house with small children. The child looms up over a small
animal and is more likely to hurt it than it would a larger dog.

Psychological transference is one of the most fascinating aspects of the

animal behavior problems I deal with. Surely you know families with
whiny children whose dogs whine just as annoyingly, the single girl
whose dog picks up ten men per day, the ranting movie star whose dog
barks and generally tears up the place.

When I ask a client what it is about his dog that he doesn't like, the
answer is usually some habit the dog picked up from his master.
If you placed a brand-new dog in a standard household, in less than six
months he would come out bearing all of the psychological traits of the
family itself. A dog comes into your family world like a clean black
board, and whatever you do must influence him. Where else can he pick
it up?

This is not to say that the dog becomes exactly what his master is.
Instead, the dog of a nervous owner-for example-quickly learns to cater
to his master's paranoia at every squeak and rattle after dark.

By following what he feels is expected of him, the dog then appears

nervous. The owner then assumes that he has a neurotic dog, but don't
forget a dog's not complex enough to develop neurosis. His prime drives
are for territory, sex, food, and self-preservation. When people get
involved in training their dogs, they should give up their grade-school

Often an owner decides that his dog must be jealous when he's petting
another dog, and his own dog pushes the newcomer out of the way. But in
no way is this jealousy. Prove this by throwing out a piece of food in
the direction of the "jealous" dog. If he were truly jealous, he'd let
the other dog grab the food and bask in your affection. But in reality,
he'll leave you and the competing dog alone and race for the food.
Jealousy is in your mind, not his. When there's a lot of free affection
being given out, he's just making sure he gets his share, but the
prospect of food will chase any such worries out of his mind.

Dogs learn to take full advantage of all your weaknesses. My dog once
broke his leg in a fight with a malamute. After the cast was removed
from his leg, he continued to limp. Naturally I was especially
affectionate toward him, watching out for him and making sure he had
comfortable places to lie. Months later, although the veterinarian said
the bone had healed perfectly he was still favoring that leg.

One day while walking him, I stopped in front of a glazier's window and
glanced into one of the display mirrors and caught sight of more than
just my own image. There, reflected in the mirror, was Plum, my dog,
walking along with a completely normal gait-now that he felt safely out
of my line of vision.

Dog owners must be taught how important every move with the dog can be.
You are the reason your dog does most things right or wrong.

You probably couldn't remember how you taught your dog half the things
he knows. When you bring a puppy home at six weeks of age, he has to
pick up habits, both good and bad. What most people don't realize is
that your dog is always responding to you, even when you're ignoring
him. Even if you're not "teaching" your dog, he'll be learning things on
his own.

If a puppy is put into a car and taken to the vet for his shots, he may
associate going for shots with getting into the car, and be
reluctant to travel by auto ever after.

One puppy, coming out of the elevator, was startled when a delivery man
dropped a heavy crate right beside the door. The dog had to be forcibly
pulled from the elevator every time thereafter, having been convinced
that a crate would fall every time he left an elevator.

Be very careful about what human attributes you give your dog, because
you're going to have to live with them. One matronly lady deposits her
dog in the kennel when she travels, instructing the kennel keeper that
her pet must have his favorite blanket with him at all times, that he's
crazy without his pet toy. It is good for a dog to have one familiar
object around while he's being boarded, but in reality, her dog would be
fine without the paraphernalia. It's just that he realized that he got
more attention when he played with what she thought were his favorite

It's vital for you to realize that you are the one who sets the habit
patterns for your dog. If you approve of his habits, great, but later
if you decide that what he's doing is not up to your standards, the
damage is already done. You'll have to break the habit that you set up
for him.

The same predicament is true of sleeping arrangements. One insecure

Maltese was recovering from an illness and was allowed to sleep in his
mistress's bed. To this day, the dog is still snuggled in with her. Why
should he sleep somewhere else if he's got this whole big bed to
luxuriate in?

A dog is very much like a human in one respect. He wants and will take
as much as he can possibly get out of life. And so, if you take your
dog to bed because he's so very cute and wonderful, you'd better decide
you want him with you forever, right there on your bed. Better yet,
soon he'll decide he wants to be tucked under the blankets. He may even
push you to one end of the bed while he controls the rest of it.

When you give your dog what he wants to shut him up, you're really
setting yourself up for years of spoiled dogdom. If he learns that by
growling or biting he can keep whatever he has ill-gotten, you might
very well have a biter on your hands. If he figures you'll let him out
whenever he scratches at the door, he'll scratch twenty times per day.
I can point out at least a hundred examples of people who are slaves to
their dog's whim to bail out in the middle of the night. The dog
whines, and they are dressed in a flash.

Your dog may be your pal, but what pal controls your every move?

You should have learned by now that your dog waits for you, that he is
under your control. You don't have to come to love his way of life
-unless you want to


Basic Care and Controlling Bad Habits Where Dog Owners Go Wrong

It's rewarding to pay close attention to how

your friends, and the dog owners mentioned in this book, handle their
dog problems. You can learn more from studying their mistakes than from
any training manual.

I can't see a time when all dogs will be trained. There are just too
many dog owners who don't understand the advantages of training and find
it hard to believe that they do not have complete control over their
animals. A vast majority think they can do it, just like their fathers
before them, and stop right there.

In training dogs, often the main chore for me is training the owners.
From being around thousands of dogs, I understand how they work and know
that, with the proper patience and understanding, their problems can be
solved. My clients do not have the same confidence I have because they
haven't had the experience. One wealthy couple, very spoiled in the
luxuries of life, spent my initial visits complaining about how
difficult it was to train their dog. I asked them how long they had
been going to their psychiatrist. "About five years" was their answer.

just like anything worthwhile, proper training takes more than an

average amount of patience, plus a strong desire to do a really good

No halfhearted pet owners can achieve the ultimate in pet relationships.

This is an axiom not all dog owners are happy to grasp. Some don't
relate to dogs as animals but rather as a luxury item such as a car or a
new fur coat. Oftentimes they pick the most exotic and expensive breed
merely to display it as a status symbol.

One mysterious caller with a foreign accent refused to leave her name or
number, just kept saying she was a private secretary and that she would
call back. And each time she did, it was a different breed of dog she
claimed she wanted trained. Eventually she confessed that the dog
really belonged to her employer (a gilt-edged celebrity whose wealth has
made her name a household word). The lady simply did not want anyone to
know what kind of dog she had, lest it be kidnapped when the
professional dogwalkers picked it up in the lobby of her Fifth Avenue apartment building.
Tight security was needed to keep the dog's identity out of the

I put a stop to the calls by suggesting Mrs. x should hire someone

else. I told her to tell her "busy" and "famous" employer that it was
obvious that she was not interested in her dog. And that apparently she
thinks of him as a toy, a book, or clothing from a department store.
People who want well-trained dogs must work at it.

I still get angry when I think of the uncle who bought a dog for his
spoiled nephew. The uncle paid the pet shop for a Siberian husky but
told the manager to hold the dog until his nephew could come by to see
it. Later he appeared with his nephew, who fell for the dog at once.
The store owner was then ordered to hold the dog for a couple of weeks
more until the boy's parents were convinced that they really needed a
dog. The aforesaid parents knew nothing of the joy of a pet dog-just
what they heard on the late-night shows about the problems of
maintenance and harassment. So the dog was kept on hold for several
weeks, like a piece of shelved luggage.

Complications developed when the uncle purchased his nephew three pet
gerbils. The boy already had a matched set of snakes, and couldn't
handle the new rush of animals, so he asked his uncle to deposit the
snakes "at that nice store where they're keeping my husky."

Vacation time came around, and the entire menagerie was boarded out to
the pet shop. Nothing was said about the daily increasing age of the
animals, or the fact that an older, untrained husky could play havoc
with human beings. As far as I know the animals are still there.

This family has no idea of the love and affection surrounding the whole
concept of pets.

I can't understand how so many people go through the motions of having a

dog, but don't really want to give it love. I once bought a collie that
was being cruelly treated by his owner, kicked, beaten, often locked in
the bathroom for days, and gave it to a deserving owner. Not all people
are worthy of pets. Animals are entrusted to us, they are special
creatures and people have to earn their right to a dog, for there is a
lot of care and affection involved.
Still, many of the people who hire me merely want to be able to tell
their friends how expensive their dog's analyst is. When they call me,
they expect me to train their dog in much the same way as a mechanic
would fix a car. A prospective client once offered me several thousand
dollars to make his dog perfect. I turned him down just as I would turn
down anyone I didn't think capable of the mammoth job of maintaining an
animal. If anyone wants the perfect dog, he is the one who must train
him and not me. I assign my clients certain exercises I expect them
to follow. I can't do these for them because I don't live with them. I
can only advise and consult. In the final analysis it is the owner who
must take on the sizable responsibility of training his dog.

Don't get the impression that this problem exists only with the idle
rich; it is just as prevalent among average working persons.

Any unsuccessful training I might have had has been with people who
cannot accept the fact that they must work at having a well-trained

My biggest hurdle in getting my work done effectively is that many dog

owners don't really listen. At first, they usually find me entertaining
and don't take their pets' training seriously enough. It usually takes
me three to four weeks, and longer in some cases, just to dog-orient
these people and make them realize that their animal is alive. If
clients would listen to me the very first time, I could save them weeks
of training, but for the first few weeks they do not follow my lessons.
So, the only one who has ever worked with the dog is me, and therefore
the dog will usually respond only to me.

On about the third or fourth lesson these clients inform me that the
training is not working and that the dog isn't responding at all.

So, since it takes only a little while to teach the most basic obedience
commands, I put the dog through his paces, and he does everything

This is usually the turning point. Clients then realize that the dog
can and does respond, and they want him to do it for them. Now they
want not only the best-looking dog but also the best-trained dog.

This concept is very exciting to them, and only now can we get down to
the business of training the dog in earnest.

After three months of concentrated effort on getting her dog to obey

promptly, an eminent female psychiatrist confided to me, "You really do
know what you're doing. When I listen to what you say and do it, my dog
behaves perfectly, responds to my every command."

I have seen some remarkable changes in attitude on the part of many of

these people, but it's an extremely difficult thing to accomplish. Some
times I have to find out what they dislike about dogs and cover that
training area first.

Dogs don't respond to people who are busy doing other things while
trying to train them. How can you teach your dog to sit while chatting
with a friend over your child's progress in school? Training takes
your full attention. You need the time to learn about your dog, just as
he needs a while to learn your laws. One well-trained dog even
regressed to his original behavior, because his owner's business
expanded, leaving him little or no time for the lonely dog. I always
tell people that if they own a pet, they must be able to give him time
and love.

Intelligence and education have nothing to do with the level on which

you relate to your dog. The psychiatrist I just mentioned is a
brilliant woman who deals with scores of people every day on a high
level of communication. However, when it comes to dealing with her dog,
she is an absolute failure. Training is not an intellectual matter. It
is plain and simple discipline. I use the same methods for third
graders as I do for Ph.D.s. It's just that the third graders learn
faster. The more intellectual the person, the more he looks for this
whole process to be complicated.

One dog owner with two great Danes told me he didn't believe in training
at all, he held that all dogs do the proper thing because they love you.
"You just talk nice to them." However, this man was a union organizer,
used to handling people in a firm, decisive way. He never lost his
temper, but just kept plodding until he got what he wanted.

What dog wouldn't respond to that approach? He spent hours getting his
dogs to do such things as relieving themselves outside "out of love."

What he was actually doing despite all his talk about love-was training
his dogs. He was doing exactly what I do, only he put a big "love"
label on it.

I love dogs too.

Many people have unusual ways of getting their dogs to obey. One woman,
whose dog is now part of my training program, spent too much time
commanding her dog to do things: "Fritz, I told you no. If I told you
once, I told you a thousand times, never, ever, chew my shoes."
Why should a dog have to listen to all of this? Chances are he won't.
And if he does obey, it will actually be because of the word "no,"
possibly the word "shoe," but most certainly his owner's persistence.

Commands shouldn't be lengthy, verbose chains of words which will only

confuse an animal. just a single word is enough. Your dog can perform
virtually all of the exercises and tricks explained later in this book
simply by hearing a one-word command. If you prefer saying "go get the
ball" rather than "fetch," it's because the phrase may be easier for you
to remember. When I work with children, I find them much easier to
train than their parents. They usually call me Paul on first contact,
but in the next few visits they are impressed enough to begin addressing
me as Mr Loeb. And I have to tell them it's all right to call me
Paul. They really listen and assimilate, while their parents often just
put in time, thinking that's all that is necessary.

Many children who are afraid of dogs got that way because of their
parents. One thirty-five-year-old woman, who had been told by her
mother that dogs are vicious, never quite got over that notion, but
somehow her husband talked her into getting a dog. When she answered
the door on my first visit, her dog growled at Plum, who reciprocated.
In a state of instinctive shock, the woman slammed the door on all three
of us. (Now that she knows what makes dogs the way they are, she has a
well-trained cocker.) One child in the East 50's plays very roughly
with a sheepdog. They run, play, and generally get tangled up in one
another, but the child's father is terrified of the dog and spends days
warning his son that he will get bitten.

Children don't pick up fear of dogs from their playmates or from

experience. It's the fear and nervousness in Mom and Dad that teach a
child that there is something to watch out for.

I make a real effort to counteract such parental propaganda.

Whenever a child seems nervous around Plum, I jokingly tell them, "Don't
bite my dog." This seems to calm their fears and at the same time it
gives their mothers confidence, too, even the ones who are at first
apprehensive about Plum.

A schoolteacher whose dog I worked with asked me to speak to her

students on animal behavior and dog training. Before the lecture date,
I thoroughly prepared myself for an interesting morning with some twelve- to fourteen-
year-olds at summer school and even organized some
notes on what topics I would cover. I arrived to find that I had been
given the address of a day camp. I went in anyway, and was greeted by a
most active group of five-year-olds who were obviously ready for me.
Before I could say a word, they had colored a picture of my dog with the
brightest shades of paint imaginable and had bombarded me with such
good, meaty questions as "Is Plum a mommy or a daddy?"

I answered as best I could, crumpled up my prepared speech on animal

training, joined them on the floor, and had a good time. Kids naturally
love animals, without fear or worry, and often it's best to follow their

Reprimands: the Word "No" and Body Language

At one apartment, I spent

weeks trying to stop the dog from chewing the table. "What on earth can
we do to stop this?" the mother asked. Her two-year-old baby looked at
me and answered, "Tell him no."

I can't overstress the need for explaining simply to your dog what you
require of him. One schoolteacher spent an entire Sunday afternoon
planting a houseful of greenery while her trusty beagle sat around
watching her. It looked like great fun, so when she went out for the
evening, he replanted-and nibbled everything. When she called me in
despair on Monday morning, I predicted that all of her beagle's problems
would soon be over if her dog ever sampled her poisonous Dieffenbachia.
I then asked her to relate exactly what had gone on while she was

. according to her, she had told her dog not to sniff around the flowers
because it would upset them, and she gave him a cookie for listening to
her, or so she thought. But that cookie was her mistake!

The beagle decided that the cookie was a reward, that she liked him
hanging around the flowers. So why was she so furious when she returned
to see all of the nice work that he had done?

It's all communication. You must let your dog know what you want.

"No," or even a mild slap, is better communication than the anger the
schoolteacher let loose on her poor beagle when she saw the mess. She
kicked him and screamed hysterically. To avoid this whole scene, she
should have simply said "no," when he sniffed the plants, and he would
have known in no uncertain way that they were off limits to him.

I told her to take her dog over to the plants, and not to touch the pot
until the dog did something overt about eating the plant. As soon as he
went for a plant, she was to slap his muzzle and say "no!"emphatically.

I often find it difficult to get owners to reprimand their dogs because

they don't like to be "unpleasant." In addition, "discipline" seems
like a dirty word to many people, because it makes them think of all the
things they should be doing themselves. Walking, feeding, and
training your dog often brings to mind all of the exercising and dieting
habits human beings should be following.

The word "no" literally covers a multitude of sins. it's the one
word-really the only word-an owner ever needs in the way of a reprimand.
Perhaps your dog has a habit of taking his leash and running with it. A
firm "no" at the first sign of this will usually end it right away. When
you have company, stop to consider whose company it is, yours or your
dog's. Visitors provide new smells, new sounds, and enough affection to
make any dog overexcited. It will take at least five minutes to enforce
your sit-stay orders, whereas a firm "no" will calm the dog down to a
level of peaceful coexistence.

Try to maintain a standard mood with your dog. When you grouse around
the house, within earshot of your dog, he'll most likely do what you
request or stay out of your way. But if you are in a really good mood,
most likely you're far more lenient and forgiving.

A capital rule is to correct any bad habit promptly. If you haven't got
time to scold him right now, and you decide to forget it just this once,
congratulations! You have just won yourself a dog who won't listen to
a word you say. It's the "just onces" that will ruin the master/dog
relation ship.

"No" should be the only word used to correct your dog, since it's a
reprimand not a command. And remind yourself not to be mean after the
dog is reprimanded. There's no point in "punishing" your dog by locking
him in the bathroom for three or four hours. After a few minutes, he
probably won't remember what he was being punished for.

All you are doing by this is teaching the dog to stay in the bathroom.

He thinks he's simply in another room, and since most dogs will accept
whatever situation they are given, if they have no choice, he'll just
hang out there till you come get him. Instead, after saying the harsh
"no," turn around and walk away. Then just leave him alone for five or
ten minutes.

Whenever you take a bad habit away from a dog, you must replace it with
a good one. This small point can be the difference in whether or not
your dog is trained properly. When you explain to a child not to cough
in people's faces, you also demonstrate coughing into a handkerchief. Do
the same thing with dog training. When you say "no," be sure that a
short time (about ten minutes) later, you also show him what's right. If
he's not allowed to sit on the couch, where can he sit? Over there in
his corner. Put him there and praise him for being obedient. This way,
he'll learn the difference between right and wrong.

Dogs need affection. They have to feel loved at all times. Otherwise
punishment doesn't have much meaning. So, a short while after
reprimanding your dog, give him a command and praise him for doing it

We've already seen that a dog's hearing is better than his sight.

But nevertheless I believe that you should use hand commands along with
words from the very start. A puppy will respond to hand commands faster
than to words, because body language (motion) is a dog's own way of
communication. If you watch a mother with her pups, you will see that
she doesn't attempt to bark commands, but instead uses direct physical
means. She pushes, points, nudges, and pulls. This is what the puppies
understand. Therefore hand commands are the best, simplest, and most
direct way that a human can work so as to be on the dog's level of

As you proceed through the following chapters, notice that I invariably

give you a gesture or motion to associate with your verbal commands.
When saying "no," for instance, I usually point an accusatory finger at
the dog. In a multi-pet household, this has the added advantage of
letting the errant animal know you mean him.

For those times when I am not around to say "no," I am a believer in

harmless booby traps, which, again, do communicate with a dog through
"body language." For example, one great Dane had a bad habit of digging
soiled linen out of the bathroom clothes hamper. I instructed the owner
to get a metal bucket to place on top of the clothes hamper. That way,
when the dog lunged for the hamper, the bucket would fall down and scare

An equally aggravating habit your dog may have acquired is the acrobatic
feat of jumping through the screen door. Once is understandable-a
mistake, perhaps. But if he does something once, a continuous pattern
is often set for life and might be difficult to break later on. Dogs
can't make an intellectual judgment about what or why you do an action.
Why shouldn't he continue his flying fun? If you keep replacing the
battered screen, the hammer, nails, and rescreening materials all just
seem like another one of the endless chores we humans perform each day.
He doesn't know that it is a needless repair of his crime, even when you
holler. It's not the first time he's heard you yell.

So what do you do about the screen door problem? Simple, if you can
catch him in the act. So, set up the situation. To induce him to jump
through the door, stand on the side of the door he usually lands on, and
get his attention but without using the command "come." You must not
call him, because he's going to be punished, and if you ever want him to
come to you later, he won't. "Come" should be followed only by praise.
Excite him, lure him, tempt him, and when he comes near the door, throw
a pail of water at him through the screen. This will surprise him
and bring him up short. it does wet the floor, but you won't have to
replace any more screen doors.

You need not worry that the bucket technique will give your hunting dog
an aversion to water, by associating it with punishment.

It's the surprise, the sudden wetness, the drastic change in temperature
that bothers him, not the water itself. Even Mark Spitz would be put
off by an unexpected drenching. Nor should your dog become afraid of
buckets, because he'll feel the water before he realizes where it comes
from. The first splash will usually cure him of this annoying pastime.
If not, the second one will.

Many dogs have a car-chasing problem, and the water bucket works here,
too. A New York mailman was plagued by a German short-haired pointer
who chased his truck up and down the canyons of the city. I hid inside
the mail truck one day and, using my water method, quickly doused the
unsuspecting dog. He just as quickly forgot that he had ever met a mail

I don't approve of the traditional methods of discouraging a dog from

chasing cars. One school of thought recommends taking along a water
pistol to squirt at the dog, but what's a water pistol? The dog will
just think it's a game. and filling a water pistol with ammonia is
downright dangerous. You could burn his eyes or seriously damage his
sense of smell.

The exact procedure I use for stopping car-chasing dogs is simple.

Hide in the back of a car with a few buckets of water, and have someone
drive the car slowly. When the dog approaches the car and is close
enough so that you can't miss, heave the water directly at him, saying
"no" as the water hits. Repeat this procedure until the dog stops
chasing cars.

A bucket of water is also one way to break your dog of digging holes in
the front yard or of rifling the garbage can. The secret is to sneak up
on the dog and catch him in the act, so as to preserve the element of
surprise. But because your dog can often see you coming, and it does
take a while to locate and fill a bucket, it is probably far easier to
use your set of house keys. Simply fling them at the errant animal, and
when the keys actually connect, tell him "no" loud enough so that he
hears you. If you are using this method outdoors, it is a good idea to
tie a brightly colored piece or ribbon to your keys so they'll be easy
to locate after they land.

"No" is the first word your dog should learn. But before you begin
obedience training proper, there are a number of other areas of care and
control that you and your dog have to cover first.

Feeding In the wild, a dog is a carnivorous predator. But in your home,

he has to wait to be fed. How, when, and what he eats are all up to

Animals in the wild kill their prey and rip open the stomachs, eating
the vital organs-the heart, liver, and lungs-first. This is where the
nutrients are, the real food. Pets, however, are dependent on us, and
we must remember to feed them a balanced diet.

I will not make blanket statements on anything as vital to an animal as

nutrition. It's like a physician saying that all people should avoid
cholesterol. But I do believe that, since certain dog-food companies
have spent many years perfecting the ideal diet for dogs, it's wise to
follow their lead.

As a protest to rising meat prices, two students at the University of

Oklahoma recently proved that dog food was very digestible and tastes
fine. They even discovered some new applications for dog food in stew
and soups, saying that dashes of garlic and salt really bring out the
flavor. Their local health director said that there was nothing in dog
food to hurt them.

You could slave over the stove preparing the recipes described in the
many dog-food cookbooks (oh, yes, they do exist, and for cats, too) and
still never achieve the right combination of nutrients and vitamins that
a single can of dog food contains. Your pet could die of malnutrition
on a diet of prime filet mignon, so if you have any suspicion that your
dog is allergic to certain foods, please see your vet. A dog's diet is
very important and deserves special attention.

A new puppy being housebroken should eat in the area he's confined in,
but at the farthest corner from his toilet, since an animal does not
like to relieve himself near where he eats. A dog should eat three
times per day until six months old, two times per day up to one year,
and then once a day after that.

Always be sure fresh water is available for your dog. He can't ask for
it. In one case where a dish was not available, one pair of English
setters developed a habit of drinking out of the toilet bowl.

I told the owner to make sure the "right' dish was always full,
and explained how to break the toilet habit. Use a chopstick or a
pencil as a prop to hold up the toilet seat. If a dog goes near it, the
lid will fall on his nose.

In another house, I noticed that the Pekinese was showing up with sloppy
ears each time he drank from his dish. I told the owners to get him a
flat plate, because he couldn't get into a dish with high sides like the
one they had.

The woman then asked me how much water to give the dog, and what if he
drinks too much? The answer is, he can't. Always leave him a dish of
fresh water. He'll learn how much he can handle. One old wives' tale
has it that a puppy does not know when to stop drinking and will
literally bloat himself if given too much water. That's only partly
true. He'll drink until his stomach is full. He won't drink more than
is good for him, but unless he's paper trained, he can drink more than
is good for him.

On the other hand, it is very easy for a dog to eat more than is good
for him. In the wild, an animal must eat whenever food is available,
and so your dog is instinctively programmed never to refuse an offer of

Fat owners frequently have fat dogs. One incorrigible Weight Watchers
dropout would feel her dog whenever she got the urge to stuff herself.
Together they got very chubby and lazy. The dog didn't get nearly
enough exercise, since she would wander from restaurant to restaurant
with the atrophied dog accompanying her in her roomy purse.

Under another owner's care, the dog would eat and exercise properly and
probably have a long and happy life.

Your standard dog always thinks of food, especially if he smells any

thing in the least edible, but his intake can be easily controlled by a
little discipline on your part. No dog climbs up to the cupboard and
opens a can of dog food for himself! Check with your vet to determine
how much your dog really needs per day and how often he needs it.

Owners tend to underfeed large dogs and overfeed small ones. A dog will
quickly catch on to whatever eating schedule you set up for him. Dogs
do not know clock time, certainly, but they catch on to regular
schedules such as when you usually return home from work. A dog will
anticipate feeding time if he's used to being fed at that time every
day. Any dog will adjust if you give him something to adjust to-and
this means he should be made to wait till you feed him.

Unless carefully supervised, however, the dominant male in a multi dog

household will eat the dinner of all the others. Arid a single animal's
ability to put food away at short notice is often astounding.

Laraine Day once volunteered her bull mastiff to be a war dog, but he
was discharged from the Army because he ate too much. One of my clients
reported that a ten-pound beef roast had mysteriously disappeared
from the dinner table. After a quick search, they discovered their
average-sized hound had devoured the entire cut in a matter of minutes.
Since a dog doesn't need to mix saliva with his food as humans do, it
doesn't hurt him to bolt his food in enormous gulps. But the sheer
quantity he can ingest may well hurt him.

The worst byproduct of canine overeating is called gastric torsion. The

exact cause is still a matter of speculation, but the syndrome appears
with some regularity in large dogs who have just ingested a big meal and
been offered the opportunity to run about. The animal's spleen flips
over inside the body, and part or all of the stomach also "capsizes,"
turning over on itself like an overloaded hammock. The sheer weight of
the food acts as a fatal ballast to keep the stomach from righting
itself. The esophagus and sometimes the other end of the intestinal
tract are twisted, sealing off the stomach as effectively as you would a
plastic bag by twisting the open end.

The stomach quickly bloats with gas, putting unaccustomed pressure on

the vital organs. He soon develops respiratory trouble and goes
into shock. Gastric torsion has a high mortality rate, so if your dog's
stomach appears bloated, you should recognize this as a potential
symptom that requires your veterinarian's immediate attention.

Regular, moderate feeding is only part of your responsibility, however.

You'll keep your dog much healthier, and far easier to discipline, if
you lay down strict rules that he is not allowed to eat except from his
dish or from your hand.

It may be a convenience to have your dog vacuum up after you by nosing

around under the table for dropped food particles. At least they aren't
plentiful enough to cause him any nutritional imbalance, but they are
no good either and merely encourage him to be on the lookout constantly
for what's already on the table.

When your dog comes to the table and looks up wide-eyed at you, ignore
him or send him away. At any rate, pretend it didn't happen.

Once you feed a begging dog, he'll return for more food forever and it's
your fault. You're the person in charge, so teach him to stay away from
the table.

There's something unsettling about a dog mooning at your plate,

especially when there's company. But more importantly, as we've seen
before, your dog's pitiful begging stare is basically an aggressive
action. Once you give in and give him a bite from your plate, your dog
will assume you are okaying this act, and the situation can get out of
hand very quickly.

One dog was given her regular dog food for dinner, but the family's
succulent roast beef tantalized her from the table, so she rejected the
standard dog food.

Her master offered her another brand and another. Already too much had
been made of the whole episode. Finally in desperation, the man gave
his dog the roast beef.

It took weeks to get over this small case of giving in. The man
adjusted to the dog instead of vice versa, a cardinal sin in training
animals. He should have given her one food and left it for twenty
minutes, a long enough period of time for the dog to decide if she's
going to eat it. If she didn't eat it, he should have taken it away and
not offered to feed her again until the next regular feeding time.

If it happened again on another night, he should have put the food down
for about twenty minutes, then taken it away. Eventually, the dog would
have learned that she must eat what and when food is offered to her, not
at her own whim.

One woman started by giving her small dog a tidbit from her midnight ham
sandwich. Since the meat was more highly flavored than his regular
daytime fare, the dog quickly learned to eat only a portion of the food
in his dish, to leave room for goodies later on. Since he was eating
less and less of his regular dinner, his mistress took to giving him
more and more of her sandwich-until he was refusing his dinner
altogether and she was feeding him massive doses of ham nightly in the
hopes of keeping him alive.

Finally she had to give up her night time snack, eat at the dog's
appointed time, and gradually get him back on a dog's schedule.

All of this could have been avoided by simply realizing that she was in
control. Once some dogs have accustomed themselvesr more likely, you-to
a specific dietary specialty, they may starve themselves for days in the
hopes of getting it again, refusing all other food.
But realistically, the dog is obviously suffering more than you are from
his hunger strike, so let him. Eventually, long before eeither of you
suspect it, he'll give in and eat what is offered him. Any premature
compassion on your part simply teaches your pet that he can gain rewards
through martyrdom, not a pleasant prospect for man or beast.

A dog isn't interested in his own health, he just likes to eat what
tastes and smells good. It is your responsibility to make sure he eats

My cookie trick is simply a lesson in control. Quietly and without

comment, place a cookie or other morsel on the floor. When your dog
goes for it, drop a book beside it and reprimand him with a sharp no.
Repeat the procedure until your dog learns that he cannot touch any lose
food until you specifically tell him to. This lesson effectively
discourages begging, stealing of loose food, and rifling the groceries
or garbage can while your back is turned.

,59-, But what kindhearted next-door-type person won't drop your dog a
little something if he's whining? As I said before, dogs catch on to
schedules, so your dog will learn what time the neighbors go out, too!

He'll start hanging around the door when he feels it's time to see them
and their pocketfuls of food. Neighbors often encourage other bad
habits too. For instance, when you are teaching your dog not to jump up
on people, neighbors will often say, "I don't mind him jumping on me.
He's so cute." So when you teach your dog not to do something, be sure
you alert your friends and neighbors not to encourage it.

Everyone wants the dog to be friendly, but such habits as jumping and
begging must be stopped with community help.

Discipline plans must also be laid for any dog who has a bad habit of
accepting food from just anyone. Have a few people offer him food, then
throw a book or your keys at him, telling him "no." He should stop if
you do this consistently. Then when you feed him, praise him so he
understands the difference. If you want to reward your dog with food,
use dog biscuits or dog candy. Scraps only encourage begging and
garbage rifling. Besides, foods prepared for humans aren't necessarily
good for dogs, because they aren't always good for us eeither. If you
do want to y give your pet scraps from the table, put them in his dish.

Another food-oriented problem is that dogs often dig up plants and

devour them. Indoor plants and well-cultivated gardens often come under
attack as prime targets. This is because many dog foods don't have any
kind of roughage necessary to a dog's diet, and so he must get it
Usually the vegetables we eat aren't very tasty to him. He much prefers
grass, bark, twigs, and other plants that humans don't use as food. He
enjoys them not for their nutritional value alone, but also because dogs
strengthen their teeth and gums by chewing heavy roots and plant stems.

There's a legend that if your dog eats grass, it means he's sick.

Well, not exactly, it means he will be sick, because he's trying to

clean out his stomach. Eating grass is usually followed by vomiting.

It would be wise to leave your grass-eating dog outside until he's

returned the grass to where he found it.

While he's indoors, be sure that all your medicines are safely out of
his reach. Many of our pills and capsules come with flavored coating
that emits a tantalizing smell, and the contents can wreak havoc in a
dog's stomach. My dog once devoured a full envelope of cortisone
pills-with no ill effects. Again, recently a news service carried a
detailed account of a little Cairn gulping down one hundred thyroid
pills with no noticeable effects "except a hunger that led him to devour
his favorite pillow. These,

however, are not usual cases-many times the effects are fatal. Exercise
extreme caution where medicines and antidotes are concerned.

If your dog eats a chunk of marijuana or hashish, he will more than

likely throw it right up. However, one client's dog ate a mound of
hashish and staggered around for three days, but this may be because the
owner thought it wise to feed the dog a lot of coffee as an antidote.

I know of another animal that ingested a hallucinogen. The owner picked

the dog's front legs up and made him walk around, much as if the
creature had taken too many sleeping pills. If your dog eats a
depressant, a narcotic, or a poisonous medicine, you should rush him to
the vet. But as for small amounts of "soft" drugs, it's best just to
let him sleep it off. Remember, though, that drugs, tobacco, liquor
have no place in a dog's life unless prescribed by a vet.

In general, the only thing that should go in your dog's stomach is a dog
food that says "complete and balanced" on the label. This means it has
been tested in the manufacturer's research kennel as a product adequate
for the good growth of puppies, and for the maintenance of adult dogs
and pregnant and nursing females.

Chewing jaws and teeth differ from breed to breed, depending somewhat on
the trades for which each was bred. The bulldog, bred for bull baiting,
has bottom teeth that slant inward and fit very tightly.

When he grabs hold, he can hold on forever because his nose is set back
and doesn't get in the way.

The greyhound has a very fast and hard chopping bite for bringing down
big game on the run. Greyhounds hunt in pairs, are built for speed, but
do not have strong-enough jaws to kill anything much bigger than a
rabbit. The most perfect set of teeth is on the bull terrier.

Besides his teeth, he fights with his head and his legs. The pug's
teeth have no aggressive use whatsoever-his jaw is set very much like a
bulldog's, but his jaws don't come together and his teeth are spread far

As you are probably aware, man is the only animal whose teeth are so
closely set that food particles are easily trapped in between. A dog's
teeth are set wider apart, with open spaces of gums in between, so tooth
decay from retained food is seldom a problem. As your dog grows older,
however, his gums recede slightly from the teeth, leaving spaces where
tartar and calculus can accumulate. This site can develop a low-grade
abscess, a concentration of bacteria from which your dog's bloodstream
will absorb toxins. If these toxins build up, the dog's heart is forced
to pump faster so as to filter blood more rapidly through the kidneys,
creating a condition technically known as bacterial endocarditis. ('The
presence of any infection automatically puts extra strain on the
kidneys, since the dog must also drink more water so as to flush the
toxins from his blood.) The bacteria may be absorbed along with their
toxins, and be carried to other sites in the body where they can develop
secondary infections including pneumonia, bronchitis, and kidney

All of this can be avoided by using dental floss on your dog's teeth
about once a month, getting down below the gum line each time.

Be sure of course to praise him for his obedience in sitting and staying
through this minor ordeal.

If your dog's breath smells, it is probably because his teeth need

cleaning or because of the type of food he's eating. Dogs brought up in
a nervous household often belch inordinately, and the aroma of digestion
lingers on. If your dog seems ravenous or appears to have some other
dietary deficiency, the family vet should be consulted.

You must remember, too, that quite apart from hunger, your dog has an
instinctive urge to chew. A dog's mouth is his knife, fork, spoon, and
fingers all rolled into one. A very little nip at something will tell
him whether it's fit to eat or to play with. He knows this as quickly
as your fingers tell you. The bite tells him just how hard or heavy an
item is.

A dog can control his bite pressure, as a brood bitch when she picks up
her baby in her mouth. No hurt occurs there. In fact, it's probably a
very secure feeling for the puppy. When your trained hunting dog goes
to retrieve the prey, he does not break its skin. He just holds it in
his mouth and brings it back.

But dogs are as fond of playing with things with their teeth as we are
with our hands. Pups pull each other's tails, bite each other's ears
just out of the pleasure of making their teeth meet on something.

Even humans still derive an instinctive pleasure from their teeth.

Think of the joy you feel after your teeth have been cleaned by a
dentist or when you use dental floss or a tooth pick, or even chew on a
pencil. "Teething" is apparently a primeval urge ingrained in us all.

Your dog is instinctively programmed to chew whatever comes into his

mouth, edible or not, so be very careful about what goes in there.

I once found out a dog I was supposed to train had been rushed to the
hospital. The animal had chewed up and eaten a plastic pail, and
required surgery. Dogs can become violently ill from plastic toys, even
from soft rubber ones. Give them only leather chewbones and no rubber
toys except a solid hard-rubber ball, not the hollow ones with a bell
inside. Not only can they eat these, thereby causing intestinal
problems, but they always seem to play with that bell ball when you're
fast asleep. Chicken bones can get stuck in his throat. But if you
must give him a real bone, give him only boiled soup bones with the end
joints sawed off, nothing else.

One unnerved dog owner called me to find out why her dog had such an
attraction to a particular spot on their new couch. It seemed the dog
would chew only a given eight-inch area, but really went at it with
avengeance. A greasy soup bone turned out to be the culprit. The dog
had dragged his bone into the living room, tossed it up on the couch,
and had a feast. Some of the grease had seeped into the cushions and
were sweet reminders to him of treats gone by.

Some dogs go through withdrawal symptoms over a soup bone. Give ---- it
to them one time, and they can't get along without it. Allow your dog
the luxury of his vice, but let him have it outdoors or cook it so that
it's dean.
Once that soup bone soils your couch or rug, your dog will return to the
scene of the smell. Hell dig and dig for it, finally chewing a more
than noticeable patch in the sofa. He'll even dig into a wooden floor
if there is any trace of dripped grease from the soup bone.

Serving a bone outside is much more simple than spraying the entire
house with a dog repellent.

A dog must have something to chew on because he cleans his teeth that
way, but he should be directed in the things he can and can't chew.
Replacing bad habits with good ones is only part of the answer.

just because your dog has his grease-free rawhide chewhone, or

thoroughly boiled soup bone that cannot splinter, it doesn't mean he'll
leave your own goods alone. When you tell him to hold something in his
jaws, he naturally assumes you mean for him to chew it too. He doesn't
know that we don't chew our newspapers, shoes, and rugs from time to
time. So why shouldn't he?

If a dog is not shown what he can have as a chew toy, then he will
choose his own, and this can lead to the end of a very pretty living
room. The most destructive habit of all is that of the chronic chewer.

This habit is set up by you because you let your dog find things to chew
on. For example, he starts to chew on an old shoe. He doesn't
understand that he is doing something wrong. He adores you, and that
shoe smells of you. Besides, leather tastes good.

To correct this shoe chewing, take a minute every day and casually drop
your shoe in front of him. Say "no?"when he goes for it. If you make
the mistake of saying to yourself, "It's all right, I didn't need that
shoe, so he can have it as a toy," that opens his thoughts for taking
all your shoes. He doesn't know the difference between the old and the
new, and he feels you gave him the okay. * Why should he chew on a chew
bone when you've given him a shoe to chew on? You've adjusted to him.
Once this happens, he will then start to experiment with all kinds of
new taste thrills-wood, paper, plastic, and even your soap pads.

I think the best way to describe a chronic chewer is a dog that really
likes what he is doing. When your dog chews up the furniture, it's not
that he's spitefully trying to get back at you, or show you he was
resentful at being left alone. A dog's attention span is too short to
make * A dog can ruin your shoes even without chewing on them.

When Snap was a small puppy, she used to crawl into one of my boots to
go to sleep, and would scratch the leather into shape to make herself
more comfortable. She soon dug a hole right through the side.
hiM capable of revenge. He's simply getting involved in the object he's
chewing, the way you or I would get involved in a good book.

Vitamin deficiency could be one cause of a dog's chewing things.

(it is also a cause of a dog eating his own stool.) One of my clients
switched his dog from a powdered form of a vitamin to the liquid form of
the same vitamin, and his three-year-old Dane started chewing papers and
magazines. He had not done this since he was a puppy of about four
months- After he was switched back to the powdered form of vitamins, it
was only a matter of days before he stopped chewing papers and

I'm not saying that powdered vitamins are always better than liquid, but
in this case they were. There are many reasons why a dog will chew, so
you have to find out the reason before selecting the technique to solve
the problem.

One Airedale landed in deep trouble when his mistress arrived home to
find her most treasured Nigerian rug chewed to bits. For whatever
reason, great craters had been gouged out of the waffle foam under the

After assaying the situation, I requested a shaker of pepper from the

kitchen, made the airedale sit, and blew some pepper in his nose.

Then I took him around with me while I dusted the pepper on the rug, on
the corners of tables, and on the sofa. I had to make the dog dislike
pepper from the start because it's not that much of a deterrent when
simply sprinkled around. For instance, if a steak were flavored with
pepper, he'd find the meat taste too appealing. Pepper in his nose
makes him really dislike pepper, and then even the smallest traces of it
will keep him away. So, seeing the now-detested pepper dusted about was
enough to persuade the airedale to leave things alone.

Another lady had a Weimaraner who chewed her shoes, slippers, and
handbags to shreds. She could not afford to support the habit very much
longer. My advice was to booby-trap her shoes and accessories with
balloons that pop, and stuff them with cellophane or aluminum foil that
crackled. (The idea of the booby trap is to surprise or to hurt.) She
later reported that this worked beautifully and could she pass the
advice on to her friends?

I recommend pepper because it's dry and nonstaining, and harmless booby
traps because they're convenient to set up. But what about the true
chewing freak? One German shepherd waited until his owner left the
house, and then began chewing literally everything in sight, beds,
chairs, tables, rugs, even telephone extension cords. If he had been
taller, he'd have chewed the ceiling. This time I used a bottle of
Tabasco 66 sauce and vinegar. I asked the owner to acquaint his pet
with a rag dipped in Tabasco. I told him to put the rag in the dog's
mouth, and then apply both vinegar and Tabasco to the various chewing
places, taking the dog along on a leash and saying "no" at each stop.

Every day before leaving for work, the owner reminded his dog with a
fresh dose of Tabasco, and took him around as he patted the furniture
and rugs. But why the vinegar? You'll understand fully in the next
chapter on housebreaking, but quite simply, a dog can smell vinegar
better than he can Tabasco. The bad taste of Tabasco is a deterrent to
chewing per se, but the acid smell of vinegar is associated in a dog's
mind with territorial possession. Therefore, the German shepherd was
taught that this was his master's turf. That acid smell was proof that
this was his pack leader's territory. And even when his owner was out,
the vinegar smell indicated his owner's territory. But the Tabasco
taste was a forceful reminder of what would happen to him if he did
overstep his bounds. It worked. After a few days of daily reminders,
the shepherd behaved completely. Now this shepherd only chews on the
rawhide bone which I told his owner to give him.

When you stop a dog from chewing furniture, shoes, or whatever, you must
give him something he is allowed to chew on. You must always replace a
bad habit with a good one.

Paper Training and Basic Housebreaking Many cities claim to have

eliminated pollution problems. Loggers in the Bull Run Reservoir in
Portland, Oregon, use diapers on their horses to protect water quality.
The canvas diapers work with snaps, and they're said to be 99 percent
effective. The head works engineer, however, pins the major pollution
source on deer in the watershed and claims they'd diaper the deer too if
they could catch them.

In contrast to horses, deer, and other animals, dogs can be house

broken. But believe it or not, there are those who think that dogs are
slightly human in their elimination habits. I was once approached by a
group which had spent five thousand dollars inventing a special toilet
seat for dogs that would fasten over a standard one.

While cats can be taught to use the toilet simply because they have
superb balance, a dog cannot. A dog's balance is more evident when he's
moving than when he is standing, or sitting still. All but the tiniest
dogs will waver and wobble when sitting up. I explained that any toilet
seat a dog could use would have to be so heavy and cumbersome that
taking it down and setting it up would be more trouble than walking a
dog. More than that, however, is the fact that doing what comes
naturally to your dog does not mean sitting astride a china commode.

Owners are very concerned about feeding their dogs, but often take
little note of eliminating what went in. Both are equally important.

Unless you're willing to walk and train a dog, don't buy one-go to
F.A.O. Schwarz and get a wind-up toy instead. I tell this to at least
three people a day, and I mean it. Puppies are like people. They wet,
and like children, they must be trained.

I was once called in when a perfectly housebroken dog apparently slid

back into his old habits. This was not impossible, of course, but it
seemed unlikely, since I had trained the dog myself-beautifully. I went
back to the owner's house, confined the dog, and had him watched around
the clock. A little detective work on the maid's day off proved m 68
that the culprit was not the dog at all, but the owners' four-year-old
boy, who had learned this marvelous exercise from the dog before he was
trained. The maid had been cleaning up after him and shielding him from
any parental harshness. Clearly a child is under greater social
pressure than a dog when it comes to elimination habits, but that's no
reason to neglect the dog, who can learn his lesson in three weeks flat.

Owners often suggest it's just too much to go through the housebreaking
process, and ask me to give the dog to someone else.

Obviously, very few people want a dog past the puppy stage who is not in
control of his bladder. When I tell them this, it usually serves as a
conscience boost to people who are really just going through a lazy
phase. The problem must be coped with if your dog is to remain your
best friend. I expect the problem to be approached boldly and right

I do not believe at all in paper training and find it seriously

dammaging to the dog's psyche over long periods of time. My major
objection to paper training is that a dog should not be taught to do
something that is against his nature. It's cruel to both the person and
the dog. A dog's urination and defecation are associated with territory
and social behavior, and therefore, in our society, with exercise. I
recommend paper training only at the start as a temporary method for a
puppy until he gets his inoculations against disease, then start
housebreaking immediately.

A tiny puppy can contract various diseases, some fatal, if let outside
before receiving the proper shots. In this instance, he should be kept
inside, and thus paper training is a must. Otherwise the dog may not be
given the chance to grow up.
When people ask me why paper training is necessary in the first place, I
also explain that immaculate apartments are impossible with a leaky
puppy around.

The basics of paper training are simple.

I - When you bring your pup home, confine him in a small enclosed area
and cover the floor with several layers of newspaper. This will be his
home for the next few weeks. Make sure the spot you want him to go on
is as far as possible from his dish and bed, because dogs don't like to
relieve themselves where they sleep and eat. Thus, if you put paper
only under his bed and dish, you're guaranteeing a puddle on the floor.

2. Many people feel the puppy will not like the corner they pick out.
Not so. Just put him there after feeding, andplay with him. He will
relieve himself within afew minutes. This sets the pattern for him to
follow. Confine the puppy to his enclosed area whenever 69

you are not actually with him, that is, while you're sleeping, working,
going out. This will prevent him from relieving himself anywhere else
in the house, because the only times your puppy will misbehave are when
you're answering the door or telephone or are not at home.

A young dog quickly learns that he gets reprimanded if he misbehaves in

front of you. So the first "lesson" he learns is to become sneaky.
You'll have to watch carefully to catch the animal in the act, and the
puppy will relieve himself only when your attention is elsewhere. This
is why puppies invariably go at the sound of a doorbell or the
telephone. it's not nerves, just the assurance that you will be
temporarily occupied. The solution is quite simply never to let a puppy
out of your sightr out of his enclosure.

3. If he gets out of his confined area by mistake or gn and does relieve

himself in another part of the house and don't worry, be will know you
can use his pack instincts to your own advantage. When you come home
and see the mess, don't say anything. Ignore your dog.

Simply go into the kitchen and get a bottle of Tabasco sauce, a bottle
of white %Vinegar, and a roll of paper towels,.

Uncap the bottles and put them down next to the spot. Then go getwar
cuorit, but without calling him. Bring him, by his collar or by the
loose skin at the back of his neck, over to the spot. Keep him right
beside you, perhaps holding him firmly between your thighs after you
kneel down, until the whole mess is cleaned up. Take a lengthof paper
towel, bunch it up, dip it in the urine or feces, and then put the
soiled towels right in to your dog's mouth, telling him "no." If he
won't open his mouth, you can pinch his jowls against his rear teeth.
Don't worry about his swallowing anything. He'll be sure to gag or spit
it out.

4. Now, you pour a bit of the white vinegar onto the mess on the floor.
Again dip the soild paper towel in it, so that this time it comes away
with some of the vinegar as well. Put the towel in his mouth a second
time, and again, tell him "no." White vinegar is harmless to dogs and
will not stain rugs and furniture, but it does far more than simply
disguise the smell. The acid in the vinegar "covers" the smell of the
acid in your puppy's urine, in the same way that another dog would if he
came by and urinated on the same spot.

A dog knows his own urine smell and figures that, unless that odor is 70
71 covered by another acid smell, he's free to use that spot forever
more. You have to show him you're the leader of his pack, but obviously
you can't go urinating all over the house to bring it home to him.
Rather, you introduce an artificial urine scent that your puppy will
quickly recognize as "your" smell.

It's very simply a method of establishing your territory, without

fighting with him or belting him around.

5 - When you're all through, put a drop of Tabasco sauce on his gums.
This is the actual punishment for his misbehaving. As we've seen
earlier, the smells of urine and feces are not disgusting to your dog
and are no deterrent in themselves. But your dog's sense of taste is
keen enough that the Tabasco sauce on his gums -abetrjtw enough vill
touch his tongue to he unpleasant will leave a strong mental impon.

If you don't have the time to go through this whole process, you won't
have a well-trained dog. He takes a certain amount of training in the
beginning, and you have to be willing to give him your time and

Clients usually accept the vinegar-and-Tabasco, paper-towel method,

probably for a number of reasons. It does get the mess cleaned up, and
it smacks of magic. Dogs do catch on very fast to it. Be sure to say
"no" every time you use the vinegar treatment. He must understand
exactly what "no" means.

6. Once you have reprimanded him, put the pup back in the papered area -
Then sit down and relax. I know how bad you feel about punishing,your
dog. After you have had a drink and gotten through feeling guilty, go
back and play with your puppy in his confined area.
just as important as punishment, is reminding him of what he has
learned. Two or three times a day, return him to the scene of his
crime. Gently touch his nose with a vinegar-soaked paper towel and
remind him with a firm "no." Use the Tabasco only when he has actually
misbehaved. The vinegar is sufficient threat, a reminder of your
presence in the "territory."

You do not have to keep your puppy's room covered with paper forever.
After a few days, start to decrease the area covered with papers, and
start putting soiled papers in the corner you designate as the temporary
toilet area.

With my help, one energetic woman was able, in a few short weeks, to 72
paper train her little black Lhasa apso puppy in a small corner of her
apartment. At first she had about six newspapers down and gradually
decreased them six inches at a time-an almost unnoticeable reduction to
the dog-always putting a circle of vinegar around the paper area. Very
soon he was trained to a postage stamp of a paper, and she was
delighted. Eventually, you too can use a single length of newspaper,
and your dog will be able to hit ground zero with reliable accuracy.

How long should the puppy be confined to his single room? When the
papered area decreases to the desired size and the rest of the room
remains clean and dry, you can allow him access to the next room, always
leaving a way open to the paper. But while you're giving him the
freedom of another new room, keep in mind that he might choose to
relieve himself when you are distracted. So be prepared. At least for
the first few hours, make sure he has your undivided attention. If he
goofs, return to the vinegar method.

After the dog has had his inoculations, he should be trained for the
streets. For older dogs, paper training is not only unnatural but
unfeasible, especially if you are confined to a small city apartment.

A dog is not a cat and will not confine himself to a neat plot or area.

He will take over the whole place faster than you can mop up behind him.
Especially if your dog is going to grow to large proportions, please do
remember that paper training is only temporary.

One couple called me for assistance in paper training their St.

Bernard puppy. After a preliminary visit, they decided that my fee was
a bit out of line and to take care of obedience training and
housebreaking by themselves. Two weeks later they called to say that
the St. Bernard was, indeed, paper trained. I reminded them that paper
training is fine for puppies, and let the incident pass.
But six months later, when their St. Bernard had grown considerably,
the couple called again frantically. Their landlord was perturbed at
the rotting kitchen floor. The tenants in other apartments couldn't
bear the stench. "When I arrived, it was worse than I had expected. Not
only had the floors warped, but the dog's output had increased so much
that it would soak completely through any amount of paper. When the
harried owners attempted to pick it up, the paper gave way, leaving the
load still on the floor. They were literally cleaning up after him with
a snow shovel.

I was immediately hired, of course, even though I now had to charge more
to get this older dog, who was set in his ways, detrained from paper.
Eventually, both dog and owners got adjusted to going outside, and all
was well. This particular case may seem far-fetched, but it is true.

You simply must realize that your adult dog needs, for his sake as well
as yours, to go outside.

YOU will notice a male dog, at about six months of age, taking on his
characteristic leg-lifting procedure. All puppies, male and female,
initially squat to urinate, but because of the angle of the male dog's
penis, he can't continue to squat without eventually wetting his own
front legs, so he instinctively begins to urinate to one side.

Females, by contrast, will continue to squat, and lift their legs only
in the rare cases when they want to establish territory.

the Older Dog Once your puppy is perfectly paper trained, all you need
do is teach him that the place to go now is outside. Before you do take
him out, however, you'll do well to complete the basic obedience
training steps that are outlined in the next few chapters. He'll be
much easier to handle. But whether or not he knows how to sit, stay,
and come when called, out he must go on a leash, if necessary. If you
bring along a bundle of his soiled papers, and lay them down in the
gutter, it will probably be easier for him to make the connection.

I like to use a very organized method of getting the dogs outside and
trained. When you take the dog outside, walk him in a small circle for
five or ten minutes, and he should soon relieve himself. If he does it
quickly, then take him for a walk as a reward, the exercise will do you
both good.

If your dog has difficulty catching on to the outdoors, you can resort
to the infallible Loeb Match Method. If after about five minutes he
hasn't relieved himself, then insert two or three paper matches, sulfur
side out, halfway into your dog's rectum.
Use as many matches as seems necessary-one match will not work inside a
great Dane. It is painless to the dog, but there's only one way for him
to remove them, and he will-usually within thirty seconds.

By the time the matches come out, everything else does too, and it
happens outside, in the right place.

Many owners are concerned about the sulfur going into their dog!e
bodies. But the sulfur stays on the outside of the dog, so there is no
need for concern. You can use suppositories for the same purpose, but I
feel that they take too long to work.

This match method works very well once the owner can bring himself to
insert the matches. One not-so-bright client used wooden matches, and a
splinter problem developed. I showed another client, who was learning
this technique for the first time, how to insert the matches, then I
quickly removed them, gave them to her and instructed her to do it
herself. She was so intent on doing it just right that she carefully
inserted the matches in her mouth to lubricate them, then suddenly
realizing 74 75 what she'd done shot me a guarded look to see if I'd
noticed. I looked away, keeping a straight face, and she went ahead and
inserted the matches. Today her dog is perfect, but I am sure that if
she had seen me laugh, she would have been too flustered to go through
with it properly. After a while she realized that the whole thing was
just an assist in getting the basic problem handled.

Remember that your dog is a creature of habit and tends to relieve

himself in favorite spots. One lady brought her dog along with her to
her summer beach house, and was overjoyed when the animal promptly
picked out the bathroom for defecation purposes. He wasn't really as
intelligent as she claimed. It's just that the bathroom in her city
apartment was where she had originally paper-trained him, so of course
he picked out the same general place in his new surroundings.

And, naturally enough, this tendency can work against you if your dog
has become accustomed to relieving himself indoors. One man had trouble
with his beagle, who had learned to relieve himself in the house at a
very early age. This was his safe place to go. Now, since puppies
remember everything they were taught in the beginning, the dog goes for
walks, comes home, and in less than five minutes goes on one special
spot in the den. I trained the dog by blocking off the den and teaching
the animal not to go in there at all.

I got a phone call from a Detroit family whose Weimaraner had repeatedly
soiled the Persian rug and therefore had been confined to the kitchen.
Late one night he clawed and chewed a hole through the plasterboard wall
to his favorite spot in the living room, defecated there, climbed back
into the kitchen and went to sleep. I couldn't train him over the
phone, but facetiously suggested if the dog was that much a creature of
habit, steel walls might help. Later when I was driving through
Detroit, I stopped for a few days to handle this problem. The hole in
the wall had been left as is. When the owners left for an evening, I
stayed behind. As the dog came through the hole in the wall, I heaved
two telephone directories at him. He never did it again.

If this general situation seems familiar, you can, again, use your dog's
own instincts to your advantage. One of the best ways to correct dogs
who have gotten past puppyhood without being perfectly housebroken is
confinement. During the night, restrict him to a very small area-so
small that he can't relieve himself without being uncomfortably close to
his own excrement.

During the day, keep the dog close to you, never out of your sight. If
this is impossible, put him on an eighteen- to twenty-four-inch long
chain (no leather-he can chew through that in seconds) and secure him 76
to something stationary so that he can't move, making sure he can lie
down comfortably without choking himself. When you first chain him up,
Stay with him until he gets used to it, so he won't hurt himself when
left alone.

Check him periodically to make sure he doesn't get himself all tangled
up in his leash.

Be sure the spot you secure him to is not his paper-training area.

Previously he was praised for going there, so now keep him in a fresh
area. Chances are he won't relieve himself, but if he does, reprimand
him with vinegar religiously whenever he does.

I don't have too many seemingly hopeless cases, but once I was working
with a family to housebreak a diminutive dachshund. For some reason I
had more trouble with this dog than with any of my other clients, and
finally instructed the family to cage the dog at night and let him out
early in the morning. But the dog did not take kindly to being caged
and sneaked out of the confinement every evening. No one could figure
out how. Late one night, the curious parents decided to hide in an
adjacent room. They soon discovered how the dog did it-with a little
help from their twelve-year-old son!

Not all owners feel happy about confining their pets, but generally,
after a two-to-three-week period, the whole housebreaking problem should
be over and done with, as g as you remember to take the dog out
regularly! And this means at least three or four times a day.
Make sure that he gets outside just before sleep and just after waking,
because if you don't automatically think "has the dog been out?" before
retiring, there will still be a housebreaking problem.

When you wake up in the morning to a puddle, it's probably because you
didn't take the dog out, especially if he's been trained for several
months. An old, but true, cartoon shows a Scottish terrier watching a
clock intently; the caption reads, "If she isn't home by four, I break

The advice to make sure the dog gets out may seem self-evident, but
people often shirk. At one Fifth Avenue household, the family pet could
not be housebroken. I couldn't imagine what the problem was. I
retraced my steps in lessons. The maid was to take the dog out four
times a day. I had set up a schedule with the family, and everything
should have fallen in place. If a trainable dog was failing, obviously
there was some physical problem or human failure. I suspected the maid
was scamping her duty in walking the dog, and waited in front of the
Fifth Avenue building for one entire day. Not once did the maid appear
with her charge.

At three years old, a tiny Yorkie was still urinating all over
everything. I sat down with the owners and made a schedule of when the
dog was to go out. The owners figured they'd get prepared for the cold
walk outside each night with a stiff drink. The two are now having five
or six refills 77 every night, and the dog never gets out at all. One
of my training points is that you learn to control the dog's output. In
this case, the owners had to replan intake-their own.

Some people shy away from taking their dog out in the rain, teeming or
otherwise. Certain dogs love to go outside, no matter what the weather.
Others are very reluctant. But the way to get your dog to walk in the
rain, and he really must, is to wear a raincoat yourself, and get out
there. (Your dog doesn't need one. He has an attractive, carefully
lined, all-weather coat.) In order for a dog to be housebroken, the dog
has to go somewhere.

Even the conscientious dogwalker can have problems, however. One dog
would relieve himself as soon as his master took his leash off the wall.
He knew what the leash meant and figured he'd get it over with.

This problem was solved by confining the dog to one area as long as he
was inside, as well as having the owner keep the leash hidden in his
pocket until they got out.

One ingenious client always had a hard time getting up in the morning to
walk his great Pyrenees, so he hired an electrician to rig up an
electronic door. The dog could nudge the door by pressing a button and
zoom outside. She quickly mastered the exit technique. One spring day
when she was in heat,* she made the electronic getaway and returned via
the same entry, followed by twenty male dogs. Her owner was awakened by
the noise of his many prized belongings being smashed and strewn about
the house.

So the motto still holds: If you can't take the dog out, plan to clean
up inside. Set up a schedule and follow it, but don't tax the dog's
bladder beyond reason. See that he gets out at least three or four
times per day, or take him out automatically after you go yourself.

Some owners insist on using toilet paper on their dogs' behinds.

One lady I know uses flip-tops from Coca-Cola cans to clean any excess
that may stick to her dog's hair. Certain dogs seem to require it for
the sake of appearance, as they have long hair that doesn't look good
when soiled. Obviously they have to be cleaned with something. If not,
they may rub themselves clean on the furniture. I don't suggest shaving
them-dogs' shaved behinds look like targets-but some people do it

Housebreaking is not as difficult as it seems, especially when you stop

trying to reason with the animal as though he were a child. Make it as
simple as possible for yourself by leaving as little room as possible
for the dog to make a mistake.

But what if he does break training?

Mating cycle for female dogs.

What If He Breaks Training?

Aside from the will power/discipline factor, which only the owner can
provide, some dogs really are difficult to train. Some have double
bladders, as did one that I handled, and only one bladder can relieve
itself at a time. But all too many people feel they have "paid their
dues" during the initial housebreaking and hope against hope that the
problem will remain solved.

One client bragged to me on how well her pet was housebroken. I

listened patiently, suspecting that the lady was exaggerating a bit.

And indeed, one New Year's Eve, ten seconds before midnight, amidst a
house full of holiday company, this dog who never messed in the house,
made a dramatic New Year's resolution. His owner finally broke down and
said that sometimes her dog had an accident and would I please assist?

'nat was no accident, that was her dog.

Another client whose dog I was training regularly found damp spots on
his couch swore his dog couldn't do such a thing as urinate on the
furniture. He was convinced that it was moisture in the air. I had him
put down a plastic covering. Miraculously, a yellow puddle appeared
from nowhere.

Lots of well-meaning people would rather clean up the mess than listen
to the harangue that comes down on the dog if caught, so the dogs just
continue. Everyone involved in training the dog has to feel
responsible. Every time the dog messes, he has to be reprimanded. If
your best friend came in and peed on your rug, you'd certainly say
something-so give your dog the same respect. If it's still happening,
it's because you're letting it happen.

Even the best-trained dog will break training under special

circumstances, such as when his territorial rights are threatened.

When a strange dog comes into your house and urinates on a corner of
your stairs, you are so horrified that you might not notice your own dog
doing the same thing on the same spot. One woman imported a female in
heat for her perfectly housebroken male dog to mate with, and afterward,
he lifted his leg throughout the apartment. He was simply
reestablishing his 78 79

territory in case the bitch ever returned. This is a natural and

inevitable post-coital response, and I pointed out that the obvious
answer was never to allow dogs to mate in the males' domain-take him to

Months of housebreaking may still fail if your dog is on a high-protein

diet. Too much meat-and also eggs, cheese, toast, and butter-produce
more uric acid, and a corresponding need to urinate much more

If your aging dog has sudden or even occasional housebreaking problems,

check with your vet promptly. Never wait for such a problem to subside.
Your dog may.

If your dog Breaks training once in a great while, it's no real cause
for worry. Possibly he's sick, and just couldn't wait to get outside.
If so, you should be able to detect some change in his other habits and
behavior. But in any case, reprimand him as if he had planned to do it!
If he feels that there are any exceptions to the rule, he'll soon find
some other excuse to do as he pleases. Once you let your dog get away
with soiling the house after he has been trained not to, you'll need
twice the effort to get him back in line.

One of my clients called me one evening to report that it had been

raining for days and she strongly disliked taking the dog out in the
wet. So, of course, he went on the rug. "How could I punish him when
it was my fault?" I explained that she would have to punish the dog, or
they would have to start the process all over again. She did not follow
my directions. The next sunny day, the dog went again, same exact spot.
"It wasn't my fault," she said. "I took him out." This is an example
of how each day really does count in training your dog.

Cleaning up without correcting him gives the dog the go-ahead to do it

again. If you aren't consistent with your dogs, how else will they know
when you're serious?

I once visited two poodles who were never really sure that their masters
didn't want them to go in the house. Sometimes it seemed all right to
them, and other times, when the masters were in foul moods, it was
disastrous. As a result, the dogs had reached the ages of five and
seven without permanent training, and were tied to the bedroom door each
night with paper all around. You should look at your dog's every act as
an embryonic habit, and act accordingly.

In the struggle to train your dog, always remember that he will forever
test you to see if this silly business about relieving himself only
out-of-doors is for real. Long after you've gotten him officially
trained, he will continued to test you, so be alert. Remember that a
dog uses his leglifting as one means of testing to see who's in charge.

Whenever one dog 80 did a trick properly, he lifted his leg. This is
an aggressive act and one that should be curbed immediately, for that
reason alone.

At one point, Inches, my Maltese, was not defecating along with all the
other dogs when they went out for their daily runs. We couldn't figure
out where he was doing it, because there was no smell.

Then one day, I was adjusting the stereo and stooped to look behind it.

Inches had been crawling back there, and the reason we didn't smell
anything was' because the air conditioning was pulling the odor right
outside, and the moving air had dried out all his stool.

So to break Inches of this habit, I waited up one night in another

corner of the living room. About 1:00 A.M sure enough, Inches came
padding in. As soon as he started to crawl behind the stereo, I threw
one of my boots at him. It hit the stereo instead of him. I had to pay
a hundred dollars to fix the stereo, but the noise cured him of going
back there anywhere else indoors, for that matter.

At another household the excrement problem was doubly bad because two
dogs were doing the dirty work. I had to confine one to find out which
was the culprit. (Catching dogs in the act is very important in solving
the problem, although it can be solved by confinement alone.) If your
dog regresses, use the vinegar method when you clean it up.

Make such a procedure out of it that the dog will never think of doing
it again. In fact, the threat of going through the whole catastrophe
another time should keep you motivated.

All mistakes must be handled by the vinegar and pqer method mentioned
before. Take him to the soiled area, and correct him with vinegar. If
he continuously makes mistakes, then confine him to the spot where he
was originally confined for housebreaking. He must learn that he can
have the run of the house only if he doesn't relieve himself there.

If his misbehavior has become well established, however, the vinegar

method won't work OVERNIGHT. You have to chip away at the habit bit by
bit, which was the way he built it up.

If you're not positive that your dog has his instructions down pat,
remind him each day, but not with words alone. Show him. Before
leaving the house in the morning, take your dog to the area where he has
previously made mistakes. Using a paper towel, pat a dab of vinegar on
the places he's misbehaved. Then touch the vinegar to his nose, telling
him "no." The vinegar smell should remind him all day.

Eventually your command alone will be sufficient, but the more you
combine actions with words, the quicker he'll learn and the longer he'll
remember. If all this is done religiously, sooner or later he'll learn
to control his toilet 81

habits. You'll soon be able to forget bending, stooping, and mopping

up, and come to enjoy your dog even more.

Remember, be consistent. Always finish what you start, and never lose
your temper.

Your dog's stool should be collected and taken to your veterinarian

about every six months. At the same time take your dog in for his
checkup. Do this with the same regularity that you go to your doctor
for a physical examination.

One day while I was bending over in the gutter to get my dog's stool
sample for the vet, a burly truckdriver loomed up, and commented, "Some
people collect the strangest things." Forget about public opinion. If
you can't bring the stool sample in, you may be withholding vital
information from your vet. The only way to detect worms, blood, and a
million other digestive problems is by examining your dog's stool under
a microscope.

Remember, though-when you collect your sample, try not to scoop up too
much of the surrounding environment. A friend of mine was convinced his
dog had worms, and brought me a sample of his dog's stool to prove it.
When I opened the plastic envelope, out slid a caterpillar. "I was
right," the man said gravely. "He does have worms after all."

Whining, Barking, and jumping just as push often leads to shove,

growling often leads to biting. The dog knows perfectly well that his
bark is an embryonic bite, and he has to realize you do too.

Otherwise, he will simply take it that you are not challenging his bid
for supremacy, and quite obediently, he will progress to the next level
of obnoxiousness.

Initially, a puppy whines because he feels that hes very small and
alone-it's like a baby's cry. Your puppy will whine when he's unhappy
but, just like a baby, also when he wants something. Remember when you
first got your dog? You cuddled him and kissed him? Then you put him
to bed in another room. First he whined to get your attention, and
then, when you didn't come to him, he started to bark and cry louder and
louder. You probably thought you were being cruel to him because you
locked him up all by himself, so you went in to sooth him.

Therefore, he discovered that you would come and comfort him if he

whined-and the habit was off and running.

Whining should be curtailed immediately. Otherwise it may well grow up

to be barking. If you let this habit go, soon you'll have a
full-fidelity barker. He'll bark automatically when he grows larger and
feels more self-confident, because he has learned he can get attention
or whatever comes from barking.

Unless a dog is reprimanded for his noisemaking, he may grow into an

obnoxious animal. "He's not aggressive," the owners often tell me.

"He just has a tendency to bark at people." But what at first might
seem like a harmless, friendly bark can, through the unintentional
praise of the master, turn a dog into a spoiled brat.

How does one avert this behavioral equivalent of the Domino Theory?

Naturally, the place aggression should be nipped is in the bud, which in

your dog's case could be whining.

Even an older dog will whine with excitement when he suspects he's going
to be offered a run in the park or a special tidbit. it's the rough
equivalent of a pleased giggle, but at the same time it is a pleading
noise, a 82 83 -- means of making you feel sorry for him, a
manipulative gesture. When your dog, puppy or adult, starts to whine,
see if hes in trouble. If everything's all right-no stones caught
between his pads, no cuts on the inside of his leg where it's less
noticeable, no female dog mooning at him through the window-then
discourage the noise immediately!

Even if your dog's request seems to be reasonable, such as when he's

whining in anticipation of going out, stop him with a firm "no."

When you've been away from home and your dog hasn't seen you in some
time, he'll frequently whine with sheer excitement. In this case,
accept your gr without letting him jump up on you, then calm him down.

If he whines to get out of the car when he sees another dog, tell him
"no." If he persists in whining, reprimand him firmly, repeating your
44 no." Make it clear that you don't want him to whine. Dogs are very
much like children in this respect. If you tell them "no" in no
uncertain terms, they will listen. But if you ignore their bad
behavior, they will become obstreperous.

Barking is more annoying simply because it's louder. Some people find
the basenji perfect because it doesn't bark, but all other dogs do bark
and love it. If for any reason you want your dog to bark, you'll find
full instructions on inciting and controlling barking in the chapter
"Defense Pets." But because a dog will almost invariably bark on his
own, it's better to start by teaching him when he's not supposed to.

Generally a dog will react, or overreact, to anything he feels is

different from the norm. Most dogs bark when they notice a strange
noise, especially when you're away, and they have no clue as to how they
ought to behave. When the "pack leader is away, it's up to the
remaining dog to defend the territory against intruders.

One mixed breed who had been born in the winter, and who had inherited
his Labrador father's eyesight, barked at his master one June day when
he saw him downwind without his shirt on. When his owner came into the
dog's range of sight and smell, the dog went into a paroxysm of
"embarrassed" submission, for having mistaken his identity.

A young puppy associates the elevator with his master's comings and
goings, so the sound excites him even if his master is settled down
reading the paper. Older dogs are less likely to bark unnecessarily,
simply because they've learned that elevator noises don't mean anything
unless they are followed by footsteps outside the door.

To a puppy, however, everything is new and exciting, and so he will bark

at everything. But just because hell eventually calm down is no reason
to let him keep on barking, because "eventually" could be years.

Some excitable dogs will work themselves into hysterical fits of

barking, even when the owner tells them to stop. They have become so
worked up that the barks keep on coming, like hiccups. Or the dog may
decide to erupt in barking at A.M.

Many predatory animals do their hunting at night, and so nighttime will

put dogs instinctively on the alert. Unexpected noises and movements
that wouldn't faze him during the day may elicit a warning growl.

Now is the time to praise or discourage him, depending on whether you

want him to be on guard or utterly phlegmatic. (But don't make too big
a thing out of unexpected night noises, or he may carry over his
excitability into the daytime as well.) You may as well get your dog
used to things he is going to have to live with. Train him to accept
loud noises, strange movements, and unusual situations. Bring possible
problems out in the open-deliberately set up situations and show him
thes no reason for fright. Calm him down by patting him and talking to
him in a soothing voice.

One sleepless owner listened while I explained the various antibarking

techniques. "Do you expect me to go to all that trouble at 4:00 A.M.?"
he then asked. "Besides, the dog's incorrigible."

Actually, he was, for not getting up. A dog wants to know what he can
and cannot do. He needs to know authority. If you want him to stop
barking, you have to do something to bring it about, now.

Humans tend to figure out too many ways not to do things right.

One secretary taped her dog's mouth shut to soothe the nervous
neighbor's nerves. "It doesn't hurt him," she claimed. "I used the
tape with air holes in it!" She must have assumed it wouldn't pull his
hair. Fortunately, she kept the dog for only fourteen weeks.
One mechanical device that does stop barking-automatically is an
electronic collar fitted with a microphone. The sound of the dog's own
bark triggers the collar to deliver a harmless but unpleasant electric
shock. This device comes in sizes to suit your dog.

But your dog should learn to obey you, not a set of external
circumstances he can't understand. A shock collar can teach him only
one thing. You can train him much more thoroughly, simply by being
there and relating to him.

If you want your dog to stop barking without devices, which is the way
you should do it, gently hold his muzzle when he starts barking. Say
no." Then praise him when he stops. If the elevator's movement makes
your dog bark, then use the same technique. When you hear it coming,
put your hand over his muzzle and say "no." Very simple but very

Remember not to praise your dog before he's been corrected. This is of
the utmost importance. Most dogs that have attacked people have in some
way been taught to be aggressive. I don't mean only attack-trained
dogs. I mean all dogs that are praised for committing aggressive acts.
Many owners who want their dogs to be aggressive say "good boy" when
their dogs bark or growl at anybody. But many people who don't want
their dogs to bark or be aggressive say, "Be a good boy and don't do

Without realizing it, they are in fact praising their dog for being

You must be utterly calm while training your dog about barking, showing
him, by example, that there's nothing to get excited about.

Otherwise, the two of you will probably both give up in despair. If you
go through the motions carefully, it will come in time. A firm "no"
whenever he barks at the wrong time should bring about the proper
response. Of course some dogs need an added incentive to stop barking.

For example a collie who was brand new to his family, and very alert to
everything they did and said, had one major drawback. He barked every
time visitors came to the door, which startled them. His mistress was
squeamish about disciplining his barking, but finally, after her friends
refused to visit, she decided it had to be stopped.

I simply instructed her to drop the Yellow Pages near the barking dog.

A phone book makes a startling thud, and pretty soon the collie got the
point and stopped barking. In fact, whenever a dog growls or barks, any
magazine tossed in his direction will usually stop him.

What do you do if your dog barks only when you're not thinking about
training? First of all, you should always be thinking about training,
or you'll never get the dog trained.

Many dogs misbehave only when their masters are gone. Certainly you
knowr more likely, have heard-dogs who whine or bark around the house
all day once their master has gone to work. Perhaps the owner doesn't
know this. If so it really is your duty to tell him-in a nice way, so
that he doesn't start growling on his own. How can he correct something
he doesn't know exists?

If you sure your dog barks only when you're out of the house, ask your
neighbors. If he does, chances are they'll be only too glad to tell
you. But do make sure it's your own pet who's really at fault.

One lady on Fire Island kept getting complaining calls from her
neighbors that her dog's barking and bowling had to stop. She would
stay up nights trying to figure out why they thought her silent dog was
such a nuisance. Then she did a little skulking about and found that
the barking was coming from another house. The local acoustics were
somewhat odd and capable 86 of playing tricks on the ears. After much
apology, the neighborhood got back to normal, and the true barker was
singled out.

Patience is the most helpful factor in training and in correcting a dog

who barks when he's alone. Plan to spend some time on the problem. Take
your dog for a walk in the park, then take him home.

Hide outside to find out if he barks when you leave. If he does, take
him out again, and while you are out, have someone else hide inside the
house. Leave the radio on to disguise any noises, and use an electric
fan, blowing in your friend's direction, to keep him from being sniffed

Bring your dog back, then tell him good-bye and leave. If he goes into
his act of barking, the hidden individual should throw a book or
magazine in his direction and shout "no." The whole point of this
exercise is to keep your dog uncertain about whether or not you're
actually at home. Repeat it once a day until he remains silent.

If your dog is cured of barking but leaps at the door, one of the best
things you can do is to buy a box of balloons. You can get about fifty
or so in a package for a dollar. Sit down on the floor and start
blowing the balloons full of air. When your dog comes over to see what
you are doing, burst one balloon in his face. It won't hurt him, but it
certainly will startle him, which is what you want to do. Repeat this
with another balloon and another until the dog is scared by the loud
bangs and simply goes away from the area.

While you're doing this to him, don't say anything. Some people call
their dog to them and then do it. If you do this, your dog will
probably never come to you when you do want him. Just keep your mouth

Your dog won't go near the balloons now, because he feels they might
explode if he does. So take the balloons and put them on the door he
jumps on. Tape them right on the door, at the level his jaws and muzzle
reach. Since he has been shying away from the balloons, he will
probably stay away from the door too. After a week or so, take the
balloons down, and your dog should be cured. (Incidentally, once your
dog is shy of balloons, you can also use them to keep him out of the
garbage can by tucking one under the lid.) The only drawback to this
technique is that when friends drop in to visit and see the balloons
they will ask why they weren't invited to the party.

Some dogs want to jump up on everyone they see. I once noticed a young
lady being plagued by her dog jumping up on her in the street. I
offered to help her teach the dog to stop. "No," she said, "I kind of
like it." Later the dog jumped up and broke her teeth, and she finally
under stood my offer.

This particularly annoying habit can be stopped quickly. If it's a

small 87 dog who's the jumper, wait until he jumps, then grab the
elbows of his front legs and lift him up toward you. His hindquarters
will swing in between your legs, and you can set him down gently on his
back, at the same time saying "no." Dogs don't like this position,
because it upsets their sense of balance, and so they will quickly learn
not to jump if it means being flipped over.

A larger dog should be given a hard knee to the chest-a real jolt. I
say hard because an owner will automatically pull his punch and not hurt
the dog, but he has to do it with some force or it just won't work.
Another method is simply to step gently on his hind paws. He will
automatically back away to keep from being stepped on.

Anyone he jumps on should be told to knee the dog or push him away.
Remember to say "no" when you do it. Dogs are very much creatures of
habit, and bowling the dog over every time he jumps up will make him
stop after only a few tries. One feisty Bouvier, despite being flipped,
could not walk down the street without lunging out at people. I fixed
this problem by walking down the street myself one night. When I came
face to face with the dog and the dog lunged, I swung my jacket at him,
saying "no." Shocked, the dog stopped. The owner repeated this with a
different friend each evening, and the dog quickly fell in line. After
a while, your dog will learn the difference between playing with you and
jumping on you.

Biting One of my major tenets in dog training is that there is no such

thing as a friendly nip. But convincing dog owners of this is sometimes
a headache.

Dogs learn to bite at an early age. Small puppies nip playfully at your
hand while you are playing with them. They have been used to biting at
their brothers and sisters in the litter, and to them you are just a

The way to stop this is to put one hand in the puppy's mouth.

With the other, continually tap him on the side of his snoot, using the
word "no."

When he lets go and backs away from your hand, praise him.

Puppies must be shown immediately that nipping is not wanted, because

puppy nipping can become a biting habit.

Remember that your dog does not have to become a barker before he starts
biting. Even if he has been trained not to bark, he may still bite. One
family had a problem with their dog nipping the children.

The kids had it coming, because they teased the dog, and you would
expect something on the order of a small bite to occur. My advice to
these parents was to set up possible nipping situations with the dog and
the children. I instructed them to keep a magazine or rolled newspaper
tucked under their arms as often as possible, to be tossed at the dog
whenever he attempted to nip. If the paper were held in the hand,
rather than under the arm, the dog would see it and anticipate what was
coming, thus destroying our main weapon, the element of surprise. I
told the parents to tell the children to "go and play," but not tease,
and then toss the magazine at the dog if he went for them. I rereminded
them not to scream at the children or the dog, but just to toss the
magazine methodically and say "no" when it hit.

Bear in mind that what you might think is punishment could be play to
your dog, especially if you have spent a lot of time letting him snap
and pick at you playfully. When the dog is older and understands, then
you won't have to carry the rolled paper around anymore. Right now,
he'll obey you because he can't tell when you have the paper. But it's
best to 89 90 teach the dog manners while he is young, rather than wait
until he's set in his ways.

You've got to be vigilant in the beginning because the older a dog gets,
the more he learns that he will get his own way by biting, and the habit
is harder to stop.

.all dogs can bite awfully hard. A shepherd has a bite of about eight
hundred pounds per square inch, a Doberman one of about seven hundred.
Even little dogs can bite a lot harder than any human. So think about
it, it's you who will get hurt. When dogs grow older and are still
biting, all too many owners give in to them out of fear. In one family,
the dog and master were in competition for control of the family. The
dog won, because he had bigger teeth. Another dog owner, a very sweet,
retiring man, was scared of his biting dog but didn't like to admit it.
I asked him how long his dog had been biting. "Five years," he replied.

I told him the only way I could break his dog overnight was to take his
teeth out. Not because I couldn't stop the dog from biting, but because
the man was really frightened of his dog and unless he got over this
fear nothing could be done.

The same type of situation occurred with a Lhasa apso who quickly found
out his mistress was frightened of him and began biting her, but no one
else. I felt she could never control her dog, and it was senseless even
to try training. So I suggested she give him to someone who understood
animals and was not frightened of them.

The woman was incensed, of course, so she got another trainer.

His training was effective for a short time, but then the dog went back
to his same old aggressive habits, because he discovered the trainer was
only temporary and the woman's attitude hadn't changed.

I have been bitten only once in my fifteen years of training, and the
story is worth repeating if only to emphasize that a dog's size means
nothing when it comes to biting. A family that had never owned a dog
before and wanted a guard dog invested a thousand dollars in the
purchase and training of a fifteen-pound dog. By the time he was two
years old, the dog had bitten sixteen people and was registered under
five different names in the city license bureau, since New York law
provides that a dog must be put to sleep if it bites more than twice.

When these people called me, I insisted on a few safeguards, and told
them to have their dog eeither on a leash, in a muzzle, or in another
room with the door closed.

When I made my preliminary visit, I brought my daughter Stephanie and my

own dog along. We all settled down, and the lady of the house began
discussing the family's problems. At this point, the woman's daughter
began feeling sorry for her dog, who had been confined to another room,
and went to solace him for being left alone. I was relaxing in a chair,
with my arms hanging loosely over the sides.

Suddenly the dog came barreling through the opened door, attached
himself to my hand, and literally hung there. I finally managed to
shake the dog off, and Plum immediately pinned him. The daughter of the
household rescued her pet, and with the dog in her arms, raced crying
from the room, her mother after her. The maid rushed in to mop up the
bloodstained carpet. And I stood there bleeding............. My hand
required sixteen stitches when I reached the emergency room of the local
hospital-two hours later. (The dog, incidentally, was put away-but not
on my account.) There are times when a dog will bite out of reflex. For
instance, when he's in a fight, terrified or in real distress. One dog
tore his mistress's hand to shreds, and she supposed he was getting even
because her estranged husband had kicked the dog on his last visit. As
it turned out, the husband's kick had dislocated a disk in the dog's
spine, and he was in acute pain.

Any dog you suspect has been injured should be muzzled as a precaution.
But in normal circumstances, the dog must be reprimanded for biting, or
any kind of aggressive act. Another client of mine had her lip badly
torn by her dog, twenty-six stitches worth. She told me that she blamed
herself for the accident, however, because she had taken her dog's food
away before he had finished it. When he bites again, no matter what the
circumstances, she'll probably find another way to blame herself. This
is the most common mistake made when coping with a biting dog. A firm
reprimand at the first sign of aggression, playful or otherwise, is the
answer, not the excuses. Whatever he does wrong, correct him
immediately, right there on the spot.

In Chapter 7, we discussed the man whose dog bit him on the hand.

I advised him to reprimand his dog firmly, to establish that this

behavior was plainly unacceptable. This is what you must do with a
biter-exert the sheer force that you were too reluctant to administer
earlier, when it was necessary. Then consider the incident over and
hold no grudge.

In another situation, a four-pound poodle had been allowed to take over

the whole house. The dog had every room sewed up for his very own. He
growled and bit, while people cowered about the house. I taught this
particular family not to be afraid, but simply to hold out one hand when
the poodle charged. The dog quickly learned never to bite a hand, only
to lick it affectionately, because if he behaved otherwise, he got
whacked soundly.

Biting 92 For the chronic biter I am forced to employ more dramatic

methods. One day my answering machine recorded a call from a family
whose dachshund had literally cornered most of them in the bathroom. I
didn't wait for the rest of the message. I rushed out the door, into my
car, careened across town, double parked, and raced up the stairs to a
third-floor apartment. A little boy let me in, and I grabbed one of the
coats out of the entrance-hall closet on my way past. This coat was
what I used to throw over the dachshund, most of whose family was indeed
corralled in the bathroom.

It had happened before, many times, and they would never listen to my
advice, but I was very firm with them this time. I laid down strict
laws on how to handle the situation. I told them to offer a sleeve or a
stick. When the dog bit it, they were to cover his head with a coat or
blanket. No animal likes having his head covered, and this not only
keeps the animal from biting, but reinforces the point that you are more
"powerful" and immune to being bitten. But be very careful to cover the
dog's head completely, or have a good doctor handy.

I warned them that if the dog ever cornered them in the bathroom again,
I'd let them all rot in there! When I got downstairs, I found my
double-parked car had been towed away by the police.

Why Dogs Fight and Kill No one wants a dog who bites people, but certain
dog owners are drawn toward the idea of a pet who can take on the
neighborhood dogs. One such family told me that they needed a "family
dog." One that doesn't soil the house, doesn't bark, is friendly to
guests, doesn't have a ravenous appetite. I suggested a poodle. "No,"
they said, "that breed of dog is too meek, he couldn't stand up to a
shepherd. and he couldn't beat a pit bull or Doberman."

What they were really interested in was a killer, so I told them to get
a lion.

I was walking Plum one evening in the park when we came in sight of a
man about 5 feet a inches leading a mammoth great Dane. "Watch out,"
the man shouted. "I can't control my dog."

Despite his warning, I was a bit surprised when the Dane went for Plum.
Plum held off the Dane, but when the whole episode repeated itself on a
second evening, I had to break up the fight. This time I let the man
know he had no business owning, let alone walking, a dog he couldn't or
wouldn't control.

During daylight, however, this same Dane cornered Plum a third time and
got a grip on his neck. Plum got away, but not without a savage gash
that narrowly missed his jugular vein. I knew that Plum had been very
badly hurt because of the smell of death about him. It's simply an odor
of deathly fear. I feel this dog owner was secretly enjoying the way
his Dane handled himself. It's dog owners like this who need watching,
not their dogs, who are only behaving in a way that they feel their
masters approve.

A lady wheeling twins once jibed at me because Plum didn't try to attack
her two poodles. "He didn't even growl at them. He's not much of a
man." I jokingly told her to watch out or I would have him bite their
heads off. Probably this lady chastises her bitch for aggressive
behavior, but encourages her male poodle to assert his masculinity.

One family loved to see their dog fight with other dogs so much that
they had their living room penned off with chicken wire, so that the 93
94 battling dogs didn't ruin the furniture. They didn't want the animal
corrected, that would break his spirit, they said.

More often than not, such owners are using their dogs to express their
own repressed aggressions. All I have to say to those who feel it is
all right to let dogs fight and "work out their own problems" is that
allowing or encouraging bloodshed is cruel and unnecessary.

Strikes are resolved by arbitration, not by pitched battles of scabs and

pickets. Why deny your dog the benefits of your own common sense?

As a dog owner, it's your duty to see that your animal behaves. A
master should be able to resolve any dog's problems with a single "no."

Unfortunately an owner trying to calm his dog often uses the words "good
boy," thus unintentionally reinforcing his dog's tendency to go after
other dogs. The word to use is "no"-and if you're out walking, jerk the
lead firmly to make sure the dog understands that he is not to act this

To keep your dog nonviolent when another dog visits, make sure that all
of your dog's food, water, and toys of any kind are not lying around.
The newcomer is bound to show an interest in them, and your dog will
want to protect his own turf. Putting the stuff away doesn't
necessarily mean there won't be a fight, but it does minimize the

There are various ways of stopping a fight if you are too late to
prevent it. The cardinal rule is to focus on your own dog but only if
the other dog's owner is focusing on his. Any dog is more likely to
obey his own master's commands, but if you try to hold your dog while
there's no one to hold the other dog, your pet will get the worst of it.

Rule Number Two is to keep yourself at one end or the other, not in the
middle where the biting is going on. With a small ten-pound dog, it's
easy. Just pick him up bodily and tell him "no." If the dog is too
hefty to lift, grab him by the tail or hind legs and pull. If the other
dog's owner isn't following your example, then grab his dog and at the
same time yell no" to your dog. You can control yours by voice, but not

Often in a fight, one dog gets a grip on the other and won't let go,
even if his hindquarters have left the ground. As long as the mouth is
closed, you're relatively safe. Simply insert a stout stick behind the
dog's canine teeth (he has to hold his mouth fairly wide open to get a
grip to begin with) and force his jaws apart. If you can, cover his
nose with your free hand so that he has to breathe through his mouth and
thus must release his grip. A fighting dog is breathing heavily, and
simply cannot hold his breath more than a few seconds.

Once the dogs are separated, move out fast. Since most dogfights are 95
over territory, simply removing your dog from the scene of battle-or
even a few feet away-should cool things off.

If your dog has a habit of killing small birds and animals, you can stop
it quickly. The next time he kills something, immediately tie the dead
carcass tightly around his neck, where he can't reach it with his jaws,
and then confine him to a small area. He will try to paw the carcass
loose. When he tries, reprimand him sharply, tell him "no," and give
him a firm slap, if necessary.

Then set him free, but leave the carcass on him for a few days.

The sight may be unpleasant for you, but the sensation will be even
worse for him. This may seem cruel, but he will no longer be knocking
off the local wildlife. Although this procedure may seem reminiscent of
the Ancient Mariner, who had an albatross he had wantonly killed hung
around his neck, it is actually an old farmer's trick to keep dogs from
molesting chickens.

Adapting Your Dog to a Human Environment One day I took my four dogs to
a friend's country house. But since his last visit, I had added a third
Maltese, Snap, to my private pack. When I let them out of the car, all
four dogs bounded down toward the swimming pool area.

Plum, Inches, and Sleepy had been there before and moreover knew what a
swimming pool was, so they stopped short at the tiled perimeter. But
Snap, who hadn't seen a swimming pool before, kept right on going.
A dog can learn that he's fed at four o'clock, or that you will be
unhappy if he chews your tennis racket, but he is simply unable to use
what we call logic and come to his own conclusions about something he
hasn't experienced. This is why dogs are so insatiably curious.

They have to smell, taste, chew, or nudge things to be able to

understand them.

In the wild, your dog would rely on his instinct for survival, but in
the home, where he is now faced with man-made objects, you have to teach
him how to survive, and the only way to do this is to train him.

You certainly consider your living room a fairly safe place, and yet to
a small child, it would be a wilderness of truly awesome hazards. A
glass vase can shatter into vicious shards. An electric extension cord
can deliver an excruciating shock. A heavy paperweight can fall,
causing a concussion. Your dog is prone to the same hazards, only more
so, for he has far more strength and agility to knock things over with,
plus a highly efficient set of teeth that enable him to get through hard
protective surfaces, down to the real danger inside. You simply must do
his thinking for him, or more accurately, his anticipating.

I came right out and told one client that he was an imbecile for letting
his dog run loose in the house while he was trying to paint the kitchen
floor-the animal didn't know what the "wet paint" sign meant.

Sure enough, the dog soon trucked on over to his water dish in the
corner, leaving a charming footprint pattern. Take this as a lesson if
you plan any redecorating. Somehow, your dog will find a way to climb
your wall if it's the one that you're painting.

When Christmas comes around, pay particular attention to the way you
decorate your home.

Dangling metal tinsel can kill your dog. It often contains lead, which
can poison him, and if he leaps for it, he can topple the whole tree.

Be very careful with candles on trees. A dog can make a mistake and
knock the tree down, but he can't open the door and run out when a fire

Make sure that you know where the potential danger lies. Small dogs are
subject to special dangers simply because of their size. A falling book
or a thrown shoe can give a Pekinese a concussion, and maybe worse.

Never let your dog get away with any bad habits which could eventually
become harmful to him. No matter how bad you feel, you must reprimand
him. Often times people's guilt feelings prevent them from doing
something which, in the final analysis, is the best thing for their dog.

If he steps off the curb, jerk him back as hard as you can and tell him
"no." When he is back on the curb, praise him, then step off yourself,
giving his leash another jerk to have him follow. Let him know in no
uncertain terms that the only time he can step off the curb is after you
have done so yourself. This should help to insure your dog a long life.

Keep your pet from playing with plastic containers, eating poisonous
substances and pills, chasing cars, and all the other activities that
could hurt him. Your common sense should tell you what they are. For
instance, I specifically warn people to train their dogs not to chew
electric wires. To do this, take a bottle of Tabasco sauce, let him
taste it undiluted, and then coat the wires with it.

The same thing holds true for any other dangerous objects. In fact
don't even wait for situations to occur but set them up. Put the
electric fan on the floor, and let the dog see you playing with it.

His curiosity will bring him over to it. Never call him. When he does
start sniffing at the fan, give him a good whack and tell him "no."

You might think that this is a bit harsh because you actually enticed
him to do it, but just think of what the blades can do to him if he went
to play with the fan any other time.

Other potential canine hazards are not so obvious, however. For

instance, when you go bicycle riding and take your dog along for the
exercise, you may be doing him more harm than good. If your dog is
running free beside you, he can adapt his own gait to move at a rhythm
he finds comfortable. But if he's attached to your bike by a leash,
this means that he must keep up with your pace.

On city streets paved with asphalt or concrete, your dog's feet won't be
landing as smoothly as he would like them to. For much the same reason
that a car with unaligned wheels wears out its tires faster, he win 98
be rubbing his pads raw. In the country, it's a different story, but if
your dog is attached to your bike, he can't be the sure-footed animal he
would be if running free. He could very well trip on something, fall in
a hole and break a leg, get something stuck between his pads, or just
cut a paw, and you might not realize this until you get home and see him
limping. By that time, you could have a real problem on your hands. So
unless your dog is running free while you are riding, I suggest, for
your dog's own safety, that you leave him at home.
A dog's leash is often the source of unexpected problems. When out
shopping with your dog, be sure to watch where both he and the leash are
at all times. If the end of the leash gets stuck in a closing elevator
door, as the elevator begins to move, the leash will strangle him.

I Almost all dogs are terrified of standing on the subway gratings.

Because they feel a kind of insecurity at being suspended in midair. And
at the same time, they sense the danger of catching their paws in the
metalwork and breaking their knuckles. So, avoid subway gratings.

Do not take your dog on escalators where his paws can get stuck, and he
could very easily lose a leg. Many a small dog has even had his
knuckles broken by Gucci heels, so be careful in crowds.

You'll find in your travels that everyone you meet is not a dog lover.
One girl wanted a huge Doberman for her beau, but he was afraid of dogs,
especially big Dobermans, so he left her.

Another attractive miss in Manhattan adored Weimaraners and bought one

for herself. Every new boyfriend would make her dump the dog.

Finally she developed a whole scheme about it. She would give the dog
to her friendly neighborhood restaurateur. After the affair, the man
would sell it back to her.

This procedure went around four times. The restaurateur had a nice
income and the girl was happy. But the problem is that individual
prejudices translate themselves into law.

My wife Jo once took Inches along with her into a shop. The owner
waited on her, took her money, then called the police because she had
brought a dog into the store, against local regulations.

A usual sight in the park is blue-uniformed police upbraiding people for

not having their dogs on a leash-a capital sin in the city.

If they catch you, you're in for a fine. The word "can't" is the
biggest disadvantage to dogs in the city. Can't run here, can't loiter
there, can't tie up here, can't walk there.

A dog run set up by the city at 79th and Fifth Avenue is approximately
20 by 50 feet. This is hardly enough room for New York's estimated
500,000 dogs to run and play. But now that construction projects are 99
underway, open space in all cities continues to diminish. Nor are the
American parks the land of the free for dogs. They are not allowed to
roam free in any state or federal campground.
I feel there ought to be more laws for dogs than against them.

Somebody ought to find a way for dogs to exist in the city. It's a
weighty problem, but well worth the effort. But besides voting for
local ordinances and writing letters to your elected officials, a dog
owner's best recourse is to make sure his animal never gives cause for

A really well-trained dog should respond only to his master, or in the

case of a family, to all members of the family. But a dog should be
taught not to annoy or harm other people. For instance, when you have
guests at your house, they are your friends and not his, so he shouldn't
continually bother them. You can help your dog to understand what to do
in given situations by praising him when he does the right thing. If he
appears at the door and greets people nicely, praise him.

It goes without saying that your dog should be store-broken as well as

housebroken. If anything happens, you're going to have to pick it up.
Pets who are troublesome in stores probably have owners who are wholly
ignoring them. A dog is quite able to tell when your attention is
elsewhere, and may well feel that this is his chance to do as he

A man and his wife adored their husky but totally ignored her when they
took her shopping. She jumped up on the counters and began rummaging
through whatever was for sale. I went along as a spectator and figured
out the problem instantly. Of course the husky jumped up on the
counters. Her masters were so busy looking at whatever was up there
that they paid no attention to the dog. She was simply introducing
herself forcibly into their field of vision.

By contrast, Plum is one of the few dogs in New York City who is welcome
in certain restaurants simply because he's so well behaved. At one East
Side tavern I had never visited before, I quickly ordered Plum into the
booth and under the table. Plum lay there, peacefully, throughout the
lunch, totally concealed by the ample tablecloth. When I finally arose
to leave, the waitress, who hadn't seen me or Plum come in, was clearly
flabbergasted to find a sizable dog emerging from where there had been
nothing but customers for the past hour.

Remember this in training your own dog. He should be a credit to his

species so that all dogs may benefit.

Traveling-Cars, Kennels, and Airlines Traveling with a dog is fraught

with particular problems, which may start when you simply try to get him
into the car. Most dogs love riding, and will react enthusiastically to
the words "car" or "ride." But there are other dogs whose first car
trip was to the veterinarian's office for inoculations or who perhaps
have been startled by cars in the street, and who look on anything with
four wheels as a moving Iron Maiden.

You can change such a dog's attitude, but it takes a bit of time, just
like getting him used to the bathtub. With the car parked and quiet,
entice him at least as far as the fender, then perhaps another day into
the back 100 101 seat. Leave him there for a few minutes with the
door open, and you in the front seat. A few days later, close the door.
The next time, start the engine. Drive him first down the driveway,
later around the block, eventually on more extensive journeys, never
pressing him beyond his limits. If he seems the least fearful or upset,
stop and continue another time.

Once you are driving with your dog, he will enjoy sticking his nose out
the window to sample the passing breeze. But there are some precautions
to take into consideration. Make sure you roll the window down just
enough for his muzzle to fit through, so he can't jump out.

And pause and look around when push-buttoning a window closed. Many
dogs-and children-have gotten their heads caught in exactly this way.

Look before you push that button.

Teach your dog not to jump around in the car. If he were to get unruly
while you were assuming any real speed, it could cause an accident. Seat
belts are not for your dog, since buckling him up could lead to injury.
Leashes should be removed, too, because they can catch on handles or
gears and choke him. If your seats are unusually smooth, it's a good
idea to provide him with a rug or mat so that his feet can enjoy some
traction. Train him not to jump out of the car windows. Many dogs are
killed this way. If you are not sure of him, keep the windows closed.

When you plan an extended ride with your pet, forget about feeding him
beforehand. The excitement, plus the motion prolonged for an
unaccustomed length of time, can make him carsick. If you must feed
him, give him a fraction of what he normally eats, and plan to make
frequent stops for water and leg stretching. He has to make stops just
as often as you stop at the gas station.

Never leave him locked in on a warm day, since a metal car heats up very
quickly, even in late afternoon sun. Whenever you park, always open the
window an inch or two. But never leave it fully opened. He won't be
there when you return. He'll eeither bolt or someone will take him.
Remember, if he's very special to you, someone else is likely to see his
finer qualities too. And if you leave it half open, and your dog is a
husky breed like a boxer or Labrador, he may heave his way through the
safety glass to attack another dog who was invading what the car-bound
dog considered his turf.

Certainly your dog should never be left in the car overnight.

This should be self-explanatory. A car is not a home. Ask motel

management if they allow dogs before you check in. If not, they can
usually assist you in finding lodging for your pet.

When I go on vacation, it's usually to a place where I can take my dogs.

However, there are times that a man has to get away from his pets, just
as 102 he does from his wife.

At such times, I try to have my dogs taken care of by someone who knows
them and whom I can trust completely. This way I can be sure that the
dogs will not be spoiled or hurt while I'm away. If I cannot find
someone, then I put them in a reputable kennel. I must say that it is
better to put them in a good kennel than to leave them with an
irresponsible person.

Give your dog the consideration he deserves and remember that he is not
a car to be put in dead storage for any length of time but rather a
living creature for whom you are responsible. Don't wait to the last
minute to make arrangements. just as in the better hotels, the better
kennels fill up very quickly. If you end up settling for the wrong
kennel, your dog might come back with worms, kennel cough, ticks, or
just about anything.

Before you choose a kennel, check with your vet and also with people who
have had satisfactory dealings with a particular kennel.

Best of all, go out and check the kennel yourself. Don't go out there
announced, but make a surprise visit, preferably during the week because
many people visit on weekends. Advertisements in newspapers and
magazines mean nothing. The only way to find out about a kennel is by
checking it personally. Your dog cannot report on the conditions, so
you have to make sure that they are right.

Make sure that the kennel is clean, that it has adequate exercising
areas, and most of all, make sure it has competent help, with a
veterinarian on call twenty-four hours a day. Ask for the vet's name
and speak with him personally if you can. If you go to a kennel that
holds approximately sixty dogs and you only see one person in help, it
is obvious that he can't possibly take care of them all.

Check that there is adequate heating and proper ventilation. Make sure
you know what he will be fed, because a swift change in diet can cause
diarrhea, or a loss of appetite and therefore a loss in weight.

Don't forget that when you send your dog to a boarding kennel, he won't
be let free to roam. He will be put in a cage or pen and should be
taken out for a walk three or four times a day. This is why it is so
important that the cages be of adequate size and very clean, and why
there should be enough help and runs to insure your dog of getting his
needed exercise.

If the dogs share pens or exercise areas, make sure that the kennel has
a policy on pack systems for grouping. In other words, make sure they
don't put two mature males together, as this will almost certainly
ensure a fight. Make sure they don't board heated females under any
circum stances because one female in heat can upset an entire kennel. If
you have 103 a heated female or one that is nearing heat, try to
cancel your vacation till the heat's over. When you find a good kennel,
stick with it, because this will give your dog a feeling of security
through familiarity.

If you are going where you can take a dog, there's no need to kennel him
up. Basically a dog can adjust to any given situation. The husky, a
dog originally bred to survive outdoors in -60 degrees, has adapted
comfortably to Florida and Hawaii. If you can stand your vacation spot,
your dog probably can too.

Of all the transportation problems your dog may face, however, the most
serious is that of the airplane. Many a dog panics while stored in the
cargo area of an airliner. Frightened by the noise, movement, and
temperature changes, the dog can become terror stricken and thrash
about, biting everything in sight.

My pet peeve with the airlines is that they seldom exert any real
control over the air shipment of animals. Many an animal has been
harassed, maimed, or killed during shipment. Poor ventilation in cargo
holds, inadequate crates, and of course neglect by the handlers,
shippers, and airlines themselves are the main causes.

United Airlines reports that it carried some fifty thousand dogs during
1972. About thirty died en route, but it estimates that ten of these
would have perished regardless of handling. "Some dogs are just
unsuited for traveling and they become very excited, agitated, and
perish from heart attacks or other nervous causes." Therefore, I
recommend that, if your dog tends to be nervous, think twice before
shipping him by air. A tranquilizer may be the answer, but ask your vet
if it is advisable for your particular dog.

Heat and ventilation seem to be the main problems. As we've seen, a

dog's lack of sweat makes him particularly prone to overheating.

"Dogs are critically hot when their body temperature reaches 106 degrees
and 109 degrees could be fatal," says the United Airlines report.
"Typically, overheating occurs because the baggage compartment of the
aircraft gets too hot as a result of delays on the ground."

Most baggage compartments designed for carrying live animals are heated
and pressurized, but not air-conditioned. "If the baggage compartment
gets hot while the aircraft is on the ground, it will not be cooled,"
the airlines report continues. "On the other hand, when the Plane is in
flight, the temperature of the outside air is low enough to activate the
heating system and keep the compartment at a comfortable temperature."

In the DC-10, temperature ranges between 40 degrees and 80 degrees

Fahrenheit-usually between 50 and 70 degrees. In Yuma, Arizona, when
the outside ground temperature is 80 degrees, the cargo pit heated to 91
to 95 degrees. Thirty minutes later, at 29,000 feet with an outside
temperature of -45 degrees, cargo-pit temperatures ranged from 89 to 92
degrees. Fifteen minutes later they were down to 76 to 84 degrees.

In the 73', the temperature in the pit designated for live animals
ranges between 30 degrees and 70 degrees-usually between 35 and 50
degrees. This would also typify temperature ranges in other Boeing
equipment. On the 747 the compartment is ventilated, heated, and air
conditioned while in flight. "Consequently, it is probably the most
comfortable compartment for the transportation of dogs that we have.

Note, however, that while the aircraft is on the ground, this baggage
compartment is not air-conditioned."

Airlines recommend that "when people ship their dogs during the hot
summer months, they choose late night or early morning flights."

Don't ship females while they're in heat at any time of year. If there
is one female in heat in a baggage compartment, many male dogs can hurt
themselves in their energetic attempts to reach her.

Make sure that the dog is in a proper size kennel. One Borzoi, a prize
show dog that weighed 120 pounds, was put into a kennel designed for an
80-pound dog on the advice Of a professional dog handler. The dog died,
and now at least one set of airline regulations do not accept a dog
weighing more than 80 pounds.

The Way the kennel is loaded into the plane is also crucial. No more
than one-third of the pit should be loaded. Air space must be left so
that there can be some circulation and ventilation. If there is dry ice
nearby, it will evaporate and produce carbon dioxide, and the dog will
suffocate-a particular problem with boxers, bulldogs, and others with
short snouts.

After reading over all these facts it still boils down to one thing.
D,dog-*wning passengers should apply common sense when shipping the pets
and always remember that animals are not baggage, but living, breathing
creatures. It is up to you to ensure the safety of your pet.

If you do have to fly with your dog, it's not a bad idea to buy or build
a strong, properly ventilated crate. Don't use a cage, because you want
your dog to see as little as possible of what's going on. .% full view
of the baggage-room circus will make him very nervous. He needs as much
closed-in feeling as he can possibly get. More importantly, the more
familiar his crate seems to him, the better he'll adjust to it.

In choosing your flight, remember that every additional stop guarantees

more loading and unloading and drastic temperature changes.

Try to book your dog through nonstop. Make sure no baggage is stacked
on top of the kennel, or it could collapse, crushing your dog.

A tranquilizer, if recommended by your vet, isn't a bad idea, but it

won't calm your dog nearly as effectively as getting him used to his
crate a week or so before the actual flight time. As you did when
getting him used to a car, introduce him to his crate in slow, simple
stages preferably when he's sleepy, so that he will relax automatically
and even tend to doze off whenever he's inside. Leave him in there for
as long as the flight is supposed to be. When you let him out again,
praise him and play with him, let him stretch his muscles and show him
everything's all right.

These precautions, plus some advance planning with airline personnel,

should insure you a happy, healthy pet when you get wherever you're
headed. But it is up to you to make sure that he is going to make a
pleasant adjustment.

Again, consider potentially new sights and sounds. When I brought two
young Mexican hairless dogs up north, they had never seen rain before.
It seemed to hypnotize them. They would stand perfectly still, as if in
a trance, then suddenly keel over. The fall to the ground would snap
them out of it.* It never hurts to cheek out the local wildlife. I once
took my dogs to Canada just in time for the annual hatch of fish flies.
By the time the tent was up, the dogs were being driven frantic by the
clouds of otherwise harmless insects.

Another travel problem is medical attention. While traveling in South

Dakota, Snap, one of my Maltese, had her ear stung by a wasp, A hospital
trip was necessary, so I drove twenty miles to the nearest veterinarian,
who specialized in cattle and who was not in when we arrived. I had to
drive to the vet's home and ferry him back to his office.

The doctor then discovered he didn't have one of those stainless steel
gizmos small enough to look in the ears of a Maltese. The one he had
for the cattle was obviously way out of scale. Finally they borrowed
one from a neighboring pediatrician. The vet then admitted he was
afraid that Snap might bite him. Though reassured, he was still jittery
about hurting her, seeing as he had never worked on "such a little
thing." But he finally treated the wasp bite and submitted a bill for
four dollars-a pittance when you figure out the miles, house, and
patience involved. But I was even luckier to have found a veterinarian
at all.

People at summer beach houses have been known to leash their dogs on the
porch. Not such a good idea if the beach house is built on more than
one level, because all a leashed dog has to do is jump off the porch *
Dogs can be hypnotized, but not in the way humans can. A flashlight
beam in their faces at night or something rhythmic and unfamiliar can
leave them rooted to the spot.

and he's hung himself This happens all the time. But all this doesn't
mean you shouldn't take your faithful companion with you on a vacation.
Just prepare for possible emergencies and make sure you take the extra
time to show your dog what the place is like.

Thousands of dogs have made the fretful transition from Connecticut

farmland to teeming Manhattan, but one well-behaved cocker spaniel
turned into a barking dog overnight. It seems that the family had moved
in for the summer, right next door to some sort of professional massage
parlor. People would come in all hours of the day and night. Since he
came from a very quiet, sedate home, the dog couldn't put up with that
much traffic. I overcame the situation by having the owners keep the
dog outside many hours of the night, saying "no" every time he got upset
about a new visitor.

In the transition from city to country, the same problem is often

encountered. A dog unaccustomed to the noise of farm and wild animals
must be shown in the same manner that there is no danger.

When making the move to a new home, be it permanent or temporary, you

must introduce the dog to it just as you would a child. If you simply
throw the dog into the kitchen or bathroom, he will panic.

Animals, like people, fear the unknown. Therefore, take him with you
around the house for the first few days. You must show your dog that
nothing has changed except the surroundings.

Your dog has no smells of his own urine in the new place-so keep it that
way. Dogs can forget all about being housebroken when moving to a new
home, so make sure that he is on a leash and not out of your sight for a
few days. This will insure that he cannot pick up any bad habits.

For the first night it is a good idea to let him sleep in the bedroom
with you. After your dog gets used to the house, confine him to a small
area as you did when housebreaking him. Once he adjusts, give him his
freedom. If he makes a mistake, reprimand him for it with the vinegar
method. The same obedience is expected of him-nothing less and maybe
something more.

PART THREE I I Basic Obedience Training i, i I Basic Training-for You In

the park, I once met a woman in her sixties whose dog was playing
amiably with other canines. All of a sudden she barked, "Come, King" in
a voice that would have befitted an army drill sergeant.

She explained that the dog had been trained by a man with a deep voice
and the dog would respond to her only if she shouted in this manner. I
told her that certain trainers believe that a deep, loud voice is
necessary in getting dogs to obey, but this is not so-she could retrain
the dog to her own natural voice if she wanted. I think this particular
woman likes having an extra range to her vocal chords.

However, when dog owners ask me what tone of voice to use in giving
commands to their dogs, I tell them to use their normal tone.

There is no magic in the male voice. One woman told me that her dog
only responds to men because of their deep voices. I told her dog to
"stay" in a high falsetto, and he did. As long as he's trained, your
dog will respond. I have even helped people, with their larynx removed,
to have well-behaved animals.

Repetition and authority are very important. One of the big secrets is
doing whatever exercise you want the dog to do over and over. Gradually
he accepts it as something you want him to do, and does it.

A dog likes to win your approval, and so you should give him plenty of
opportunities to please you. Your dog enjoys performing tricks once
he's got them down pat, simply for the praise and pleasure he elicits
from you. If you got him to make you happy in the first place, let him
do what he's here for.

I remind clients never to lose their temper with a dog. When you lose
your temper, eeither physically or verbally, your gestures aren't always
methodical and simple. jumping around in anger will only scare your
dog. He will become extremely confused and therefore very reluctant to
respond in your training sessions, since he never knows what your
reactions might be. Shouters are the kind of people whose dogs never
really get disciplined, simply because the owners haven't any discipline

The rule that a dog should be corrected immediately has few exceptions.
One is if your dog urinates while you are training him at something
other than housebreaking. Don't confuse him with reprimands. He's

liable to associate his punishment with whatever you are trying to teach

and will thus refuse to obey. Finish his basic lesson first. When he's
got the idea, then wait at least half an hour before dragging him over
to clean up the mess.

When training, assume your dog is already perfect. This way, his
smallest goof will come glaringly to your attention, and you will be
much less likely to let it slip by. If a dog does know what he's
supposed to do and still doesn't follow instructions, the original
mistake was yours, not his. Once you slip up, your dog is guaranteed to
foul up on his own. Be honest with yourself, however, on how well
trained you really want your dog to be. A Swedish lady was so proud of
the work she had done with her Doberman that she invited me to come up
to the country to watch her put the dog through his paces. The woman
was very militaristic in her training, and her dog was impeccable.
Actually his behavior was a little stiff for normal living, but to this
particular woman he was a model dog.

At the other extreme are hopelessly ill-trained dogs whose owners really
don't mind and genuinely seem to enjoy the anarchy and confusion. So,
there's no point in training your dog to do more than you really care
about. Once you are basically satisfied with him, your motivation will
taper off. You won't correct him as promptly, be as disappointed when
he fails or regresses, and your training will be largely a waste of
time. It's up to you, ultimately, to decide what "ideal" behavior
really is.

Once you have decided, only one person should be the last word on dog
discipline. If everyone in your family has a different idea of what
discipline is, your dog will only grow confused. Your dog's commands
should be taught by one person at a time. Of course, eventually wife,
husband, and child can give the dog the same commands, but it's best to
wait until the dog has learned the command from the first person who
taught him.

Gear the length of a lesson to the dog's attention span. One little boy
wanted to know why his cocker spaniel was so tired after a lesson. I
told him it's because he's a very young puppy and the lessons were too
long and exhausting to him. Next year this same dog will be big and
strong enough to take fifteen- or twenty-minute lessons, but right now,
his attention span is too short. It tires him out just to listen and
try to make the right connections. How would you teach a very young
child? Everything has to be made plain and simple but still
interesting, doesn't it?

This is doubly true with a dog. The shorter the time you spend on
lessons, the quicker and the better your puppy win respond. Five
minutes of training three or four times a day is a reasonable schedule.

Yes, it does take patience, but it's worth it in the long run. If you
work with your dog too much at one time, he'll get bored and tired.

He will think of the training session as a punishment, and nothing will

be accomplished. He won't want to work with you, and you'll have a hard
time getting him to respond to any of your commands. How would you like
to do things that are continually boring or unpleasant?

Always play with your dog before and right after an exercise.

show him you're pleased. If you want to give him treats, give them to
him before or after an exercise. He should respond to you because you
want him to and not for a food reward. If you reward him during the
exercise, his mind will be on the food and not on the exercise. He will
therefore get so excited that he won't do the exercise properly.

This is always true.

The times set down above are primarily for puppy work, since the puppy
stage is the best time to inculcate discipline. On older dogs, increase
the training exercise periods to about fifteen minutes, at least once a
day. If you work with him several times a day, give him a few hours'
break in between. But when you're not working with him, be his friend.
Hug him, pat him, do all those things the owners do in the dog-food
commercials. Dogs respond to love just as humans do, flourishing in

loving surroundings.

My training follows a precise sequence. First of all, you should train

your dog in exercises that can be performed indoors, getting him used to
the leash and your commands before he goes outside. I do recommend,
however, that you teach your dog these exercises in the exact order
given here. Lying down and sitting for instance, are so similar that a
dog can easily get confused if taught them in quick succession. Or,
worse, he can begin to anticipate your command. If, several times
running, you tell him to sit, then lie, there's a good chance he'll
decide to make things easier by eliminating what to him seems like the
middle step, and you'll have a dog that lies down when told simply to
sit. It's better that each command be separate and distinct in his mind
before you begin linking them together.

"Sit" and "stay" should be taught at the same time. We assume "no" has
already been drummed into his head. Then teach the command "come," as
he should know this as early as possible, and only then "lie down" and
"heel." All these commands should be taught in this order, eeither on a
leash or in a confined area, until perfect control is shown. Then,
after you have perfect control of the basic commands both by voice and
hand, you can teach your dog to come to you outside and to heel off a

Your first investments should be a collar and training leash. They

aren't absolutely indispensable for training work, at least not at
first, but they do help even the most obedient dog understand much
quicker that you're boss. You will definitely need a leash and collar
for later training, and for going outside. If you have any doubts about
controlling your dog during a training session, the leash will eliminate
them. Get the problem of adjusting him to a lead over with, so you can
devote your full attention to having him obey.

I see no justification for the spiked training collars that are

frequently sold, which bite into the dog's neck at the slightest tug of
the leash. I have only one, which I removed from a clients dog who
didn't need it. In all leash training, it's not pulling but jerking
that lets the dog know what you want of him. There are some exceptions,
which we'll cover later, but even so, a dog must not be punished by an
abrasive collar while he's performing the right thing.

The best training collar is a simple synthetic fiber "choke" with a ring
at each end. Simply loop the cord through eeither metal ring, and
enlarge the resulting loop to fit your dog's neck. The leash is then
attached to the free ring. Be sure, however, that the choke forms a
straight line as it leaves your dog's neck, passes through the ring, and
continues on to the leash. This way, the choke will automatically
loosen when you give it slack. If the choke turns a corner as it leaves
the ring, the collar will bind and remain tight after your first jerk on
the leash.

To make training as easy as possible, it helps to have some collar on

your dog from the beginning, and if he is already wearing one, you
should leave it on him. A dog who has worn a collar for some time seems
to consider it a part of himself. When a dog's long-worn collar is
removed for a bath or replacement, he will often act sheepish and
submissive, almost as a human would if caught on Main Street in his
shorts. After a while, dogs apparently consider the collar the link to
which their master's leash, and thus their master, is attached to them,
and it may even provide a sense of security.

In selecting a training leash, length is the most important factor. Some

owners, who want to give their dogs free rein and still comply with city
ordinances about unleashed pets, invest in a 150-yard clothesline. If a
dog is allowed to run in the park, the final result resembles Charlie
Brown's kite. Even the standard ten-foot leash is a bit much. A
six-foot leash is long enough for your dog to move about easily, but
still short enough for you to control him.

When a family is participating in the training exercises, remember that

only one member should work an exercise at one time, and that no one
must interfere or the dog will get completely confused. If you don't 11
4 really want to work the exercises yourself, let another member of the
family do it. Otherwise you probably won't be consistent and will do
the exercise wrong.

At first don't try to train your dog where there are too many
distractions. But after the dog starts to respond, then do start to
introduce outside distractions. This will help to reinforce the
training, and the dog 115 will learn to listen to you even in the face
of a hurricane, if need be.

To recapitulate: 1. Don't yell. Speak in your normal tone of voice.

2. Always use hand signals along with vernal commands.

3. Stay calm, and never lose your temper.

4. Be methodical. Don't make the mistake of trying to correct a hundred

sins simultaneously.

5. Be consistent. Your dog has to know that you are pleased only when
he does the right things.

6. Be authoritative. Don't expect him to just pick up the life-style

you desire him to have, show him how you want him to behave.

This is the humane thing to do.

7. Be firm. He must karn to accept the fact that his way is not divine.
Remember there's no way but yours. He will not as get his way and may
not even get it at all.

8. Be patient. Sooner or later, he'll think what you taught him is the
only way.

9. Last but not least: after he's done what you want, give him plenty of
loving. Your dog lives for priase and affection. The most important
message you have for him is that you are his master, that you do I" him
and will not do him any harm.

"Sit" and "Stay" A young lovely in New York City took her two brand-new
cockers with her on a shopping spree before they were trained. She tied
them to a chair in a restaurant while she visited the ladies' room, and
came back to behold the chair being dragged through the restaurant,
knocking over everything in its wake.

Silverware and glasses were flying.

While in a store, one not-so-bright mother bid her daughter hold on to

their big Dalmatian. Seconds later, the Dalmatian was ripping through
the store, knocking down dress racks and whatever fell into its course,
the daughter screaming wildly behind.

Even if you haven't covered "no," the very first commands you should
teach your dog are to sit and stay. These are both stationary commands
and pose less possible confusion than the others. When you take your
dog for a walk, you will be especially grateful if he's got this
preliminary training down pat, and equally sorry if he hasn't.

Put the collar and leash on your dog and take him to a convenient corner
in your home. The reason for using a corner in the first place is to
keep him in a somewhat restricted area, so as to make his escape less
likely. After all, he's surrounded on three sides, by the walls on two
and you on the third. It is also very important for you to remember
exactly where the sit/stay spot is, so that you can bring him back to it
with accuracy. This eliminates confusion for the very young pup and
even for the older dog getting his first lesson in obedience.

Don't take him to a corner where there is a lot of racket, however.

A sharp noise could go off at the same time you give the word "sit."

The dog could then learn to associate the command with the noise and
might never learn what it really means. You could tell him to sit until
you're blue in the face, and he will never respond.
Once he's standing in the corner, do three things all at once: Point to
the floor with one hand. (Don't point to his tail because there are no
eyes on that end.) 116 2. With your other hand jerk back on the leash
or push down on his hindquarters to force him into a sitting position.

Say "sit," once.

This three-part procedure is basic for all commands.

As we've seen, hand commands are a very important part of obedience

training. Always use the hand command at the same time you give the
verbal command, so that your dog will learn both commands
simultaneously. Usually a dog will learn hand commands faster than
voice, and if after the first lesson you merely point to a sit position,
the dog will usually do it. If you say "sit" without the hand commands,
however, chances are he won't.

If he doesn't sit for you, drop the leash and push him to a sitting
position, again saying "sit" at the same time. Remember that you're not
reprimanding your dog, just teaching him to sit. Be patient, give all
commands in your normal tone of voice, and finish what you start. You
should not call your dog by name when teaching him this or any new
command. "Spot, sit,"

"stay, Spot' will tend to confuse him. Just say "sit," or the command
for whatever you are teaching him. But later if you teach him the
command and he is responding to it, then it is all right to use his name
before a command.

People who have trouble getting their dogs to obey should name them
Stop, Stay, Come, or Go. A really undone person could name his dog NO.

Both sitting and staying commands have to be taught together. If not,

you will be running all over the house telling your dog to sit.

"Stay" will keep him in position while you go over to pat him and praise
him, a very important clement in all training.

When your dog sits for you, praise him. Then immediately push your hand
straight toward him, palm out, like a police officer stopping traffic.
At the same time, say "stay," once.

Immediately turn away and don't look back until you're about ten feet
from him. Then turn around and face him.

If he is staying, praise him. If you are one of the vast majority of

owners, however, you will probably find that he's eeither following you
or has run off in some other direction. Wait until he gets to where
he's going. Then go to him, get a firm grip on him, without saying a
word, and give him a firm shake, saying "no. The misplaced "no" is one
of the chief errors in sit-stay training. Even if you see him getting
up immediately, you must turn your back and walk several paces off. If
you reprimand him as soon as he starts to get up, he's 119 apt to
associate the "no" with the very thing you were teaching him to do.
Don't stop him in the middle of running away, but let him go to wherever
he feels secure, whether it be under the bed or at your feet. Then get
him and put him back on the sit-stay spot. Whenever you have to go and
get him back, say "no," and then repeat the sit-and-stay command all
over again.

'The reason that you must allow him to get to his security spot before
going to bring him back is to teach him that there is no security but
with you or i)it doing what you tell him. This will not break his
spirit or make him insecure or even nervous, but will merely place him
in a position to be very responsive to accurate training.

You will find that he will soon gain a new confidence once he knows what
is expected of him.

Take him back to the exact corner where you just told him to stay.

Repeat the command once, again holding your palm up before his muzzle
sis if to push him. again walk away. Repeat this procedure until he
gets tired of being told "no" and taken back to the corner.

It is extremely important that you bring him back each time to the same
exact spot where you told him to sit and stay in the first place.

He must learn that when you say something you mean exactly that. He
must learn to sit and stay where you want.

when he finally stays, give him lots of praise. Many trainers suggest
rewarding the dog with food whenever he behaves satisfactorily, but it's
really not necessary. For elementary training, your praise is reward
enough. He's supposed to understand that he must obey, rewards or not,
and besides, the smell of dog biscuits can be distracting to an eager If
you must use food to reward your dog, use it only after a PUPPY.

training session or for very difficult tricks, such as the jumping and
magazine-fetching variety, where an extra incentive is needed beyond
mere praise.

But remember your dog must remain in that corner until you release him.
Now that he is still sitting there, hold your hand out in the "stay"
position as you did before and say "good boy."

"Stay." Walk toward your dog, not saying another word, but holding your
hand out in front of YOU in the stay position. Go all the way over to
him and touch him, saying "good boy." Then immediately give him the
voice and hand command "stay." Remember that you do not say anything to
him before u touch him as he might consider this to be a release from
the command. Practice this exercise until your dog responds immediately
to both voice and hand commands. Once he does this, you are ready to
vary the sit-and-stay exercise and take him to spots other than a
corner. Some of my clients' dogs are so well-trained that when they are
given a 120 command they stop whatever they're doing and respond
immediately. They have to be released to do any other action. it's a
joy to watch.

Always remember to give your dog a relaxing remark so he'll know exactly
when he is released from his command. After he is obeying the command
"stay," take hold of the leash and jerk it gently toward you, giving him
whatever word you choose to release him from the command.

Something like the army command "at ease." When you say "good boy," he
should remain in the corner just sitting. The release word should be
something else.

However, it may be a mistake to use "okay" as your release word if this

term occurs frequently in your conversation as it does in mine.

Often times I'll give Plum a command such as sit-and-stay. Then someone
will ask me something, and if I answer with an okay, Plum takes it as
his release word and is gone. This happens because once he has been
given a command, he listens carefully to whatever I say thereafter. When
I say "okay," he naturally thinks I am talking to him.

Perhaps the best release "word" is a hand signal such as patting your
thigh or clapping your hands, both of which can also double as joyful
commands to come. But whatever your choice of signal, always use it
when you've finished exercising him so he knows it's all right to go
back to normal dog life.

Before leaving, however, make sure he completes any exercise you start.
This is one of the most basic points in training. Once you start a
command, you must carry through with it even if you must physically
carry your animal through the paces.

A dog is not supposed to do anything else, and should not be trained to

do anything else, until the initial lesson is completed. If for any
reason you are interrupted in the midst of a training session,go back to
it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the next time you command him, your
dog may feel that an interruption means he doesn't have to obey, and he
will dawdle, waiting for the bell, telephone, or door that means class
is over. Re member that you are the one he learns from, and if he
doesn't learn it right, it is your fault and not his.

If you can get the script and movements down pat, your dog will obey and
do as you command.

The sit-and-stay commands should be worked separately from all other

commands until they are perfect. Never mix basic commands together
until each one is perfect by itself. But once he is really perfect in
the corner, put his leash on and take him to the center of the room so
that there are no restrictions around him. Place him on your left side
with his front legs right beside yours, and close enough to you that his
right shoulder is actually touching your left leg.

Without turning around, 121 bring your right arm across so that it is
in front of your dog and pointing down to the floor, tell him to sit.

Do this once only. If he refuses to sit, jerk the leash backward, thus
forcing him to sitting position. If he still won't sit, push him down.
Praise him when he sits, but make sure he does not get up.

Immediately drop the leash and change your hand command from the sit
command to a stay command, at the same time saying "stay." Say "stay"
only once, then immediately walk away.

Follow the exact same procedure you did when first teaching your dog the
sit/stay commands in the corner. If he runs away, let him go, and get
him only after he has reached his security spot. Then reprimand him and
return him to the place where you told him to sit and stay. If he
stays, return to your dog. But this time, walk around him until you are
at his side in the same position as when you gave him the command to sit
and stay. Only then should he be released.

Once he can do this, YOU Can start to make things a little more
difficult for him. First of all, make him sit and stay, then leave the
room. After that come back in and walk around him. He must learn that
"stay" means stay. When he is proficient at this exercise try it with
as many distractions as possible.

It is particularly important that he learn to sit and stay with other

dogs around. Most obedience trials have an exercise in which he must do
this for varying lengths of time eeither in your presence or with you
leaving and then returning, but always with other dogs in the vicinity.
The very distractions that do make him leave the sit/stay position are
the ones you should work on. Try to build up the amount of time he will
sit and stay without moving. At the same time try to use just your hand
commands to get him to sit and stay. Remember that most of the
obedience trials allow only eeither voice or hand commands, but not

If your dog breaks the sit-and-stay because of any of these

distractions, you must start all over and make him go through with it
properly before praising and releasing him. Otherwise, he will simply
learn that distractions are an excuse for disobedience.

Ixt him get where he is going and then reprimand him, saying "no, very
firmly; but never punish a dog when teaching him, or he will come to
associate the punishment with the command. therefore, he will never
respond but will, in fact, run away because he thinks he is going to get
punished when he hears that command. Simply drag him back to his sit
position and continue doing this until he learns that "no' means no,
"sit" means sit, and "stay" means stay.

Sounds repetitious? Of course it is, but the results can surprise you.

One set of Afghans were so well-disciplined that they once sat for a
full hour awaiting their masters permission to move again. He had not
said "okay," the local magic words, and they clung to the original
order. That is discipline!

and once your dog begins approaching this level of excellence, you'll be
ready to teach him to come when called-his most important obedience
lesson, indoors or out.

'Come" In my opinion, the command "come' is the most important of all

the commands that your dog can learn. When he has mastered this
command, you can have complete confidence that, no matter what, he will
always return to your side when you want him to do so. Once he learns
this command perfectly, he is ready to perform the more complex ones, as
he is now under your control at all times.

At the same time, learning to come gives him the security of knowing
that, until you call him, he is free to roam without being uncertain as
to what's expected of him.

The best, and easiest, time to get your dog to respond to the command
"come" is between the ages of six weeks and four months.

Indians knew and used this principle when training their dogs. They
carried their puppies with them constantly from as early an age as
possible. This way the dog learned to look on them as a parent figure
and obey them completely. This type of behavior in animals is known as
imprinting, and it seems to be an inborn instinctive process on which an
animal's survival depends. Animals must learn as early as possible
where their protection lies and thus to what species they belong. But a
dog's critical marking period, during which time he will readily accept
new masters, is over at about thirteen weeks. It has been proved that a
pup who has never been in contact with humans before the age of thirteen
weeks never learns to relate to them and is almost impossible to keep as
a pet. He will consider himself a dog and will take "orders" only from
other dogs.

After this age, any dog will be more set in his ways and affections.
This is not to say that an older dog can't be taught new tricks, it just
takes longer and more reinforcement. So it's impossible to overstress
the advantage you have by training your dog during this critical period.
Try to get as much training in at as early an age as possible.

The first place to start teaching your dog to come is in a confined

area, such as your house or apartment, where there is no possibility of
him running away from you. Put a six-foot training leash on him without
giving him any commands at all. Then, holding him at leash-length away
from you, pull him toward you, using the command "come."

It 4 I 124 While you are pulling on the leash, which should always be
held in your left hand, motion for him to come to you with your right
hand, in a large beckoning gesture.* (Many people pat their thighs. But
select only one gesture for any command, and stick to it.) Make sure
that each time you reel him in to you, he is given lots of praise.

After he comes to you with only a slight jerk on the leash, call him to
you before actually jerking it. He will begin to associate the word
"come" with your beckoning gesture and with the jerk on his leash.

Once he starts to come with only the slightest jerk, then try saying 44
come" without pulling on the leash at all.

Once he comes without a jerk on the leash, however, don't stop pulling
completely. Alternate the times you gesture, say "come," and don't pull
the leash with the times that you do. This will serve to reinforce his
obeying the command. Remember to train in five-minute intervals only,
and to make sure you complete each repetition of the exercise. Whether
he does it well or notnot even if you have to reel him in-he must come
every time you tell him to do so.

When your dog learns to come without your having to jerk on the leash at
all,"take your set of house keys in your right hand. Holding the leash
with your left, gently flip the keys directly at your dog, making sure
they hit him. just after, but not as soon as they hit him, tell him to
come, using your beckoning gesture.

If he doesn't come immediately, jerk on the leash, and if he still

doesn't come, reel him in. Make sure you use only a one-word command,
in this case, the word "come," and that you give the command only once
and then make him respond. Repeat this exercise until the dog comes to
you when you merely drop the keys near him.

The purpose of the keys is to give you some kind of control in the next
step of the "come" command, which is to have him obey when off the
leash. The keys let him know that, no matter where he is, you can reach
him. It is the same idea as taking away your dog's security spot, as
you did during his sit/stay training. He must always be chased from his
hiding places and have keys lobbed at him when he refuses to come. You
must be his source of security.

I was once employed by a crippled lady who walked with crutches and
couldn't handle two English spaniels on leashes. But she could
certainly throw keys, first in the house, to establish her dominant
position, and then later outside. I suggested she bang one crutch,
since this was one "weapon" she would always have handy, indoors or out,
to throw This is the traditional method and most effective.

-, fear into her recalcitrant spaniels. The crutch made a nice booming
sound, and eventually her dogs would freeze when they heard the noise,
convinced that she could reach them at any distance.

Eventually the dogs learned to come whenever she tapped her crutch
sharply on the sidewalk.

Once you have your dog responding to keys, you can begin to train him
off the leash. Do thi,s at first only in a confined area such as your
home. At your convenience, and when he is involved in other things,
call your dog. If he does not come, throw the keys. This will teach
him to respond immediately in any situation.

Never let any other people interfere while you are training. For
instance, oftentimes another person will try to encourage your dog to
respond to you by saying, "Go on over to him, that's a good boy." The
dog will then go to that person as protection because he is being
praised by him. Too many voices can confuse the dog, and only one
person should give the command at a time. If he comes, praise him after
he comes all the way to you. Pat him as you praise him. If he doesn't
come, throw the keys at him, and after they hit, call him again.
A very important note to remember is that, if you throw the keys and he
still doesn't come, you must not run after him screaming, "Come!" If
you do this, it will only panic him, or he will make a game out of
running away from you.

You must be quiet and methodical. If he runs away, wait until he stops
and go after him. Get as close as you can to him. If possible, hit him
with your keys and tell him "no." Then turn around and walk away from
him, back to the spot where you called him from, even if it is in a
different room, and call him again.

Even if he follows you, you must walk away a few feet before turning
around and calling him. When he comes all the way to you, praise him.

If he still won't come, then go and get him, saying the word "no," which
he should understand very well by now. Put the leash on him and take
him to the spot where you called him from. Then praise him.

Repeat and repeat until he comes every time you call him. In fact, he
must learn to respond in this way merely to the sound of the keys. No
matter how annoying or disobedient your dog is, the only reprimands you
must give him are the thrown keys and the word "no." You cannot hit him
when you finally get him back. That is why, when I throw the keys, I
say "come" only after they hit.

He must always feel it is good to come when you call him. Too many
people have a tendency to call their dog when they want to punish him.
When the dog does something wrong in the house, they say, "Come "Come"
126 here, you little bastard," or, "Come here, why did you do that?"
They then punish him. He thus learns not to come when called, and this
could be fatal if he is in danger and you try to call him. His response
will be to run the other way. No matter how angry you are with your
dog, don't ever punish him when he comes, or you might as well forget
this entire exercise.

By the same token, don't ever commiserate with your dog if he has done
the wrong thing, even if it is not his fault. I once showed a client
the correct way to reprimand his dog. However, the dog associated the
area in which he had been reprimanded with the reprimand itself. A few
days later, the three of us were walking in that very area. The owner
again called his dog over to him. But instead of obeying, the dog took

The owner got very angry and started yelling at him, but when I
explained why the animal was afraid of that area, the owner became very
apologetic. When he finally got the dog back, he praised him. The dog,
naturally, felt that the praise was for running away, and he will do it
with more confidence in the future.

"Come" is an extremely touchy command, requiring the most work of any of

the basic commands, so the best thing you can do is start working it
with your dog from the very beginning. The main reason I like to work
with dogs at a very early age is because at this point they can't run
too fast, and I can catch up with them easily.

Go back a step once in a while to review. Even when he is perfect, he

must be taken back a few steps and reminded once in a while. While
practicing this exercise in the house, try to use distractions such as
other dogs. Call him when he is really involved in playing with another
dog and make sure that he comes to you immediately. Responding
immediately under these circumstances is the test he must pass before
you can try him off the leash outside.

Remember that he must be perfect in one stage before going on to the

next. Many people make the mistake of letting a dog loose outside
before he is controllable. Then, since all dogs like the idea of being
free, he will never come back until he feels like it 24 "Lie Down" It
is best to hold off teaching your dog to lie down until after you have
him coming to you on command. This way, you stand a better chance of
not having him confuse the command with "sit" or "stay." The three are
fairly similar, after all, so it's better to separate these commands in
time so that he understands they are separate and distinct.

The "down" command is a relatively easy one, but for some strange
reason, it tends to be something many dogs are obstinate about. Often
you will find that when you tell your dog to sit and stay, after a while
he will get tired and lie down, but when you tell him to lie down, he
will refuse. Make sure that your dog learns that you mean what you say,
and that "sit" means sit only.

Teaching the dog to lie down is a much easier operation than "come."

Most of the teachings are relatively easy. They just eat up a lot of
your patience.

The first thing to do is to sit yourself down comfortably on the floor

facing your dog, who should also be sitting. Place one hand on his
upper back and the other behind the lower part of his front legs.

Give the command "down," and at the same time, push down on his back and
pull his legs out from under him-very carefully so that he doesn't think
he's going to get hurt.
As soon as he is lying down, say "good boy" and praise him. In a dog's
mind, being pushed is an aggressive act on your part, you're pushing him
into submission. therefore, do it very slowly and gently so that he
doesn't panic. I don't advise that you try this with a full-grown
strange dog, as you could get bitten. Make sure that he knows you well
before doing this, and have him well trained in obeying the sit-and-stay
commands and accustomed to obeying you.

Once he is lying down and you have praised him, push him back up into a
sitting position, but without giving the command for him to sit.

Then repeat the same thing over and over, until he lies down with only a
slight pressure on his back.

At this point you can feel sure that he has some idea of what the
command "down" means and is ready for the next step. Put him in a
sitting position. Hook your left thumb under his collar, and turn your
right hand palm down. Move your hand straight down to the floor in
front of him, thus showing the dog the direction you want him to go. At
the same time give the voice command "down," and pull down on his collar
with a firm steady pressure. Do not jerk on the collar, and make sure
that you keep the hand with which you gave the command down on the floor
in front of him.

Once he is down, remove your thumb from the collar and with your right
hand give him the "stay" command. Then after he is staying, praise him.

Continue this exercise, gradually exerting less and less pressure on the
collar. Once he responds with no pressure on the collar whatsoever,
then you know that he has associated your word and hand commands with
the act of lying down. At this point just give him the command once. If
he refuses, then exert pressure. This exercise is complete only after
he responds on the first voice or hand command of "down."

When teaching your dog to lie down, it is most important to remember

three things. First of all, once he starts to lie down on his own,
release the pressure that you exert on him. Secondly, as soon as your
dog actually reaches the down position, always release your hand command
for "down" and change it to a "stay" command. If you don't do this, he
will probably roll over on his back, a submissive gesture, in response
to your aggressive act of pushing him down. Thirdly, don't keep
repeating, "Down, down, down," while you try to get him to lie down.

As in all commands, say it only once. In this command, however, it is a

good idea to say "dowwwwn" in a long-drawn-out tone, to let it sink in.
Continue this pronunciation until he learns the word and then you can
say it in your normal way.
Now he is ready to learn to respond to this command when you are in a
standing position. Put on his six-foot training leash, and tell your
dog to sit and stay. Take hold of the leash and put it under the arch
space of your shoe just between the sole and heel of your shoe where the
leash will slide freely back and forth. Then stand up straight, holding
the end of the leash in your left hand.

At this point one end of the leash should be attached to his collar, the
other end should be in your left hand, and the middle of it should be
under your shoe. With your right hand, make the 'down" motion, and at
the same time tell him "dowwwwn."

If he does lie down, praise him and make him stay. If he refuses,
repeat the hand and voice command, but this time exert a slow steady
pressure 129 "lie Down" by pulling up on the leash. The leash will
then "feed" through the arch of your shoe and force him down. Keep your
hand in the downward position until he reaches the floor.

Once you feel that he is going to lie down, let up on the pressure on
the leash. Again, make sure that you give the command "down" only once.
Continue repeating this exercise until the dog lies down of his own
accord on both the voice and hand commands. Once he lies down without
your exerting any pressure on the leash, you can take off the leash and
try without it. Give the voice and hand commands and praise him if he
obeys. If he refuses, it means he is not quite ready for this step, so
go back a step.

Remember to use as few words as possible, and isolate your basic

commands. One family's dog was repeatedly found up on the furniture,
even after being told to "get down" or "jump down." I handled this
problem by analyzing the word "down."

"Down" is a command meaning to lie down, not off. When they want their
dog to get off the furniture, whit they really should be saying is "no."
Oddly, the owners were more upset that their dog couldn't take more
sophisticated commands than they were at being unable to communicate
with him. Consider how hard it is for small schoolchildren to learn the
meaning of prepositions such as in, out, through, to. Treat your dog
with the same respect.

Once he lies when you're standing, try it when He's standing. If he is

proficient in following the "down" from a sitting position, as he should
be by this time, then you shouldn't have too much trouble. He knows
what the word means. Merely place him in a standing position and tell
him to lie down. If he refuses, push him down. Continue to do this
until he lies on command.
When he does this command perfectly, you are ready to link the "sit,"

"stay," and "down" commands together. Before doing this, however,

isolate the separate commands and review any weak points.

Sitting Up from a Lying Position A satisfied client admitted that the

only thing that continued to bother him about his Weimaraner was that he
had a tendency to lie down in the car. The man wanted his dog to sit
straight up in the car, at attention. Unless it's your special fetish,
why not let your dog be comfortable wherever he is?

Once your dog understands the "down" command thoroughly, he's ready to
learn to sit back up again. Make him lie down, then give him the
command to "sit," bringing your hand straight up from the "down"
position. If he doesn't sit up, eeither jerk him up by his leash or
place your foot under his chest and give him a nudge so that he is
forced to sit up. Repeat this until he sits up on command. Remember
always to praise him when he reaches the sitting position, no matter how
he gets there, and never use too many words in a command. When a dog is
lying down and you want him to sit up, use the command "sit" and not

"Stand" from a lying Position, and "Stand from a Sitting Position Once
he know,s how to sit up from a down position, he can be taught to stand
from a sit position-and even from a down position.

To get him to stand from a down position, first give the command stand."
Raise your right hand in an upward motion above your head and jerk him
straight up with the leash, not allowing him to sit. As soon as he
stands, give him the "sta " command and then praise him. -kiter he
responds with only a slight jerk on the leash, take it off and try him
without it. If he refuses to stand, nudge him in the ribs. This should
be enough of a reminder, but if not, put his leash back on and start
again. Continue practicing until he responds.

To make him stand from a sit position you follow the exact same
procedure. Only this time, start him off in a sit position and make him
stand from there.

By the time you've completed this training, your dog should be old
enough to go outside. So when he is perfect indoors, your lessons can
now proceed outdoors.

Take him out and work the exact same exercises in the exact same order
that you did inside. Start him on a leash and let him work his way to
"Heel" In the wild a dog can roam free and exercise himself.

In the city you have to make sure he gets enough exercise by walking him
and Playing with him. Professional dog walkers are fine, but if you
walk your dog yourself, the experience will be far more rewarding.

A six-foot leash is fine and its purpose is not only to keep your dog
from running away, but also to teach him that he is to stay by your
side. Every client is taught how to walk his dog properly. The dog
should walk and not pull you down the street.

Ideally, your dog should now know enough to sit and stay when he's told
to. But what's to keep him at your side when you're actually walking
him? If you can't answer that one, you are in for some unpleasant

One woman's two great Danes pulled her down the street three times a day
until the dogs saw a cat on the other side of the street. A strikingly
beautiful girl, who never owned even one dog bought two English setters
to promenade in the park. One day both dogs headed for the same
telephone pole, and each dog opted for a different side. . . .

Heeling is as important for your dog as it is for you. Which of us

hasn't seen a small dog straining against his leash at a 45-degree
angle, choking and gagging at his collar, his feet slipping against the
pavement? And if there's too much slack in his lead, a dog can move
far enough away from you and put himself right in the midst of traffic.

You have to drum into your dog's head that he can't cross in front of
you. When you say "sit" at a curb, your dog simply must do as you say,
because some day there's going to be a car coming by. Care enough about
your dog to discipline him.

Before your dog learns to heel, he should already be used to wearing a

leash indoors, and by now he should have had a good indoors grounding in
the commands of "sit,"

"stay," and also "come."

Remember that you cannot take your dog out until he has had all his
puppy shots. The first time you do take him out for a walk, you'll find
he displays one of two possible reactions: Eeither he's absolutely
terrified of 131 133-- the outside world, and you have to drag him
along, or he's overanxious to explore it, and you'll be constantly
pulling him back. No dog will naturally stay beside you unless you have
trained him to do so.
Heeling on the Leash The correct position for heeling is to have your
dog standing on your left side, and close enough to you that his
shoulder is just barely touching your left leg. When you are walking
him, you should almost be able to feel his body right next to your leg
at all times.

Make sure you use his regular training leash. Don't invest in a chain
leash. Such leashes are usually too heavy for training puppies.

Put the six-foot training leash on your dog and place him on your left
side in the heel position. Then make him sit. Hold the end of the
leash in your right hand. With your left hand grasp the middle of the
leash and pull so that your left hand hangs freely at your left side.

Make sure that your left thumb is in a forward and downward position.
You should not be exerting any pressure on the leash at all, and it
should have a little slack to it.

When you feel comfortable about the grip you have on the leash and your
dog is settling in the right position, take one step forward with your
left foot and jerk the leash straight forward, giving the command

This will start your dog walking. As soon as you stop, jerk the leash
straight backward saying "heel" again. This will cause your dog to
stop. If he is not in the exact heel position, place him there and then
praise him.

At the beginning, you must stop after each step and jerk him into a heel
position, or he will never learn it. You must also stop every time you
jerk the leash. Most people make the mistake of walking and jerking at
the same time. The dog has no idea what you're talking about unless you
demonstrate very methodically. Take a step and then stop, say "heel"
and jerk the leash at the same time. Remember not to pull on the leash,
as this does nothing. You must jerk fast and release the pressure
immediately. Continue to do this step by step, jerk by jerk, constantly
using the command "heel" every step of the way.

It's important to jerk the leash every time the dog moves an inch out of
line. One elegant woman was having great difficulty in learning to walk
her dog. "She holds the leash like it's tissue paper," her son pointed
out. It was later learned that she didn't want to break her carefully
manicured fingernails.

People often don't Want to jerk the leash, because they think it hurts
their dogs. Actually it doesn't hurt one bit. it's just a way of
telling your 134 dog that you're in charge, and he's going to follow
whatever you say. There's no need to speak to the dog, just jerk the
leash. He'll get the message if you give it to him. It will help him
to stay alive in a very dangerous, busy environment, the city.

Some people are too embarrassed to warn their dogs, or even give them a
good reprimand in front of others. One woman was horrified at the
thought of giving her boxer "a boot in the behind" when he mis behaved
outside. "It's not ladylike at all," she complained.

"Sometimes, though, I'd like to take a club to him."

Controlling your dog in the outside world is part of dog ownership. One
Weimaraner had a problem walking with his mistress.

She was not firm enough with him and didn't jerk on the leash properly.
So the dog felt he didn't have to toe the line and pulled her all over
the place. I instructed her to establish her dominance before leaving
the house by putting her dog through some basic commands such as "sit,"

"stay," and "come." This worked for her, but a proper jerk would have
been easier.

It is very important that you do not turn around to your dog.

Keep walking in a straight line. If you turn to face your dog or go off
course, he will become confused as to where he is supposed to be when
heeling. The point of this exercise is to teach him where to stand and
walk in the heel position, and that is close at your side. So, make it
simple, keep both of you on one straight path until he gets some kind of
idea as to what is expected of him. also, make sure you stop at every
corner and make him sit. Let him know that if anything distracting
happens, you expect him to trust you and wait for your command. jerk
the leash back and say "sit."

Then use your hand signal to say "stay." If you don't do this every
single time you walk him, he won't sit every single time you stop. It's
that simple.

One dog had a bad habit of running into traffic after his owner told him
to sit at the curb. This is a situation where house keys come in handy.
The dog was led right up to the curb and told to stay. If he moved, the
keys were dropped in front of him. If he stayed, he was praised. Dogs
do understand this small amount of pressure from their master, and the
keys were only needed a few times as reinforcement.

At first you should exercise him in heeling for short intervals only
(twenty-five to fifty feet). If you haven't got the time to continue
working with this exercise, then don't give him the command.

Once you tell him to heel, you must follow through. Even though you
expect him to do it constantly when on the leash, it is a command just
like all the others. So take it easy in the beginning and gradually
build up the exercise until he is stopping at your side without your
jerking the leash. Then start 135 walking him and see if he will stay
at your side. If he does, fine. But if he doesn't, then stop and
repeat all over again until he stays at your side.

If you find that your dog pulls out in front of you, then stop short.
Let him pull to the end of the leash, letting it slip out to the full
six feet. Don't let go of the leash with eeither hand but grab hold of
the end with both and jerk him hard several times saying "heel."

Make sure you jerk the leash to your left side, not toward you.

One of my clients was walking his dog in the park, with a six-foot lead.
When his dog moved out ahead of him, he yanked back on the leash,
striking himself squarely in the groin, and fell to the ground doubled
up with pain. Stand your ground and make him come back to you, don't
you go to him. Once he comes back, praise him.

If he pulls out to the side, repeat the same procedure. If he lags

behind, jerk him forward in a series of short, firm jerks. If he pulls
across in front of you, knee him and jerk him back, while continuously
walking a straight line yourself. Never change your position for him,
but make him come to you.

When you feel that he is proficient at heeling in a straight line, then

you can start teaching him to heel in other directions.

Eventually the jerking of the leash becomes a means of guiding him, so

always jerk the leash in the direction you want him to go. This is
basically quite simple once he understands the "heel" command.

After a dog can heel forward in a straight line, he can be taught to

heel as you walk backward. This means that the dog has to walk backward
also. The way to do this is to back up step by step, jerking the leash
straight back and saying "heel" on each and every step, just as you did
in teaching him to heel forward.

After a dog can do this, he should be taught to heel as in a side step,

both to the left and to the right. When stepping to the right, jerk the
leash to the right, and as you are stepping to the left, push him
sideways with your leg. On each step say "heel." jerk or push until he
is perfect and learns to watch the direction you're moving in and to
heel on command.

When making a right turn, give the leash a series of quick easy jerks
guiding him to the right. When making a left turn, just hold the leash
and come around him. Once he follows these maneuvers with ease, you can
start heeling him in circles, zigzags, figure eights, and any other way
you want.

Heeling perfectly on the leash means that your dog is right at your left
side at all times. In other words he must learn to follow your
movements. Once you feel that he is perfect at heeling on the leash,
then you are ready to start working without it.

Heeling Off the Leash To allow their dogs off the leash out side seems
to be the ultimate hope for dog owners. Very few trainers will attempt
this off-the-leash training, simply because they're afraid to take the
responsibility. A trainer should be thorough enough so that the owner
can trust his dog implicitly, and the dog should obey all commands.

A well-trained dog should be allowed off the leash as a reward, so that

he can feel free and totally independent. If you are a nervous person
and tend to panic easily, don't attempt to heel your dog off the leash
except within a confined area' Before attempting this exercise, make
sure that he responds perfectly to the "come" command outside as well as
indoors. He might be perfectly controllable on the leash, but many dogs
will take advantage of freedom when they see it. This is why it is so
important that he obey the "come" command completely and why you must
work him in a confined area when he's first off the leash.

Make sure he is perfect here before trying him without restrictions.

Work with him step by step, as you did when you first started to teach
him the heel command. Place your dog at your left side in the heel
position and, instead of jerking the leash, slap your left thigh with
your left hand and give the command "heel." If he refuses to heel, then
put the leash on him and heel him with the leash. After you feel he is
ready, try him once more. Then, increase heeling off the leash in the
same way you did heeling on the leash.

PART FOUR Tricks and Advanced Training Tricks-an Introduction Once the
chewing or biting or barking have been stopped, satisfied clients
frequently decide that tricks are in order. I agree, but only after a
dog has totally forgotten all his bad habits and is thoroughly
housebroken and obedience-trained. I consider tricks to be a bonus.

Always make sure that your dog has a thorough basic obedience background
before you attempt any tricks with him. Trick training will do no good
and could be a complete frustration to you if your dog doesn't
understand basic commands, since all basic commands are integrated in
some way with the actual performance of any trick.

If you have already taught your dog "sit," stay, "lie,"

"down," and 'come," and you find any one of these commands isn't working
properly, then forget everything else. Go back and work only with the
command or exercise he is weak in. Do this exercise over and over until
the dog responds perfectly. Only then can you go on to other commands.
Always go back on any weak points you find in his basic training.
Otherwise you will never be able to do more complex acts with your dog.

Most owners, naturally, are interested in having their dogs perform for
their friends. The cardinal rule here is to pretend that there are no
other people present. Your dog is performing for you, and your
satisfaction, not your guests'. In short, concentrate on your dog, not
on his audience. If he does something out of step, the dog must be
corrected immediately. Some people are embarrassed when their dogs
don't per form, and just laugh it off, leaving their pet to his own
devices. Such a dog will never perform properly.

It is always a good idea to review his basic commands once in a while,

even after he is perfect in them. After he executes all the basic
commands perfectly, then start to mix the order in which you give the
commands to your dog. This is to keep him aware and ready to do what
you want. If you always tell him to sit, then lie, he is going to start
anticipating. So, when you tell him to sit, he might just lie down,
knowing that command comes next. On the other hand, you will want your
dog to anticipate in just this fashion while teaching most of the tricks
in this book. You will 138 139 be linking basic commands together for
greater effect, and eventually your dog will begin to anticipate, and
will learn a routine that he will perform consistently after you give
him only a single command.

When teaching a dog any advanced obedience training, hand commands are
often the only way to communicate and get him to respond to you.

For instance, one of the simplest but most sought-after tricks is having
your dog "shake hands," that is, extend his paw when anyone makes the
gesture of wanting to take it. This trick is even taught with body
language, in fact. Simply tell your dog to sit and stay.

Extend your hand as you would when you go to shake hands, and with your
other hand gently push him to one side, throwing him slightly off
balance, at the same time saying "shake hands." He will automatically
lift his paw in order to regain his balance. At this point, simply take
hold of his paw and shake it, saying "good boy."

By placing your hand close to the paw you want, you can get him to give
you the paw of your choice on command, even to the extent of teaching
him to respond to "left' or "right." But whether your friends approach
him with "give me some skin,"

"puter there," or whatever, he will still understand and "shake"

whenever he sees their hand coming in the appropriate gesture.

Some training manuals give hand commands that do not direct the dog but
only look good. Ideally, your hand commands eventually become the
trigger of any trick. For instance, in teaching a dog to jump, you
constantly use the word "jump" at the time that he actually goes over
the object. This way he eventually learns to associate the word with
the action of jumping, but at the same time, he will also learn your
accompanying gesture. At first this gesture must be very expansive, but
eventually you can do it in a more contained way, so that finally a very
small, even unnoticeable, gesture can be used to trigger a command.

Some animals are more attuned to visual cues than others. This does not
depend on breed necessarily, but on the individual dog. If you work
fairly close to any animal and coordinate your voice and hand commands
with the movements of your head and eyes, eventually-by always working
step by step-you should be able to get the dog to respond solely to
changes in your facial expression. However, this requires much
concentrated hard work.

If on television or in the movies you see a dog picking one object out
of four and you can't hear his onstage trainer saying anything, he is
most probably giving a head or eye command. This is total body
communication between dog and trainer, and in my opinion is the greatest
form of dog training.

If a dog learns to respond to the basic hand commands from the very
beginning, these can eventually be linked together to form a more
complex command which he will be able to perform as long as he watches
your hands. Ultimately, you should be able to guide your dog by hand
commands the way a conductor leads an orchestra.

Are there any limitations on the tricks which dogs can perform?

it may not seem so, because your dog's ancestors have endowed him with a
remarkable physical agility. I once went down the steps to a California
beach, leaving Sleepy, my four-pound Maltese on the rocky cliff thirty
feet above. I assumed he would use the steps too. But instead, the dog
simply launched himself over the cliff in a series of short jumps from
rock to rock. If he missed his footing, he still had enough stamina to
leap back to his previous takeoff point, a feat generally conceded only
to mountain goats.

Your dog can charge right at you and stop short, without touching you.
In fact, a running dog will often brake so fast with his front feet that
his hindquarters swing around into a new position, ready to launch his
body in a new direction. This action is like the controlled skid
employed by racing drivers.

Have you ever seen a dog and his master walking down a street where the
local animals haven't been curbed? The man will usually step right in
a pile, the dog never. Even when a dog's running, he's surefooted
enough not to put his paws in the wrong place. Unless, of course, he
doesn't know it's a wrong place-if, for instance, he hasn't learned to
avoid the glint of a broken bottle.

Most of the time a dog will do anything for you. If something is too
difficult to do, he usually just won't do it. But since he can't
anticipate, he must learn by trial and error, and an eager owner can
sometimes push his dog too far. When teaching your dog to do anything,
check ahead of time to be sure that he is perfectly safe. There should
be no surprises, otherwise you'll scare him, and he'll never trust you.

Surprises have a place, but for punishments and reprimands only.

Common sense should tell you that not all dogs can do the same things.
For instance, you can't expect a ten-pound dog to jump a six-foot fence.
You wouldn't want to teach a dachshund to sit up on his hind legs,
because his back couldn't support him. In general, great Danes should
not be taught to jump over objects. Instead of strengthening their hind
quarters, as it would, say, a German shepherd, the weight of the
too-heavy body could damage them.

Some exercises are within a dog's capability, but are simply too complex
for any but an experienced trainer to teach. One woman had seen a Lhasa
do a somersault number on a television show and wanted her very own
acrobatic apso. I old her that her dog could probably learn the stunt,
but that I would have to teach the dog personally.

I don't attempt to teach owners to teach their dogs any complicated

acrobatics that can cause physical injury to eeither dog or owner. I
feel that the average person, no matter how well trained his dog may be,
is not qualified to teach such things, because great precaution and many
years of experience are required. I don't want to see any dog get hurt,
so stick to the simple but effective tricks that both you and your dog
can handle. Don't expect too much of your dog.

Allow him his doghood. He's not meant to be an entertainer.

Some of the tricks in this book may seem almost incredibly advanced, but
none of them puts your dog in the least physical danger.

Nor are they the last word in dog training. They're simply a primer to
show you what can be done. It's up to the individual owner to think of
new stunts and try them out.

Don't try to make an animal go completely against his nature, because it

is so much easier to work with what is already there. just as each
breed was bred for specific purposes, they have certain strong points
and certain weaknesses, and you should take them into account.

Hunting dogs are very good at any retrieving tricks, and tricks
involving the sense of smell. You might use your collie or Hungarian
pull to round up the children as he would sheep, for these are
herding-type dogs. A water spaniel or Labrador retriever can be taught
to ride on a surfing mat at the beach or dive down under water to
retrieve clams from the bottom.

Use your common sense along with your imagination and think up little
tricks for your dog to learn in accordance with his breed and

"roll Over" and "Play Dead" Many times I have to convince my clients
that exercising the dog in obedience is the best way to get him to
perform well. One lady got her dog to roll over by using a hair dryer
on him. I explained that she could have had him do the same thing
without props, after some constant coaxing and practice.

When teaching your dog to roll over, you must remember that he doesn't
really like to do this. It tends to throw him off balance, and an
animal likes to be in complete control of his body at all times.

Rolling over is not harmful in any way, however, and is a cute trick.

This is one of the few tricks for which I use a treat in training the
dog. First make your dog lie down, then take a dog biscuit and tempt
him with it, while holding him in a lying position. When he starts to
get interested in it, pass it in a circular motion over his shoulders
and around his back very slowly, keeping it just out of reach of his

His nose will follow the biscuit like a donkey after a carrot.
His head cannot go around in a complete circle, and so he has to move
his body around with his head in order to follow the movement of the
biscuit. In this way, he will naturally have to roll over, and while he
is doing so, use the command "roll over."

After he rolls over completely, praise him and give him the biscuit.
Repeat this exercise over and over, switching sides occasionally until
he understands. After you feel confident that he does understand, back
away a little and try making the motion-with the biscuit in your
hand-from a distance. If he does it, increase your distance. If not,
go back to the stage that he completed properly and work ahead from
there. Eventually, of course, you will no longer be using a biscuit to
tempt your dog. The circular motion made by your hand will become the
hand command for this trick. Ultimately, you should be able to make a
circular motion with one hand, and your dog, wherever he is, should lie
down and roll over. But even if you don't want to get quite this
sophisticated, do keep working until he does this trick to your

- "Roll Over" and "Play Dead" Play Dead The same roll-over technique is
used to teach your dog to play dead while lying on his back. The way to
do this is to have him roll over, then stop him when he reaches the
point where he has rolled onto his back.

Quickly give the command "stay," which he should have mastered in his
basic training. Hold him there until you want to release him from the
trick, then give him your release word such as "okay." After you
release him, praise him thoroughly and give him the biscuit.

Please always remember that "good boy" is not a release word, it is

praise. A dog should always have a word which releases him from all of
his commands, and he should know even from the first day of training
what this word is. So pick the word you want at the very beginning and
use it consistently.

Remember to use hand commands with all verbal commands from the very
beginning also: For "play dead," a semicircular motion followed by a
sharp stay motion will be the command.

Obviously, the "roll over" should be learned before the "play dead," as
this makes the latter exercise much easier for him.

Jumping-Over and Through jumping is not only a good-looking and exciting

trick, but also an extremely practical one-especially if you don't live
in the country. In the city there is very little space and opportunity
for a dog to exercise, and this situation shows no sign of improvement.
jumping condenses a dog's running into a compact controlled exercise,
and is one way of making up for the ten-mile walk per day that is
advisable for larger dogs.

For example, Labrador retrievers are strong sporting dogs, built low in
their hindquarters. Many aging Labs have trouble getting about, simply
because their hind leg muscles weaken with age (as do most dogs' legs).
But if labradors are trained to jump as puppies, their hind legs can be
strengthened enough to avoid later deterioration. It's simply a matter
of exercise, training those hind legs into proportion with the rest of
the body. This fact holds true for all breeds.

Before starting on jumping, however, make sure the dog is physically fit
to do so. Check with your vet and have him pay special attention to the
dog's hind legs. I don't recommend teaching some dogs of particular
breeds-such as great Danes, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, great
Pyrenees, Irish wolfhounds or mastiffs-to jump, because if these dogs
have hind-leg problems, the jumping could do them damage. Only jump
dogs, and especially these breeds, with a veterinarian's approval.

Four to six months is about the best time to start training your dog to
jump. Before this time, his hind legs are not developed enough to
support a jump, and he could possibly injure himself. Nor should you
teach your dog to jump until after he has been thoroughly basic
obedience-trained and knows such commands as "sit,"

"stay," and "come."

A great deal of control is necessary before you can accomplish this

trick, but if you have started obedience training at about six weeks of
age-which is my recommendation-your dog should be very well behaved by
the age of four to six months. Thorough obedience-training is necessary
before any of the more complex tricks are taught. Moreover, the more
tricks you can teach a dog white he's young, the more theyill be second
nature to him when he grows up.

When you start teaching your dog to jump, get yourself a hurdle that's
not too high-say twelve inches for large dogs and half that for small
dogs. It should be no trouble to nail a few old boards together, but
whatever you decide to use as the hurdle, make sure it can be fastened
securely to the ground, floor, or wall. Indoors, I recommend placing it
securely in the doorway between two rooms. The reason for this is that
if your dog accidentally knocks it over, he might never want to try
jumping again. By the same token, I suggest covering the board with a
towel or a blanket because if he hits a hard surface, it could hurt him.

Remember that once hurt, a dog will become frightened and never forget,
so be very careful the first few times until he gains confidence. This
same principle holds true for any new trick, including any jumps over
tricky or unusual objects.

Now that you are all set up, put a six-foot training leash on your dog
and bring him to one side of the hurdle. Use no commands, not even "sic
or "stay." Step over to the other side of the board still holding the
leash. Now pull your dog toward you.

Chances are he won't follow you on his own because the object is new to
him, and he is cautious. But simply pull him coaxingly over the hurdle,
saying "jump." Use no other word but "jump" as he is being pulled over.
With this, as with all other commands, make sure that the dog completes
the exercise every time you give the command. If he can't or won't
jump, nudge or pull him over. If he gets away with not doing it once,
he'll try not doing it again and again.

When he gets over the obstacle, no matter how reluctantly, praise him
profusely. Then step over to the other side of the board and repeat the
whole thing. Remember that praise is very important in this trick, as
it is in all tricks. Dogs live to please you, and your approval
encourages them.

Work for only five minutes at a time with lots of rest in between
exercises. Otherwise he'll get bored and won't see jumping as the
thrilling, exhilarating stunt it ought to be.

Repeat this exercise until the dog comes over to your side of the hurdle
without any pulling of the leash. Then take the leash off him and make
him jump over to you. If you find him a little obstinate once the leash
is off, call him to you. But just as he reaches the hurdle, use the
word "jump." And as he completes the jump, give him plenty of praise.
You are praising him for jumping, not for coming to you.

If this still doesn't work, go back a step and put the leash on him.

Whenever things aren't going right, go back to the stage where your dog
was doing the right thing!

Once he can jump on command without a leash over this small hurdle, 147
put the leash back on him. Make him sit and stay close to the hurdle,
with you on the same side this time. Point over it with one hand and
hold the leash in the other, telling your dog to "jump." If he balks,
jerk the leash. As soon as he starts to go over, drop the leash. when
he has gone over, then step over the hurdle to him, praise him, and
repeat the exercise from that side of the hurdle.
Take the leash off once he obeys without your having to jerk on it. By
now he should be able to jump whenever you point your finger and give
the command. If he doesn't, go back to the stage he can do and start
from there. At this point he should have enough confidence so that you
can remove the towel from his hurdle. It is also the right time for you
to start putting the hurdle in different spots around the house or yard.
Gradually move back from the hurdle, so that your dog has to run a
distance to reach it before jumping.

If he does all this well, you can try changing the object he is to jump.
If you don't vary the position and type of obstacle, you may find that
your dog will refuse to jump anything but the original hurdle. One of
my friends taught his dog to jump a small fence on New York's 36th
Street. He and his dog have since moved to Connecticut, but whenever he
wants to prove that his dog can jump, he has to come back to the city to
do it. So please use variety. But each and every time you change to a
new obstacle, start him off on a leash again.

This will make sure that the dog knows that you are asking him to jump.

Once your dog is bounding over whatever you point to (as long as it's
within his reach), then you can proceed to teach him trick jumping such
as through a hoop. Most owners don't realize that the concept of
jumping through a hoop is simply not a natural act for an animal.

Originally your pet cleared the hurdle because it was set up in a

doorway and the only way for him to get "around" it was in a vertical
direction. He thus learned the concept of up and over, but if I ask my
dog to jump a vertical object like a garbage can and he thinks it's a
bit too high for him, he will jump, but slightly to one side of the can,
just to protect himself. An animal is used to going to one side, or
under, or over obstacles, and sees no point in going through them unless
the aperture is like a doorway, enclosed on all sides. To be able to
jump through a hoop, he must learn to go over the bottom, under the top,
and between the two sides, which is slightly more complex than a simple
flying leap.

Take a large hula hoop, wrap it all around with toweling, and set up the
original hurdle you used when you first started to teach your dog to
jump. Put the leash on your dog and place him on one side of the
hurdle. Then feed the end of the leash through the hoop and place
yourself on the 148 opposite side of the hurdle, holding the leash with
one hand and the hoop steady on top of the hurdle with the other. Then
giving the command "jump," pull your dog over the hurdle and through the
hoop. Continue in the same way you did when first teaching your dog to
jump over. Once he gets the idea, remove the hurdle and hope for the
again, don't forget this is not a natural act for a dog, so use a great
deal of patience and plenty of praise. It may help if there's another
dog around who can perform the trick perfectly. Then your dog is likely
to pick up the concept and do it properly. But conversely, don't train
more than one dog at a time, since the results can be disastrous when
each dog picks up the mistakes of his fellow pupil.

I once tried to show a friend that my dogs were trained to jump through
things. I took a large, roughly circular wire sculpture down off its
pedestal and placed it, neatly blocking a doorway, then told my dogs to
jump through the central aperture.

This should have worked, except that the first small Maltese, who came
to the doorway first, had never jumped through this particular apparatus
before. So instead of risking a jump and possibly getting hurt, he
simply evaded the issue-ducked his head and squeezed under the
sculpture's lower hoop. The other Maltases followed suit. My
Weimaraner, following after them, naturally tried to go under it
himself, but not being built so close to the ground, he only succeeded
in shouldering the sculpture off balance. It capsized with a terrible
clatter, and he had to scramble frantically to get out of the way. The
piece wasn't damaged, but it became more difficult for me to teach him
to jump through that particular sculpture, since his first try ended in
racket and embarrassment "Out" or "Go" Certain exercises such as
jumping, fetching, and tracking are directed from a distance. If the
command "out" or "go" is taught correctly, you can send your dog out in
any direction you want, merely by pointing in that direction-and when he
gets there, your can give him any other commands you want. He should,
of course, respond immediately to these other commands, for at this
point in his training you should already have taught your dog all the
very basic commands, and he should really enjoy doing them to please
you. At the same time, the "out, or "go" command is a means of getting
your dog used to moving in whatever direction your hand points.

You can also use this command, of course, when you simply don't want
your dog around-but be careful. Many people have a tendency to use it
as a reprimand, like sending a child to bed without supper.

This technique does not work with dogs any better than it does with
children. In fact, it has even less effect with a dog, because he does
not understand what you are trying to do.

Many people make the related error of saying "go away" or "get out of
here" when their dog has done something wrong. This is a very bad
mistake, as the dog may never learn the "go" or "out" command correctly
once it has been used as a punishment. I don't say to be nice to your
dog after he has done something wrong. I mean that you should reprimand
him immediately and then ignore him, but never send him from you as a

To make your dog understand the word "out" or "go," whichever you prefer
or the obedience trials demand, start teaching your dog indoors, where
you can control his movements. First put a leash on your dog and walk
him over to a doorway. Then gently push or pull his leash until he
crosses over the threshold into the other room, but don't cross over
yourself. At the same time, give the command "out" or "go," pointing
with one hand. When he gets there, tell him "stay," go to him and
praise him very enthusiastically. Passing from one room to another
gives him a very definite objective, and he can easily associate the
word with crossing the threshold. You must show excitement in your
praise because 149 your dog has learned to be secure in your company-so
when first doing this, he may think you are sending him away because you
are displeased ,with him, and sulk out of the room. If you praise him
with great gusto, he will quickly get the idea that it is a good thing
to do.

Continue this exercise till the dog seems to be going through the
doorway on his own or with very little help. Then go on to the next
step. Take off the leash. Sit him facing the open doorway. Stand on
his right side and point to the doorway, giving the command "out" or
"go." If he does it properly, go to him and praise him, then repeat
this exercise going in the opposite direction through the doorway. If
he doesn't respond, nudge him through, and praise him when he's
completed it.

Continue this exercise, gradually increasing your mutual distance from

the doorway. But do not try to increase the distance until he is
completely ready. If he fails to respond properly at any point, then go
back a step until he is responding perfectly to both voice and hand
commands. Remember to say "out, only once. If he refuses to respond to
your command, you must make him do so. Start walking into him, pushing
him out. You must stop the instant he starts going on his own, and
praise him when he does the right thing, which in this case is when he
gets through the doorway.

Once he seems to have this down pat, then take him to other rooms and do
the same exercise. This will get him accustomed to working in different
areas. Always remember to start working with your dog at a very close
distance to the doorway, and as he learns the command, gradually
increase the distance.

Keep in mind that one of the objects of this command is to make your dog
look to you for direction at all times. Wouldn't you feel funny if you
were pointing in one direction and he ran the opposite way? So after
he starts responding to "go" with some ease, change the direction. Don't
always have him facing in the direction you want him to go, sometimes
turn his back to the doorway and then point to it to make sure that he
is following your hand directions. Even face him toward one door and
point to another.

If he starts off in the wrong direction, quickly use the word "no."

when he stops, call him. When he gets to you, don't praise him, but
make him sit. Start all over and gently push him in the right
direction. He should be praised only for completing the command
correctly. Go through this process very gradually and use patience.

Once he gets accustomed to watching your hand, you will be able to

control the direction he moves in.

When he is perfect inside, then you are ready to work him outside.

Remember, this command should be taught only after all the basic
obedience commands so that you can safely work with him outside, knowing
that he will come back when you call him.

Otherwise, his response to the command of "go" may well turn out to be

Before going ahead to new locations, always go back a step to make sure
he knows the command. As with all the other exercises, work with him
for short intervals.

Don't tempt him to "go" by planting a bone or toy. I only use these to
start teaching him tracking or complete direction finding, so I wait
till he has learned the "out" or "go" command 100 percent perfectly. If
and when he gets this, then you can place two of his favorite toys, such
as a ball and a bone, in one room. Then point in the direction of one
of the objects, telling your dog "go." When he starts to go, then say
"go get the ball" or "go get the bone," whichever you are pointing
toward. When he gets the correct object, praise him. If he doesn't do
it properly, repeat till he does. When he does all of this perfectly,
take the objects away and start sending him out in various directions
merely by pointing. After he starts following your hand directions, you
can then start sending him out to jump, fetch, or just to sit or lie

Carrying and Retrieving All of these exercises are concerned with a

dog's natural instinct to catch and carry objects in his mouth, plus his
ability to respond to "body language" in the form of hand commands.
A good rule in training is to start with the hardest problem first, not
the most complex, but the hardest for your dog to understand. As any
owner of a chewing dog will tell you, what a dog likes to hold in his
mouth is not necessarily the item you'd like him to. For this simple
reason, you must teach your dog to carry the object of your choice.

Before starting out to train a dog to fetch or carry, he must understand

that he is supposed to hold the required object in his mouth only, not
chew it. To get this crucial concept across, you must first teach him
to hold and drop on command.

The key to this exercise is the command "stay." First make the dog sit
and stay. Take the object you want your dog to retrieve and gently
place it in his mouth. Make sure that whatever you want him to carry
cannot harm him in any way. If he refuses to accept it, then place your
hand over his muzzle and press your thumb and forefinger inward, putting
pres sure on his jowls right behind the Canines, known in the movies as
"fangs." His mouth will automatically open. After his mouth is open,
place the object into it saying "take it," and close his mouth around
the object by holding his jaws shut with your hand.

Quickly push the palm of your other hand near his nose in a definite
emphatic "stay" motion, but using the verbal command "hold it," instead.

At the same time you say this, let go of his muzzle and back up one
step, with your hand remaining in the "stay" position.

As soon as he starts to chew or let it drop (as he usually will at

first), say no," and hold his muzzle shut. If he holds it, which is
very unlikely the first few times, keep your hand in the stay position
and praise him continuously. Do not use the release word, or you will
ruin everything. If he drops it, patiently go through the process over
and over until he eventually catches on. The most important thing for
you to remember is not to lose your temper or become disgusted, or you
won't be able to 152 153 teach him anything. He will learn, but only
by patient repetition. When he starts to hold the object, gradually
increase the length of time he is to hold on to it.

After he can hold an object on command for a minute or more, you can
teach him how to "drop it." To get him to drop the object, you simply
put your hand below his mouth ready to catch it. Your hand held in a
palm-upward position, as if ready to catch the object, will serve as the
hand signal in the future. If he doesn't drop it right off, with the
other hand repeat the process used to make him open his mouth, this time
also using the verbal command "drop it." Repeat this until he drops the
object on command, with no assistance. Eventually, the hand command
alone will be enough to make him drop it, but as you practice this
exercise, remember to back further away gradually, since you will not
want to have to stick your hand under his mouth every time you want him
to drop something.

Once he can do this, he can carry your newspaper, slippers, bag, or

whatever you want, which is certainly one of the favorite tricks.

Two words of reservation however: He is not yet ready to be trusted

,with a package from the butcher shop, unless you have taught him to
take, hold, drop-and not chew-something that is blatantly edible, such
as a dog biscuit. Also, remember that no dog has a completely dry
mouth. The presence of an object in his mouth will automatically cause
some secretion of saliva, so don't ask him to carry any suede shoes, or
articles that could be damaged by more than an iota of slobber.

Once your dog has mastered the hold-and-drop exercise, he is ready for
controlled retrieving. You can now control him to the point where he
will hold any object of your choice on command, sit and stay until you
release him, and drop it when you tell him to. The problem is to teach
him to get the object at a distance and bring it back to you. In order
to do this he must first have learned the command "out" or "go," which
we explained earlier, so that your dog will run in whatever direction
you point.

This, again, is a good example of the importance of a dog's

understanding hand commands. If he knows how to follow the motion of
your hand, he knows the direction you want him to go. If not, you
should go back to basic training and eeither teach or review your hand
commands, because as we said before, even in the best trained dogs,
including mine, constant reminder and repetition is the only way to
retain perfection. A dog will always try to test you and dominate.

This is his nature, and you must constantly prove you are the dominant

If you want your dog to retrieve, a much simpler one-word command is

"fetch." But this command is also the first of the "compound" commands
which we promised you earlier, composed of "out" or "go,"

"take it,"

"hold it,"

"sit/stay," and finally "drop it." To teach him to fetch properly, you
must run through these commands in sequence after saying "fetch," until
he associates the whole string with the initial, single command.
Your first step is to tempt him with the object. After he is really
interested in it, throw it out a short distance. He will usually go
after it. If he does, use the word 4'out, or "fetch" or even your own
command as long as it doesn't interfere with any other commands he's
learned. Don't say it too loudly, because he might think you are
reprimanding him and not go out after the object.

If he goes out and picks up the object, tell him to "hold it."

Call him to you with the word "come." When he gets to you, tell him to
"drop it," and when he does so, praise him.

Repeat this exercise until it becomes second nature to him.

However, if he breaks down anywhere along the line (for instance, if he

goes out after the object but refuses to take it in his mouth and bring
it back), isolate the command he has trouble with (in this example "take
it") and review it until he's perfect. Each of these commands has
already been explained, and any that he doesn't know perfectly, please
review. In fact, put him through each command on an isolated basis,
just to be sure. Sometimes even I have to remember that a dog, no
matter how well trained, will still have his own prejudices and
preferences. One day at the beach, I was having a great time throwing a
football around, and wanted to get my dog to fetch it back to me. But a
football is not built to fit in the mouth of an average-sized dog.

After trying to pick it up, Plum got frustrated and gave up. Now, for
dog owners who complain of their own pees reluctance to fetch, I tell
them to throw something their dogs can and will handle.

Once your dog performs retrieving perfectly, you are ready to practice
variations on the basic exercise. These could include "lie down" and
stay" once he actually picks up the object, and coming only after you
call him, jumping hurdles and then retrieving or vice versa, and
anything else he knows how to do, even rolling over once he has
retrieved. This is why I emphasize knowing each command thoroughly,
because every real "trick" is based on chaining basic commands. A child
cannot learn to ride a bike without learning a series of specific
motions, and the same thing is true for dogs. Once these are thoroughly
known, by both voice 155 and hand commands, then your imagination and
your doles physical abilities are your only limitations.

Remember that a dog can learn between eighty and a hundred commands in
his lifetime, so take advantage of it. Don't hesitate to teach him
routines comprised of any or all of his basic commands.
Fetching by Scent Discrimination For one of my favorite tricks, I have
Plum sit and stay, then I walk off about ten paces and put a five-dollar
and a ten-dollar bill on the floor, about a foot apart from each other.
Plum then goes and fetches whichever bill I tell him to.

This is a fairly simple example of a chained command, evolving from both

the "fetch" command and the "shake hands" trick discussed earlier.

I initially taught Plum to shake hands, then to distinguish left from

right merely by saying, give me your left paw, or right paw, as the case
might be. Along with the verbal command I, of course, used a hand
signal, pointing to the paw I wanted. Plum now understands the
difference between left and right, but if your dog doesn't as yet, you
can probably make it appear as if he does through careful use of hand

Once Plum understood the difference between left and right, I extended
this lesson to placing two objects a few feet in front of me and then
pointing to the left one, at the same time saying "fetch left," or
pointing to the right and saying "fetch right."

After a while Plum learned to pick the correct one by following both
voice and hand commands. I then eliminated the voice command and merely
used the hand command. Once Plum responded to this, I gradually made my
hand commands less and less noticeable. Eventually I merely had to make
a slight motion with eeither hand, and Plum knew what was expected of

At the same time, I varied the objects I expected Plum to retrieve. It

took a great deal of time and patience but was well worth the effort.
Sometimes people want to make things more complicated.

They try to trip me up by asking me to have my dog retrieve a specific

object from among several. In this case I can't use my normal signal,
and so I make sure I get a chance to hold the object to be retrieved in
my hand'Oh, do you mean this one?"-so that my odor is on it before it's
put down on the floor. Then I send Plum out to get it.

He usually hesitates for a while, waiting for my signal, but I cannot

give any hand commands at all, only the verbal command of "fetch it."

157 My personal smell is now his only clue. He wants to please me and,
with no other clue to go on, uses his most highly developed sense. Most
times he does this with ease, but unfortunately I cannot always help any
slight but involuntary motions with my hand, so sometimes he makes a
mistake and picks the wrong thing.
I have a way to save the situation, however, because besides everything
else, Plum knows enough to look to me for my approval, which just shows
the importance of praising your dog for doing the right thing. If I
show any sign of disapproval, such as a frown, Plum drops what he's
carrying and goes back again. This time he knows it's the odor he must
look for and picks the right one. When he is right, I always give him
some signal such as a smile or a quick "good boy" so that he has no
chance of being confused. People are always fascinated and try to see
what signal I give, but it is so subtle they usually cannot.

I also have a trick where my dog picks the correct magazine from a choke
of several. In this case I don't have to use any kind of signal, since
he has learned to distinguish some of the more popular magazines such as
Vogue, TV Guide, and New York Magazine, using the size differences and
cover patterns as his cue. In other words, he has learned to associate
the name with a magazine of a particular size.

This has taken years to accomplish and is no longer a "trick," but a

feat of memory and reasoning on his part.

If you want to teach your dog to do eeither of these two tricks, he must
first of all have completely mastered the retrieving exercise, by
responding to both hand and voice. Once he has done this and is
proficient in retrieving, he is ready to learn an intermediate step-how
to retrieve merely by using his sense of smell.

It is best to start with something he is used to, but preferably not a

ball, since a ball tends to roll when nudged or sniffed at, and this
motion can easily distract him. The best substitute is one of the plain
wooden dumbbells used in obedience trials. They are easy for a dog to
pick up and carry, since his mouth can close completely around them.

Keep throwing the dumbbell out and g him to bring it back as if it were
second nature to him, just as you did with his toys when you first
started teaching him to retrieve. After he's used to it, have someone
place two identical dumbbells about ten feet to one side of where the
dumbbell you throw usually lands. The whole point, of course, is that
these two should not have your smell on them.

Remember that to teach scent discrimination, you must make sure that
only one object has your scent on it. That is why it is important that
someone else place the other dumbbells. You must never even touch them,
since they will then be tainted with your odor, and he won't know what
to do. If you cannot get anyone to place them for you, then use a
shovel or kitchen tongs.

Never use gloves, for they have your odor on them, and the slightest
touch of anything that smells of you can destroy everything.

Gradually throwr simply place-the dumbbell he retrieves with ease closer

and closer to the other odorless dumbbells. Work at this for five to
ten minutes, and stop for about half an hour or so to let both you and
your dog rest. If he gets tired or bored, he won't want to retrieve any
dumbbell. Moreover, if you are working him outdoors in the summer, make
sure that you do so early in the morning or in the early evening. Never
work in the hot sun, because it could do your dog harm. The only tricks
to do at this time of day are water tricks.

Keep throwing or placing your dumbbell closer and closer to the others
until eventually it is right next to them. Your dog should
automatically pick out the familiar one, and if so, the trick is done!

If he takes the wrong one, tell him "no" and make him drop it, as he has
been taught. Go back to throwing or placing it at a distance from the
others, and gradually bring it closer again.

To make your dog perform properly, make sure you know what you're doing.
One of my clients complained to me that his dog could not do this trick
no matter how hard and long he worked on it, so I went over to check on
exactly what he was doing. When I got there, he proceeded to
demonstrate. He threw a dumbbell out as far as he could in one direc
tion, and when the dog took off after it, he quickly and daintily picked
up two other dumbbells, one in each hand by the thumb and forefinger,
and ran on tiptoe very quietly in the opposite direction.

He then dropped them quickly and ran back to his original position.

When I asked him what on earth he was doing, he explained that this was
where his dog broke down. He kept on hiding these two other dumbbells
with his scent on them, but his dog couldn't find them at all. I had to
explain that no dog is going to keep sniffing around after he's already
fetched one object and that, moreover, this trick is an exercise in
scent discrimination, not a scavenger hunt. The fact that he had missed
the point of the exercise completely didn't surprise me as much as the
fantastic speed with which the owner executed this whole procedure.

After your dog can handle one dumbbell out of three, you can start to
use different objects. Eeither have him pick the correct object from
among several identical ones, or from a variety of different objects.

But when working with a number of identical objects, remember to mark

the correct one so you can be sure that he retrieved it. Your sense of
smell isn't as keen as his.
Shopping The ultimate in fetching stunts is Plum's feat of shopping for
his own dog food in my absence, as was mentioned in the first chapter.
Again, this is the result of a long series of separate tricks that were
eventually chained together to form one. The best way to explain this
trick is to tell you how I taught my dog to do it.

I cannot give you exact directions, since I don't know what the shopping
situation is like in your neighborhood. I think that by changing a few
particulars, you can probably teach your own dog to shop. The first
thing I did was to take Plum over to the dog-food shelves in the local
supermarket-with the manager's permission, of course. I would bring a
piece of dog candy, put it on the shelf just a few inches from the edge,
and then let Plum take it and eat it. I did this until, whenever we
went into the supermarket, Plum would go straight to the dog-food shelf
to get his candy.

Once this was a well-established pattern of behavior, I had one of the

store assistants place the treat on the shelf for me. This way Plum no
longer waited for me to put it there.

The next step was to make him sit in front of the shelf and not allow
him to take the candy, which had already been placed there before our
arrival. Instead, I would place two cans just in front of the candy,
making sure he could see that it was still there. I would then tell him
to get his treat, and to do so he had to take it from behind the cans.
Once we established this, I proceeded to place a bunch of cans on
eeither side of the original two, leaving just enough space for Plum to
insert his nose. However, the space was just small enough that in order
actually to pick up the candy, Plum would have to knock the two cans in
front of it off the shelf.

I kept at this until he went straight for the shelf, didn't even bother
to sniff, but simply knocked off those two cans. Needless to say, the
candy was always there, not to disappoint him.

I then started on another step involving the commands, "take it,"

"hold it," and "drop it," all of which your dog should know by now.

Whenever I went into the supermarket, I made Plum pick up or "take" one
of the small carry-around shopping baskets that most stores have in 159
addition to carts. I then heeled him to the dog-food shelf, making him
hold the basket in his mouth all the way. When we got over to the
shelf, I sat him down with the basket in his mouth, directly in front of
the two cans hiding his treat. I then gave him the command to "drop
it." He simply dropped the basket to the ground, directly in front of
the cans. Then I told him to get his treat, which he did, and by doing
so, knocked (D 161 the cans into the basket. After he ate his candy,
I told him to pick up or "take" the basket, "hold it," and then "heel,"
until we got to the counter.

Prior to doing this I had made arrangements with the checkout girl to
take Plum's basket and give him a cookie in return, so that he was
rewarded for handing his basket over to the clerk. I made him sit and
stay. She put the cans in a bag, and when she handed it back to him, I
gave him the command to "take it." I then heeled him back out of the
store and around the corner to my house.

I repeated this process over and over for about two months, and only
then did I feel confident enough to let him try it alone. Well, he
bombed out. So I had to go back and start again, only this time I
gradually gave him his freedom in the store. I made sure that he picked
up the basket, but rather than heel him to the shelf, I allowed him to
go there by himself. After he did this, I made sure that my helper in
the store had not set any treat behind the cans and I stood back by the
front counter to see what would happen. He ran to the shelf, dropped
the basket in front of it, and knocked the cans down, looking for his
treat. When he couldn't find it, I immediately called him to "take" the
basket and come to me at the counter where I had the girl give him a

I continued this procedure, switching the treats around. One day they
were behind the cans, and the other they weren't. He always had a
fifty-fifty chance of getting one, so he naturally always took a quick
look to see if it was there. But no matter what, the girl at the
counter always had a treat for him. This way, he wouldn't hang around
the dog-food shelves knocking down cans right and left, because he had
learned the girl at the counter had a reward for him even if the cans
didn't. On the other hand, he wasn't sure there wasn't some candy
behind the cans, so rather than just head back to the counter for one
certain reward, he always tried for two. After about another month of
working it became a routine for him.

I then offered to let a dog-food company film Plum going into the
grocery store for his shopping routine. However, the dog-food company
advertising manager felt that dogs shouldn't be allowed in supermarkets
and threatened to call the Board of Health on the grounds that the whole
trick was unsanitary.

I advise anyone who wants to teach his dog this trick to expect to spend
a lot of time and to be extremely patient. Don't forget that if he goes
wrong on any aspect, you should work on that weak point until perfect.
This is the same advice I give on all tricks, but then, why should it be
any different? The trick, and the training, may be difficult, but the
principles are always the same.

Diving and Surfing Water tricks are ideal exercises for when you're at
the beach or in the country, especially in the heat of summer, when any
other exercise would leave your dog panting and uncomfortable. It makes
sense, though, to teach water tricks only to dogs who are naturally good
swimmers and who really enjoy water. I say dogs who enjoy water, not
breeds, because I cannot really specify any breed as being better for
this type of trick than any other, for I have seen dogs of every
conceivable breed and mixture who love water. One mixed breed-half
labrador, and half boxer-used to enjoy plunging into Long Island Sound
and swimming after the seagulls that flew overhead.

He didn't really have much expectation of catching them. He simply

liked the exercise-so much that he even went in for dips in January.

However, there are certain breeds who were created specifically to be

water dogs: the American and Irish water spaniels; English and Welsh
springer spaniels; golden retrievers; yellow and black Labrador
retrievers; flat-coated, curly-coated, and Chesapeake Bay retrievers;
poodles; Newfoundlands; and otterhounds, to name a few.

Once your dog can retrieve on command and can also swim, there is
absolutely no reason why you can't make him retrieve a stick or ball
which you throw into the water. But for a dog who likes swimming,
water-retrieving is absolute puppy's play. Diving down under water to
retrieve an object from the bottom is only one of the tricks that can be
taught to water-loving dogs.

Diving You'll notice that when dogs swim, they normally keep their heads
way out of the water, partly because they don't like to get water in
their ears. Some dogs will briefly put their noses under water and blow
bubbles, almost experimentally, but the most difficult trick to teach a
dog is how to submerge his whole head under water. I suggest working in
calm shallow water when starting on this feat. A lake with a graded
bottom or a pool with steps are good places to begin.

In teaching a dog to dive, I use clams as the objects to be fetched.

Diving and Surfing Waterlogged wood and stones have no odor. But clams
have a tangy, meaty smell about them that makes them far more appealing.
You may have to open a couple of clams for your dog before he gets the
idea there's really anything to them, but once your dog has zeroed in on
clams, it's a cinch to have him help you dig a pail of them for supper.

Tempt your dog with a clam, throw it for him on dry land, and have him
bring it back to you a few times. Then take him to the lake's edge or
the first step of the pool. Don't throw the clam in, but hold it in
your hand under his nose. Gently lower it just below the surface of the
water and out of reach of his mouth. Tell him to "take it." If he
refuses to take it, then bring it up to the level where he will take it,
and when he does, praise him. If he likes the taste, you can even open
the clam for him as a reward. Repeat this procedure over and over,
gradually lowering the clam further and further under the water's
surface. Make sure the dog takes the clam each time before lowering it
any further in the water. The early stages of this trick are the most
difficult, as he has to learn to submerge first his nose, then his eyes,
then his ears and finally his whole head under water-and dogs don't like

Once you get him to submerge his head, then it is just a matter of
patience and work to get the rest of your dog's body to follow and have
him retrieving objects from the bottom. Don't expect miracles in this
particular trick. It is not something that is suddenly going to click.

Careful, slow, patient work at every step of the way is necessary.

Five-minute intervals is more than sufficient time to work in.

Once you have achieved retrieving from the bottom right in front of his
nose, you can start to work at throwing the clam and sending him to
retrieve after it sinks. The dog paddle is not the most efficient means
of underwater propulsion, so throw it no more than a few inches further
at each stage of training. And remember that the depth a dog can reach
is proportional to his size. Don't ask a toy poodle to dive six feet.

Surfing In ten weeks on Fire Island, I taught Plum to surf in the ocean.
The reactions of bystanders are varied. Some are shocked at the thought
that a dog can do such things. Others are sure it's a gimmick: Aren't
his legs taped to the raft?

No, they're not. Plum takes the mat in his mouth and swims out through
the surf, climbs aboard, and rides the waves back to shore, even when I
am not in the water with him.

This trick does take a lot of time and patience. Again, it is best to
start off in a pool or lake.

The first thing to do is to get him to enjoy being on a mat. Use an air
164 mattress. Your dog's feet cannot get a grip on the smooth, polished
surface of a regular surfboard. Put on his collar, then wade out waist
deep, carrying your mat with you, and call your dog. If he enjoys
swimming, as he must if you hope to teach him this trick, he will gladly
come out to you.
The reason why you have gone out to waist level is so that your dog's
legs can no longer touch bottom. You and the mat, rather than the solid
ground under his feet, will give him his sense of security.

After he reaches you, grab hold of his collar. Ease him onto the raft
in a playful but firm manner. If you force or fight with him, you will
blow the trick before you even start.

Remember too that your dog cannot tread water efficiently, and must
circle to stay afloat, so don't try to hold him still in the water.
Moreover, his natural buoyancy will decrease as he comes out of the
water, so be careful you don't choke him. It's a great help to have
someone else beside you to hold the raft steady, since manipulating a
wet dog the size of a Weimaraner plus a bobbing, unattached raft, in two
and a half feet of water, is no picnic.

When he finally is on the raft, pull him around in the water very gently
so that he can get used to this new feeling. The main reason why he
must be treated with such care is that it is so complicated for him to
learn to balance himself, and doing water tricks is basically against
all the natural instincts of a land animal. Until he has time to
adjust, being on the raft gives him a feeling of helplessness.

Surely you remember how you felt when you first tried to get into a
rowboat or canoe? It usually takes quite a few times on the raft
before the dog learns to balance himself, so do expect to spend a lot of
time on this stage if you want him to do this trick correctly.

Once you feel that he is completely happy and comfortably balanced on

the raft, then you can proceed. I cannot judge at what point this will
happen, and therefore I must leave it up to your better judgment.

I know you want only the best for your dog, and would not want to push
him to the point of being hurt. Remember all the basic training for
this trick must be done in calm, placid water with you right there to
assist. As with all other tricks, never go beyond the stage that he can
perform properly. Go back and back again until he's perfect, and
practice for very short intervals at a time.

When you feel he's ready, start to give him simple, compact exercises to
do while on the raft, such as sitting, staying, lying down, and sitting
back up. If he is to be able to surf, he must learn to have complete
confidence and control of himself on the raft.

After he learns this, gradually back away from the raft and give him the
commands of "sit,"
"stay," etc. Always Make sure that you have a line attached to the raft
so it can't drift away from you. After he can respond to commands from
a distance, get behind him and start pushing the raft from the rear, so
that he gets used to the feeling of floating free without you there for
reassurance. These are the last phases of training that will take place
in the lake or pool. When all this is accomplished, and believe me, it
is a lot of patient hard work on your part, it is time to shift to the

The first time you try him in the surf, make sure it is a very calm day.
Again take the raft out waist deep and call your dog out to you. Put
him up on the raft, giving him no commands except "stay."

Get behind the raft and gently shove it to shore.

If he jumps off halfway in, start all over and do it again. Your job is
to make sure that he catches the right wave. He can't decide for
himself that every third, fourth or fifth wave is the right one.

You should be able to judge how much work he can take. Never overwork
him. After the first time out, you can start increasing the size of the
waves that you want him to ride on. Make this a very gradual change,
because this is one trick that can be completely destroyed by one

When he "wipes out," as he eventually will, you must restore as much of

his confidence as possible. Pull him out of the water as quickly as you
can, praise him, put him back on the raft immediately, praise him again,
then pull him in to shore. (This is the same principle as getting right
back on a horse after you've fallen off.) The next day, if the ocean is
calm, take him back out and again work him through the basic steps of
this trick, up to the point of actual surfing. See at what point he
gets uneasy, and then go back a step and start to build up again from
there. If you follow this procedure every time he wipes out or falls
off, eventually he will get used to falling off and become a top surfer.

One word of caution. This is not a trick for anyone who doesn't have a
great deal of time to put into training his pet. The dog must be
absolutely perfect in his basic training and have complete trust in his
owner, wanting to please him as much as he can, or else it will be
unsafe for him. Don't think you can just go out one afternoon and do
this trick with your dog, thinking it might be fun. This trick is
potentially dangerous, and if done incorrectly, it could kill your dog.

Follow my directions carefully, or don't do it.

Obedience Trials, Movies, and Commercials This book has covered most
obedience feats required for kennel-club obedience trials. The American
Kennel Club is the oldest known dog organization in the United States
and the most organized. I like to use some of their training standards,
since my clients derive great pleasure out of taking their dogs to AKC
obedience trials and seeing them work in competition with other dogs.
And I also enjoy seeing dogs that I have trained performing well.

For rules and format of these trials, please contact the AKC.

Find out what is expected of you from the different obedience trials and
adjust the training accordingly.

After you receive the information on regulations from the AKC, you will
notice that everything that a dog is expected to do from the lowest
obedience class to the highest is in some way covered in this book.
Unfortunately, it is really very difficult to explain the exact format
of these obedience trials. I could give you a schedule of all the
exercises your dog is expected to perform at each level of competition.
But the only way to know exactly what is expected of you and your dog is
to go to obedience trials and watch for yourself.

When you are showing your dog, however, I advise that you put him
through his paces for about fifteen minutes before the trial starts so
that his repertoire is fresh in his mind. I also advise that he be
completely housebroken, because your dog can get disqualified if he
relieves himself in the ring. So walk him first.

Getting a dog to perform tricks before the camera is, again, simply a
matter of linking basic commands taught in this book.

However, the main problem with commercials and movies is that a dog
usually has to perform a feat twenty or thirty times in a row, or
rather, the trainer has to be able to make him. From what you know now
of a dog's capacity for boredom, you can see that this is not easy.

The heat of the lights is another problem for animals that are supposed
to appear cool and collected.

A dog often misbehaves on the set for the same exact reasons he does in
166 167 a new locale. There are odd sounds, strange smells, new
people, and often other dogs to contend with. On a commercial I was
shooting, a problem developed when the dog moved his bowels on the set.
A, reading of the union rules was required to determine whose
responsibility it was to clean it up. It turned out that it was the
responsibility of the gaffer, or electrician, until it hit the
ground-whereupon the responsibility fell on the prop man.
I use "rapid" training for film and commercial use. This training is
not merely in the interests of speed, but to overcome the myriad
distractions that conspire to reduce a dog's attention span. By using
this technique, I don't give the animals time to make mistakes while
they're getting the routine down pat. By the time they get around to
testing my authority, they have done what the script calls for, for as
many times as the director wants, and the commercial or film has been
shot. In addition, most of the dogs I work with belong to my clients
and as I've worked with these dogs before, I have established a working
rapport with them. So I can't help but get good results.

Most commercials demand constant improvising, because the more you get
the dog to perform, the more the director wants. For one commercial,
all Inches was supposed to do was bark at a mailman. On the final cut,
he would be wearing the mailman's hat, standing up on his hind legs, and
delivering a letter.

Basically, I use the same techniques in training for commercials and

films as taught in this book. However, when dogs are in the act, you
must get the shot when you can, because a dog's attention span is
limited. And, unlike humans, the concept of "stardom" is not an

Of course, there are stock shots that are accomplished through little
tricks. These include such things as clapping your hands to make a
dog's ears perk up, the sight of another dog to make a dog look excited,
or a firm "no" off camera to make a dog's ears droop. When recording
live, however, one cannot make any noise at all, and this is where our
hand commands play an important role.

Most TV and movie tricks are within your dog's capacity. The only
problem is that unless you understand the actual mechanics of
filmmaking, you can't really do a thorough job.

To many producers and directors, the dogs are animated scenery, and only
the human actors are religiously referred to as "the talent."

Many production companies don't care about the dog, just the movie. An
inconsiderate production assistant will often order up food and drink
for the cast but nothing for the tired, overheated animals. Often
directors want a fairly realistic dogfight-you know, the heroic dog
protecting his master from the villain's German shepherd. And they
assume that 1 68 because an animal can be trained to "play" with a
human actor in a way that looks pretty grisly on camera, two dogs can
"play" with each other in an equally convincing manner. What they don't
understand is that full-grown dogs don't play with strange dogs, not
even with friendly ones until dominance has been established. Two dogs
encouraged to sic each other can easily get carried away, and at least
one of them will get hurt.

I have always made sure that all of my animal talent are treated
humanely. There really is no entertainment value to be gotten from
seeing animals misused, so I refuse to work when an animal has to be
hurt in order to make him perform, or must work under dangerous

If you want your pet to be used in movies or commercials, here are a few
pointers: Make sure that he is thoroughly obedience trained and trick

o Be cautious of "acting classes" for dogs. Thorough obedience training

never hurt any dog, but make sure that the school he goes to is a
reputable one. There are far too many trainers around who take
advantage of people's love for their dogs.

Register him with reliable animal talent agencies, production companies,

and ad agencies. Include in his resume a picture and all relevant
information like size, color, etc. Also list the tricks he can do.

Remember that your main reward will be personal satisfaction rather than
money. Always keep in mind that dogs do not receive residuals from
commercials and that agents should and do take a fee.

If your dog is performing, and if you are not a professional trainer, it

may be better for you to stay away from the shooting entirely. You may
only get in the way.

For example, Inches had gotten used to looking for my %wife, Jo, and
following her cues only. Not only did he refuse to perform at my
commands, but did a few leg lifts on the set as well. Jo left, and the
problem was solved. Inches could now concentrate on his work and not

If your dog will perform for you, he should do just as well with an
on-set trainer. Besides, you won't be missing much if you do stay away.
A location is usually a fairly dull place, with many different people
milling about but very little apparently being accomplished.

Once the cameras begin to roll, the scene is usually repeated again and
again, to the point of savage tedium to anyone not directly involved.

So if you do attend, leave the day free, and bring a good book.
Attack Dogs Muggings and burglaries have reached epidemic proportions in
most cities, and even in suburbia. Dogs have always been great at
holding off intruders, of course, and many owners choose their pets for
exactly this purpose. One New Yorker has two Dobermans-one for home and
one to keep watch on his car. With a Doberman sitting right inside,
who's going to bother it, or even think of stealing? Another career
lady takes her pug along to the movies for protection. Young girls
walking after midnight feel more carefree in the wake of a burly

So popular is the watchdog-security theory that intrepid American

marketers have invented mechanical watchdog devices for empty homes.

The intruder steps on the welcome mat, touching off a tape of a dog
barking. It's fine until the recording gets scratched or stops in
midbark. But most security-minded people want the real thing, an
honest-to-God attack-trained guard dog, and it is here that they make a
potentially tragic mistake.

Attack dogs were originally trained to fight each other for sport, or to
run messages and fight against other attack dogs in wartime. But %with
airplanes and tanks doing our fighting for us these days, attack dogs
have moved to a new battleground and a new enemy, the criminal.

Attack trainers often claim that their methods are "humane," but there
is no humane way to make a dog attack human beings on command.

The training used to be humane, inasmuch as the dog was simply left to
his own natural protective devices. But as crime rates prove, it is
increasingly hard to trust anyone, and so modern attack dogs have to be
trained to see every human being as an immediate threat to be
dispatched. Today's attack-dog-to-be is teased by a "professional
agitator," tied to a pole and beaten, shouted at, put in a dark room
where things he cannot see are hurled at him-and finally made to think
that he will be physically hurt if he doesn't attack. Once the dog has
the confidence to take on his antagonists, his master frequently can
only "control" him by belting him with a length of chain. An attack
dog's lot is hardly better than a prisoner of war's, and they are
treated in cruelly similar ways. And this is 169 just the damage you do
to the dog. Anyone in his vicinity is a potential victim.

The danger of owning an attack-trained dog is no secret. In some

states, and it should be true in all, such dogs come under special
regulatory laws, mostly because of their liability factor. You must
notify the local fire, police, and animal-regulations departments so
that they will be aware of your dog if they should have some emergency
proceedings on your property. A courageous fireman or policeman has
enough on his mind.

A strange voice rang me up and asked: "Can you train dogs to attack?"

I asked him why he wanted one and told him that I don't like to train
attack dogs unless it's absolutely necessary. The Caller's answer was
hard to believe: "Just in case somebody bothers me, I want the dog to
rip his eyes out!" I hung up.

Often the individuals who want such an animal are frustrated fighters,
living out their particular physical fantasies through their dogs, so
they are a hundred times more dangerous than they are protective. Whom
are they protecting from whom? The dog can get confused about this

Attack dogs are trained to kill and maim-these are their main commands.

Sometimes training stops before the dog is completely trained.

He just knows how to bark and bite uncontrollably. What is usually

neglected is thorough basic obedience training.

Many are trained to attack anyone who lifts his hand as if to strike the
animal or his master. Even if he doesn't tear into some little boy
waving at a friend across the street, he will be constantly on the
lookout for his cue, ready to "perform" on anyone who shows 'aggression"
that is only in his mind.

What makes people think they can handle this kind of a dog?

Owners learn by trial and error, and sometimes by accident. I train

attack dogs only when I feel it's absolutely necessary, such as when I
receive a request from law-enforcement agencies. However, I am
beginning to wonder about the necessity for anyone owning an
attack-trained dog. It's like owning a loaded gun. It's necessary to
control the attack dog continuously, and few people have enough control
of themselves-let alone a trained killer.

The male dog is a dominant animal, and the master is teaching him to
become more so by attacking his human companion. Therefore, the
creature is even more likely than a normal dog to test his master.

Even if you're not lax on discipline, at five and six years of age,
attack dogs know how to handle you, and there's an excellent chance that
once an attack dog reaches his peak, he will turn on his master.

One New York department store employs seven Dobermans to guard its
premises and a trainer who takes care of them full time. During the day
the dogs relax in a cage on the roof, and roam the store by night. One
day while their trainer was feeding them in the penthouse enclosure, two
dogs started a fight over a contested chunk of beef. When the trainer
attempted to break them up, they forgot their mutual differences and
turned on him. He was badly bitten, and only a fast rush and a slam of
the enclosure door saved his life.

If an attack dog's target has little experience with such beasts, he'll
have no chance of remaining in one piece. Even if you're a
professional, and you know the right clues to when he's making a move,
you're going to be in for it. When any dog's ready to test you, he'll
make some aggressive gesture that may appear fairly innocuous. We've
covered the significance of a leg lift, and a growl is obvious. But
ironically, the indications that an attack dog really means business are
not so obvious.

A straight, unwavering gaze, lowered ears, rising hackles, and a stiff

tail are all early-warning signs, but not always displayed by a dog
about to lunge. Hackles are usually raised when a dog is frightened

or angry.

If he's about to attack you in cold blood, he often won't bother to

raise his hackles. The definitive thing to watch for is the dog's body
movements. A dog will begin moving stiffly, almost on tiptoe, his whole
body contracting and tensing into one huge fist. He's quietly checking
out each muscle, getting ready to move instantly, whenever he sees his
best chance.

If a hostile dog is faced with several possible human targets, he will

usually go with the strongest odor. We sweat both when we're angry and
when we're frightened. A dog does not discriminate between your anger
and your fear. All he knows is that the most "emotional" figure is
probably the most motivated, and hence the greater risk to him, so he'll
go for that one first.

If you must have an attack dog, follow the pattern adopted by most
attack trainers. Have only one dog. (More than one constitutes a
pack.) And be with that one constantly. The person who wants this type
of dog should be present for months and months of intensive training
with him. In fact, he should be with the dog continually, because a
well-trained animal should attack and withdraw only at his master's
command. One attack trainer has kept his "floor sample" attack dog with
him day and night for nine years, and gives it constant commands for
other, less lethal tricks, to emphasize how supposedly docile the dog
When attack training is necessary for law enforcement or the military, I
suggest using only a female dog. A male will look to take over the

He has a way of testing you and knowing enough about you to take you on.
More of a companion, the female dog thinks more of protecting her master
than of attacking his enemies (or him). She doesn't have any
domineering plans. She is more gentle, very much wants to please and
follow your instructions.

If the whole idea of an attack-trained dog still appeals to you, please

be aware of all the dangers and responsibilities. And remember, too,
that a clever burglar can easily defend himself against most attack
dogs. Some trainers teach dogs to attack by using a padded sleeve to
agitate them. Naturally, the dog learns to go for the sleeve only,
leaving himself wide open for a blow on the head.

One owner had trained his dog to attack whenever a stranger approached
with his hand raised in a threatening gesture. "Pretend you're going to
attack him," he invited. I simply pointed my index finger at the dog
and cocked my thumb: "Bang!" The dog never budged, and faced with a
revolver, he wouldn't have had a chance to. On the other hand, a child
waving his hand playfully would elicit this dog's attack response.

Attack dogs have other built-in weak spots too. All an enterprising
burglar need do is introduce a tiny (and easily portable) female in heat
to the dog-patrolled premises, and his worries are over.

A single attack dog will rather make love than war, and in the presence
of a female, two or more male attack dogs will literally annihilate each
other! This is another reason why I advise using females for attack
training, if at all-not only are they more ready to accept commands and
easier to control than males, but they are also immune to seduction.

There's still another drawback, in that an attack dog remains what he

has been taught to become-a savage, unpredictable beast-virtually
forever. He'll never retire into being a family pet, never be a
companion you can play and relax with. An attack-trained dog cannot
roam free in the house or behave like a normal dog. If he's ever to be
returned to society, his detraining, by necessity, has to be more brutal
than the original attack training.

The dog's original confidence has to be sapped, completely.

Here's where I have to employ an electric collar-to save my life.

There's a separate transmitter that can be activated simply by pressing
a button. For shock-collar training, a dog should be fitted first with
a dummy collar resembling the real thing so he won't associate the new
collar %with punishment. The dog is fitted with the real collar and
then commanded to attack. As soon as he lunges, press the button on the
transmitter and hold the charge until the dog stops his attack.

This is unpleasant, but don't blame me. Blame whoever attack-trained

the dog in the first place.

The procedure is repeated until the dog no longer attacks on command;

literally, until he becomes afraid of people. But unlike the
"conditioning" administered to the violence-prone Alex in 4 Clockwork
Orange, this detraining is not based on conditioned response. That is,
the dog learns to be consciously shy, while his earlier attack-training
is simply repressed, buried beneath a new set of "lessons. But still
there is no guarantee that he won't relapse into his old habits When he
gets spontaneously carried away. Or he may simply decide to test his
master, as all dogs do, at a time when the electric collar is safely
packed away. Unfortunately, the only way to be sure of a former attack
dog is to have him put to sleep.

all of which helps to explain why I ask people to think twice before
embarking on attack-training a dog. Think of what you're doing to the
animal. Even if he is later detrained, he'll always be afraid of you,
incapable of ever being a lovable, trustworthy pet. And quite
literally, your loss may be greater than his.

.attack dogs must be for professionals only. Don't let yourself be

taken in by the occasional unscrupulous trainer who says you need an
attack dog for protection, and tries to sell you one for many hundreds
of dollars.

Versus Defense Pets Does the preceding diatribe against attack dogs mean
that you shouldn't consider getting a dog to help ward off evildoers?
Not at all. just the sight of anyone with a large dog makes your
run-of-the-mill mugger think twice.

One lady was letting her wholly docile sheepdog relieve himself in the
space between two cars on a darkened street. As she stood on the
sidewalk, letting the six-foot leash go slack, two thugs sauntered up
and snarled, "Give us your money."

"I'll give you this," she said, jerking the leash in one swift pull.
When her previously unseen dog bounded into view, her attackers fled.
The point is that many criminals are afraid of any dog. As long as
attack dogs do exist, no miscreant can be sure that your dog isn't one.
And, therefore, he doesn't really have to be.

There are certain exceptions to this rule, of course. One of my clients

was mugged while walking his dog on Fourteenth Street. The dog barked
and growled to no avail, while the mugger took the owner's wallet and
fled. I had to explain to him that not everybody is scared of
four-pound dogs. Another owners pet was so docile that he emitted his
first growl only after his owner had been held up.

However, muggers have often admitted they would never go after anyone
with a dog, however small. And the presence of a dog, of any size,
inside your home is still more of a discouragement to a prospective
felon, who may just choose the peace and quiet of the place next door. A
small Pekingese is not as helpful as a giant mastiff, but he can still
make a painful dent in an intruder's leg.

Qui necessary. The Caller's answer was hard to believe: "Just in case
somebody bothers me, I want the dog to rip his eyes out!" I hung up.

Often the individuals who want such an animal are frustrated fighters,
living out their particular physical fantasies through their dogs, so
they are a hundred times more dangerous than they are protective. Whom
are they protecting from whom? The dog can get confused about this

Attack dogs are trained to kill and maim-these are their main commands.

Sometimes training stops before the dog is completely trained.

He just knows how to bark and bite uncontrollably. What is usually

neglected is thorough basic obedience training.

Many are trained to attack anyone who lifts his hand as if to strike the
animal or his master. Even if he doesn't tear into some little boy
waving at a friend across the street, he will be constantly on the
lookout for his cue, ready to "perform" on anyone who shows 'aggression"
that is only in his mind.

What makes people think they can handle this kind of a dog?

Owners learn by trial and error, and sometimes by accident. I train

attack dogs only when I feel it's absolutely necessary, such as when I
receive a request from law-enforcement agencies. However, I am
beginning to wonder about the necessity for anyone owning an
attack-trained dog. It's like owning a loaded gun. It's necessary to
control the attack dog continuously, and few people have enough control
of themselves-let alone a trained killer.
The male dog is a dominant animal, and the master is teaching him to
become more so by attacking his human companion. Therefore, the
creature is even more likely than a normal dog to test his master.

Even if you're not lax on discipline, at five and six years of age,
attack dogs know how to handle you, and there's an excellent chance that
once an attack dog reaches his peak, he will turn on his master.

One New York department store employs seven Dobermans to guard its
premises and a trainer who takes care of them full time. During the day
the dogs relax in a cage on the roof, and roam the store by night. One
day while their trainer was feeding them in the penthouse enclosure, two
dogs started a fight over a contested chunk of beef. When the trainer
attempted to break them up, they forgot their mutual differences and
turned on him. He was badly bitten, and only a fast rush and a slam of
the enclosure door saved his life.

If an attack dog's target has little experience with such beasts, he'll
have no chance of remaining in one piece. Even if you're a
professional, and you know the right clues to when he's making a move,
you're going to be in for it. When any dog's ready to test you, he'll
make some aggressive gesture that may appear fairly innocuous. We've
covered the significance of a leg lift, and a growl is obvious. But
ironically, the indications that an attack dog really means business are
not so obvious.

A straight, unwavering gaze, lowered ears, rising hackles, and a stiff

tail are all early-warning signs, but not always displayed by a dog
about to lunge. Hackles are usually raised when a dog is frightened

or angry.

If he's about to attack you in cold blood, he often won't bother to

raise his hackles. The definitive thing to watch for is the dog's body
movements. A dog will begin moving stiffly, almost on tiptoe, his whole
body contracting and tensing into one huge fist. He's quietly checking
out each muscle, getting ready to move instantly, whenever he sees his
best chance.

If a hostile dog is faced with several possible human targets, he will

usually go with the strongest odor. We sweat both when we're angry and
when we're frightened. A dog does not discriminate between your anger
and your fear. All he knows is that the most "emotional" figure is
probably the most motivated, and hence the greater risk to him, so he'll
go for that one first.
If you must have an attack dog, follow the pattern adopted by most
attack trainers. Have only one dog. (More than one constitutes a
pack.) And be with that one constantly. The person who wants this type
of dog should be present for months and months of intensive training
with him. In fact, he should be with the dog continually, because a
well-trained animal should attack and withdraw only at his master's
command. One attack trainer has kept his "floor sample" attack dog with
him day and night for nine years, and gives it constant commands for
other, less lethal tricks, to emphasize how supposedly docile the dog

When attack training is necessary for law enforcement or the military, I

suggest using only a female dog. A male will look to take over the

He has a way of testing you and knowing enough about you to take you on.
More of a companion, the female dog thinks more of protecting her master
than of attacking his enemies (or him). She doesn't have any
domineering plans. She is more gentle, very much wants to please and
follow your instructions.

If the whole idea of an attack-trained dog still appeals to you, please

be aware of all the dangers and responsibilities. And remember, too,
that a clever burglar can easily defend himself against most attack
dogs. Some trainers teach dogs to attack by using a padded sleeve to
agitate them. Naturally, the dog learns to go for the sleeve only,
leaving himself wide open for a blow on the head.

One owner had trained his dog to attack whenever a stranger approached
with his hand raised in a threatening gesture. "Pretend you're going to
attack him," he invited. I simply pointed my index finger at the dog
and cocked my thumb: "Bang!" The dog never budged, and faced with a
revolver, he wouldn't have had a chance to. On the other hand, a child
waving his hand playfully would elicit this dog's attack response.

Attack dogs have other built-in weak spots too. All an enterprising
burglar need do is introduce a tiny (and easily portable) female in heat
to the dog-patrolled premises, and his worries are over.

A single attack dog will rather make love than war, and in the presence
of a female, two or more male attack dogs will literally annihilate each
other! This is another reason why I advise using females for attack
training, if at all-not only are they more ready to accept commands and
easier to control than males, but they are also immune to seduction.

There's still another drawback, in that an attack dog remains what he

has been taught to become-a savage, unpredictable beast-virtually
forever. He'll never retire into being a family pet, never be a
companion you can play and relax with. An attack-trained dog cannot
roam free in the house or behave like a normal dog. If he's ever to be
returned to society, his detraining, by necessity, has to be more brutal
than the original attack training.

The dog's original confidence has to be sapped, completely.

Here's where I have to employ an electric collar-to save my life.

There's a separate transmitter that can be activated simply by pressing

a button. For shock-collar training, a dog should be fitted first with
a dummy collar resembling the real thing so he won't associate the new
collar %with punishment. The dog is fitted with the real collar and
then commanded to attack. As soon as he lunges, press the button on the
transmitter and hold the charge until the dog stops his attack.

This is unpleasant, but don't blame me. Blame whoever attack-trained

the dog in the first place.

The procedure is repeated until the dog no longer attacks on command;

literally, until he becomes afraid of people. But unlike the
"conditioning" administered to the violence-prone Alex in 4 Clockwork
Orange, this detraining is not based on conditioned response. That is,
the dog learns to be consciously shy, while his earlier attack-training
is simply repressed, buried beneath a new set of "lessons. But still
there is no guarantee that he won't relapse into his old habits When he
gets spontaneously carried away. Or he may simply decide to test his
master, as all dogs do, at a time when the electric collar is safely
packed away. Unfortunately, the only way to be sure of a former attack
dog is to have him put to sleep.

all of which helps to explain why I ask people to think twice before
embarking on attack-training a dog. Think of what you're doing to the
animal. Even if he is later detrained, he'll always be afraid of you,
incapable of ever being a lovable, trustworthy pet. And quite
literally, your loss may be greater than his.

.attack dogs must be for professionals only. Don't let yourself be

taken in by the occasional unscrupulous trainer who says you need an
attack dog for protection, and tries to sell you one for many hundreds
of dollars.

Versus Defense Pets Does the preceding diatribe against attack dogs mean
that you shouldn't consider getting a dog to help ward off evildoers?
Not at all. just the sight of anyone with a large dog makes your
run-of-the-mill mugger think twice.
One lady was letting her wholly docile sheepdog relieve himself in the
space between two cars on a darkened street. As she stood on the
sidewalk, letting the six-foot leash go slack, two thugs sauntered up
and snarled, "Give us your money."

"I'll give you this," she said, jerking the leash in one swift pull.
When her previously unseen dog bounded into view, her attackers fled.
The point is that many criminals are afraid of any dog. As long as
attack dogs do exist, no miscreant can be sure that your dog isn't one.
And, therefore, he doesn't really have to be.

There are certain exceptions to this rule, of course. One of my clients

was mugged while walking his dog on Fourteenth Street. The dog barked
and growled to no avail, while the mugger took the owner's wallet and
fled. I had to explain to him that not everybody is scared of
four-pound dogs. Another owners pet was so docile that he emitted his
first growl only after his owner had been held up.

However, muggers have often admitted they would never go after anyone
with a dog, however small. And the presence of a dog, of any size,
inside your home is still more of a discouragement to a prospective
felon, who may just choose the peace and quiet of the place next door. A
small Pekingese is not as helpful as a giant mastiff, but he can still
make a painful dent in an intruder's leg.

Quite obviously, the major factor in any dog's "protective" ability is

bluff, and a good "frone, can be instilled in any dog without actually
turning it into a killer. And just a dog of the right breed can
automatically spell "danger": Now the Doberman had the driver of
the..... taxi backed up against his cab, screeching hysterically.......
It was clear that he felt he was about to be chewed up and killed, for
no reason 174 1 75 at all, by some vicious animal that had come out of
the darkness. . . . -HUNTER S. THOMPSON The Doberman Pinscher's
reputation as an attack and terror dog was one of the Germans' most
successful propaganda campaigns, because even today many people are
frightened just by the sight of this dog. The owners of even the most
docile Dobermans will tell you that people always ask them if their dogs
are vicious or have ever turned on them.

The Doberman was first bred to be a very vicious dog. A nervous

greyhound bitch was bred for her speed and aggressiveness to a mile
Rottweiler for his strength. The resultant dog was a Doberman pinscher.
His tail and ears were clipped for two reasons: first, to make him
appear Satanic and, secondly, to give a human no chance to grab hold of
him and stop his attack. The truth of the matter is that if you left
the ears alone, the Doberman pinscher would be a lovable-looking dog.
This is not to say that a Doberman can't do any damage, but so can other
breeds. It's just that the Doberman has the reputation of being the
"hell's angel" of the dog world. For sheer menacing appearance, a
German shepherd takes second place.

I train many dogs to bark on a signal from their owners. These dogs are
called guard dogs.* It often makes people feel safer when out walking to
know that their dog will bark on command. The sound of barking dogs can
be very reassuring wherever crime rates are a problem.

I like my dogs to bark when they are left alone in my apartment.

Including Plum, there are four of them in there (plus Martha, the
parrot, who has also learned to bark, if not quite as ferociously). My
immediate neighbors are only too happy to have my gang sound off at the
approach of the elevator. I like them to bark so the place doesn't get
robbed. But even a burglar alarm needs a turnoff switch, and when I
raise my voice above the din to tell them to shut up! they do. (If
I'm not there, they keep on with the noise, but then, so does a burglar
alarm.) Induce barking by making a game out of it. You might open an
umbrella and make movements toward your dog. His first bark will be in
fright. After he barks, back up. This will give him the confidence to
test you the next time, to see if you'll back up when he barks. You're
giving him confidence, because after all, you keep backing up. You
might try covering your face with your arm, like a bandit. Play with
him. But * My guard dogs are trained to growl, bark, and generally
appear aggressive. They are not vicious and will not attack. However,
in some training schools "guard" and "attack" mean the same thing.

So check to be sure.

when he barks of his own accord, cover his mouth with your hand and say
"no." Teach him to bark only when you want him to.

To train your dog to bark at others, have a friend cover his face with a
coat or umbrella and make aggressive motions and sounds at the dog. At
the same time nudge your dog forward, saying "watch him'r what ever
command word you prefer. When the dog starts to bark, have your friend
quickly back away. This will give the dog confidence.

Praise your dog and say "good boy." Eventually the dog will connect the
command watch him" with barking. Work this exercise no more than ten
minutes per day. Be patient, it takes time.

A barking dog is not a good deterrent for an "inside job" burglary. If

a burglar wanted to rob this apartment, his best move would be to visit
me four or five times, stop in, say hello, and leave.

The dogs would still bark when he entered later, but not as emphatically
as they would if he were a total stranger. Of course, they would also
be familiar to him, and he wouldn't be frightened by noise alone.

One of my favorite tricks is to instruct nine-pound Inches to "guard

this with your life." A diamond brooch, or a dog-eared TV Guide, it
doesn't matter. I simply drop the object at Inches' feet.

If anyone, on four legs or two, approaches, Inches begins furious

barking and snarling, and he's built low enough to the ground to defend
his claim. If I tell Plum to "go get that from Inches," Plum
approaches, gets barked at, and retreats.

This "defense" training was simple. I simply made a few moves toward
Inches' personal toys, leather bones, and goods, on various occasions.
Inches was praised for showing aggression when told to, but I made it
clear that barking was the limit. In short, I transformed the dog's
natural defensive reaction into a trick that was under my control.
Inches knew that he wasn't really supposed to hold the line at any cost.
It was a game. But a visitor or casual stranger does not see the
"trick." Inches' barking and my sinister command create the proper

Sniffing Out Bombs and Drugs This type of training is used mostly by the
armed services and law-enforcement agencies across the country. A dog
with his keen sense of smell and never-ending nosing around can be more
efficient than some of the most sophisticated devices man can conjure

Marijuana and hashish contain a particularly aromatic resin that a dog

can detect quite easily. Unless you repeatedly wash your hands and wrap
your stash in layers of plastic bags, it's almost impossible to avoid
transferring some of this resin to the outside of your container, where
a dog can detect it. But so can you, once it's burning, and so
pot-sniffing is really not a terribly practical sideline for your dog,
unless you plan to use him to amuse and disconcert your counter-culture

Sniffing out marijuana and hashish puts your dog in no possible danger.
On the other hand, with the harder drugs such as heroin, there is a
distinct possibility of the dog becoming addicted, because you have to
train him with samples of actual drugs you want him to seek out. It is
pretty silly to try to get a dog to sniff out cocaine because this drug
will freeze his sense of smell and he won't even be able to smell
During World War II, the Germans used to send attack-trained Dobermans
out after refugees trying to escape across the mountains into neutral
territory. The underground would mix dried blood powder with cocaine
and leave small heaps of this mixture in the escapees' wake.

When the dogs, alerted by the smell of blood, paused to sniff the stuff
more closely, they got enough of a dose of "nose candy" to throw them
safely off the trail. So to make a long story short, a dog who can
sniff out bombs or any other explosive devices probably benefits society
the most. Paradoxically, this is not a particularly dangerous pastime.

A bomb sniffer is trained to point at, rather than dig for, the

First of all, you need a perfectly obedience-trained dog no younger than

eighteen months. Make sure that he is a friendly dog, and definitely
not one that is attack- or guard-trained. If you use an attack dog, you
will be too busy worrying that he might bite somebody.

Moreover, an attack dog often becomes aggressive when his handler, or

the suspect he's sniffing, smells the least bit nervous or uneasy.

178 People have heard so many stories about tireless bloodhounds scent
tracking for hundreds of miles that they don't realize these dogs must
be trained for such feats.

Spo dogs, retrievers, and hounds do rely on scent, but they still have
to become excited before they'll take off after whatever they're
tracking. In other words, a dog must have a motive beyond the mere
thrill of the chase, at least initially.

In order to have a perfect bomb-sniffer, you must work your dog with
more patience than in any other trick. I say "trick" because to the
dog, finding a bomb is just another way for him to get his reward, and
in this type of training, as you will see, he gets his reward from the
person he searches as well as from the handler. I like to use hounds or
retrievers in this type of work because their sense of smell is the
keenest of all breeds.

If you want a dog to trace or seek out a bomb that contains gun powder,
it's the smell of the-sulfur that you should concentrate on first,
because not only is sulfur the strongest-scented of all the ingredients
in gunpowder, but by using only this one ingredient by itself in
training, you won't be risking an explosion.

Take a convenient but leakproof object, such as a cardboard box, a,

loosely capped glass jar, or a canvas bag, and fill it with sulfur.

You want to be sure that some of the odor can escape, but that the
sulfur won't actually spill out into your dog's mouth when he goes to
fetch the object to you.

Get your dog used to retrieving this object by both sight and smell,
then start to secrete it in places where he has to depend on his sense
of smell to find it-tall grass is good for a start. At the beginning,
remember to show your dog the general area where you threw the object,
so he can have some idea of where to start sniffing. Every time he
finds the object for you, you must reward him. A good procedure is to
make him find the object before giving him his food each day. When he
is perfect at this, then put the object into a bag or box. Let your dog
see you doing this, tell him to "fetch" the object, and give him the
command to "seek" or "find."

When he obeys, even though he saw you hide it, give him plenty of

Now take three small suitcases, all of the same size and shape.

Place them a few feet apart. Sit your dog facing the suitcases, but a
few feet away, and let him watch you place the object in one of the
three. It's very important that you let him see which bag you're
putting the object in. Now close all three, walk away, and tell him to
"find" or "seek." Praise him when he picks the right one.

When he gets this down pat, then start to mix the bags up, while keeping
the object in one bag. You don't want all three bags smelling of 180

Don't be too surprised when he picks the right one each time, but praise
him anyway. Once he has done this perfectly, then try placing the
object on a person. When and if the dog finds it, you must reward him
and let the person who has the object reward him. This way he will
eagerly search any person you send him to, because as far as he is
concerned, he is going to get a double reward.

It's now time for you to try him with the real thing. Rather than mix
the powder yourself, use shotgun shells, with the pellets out and a
Band-Aid over the primer just for good measure. As usual, if your dog
is weak at any point of the training, go back to the last step he
performed correctly and work forward from there.

Once you have him perfectly trained, you must let him find the object
each time, even if you are using him to search out a real bomb.
In other words, work him for a short time, then have somebody put an
object containing gunpowder in his pocket or in a bag. Let your dog
find it, then reward him. If you don't, he will get tired of being
"fooled" and won't work for you.

Obviously, this same training procedure will work equally well for
teaching a dog to sniff out drugs. Nor is there any reason that your
dog cannot learn to sniff out both bombs and dope, as long as he is
taught to seek one perfectly before being sicced on a second material
Because a dog's nose is particularly sensitive to acids, it will be
easier for him to detect a bomb manufactured from nitroglycerin, which
contains nitric acid. But be cause the two odors are different, you
should alternate the nitric acid with sulfur, which your dog already
recognizes, switching the two each new lesson, until your dog responds
equally to eeither scent.

PART FIVE From Birth to Death 38 ------ Selecting Your Puppy "Is there
a right breed for me?"

No, there isn't. But there is a right dog, and after reading my book I
feel that you should be able to handle just about any dog if you follow
my examples properly.

As I don't know you personally or anything about your family setup, I

don't feel I'm in any position to give a cut-and-dried answer as to what
breed is right for you. Dogs differ in both temperament and personality
just as humans do, so I can't tell you to get a specific breed because
it will definitely have certain characteristics. What the breed was
originally bred for won't tell you what it is used for today.

There are many basic different breeds of dogs which can be divided into
six groups, according to the purposes for which they were originally
bred: 1. Sporting dogs. Most of these were originally bred as bird
dogs. However, some in this category were also used for larger game.
This group consists of the following: Wirehaired pointing griffin
English pointer German shorthaired pointer Get?nan wirehairedpointer
Chesapeake Bay retriever Curly-coated retriever Flat-coated retriever
Golden retr Yellow Labrador retriever Black Labrador retriever English
setter Gordon setter Irish miter American water spaniel Brittany spaniel
Clumber spaniel Cocker spaniel English cocker spaniel English springer
spaniel Welsh springer spaniel Vizsla Weimaraner 2. Hounds. These are
split into two categories, consisting of sight hounds and scent hounds.
Both were originally hunting dogs used for trailing and killing
fur-bearing game. Sight hounds hunted primarily by using their sight
and speed, as opposed to the scent hounds who used their sense of smell.
183 SIGHT GROUP SCENT GROUP Afghan hound Basset hound Basenji Beagle
Borzoi Bhound Scottish deerhound Black and tan coonhound Greyhound
Dachshand Irish uv#hound American foxhound Saluki English Foxhound
Whippet Ha"ier Norwegian elkhound Otterhound Rhodesian ridgeback 3.
Working Dogs. They were bred to perform working tasks for their human
masters such as protecting, shepherding, sled pulling, and even mountain

Alaskan malamute Kuva= Ben sheepdog Master Tervuren Neufoundland Burmem

mountain dog Old English sheepdog Bouvier des Flandres pull Boxer
Rottweiler Briard Samoyed Bull master Schnauzer Collie (rough and
smooth) (giant and standard) Doberman pinscher Shetland sheepdog German
shepherd Siberian husky Great Dane St. Bernard Great Pyrenees Welsh
corgi Komondor (short and long hair) 4. Terrier. These breeds were
originally bred as tatters, fighting dogs, and/or to ferret out
underground animals.

Aredale teer Lakeland teer Australian terrier Manchester Terrier

Bedlington terrier Miniature schnauzer Border terrier Scottish terrier
Bull terrier Sealyham terrier Cairn terrier Skye terrier Dandie Dinmont
te Staffordshire terrier Fox terrier Welsh terrier Irish terrier West
Highland Terrier Kerry blue ter 184 5.

Toys. These are, as is apparent from their name, strictly.

pets. They are usually small in size and many have been bred down from
larger breeds.

Affenpinscher Miniature pinscher Chihuahua Pomeranian English toy

spaniel Silky terrier Brussels griffin Toy pwdk Italian greyhound Pug
Japanese spaniel Toy Manchester terrier Maltese (spaniel) Shih Tzu
Papillon Yorkshire ter Pekingese 6. Nonsporting Dogs. This group
includes an assortment of breeds that do not specifically fit into any
of the other groups because they were used for various purposes at
various times.

Boston teer Keeshond Bulldog Lhasa apro Chow Poodle Dalmatian Schipperke
French bulldog From within these groups, pick out the breed you think is
right for you. Then go to dog shows and research it thoroughly. If you
are choosing a dog for performance, go to the obedience trials. Your
local newspapers have notices as to where and when these shows are held.
But don't forget that the dogs here are very well disciplined, most of
them are professionally trained and handled, and you may well see any
breed at all walking off with the first prize.

After doing this, send away to your local kennel clubs for information
regarding breeders. Go out and visit them and learn all you can. When
you are completely convinced that you have selected the right breed for
you and your family, then it's time for you to buy a puppy, take him
home, love him, and train him.

A popular misconception is that inbreeding results in inferior dogs

Actually, inbreeding is quite healthy if the principle of natural
selection, or reproduction of the fittest, is maintained. In a pack,
the animals inbreed. Mixed breeds are often strong, healthy dogs
because they are the product of relatively natural selection. Their
fathers couldn't have been too inferior, or else they would have never
been sired 185 in the first place. If you were to take a pack of dogs
and let them roam together, it would be the strongest dogs who would
control the pack and therefore reproduce themselves. A strain of dogs
often begins to deteriorate when the dogs are bred for a particular
quality and other attributes are disregarded.

In a number of breeds, the dog's "natural" attributes are working

against him. Great Danes, for instance, were originally bred in England
as guard dogs for the palaces of the nobility. Because the breeders
were after sheer size and weight, today's great Dane is equipped with a
body too heavy for his long, spindly legs, and a heart simply too small
for his entire carriage. This is why great Danes seldom live for more
than nine years. Their hearts give out. Even before this time, the
sheer weight of the Dane's massive chest and head will induce arthritis
in his relatively underdeveloped legs. The movements of a young Dane
restrict themselves to an awkward rolling gait, as if the dog were
walking on thin ice. It's not pain, simply the deterioration of the
muscles and joints.

Similarly, the drooping eyelids of a basset or bloodhound have been

exaggerated through selective breeding. Because of his sheer length, a
dachshund is prone to back problems. You should never pick him up by
the front legs, or exert undue pressure on the center of his spine.
Bedlington terriers have been bred to develop increasingly small narrow
skulls-as fashion dictates that they look more in proportion that way.
They are literally breeding their brains out.

To make the whole picture even worse, at the moment in this country
there exist puppy "factories" known as breeding farms.

Strictly production-line operations, they produce as many purebred

puppies as they possibly can without any consideration of how the pups
will turn out.

Many years ago it was the cocker spaniel that won most people's hearts.
Then it was the poodle, which is still very popular for pet shows and
breeding. Lap dogs are getting lots of attention now, especially the
Yorkshire and silky terriers. There's a run on huskies right now, and
the puppy mills follow these fashions quite closely, mating even the
inferior animals to keep up with the public demand.

Once a breed becomes very popular, the puppy farms really start rolling
them out, and this has caused the ruin of many of the previously better

Hip dysplasia is only one of the conditions which have become

commonplace since uncontrolled breeding took over. Proper breeding will
eliminate this genetically transmitted weakness from future litters of
shepherds, Labradors, collies, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, Burmese
mountain dogs and, in fact, most of the larger breeds. The animal's
hips 186 (pelvic area) become so dislocated that it is in constant
pain, though the only observable symptoms may be difficulty in moving
about and a penchant for lying down. I have seen dogs so badly
afflicted that they seldom walked at all.

There are, of course, many reputable breeders who are very interested in
the quality of the puppies they produce. Quantity is not their
business, but quality. You usually find such breeders frequenting the
dog shows sponsored by the large dog organizations. In fact, many
breeds have an organization devoted strictly to the perfection of their
particular breed.

There are many reputable pet shops also, and these are the people to buy
your puppy from. Take the advice of your vet or someone you know who
got a good dog. Check around and pick carefully. Save yourself later
regrets. People often settle for a cute dog in the window and within a
few weeks become very attached. Therefore, it is important that you get
a healthy puppy at the start.

The only things you can really check on in buying a pup are his physical
health, looks, and heredity. The rest is up to you, including his
temperament. Be sure that he's alert, lively, friendly, and full of
pep. A good pet shop will be glad to tell you where the puppy was bred,
who the dam and the sire were and, if they were susceptible breeds,
whether they were X-rayed for hip dysplasia.

Unfortunately, hip dysplasia cannot be detected until a puppy reaches

about six months of age, and therefore the X-rays of the dam and the
sire are of great importance. In addition, try to find out the parents'

Any reputable breeder or pet shop will give you this information.

If they will not or cannot furnish this, you should get a guarantee as
to the quality of your puppy. This will prevent the heartache of having
to live with or destroy a physically disabled dog.

The seller should grant you both (a) a short-term guarantee (until the
dog is checked by a vet) that the puppy is healthy and free of any
diseases, and (b) a lifetime guarantee against congenital defects
(deafness, hip dysplasia, etc.).

We're not talking about the beauty of a dog, but about actual physical
impairments that could be prevented through proper breeding.

If more people were to check the quality of the pup before buying, all
breeders would soon be forced to start breeding quality dogs. Once you
buy a dog, a veterinarian's checkup should be scheduled the next day.

Your vet will tell you when to bring your dog in for his rabies,
distemper, leptospirosis, and hepatitis inoculations. (Rabies is now a
very rare disease in dogs. But keep it that way by making sure he gets
his rabies shot regularly.) 187 People say certain breeds of dogs
look much better if their ears are cropped. But I don't think cropping
of ears is a health advantage to any dog. As for looks, I can see some
people getting their own noses fixed to make themselves more attractive
to the opposite sex, but the head is the last place a dog looks when he
is expecting to make love.

Some people say that a dog may get his ears or tail ripped off in a
fight, but it makes better sense to keep the dog from fighting. The
tail of a happy Labrador can easily make a clean sweep of a low coffee
table, of course, but it's easy to keep breakables out of wagging range.
Tails or ears should be removed only if the dog has something wrong with

It's not hard to hear of someone who is offering a grown thoroughbred

for free. But there are certain things to look for and ask about when
adopting a grown dog. Almost nobody gives away a well-trained dog, so
you can bet that the "good deal" you're getting has one of three things
definitely wrong with him: 1. He's a biter.

Not only that, he has recently bitten someone. The present owner is
frightened or about to be sued and has to get rid of him, and if he
tells you he bites, you won't take him.

2. He's a chronic chewer and has eaten up the house, which again the
present owner won't tell you.

3. The dog has not been housebroken-which again . . .

A chronic chewer can be cured, and a dog can be housebroken. But if the
dog is a biter, I suggest that you eeither hire, or become, an
experienced trainer, because the biting dog can pose a very dangerous
problem to you and your family. You're not going to stop this habit
with just plain love and simple discipline.

I'm not saying that you will never be offered a perfectly well-behaved
dog for adoption. The original owner could very well be moving to a
country such as England, New Zealand, or Australia, where there are very
strong, six- to nine-month quarantine laws. In such a case, I can see
trying to get the dog a good home in the States. But the above are the
commonest reasons for an owners getting rid of a grown animal.

The usual time for giving away unwanted dogs is just before or just
after the summer, when the family is about to leave for vacation or
about to be forced to move the dog indoors.

The dogs in a pound are almost always healthy, because the animals have
been given a physical examination before being released to new owners.
They will be young dogs, under three years old, and come from various
sources: off the streets or from owners who have been forced (often by
city housing regulations) to give up their animals.

You may find many pedigreed dogs in a pound as well as mixed breeds, but
the papers to prove it, of course, will almost always be lacking.

To Breed or Not to Breed What about breeding puppies all your own? I
feel most people jump into breeding without having any knowledge of the
problems involved. Eight puppies in a three-room apartment can be a big
problem-just think about it.

Some want their dogs to be happy parents. Others feel that breeding
will make their dogs more mature and stop males from mounting their
guests' arms and legs. But in reality, this is a sign of aggression,
and the only way to stop it is with obedience training. In a pack
situation, mounting by the male is not always the result of a sexual
urge. (Research with the stickleback fish has proved that the male
mating instinct and aggression are hopelessly intermeshed, and this
association of sexual behavior with self-assertion seems universal
throughout the animal kingdom.) Males will mount other males simply to
assert dominance and rank, and since the dominant males of a pack forbid
the weaker males to touch the packs' females, submissive males will
often mount one another out of sheer frustration. Homosexuality as
understood by humans simply does not exist among canines.

Still others breed their dogs in the hopes of making money. They
usually end up with a litter they can't sell, and they give the pups to
friends, which is fine, or put them in a pet shop on consignment, which
isn't. It doesn't make sense that owners insist on breeding more
puppies while abandoned dogs are being picked up daily by the ASPCA.

Strays have had better times. During World War II, retreating British
soldiers picked up about eight hundred homeless strays. The stray dogs
were evacuated with their rescuers at Dunkirk. But today, in Manhattan,
there are regular spots where people dump unwanted dogs.

All of Central Park is a deposit area, and the corner of West End Avenue
and 96th Street is convenient because it adjoins the entrance to the
West Side Highway.

These owners look simply for a spot that's relatively deserted and
anonymous, free of witnesses who might make them feel guilty. People
who discard their dogs often hope they'll "find new homes," but just how
homelike is the corner of 96th and West End? People feel a dog off the
188 189 street isn't worth anything. Of course, there are kindly
folks who take in stray dogs, but their number is dwindling due to a
labyrinthine list of financial and legal restrictions. As for those who
are let go in the wild, chances are they won't survive. If they do,
they could become part of a pack of wild dogs. These strays, and their
offspring, are increasing far more quickly than owners can take them in.

The average age of a dog is about twelve years, and so this is the
length of time it will take to solve the problem. Some have advocated
putting birth control elements in dog food, but at the moment this
method hasn't been proved safe, and the only means of population control
is wholesale slaughter. Many people plant poison, especially in parks,
to kill stray dogs. One New Yorker electrocutes them in a homemade
apparatus and feels that she's doing the right thing. And New York's
Hatch-Metcalfe Law states that ASPCA dogs who are not adopted are
eeither put to sleep or donated to laboratories.

I try to discourage mixed-breed litters, since most people buy

pedigrees, and mixed breeds just aren't as welcome in the world. With a
purebred, you know what you're getting; with a mixed, you don't.

Also, a purebred is worth money, and in this dollar-oriented society,

this is what most people base their values on.

I have seen several prospective dog owners turn up their noses at a

Pekingese. But after they were told the price of the dog, and
discovered its close resemblance to the Fu dogs of Chinese porcelain,
they saw it as a most handsome animal. When you go to the ASPCA to pick
out a dog, you'll find that even there the dogs are divided into two
sections-the mixed and the pedigrees. It would seem that prejudice also
exists among the humanitarians.

Some owners justify mixed breeds as side products of their search for
the "perfect" dog. However, anyone who tries to breed the "perfect" dog
is headed for trouble. Tastes differ, and there will never be universal
consensus on what an ideal dog should look like, act like, or be able to

Some mixed breeds can perform even better than some purebreds because of
the mixture of the different qualities in the mixed breed, and as a
matter of fact, all purebreds that were bred for particular jobs are a
combination of other breeds. However, I don't recommend any kind of
experimentation because it doesn't always work. There are plenty of
purebreds with any number of abilities that you can now choose from.

Why bother to breed the perfect dog? Variety is the whole point and
beauty of different breeds. Once you try to dictate people's taste,
you're just wasting your time. On the other hand, the perfect dog of
any 1 go breed is a worthwhile and plausible goal. I look for
strength, physical fitness, and a good disposition in dogs, with looks
running a poor fourth. The ideal great Dane would be a smaller dog with
a body more in proportion to its heart.

What crossbreeding has marred, it can also correct, and for this reason
I am against the breeding of purebreds who are anything less than
physically perfect. If you don't want a litter on your hands, have your
bitch spayed. Many argue that it's more humane to let a dog sow its
wild oats-but it would seem more humane to guarantee that all puppies
would have proper homes, not left to forage in the streets and meet a
violent, unnatural end. Spaying is not a major operation. Many dogs
are spayed in the morning and back home again in the afternoon.

Spaying is best performed when a female is about a year old, but check
with your vet. Not only does it stop reproduction, it is also the best
thing for a female as it prevents certain diseases of the uterus of the
older female.

If your pet is a male, castration will not make him into a canine
version of a docile eunuch, since all the energy he would otherwise
expend in sex may well go into his instincts for territorial defense.

But he won't chase heated females.

A little boy over on Park Avenue keeps telling his mother at odd times
that his dog's lipstick is showing. This does not mean that the dog is
sexually excited necessarily, merely that, as an extremely physical
animal, he is showing his excitement or confusion through physical
means. When a dog is being obedience trained, especially in the areas
of "sit-stay" and "lie down," he cannot expend his energies by running
around, so it comes out in the form of an erection.

For the owner of the unspayed female, one great source of aggravation is
that period referred to as "in heat." The female comes into heat twice
a year, and males in the vicinity are attracted by her characteristic
odor. One ten-pound pug in heat was waiting with her mistress in front
of a liquor-store counter. The German shepherd the store owner kept as
a guard dog literally leaped the counter to reach the pug.

Many dismayed owners find that male dogs will chew and claw their way
through wooden partitions to get at a heated female. Should more than
one male dog arrive on the scene at once, they can go completely mild,
wild enough, in fact, to kill one another. So the obvious answer is
that a bitch in heat should be kept away from male dogs as much as

You don't have to worry about secretions because dogs clean them selves.
It doesn't hurt to keep alert for any abnormal discharge, but there's no
reason to douche your dog unless your vet prescribes it for a specific
medical problem.

If your purebred dog is physically perfect, you can obtain the name of a
suitable mate through your local kennel club registry.* Usually the
owners of a prize male stud will ask for a considerable fee, or
depending on their own interest in breeding, on a specific number of
pups. But if the heated female is brought to the male's house he will
always urinate to reestablish his own territory. So, always have the
stud dog do the visiting, never the female, and when the male has done
his job, remove him immediately.

Make sure your pregnant dog isn't allowed on your bed or couch as she
may choose those soft spots to give birth, later. About a week before
the puppies are due, wash her teats to be sure they're clean as
possible, so that the newborn puppies will have a minimum of germs to
contend with when they begin nursing. Whenever she begins looking about
for paper or rags to make a nest, get her wherever you want her to be
fast, because she and her puppies will be there for the next six weeks.
Usually birth is a perfectly normal procedure, without undue problems,
but keep an eye on her when she begins to give birth. If she seems to
be having problems, call your vet immediately.

Then again, computerized dating services are springing up all over the
country. One in Santa Monica bills itself as "Dog's Best Friend" and
claims that it will "discover a compatible mate for your canine lover;
ar-range a romantic holiday."
Epilogue There are a few considerations to keep in mind when your dog
begins aging. He won't be as physically agile or as much sheer fun as
he was when younger. It's your responsibility to make him comfortable,
to adapt to his needs. Don't overexercise him. Let him relax more.
Take him for more frequent walks outside so his bladder doesn't have to
duplicate the feats it did when he was younger.

Whenr why-should a dog be put to sleep? Your veterinarian is the best

judge, but the main reasons for putting dogs away are when they are in
constant pain or dying. Most dogs die from aging of their vital organs
such as heart, kidney, and liver. But proper care and understanding can
prolong a happy life by many years. Even a severe physical disability
does not necessarily mean your dog cannot live on with you. A blind
dog, a deaf dog, even one missing a leg can be cared for adequately and
is perfectly capable of enjoying whatever life and senses are left to

Animals do die, but that's something that most books don't point out.
There are pet cemeteries, caskets, headstones-even funerals -available.
But all of these things can't solace a bereaved owner as effectively as
a new pet.

Gertrude Stein adored Basket, her white poodle. When he died, friends
advised her to get another dog just like him. Picasso frowned on this
idea, however, saying that a new white poodle would only remind her of
the deceased Basket'If I died, would you go out and find another
Pablo?"-and suggested she buy an Afghan. Miss Stein simply replied,
"The King is dead; long live the King!" went to a dog show at the Porte
de Versailles, and acquired a second white poodle whom she named Basket

if your last dog was a happy experience, it does seem a waste not to use
the wisdom and experience you gathered from his training. You should be
an even better master this time around, and it's hard to beat the joy
and satisfaction of doing everything right from the very beginning.

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