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Chap 4

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Chapter 4

Unix processes

UNIX System Processes

look at how to program UNIX processes fork( ), exec( ), wait( )

1. 2. 3. 4. What is a Process? fork() exec() wait()

5. Process Data 6. File Descriptors across Processes

1. What is a Process?
A process is an executing program. A process:
$ cat file1 file2 &

Two processes:
$ ls | wc - l

Each user can run many processes at once

A More Precise Definition

A process is the context (the information/data) maintained for an executing program. Intuitively, a process is the abstraction of a physical processor.
Exists because it is difficult for the OS to otherwise coordinate many concurrent activities, such as incoming network data, multiple users, etc.

IMPORTANT: A process is sequential

Program & Process

Program is an executable file that resides on the disk. Process is an executing instance of a program. A Unix process is identified by a unique non-negative integer called the process ID. Check process status using the ps command.

Foreground/background processes
A program run using the ampersand operator & creates a background process. E.g.: bingsun2% back & otherwise it creates a foreground process. E.g.: bingsun2% back

Foreground/background processes
Only 1 foreground process for each session. Multiple background processes. Where are background processes used? All system daemons, long user processes, etc. e.g. printer-daemon process or mailer-daemon process. These processes are always running in background. Pine is foreground process.

What makes up a Process?

program code machine registers global data stack open files (file descriptors) an environment (environment variables; credentials for security)

Some of the Context Information

Process ID (pid) unique integer Parent process ID (ppid) Real User ID which process Effective User ID ID of user/process started this ID of user who wrote the process program

Current directory File descriptor table Environment

VAR=VALUE pairs continued

Pointer to program code Pointer to data Memory for global vars Pointer to stack Memory for local vars Pointer to heap Dynamically allocated Execution priority Signal information

Important System Processes

init Mother of all processes. init is started at boot time and is responsible for starting other processes.
init uses file inittab & directories: /etc/rc?.d

getty login process that manages login sessions.

Unix Start Up Processes Diagram

OS kernel Process 0 (sched)

Process 1 (init)

getty login csh


getty login bash

Pid and Parentage

A process ID or pid is a positive integer that uniquely identifies a running process, and is stored in a variable of type pid_t.

You can get the process pid or parents pid

#include <sys/types> main() { pid_t pid, ppid; printf( "My PID is:%d\n\n",(pid = getpid()) ); printf( "Par PID is:%d\n\n",(ppid = getppid()) ); }

2. fork()
#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> pid_t fork( void );

Creates a child process by making a copy of the parent process --- an exact duplicate.
Implicitly specifies code, registers, stack, data, files

Both the child and the parent continue running.

fork() as a diagram
pid = fork() Returns a new PID: e.g. pid == 5 Data Child pid == 0 Shared Program Data Copied

Process IDs (pids revisited)

pid = fork();

In the child: pid == 0; In the parent: pid == the process ID of the child. A program almost always uses this pid difference to do different things in the parent and child.

fork() Example (parchld.c)

#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { pid_t pid; /* could be int */ int i; pid = fork(); if( pid > 0 ) { /* parent */ for( i=0; i < 1000; i++ ) printf(\t\t\tPARENT %d\n, i); }

else { /* child */ for( i=0; I < 1000; i++ ) printf( CHILD %d\n, i ); } return 0; }

Possible Output

Things to Note
i is copied between parent and child.

The switching between the parent and child depends on many factors:
machine load, system process scheduling

I/O buffering effects amount of output shown. Output interleaving is nondeterministic

cannot determine output by looking at code

3. exec()
Family of functions for replacing processs program with the one inside the exec() call. e.g.
#include <unistd.h> int execlp(char *file, char *arg0, char *arg1, ..., (char *)0); execlp(sort, sort, -n, foobar, (char *)0); Same as "sort -n foobar"

4. wait()
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> pid_t wait(int *statloc);

Suspends calling process until child has finished. Returns the process ID of the terminated child if ok, -1 on error.

can be (int *)0 or a variable which will be bound to status info. about the child.

wait() Actions
A process that calls wait() can:
suspend (block) if all of its children are still running, or return immediately with the termination status of a child, or
return immediately with an error if there are no child processes.

8. Special Exit Cases

Two special cases: 1) A child exits when its parent is not currently executing wait()
the child becomes a zombie status data about the child is stored until the parent does a wait()


2) A parent exits when 1 or more children are still running

children are adopted by the systems initialization process (/etc/init)
it can then monitor/kill them

9. I/O redirection
The trick: you can change where the standard I/O streams are going/coming from after the fork but before the exec

Redirection of standard output

Example implement shell: ls > program:
Open a new file x.lis Redirect standard output to x.lis. everything sent to standard output ends in x.lis execute ls in the process

File table stdin 0 1 2 3 4 stdout stderr

dup2(3,1) 0 1 2 3 4




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