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Unix System Kernel: Instructor: S. Kiptoo Computer Science & IT Kimathi University College of Technology

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Unix System Kernel

Instructor: S. Kiptoo Computer Science & IT Kimathi University College of Technology

Unix: Introduction
Operating System: a system that manages the resources of a computer. Resources: CPUs, Memory, I/O devices, Network Kernel: the memory resident portion of Unix system File system and process control system are two major components of Unix Kernel.

Architecture of Unix System

emacs sh who date kernel ed wc grep nroff Other apps

cc as ld hardware

OS interacts directly with the hardware Such OS is called system kernel

Unix System Kernel

Three major tasks of kernel: Process Management Device Management File Management Three additional Services for Kernel:
O Virtual Memory O Networking O Network File Systems

Experimental Kernel Features:

Q Multiprocessor support Q Lightweight process (thread) support

Block Diagram of System Kernel

User Programs

User Level Kernel Level


System Call Interface

Inter-process communication Scheduler Memory management

File Subsystem

Process control

Device drivers

subsystem hardware control hardware

Hardware Level

Process Control Subsystem

Process Synchronization Interprocess communication Memory management: Scheduler: process scheduling (allocate CPU to Processes)

File subsystem
A file system is a collection of files and directories on a disk or tape in standard UNIX file system format. Kernels file sybsystem regulates data flow between the kernel and secondary storage devices.

Hardware Control
Hardware control is responsible for handling interrupts and for communicating with the machine. Devices such as disks or terminals may interrupt the CPU while a process is executing. The kernel may resume execution of the interrupted process after servicing the interrupt.

A program is an executable file. A process is an instance of the program in execution. For example: create two active processes $ emacs & $ emacs & $ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 12893 pts/4 0:00 tcsh 12581 pts/4 0:01 emacs 12582 pts/4 0:01 emacs 9 $

A process has text: machine instructions (may be shared by other processes) data stack Process may execute either in user mode and in kernel mode. Process information are stored in two places: k Process table k User table

User mode and Kernel mode

At any given instant a computer running the Unix system is either executing a process or the kernel itself is running The computer is in user mode when it is executing instructions in a user process and it is in kernel mode when it is executing instructions in the kernel. Executing System call ==> User mode to Kernel mode perform I/O operations system clock interrupt


Process Table
Process table: an entry in process table has the following information: 4 process state: A. running in user mode or kernel mode B. Ready in memory or Ready but swapped C. Sleep in memory or sleep and swapped 4 PID: process id 4 UID: user id 4 scheduling information 4 signals that is sent to the process but not yet handled 4 a pointer to per-process-region table 12 There is a single process table for the entire system

User Table (u area)

Each process has only one private user table. User table contains information that must be accessible while the process is in execution. 4 A pointer to the process table slot 4 parameters of the current system call, return values error codes 4 file descriptors for all open files 4 current directory and current root 4 process and file size limits. User table is an extension of the process table.

Process table
Active process

Kernel user address address space space

resident swappable

Region table

u area

data stack

Per-process region table


Shared Program Text and Software Libraries

Many programs, such as shell, are often being

executed by several users simultaneously. The text (program) part can be shared. In order to be shared, a program must be compiled using a special option that arranges the process image so that the variable part(data and stack) and the fixed part (text) are cleanly separated. An extension to the idea of sharing text is sharing libraries. Without shared libraries, all the executing programs 15 contain their own copies.

Process table

Region table

stack Active process text data stack

Reference count = 2

Per-process region table


System Call
A process accesses system resources through system call. System call for b Process Control: fork: create a new process wait: allow a parent process to synchronize its execution with the exit of a child process. exec: invoke a new program. exit: terminate process execution b File system: File: open, read, write, lseek, close inode: chdir, chown chmod, stat fstat 17 others: pipe dup, mount, unmount, link, unlink

System call: fork()

fork: the only way for a user to create a process in Unix operating system. The process that invokes fork is called parent process and the newly created process is called child process. The syntax of fork system call: newpid = fork(); On return from fork system call, the two processes have identical copies of their user-level context except for the return value pid. In parent process, newpid = child process id 18 In child process, newpid = 0;

/* forkEx1.c */ #include <stdio.h>

main() { int fpid; printf("Before forking ...\n"); fpid = fork(); if (fpid == 0) { printf("Child Process fpid=%d\n", fpid); } else { printf("Parent Process fpid=%d\n", fpid); } printf("After forking fpid=%d\n", fpid); }

$ cc forkEx1.c -o forkEx1 $ forkEx1 Before forking ... Child Process fpid=0 After forking fpid=0 Parent Process fpid=14707 After forking fpid=14707 $


/* forkEx2.c */ #include <stdio.h> main() { int fpid; printf("Before forking ...\n"); system("ps"); fpid = fork(); system("ps"); printf("After forking fpid=%d\n", fpid); } $ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 14759 pts/9 0:00 tcsh $

$ forkEx2 Before forking ... PID TTY TIME CMD 14759 pts/9 0:00 tcsh 14778 pts/9 0:00 sh 14777 pts/9 0:00 forkEx2 PID TTY TIME CMD 14781 pts/9 0:00 sh 14759 pts/9 0:00 tcsh 14782 pts/9 0:00 sh 14780 pts/9 0:00 forkEx2 14777 pts/9 0:00 forkEx2 After forking fpid=14780 $ PID TTY TIME CMD 14781 pts/9 0:00 sh 14759 pts/9 0:00 tcsh 14780 pts/9 0:00 forkEx2 20 After forking fpid=0

System Call: getpid() getppid()

Each process has a unique process id (PID). PID is an integer, typically in the range 0 through 30000. Kernel assigns the PID when a new process is created. Processes can obtain their PID by calling getpid(). Each process has a parent process and a corresponding parent process ID. Processes can obtain their parents PID by calling getppid().


/* pid.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { printf("pid=%d ppid=%d\n",getpid(), getppid()); } $ cc pid.c -o pid $ pid pid=14935 ppid=14759 $


/* forkEx3.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { int fpid; printf("Before forking ...\n"); fpid = fork(); if (fpid == 0) { printf("Child Process fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); } else { printf("Parent Process fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); } printf("After forking fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", 23 fpid, getpid(), getppid());

$ cc forkEx3.c -o forkEx3 $ forkEx3 Before forking ... Parent Process fpid=14942 pid=14941 ppid=14759 After forking fpid=14942 pid=14941 ppid=14759 $ Child Process fpid=0 pid=14942 ppid=1 After forking fpid=0 pid=14942 ppid=1 $ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 14759 pts/9 0:00 tcsh


System Call: wait()

wait system call allows a parent process to wait for the demise of a child process. See forkEx4.c


#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { int fpid, status; printf("Before forking ...\n"); fpid = fork(); if (fpid == 0) { printf("Child Process fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); } else { printf("Parent Process fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); } wait(&status); printf("After forking fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); 26 }

$ cc forkEx4.c -o forkEx4 $ forkEx4 Before forking ... Parent Process fpid=14980 pid=14979 ppid=14759 Child Process fpid=0 pid=14980 ppid=14979 After forking fpid=0 pid=14980 ppid=14979 After forking fpid=14980 pid=14979 ppid=14759 $


System Call: exec()

exec() system call invokes another program by replacing the current process No new process table entry is created for exec() program. Thus, the total number of processes in the system isnt changed. Six different exec functions: execlp, execvp, execl, execv, execle, execve, (see man page for more detail.) exec system call allows a process to choose its successor.

/* execEx1.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { printf("Before execing ...\n"); execl("/bin/date", "date", 0); printf("After exec\n"); }

$ execEx1 Before execing ... Sun May 9 16:39:17 CST 1999 $


/* execEx2.c */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> $ execEx2 Before execing ... After exec and fpid=14903 main() $ Sun May 9 16:47:08 CST 1999 { $ int fpid; printf("Before execing ...\n"); fpid = fork(); if (fpid == 0) { execl("/bin/date", "date", 0); } printf("After exec and fpid=%d\n",fpid); 30 }

Handling Signal
A signal is a message from one process to another. Signal are sometime called software interrupt Signals usually occur asynchronously. Signals can be sent A. by one process to anther (or to itself) B. by the kernel to a process. Unix signals are content-free. That is the only thing that can be said about a signal is it has arrived or not


Handling Signal
Most signals have predefined meanings: A. sighup (HangUp): when a terminal is closed, the hangup signal is sent to every process in control terminal. B. sigint (interrupt): ask politely a process to terminate. C. sigquit (quit): ask a process to terminate and produce a codedump. D. sigkill (kill): force a process to terminate. See signEx1.c


#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { int fpid, *status; printf("Before forking ...\n"); fpid = fork(); if (fpid == 0) { printf("Child Process fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); for(;;); /* loop forever */ } else { printf("Parent Process fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", fpid, getpid(), getppid()); } wait(status); /* wait for child process */ printf("After forking fpid=%d pid=%d ppid=%d\n", 33 fpid, getpid(), getppid()); }

$ cc sigEx1.c -o sigEx1 $ sigEx1 & Before forking ... Parent Process fpid=14989 pid=14988 ppid=14759 Child Process fpid=0 pid=14989 ppid=14988 $ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 14988 pts/9 0:00 sigEx1 14759 pts/9 0:01 tcsh 14989 pts/9 0:09 sigEx1 $ kill -9 14989 $ ps ...

Scheduling Processes
On a time sharing system, the kernel allocates the CPU to a process for a period of time (time slice or time quantum) preempts the process and schedules another one when time slice expired, and reschedules the process to continue execution at a later time. The scheduler use round-robin with multilevel feedback algorithm to choose which process to be executed: A. Kernel allocates the CPU to a process for a time slice. B. preempts a process that exceeds its time slice. C. feeds it back into one of the several priority queues.

Process Priority
Priority Levels
swapper wait for Disk IO wait for buffer wait for inode ... wait for child exit User level 0 User level 1 ... User level n


Kernel Mode User Mode

Process Scheduling (Unix System V)

There are 3 processes A, B, C under the following assumptions: A. they are created simultaneously with initial priority 60. B. the clock interrupt the system 60 times per second. C. these processes make no system call. D. No other process are ready to run E. CPU usage calculation: CPU = decay(CPU) = CPU/2 F. Process priority calculation: priority = CPU/2 + 60. G. Rescheduling Calculation is done once per second.

Process A Process B Process C Priority CPU count Priority CPU count Priority CPU count
60 0 60 30 60 0 60 0







0 60 30






7 67 33




0 60 30


7 ...



Unix System Kernel

Part 2


When the computer is powered on or rebooted, a short built-in program (maybe store in ROM) reads the first block or two of the disk into memory. These blocks contain a loader program, which was placed on the disk when disk is formatted. The loader is started. The loader searches the root directory for /unix or /root/unix and load the file into memory The kernel starts to execute.

The first processes

The kernel initializes its internal data structures: it constructs linked list of free inodes, regions, page table The kernel creates u area and initializes slot 0 of process table Process 0 is created Process 0 forks, invoking the fork algorithm directly from the Kernel. Process 1 is created. In kernel mode, Process 1 creates user-level context (regions) and copy code (/etc/init) to the new region. Process 1 calls exec (executes init).

init process
The init process is a process dispatcher:spawning processes, allow users to login. Init reads /etc/inittab and spawns getty when a user login successfully, getty goes through a login procedure and execs a login shell. Init executes the wait system call, monitoring the death of its child processes and the death of orphaned processes by exiting parent.


Init fork/exec a getty progrma to manage the line When the shell dies, init wakes up and fork/exec a getty for the line Getty prints login: message and waits for someone to login The shell runs programs for the user unitl the user logs off

The login process prints the password message, read the password then check the password


File Subsystem
A file system is a collection of files and directories on a disk or tape in standard UNIX file system format. Each UNIX file system contains four major parts: A. boot block: B. superblock: C. i-node table: D. data block: file storage


File System Layout

Block 0: bootstrap Block 1: superblock Block 2

Block n Block n+1

Block 2 - n:i-nodes

Block n+1 - last:Files

The last Block

Boot Block
A boot block may contains several physical blocks. Note that a physical block contains 512 bytes (or 1K or 2KB) A boot block contains a short loader program for booting It is blank on other file systems.


Superblock contains key information about a file system Superblock information: A. Size of a file system and status: label: name of this file system size: the number of logic blocks date: the last modification date of super block. B. information of i-nodes the number of i-nodes the number of free i-nodes C. information of data block: free data blocks. 47 The information of a superblock is loaded into memory.

i-node: index node (information node) i-list: the list of i-nodes i-number: the index of i-list. The size of an i-node: 64 bytes. i-node 0 is reserved. i-node 1 is the root directory. i-node structure: next page


owner timestamp

I-node structure
Data block Data block Data block Data block

Reference count Block count Direct blocks 0-9 Single indirect Double indirect Triple indirect

Data block

Data block

Indirect block
Indirect block

Indirect block Indirect block



I-node structure
mode: A. type: file, directory, pipe, symbolic link B. Access: read/write/execute (owner, group,) owner: who own this I-node (file, directory, ...) timestamp: creation, modification, access time size: the number of bytes block count: the number of data blocks direct blocks: pointers to the data single indirect: pointer to a data block which pointers to the data blocks (128 data blocks). Double indirect: (128*128=16384 data blocks) 50 Triple indirect: (128*128*128 data blocks)

Data Block
A data block has 512 bytes. A. Some FS has 1K or 2k bytes per blocks. B. See blocks size effect (next page) A data block may contains data of files or data of a directory. File: a stream of bytes. Directory format:
i-# Next size File name pad





Report.txt grep

bin find

















Boot Block


SuperBlock i-nodes i-node

... ...

Report.txt grep source find notes




u area
Current directory inode

In-core inodes



Device driver & Hardware control

... notes ... ...

source Report.txt



... Data Current Dir53 Blocks

In-core inode table

UNIX system keeps regular files and directories on block devices such as disk or tape, Such disk space are called physical device address space. The kernel deals on a logical level with file system (logical device address space) rather than with disks. Disk driver can transfer logical addresses into physical device addresses. In-core (memory resident) inode table stores the inode information in kernel space.

In-core inode table

An in-core inode contains A. all the information of inode in disks. B. status of in-core inode inode is locked, inode data changed file data changed. C. the logic device number of the file system. D. inode number E. reference count

File table
The kernel have a global data structure, called file table, to store information of file access. Each entry in file table contains: A. a pointer to in-core inode table B. the offset of next read or write in the file C. access rights (r/w) allowed to the opening process. D. reference count.


User File Descriptor table

Each process has a user file descriptor table to identify all opened files. An entry in user file descriptor table pointer to an entry of kernels global file table. Entry 0: standard input Entry 1: standard output Entry 2: error output


System Call: open

open: A process may open a existing file to read or write syntax: fd = open(pathname, mode); A. pathname is the filename to be opened B. mode: read/write Example


#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h>

main() { int fd1, fd2, fd3; printf("Before open ...\n"); fd1 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); fd2 = open("./openEx1.c", O_WRONLY); fd3 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); printf("fd1=%d fd2=%d fd3=%d \n", fd1, fd2, fd3); }

$ cc openEx1.c -o openEx1 $ openEx1 Before open ... fd1=3 fd2=4 fd3=5 $


U area

User file descriptor table

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

file table
CNT=1 R ...

in-core inodes

CNT=2 /etc/passwd

Pointer to Descriptor table

... CNT=1 R ...

CNT=1 ./openEx2.c

. . .


System Call: read

read: A process may read an opened file syntax: fd = read(fd, buffer, count); A. fd: file descriptor B. buffer: data to be stored in C. count: the number (count) of byte Example


#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h>

$ cc openEx2.c -o openEx2 $ openEx2 ======= fd1=3 buf1=root:x:0:1:Super-Us main() fd1=3 buf2=er:/:/sbin/sh { daemo int fd1, fd2, fd3; char buf1[20], buf2[20]; ======= $ buf1[19]='\0'; buf2[19]='\0'; printf("=======\n"); fd1 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); read(fd1, buf1, 19); printf("fd1=%d buf1=%s \n",fd1, buf1); read(fd1, buf2, 19); printf("fd1=%d buf2=%s \n",fd1, buf2); printf("=======\n"); 62 }

#include <stdio.h> $ cc openEx3.c -o openEx3 #include <sys/types.h> $ openEx3 #include <fcntl.h> ====== main() fd1=3 buf1=root:x:0:1:Super-Us { fd2=4 buf2=root:x:0:1:Super-Us int fd1, fd2, fd3; char buf1[20], buf2[20]; ====== $ buf1[19]='\0'; buf2[19]='\0'; printf("======\n"); fd1 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); fd2 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); read(fd1, buf1, 19); printf("fd1=%d buf1=%s \n",fd1, buf1); read(fd2, buf2, 19); printf("fd2=%d buf2=%s \n",fd2, buf2); printf("======\n"); 63 }

U area

User file descriptor table

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

file table
CNT=1 R ...

in-core inodes

CNT=2 /etc/passwd

Descriptor table

... CNT=1 R ...

... ... ...


. . .

System Call: dup

dup: copy a file descriptor into the first free slot of the user file descriptor table. syntax: newfd = dup(fd); A. fd: file descriptor Example


#include <stdio.h> $ cc openEx4.c -o openEx4 #include <sys/types.h> $ openEx4 #include <fcntl.h> ====== main() fd1=3 buf1=root:x:0:1:Super-Us { fd2=4 buf2=er:/:/sbin/sh int fd1, fd2, fd3; char buf1[20], buf2[20]; daemo ====== buf1[19]='\0'; $ buf2[19]='\0'; printf("======\n"); fd1 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); fd2 = dup(fd1); read(fd1, buf1, 19); printf("fd1=%d buf1=%s \n",fd1, buf1); read(fd2, buf2, 19); printf("fd2=%d buf2=%s \n",fd2, buf2); printf("======\n"); char buf1[20], buf2[20]; 66 }

U area

User file descriptor table

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

file table
CNT=2 R ...

in-core inodes

CNT=1 /etc/passwd

Descriptor table

... ... ...

... ... ...


. . .

System Call: creat

creat: A process may create a new file by creat system call syntax: fd = write(pathname, mode); A. pathname: file name B. mode: read/write Example


System Call: close

close: A process may close a file by close system call syntax: close(fd); A. fd: file descriptor Example


System Call: write

write: A process may write data to an opened file syntax: fd = write(fd, buffer, count); A. fd: file descriptor B. buffer: data to be stored in C. count: the number (count) of byte Example


/* creatEx1.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> main() { int fd1; char *buf1="I am a string\n"; char *buf2="second line\n"; printf("======\n"); fd1 = creat("./testCreat.txt", O_WRONLY); write(fd1, buf1, 20); write(fd1, buf2, 30); printf("fd1=%d buf1=%s \n",fd1, buf1); close(fd1); chmod("./testCreat.txt", 0666); printf("======\n"); }


$ cc creatEx1.c -o creatEx1 $ creatEx1 ====== fd1=3 buf1=I am a string

====== $ ls -l testCreat.txt -rw-rw-rw- 1 cheng $ more testCreat.txt ...


50 May 10 20:37 testCreat.txt


System Call: stat/fstat

stat/fstat: A process may query the status of a file (locked) file type, file owner, access permission. file size, number of links, inode number, access time. syntax: stat(pathname, statbuffer); fstat(fd, statbuffer); A. pathname: file name B. statbuffer: read in data C. fd: file descriptor Example

/* statEx1.c */ #include <sys/stat.h> main() { int fd1, fd2, fd3; struct stat bufStat1, bufStat2; char buf1[20], buf2[20]; printf("======\n"); fd1 = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); fd2 = open("./statEx1", O_RDONLY); fstat(fd1, &bufStat1); fstat(fd2, &bufStat2); printf("fd1=%d inode no=%d block size=%d blocks=%d\n", fd1, bufStat1.st_ino,bufStat1.st_blksize, bufStat1.st_blocks); printf("fd2=%d inode no=%d block size=%d blocks=%d\n", fd2, bufStat2.st_ino,bufStat2.st_blksize, bufStat2.st_blocks); printf("======\n"); } 74

$ cc statEx1.c -o statEx1 $ statEx1 ====== fd1=3 inode no=21954 block size=8192 blocks=6 fd2=4 inode no=190611 block size=8192 blocks= ====== ...


System Call: link/unlink

link: hardlink a file to another syntax: link(sourceFile, targetFile); unlink(file) A. sourceFile targetFile, file: file name Example: Lab exercise: write a c program which use link/unlink system call. Use ls -l to see the reference count.


System Call: chdir

chdir: A process may change the current directory of a processl syntax: chdir(pathname); A. pathname: file name Example


#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h>

main() { chdir("/usr/bin"); system("ls -l"); }

$ ls -l /usr/bin $


End of System Kernel Lecture


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