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What is GMRC?

Good Manners
- collection of behaviors that distinguishes someone as a
civilized and cultured member of society.

- set of rules about how to act and behave. It is a formal or
perfunctory politeness that follows recognized social practice, polished
civility; elegance of manner; perfection of manners or social conduct.
-unenforced rules of conduct that suggest the performer is
sophisticated, polite, and refined in sociology.
The specific behaviors that constitute good manners differ
from one location to the next. Cultural customs, religious
views, and social standing all play a role in etiquette.

- code of polite conduct based on social acceptance
and efficiency.

-are the rules by which we make decisions about
right or wrong, good or bad
-moral principle includes being honest to
commitments and keeping an initiative to improve and
learn new skills.
Importance of Good Manners

Manners make a Man

A person with good manners is someone who is considerate and respectful
to others. Others appreciate such a guy, and he is respectful of his
superiors, courteous to his peers, and empathetic to his subordinates. He is
always concerned and frequently considers the well-being and comfort of
Examples of Good Manners

 As you improve your manners, you will enjoy more support, admiration,
and respect from everyone around you.
 Use the magic words as often as possible: “Hello”, “Please”, “Excuse Me”,
and these two most important words; “Thank you.”
 If you receive a rude message, do not respond with rudeness, but be polite
 Leave generous tips for food servers, luggage handlers, car valets,
hairdressers, or barbers who do their jobs.
 Use good manners as a driver. Weaving in and out of heavy traffic and
cutting in front of other cars only gains you a few seconds. If you are
courteous, patient, and calm, you arrive safely and more relaxed.
Do not blow your nose, use toothpicks, or perform other bodily activities in
front of guests or people you respect. Never smoke around a non-smoker.
Arrive on time or early for appointments. When you arrive late, you appear to
be disrespectful, disorganized, or both
A good sense of humor is good manners. However, jokes about race, disability,
or sex are bad manners. Tell clean jokes about yourself or pass on humorous
stories that anyone would enjoy.
Do not try to show off or prove you are more important than others. This is
called “one-upmanship” and is poor manners.
• If someone treats you with bad manners, do not lower yourself to the same
level. Smooth out the friction with your best manners
Ten Commandments of Life by Adonea

1) Fully and unconditionally love yourself. Recognize your Divinity. Honor

2) Unconditionally love and accept others. Recognize their Divinity and
honor them.
3) Take responsibility for your actions. You always have a choice; how you
feel, act, or what you say. Act, don’t react.
4) Be a Master of Divine expression. Live the Universal Laws of Love, Peace,
and Truth.
5) You create your life (by your choices, feelings, and actions). Live in joy
6) Let go and allow (let God). Listen to and follow, unconditionally, your
small quiet voice; your spirit (God).
7) Be thankful and humble. Give thanks for what you have and receive. Be
8) Your sustenance comes from inside you (God). Trust. You will
always be provided for.
9) Your body is the temple of your soul. Nurture and care for
10) Live in the present moment. Life can only be experienced now.

How do we maintain our good manners?

1. Self-Discipline
-It is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your
emotional state.
2. Willpower
-It is the ability to set a course of action and say, “Engage!”

3. Persistence
- It is the ability to maintain action regardless of your

-When you improve your manners, you improve your chance of

-Someone who lacks good manners may be considered boorish or
inappropriate, and he or she may be at a disadvantage in many
social situations.
- Living morally and ethically in the absolute sense rather than by the
standards of any specific moment or society is what right conduct
- It is the norm, standard, or pattern of personal behavior, particularly
as it relates to moral values.
- -It is a person's behavior in a specific location or situation

Good Manners start at Home

Desirable Behaviors at Home

• Obey your parents

• Be loving
• Be respectful
• Help your family out by doing small chores around
the house.
• Don’t raise your voice
• Be the responsible one around the house.
• Use “Po” and “Opo”
Desirable Behaviors in School

 Well behaved students treat everyone as they wish to be treated.

 Avoid foul language, obscene gesture, racial, ethnic, and disrespectful language or
 Avoid foul language, obscene gesture, racial, ethnic, and disrespectful language or
 A well-mannered student knows how to greet especially his/her teachers.
 Well behaved students act maturely so they and no one else is in danger.
 Well behaved students treat everyone’s belongings in the manner that they want
their things treated.
 A well-behaved student attends school and classes regularly and punctually.
 A well-behaved student has healthy and good grooming habits and appears neat
and appropriate for school.
 A well-behaved student follows the directions of the adult of the school
Desirable Behaviors Outside Home and School

• Smile when you introduce your self

• Be friendly and helpful
• Know how to greet
• Be nice
• Be gentle
• Always use your manners in every situation.
• Help others if they are in need
• Keep your voice at an appropriate level for the conditions
you are in.

Moral, Ethics, Character,

Virtue, Values and the
Valuing Process
-are the accepted norms of conduct that allow individuals to work
together in organizations. What cultures sanction as right and acceptable is
referred to as moral.
is concerned with how we conduct ourselves. It aids us in distinguishing between right and bad.
We may do what is right and avoid what is wrong once we understand the difference between
the two.

“An immoral person

knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses to do what is wrong.”

“A moral person
knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses to do what is right.”
“An amoral person
has no regard for any standards of right or wrong, and just does what he/she
Moral Behavior can depend on:

The Consequences
Their Emotions
The Situation
Laws and Rules
Common Practice
Their Conscience
Making Moral Decisions

 Check the facts

-Many problems disappear upon closer examination of the situation, while others change
• For example, persons involved, laws, professional codes, other practical constraints
 Develop a list of options
-Be imaginative, try to avoid "dilemma"; not "yes" or" no" but
whom to go to, what to say.
 Evaluate the consequences of the options
 Reflect and pray
 Decide what will you do
Morality Matters

o You could not have close friends if you lied constantly and stole from them.
o Families would not function if the parents simply ignored their children.
o Society would totally collapse if people ignored their duties towards others.

Where does our Morality come from?

Home and Family Society and the State

Friends and Peers Emotions
Religion and Church

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