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New Detailed Lesson Plan GRADE 3

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Name: Love Mae G. Leyson School: AMADO M.


Date: Subject/Grade: English 3

Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of pronouns and preposition for appropriate communication

Performance Standard: Use pronouns in variety of oral and written theme-based activities

Learning Competencies: Use demonstrative pronouns ( this, that) EN3G-IIIab-4.2.1

Read phrases, sentences and stories consisting of short e, and a words and some sight words with appropriate speed, accuracy and proper expression EN3F-IIIa1.6
Participate/ engage in a read-along of texts (e.g. poetry, repetitive text) EN3AIIIa-e-1

Resources: Lets begin Reading in English

Pictures, words strips
Values Infusion: Respecting and taking care of all kinds of living creature may it be big or small.

Teaching Strategies: Interactive / Participative method

Subject Integration: Science, Math, Esp

Values Infusion Teaching Strategies Integration Procedure Pupils Activity IM’s

A. Motivation
The Teacher will show pictures of persons
and things.


Ask: The picture has a girl, boy and a spider

What can you say about the picture?

Spiders web is not only their home, but it is also
Science a trap set for its prey. Its web is very sticky that
once an insect steps on it, it can no longer move.
 B. Presentation
Listen as I read the sentence. Complete it by
saying he, she, or it.
Paste the sentence besides each picture.

  This is Ericka ______ is

This is Ericka. She is Anton’s
Anton’s sister. _____ saw
sister. She saw the spider
the spider spin its web.
spin its web.

This is Anton _____ likes to

This is Anton he likes to
play with spiders._____ is
play with spiders. He is
Ericka’s brother.
Ericka’s brother.

This is the spider in the

This is the spider in the
garden. _____ spins its own
garden. It spins its own
web. ____ lays in the spider
web. It lays in the spider
egg sac
Interactive / egg sac
Participative method
Ask: spider
Where do spider lay it eggs? lay it eggs inside the egg sac.
Respecting and taking Can a spider help us? Yes, Spider can help us.
Science In what way? Spider traps mosquitos that cause dengue
care of all kinds of living
What should we do with the spiders? We should take care of the spiders and not
creature may it be big
kill them.
or small.

Let the pupils read the poem

Near or Far Near or Far

Near or far Near or far

Far of near Far of near
Here and there Here and there
There and here There and here
One or two One or two
Three or more Three or more
Wants to know Wants to know
What’s here and there What’s here and there
This or that This or that
These or those These or those
Let me know Let me know

What does far means? Far mean something that is out of your
What does near means? Near means something that is close to you
or something that you can hold

D. Discussion

Math  Look at the picture. And read the sentence Picture with word
below strips

This is my father This is my favorite toy This is my father This is my favorite


In the sentence 1 who is the boy referring to? He is referring to his father
How many is he referring to? Only one
Is his father near him? Yes
What word did he used to show that his He uses the word this.
father is near him?

In the sentence 2 who is the girl referring to? She is referring to her toy
How many is she referring to? Only one
What word did she used to show that it is She uses the word this
near her?
That is my house. That is a bird.
That is my house. That is a bird.

What is the lad referring to?
How many is he pointing to? He is referring to his house.
Is it near or far? Only one
What word did he use to show that the It is far
house is far from him? He uses the word that,

What is the little girl referring to?

How many is she pointing to?
Is it near or far? The bird
What word did she use to show that the bird Only one
is far from her? It is far
She uses the that
 E. Application
Real object/
Give a child a particular object. Let him/ her Give a child a particular object. Let pictures
talk about it using the pattern him/ her talk about it using the pattern
This is a _________ This is a _________
Show an object, ask a child to point to it Show an object, ask a child to point to it
That is a/an ___________ That is a/an ___________

 F. Generalization
When are we going to use the demonstrative We used the demonstrative this if the
pronoun this? object is near you.

When are we going to use the demonstrative We used the demonstrative this if the
pronoun that? object is far from you.
 G. Evaluation
Write This or that to complete the Paper and pencil
Write This or that to complete the sentence. sentence. test

1. _______ is my balloon. 1. This is my balloon.

2. _______ is a plane. 2. That is a plane.

3. ________ is our house. 3. That is our house.

4. ________ is a plant. 4. This is a plant.

5. ________ is a bird. 5. That is a bird.

H. Assignment
Write 4 sentences using the demonstrative
pronouns this and that. Paste or draw a picture.
Among the 26 96% of the class got 85% in the evaluation.
96% of the class understands the topic very well. With the help of visual aids, it makes the topic easy for the learners to understand. But one or two of the learners where physically present
but mentally absent. The teacher should call the attention of those pupils to get them into participating in your class discussions.

Checked by: Prepared by:


School Head Grade 3 - Adviser

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