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Alexander the

The Warrior King of Ancient Greek Macedon Kingdom
Alexander’s Origin

01 02
He was born in 356 B.C.E. in Pella, Macedonia His father hired Aristotle to be his private
traditional region of Greece, located in the tutor and he studied with Aristotle for
north-central portion of the country three years

03 04
In 338 B.C.E. ,King Philip II of
His father, King Philip II, was King of
Macedonia attacked and conquered the
Macedonia He had conquered the Greek
Greeks, but he was assassinated soon after
city states during his 27 years reign
King Alexandar of
Alexander was only 20 years old when he became
King in 336 B.C.E.

The well-educated Alexander was just as

ambitious as he was brilliant at military strategy

Once he cemented his power, he began to expand

his empire

In ten years, Alexander of Macedonia created the

largest empire in the world up to that time
Alexander spread Greek culture, ensuring cultural
diffusion and the survival of the qualities of
classical Greece
Expanding the Empire
334-332 BC Alexander & his army defeated the Persians

Alexander set his sights on the Persian Empire and began

his attack by conquering Egypt

Egyptians viewed Alexander as a liberator, freeing them

from the Persians

In 331 B.C., Alexander attacked and defeated the mighty

Persian army led by King Darius III

Alexander destroyed the Persian capital of Persepolis

Expanding the Empire

Major cities in Asia Minor and along the Phoenician coast

surrendered to Alexander Between 332-331 BC

Alexander proceeded to Egypt, & established the city of Alexandria

*He was made pharaoh

Alexander in Middle East:

From 330-327 BC Alexander conquered regions of the Middle East
to Afghanistan

Alexander in India :
Alexander fights his way across the deserts of Central Asia to India
Alexander conquers Indus Valley area in 326 B.C
Kingdom of about
2,000000 square miles
One of the world's greatest military generals, He created a
vast empire that stretched from Macedonia to Egypt and
from Greece to part of India
Legacy Of Alexander

Historians call He spread Greek His Empire becomes

Alexander blended
this era the influence throughout 3 Kingdoms
Greek and Persian Macedonia, Egypt
“Hellenistic all the conquered
cultures lands. and Persia
Legacy of Alexander
✣ Alexander made Babylonia the capital of his Empire
✣ When Alexander met his future wife, It was love at first sight
✣ He married one of Darius’ daughters, Roxxane.
✣ He “encouraged” 10,000 of his soldiers to take Persian wives
✣ In 15 years of conquest Alexander the Great never lost a battle
✣  After defeating the Persians, Alexander started dressing like them.
✣ He named more than 70 cities after himself—and one after his
✣ Alexander’s body was preserved in a vat of honey.
Legacy of Alexander
Phalanx Strategy :

A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long

spears, developed by Philip II and perfected by Alexander the
What’s Important to understand?

Creation of one of the largest Great Military Leadership skill

empires in ancient history
Why was
Alexander so He was fearless’ led his men
Master of war strategy and
tactics famous and into battle willing to risk his
successful? own life

Known as one of the While in India, Alexander was the

greatest generals in all history first to leap over a city wall in
order to inspire his troops
Alexander's empire was the largest of the Classical
Era, but it was short-lived (only 13 years) and was
never fully Unified.
The Gordian Knot

Alexander’s Simple Answer

The Gordian Knot: the legend behind the ancient knot was that the man who could
untie it was destined to rule the entire world.

Alexander “untangled” the knot by slashing through it with his sword and went on
to conquer Asia as far as India. This is the story of the Gordian Knot, and its moral
is that sometimes the best answer to a complex problem is the simplest one
The Mystery Of Alexander's Death

Alexander was 32 when he died in 323 B.C.E.
Alexander died of a fever at young age… but why? Plutarch reports that he was had been
plagued by several bad “omens”.
Some others from the time claimed Alexander was poisoned
Alexander probably died of typhoid fever (which, along with malaria, was common in
ancient Babylon)

Areesha Mujtaba
Mirza Khalid Baig
Manahil Elaahi
Muhammad Monis

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons

by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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