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Art of Greater Gandhara

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History of Art 688

The Art of greater Gandhara

(Bactria, Margiana, Gandhara)
Professor John C. Huntington
Lecture 02
Alexander III of Macedon
and the Seleucid Empire

Reading Assignment for this

The website above, contains a rather detailed history of the Seleucids
(or kids). It is mostly a tale of betrayal within the family and of brother against
brother or uncle against nephe, fighting over power and killing each other in
battles. However, the complexity and details of this totally inhumane activity are
both instructive and cautionary. Unfortunately, his was the standard for political
life in the greater Persian region. It would seem that war was almost the
sport of the time.
As an exercise (to fully understand the implications of this total waste
of resources, make a list including each king, whom he killed and who killed
him. I think you find it both fascinating and ugly. Remember it is the Seleucid
period that sets the stage for the Saka-Parthian period, and their successors the

Map of Seleucid Empire

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Alexander III (356-323 BC),
King of Macedonia, conqueror of the Persian Empire. Born in
Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia, Alexander was the son of
Philip II, king of Macedonia. Greek philosopher Aristotle was
Alexander's tutor, instructing him in rhetoric and literature and
stimulating his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy.In
336 BC Philip was assassinated, and Alexander ascended to the
throne. He quickly solidified his rule at home and then attacked
Thessaly to restore Macedonian rule there. In 335 BC he defeated
the Thracians, penetrating to the Danube River. On his return he
crushed the Illyrians before hastening to Thebes, which had
revolted. He razed the city, sparing only temples and the house
of Pindar, a Greek lyric poet of the 5th century BC.

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Other Greek states promptly submitted to Alexander's
rule.Alexander began his war against Persia in the spring of 334
BC, defeating a Persian army near the ancient city of Troy.
Subsequently, all the states of Asia Minor submitted to him.
Advancing southward, Alexander defeated the main Persian
army, commanded by King Darius III, at Issus, in northeastern
Syria in 333 BC. He then took Tyre in 332 BC. Alexander next
captured Gaza and traveled into Egypt. He secured control of the
entire eastern Mediterranean coastline and founded, at the mouth
of the Nile River, the city of Alexandria, which later became the
literary, scientific, and commercial center of the Greek
world.Alexander next reorganized his forces and started for
Babylon. In 331 BC he again defeated Darius, and Babylon
surrendered. Alexander then forced his way to Persepolis, the
Persian capital, and plundered it.

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
By 327 BC his domain extended along and beyond the southern
shores of the Caspian Sea, into much of central Asia.In 326 BC
Alexander invaded the Punjab. At this point the Macedonians
rebelled and refused to go farther. Alexander spent about a year
organizing his dominions and completing a survey of the Persian
Gulf in preparation for further conquests. He arrived in Babylon
in the spring of 323 BC, but then he contracted a fever and died.
Alexander was noted as a brilliant military tactician and troop
leader. He founded a number of cities, most of them

named Alexandria. These cities were well located and

settled by Greek veterans from his army. Thus, Greek
culture was spread and the Greek language became widely

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Examples of Alexander III Coins Minted by Alexander

Alexander the Great lifetime stater, 8.61g, official issue from Abydos, Troas, Asia
Minor, c. 328-323 BC, The obverse depicts Athena wearing a crested Corinthian helmet
ornamented with a coiled snake, wearing an earring and a necklace, her braided hair
falling straight down the back of her neck and visible as wavy locks beneath her helmet
to the side. The reverse depicts Nike holding a wreath and ship stylis (ornament) or a
mast, Hermes or a generic male wearing a chlamys (small cloak fastened at the
shoulder), a mint control mark consisting of the Greek letter xi under Athena's right
wing, and the inscription "Of Alexander

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Examples of Alexander III Coinage Minted by Alexander

Portrait of Alexander struck during his life time, Afghan Treasure of Mir-Zakah
Obv. Alexander wearing the elephant headdress, the aegis of Zeus (thunder cape
that deflects enemies) and the rams horn of Amon an Egyptian god that the
Greeks identified with Zeus). Rev. Elephant facing right and greek leter xi above
Stater , weight and diameter unknown (about the size of penny)

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Examples of Alexander III Coinage post lifetime

Portrait of Alexander minted by his General and friend, Ptolemy I, with in 18 years of
Alexander's death. Egypt, Ptolemy I, 310-305 B.C. rare bare breast variety AR
Tetradrachm, 15.67g. 28mm. struck c.310-305 B.C. Head of the deified Alexander
the Great r. wearing elephant skin. Rv. Athena striding r. holding spear and shield;
eagle on thunderbolt at feet; monograms in fields to l. and r.; test cut in field to l.

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Examples of Alexander III Coinage

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Examples of Alexander III Coinage post lifetime

Portrait of Alexander struck 42 years after his death in 281-280 bce.

THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm. Lysimachia mint.
Struck Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BASILEWS LUSIMACOU,
Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand, left arm leaning on her shield;
lion head left above elephant left in inner left field; QE monogram on throne.

The Conquest of Persia,

etc by Alexander the Great
of Macedon
Examples of Alexander III Coins post lifetime

KINGS of MACEDON, Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm

(31 mm, 17.2 gm). Mesembria mint. Struck circa 250-175 BC.
Obverse: Head of Herakles in lion's skin right. Reverse: Zeus seated left,
holding eagle and sceptre; Corinthian helmet left, monogram below throne

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
After the death of Alexander the Great in the afternoon of 11 June 323
BCE, his empire was divided by his generals, the so-called Diadochi. One
of them was his friend Seleucus, who became king of the eastern
provinces - more or less modern Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and
Lebanon, together with parts of Turkey, Armenia, Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. His kingdom had two capitals, which he
founded in c.300: Antioch in Syria and Seleucia in Iraq. Babylon was a
third important city. The empire was, like the empire of Alexander,
actually the continuation of the empires before: Persia, Babylonia and
Seleucus Is reign lasted from 312 to 280.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
in c.246, during a short interregnum, the Seleucids lost much territory
in the east, where the Parni settled themselves in the satrapy of Parthia
-in northern Iran- and the satrapy of Bactria -Afghanistan- became
independent. The Seleucid king Antiochus III the Great was able to
reconquer these territories between 209 and 204. In the southwest, the
Seleucid kings fought several wars with the Egyptians; in 200, their king
was forced to cede Palestine to Antiochus III. Seleucid power was at its
zenith. Antiochus III the Great In 196, Antiochus III crossed the
Hellespont in order to add Thrace to his empire (which happened in
194). This was something that the Romans could not allow to happen,
and war between the two superpowers broke out in 192. Antiochus
received support from many Greek towns and help from the famous
general Hannibal, but was defeated and forced to pay a tremendous
sum of money. Moreover, the Seleucid empire lost its possessions in
what is now Turkey.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
The tide was turning against the Seleucid monarchy. In the west, Rome
became too powerful to resist; they backed the Jews, who liberated
themselves in the years after 165 (the so-called Maccabaean revolt).
At the same time, Central Asian Nomads, the Parni founded the
Parthian empire, which seized away the eastern provinces. The towns in
Babylonia, a.o. Seleucia and Babylon, were captured between April and
June 141. New losses followed, until in 64, the Roman general Pompey
the Great made an end to the Seleucid kingdom.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 1:
Seleucus I Nicator
June, 311 - September


02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 1:
Seleucus I Nicator 1(?) June, 311 - September 281

Seleukid Kings of Syria Seleukos I Nikator

AR TetradrachmAttribution: SC 3.3a, Date: 282-281 BC
Obverse: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin
Reverse: Zeus Nikephoros seated left; monogram in left field,
AS below throne.Size: 25.89 mm Weight: 17.08 grams

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 1:
Seleucus I Nicator 1(?) June, 311 - September 281

KINGS of PERGAMON. Philetairos I. 284-263 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.70 gm).

Diademed head of Seleukos I right / Athena enthroned left, holding shield and
spear; ivy leaf before, bow behind, A on throne.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 1:
Seleucus I Nicator 1(?) June, 311 - September 281

Tetradrachm of Seleucus I, 300280 B.C.; SeleucidIran, excavated at Pasargadae Silver

Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1974 (1974.105.9

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 2:
Antiochus I Soter September 281 - 2 June 261

Antiochus I, Soter, 280 to 261 BC Tetradrachm, diademed heard right / nude Herakles seated
left on rock, lion skin draped over rock, club in right hand. Magnesia ad Sipylum mint.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 3:
Antiochus II Theos 261-252 (Youth)

Seleucid Empire: Antiochus II Theos, 261-246. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm; 28 mm). Series I,
261-252 BC. Antioch. Diademed head right / BASILEWS - ANT-IOCOU. Apollo seated left on
omphalos holding bow and arrow. Monogram in left field. WSM 1135. Good metal and strike.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 3:
Antiochus II Theos 261-252 (middle age)

SELEUCID KINGDOM: Antiochus II Theos (261246 BC). AR tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Seleucia
on the Tigris. Diademed head of Antiochus I right / BASILEWS ANTIOCOU, Apollo seated left
on omphalus, examining arrow held in right hand and resting left hand on bow, monograms in
outer left and right fields. SC 587.4a. ESM 178.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 3:
Antiochus II Theos 261-252 (older)

SELEUCID KINGDOM: Antiochus II Theos (261246 BC). AR tetradrachm (16.34 gm). Perhaps
Temnus. Diademed head of Antiochus I right, rejuvenated and idealized / BASILEWS
ANTIOCOU, Heracles seated left on rocks, resting right hand on club before him, cantharus in
outer left field , HD monogram in exergue. Rare! SC 497. WSM 1510..


02 the Selucids

Seleucid Chronology
King list 2a:
Interregnum 246-244 [Antiochus I]

Interregnum, 246-244BC, Silver Tetradrachm, Houghton-Lorber SC-641, CSE-421

(same dies), EHC-335, struck 246-244BC at Antioch,
16.78 grams, 27.8 mm. Nice VFObv:
Diademed head of Antiochus I facing rightRev: Apollo seated facing left on omphalus,
testing arrow, hand on grounded bow

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 3:
Antiochus Hierax, 246 to 227 BCE

Tetradrachm, Diademed draped bust right / Apollo seated left on omphalos holding
arrow and bow. Cilician mint.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 3:
Seleucus II Callinicus July/August 246 - after 18 September 226

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos II. 246-226 BC. AR Tetradrachm Uncertain mint, perhaps
Antioch. Diademed head right / Apollo standing left, holding arrow in right hand, resting
left elbow on tripod.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 4:
Seleucus III Ceraunus (or Soter) before 10 April 225 - summer 223

Seleukid Kingdom: Seleucus III Keraunos (Ceraunus) AR tetradrachm

-Date: 226-223 BC, 17.00gm, Antioch mint, 27.2mm. Obv:
-Diademed head right. Rev: Apollo, naked, seated left on omphalos holding arrow,
-bow set on ground, SELEUKOU to left, BASILEWS to right, monograms to outer left and right.
-Newell WSM 1029; Houghton/Lorber SC 921.1. aEF/EF

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
Ompalos? Whats that?

The demigod Heracles went to the edges of the earth to meet the legendary Amazons, the
Hesperides and the monster Geryon. Of course, Greece was the center of the world, and the
Greeks believed that they could prove it. Once, in the mythological past, the supreme god
Zeus had released two eagles at the edges of the earth, and they had met each other at
Delphi. A monument was erected to celebrate the outcome of this mytho-scientific
experiment: it was called the omphalos ('navel'). Probably, the story was invented to give
significance to a very ancient monument, the meaning of which was no longer understood. In
fact, it is likely that the Delphian omphalos originally was a baetyl, a 'house of god' that is
well-known from the ancient Near East.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 5:
Antiochus III the Great summer 223 - 3 July 187

Antiochus III, the Great, Seleucid, Greek, 223-187 BCE, Tetradrachm, AR, 16.9g, 1 1/8" dia.,
O: Diademed head right; AB monogram behind R: Apollo seated left on omphalos,
holding arrow and bow. "King Antiochus", Legend on reverse: ANTIOCOU BASILEWS,

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 5:
Antiochus III the Great summer 223 - 3 July 187

Seleukid Kingdom Antiochus III AR Drachm / Elephant

Attribution: S 6940, Houghton CSE 1186
Date: 223-187 BC
Obverse: Bust right Reverse: Elephant walking right, legends
Size: 18.11 mmWeight: 3.9 grams Description:

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 6:
Seleucus IV Philopator 3 July 187 - 3 September 175

Seleucus IV, 187-175 B.C. AR Tetradrachm, Antioch mint. Diademed hd. of Seleucus r.
Rv. Apollo seated l. on omphalos hld. bow and arrow; wreath and palm in field to l.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 7:
Antiochus IV Epiphanes 3 September 175 - November/December 164

SELEUCID KINGDOM: Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 BC). AR tetradrachm (16.66 gm).

Antioch, circa 173/2-169/8 BC. Diademed head of Antiochus IV right /
BASILEWS ANTIOCOU QEOU EPIFANOU, Zeus seated left, holding Nike and
scepter topped with lis, DI monogram in exergue. Mrkholm 12.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 8:
Antiochus V Eupator November/December 164 - after 29 October 29 162

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos V. 164-162 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.44gm).

Antioch mint. Diademed head right / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre;
monogram outer left.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 9:
Demetrius I Soter before September/October 161 - beginning of June 150

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.68 gm). Antioch mint.
Diademed head right, within wreath / Tyche seated, holding baton and cornucopiae,
Nereid supporting throne; monogram outer

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 10:
Alexander I Balas summer 152 - beginning of August 145

Seleucid Kingdom, Alexander I Balas AR Tetradrachm, Rare Seleucia on the Tigris Mint ObvDiademed head of Balas right in Eastern style.Rev-Zeus Nikephoros enthroned left with scepter.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 10:
Alexander I Balas summer 152 - beginning of August 145

Seleucid Kingdom, Alexander I Balas AR Tetradrachm, Rare Seleucia on the Tigris Mint ObvDiademed head of Balas right in Eastern style.Rev-Zeus Nikephoros enthroned left with scepter.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 10:
Alexander I Balas summer 152 - beginning of August 145

SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA. Alexander I Balas. 152-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm

(33mm, 16.81 g, 12h). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Marriage commemorative, struck 150 BC. Jugate
bust of Cleopatra Thea (as Tyche), veiled, diademed, wearing kalathos, cornucopiae over
her shoulder, and head of Alexander, diademed, right; A behind / Zeus Nikephoros seated left;
Nike stands facing, holding a thunderbolt. (A3/P-; unlisted rev. die); SNG Spaer 1483; Houghton 407

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 11:
Demetrius II Nicator (first reign) before 8 September 145 - July/August 138

Demetrius II, silver tetradrachm of 27 mm, 13.15 grams. Struck at the mint of Tyre
in 129/8 BC. Diademed bust Demetrius II/Eagle stands left, wings closed, club to left.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 12:
Antiochus VI Dionysus beginning of August 145 - summer 140?

Seleukid Kingdom Antiochus IV AR Tetradrachm

Attribution: SGN Spaer 973Date: 175-164 BC (sic)
Obverse: Antiochos IV, bust right Reverse: Zeus enthroned left A
Size: 31.51 mmWeight: 16.4 grams

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 12:
Antiochus VI Dionysus beginning of August 145 - summer 140?

Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head of King right. Reverse Helmet with cheek
pieces and ibex horn.Right field: KING ANTIOCHUS, BASILEWS ANTIOCOU (BASILEWS
ANTIOCOU) Left field: DIONUSOU EPIFANOUS, Dionysos Epiphanes. TPY, which stands
for Tryphon, between horn and helmet.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 13:
Diodotus Tryphon summer 140? - after August 138

Tetradrachm, Diademed head right / Macedonian cavalry helmet with ibex horn, thunderbolt
on cheek guard, all within oak wreath. Very rare, choice portrait of this short lived usurper.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 14:
Antiochus VII Sidetes (or Euergetes) July/August 138 - after 20 May 129

Seleukid Kingdom: Antiochos VII Euergetes AR tetradrachm, 138-129 BC, Antioch mint,
16.48gm, 28mm. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochos VII right. Rev: BASILEWS ANTIOCOU E
UER-GETOU; helmeted Athena standing half-left, holding Nike in her right hand above
monogram and A; holding spear and shield with aegis in her left hand; small monogram
above left hand; all within wreath.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 15:
Demetrius II Nicator (second reign) first months of 129 - 126/125

Syria, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios II. Second Reign. 129-125 BC. AR Tetradrachm
(16.53 gm). Year 185 (128-127 BC). Damascus mint. Diademed and bearded head of
Demetrios right / [B]ASILEW[S] DHMHTRIO[U] right, QEOU NIKATORO[S] left, Zeus seated
left on throne, holding Nike and sceptre; XD below throne, EPR in exergue.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 16:
Alexander II Zabinas 129 - 123

Tetradrachm, Diademed head right / Zeus left holding Nike in right hand,
lotus tipped scepter right hand.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 17:
Seleukos V 125

No known Coins

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 17:
Cleopatra Thea 125-6


02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 18:
Cleopatra Thea and Antiochus VIII Gryphus 126/125 - 121

Seleucid Kingdom, Cleopatra Thea/Antiochos VIII Jugate AR Tetradrachm,

Rare Phoenician Mint Obv-Jugate busts of Cleopatra and Antiochos VIII.
Rev-Zeus Nikephoros enthroned with royal titles of both King and Queen

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 20:
Antiochus VIII Gryphus 121 - 113 (first Reign)

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VIII. First Reign. 121-113 BC. ARTetradrachm (16.54 gm).
Antioch mint. Diademed head right / Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star and sceptre

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 20:
Antiochus VIII Gryphus 108-96 (third reign)

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VIII. First Reign. 121-113 BC. ARTetradrachm (16.54 gm).
Antioch mint. Diademed head right / Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star and sceptre

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 21:
Antiochus IX Cyzicenus 114/113 - 95

Antiochus IX, tetradrachm. Diademed head right / Athena standing half left holding Nike
in her right hand, shield and spear in her left.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 22:
Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator 96 - 95

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos VI. 95-94 BC. AR Tetradrachm Antioch mint. Diademed
head right / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; letters and monogram outer left,
A under throne.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Antiochus X Eusebes Philopator 95 - 92 or 83

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos X. 94-92 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.55 gm). Antioch mint.
Diademed head right / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; monogram and A to left,
monogram under throne.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Demetrius III Eucaerus (or Philopator) 95 - 87

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios III. 95-88 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.88gm). Damascus
mint. Year 222 (91/90 BC). Diademed head right / Cult-statue of Atargatis facing; N and
A in left field, BKS and monogram in exergue.s

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Antiochus XI Ephiphanes Philadelphus 93- 92


02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Philip I Philadelphus 95 - 84/83

SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Philip Philadelphos. 89-83 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.78 gm). Uncertain
mint in Northern Syria or Cilicia. Diademed headof Philip right / Zeus seated left, holding
Nike and sceptre; NKmonogram/A left, AP monogram at knee, monogram under throne.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Antiochus XII Dionysus 87 - 84

Tetradrachm, 86-85 BCE, Diademed head right / Cult statue of Haddad standing
facing on double basis, flanked by two bull foreparts, holding grain stalk in right hand.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Tigranes II the Great of Armenia 83 - 69

KINGS of ARMENIA. Tigranes II, 95-56 BC. AR Tetradrachm PCW-G997-KINGS of ARMENIA.

Tigranes II, 95-56 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.98 gm; 28 mm). Antioch mint. Draped bust right, wearing
tiara with star and eagles; two-pellet points on tiara / BASILEWS TIGRANOU, Tyche of Antioch seated
right on rock, holding branch; below, river-god Orontes swimming right; monogram on rock.
Nercessian Group 6 (A56); CAA 33; AC 33.

02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Antiochus XIII Asiaticus 69 - 64


02 the Selucids
Seleucid Chronology
King list 23:
Philip II Philoromaeus 65 - 64


Roman rule 64 BCE on

02 the Bactrian
Bactrian Chronology
King list 1: Diodotus I r. c.250-240 BCE

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