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Unit 2: Search Engine Marketing

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Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing
a business using paid advertisements that appear on
search engine results pages .
In search engine marketing, advertisers pay for
impressions that result in visitors, hence the name
pay-per-click. Search engine marketing aims to reach
users when they most need the information you have
to offer, which makes PPC advertising ideally less
Steps Involved in Search Engine Marketing
Step 1 − Define Effective Strategy. ...
Step 2 − Choose Right Keywords. ...
Step 3 − Optimize Your Website Content. ...
Step 4 − Submit Your Website for Indexing. ...
Step 5 − Add Quality Links to Your Website. ...
Step 6 − Manage Paid Search Advertise. ...
Step 7 − Measure Success of Advertise.
benefits of using search engine marketing
SEM grabs the attention of your audience at the right
time. Research shows that 90 percent of people who
research online know exactly what they're looking
for. ...
It's easy and quick to implement. ...
It's measurable. ...
It helps raise brand awareness.
SEM is essential because it ensures that your target
audience sees the content you create in their search
query results. You're not left competing for organic
space, as your advertisements are shown at the top of
the first SERP page. You can effectively reach your
target audience, drive traffic, and boost conversions.
PPC or pay-per-click is a type of internet marketing
which involves advertisers paying a fee each time one of
their ads is clicked. Simply, you only pay for advertising if
your ad is actually clicked on. It's essentially a method of
'buying' visits to your site, in addition to driving website
visits organically.
Google Ads is the single most popular PPC advertising
system in the world. The Ads platform enables businesses
to create ads that appear on Google's search engine and
other Google properties. Google Ads operates on a pay-per-
click model, in which users bid on keywords and pay for
each click on their advertisements.
The benefits of running PPC advertising include: Cost
effective - because you only pay when a user actually
reaches your website, it can be good value for money.
You can choose to spend as much or as little as you
like. Targeted - you can choose your audience
according to demographics like location, language and
Online advertising
Online advertising is one of the most effective ways
for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, find
new customers, and diversify their revenue .
Online Advertising is the art of using the internet as a
medium to deliver marketing messages to an identified
and intended audience. It is helpful for attracting
website traffic and brand exposure, but first and
foremost, online advertising is designed to persuade
the targeted customer to engage in a specific action -
like, making a purchase.
The different types of Online Advertising
There are many different types of online advertising - or
internet advertising/web advertising as it is otherwise known -
and it can be difficult to know where to start. To help, we have
highlighted some of the most important types of online
advertising for you to consider:
Social Media Advertising
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
SEM (Search Engine Advertising) - including PPC
Display Advertising - including banner advertising &
Mobile Advertising
social media marketing strategy
A social media marketing strategy is a summary of
everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on
social media. It guides your actions and lets you know
whether you're succeeding or failing. The more
specific your plan is, the more effective it will be.
68% of consumers agree that social media enables
them to interact with brands and companies. While
traditional marketing and advertising methods are one-
way media, where brands rely on their monologue to
win over a consumer, social media empowers dialogue
and gives consumers unique opportunities to engage.
To help get you started, here are five social media
hacks to get more eyes on your content and start
turning viewers into customers.
Audience targeting. ...
Promote on social media platforms. ...
Paid search and social ads. ...
Improve quality score. ...
Optimize user engagement for SEO.
Increase levels of customer service and satisfaction.
 Foster online community and tell authentic stories.
Become part of the zeitgeist.
Increase revenue with social commerce.
Nike. Nike has 103 million Instagram followers, 33.7
million Facebook followers, and 8.1 million Twitter
followers. Nike's social media strategy is
smart; instead of focusing on their products, they
focus on the athletes and teams that use them.
Website optimization is the process of using
controlled experimentation to improve a website's
ability to drive business goals.
Website optimization is the process of using
knowledge, tools, and strategies to improve the
performance of your website and help it rank higher on
search engines. The goal of website optimization is to
drive more traffic to a website, increase your
number of conversions, and ultimately, increase
Website optimization tools
Website optimization tools help you collect
information about how people experience your
website, so you can understand what's working well
and what can be improved—and ultimately deliver a
better experience for your visitors. Website
optimization tools will help you: Speed up your
website. Improve user experience.
Keywords are words or phrases that are used to
match your ads with the terms people are searching
for. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your
advertising campaign can help you reach the customers
you want, when you want.
Keywords are the words and phrases that people type
into search engines to find what they're looking for.
For example, if you were looking to buy a new jacket,
you might type something like “mens leather jacket”
into Google. Even though that phrase consists of more
than one word, it's still a keyword.
Digital Marketing Metrics
Digital marketing metrics are the key performance
indicators (KPIs ) used to measure the success of a
business's marketing efforts online. The goal of
using digital marketing metrics is to track and decipher
the way consumers interact with your brand online
through websites and social media platforms.
Digital marketing metrics are the key performance indicators
used to measure the success of a business's marketing efforts
online. The goal of using digital marketing metrics is to track and
decipher the way consumers interact with your brand online
through websites and social media platforms.
Digital marketing metrics provide the framework for businesses
to analyze the strategies used to reach new and existing customers
through targeted campaigns or general marketing initiatives.
These metrics can also help marketers find new ways to
customize their approach for increased brand awareness and
customer growth. Digital marketing metrics can also guide
professionals away from strategies that may be ineffective so they
can maximize their efforts on successful campaign methods.
15 digital marketing metrics businesses can use
Digital marketing metrics show a range of data that can affect budgets,
ad campaigns and sales projections. Marketing professionals determine
these metrics using website analysis tools from online providers or
through software programs designed to calculate specific figures.
Here are the top digital marketing metrics industry professionals use to
gain insight into the effectiveness and profitability of their efforts:
1. Search engine optimization (SEO)/keywords
Search engine optimization is both a strategy and a metric marketing
professionals use to drive website traffic and analyze results. SEO uses
keywords to produce organic search results that can bring more users to
your site. SEO metrics are used to generate potential keywords, analyze
the main keywords that are relevant to your website and determine how
keyword strategies have driven more traffic to your website content.
2. Total website traffic
Measuring the total traffic or visits to your website can help
you look at the overall picture of where your traffic comes
from, how many potential customers are visiting and trends
in the number of visits at certain points in time. Businesses
work to produce steady growth in the total traffic to their
Looking at the number of website visits can give you a basic
understanding of your online presence. Checking your total
website traffic can give you an idea of the success of a
campaign to drive visitors to your site, who can then become
conversions into customer purchases.
3. Traffic from channels
By analyzing the way users arrived on your site, you can evaluate which methods are the most
effective ways to gain traffic. Using the metric of channel traffic, marketing professionals ask
where consumers were online before heading to their website and question how users arrived
at the site. This includes the following channel possibilities:
Direct traffic: Direct traffic comes from users entering your website URL into the search bar
at the top of a web browser. This takes consumers directly to your site without the help of a
search engine or other channel. Direct traffic indicates strong brand awareness from high
intent visitors.
Organic search results: When consumers use a search engine to find a specific term, organic
results are the links that appear between paid ads. This is an element of SEO that uses
keywords to amplify the possibility of top results from search engines.
Social media platforms: Another way for consumers to visit your website from another
channel is through links on social media. This can include posts from your accounts and
through clicking on social media-based ads.
Referrals: Users may come to your website after finding a link or mention on another site.
This could be through guest blogging or through partnerships with influencers or other
4. Conversions
Conversions tell marketers how many website visitors
actually turned into subscribers or paying customers.
Conversion metrics also count users who download
content from your website. Converting visitors to
clients is the goal of increased website traffic because
it leads to more followers or direct purchases. Higher
conversion rates indicate successful marketing
campaigns, attractive web content and effective
product incentives.
5. Average bounce rate
Bounce rates show the number of users who left after
viewing a single page on your website. Bounce rate
metrics can show you the amount of time consumers
spent on your page, down to the second, before
leaving. The shorter the amount of time, the more
significant the bounce rate. Low bounce rates indicate
that users find the content they want and are willing to
spend time on your site, which can lead to more
possible conversions instead of missed opportunities.
6. Trends in searches
Search trends study the way people use organic search
results to get to your website. Trends in keywords may
signal a need for updating content like blog articles
and landing pages. Depending on your industry, trends
may shift in predictable patterns like seasonal
increases in organic traffic for certain products or
services. You can also use search trends from certain
data periods to compare yearly fluctuations in search
results, allowing you to gauge high and low periods in
. First-time visitors
Tracking the number of first-time visitors to a site
allows marketing professionals to measure the success
of targeted campaigns like banner ads and strategic
partnerships. It can also be used to determine the
effectiveness of new content by analyzing new visitors
in daily, weekly or monthly increments. Website
analysis tools often provide the number of new visitors
as a percent of total traffic.
8. Returning visitors
Measuring the number of returning visitors can also
give insight into the value of your website content.
Return visitors signal interest and relevant information
that is both attractive to your audience and evergreen
or timeless.
9. Demographic data
Marketing professionals use demographic data to
determine the traits of their website visitors. This
information helps them decide where to place ads and
how to create the best content for their target audience.
10. Brand awareness
Although brand awareness can be a challenging metric to measure with specific numerical data,
anecdotal evidence like brand mentions through third-party reviews and social media conversations
gives marketers an idea of a brand's performance in the general marketplace. You can measure brand
awareness through the following ways:
Brand searches: Branded searches mean consumers are searching for your brand name directly on
search engine websites. This is another way to measure organic traffic.
Social media post likes: Tracking social media post likes helps you gauge the number of interactions
or engagement happening on your site.
Content shares: Another way to measure the amount of brand awareness generated online is by
looking at the number of users sharing your social media content. This can include reposting content
from your brand's page.
Social media comments: Comments also show that consumers are interacting with your brand,
which is a clue about your brand's online popularity.
Number of followers: The number of people following your brand through online social media
platforms is a direct indication of brand recognition. Growing followers can increase your website
traffic and indicate successful marketing efforts.
Brand mentions: Chatter or mentions online constitute brand awareness. Marketing professionals
track both negative and positive mentions to help determine ways to shape a brand's digital image.
11. Click-through rate
Click-through rates measure the percentage of people
who clicked on an ad that linked to your website.
Marketing professionals acknowledge that although
many consumers may see your ad, a smaller number
will actually click on it. Professionals strive to gain
lots of views or impressions so a larger percentage will
click through the advertisement. Improving click-
through rates is an important goal for marketing
professionals as it can generate more leads.
12. Response rate
Response rates for digital marketing communications
show how many users reply or investigate company
offers. This could mean the number of subscribers who
fill out a survey sent through an email newsletter or if
potential clients fill out an interest form for the
business. Analyzing response rates helps marketing
professionals calculate the number of leads generated
by marketing efforts. Improving response rates also
helps marketing teams know where to spend their
money more effectively to increase their return on
investment (ROI).
13. Cost per click/cost per impressions
In digital marketing campaigns, businesses pay for their ads to
show up on certain websites. When marketing professionals
analyze a cost per click or impression, they can determine the
value of their advertising efforts. In digital marketing scenarios,
an impression means a user viewed an ad online while a click
means the consumer actually went to your website by choosing to
click on the ad.
Since impressions don't necessarily lead to action, they cost less
than a click and are typically calculated in large sums such as
1,000 impressions for a certain fee. Businesses pay a higher cost
per click because these are more likely to convert to leads and
even customers.
14. Cost per lead
The cost per lead factors the amount a business has to
pay for a lead through impressions, clicks and response
rates. This metric reveals the total cost for converting
site visitors either through organic traffic or
advertising campaigns into viable potential customers.
Understanding their cost per lead helps marketing
professionals determine the profitability of advertising
efforts. It can contribute to budgeting and the
allocation of funds to specific campaigns. Cost per
lead also helps marketers know to generate the best
possible lead volume for the company.
15. Pageviews
Aside from measuring the time a user spends on your
website, you can look at the number of pages they
viewed on your site. Pageviews can also show the
most visited part of your website. For sites that offer e-
commerce, online shopping pages could be the most
popular, while businesses who offer services may find
their informational blog is the most visited part of their
site. Understanding where customers look most on
your site can help you strategically place information
on these pages.

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