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Two Nation Theory

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An ideology is a set of opinions or beliefs of
a group or an individual. Very often ideology
refers to a set of political beliefs or a set of
ideas that characterize a particular culture.
"Ideology is not a
matter of mere 'beliefs';
it is a matter of very
definite practices."
- Antonio Gramsci
● The Two Nation Theory in its simplest way means the
cultural, political, religious, economic and social
dissimilarities between the two major communities.

● Hindus and Muslims of the Sub Continent. These

difference of out look ,in fact, were greatly
instrumental in giving rise to two distinct political
ideologies which were responsible for the partition of
India into two independent state.
Pakistan’s ideology is based on the two
nation theory, but the separation of
these two nations are not based on
ethnicity, language, land but on the
● The key point of difference between the two nations is
their religion, namely Islam and Hinduism. Pakistan
came into being purely on the basis of Islam. Pakistan
should be an Islamic welfare state. Creation of
Pakistan was not for Sindhis, Punjabis, Baluch and
Pathans, but for Muslims only to secure their identity,
dignity and pride.
● 1.Religious ● 2. Political
Differences: Differences:
● The Hindus and Muslims belong The political differences
to different religions. Islam between the Hindus and
preaches Tawheed (oneness of Muslims have played an
Allah) and believes in equality of important role in the
man before law. Muslims are the developement and evolution of
believers of God, The Holy Two Nation Theory.
Prophet (P.B.U.H) the Holy Book (i) Hindi Urdu Controversy
Quran and hold a cohesive (ii) Congress Attitude
approach towards life. (iii) Partition of Bengal
Hinduism, on the other hand is
based on the concept of multiple
Gods. Their society follows a
caste system and is divided into
four classes and have a very
narrow approach towards life.
● 3.Cultural ● 4.Social
Differences: Differences:
Muslim followed the Islamic The two communities of the
culture while Hindus inherited a Sub Continent differ in their
self build culture. The Hindus social life as well. The
burnt their dead bodies while clothes, the foods, the
Muslims burred them. Hindus household utensils, the
considered the ‘Mother cow’ as a layout of homes, the words
sacred animal and worshiped it of salutation, the gestures
while Muslims slaughtered it. and every thing about them
They performed ‘sati’ while was different and
Muslims abhorred this immediately pointed to their
tradition .The Hindus and distinctive origin.
Muslims did not intermarry nor
they inter-dine.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s
● Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the pioneer of two nation
theory, used the word ‘two nation’ for Hindus and
Muslims after being convinced of the Hindus and
Congress hatred, hostility and prejudice for the
The entire freedom movement revolved around the
two nation theory which was introduced by Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan. He considered all those lived in India
as one nation and was a great advocate of Hindu-
Muslim unity.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s Quote

● Speaking at the meeting of Indian Association he said:

● “I look to both Hindus and Muslims with the same eyes and
consider them as my own eyes. By the word ‘Nation’ I mean
only Hindus and Muslims and nothing else, We, Hindus and
Muslims live together on the same soil under the same
government. Our interests and problems are common, and
therefore, I consider the two factions as one nation.”
Quaid i azam’s views about
Two Nation
● Quaid-e-Azam was a firm advocate of two nation theory
which became the ideological basis of Pakistan. He said:
“The Muslims are a nation by every right to establish
their separate homeland. They can adopt any means
to promote and protect their economic social, political
and cultural interests.”

● On 23rd March, 1940 at the historic session of the

Muslim League at Lahore, he said: “The Mussalmans
are not a minority. They are a nation by any
definition. By all canons of International law we are a
Quaid i azam’s views about
Two Nation
On March 8, 1944 while addressing the students of Muslim
University, he said: “Hindus and Muslims through living in
the same town and villages had never been blended into one
nation. They were always two separate entities.”

On March 8, 1944 while addressing the students of Muslim

University, he said: “Hindus and Muslims through living in
the same town and villages had never been blended into one
nation. They were always two separate entities.”

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