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Two Nation Theory

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Name: Shaff Abdullah

Reg No: Sp20-BBA-159 (2D)
Assignment # 1

Q#1: What do you understand by Two Nation Theory, what become

the base of creation of Pakistan? Current situation of Indian Muslims?
Was it right theory, presented at that time?


Two Nation Theory.

The two-nation theory means that the Hindus and the Muslims are two different
nations. On the basis of two-nation theory the Quaid-i-Azam demanded the
partition of India into two states, a Muslim state to be called Pakistan and the
other Hindu India that is Bharat.


 The TWO NATION THEORY means teh cultural, political religious, economic
and social dissimilarities betwwen the two major communities, Hindus and
Muslim of the Sub-Continent.

 Sub-Continent consist or two different communities having there own

philosophy of life.

 This theory give rise to TWO distinct political ideologies that was
responsible for the partition of India into two independent states.

Basis of creation of Pakistan.

 The Two Nation Theory was the basis of struggle for the creation of Pakistan
as an independent state.

 In spite of living together from centuries the two communities not forgot
their individual cultures and civilization.

 It raised a direction for Muslims on the basis of which Pakistan was


Idea of AL-BERUNI.
 Al-Beruni recorded his ideas    in 1001 A.D in his famous book "KITAB-UL-
HIND" as

                              "The Hindu society maintaines this peculiar character over the

centuries. The two societies, Hindus and Muslims, like two streams have
sometimes touched but never merged, each following its seperate course ."

Factors that split the Sub-Continent into Two Nation

 There are a few factors which split the inhabitants of the Sub-continent into
two nations

> Religious Differences.

> Hindu Nationalism.

> Social Differences.

> Educational Differences.

> Political Differences.

> Language.

      Religious Differences
 Islam preaches Tawheed(oneness of ALLAH) and believes that the ALLAH is
the creator of universe.

 Muslims are the believers of ALLAH, The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) the
messenger of ALLAH.

 Muslims firmly believe on the Holy Book Quran(complete code of life) and
the life hereafter.

 Hindu believed in many Gods. They have thousands of gods.

 Prophets (or rishi) are people who see god. So they teach about god.

 Their writings are called Vedas.

              Hindu Nationalism
 A number of Hindu nationalist movements were started in the Sub-
Continent that added fuel to fire, and increase a conflict between the two

 The Hindu Nationalist leaders totally ignored the grteat contribution of

Muslims in Indian society and push the Muslim on one side.

 There were also some moments that aimed were to merger the Muslims
into Hindu culture.


          Social Difference

 The two communities of the Sub-Continent differ in their social life.

 The clothes, the foods. the household utensils, the construction of homes,
the words of greeting, the gesture and everything about them was different.

 The moral values, ethics and norms of bother the communities are totally

Educational Differences

 Muslims didn't receive modern education which heavily affected their

economic conditions.

 They could not cope with the society because they ignore the modern
 The Hindus were advance in the educational field because they quickly took
to the English.

 They occupied the best social status because of the modern education.

    Political differences
The political differences between the Hindus and Muslims played an important
role in the evolution of Two Nation Theory.

(i)Hindi Urdu Controversy

In 1867, Hindu demanded that Urdu should be written in Hindi Script. This created
a great gap in Hindus and Muslims.

(ii)Congress Attitude
The Indian National Congress wa founded in 1885. It claimed to represent all
communities of India but oppressed all Muslim ideas and supported the Hindus.

                                                  Two Nation theory and Political leaders

 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:
    "I am convinced now that Hindus and Muslims could never be one nation as
their religion and way of life is quite distinct from each other"

 Quaid-e-Azam:
"Muslims are not minority, they are one nation by every definition of word
nation. by all canons of international law we are one nation"

 Allama iqbal:
"India is a continent of human beings belonging to different languages and
professing different religions...I, therefore demand the combine Muslim state in
the best interests of the Muslims of India and Islam."

The Muslims realized that they would lose their religious and cultural identity if
they remained a part of British India. They also able to understand the difference
between them and hence demanded the separate Homeland on the ground
where they freely practiced their religion in accordance with Quran and Sunnah
and teachings of Islam. They demanded a piece of land where their property and
life would be safe guarded and secure.

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