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Assessment of Learning Review

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Assessment of Learning

I. Overview of Assessment of Learning Coverage
II. Practice Quiz
III. Lecture-discussion
Assessment of Learning: Validating theoretical knowledge in the actual assessment of learning

1.1. Demonstrate understanding of principles in constructing traditional, alternative/authentic

forms of high quality assessment.

1.2. Apply knowledge and skills in the development and use of assessment tools for formative and
summative purposes.

1.3. Apply rules in test construction and use of authentic assessment tools for product and process

1.4. Demonstrate skills in interpreting assessment results to improve learning.

1.5. Comprehend and apply basic concepts of statistics in educational assessment and evaluation.

1.6. Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to learners
and parents.
Practice Quiz
What is the main purpose of classroom evaluation?
• To improve instruction
• To compare students with norms
• To appraise the effectiveness of the teacher
• To measure the extent to which objectives are
• Evaluation refers to the process of examining the
performance of student. It also determines
whether or not the student has met the lesson
instructional objectives.

• Assessment refers to the process of gathering,

describing or quantifying information about
student performance.
Various Approaches to Assessment
• Assessment FOR Learning
• Assessment OF learning
• Assessment AS learning
Assessment FOR Learning
• Diagnostic Assessment - precedes instruction
• Examples: pre-test, survey, skills check, KWL chart

• Formative Assessment- makes use of on-going assessment

• Examples: boardwork, seatwork, oral questioning, ungraded quizzes,
observations, exit cards, dress rehearsal, etc.

Assessment OF Learning
• Summative Assessment - makes use of culminating assessments
• Examples: performance task, culminating project or performance,
work portfolio, long test, periodic test, etc.
Assessment AS Learning
• Student assess their own work and/or
with their peers
• They learn about themselves as learners
What should the teacher do first if he plans to give
an assessment to his students?
• Specify and consider his objectives in assessing
• Select an appropriate assessment instrument
• Secure the reliability of his instrument
• Secure the validity of his instrument
Table of Specifications

12 12 I. 1-12 15

12 12 II. 1-3 15
(4 pts each)

8 8 III. 1-8 10 %

16 16 IV. 1-4 20
(4 pts each)
16 16 IV. 5-8 20
(4 pts each)
Norm-Referenced Tests Criterion-Referenced Tests
• Covers large domain of • Typically focus on a delimited
learning with just few items domain of learning tasks with
measuring each specific task a relative large number of
• Emphasize discrimination items measuring each
among individuals specific task
• Favor items of large difficulty • Emphasize what individual
and typically omits very easy can and cannot perform
and very hard items • Match item difficulty to
• Interpretation requires a learning tasks, without
clearly defined group altering item difficulty or
omitting easy and hard items
• Interpretation requires a
clearly defined and delimited
achievement domain.
Should a teacher make deductions for misspelled words
in an examination in a content course?
• No; such deductions will invalidate the test.
• Yes; all errors should result in deductions.
• Yes; good spelling is a goal for which all teachers are
• Yes; but only to the extent that spelling is a basic
objective of the course.
Constructive alignment involves the intentional alignment of course
content, assessment and feedback to achieve course learning outcomes
(Biggs, 2003; Biggs & Tang, 2011).

Cited in:
Quốc Tiến, Lê & Do, Thu & Hoang, Diep. (2019).
Learning outcomes for training program by CDIO
approach applied to mechanical industry 4.0.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and
Developments. 42. 50-55.
To better guide students in writing their essays, Teacher
Elize wants to give feedback to her students for each
criteria: unity of ideas; coherence; and concreteness.
Which tool will assist her in doing this?
• Analytic rubric
• Holistic rubric
• Sandwich method
• Inquiry-based method
A scoring rubric is a coherent set of criteria for
student’s work that includes descriptions of
levels of performance quality on criteria.

Types of Rubrics
1. Analytic rubrics – describe work on each
criterion separately
2. Holistic rubrics – assesses student work as a
Analytic Rubric
Holistic Rubric
Teacher Rica will prepare her periodic examination
in Science. Which of the following will she first do?
• Choose the type of test
• Construct the test items
• Identify the number of items
• Revisit the learning objectives
In her literature class, Teacher Erika wants to
assess if her students can synthesize the story.
Which form of assessment will she conduct?
• Alternate response
• Selected response
• Short answer test
• Constructed response
• Teacher-made Tests
• Traditional Assessments
• Selected Response
• Alternate response
• Multiple choice
• Matching type
• Constructed
• Completion
• Short answer
• Essay
• Problem solving
True or False: There is life outside the solar system.
• What is faulty in this test question?
• No instructions of how students will answer.
• Statement is lifted from textbook.
• There is a qualitative determiner.
• Statement is not absolute and is disputable
Rules and Suggestions:
1. Items must be arranged in groups of five. Each group
should be separated by two spaces and each item should
be separated by single space.
2. Response should be simple
3. Answers are recommended to be written on the right side
4. Avoid lifting texts from books
5. Do not use determiners – all, some, seldom, always,
sometimes, etc.
6. Avoid qualitative terms – few, many, great, frequent, etc.
7. Do not use partly right statements
Teacher Alex asked his students to compile their experiment
worksheets and write a reflection of how they developed their
scientific literacy skills based on these outputs over time. What
type of learning portfolio did Teacher Alex asked his students to
• Growth Portfolio
• Showcase Portfolio
• Display Portfolio
• Evaluation Portfolio
Portfolios – purposeful collection of student work that exhibits a student’s
effort, progress, achievement and competencies gained in a given area.

Types of Portfolio:
1. Growth/Developmental Portfolio – to show growth or change over time; to
identify strengths and weaknesses

2. Showcase/Best Work/Display Portfolio – to showcase end-of-year/term

accomplishments; to showcase student’s perceptions of favorite best work
or most important

3. Assessment/Evaluation Portfolio – to document achievement for grading;

to document progress towards standards; to place students appropriately.
Teacher Anna will design an authentic assessment for
storytelling. Which of the following should she consider?
• Number of test item and alignment to objectives
• Evidence-based, realistic and alignment to objectives
• Number of test item and evidence-based
• Evidence-based, number of test item, realistic and
alignment to objectives
Authentic Assessments – holistic
approach to assessment

1.Product – product or output

2.Performance – performance task
• Education must be informed by critical thought and applied
• Authentic assessment allows for measuring meaningful and
valid tasks
• Authentic assessment allows for learner-specific evaluation
• Self-assessment is built into authentic assessment tasks
• There are many types of authentic assessment tools
• Authentic assessment is criterion-referenced, as opposed to
• Journals – written collection of student’s reflections
• Story or Text Retelling – retelling of main ideas
• Writing Samples – narrative, expository, or persuasive paper
• Projects – creating projects that may promote teamwork
and creativity
• Constructed-Response Items – respond in writing to open-
ended questions
• Teacher Observations – documentation of student’s
attention and interaction
• Oral Interviews – teacher asks student questions
Everyone learns from an experience but experience alone is
not sufficient for effective learning. It is reflection that enables
the students to analyze and evaluate their experience. Which
strategy can make students benefit from their reflections?
• Collecting photographs
• Keeping a portfolio
• Constructing an album
• Preparing a video
What is the best thing to do to increase objectivity
in scoring essay tests?
• Specify your expectations in writing the essay.
• Review the objectives in writing the essay.
• Set up the criteria in scoring the essay.
• Be fair in scoring students’ work.
Rules and Suggestions:
1. Plan and construct carefully
2. Distribute questions evenly among the different units
3. Precautions on the causes of unreliability should be taken
4. Scope should be clear to students
5. Time limit should be reckoned
6. Scoring:
• Use rubrics
• Quickly read and sort the paper on the basis of your opinion of their worthiness
• Read the responses at the same time
• Re-read the papers and shift any that you feel have been misplaced
• Avoid looking at the names of the paper you are scoring
Teacher Gladys wants to compare the test results of Section 1
and Section 2. She wants to know if there is a significant
difference on the test results of her student if they will be
grouped based on their section. What statistical treatment will
she used?
• Frequency
• Graphical representations
• Descriptive statistics
• Inferential statistics
• Statistics is the science of collection, presentation,
analysis, and reasonable interpretation of data.

• Descriptive statistics are methods of organizing,

summarizing, and presenting data in an informative

• Inferential statistics are methods used to determine

something about a population on the basis of a sample
Does the arrangement of items possibly affect validity?
• Yes. Students like to answer the easy items first.
• Yes. Difficult items in the beginning may take too much
of the student’s time.
• No. Bright students can answer any item, may it be
paced in the beginning or in the end.
• No. Placement of items does not affect the ability of the
test to measure what it intends to measure.
Three teachers were asked to judge an oratorical contest. Each
of them was given an instrument to use in evaluating the
performance of the participants. At the end, it was found out
that all three judges arrived at precisely the same ratings. What
characteristic of the instrument was revealed?
• Validity
• Reliability
• Objectivity
• Usability
Qualities of a Good Measuring Instrument
1. Validity
 extent to which a test measures what it’s
supposed to measure

2. Usability
 practicability (without undue expenditure of time,
money, and effort)

3. Reliability
 How consistent test results are
What can be the most reliable measure to describe the
performance of students in a class?
• Mode. It makes use of the most frequent score(s) of the
• Median. It makes use of the middle most score of all the
scores of students.
• Mean. It makes use of all the scores of your students.
• Range. It makes use of the highest and lowest scores of
Measures of Central
• Mean is the most common measure of center,
and it is also known as the arithmetic average.

• Properties of Mean:
• Easy to compute
• Subjected to many mathematical computations
• Widely used
• Each data contributes to the mean value
• Easily affected by extreme values
• Mode refers to the score or scores that
occurred most in distribution.

• Properties of Mode:
• Nominal average
• Can be used for qualitative and quantitative data
• Not affected by extreme values
• It may not exists
• Can be unimodal, bimodal, trimodal, and
• Median is a point that divides the scores in a
distribution into two equal parts when the
scores are arranged according to magnitude,
from lowest score to the highest score.

• Properties of median:
• Not affected by extreme values
• Applied to ordinal level of data
• Middle-most score in the distribution
• Most appropriate when there are extreme scores
Most of the students who took the examination got
scores above the mean. What is the graphical
representation of the score distribution?
• normal curve
• Mesokurtic
• positively skewed
• negatively skewed
•Skewness may be defined as the
asymmetrical distribution of a set
of data in a scale with respect to
its arithmetic mean.
• the sharpness of the peak of a
frequency-distribution curve.
What is the median of the set of scores 10,
• 20
• 30
• 35
• 40
What is the mean of the set of scores 87,88,
• 89
• 90
• 91
• 95
Teacher Therese plotted the scores of her students in English Grade 7 as shown
below. What can Teacher Therese conclude?

•There is equal distribution of scores among students.

•Most students got scores below the mean.
•Most students got scores above the mean.
•There is heterogenous composition in the class.
Teacher Kate asked her students to compose an
operation or process manual on Statistics. What
cognitive process needs to be demonstrated?
• applying
• creating
• evaluating
• understanding
What modification should be done to an assessment
instrument which is said to be invalid?
• Review and check whether the objectives and questions
are aligned.
• Try out the test to other groups other than the actual
• Check the consistency of the scores of the examinees.
• All of the choices
Table of Specifications

12 12 I. 1-12 15

12 12 II. 1-3 15
(4 pts each)

8 8 III. 1-8 10 %

16 16 IV. 1-4 20
(4 pts each)
16 16 IV. 5-8 20
(4 pts each)
What is faulty in this matching type?

Column A Column B
1.Year in which WWII began A. Joseph Stalin
2.British Prime Minister in WWII B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
3.U.S. President during WWII C. 1939
4.German dictator in WWII D. Winston Churchill
  E. Adolf Hitler

• Unbalanced number of options

• Answers should be in column A
• Options are not homogenous
• Options are too long
Rules and Suggestions:
1. Homogenous materials should be used
2. Unbalanced matching type is preferable
3. Grammatically consistent
4. All options must be plausible
5. Options must not be too long
6. Options should be arrange in alphabetical or chronological order
7. There should only be one correct response for each item
8. Ideal number of items is 5 to 10. Maximum is 15.
9. All items must appear on one page
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