System Audit Requirement
System Audit Requirement
System Audit Requirement
Purpose of Vendor Up gradation Better understanding Customer specific requirements. Positive approach towards enhancing Quality management system. Surviving in Competitive market for better quality & Competitive Cost. LOYAL SUPPLIER- CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP.
Impacts of Vendor audit system rating Assessment audit score impact over all Vendor rating calculated by Supply chain Good vendors got more opportunities in Increasing in share & new business. Vendors can be given recognition for Best Vendor performance award. Reduction in Vendor rating may impact the Current share & new Business. Even may lead to exclusion based on performance. Re- audit will be done on chargable bases by MACE
Customer Voice
Voice of Customer
Vendors to meet QCDD requirements as per the Customer requirement. Focus on processes, NPD & component revalidation.. More Emphases on (Quality is produced not inspected) Vendor should comply the requirement of Customer complaints, Defects (QPCR), PPMS , On time delivery & Warranty returns as per the Customer needs & requirement
Salient features of Vendor system audit. The new vendor audit system is Benchmarked with Suzuki & our Auditors are trained by Suzuki Audit Experts. Suzuki started the new system in 2003 MARUTI started the same audit through MACE in 2004. System audit check sheet contains Total 22 main items & 115 Sub items. Total Marks 209 & There is no partial marking allowed. (Marks can be given either full or zero)
Continued. Each item has either got 1 marks or 3 marks ( 3 for more important) Total 4 man days are involved in System Audit. Requirement check sheet sent in advance Two weeks before for Self assessment MSIL Target to score minimum 70% for each supplier as most of our suppliers are certified to ISO/TS 16949.
Clause :- 01 Production Preparation (New parts, design change parts, new technology parts, factory transfer etc.) Procedure: Production preparation addressing new part, change part development from receipt inspection to mass production stage. APQP activities matrix to used to prepare development plan. Review & main activity to be identified and monitored through Micro level Timing chart List of problems with countermeasures in PDCA format. Effectiveness of C/M to be checked. Guide line for FMEA. Cut off for RPN, occurrence and detection. Review frequency and event. Specs. meeting requirements to be added in development plan.
Prod. Preparation
Order receipt from customer SOP of customer Design Trial Prodn Trial Mass Prodn Trial
ECN Receipt
1) Process Parameter Change ( e.g feed/ angle/ press./ temp etc) 2) Tool/ Die/ Machine/ Equipment change 4)Relocated Plant 5) Supplier Change 6) Operator Change
Process Change
3) Layout change
Clause No.02- Initial Supply control. (Special control until the quality is stabilized after the start of mass prod's) Initial supplies after sample approval ( up to 03 Months for New Parts / lots /quantities) Additional (control) checking and preventive actions. (Follow up of Pre launch Control plan/PCS during Initial supply Control) Objective : To overcome teething problems (to stream line supplies in terms of quality and quantity) Display of process and sub vendors Initial supply control Tags
Few e.g. of extra controls during I/C SOP Period of I/C (Usually 3 months) Increased inspection items Increased frequency A combination of above two Frequent Process capability (Cpk) evaluations Supplier Audits Reaffirmation of operator skills Added roles & responsibilities of managers & supervisors Reduced cycles times for problem solving
No. of Defects
1) Cpk > 1.67 2) All problems occurring before SOP are resolved & a recheck done to confirm that they remain solved 3) Any new problem arising in I/C is also resolved
Clause No.03- Initial product control. Control of new parts, design change parts, Process change parts, trial parts. Definition of Initial product. Identification of I/P Inspection of I/P and retention Tolerance standard for non given tol. NC dealing procedure for I/P. Check sheet to ensure availability of inspection report, FPP card etc.
(3) APQP
I/C (2)
Initial Products
Defn of Initial Product (I/P):- The first piece/ part or lot or samples from the first lot produced during prodn trial, mass prodn trial, after SOP of a new part or a change point.
Clause No.04- Corrective & Preventive measure of defects. Organization shall establish , the procedure of Handling of Customer complaints &In-house rejects addresses the communication of same to the operator immediately. How the Serious problems & Customer complaints informed to the Top Management. Organization shall establish, maintain & Implement procedure for handling of the problem analysis & countermeasure reported during Customer Claims, In-house defects & Supplier defects. Effectiveness of counter measure is being monitored & relevant docs revise as per the counter action raised.
Clause No.04- Corrective & Preventive measure of defects. Horizontal deployment of the same action on similar process & is documented into the Countermeasure reports. Organization shall establish & display of actual quality results & how they are reducing the Defects. The Organization has maintained control register of Customer complaints , In-house Defect & supplier defects & effectiveness of the counter measure monitored Organization shall calculate Cost of poor quality ( Company wise as well as Department wise).
Clause No.05- Training & Education Consider all level of people in organization (including the contractual workers,etc.) in training plan and monitor. Training Plan vs. Actual ( Staff & Manager Level) Link in Skill Matrix & training plan Orientation / on the job training Maintain training history ( Individual) Training records (attendance, F/back)
Clause No.06- Quality Audit Top management carry out the audit according to the procedure Perform the Internal audit based on the annual audit plan Quality policy and deploy it company wide Decide the yearly quality target of company and each department and follow up the actual results numerically (money loss for defect ,number of cases and defect rate etc.) Documented evidence of Internal quality audit ( NCR Report, Audit Audit Report, Audit Schedule )
Clause No.07- Supplier Control Documented Procedures to instruct and educate the sub vendors Record the number of defect cases and contents etc. for every sub vendor. Compile the defect information Sub vendor-wise and perform the audit & training for the worst ranking sub vendors Supplier audit check sheet decided for Supplier audit when A parts, and functional parts/ processes are out source/ sub-vendor changed, do you inform Maruti Supplier Evaluation based on the selection standard? Prepare and exchange the inspection standard with your sub-vendor ?. Incase of the sub vendors with chronic defects and where no improvement has been observed despite repeated instructions, do you take action to reduce the supplies to achieve desired quality of parts
Clause No.08- Control of Drawing & Stds. Controlling section for control of drawings/ engineering changes clearly defined in the procedure Are the new, revised and old drawings clarified through a control register and do you control the latest one Control the revision of related standards based on the changes to drawings Collection of the old drawing copies or ensure that the old drawing copies is destroyed
VENDOR UPGRADATION MEET Clause No.09 &10 -Control of Inspection standard & Process control standard & Operation Std.
Documented procedure for the the creations of Inspection std & defined check the records of any change in the process resulting in change (Evidence related to customer complaints, ECN Change & Process Are their any boundary samples / Limit samples displayed o identification Supplier has approved MIS-P (For MARU'A' Parts)
Control register for (Inspection standard & PCS) with revision num reason of change. LETS MAKE THE standards Establish Linkages between the PCS, InspectionTHING HAPPEN with th
Clause No.11- Observance ( Implementation) of operation standard Is the operation carried out as per the standard Audit of operator by supervisor as per plan using check sheet Is there any check on the operations/ activities carried out by the operator/ way of working etc. by the supervisor . Is the quality check for the observance of operation standard carried out as decided and recorded.
( Similar activities has been carried out by MSIL named as MOS-K)
Clause No.12- Role of manager, supervisor Roles & responsibilities of each manager & supervisor defined in normal & abnormal situation. Responsibilities & Authority of each Supervisor & manager to be defined for production preparation, Initial supply control & Initial product control. DWM shall be carried out for each individual ( Level from Supervisor & Manager)
Holding morning meetings Red Bin Analysis. Operator Change/ New Operator- Training Carrying out quality inspections of the product / process on a sampling basis Ensuring Operator is checking all the parameters While starting the work, check if the operator is checking machines, tools, poka yoke etc. Are there unwanted / suspect products lying on the ground Daily Plan vs. Actual Roles during New Dev.
/ I/C
* Participation in evaluation meetings/ trials/ chekkai * Making plans for Mass Prodn.
Clause No.13- Quality improvement of process System to develop the Projects for Process Improvement & Defect free parts e.g. Vendor CFT conduct the audit & check the imperfect setting, wrong parts, inverse assembly & missing parts can be discovered. Documented evidence of Projects initiated by CFT with Roadmap of improvement of Process imprecision. Is there any scope of pokayoke / lay out change / material handling
Supplierhas a s ys temin placeto ens urethat the Ins pectionitem,f each eq uipmentdefined & do the s upplier performdaily & pe M ach ine, Jig & Die. Is the life of the cutting /regrindingtools , redres s ingtools & ele defined, check the record of the s ame. Documentedprocedureto check & correct the jig/tools /equip defective part is produced during p roduction s tage. Preventive& predictionmaintenancechecks heet of machine& records of repair his tory of the s ame. LETS MAKE equip ment recorded Is the res ults & his tory of the machine & THE THING HAPPEN
Recording of daily & periodical inspection of instruments with freq criteria of inspection.
Daily Instrument & equipment results are recorded in the checksheet. Documented procedure to check & correct the jig/tools/equipmen defective part is produced during production stage. Measuring equipment history sheet & records of repair in the same she
Check all the equipment used during intial development are used at production ( Check the Intial inspection standards,Operation std & current situation) LETS MAKE THE THING HAPPEN Documented procedure mentioning the responsible person of han
FOCUS AREA These are the AFIS (Area for Improvements) to improve in the weak areas to achieve minimum requirement of 70% of Customer. We have not received the Countermeasure action plan re-audit from most of the suppliers, where a audit has been carried out. ( Only 05/ 21 Nos. of Suppliers submitted their Counter measure action plan which are present here)
Use SPC at the time of problem solving Decide inspection plan based on the Cp / Cpk (Review all the sampling plan Review control limit as per SPC study
Clause No.17- Prevention of missing process, wrong assembly. Mix up possibilities (RM/WIP/FG) identification Temporary storage (Identification, Work instruction) Fool proofing installation as per FMEA Functional checking of Fool proofing Horizontal deployment of Fool proofing
C heck
Check w
Clause No. 21- History Management (MARU A parts) Establish & maintain a batch codification system for product traceability & display of daily Batch code near the process station Establish a system to trace & search the manufacturing date, manufactured parts quantity during field failures. Maintain Repair history records of reworked items for future Reference.
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