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Dravadravya Vigyaneeyam

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Prepared & Presented by-

• Roll no 1:- Aditi • Roll no 6:- Diya Bangera

• Roll no 3:- Kanchan Avatar • Roll no 7:- Chetan Bansode
• Roll no 4:- Mayur Avhad • Roll no 8:- Komal Bansode
• Roll no 5:- Ashish Ballal
जल वर्ग / तोय वर्ग
(Group of Waters)
“पानीयं प्राणिनां प्राणा विश्वमेव च तन्मयम् ।
न हि तोयाद्विना वृत्तिः स्वस्थस्य व्याधितस्य वा ।।”

Water is called the nectar of life. It is the lifeblood of all living

beings. The world itself is watery. Whether healthy or sick, no-
one’s life is possible without water.
• Gangambu • Jal paan vidhi
• Samudra Jala • Qualities of various types of
• Antariksh Jala water
• Apeya Jal • Narikel Udak
• Nadya patya apatya
• Kupi aadai Jala
1. Ganga Ambu:-
(Rain Water)
“ जीवनं तर्पणं हृद्यं ह्रादि बुद्धिप्रबोधनम्। तन्वव्यक्तरसं मृष्टं शीतं लघ्वमृतोपमम् II १ II
गङ्गाम्बु नभसो भ्रष्टं स्पष्ृ टं त्वर्के न्दम ू ो दे शकालावपेक्षते II २ II ”
ु ारुतैः हिताहितत्वे तद्भय

 Guna (Properties):-

• Jeevan (enlivening)
• Hridya (Comforting to heart and mind)
• Hladi (pleasing)  Lakshan (Symptoms):-
• Buddhiprabodhan (improves intellect)
• Tanu (clear) Only that water which makes shaali anna (boiled
• Avyakt Rasa (without clear display of any taste) rice) kept in a closed rajata (silver) plate neither
• Mrusht (Slightly sweet) akilnna (too moist) nor avivarna (change in rice
• Sheet (cool) colour) is considered to be good peya (drinking
• Laghu (light) water) and termed ganga ambu (rain water).
2. Samudra Jala:-
(Water opposite to ganga ambu)

“ सामद्र ु ाद्विना । ”
ु ं , तन्न पातव्यं मासादाश्वयज

 Lakshan (Features):-

All other (types of water) are samudra

and they are not fit for pana
(consumption) except during ashvayuja
(i.e. sharada-ritu – September-October-
3. Antriksham jala peya:-
(Water fit for consumption & it’s substitute)

“ ऐन्द्रमम्बु सुपात्रस्थमविपन्नं सदा पिबेत ् II ४ II

तदभावे च भमि
ू ष्ठमान्तरिक्षानक ु ारि यत ् I
शचि ृ वसितश्वेते दे शऽे र्क पवनाहतम ् ।। ५ II ”
ु पथ्

Aindra ambu (rain water) stored in a su-patra (good/ clean place)

and which is avipanna (not changed in colour, taste, touch, etc),
should always be used for drinking. In it’s abhava (unavailability),
the water from Bhumi (earth) resembling antariksha jala (rain
water) collected from desha (places) which are shuchi (clean) and
prthu having asita (black) or shweta (white) soil, and exposed to
arka (sunlight) and pavana (breeze) must be used alternatively.
4. Apeya Jala :-
(water unfit for consumption)

“ न पिबेत्पङ्कशैवालतण
ृ पर्णाविलास्तत
ृ म ् I सर्ये
ू न्दप
ु वनादृष्टमभिवष्ृ टं घनं गरु
ु II ६ II
फेनिलं जन्तम ु त्तप्तं दन्तग्राह्यतिशैत्यतःI अनार्तवं च यद्दिव्यमार्तवं प्रथमं च यत ् II ७ II
लतू ादितन्तवि
ु ण्मत्र
ू विषसंश्लेषदषिू तम ् I ”
The water collected from sources which are:-
• panka (muddy)
• astrita with shaivala (algae), trna (twigs) and parna (leaves)
• not exposed to surya(sunlight), indu (moonlight) and pavana (wind)
• which is abhivrshta (rained upon)
• ghana (dense) and guru (heavy), phenila (froth)
• infested with jantu (worms, etc. )
• tapta (hot), ati-shita (too cold) cause danta-graha (toothache)
• anartava (unseasonal rain water) or of prathama artava (first shower after
summer season)
• which are dushita (polluted) with tantu (spider webs), vit (faeces), mutra
(urine), and visha (toxins) of spiders
5. Nadya patya apatya :-
(Aptness and Inaptness of river water
as per their flow)

“ पश्चिमोदधिगाः शीघ्रवहा याश्चामलोदकाः II ८ II

पथ्याः समासात्ता नद्यो विपरीतास्त्वतोऽन्यथा I ”

The water of the nadis (rivers) which flow into the

pashchima udadhiga (western ocean), which are
shighravaha (rapid in flow) and which have amala
udaka (pure/uncontaminated water) is pathya
(wholesome), where as it is viparita in other case.
• Qualities of water from rivers originating from different regions:-
River origins Qualities
1. Himalayas/Malayan mountains Pathya (wholesome)
2. Sthira (stagnant) nadi Causes krimiroga (intestinal worms), shlipada
(filariasis), hrdroga (cardiac diseases), kantharoga
(throat disease), shiraroga (disease of the head).

3. Prachya, Avanti, Aparanta mountains Causes durnama (arsh roga – piles)

4. Mahendra mountain Causes udara(ascites) and shlipada (filariasis)

5. Sahya and Vindhya Causes kushtha

6. Pariyatra Doshagna(pacify the doshas) and increase
bala(strength) and paurusha(virility)
7. Sagara (sea) Vitiates all the doshas
6. Kupi aadi jala :-
(properties of water from well, etc.)

“ विद्यात्कूपतडागादीन ् जाङ्गलानूपशैलतः। ”

The qualities of water in kupi (well), tadaga (pond), etc., depend

on the jangala (desert land), anupa (marshy land) and shaila
(hilly terrains) in their locality.
• Desert land - Laghu (light)
• Marshy land - Guru (heavy)
• Hilly terrains – Laghutara (lightest)
7. Jalapaan vidhi :-
(instructions for water consumption)

“ नाम्बु पेयमशक्त्या वा स्वल्पमल्पाग्निगुल्मिभिः II १३ II पाण्डूदरातिसारार्शोग्रहणीशोषशोथिभिः I

ऋते शरन्निदाघाभ्यां पिबेत्स्वस्थोऽपि चात्पशः II १४ II समस्थूलकृशा भुक्तमध्यान्तप्रथमाम्बुपाः I ”

 Contraindications for water:-

 Relation between food and water:-
Ambu (water) should not be consumed or
consumed in swalpa (very small) quantity by Consuming ambu
individuals afflicted with alpagni (weakened - Madhya (in the middle) – makes person sama
digestive strength), gulma(abdominal (normal)
tumours), pandu (anaemia), udar - Anta (in the end) – makes person sthula
roga(ascites), atisara (diarrhoea), arsh roga (obese)
(haemorrhoids), grahani (sprue syndrome), - Prathama( before meal) – makes person krsha
shosha (wasting/emaciation) and shotha (lean)
8. Qualities of various types of water :-
 Shita Jala: -
“ शीतं मदात्ययग्लानिमूर्च्छाच्छर्दिश्रमभ्रमान् II १५ II
तष्ृ णोष्णदाहपित्ताम्रविषाण्यम्बु नियच्छति I ”

 Ushna Jala: -
“ दीपनं पाचनं कण्ठ्यं लघूष्णं बस्तिशोधनम् ।। १६ ।। हिध्माध्मानानिलश्लेष्मसद्यः शुद्धिनवज्वरे।
कासामपीनसश्वासपार्श्वरुक्षु च शस्यते ।। १७ ।। ”

 Kwathita Jala: -
“ अनभिष्यन्दि लघु च तोयं क्वथितशीतलम् I
पित्तयुक्ते हितं दोषे, व्युषितं तत्त्रिदोषकृ त् ॥ १८ ॥ ”
Shita ambu (cold water) Ushna ambu (hot water) Kwathita shitala
toya (water boiled
and then cooled)
1. Calms down – 1. Dipana (carminative) 1. Ana-abhishiyandi
• madatyaya (alcoholic 2. Pachana (digestive) (doesn’t increase
intoxication) 3. Kanthya (beneficial to throat) secretions)
• glani (weakness) 4. Laghu (light) 2. Laghu (light)
• murccha (fainting) 5. Ushna (hot) 3. Hita (beneficial) in
• chardi (vomiting) 6. Basti – shodhana (cleanses urinary bladder) pitta associated
• Shrama (fatigue/ palpitation) 7. Beneficial – doshas.
• Bhrama (giddiness) • Sadya shuddhi (immediately after
• Trshna (thirst) purificatory measures)
• Ushna (heat) • Navajvara (recent fever)
• Daha (burning sensation) • Kasa (cough)
• Pittasra (raktpitta disorders) • Hidhma (belching)
• Visha (toxins) • Adhmana (abdominal distension)
• Vitiation of anila (vata) and shleshma
9. Narikel udak :-
(coconut water)
“ नारिकेलोदकं स्निग्धं स्वाद ु वष्ृ यं हिमं लघु I
तष्ृ णापित्तानिलहरं दीपनं बस्तिशोधनम ् ।। १९ ।।

Qualities :-
• Snigdha (unctuous)
• Swadu (i.e. madhura – sweet)
• Vrshya (aphrodisiac)
• Hima (i.e. shita – cool)
• Laghu (light)
• Relieves trshna (thirst)
• Pitta-anilahara (pacifies vata and pitta doshas)
• Dipana (carminative)
• Basti shodhana (cleanses the urinary system)
इति तोयवर्गः ।
Thank you!!

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