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Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ)


e-JOURNAL 6.293 2349-638x

The Conceptual Study of Saindhava Lavana (Rock Salt) in Ayurveda and

its Relevance in Moderna Era -A Review
1 2
Dr. Apeksha. J. Kotangale. Dr. U. J. Shirke.
PG Scholar, Swasthavritta Dr. D. Y. Patil college of Ayurved and Research Centre Pimpri, Pune 18.
H.O.D. Swasthavritta Dr. D. Y. Patil college of Ayurved and Research Centre Pimpri, Pune 18.

Lavana (salt) is wide depict in Ayurvedic science. There are mostly 5 kinds of Lavanas utilized generally in
composed material among them Saindhava Lavana is that the best. Artificially, Saindhava Lavana (Rock salt) is
considered as nuclear number 11 chloride Bay salt. Sauvarchala Lavana (Black salt) is Sorchal salt and Samudra (Salt) is
Sodii muras. They utilized it for dietary and restorative capacities. Rock salt is utilized as a home solution for fix numerous
issues and illnesses. Newborn (body and face) should be cleansed by wiping and rubbing it with the mixture of Saindhava
Lavana (Rock salt) and Sarpi (ghee). Saindhav lavana is widely used in various panchakarma procedures. Acharya
Charaka has gone to the degree of portraying the unfavorable impacts of unnecessary utilization of Lavana vargas but
saindhav is exception among them with properties like Agnideepana,(increase digestive fire) Pachana,(improves digestion)
Ruchya,(give taste to food) Netrya,( good for eyes) Hridya (good for heart), Vrishya and Avidahi ( does not couse burning
sensation). Saindhava lavana included in Nitya Sevaniya Dravyas (can be taken on daily basis) in ayurveda.
Keywords: - Lavana, Salt, Saindhav, Ayurved, Rock salt, pathyapathya etc

Introduction: - knew wide scope of properties of Lavana. They

utilized it for dietary and helpful purposes.
L avana salt is wide outline in Ayurvedic works of
Materials and Methods: -
art. In Parada Ashtasamskaras 1 (eight procedure of The ancient literature of Ayurveda like
Mercury) various restorative definitions, as a Bruhattrayi and Laghu Trayi and old-style books of
different Kalpana (explicit methodology of Rasashastra like Rasaratnasamucchaya 6,
medication creation) for example Lavana Kalpana 2 Rasatarangini, Sharangadhara Samhita 7,
and so on. Lavana has been outline in each and every Bhavaprakasha, Rasayogasagara 8, Bhaishajya
great of Ayurveda; such is its significance. Among Ratnavali. Old style Contrive Classical audit causes
the kinds of Lavana, Saindhava Lavana is that the us to comprehend the wide significance of Lavanas
best 3. There square measure primarily 5 kinds of in Ayurveda, its extended use in various courses in
Lavanas4 utilized generally in composed material various details.
viz. Saindhava, Sauvarchala, Vida, Samudra, and Review of Saindhava Lavana
Audbhida Lavana. It is a mineral which is acquired from Punjab
Synthetically, Saindhava Lavana -Rock mines. There are two assortments of Saindhava
salt/Bay salt. Sauvarchala Lavana -Black Lavana, they are White and Red. As indicated by
salt/Sorchal salt/Unaqua paired compound, Samudra Charaka it is viewed as best among all the salts for
-Salt/Sodiimuras. Lavana rasa is the third rasa among inward use.
the shadarsa Kalpana 5. The current paper English Name - Chloride of Sodium
investigates the develop of Lavana and especially Latin Name - Sodi chloridium
Saindhava Lavana through Ayurvedic messages and Lavana Nirukti
forward-thinking information. Lavana (salt) is According to Shabdakalpadruma, lavana
generally depicted in Ayurvedic works of art. There nirukti is “lunati iti lavanam” - having chhedana
are for the most part five assortments of Lavanas property in it.
utilized much of the time in Ayurveda among them Physical Properties
Saindhava Lavana is the best. Primitive telepaths  Appearance - Stony pieces
 Shading - Whitish red
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 Consistency - Hard Sushruta Samhita 10

 Dissolvability - breaks down in water p{kqq";a lSa/koa â|a #P;a y?kq vfXunhiue~ A fLuX/ka le/kqja
Chemical Properties o`";a 'khra nks"k?ueqÙkee~ ॥
 Sodium Chloride (NaCl) – 97.6% w/w
 Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHC03) - 0.07% w/w
lqJqr lafgr lw=LFkku 46@314
 Insoluble issue - 0.031 % w/w † Sushruta portrayed the point by point
Additionally, contains minor amounts of Magnesium characteristics of each Lavana just because. All
Chloride, Calcium Chloride and Calcium Sulfate through the whole Sushruta Samhita, Sushruta has
Pharmaco-Therapeutic Properties utilized the Saindhava Lavana explicitly for at the
1. Paryaya - Sindhu Lavana, Sindhutha, very least multiple times both in inner and outside
Sindhudeshaja, Shiva, Sita Shiva measurements structures. Next is the utilization of
2. Guna - Laghu, Snigdha, Tikshna Sauvarchala roughly 27 times, and afterward in
3. Karma - Agnideepana, Pachana, Ruchya, diminishing request comes Vida Lavana at 11 spots.
Netriya, Hridya, Vrishya Ashtanga Hridayam 11
4. Veerya- Sheeta  lS/a koa f'kf'kja fLuX/ka y?kq Loknq f=nks"kftr~ A
5. Doshakarma - Tridoshashamaka
ân;a gUus=jksx?ua oz.k vkjkspd uk'kue~ ॥
6. Amayika Prayoga - Sothahara, Vibandagna,
bna dQfoy;ua dQPNsnua p djksfr A
As per Charaka Suthrasthana 27th Chapter it is v"Vk³~xlaxzg lw=LFkku 11@22
having tridoshahara, deepana, rochana (improves Vagbhata has depicted the for example
taste), hrudya (great to heart), chakshusya (useful for general properties of Lavanas. Different
eyes), vrishya (Spanish fly), avidahi. It fixes netra utilizations are like and in community- oriented
rogas (eye infections), vranas and vibandha. perspective on both Charaka and Sushruta.
Saindhava lavana described by Acharyas: -
Bhavaprakasha 12
Charak Samhita Sushruta Vagbhat The strength of it is that the synthetic
Samhita Samhita piece of all Lavanas is given with their
Best of all salts Cooling Nonirritant equivalent words.
Relish - giving Relish - giving Virilific
Yoga Ratnakara 13
Slightly sweet Slightly sweet Slightly sweet
Yoga Ratnakara has depicted an
Aphrodisiac Unctuous Cordial
Wholesome for Beneficial for Wholesome for
assortment of definitions of Lavanas.
the eyes the eyes the eyes Rock salt is utilized remotely and inside
Alleviates all Alleviates all Alleviates all and is effortlessly retained as its arrangement of
three doshas three doshas three doshas minerals is like what we contain in our bodies. A
Digestive Light Digestive portion of the advantages of utilizing rock salt
Dhanvantari Nighantu 14
Charaka Samhita
 slSU/koa Loknq p{kq";a o`";a jkspunhiue~ A vfonkfg
 jkspua nhiua o`";a p{kq";a fonkfg p A f=nks"k?ua le/kqja
focU/k?ua lq[kna L;kf=nks"kftr~ ॥
lS/a koa yo.kks=;e~ ॥
/kUoUrfj fu?k.Vq
pjd lafgrk 27
Importance of saindhav lavana
 fgrRosu vH;luh;esda æO;e~ A pjd lfEgrk In Ayurveda the fundamental principle of
lw=LFkku 5@12 life is: - 1) Ahar 2) Nidra 3) Brahmacharya. Hitakar
Acharya Charaka portrayed Lavanas in ahar can give healthy body and life while ahitakar
various settings in different details. He particularly (improper, unbalanced and unhygienic) food can lead
pronounced that the Saindhava is the best among all to severe diseases. Acharya charaka explained Nitya
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sevaniya dravyas (means which can be taken on Cardiovascular Diseases and lavana
daily basis) including saindhava lavana. According to modern science salt has an
According to Modern science food has etiological or aggravating factor for many heart
composed of wide distribution of nutrients having issues (Hypertension, Angina and so on.).
specific metabolic effects on human body. Two Hypertension, a significant quiet executioner (silent
categories are: - 1) Macronutrients 2) Micronutrients. killer), has risen in the ongoing years with salt as a
Sandhava lavana comes under the micronutrients significant etiological factor. This might be expected
which are essential for assimilation, absorption and to the industrially due to commercially prepared
utilization of the macronutrients. artificial salt and improper lifestyle of people. Be
Skin benefits that as it may, traditional Saindhava can be utilized
It helps in peeling dead skin cells, purifying viably in such cases.
skin pores and ensuring the regular skin layer to Thyroid diseases and salt
create solid and stimulated skin type. It additionally In hypothyroidism, on the grounds that the
helps in reinforcing skin tissue to restore the skin to body's cells aren't accepting enough thyroid
make it look more youthful and firmer. hormone, making cold intolerance, fatigue, dry skin,
Antioxidant constipation etcs. Hypothyroidism excessively
It helps in disposing of toxic minerals and influences ladies more than men, on the grounds that
refined salt stores by invigorating circulation system the female hormone estrogen restrains the ingestion
and mineral equalization of iodine. Ingesting an excess of iodine can cause
As a health monitor iodine poisoning and lead to indications going from
Utilization of rock salt aides in settling
sickness and vomiting to progressively extreme
circulatory strain by keeping up a parity of high and
impacts, for example, seizures, delirium and shock.
low blood pressures. It additionally helps in
Apathya/ Contraindications for Lavana in various
controlling load by evening out minerals which
diseases: -
restrain longings and take out fat dead cells. Reference Disease Apathya
As a Cure
1. Charak16 Kshayathu Salt
Rock salt is utilized as a home solution for
fix numerous issues and illnesses. It treats numerous 2. Sushrut17 Udara Lavana
sorts of skin issues and different afflictions, for 3. Vagbhat18 Udara Lavana
example, rheumatic torments and herpes. It can used
to kill stomach worms alongside lemon juice and Effects of Excessive intake of Lavana
control heaving. The normal cold and other nasal and Acharya Charaka has gone to the degree of
chest infections can be treated with plans that portraying the unfavorable impacts of unnecessary
incorporate stone salt as the key ingradient utilization of Lavana by and large. When not
It helps in keeping up an equalization of the electro- appropriately utilized, it causes collection of Doshas,
attractive radiation and aides in supporting and exhaustion, stupor, shortcoming, untimely turning
renewing the brain. In this way, rock salt is gray of hair, sparseness and wrinkling. Nonetheless,
considered as a total body-mind bundle; it adds to the a striking similitude is seen in consistent energy
body inside, to the skin remotely and to the about Saindhava Lavana. By prudence of its
wellbeing of the brain. properties, it very well may be successfully utilized
Newborn care and Sandhava 15: - in any Doshika conditions. It doesn't vitiate Pitta.
 vFk [kyq tkr ek=e~ ,o ckye~ | mYokr~ lSU/ko lfiZ"kk ektZ;sr AA Thus, utilisation of saindhav is best among all
ok‐ m‐ 1@1 Lavana varga.
Acharya Vagbhata tells 'Immediately after External Application of saindhava lavana
the birth of the child, the Ulva (secretions or cheesy Saindhava in Vamana -
white coating enveloping the body and face of the Vaman chikitsa in Ayurveda sidhha
new born child) over the body and face should be sandhava jal is used for vaman procedure. Saindhav
cleansed by wiping and rubbing it with the mixture helps to dissolve or disintegrate kapha by kapha
of Saindhava Lavana (Rock salt) and Sarpi (ghee). vilayan and kapha chhedan property.

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Saindhava in Basti - edition. Commentary by Chakrapanidatta, by

Basti is a Panchakarma enema procedure. Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashana, Varanasi;
While formulating the basti liquid, rock salt is added 2008; 25/38: 131.
to prepare an emulsion. It helps to dissolve and expel 3) Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya, Agniveshacharya,
Charaka Samhita, Elaborated by Charaka and
Doshas from intestines.
Drudhabala with Ayurveda Dipika, Reprint
Saindhava in Nasya - edition. Commentary by Chakrapanidatta, by;
According to Acharya Vagbhat, Saindhav Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashana, Varanasi;
sidhha jal is used for Nasya in Hikka chikitsa in 2008; 1/88: 21.
chikitsasthan. Nasya theorapy is best for 4) Bhapraksha Mishra, Bhava Prakasha, Hindi
urdhwajatrugat vikara. Commentary, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana,
Important yogas of Saindhava Lavana: - Nighantu Part, 11th edition, Haritakyadi Varga,
2004; 241-249.
Rasayo Chur Taila Vati / Anj Lep Vart 5) Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya, Agniveshacharya.
gas na Gutik ana a i Charaka Samhita, Elaborated by Charaka and
a Drudhabala with Ayurveda Dipika, Reprint edition
Commentary by Chakrapanidatta, by Chaukhamba
Agnitu Lava Bruhat Chitra Lav Sain Sain
Surbharti Prakashana, Varanasi; 2008; 1/65: 18.
ndi na saindha kadi ana dhav dhav
6) Vagbhatacharya. Rasaratnasamucchaya,
vati Bhas vadi Vati dy- adi adi
Vidhnyanbodhini Hindi Commentary by Prof.
kar tailam anja Lepa Vart
Dattatraya Ananta Kulkarni, Reprint edition. New
churn na m i
Delhi; Meherchanda Lachamandasa Publications,
Bruhat Lava Saindh Sauva Sai
7) Sadanada Sharma. Rasa Tarangini, 11th edition,
agniku notta avadi rchala ndh
Reprint, Translated by Shri Kashinatha Shastri.
mar madi Tailam di av-
New Delhi; Motilala Banarsidas, 2004.
ras churn Gutik anja
8) Hariprapanna Sharma. Rasayogasagara, Reprint
a a na
edition. Varanasi; Chaukhamba Krishnadasa
Kshud Avipa Chan
Acadamy, 2010.
hasaga ttikar drapr
9) Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya, Agniveshacharya.
r ras churn abha
Charaka Samhita, reprint edition, Elaborated by
a vati
Charaka and Drudhabala with Ayurveda Dipika
Vadav Hing Commentary by Chakrapanidatta, by Chaukhamba
anala washt Surbharti Prakashana, Varanasi; 2008.
ras ak 10) Yadavji Trikamaji Acharya, Sushruta
churn Ssssssamhita, reprint edition, Nidhandhasangraha
a Sanskrit Commentory by Dalhanaccharya and
Nyayachandrika Panjika of Gayadasa,
Discussion Uttaratantra, by Chaukhamba Surbharati Sansthan,
We get different references about different Varanasi; 2008.
types of Lavana in different classics. Among the 11) Anna Moreshwar Kunte and Krishna Navachandra
Pancha Lavanas, Saindhava Lavana is most useful Shastri Navre, Vagbhatacharya. Astanga
both for medicinal purpose and for consumption Hridayam, Sanrvangasundara, Reprint edition,
Sanskrit commentary of Arundattacharya and
among all varieties of Salt.
Ayurveda Rasayana Sanskrit commentary of
Acharya Hemadri, Chaukhamba Surbharati
1) Govindadasa Sena, Bhaishajya Ratnavali,
Prakashan, Varanasi; 2007.
Siddhiprada Hindi Commentary by Prof. Siddhi
12) Bhavpraksha Mishra. Bhava Prakasha, Nighantu
Nandan Mishra. Yakrita-plihadhikara, Reprint
Part, 11th edition, Hindi Commentary. Varanasi;
edition. Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, 2004.
Varanasi; 2007; 41/30-39: 749-750.
13) Yogaratnakara. Vidhyotini, reprint edition, Hindi
2) Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya, Agniveshacharya,
commentary by Shrilakshmipati. Varanasi;
Charaka Samhita, Elaborated by Charaka and
Chaukhamba publication, 2010.
Drudhabala with Ayurveda Dipika, Reprint

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14) Hari Narayan Apate, Rajnighantu sahit 17) Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji, Sushruta Samhita with
Dhanvantari Nighantu, (hindi) Nibandha Sangraha Vyakhya by Dalhanacharya
Anandashramsanskrut granthavali, by and Nyayachandrikakhya panjika vyakhya by
Anandashram Mudranalay; Pune: 1986, page no. Gayadasa, by Chaukambha Krishnadas Academy;
73 Varanasi: 2013. 8th edition, p.458.
15) The Late Dr. Anna Moreshwar Kunte, 18) The Late Dr. Anna Moreshwar Kunte,
Ashtangahriday, composed by Vagbhata with the Ashtangahriday, composed by Vagbhata with the
commentary „Sarvangasundara‟ of Arundatta and commentary „Sarvangasundara‟ of Arundatta and
„Ayurvedarasayana‟ of Hemadri edited by Pr. „Ayurvedarasayana‟ of Hemadri edited by Pr.
Bhishagacharya Harisastri Paradikar Vaidya, by Bhishagacharya Harisastri Paradikar Vaidya, by
Hari Prasad Das; Bombay: 6th edition 2013: Hari Prasad Das; Bombay: 6th edition 2013:
sharirsthan chapter 1/1-page no. 777. chikitsasthan chapter 13/1-page no. 936.
16) Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Charaka samhita-
Agnivesha treatise refined and annoted by
Charaka, redacted by Dridhabala Ayurveda
Deepika commentary by Chakrapanidatta, by
Chaukhamba Prakashana; Varanasi: reprint 2011,

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