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Lesson 11and12 Graphs of Trigo Functions and Its Inverses

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Expected Learning Outcomes
1. Sketch the graphs of basic sine and cosine functions.
2. Use amplitude and period to help sketch the graphs of
sine and cosine functions.
3. Sketch translations of the graphs of sine and cosine
4. Use sine and cosine functions to model real-life data.
5. Sketch the graphs of tangent functions.
6. Sketch the graphs of cotangent functions.
7. Sketch the graphs of secant and cosecant functions.
8. Sketch the graphs of damped trigonometric functions
Expected Learning Outcomes
9. Evaluate and graph the inverse sine function.
10. Evaluate and graph the other inverse
trigonometric functions.
11. Evaluate and graph the compositions of
trigonometric functions.
12. Solve real-life problems involving right triangles.
13. Solve real-life problems involving directional bearings.
14. Solve real-life problems involving harmonic motion.

Basic Sine and Cosine Curves

In this lesson, we will learn/study techniques for sketching

the graphs of the sine and cosine functions.
The graph of the sine function is a sine curve.

Basic Sine and Cosine Curves
In Figure 6.47, the black portion of the graph represents
one period of the function and is called one cycle of the
sine curve.

The gray portion of the graph indicates that the basic sine
curve repeats indefinitely in the positive and negative

Figure 6.47
Basic Sine and Cosine Curves
The graph of the cosine function is shown in Figure 6.48.

Figure 6.48

Basic Sine and Cosine Curves
Recall that the domain of the sine and cosine functions is
the set of all real numbers.

Moreover, the range of each function is the interval [–1, 1],

and each function has a period of 2. Do you see how this
information is consistent with the basic graphs shown in
Figures 6.47 and 6.48?

Figure 6.47 Figure 6.48

Basic Sine and Cosine Curves
Note in Figures 6.47 and 6.48 that the sine curve is
symmetric with respect to the origin, whereas the cosine
curve is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.

These properties of symmetry follow from the fact that the

sine function is odd and the cosine function is even.

Basic Sine and Cosine Curves
To sketch the graphs of the basic sine and cosine functions
by hand,
it helps to note five key points in one period of each graph:
the intercepts, maximum points, and minimum points (see
Figure 6.49).

Figure 6.49
Example 1 – Using Key Points to Sketch a Sine Curve

Sketch the graph of y = 2 sin x on the interval [–, 4].

Note that
y = 2 sin x = 2(sin x)
indicates that the y-values for the key points will have twice
the magnitude of those on the graph of y = sin x.
Divide the period 2 into four equal parts to get the key
points for y = 2 sin x.
Intercept Maximum Intercept Minimum Intercept
Example 1 – Solution cont’d

By connecting these key points with a smooth curve and

extending the curve in both directions over the interval
[–, 4], you obtain the graph shown in Figure 6.50.

Figure 6.50

Amplitude and Period
In the remainder of this section we will study the graphic
effect of each of the constants a, b, c, and d in equations of
the forms
y = d + a sin(bx – c)
y = d + a cos(bx – c).

The constant factor a in y = a sin x acts as a scaling factor

—a vertical stretch or vertical shrink of the basic sine curve.
If | a | > 1, the basic sine curve is stretched, and
if | a | < 1, the basic sine curve is shrunk.

Amplitude and Period
The result is that the graph of y = a sin x ranges between –a
and a instead of between –1 and 1.

The absolute value of a is the amplitude of the function y =

a sin x.
The range of the function y = a sin x for a  0 is –a  y  a.

Amplitude and Period
The graph of y = –f (x) is a reflection in the x-axis of the
graph of y = f (x).

For instance, the graph of y = –3 cos x is a reflection of the

graph of y = 3 cos x, as shown in Figure 6.52.

Figure 6.52
Amplitude and Period
Because y = a sin x completes one cycle from x = 0 to x = 2,
it follows that y = a sin bx completes one cycle from x = 0 to
x = 2 /b.

Note that if 0 < b < 1, the period of y = a sin bx is greater than

2 and
represents a horizontal stretching of the graph of y = a sin x.
Amplitude and Period
Similarly, if b > 1, the period of y = a sin bx is less than
2 and represents a horizontal shrinking of the graph of
y = a sin x.

If b is negative, the identities sin(–x) = –sin x and

cos(–x) = cos x are used to rewrite the function.

Example 3 – Scaling: Horizontal Stretching

Sketch the graph of .

The amplitude is 1. Moreover, because b = , the period is

Substitute for b.

Example 3 – Solution cont’d

Now, divide the period-interval [0, 4] into four equal parts
with the values , 2, and 3 to obtain the key points on the

Intercept Maximum Intercept Minimum Intercept

(0, 0), (, 1), (2, 0), (3, –1), and (4, 0)

The graph is shown in Figure 6.53.

Figure 6.53
Translations of Sine and Cosine Curves
The constant c in the general equations

y = a sin(bx – c) and y = a cos(bx – c)

creates a horizontal translation (shift) of the basic sine and

cosine curves.

Comparing y = a sin bx with y = a sin(bx – c),

you find that the graph of y = a sin(bx – c) completes one
cycle from bx – c = 0 to bx – c = 2.

Translations of Sine and Cosine Curves
By solving for x, you can find the interval for one cycle to be

This implies that the period of y = a sin(bx – c) is 2 /b, and

the graph of y = a sin bx is shifted by an amount c/b.

The number c/b is the phase shift.

Translations of Sine and Cosine Curves

Example 5 – Horizontal Translation
Sketch the graph of
y = –3 cos(2 x + 4).
The amplitude is 3 and the period is 2 / 2 = 1.
By solving the equations
2 x + 4 = 0
2 x = –4
x = –2
2 x + 4 = 2 22
Example 5 – Solution cont’d

2 x = –2
x = –1

you see that the interval [–2, –1] corresponds to one cycle
of the graph.

Dividing this interval into four equal parts produces the key

Minimum Intercept Maximum Intercept Minimum


Example 5 – Solution cont’d

The graph is shown in Figure 6.55.

Figure 6.55

Translations of Sine and Cosine Curves
The final type of transformation is the vertical translation
caused by the constant d in the equations

y = d + a sin(bx – c)


y = d + a cos(bx – c).

The shift is d units upward for d > 0 and d units downward

for d < 0.

In other words, the graph oscillates about the horizontal line

y = d instead of about the x-axis.
Mathematical Modeling

Sine and cosine functions can be used to model many

real-life situations,
including electric currents, musical tones, radio waves,
tides, and weather patterns.

Example 7 – Finding a Trigonometric Model

Throughout the day, the depth of water at the end of a dock

in Bar Harbor, Maine varies with the tides. The table shows
the depths (in feet) at various times during the morning.
(Source: Nautical Software, Inc.)

Example 7 – Finding a Trigonometric Modelcont’d

a. Use a trigonometric function to model the data.

b. Find the depths at 9 A.M. and 3 P.M.

c. A boat needs at least 10 feet of water to moor at the

dock. During what times in the afternoon can it safely

Example 7(a) – Solution
Begin by graphing the data, as shown in Figure 6.57.

Changing Tides
Figure 6.57

You can use either a sine or a cosine model. Suppose you

use a cosine model of the form
y = a cos(bt – c) + d.
Example 7(a) – Solution cont’d

The difference between the maximum height and the

minimum height of the graph is twice the amplitude of the
function. So, the amplitude is

a= [(maximum depth) – (minimum depth)]

= (11.3 – 0.1)

= 5.6.
The cosine function completes one half of a cycle between
the times at which the maximum and minimum depths
occur. So, the period is
p = 2[(time of min. depth) – (time of max. depth)]
Example 7(a) – Solution cont’d

= 2(10 – 4)

= 12

which implies that

b = 2 /p

 0.524.

Because high tide occurs 4 hours after midnight, consider

the left endpoint to be c/b = 4, so c  2.094.

Example 7(a) – Solution cont’d

Moreover, because the average depth is

(11.3 + 0.1) = 5.7, it follows that d = 5.7.

So, you can model the depth with the function given by

y = 5.6 cos(0.524t – 2.094) + 5.7.

Example 7(b) – Solution cont’d

The depths at 9 A.M. and 3 P.M. are as follows.

y = 5.6 cos(0.524  9 – 2.094) + 5.7

 0.84 foot 9 A.M.

y = 5.6 cos(0.524  15 – 2.094) + 5.7

 10.57 foot 3 P.M.

Example 7(c) – Solution cont’d

To find out when the depth y is at least 10 feet, you can

graph the model with the line y = 10 using a graphing utility,
as shown in Figure 6.58.

Figure 6.58

Using the intersect feature, you can determine that the

depth is at least 10 feet between 2:42 P.M. (t  14.7) and
5:18 P.M. (t  17.3). 34
Graph of the Tangent Function
Recall that the tangent function is odd.
That is, tan(–x) = – tan x.

Consequently, the graph of y = tan x is symmetric with

respect to the origin.

You also know from the identity

that the tangent is undefined for values at which cos x = 0.

Two such values are x = ± / 2  ±1.5708.

Graph of the Tangent Function

As indicated in the table,

tan x increases without bound as x approaches  /2 from
the left, and
decreases without bound as x approaches – /2 from the

Graph of the Tangent Function
So, the graph of y = tan x has vertical asymptotes at x =
 /2
and x = – /2, as shown in Figure 6.59.

Figure 6.59
Graph of the Tangent Function
Moreover, because the period of the tangent function is ,
vertical asymptotes also occur when x =  /2 + n, where n
is an integer.

The domain of the tangent function is the set of all real

numbers other than x =  /2 + n, and the range is the set
of all real numbers.

Sketching the graph of y = a tan(bx – c) is similar to

sketching the graph of y = a sin(bx – c) in that you locate
key points that identify the intercepts and asymptotes.

Graph of the Tangent Function
Two consecutive vertical asymptotes can be found by
solving the equations

bx – c = and bx – c =

The midpoint between two consecutive vertical asymptotes

is an x-intercept of the graph.

The period of the function y = a tan(bx – c) is the distance

between two consecutive vertical asymptotes.

Graph of the Tangent Function
The amplitude of a tangent function is not defined.

After plotting the asymptotes and the x-intercept, plot a few

additional points between the two asymptotes and sketch
one cycle.

Finally, sketch one or two additional cycles to the left and


Example 1 – Sketching the Graph of a Tangent Function

Sketch the graph of y = tan(x / 2).

By solving the equations

x = – x=

you can see that two consecutive vertical asymptotes occur

at x = – and x = .

Example 1 – Solution cont’d

Between these two asymptotes, plot a few points, including

the x-intercept, as shown in the table.

Example 1 – Solution cont’d

Three cycles of the graph are shown in Figure 6.60.

Figure 6.60
Graph of the Cotangent Function
The graph of the cotangent function is similar to the graph
of the tangent function. It also has a period of . However,
from the identity

you can see that the cotangent function has vertical

asymptotes when sin x is zero, which occurs at x = n,
where n is an integer.

Graph of the Cotangent Function
The graph of the cotangent function is shown in
Figure 6.62. Note that two consecutive vertical asymptotes
of the graph of y = a cot(bx – c) can be found by solving the
equations bx – c = 0 and bx – c = .

Figure 6.62 45
Example 3 – Sketching the Graph of a Cotangent Function

Sketch the graph of

By solving the equations

=0 =

x=0 x = 3

you can see that two consecutive vertical asymptotes occur

at x = 0 and x = 3 .
Example 3 – Solution cont’d

Between these two asymptotes, plot a few points, including

the x-intercept, as shown in the table.

Example 3 – Solution cont’d

Three cycles of the graph are shown in Figure 6.63. Note

that the period is 3, the distance between consecutive

Figure 6.63
Graphs of the Reciprocal Functions
The graphs of the two remaining trigonometric functions
can be obtained from the graphs of the sine and cosine
functions using the reciprocal identities

csc x = and sec x =

For instance, at a given value of x, the y-coordinate of

sec x is the reciprocal of the y-coordinate of cos x.

Of course, when cos x = 0, the reciprocal does not exist.

Near such values of x, the behavior of the secant function
is similar to that of the tangent function.

Graphs of the Reciprocal Functions
In other words, the graphs of

tan x = and sec x =

have vertical asymptotes at x =  /2 + n, where n is an

integer, and the cosine is zero at these x-values. Similarly,

cot x = and csc x =

have vertical asymptotes where sin x = 0—that is, at x =


Graphs of the Reciprocal Functions
To sketch the graph of a secant or cosecant function, you
should first make a sketch of its reciprocal function.

For instance, to sketch the graph of y = csc x, first sketch

the graph of y = sin x.

Then take reciprocals of the y-coordinates to obtain points

on the graph of y = csc x.

Graphs of the Reciprocal Functions
This procedure is used to obtain the graphs shown in
Figure 6.64.

Figure 6.64
Graphs of the Reciprocal Functions
In comparing the graphs of the cosecant and secant
functions with those of the sine and cosine functions, note
that the “hills” and “valleys” are interchanged.

For example, a hill (or maximum

point) on the sine curve corresponds
to a valley (a relative minimum) on
the cosecant curve, and
a valley (or minimum point) on the
sine curve corresponds to a hill
(a relative maximum) on the cosecant
curve, as shown in Figure 6.65.
Figure 6.65
Graphs of the Reciprocal Functions

Additionally, x-intercepts of the sine and cosine functions

become vertical asymptotes of the cosecant and secant
functions, respectively (see Figure 6.65).

Example 4 – Sketching the Graph of a Cosecant Function

Sketch the graph of y = 2 csc

Begin by sketching the graph of

y = 2 sin

For this function, the amplitude is 2 and the period is 2.

Example 4 – Solution cont’d

By solving the equations

x= x=

you can see that one cycle of the sine function corresponds
to the interval from x = – /4 to x = 7 /4.

Example 4 – Solution cont’d

The graph of this sine function is represented by the gray

curve in Figure 6.66.

Figure 6.66
Example 4 – Solution cont’d

Because the sine function is zero at the midpoint and

endpoints of this interval, the corresponding cosecant

has vertical asymptotes at x = – /4, x = 3 /4, x = 7 /4 etc.

The graph of the cosecant function is represented by the

black curve in Figure 6.66.
Damped Trigonometric Graphs
A product of two functions can be graphed using properties
of the individual functions.

For instance, consider the function

f (x) = x sin x

as the product of the functions y = x and y = sin x.

Using properties of absolute value and

the fact that | sin x |  1, you have 0  | x | | sin x |  | x |.

Damped Trigonometric Graphs

–| x |  x sin x  | x |
which means that the graph of f (x) = x sin x lies between
the lines y = –x and y = x.

Furthermore, because
f (x) = x sin x =  x at x= + n
f (x) = x sin x = 0 at x = n
the graph of f touches the line y = –x or the line y = x at
x =  / 2 + n and has x-intercepts at x = n.
Damped Trigonometric Graphs
A sketch of f is shown in Figure 6.68. In the function
f (x) = x sin x, the factor x is called the damping factor.

Figure 6.68
Example 6 – Damped Sine Wave
Sketch the graph of f (x) = e –x sin 3x.

Consider f (x) as the product of the two functions
y = e –x and y = sin 3x
each of which has the set of real numbers as its domain.

For any real number x, you know that e –x  0 and

| sin 3x |  1.

So, e –x | sin 3x |  e –x, which means that

– e –x  e –x sin 3x  e –x. 62
Example 6 – Solution cont’d

Furthermore, because
f (x) = e –x sin 3x =  e –x at x=


f (x) = e –x sin 3x = 0 at x=

the graph of f touches the curves y = – e –x and y = e –x at

x =  / 6 + n / 3 and has intercepts at x = n / 3.

Example 6 – Solution cont’d

A sketch is shown in Figure 6.69.

Figure 6.69
Damped Trigonometric Graphs
Figure 6.70 summarizes the characteristics of the six basic
trigonometric functions.

Figure 6.70

Damped Trigonometric Graphs cont’d

Figure 6.70

Inverse Sine Function
Recall that, for a function to have an inverse function, it
must be one-to-one—that is, it must pass the Horizontal
Line Test.

From Figure 6.71, you can see that y = sin x does not pass
the test because different values of x yield the same

sin x has an inverse function on this interval.

Figure 6.71
Inverse Sine Function
However, if you restrict the domain to the interval
– /2  x   /2 (corresponding to the black portion of the
graph in Figure 6.71), the following properties hold.

1. On the interval [– /2,  /2], the function y = sin x is


2. On the interval [– /2,  /2], y = sin x takes on its full

range of values, –1  sin x  1.

3. On the interval [– /2,  /2], y = sin x is one-to-one.

Inverse Sine Function
So, on the restricted domain – /2  x   /2, y = sin x has a
unique inverse function called the inverse sine function. It
is denoted by

y = arcsin x or y = sin –1 x.

The notation sin –1 x is consistent with the inverse function

notation f –1(x).

The arcsin x notation (read as “the arcsine of x”) comes

from the association of a central angle with its intercepted
arc length on a unit circle.

So, arcsin x means the angle (or arc) whose sine is x.

Inverse Sine Function
Both notations, arcsin x and sin –1 x, are commonly used in
so remember that sin –1 x denotes the inverse sine function
rather than 1/sin x.

The values of arcsin x lie in the interval

– /2  arcsin x   /2.

The graph of y = arcsin x is shown

in Figure 6.72.

Figure 6.72
Inverse Sine Function

Example 1 – Evaluating the Inverse Sine Function

If possible, find the exact value.

a. b. c.

a. Because for ,

it follows that

. Angle whose sine is

Example 1 – Solution cont’d

b. Because for ,

it follows that

. Angle whose sine is

c. It is not possible to evaluate y = sin –1 x when x = 2

because there is no angle whose sine is 2.

Remember that the domain of the inverse sine function

is [–1, 1].

Example 2 – Graphing the Arcsine Function

Sketch a graph of y = arcsin x.

By definition, the equations y = arcsin x and sin y = x are
equivalent for – /2  y   /2. So, their graphs are the

From the interval [– /2,  /2], you can assign values
to y in the second equation to make a table of values.

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Then plot the points and draw a smooth curve through the

The resulting graph for y = arcsin x is shown in Figure 6.72.

Figure 6.72
Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Note that it is the reflection (in the line y = x) of the black

portion of the graph in Figure 6.71.

sin x has an inverse function on this interval.

Figure 6.71

Be sure you see that Figure 6.72 shows the entire graph of
the inverse sine function.
Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Remember that
the domain of y = arcsin x is the closed interval [–1, 1] and
the range is the closed interval [– /2,  /2].

Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions
The cosine function is decreasing and one-to-one on the
interval 0  x  , as shown in Figure 6.73.

cos x has an inverse function on this interval.

Figure 6.73

Consequently, on this interval the cosine function has an

inverse function—the inverse cosine function—denoted
y = arccos x or y = cos –1 x.
Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Similarly, you can define an inverse tangent function by
restricting the domain of y = tan x to the interval
(– /2,  /2).

The following list summarizes the definitions of the three

most common inverse trigonometric functions.

Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions
The graphs of three inverse trigonometric functions are
shown in Figure 6.74.

DOMAIN: [–1,1] DOMAIN: [–1,1] DOMAIN:


Figure 6.74

Example 3 – Evaluating Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Find the exact value.

a. arccos b. cos –1(–1)

c. arctan 0 d. tan –1 (–1)

a. Because cos ( /4) = , and  /4 lies in [0,  ],

it follows that

. Angle whose cosine is

Example 3 – Solution cont’d

b. Because cos  = –1, and  lies in [0,  ],

it follows that
Angle whose cosine is –1
cos –1(–1) = .

c. Because tan 0 = 0, and 0 lies in (– /2,  /2),

it follows that
Angle whose tangent is 0
arctan 0 = 0.

Example 3 – Solution cont’d

d. Because tan(– /4) = –1, and – /4 lies in (– /2,  /2),

it follows that
Angle whose tangent is –1
tan –1 (–1) = .

Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions

By definition, the values of inverse trigonometric functions

are always in radians.

Compositions of Functions
Recall that for all x in the domains of f and f –1, inverse
functions have the properties

f (f –1(x)) = x and f –1(f (x)) = x.

Compositions of Functions
These inverse properties do not apply for arbitrary values
of x and y. For instance,

In other words, the property

arcsin(sin y) = y

is not valid for values of y outside the interval [– /2,  /2].

Example 5 – Using Inverse Properties
If possible, find the exact value.

a. tan[arctan(–5)] b. c. cos(cos –1 )

a. Because –5 lies in the domain of the arctan function, the
inverse property applies, and you have

tan[arctan(–5)] = –5.

Example 5 – Solution cont’d

b. In this case, 5 /3 does not lie within the range of the

arcsine function, – /2  y   /2.

However, 5 /3 is coterminal with

which does lie in the range of the arcsine function,

and you have

Example 5 – Solution cont’d

c. The expression cos(cos –1) is not defined because

cos –1  is not defined.

Remember that the domain of the inverse cosine

function is [–1, 1].

Applications Involving Right Triangles

In this section, the three angles of a right triangle are

denoted by the letters A, B, and C (where C is the right

the lengths of the sides opposite these angles

by the letters a, b, and c (where c is the hypotenuse).

Example 2 – Finding a Side of a Right Triangle

A safety regulation states that the maximum angle of

elevation for a rescue ladder is 72. A fire department’s
longest ladder is 110 feet. What is the maximum safe
rescue height?

A sketch is shown in Figure 6.79.

From the equation sin A = a / c,

it follows that

a = c sin A
Figure 6.79 91
Example 2 – Solution cont’d

= 110 sin 72

 104.6.

So, the maximum safe rescue height is about 104.6 feet

above the height of the fire truck.

Trigonometry and Bearings
In surveying and navigation, directions can be given in
terms of bearings.
A bearing measures the acute angle that a path or line of
sight makes with a fixed north-south line, as shown in
Figure 6.82.
For instance, the bearing S 35 E in Figure 6.82 means
35 degrees east of south.

Figure 6.82
Example 5 – Finding Directions in Terms of Bearings

A ship leaves port at noon and heads due west at 20 knots,

or 20 nautical miles (nm) per hour. At 2 P.M. the ship
changes course to N 54 W, as shown in Figure 6.83. Find
the ship’s bearing and distance from the port of departure
at 3 P.M.

Figure 6.83

Example 5 – Solution
For triangle BCD, you have B = 90 – 54 = 36. The two
sides of this triangle can be determined to be

b = 20 sin 36 and d = 20 cos 36.

For triangle ACD, you can find angle A as follows.

A  arctan 0.2092494

 11.82
Example 5 – Solution cont’d

The angle with the north-south line is 90 – 11.82 = 78.18.

So, the bearing of the ship is N 78.18 W.

Finally, from triangle ACD, you have sin A = b / c, which


Distance from port

 57.4 nautical miles.

Harmonic Motion

The periodic nature of the trigonometric functions is useful

for describing the motion of a point on an object that
vibrates, oscillates, rotates, or is moved by wave motion.

Harmonic Motion
For example, consider a ball that is bobbing up and down
on the end of a spring, as shown in Figure 6.84.

Equilibrium Maximum negative Maximum positive

displacement displacement

Figure 6.84
Harmonic Motion
Suppose that 10 centimeters is the maximum distance the
ball moves vertically upward or downward from its
equilibrium (at rest) position.

Suppose further that the time it takes for the ball to move
from its maximum displacement above zero to its maximum
displacement below zero and back again is t = 4 seconds.

Assuming the ideal conditions of perfect elasticity and no

friction or air resistance, the ball would continue to move up
and down in a uniform and regular manner.

Harmonic Motion
From this spring you can conclude that the period (time for
one complete cycle) of the motion is
Period = 4 seconds
its amplitude (maximum displacement from equilibrium) is
Amplitude = 10 centimeters
and its frequency (number of cycles per second) is
Frequency = cycle per second.

Motion of this nature can be described by a sine or cosine

function, and is called simple harmonic motion.
Harmonic Motion

Example 6 – Simple Harmonic Motion
Write the equation for the simple harmonic motion of the
ball described in Figure 6.84, where the period is
4 seconds. What is the frequency of this harmonic motion?

Equilibrium Maximum negative Maximum positive

displacement displacement

Figure 6.84
Example 6 – Solution
Because the spring is at equilibrium (d = 0) when t = 0, you
use the equation
d = a sin  t.
Moreover, because the maximum displacement from zero
is 10 and the period is 4, you have
Amplitude = | a | = 10

Example 6 – Solution cont’d

Consequently, the equation of motion is

Note that the choice of a = 10 or a = –10 depends on

whether the ball initially moves up or down.

The frequency is

Harmonic Motion
One illustration of the relationship between sine waves and
harmonic motion can be seen in the wave motion resulting
when a stone is dropped into a calm pool of water.

The waves move outward in roughly the shape of sine (or

cosine) waves, as shown in Figure 6.85.

Figure 6.85
Harmonic Motion
As an example, suppose you are fishing and your fishing
bob is attached so that it does not move horizontally.

As the waves move outward from the dropped stone, your

fishing bob will move up and down in simple harmonic
motion, as shown in Figure 6.86.

Figure 6.86
Challenge Problems !

Draw a sketch of the graph of the following functions:

1) f(t) = 2 sin t 2) g(t) = cos 2t 3) f(t) = 4 sin (2t – π)

4) f(t) = 2 tan t, [0,2π] 5) f(t) = 2 csc t 6) g(t) = 2 sec (t – π)
7) g(t) = cos t + 2 sin t 8) f(t) = 2t – cos t 9) g(t) = 2⁻ᵗ cos 2t

Challenge Problems !

1 Given that x = arc cos 2/3, find the exact value of each of the following:
a) sin x b) tan x c) cot x d) sec x e) csc x
2 Draw a scetch of the graph of the following:
a) y = ½ sin⁻¹x b) y = tan⁻¹ 2x
3. From the roof of a building 70 ft high, the angle of elevation of the top of a
pole is 11.2 degrees. From the bottom of the building the angle of elevation
of the top of the pole is 33.4 degrees.
Find a) the height of the pole b) the distance from the building to the pole


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