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IB PHYSICS 11.2 Generating Power

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2 : AC generators
Today’s lesson: Starter:
• Explain the operation of a basic In your tables can you explain why we get
alternating current being produced in a
ac generator.
• Explain why a rotating coil Could you explain this to a grade 10?
produces a sine wave
• Explain the effect of changing
the generator frequency.
• Solving problems involving the Homework:
average power in an ac circuit Revising for Quantum
test and mocks
Big Question:
How has generation and transmission of alternating current (ac) electricity has
transformed the world
• Explain the operation of a basic ac generator.
• Explain
Explain the
a basic
a basic
ac ac

A.C. generator
With generators we
need to use the RIGHT
hand rule.

Using this rule, tell me the

direction of the current at
this moment for…

The blue line

The yellow line
• Explain
Explain the
a basic
a basic
ac ac

A.C. generator
What about when they have
rotated half a turn?

If we use the right hand rule

again we can see that the
induced current for the blue and
yellow lines are opposite
directions to before.

The currents are opposite! This is because their motions

They are alternating. are opposite to before.
• Explain
Explain why
the operation
a rotating coil
of aproduces
basic acagenerator.
sine wave

The size of the EMF produced

We use what we know
from 11.1 and Faraday’s
law that the induced EMF
is equal to the rate of
change of flux.

Flux: φ =NBAcosθ

Remember its N as there

and N turns.
• Explain
Explain why
the operation
a rotating coil
of aproduces
basic acagenerator.
sine wave

The size of the EMF produced

In this position the magnetic flux is
essentially zero but its rate of change is
large. Hence, the voltage is at a maximum
here and current flow is also at a maximum.

In this position the Voltage is now zero and

their is no current flow. The magnetic flux is at
a maximum but it hardly changes
• Explain why a rotating coil produces a sine wave

The size of the EMF produced

EMF is equal to the rate of change of

ε = - N∆φ

This is can be calculated from the

gradient of the graph. Take specific
points (A, B, C, D, E)

Can you draw the line for EMF.

• Explain
Explain why
a sine
a sine

The size of the EMF produced A: max flux enclosed: zero grad so rate of
change of flux = 0

B: no flux enclosed (rate of change of flux =

max) (grad is negative so EMF is positve)

C: max flux enclosed: zero grad so rate of

change of flux = 0

D: no flux enclosed (rate of change of flux =

max) (grad is positive so EMF is negative)

• Explain
Explain why
a sine
a sine

For my math buddies

Flux: φ =NBAcosθ
φ =NBAcos𝛚t

ε = - Δφ

So ε =𝛚NBAcos𝛚t
• Explain the effect of changing the generator frequency.

Changing generator frequency

If we double the rate of the rotation what happens to the EMF produced? How
would the graph look?
Discuss in your tables.
3mins : on your own!
tip: think about the rate of change of flux
1. The peaks will be closer together as the frequency has
increased - so less time between each
2. The peaks will have increased(doubled) so EMF has
doubled. This because the rate of change of flux has
• Solving problems involving the average power in an ac circuit

Power in A.C. circuits

There are lots of equations involved
for this but they are really nice and

Since we know that the EMF varies

sinusoidally between +V0 and –V0 the
average voltage will therefore be 0.

since Io = V0/R the average current is also 0.

• Solving
Solving problems
in aninac
ac circuit

Power in A.C. circuits

Since we have a zero average, we use 1. You square the voltage to
the root mean square instead. make it positive.
2. Then take the average of
the positive value.
3. Then the square root of
this quantity.

This is the DC equivalent that

delivers the same power.
• Solving problems involving the average power in an ac circuit

Power in A.C. circuits

We can show since P=IV
And V= IR
So R = V/I = V0 / I0

P= I2R
Pmax = I02 R
Pmax = I02 V0 / I0

Pmax = I0 V0
Random fact - Dangerous?
Low-frequency electromagnetic fields can
induce currents in the human body

Current evidence suggests that low-frequency
fields do not harm genetic material. This is not
fully proven or understood.
11.2 : transformers and power transmission
Today’s lesson: Starter:
• Describe the use of What do you remember about
transformers in ac electrical transformers?
power distribution
• Describe the power losses
in a transformer Homework:
• Solve problems involving revising for tests and
step-up and step-down mocks
Big Question:
How has generation and transmission of alternating current (ac) electricity
has transformed the world
• Describe the use of transformers in ac electrical power distribution

Transformers are these not these….. Careful when looking on google!
• Describe the use of transformers in ac electrical power distribution

How do they work?

Vp Vs
Primary coil
Iron core Secondary coil

• Describe the use of transformers in ac electrical power distribution

How do they work?

• An alternating current in the
primary coil produces a
changing magnetic field in
the iron core.
• The field is made stronger
by the presence of a soft
iron core. (it becomes
magnetic temporarily)
• The changing magnetic
What about step up or field in the iron core induces
step down? a current and EMF in the
secondary coil.
• Describe the
Describe theuse
in ac
in ac

Step up or step down

Step up:
more coils on the
secondary, this is so a
larger EMF is induced.

Step down:
More coils on the primary
We know this from Faraday’s law, and we can say,that so athe
EMF EMF is is
directly related to the number of turns. If the supply isinduced.
sinusoidal then the ratio of
turns is equal to the ratio’s of the potential differences.
• Describe the
Describe theuse
in ac
in ac

Making transformers
• Have a go at making some of your own
transformers and practicing the equation,
using the number of turns and reading on
the voltmeters and ammeters.

• Is this 100% efficient or is there some


• What could be causing this?

• Describe the
Describe theuse
in ac
in ac

Transformer equation
If the supply is sinusoidal then the ratio of turns is equal to the ratio’s of the potential differences.

V p = Np
Vs Ns

• We can also relate in terms of current.

• Imagine an ideal transformer (100% efficient),
we can say that the power in = power out (using
the conservation of energy).
Pin = Pout

VpIp= VsIs
• Describe the
Describe thepower
use oflosses
in a transformer
in ac electrical power distribution

Power losses
The equation we use are for ideal
transformers but in reality, real
transformers are not 100% efficient:
energy is not conserved.

Find out on the different tables how

they can be lost, and fill in your table
• Describe the
Describe thepower
use oflosses
in a transformer
in ac electrical power distribution

Power losses
Loss cause Reasoning

Joule heating Resistance in the windings/wires cause power loss through heat (P=I2R)

Eddy currents Unwanted currents induced within the iron core → leads to power loss through heating
These can be reduced by laminating the core (layering the iron core in thin electrically
insulated strips).

Hysteresis This causes the core to warm up as a result of continued


Flux losses Caused by Magnetic leakage -

Not al the flux produced in the primary links with the secondary.
• Describe the power losses in a transformer

Power transmission

How is power transmitted? Why is the role of the transformer important?

Discuss in pairs
• Describe the power losses in a transformer

Power transmission
1. Generate the electricity: fossil fuels, falling water, waves, wind, nuclear etc. This is normally
far away from societies.
2. So the electrical must be transported for long distances. This is done by cables (pylons).
They have resistance so some energy will be lost as the current flows.
3. Therefore there will be a power loss as P = I2R . It can be seen that as the current doubles,
the amount of power wasted actually increases by a factor of four.
4. So to reduce the current loss so less power loss, we need to reduce the current.
5. This is done by the transformer! It steps up the voltage and reduces the current.

Side note: The cables are also added in parallel to also reduce the resistance
11.2 : rectification
Todays lesson: What do you remember about
• Describe what rectification is.
• Conduct an investigation of a
diode bridge circuit
• Qualitatively describing the
effect of adding a capacitor to a Homework:
diode bridge rectification circuit revising for tests and
• Describe full wave and half mocks
wave rectification.

Big Question:
How has generation and transmission of alternating current (ac) electricity
has transformed the world
• Describe what rectification is.

What is rectification?
We discussed last lesson that electrical
power is distributed by A.C. this is
because they require the use of the
transformer. So the electricity that comes
through our mains supply is A.C.
However, some devices that we use require
a D.C. supply.
We have to convert the A.C. to D.C. the
process that does this is called What is a diode?
RECTIFICATION What is the symbol
This is done using a diode bridge. for a diode?
• Describe full wave and half wave rectification.

Half wave rectification

In the circuit that had one diode in series the current only
passed in one direction so only half the AC cycle was
transmitted. We could only see half the wave on the
• Describe full
Describe fullwave

Full wave rectification

A better way to use the diodes is to create a diode
bridge/bridge rectifier. This is where 4 diodes are used
and arranged in such a way that both half cycles are
used so current flows all the time

• Describe full
Describe fullwave

Full wave rectification

The DC (direct current)
output is only in one

Even when the

direction of the AC
(alternating current)
input is reversed in the
second diagram.
• Qualitatively describing the effect of adding a capacitor to a diode bridge rectification circuit

Why add a capacitor?

A device that can store charge is called a
capacitor. The capacitance is defined as:

q c =v

Capacitors smooth the output. We are learning about this is next week ☺
The capacitor charges up, when the
voltage from the rectifier rises above
that of the capacitor, and then as the
rectifier voltage falls, the capacitor
provides the required current from
its stored charge
• Qualitatively describing the effect of adding a capacitor to a diode bridge rectification circuit

● The capacitor is added in parallel across the resistor

● It is not added in series as whens added to the circuit in series, the
overall capacitance of the circuit decreases rather than increasing it
● Adding capacitance in parallel also gives us to smooth the overall
output of the circuit

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