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Lecture 1.


In Differential Geometry we study spaces which are smooth enough to do

calculus. These include such familiar objects as curves and surfaces in space.
In its earliest manifestation, differential geometry consisted of the study
of curves and surfaces in the plane and in space — this goes back at least
as far as Newton and Leibniz who applied calculus to the study of curves in
the plane, and to Monge and Euler who gave analytic treatments of surfaces.
This concentration on geometry in Euclidean space seems quite natural, since
curves and surfaces arise very naturally as trajectories or as level sets of
functions — for example, in mechanics it is common to consider phase spaces,
and within them surfaces on which some preserved quantity (such as energy)
is constant. A very substantial body of results was developed in what is now
often called ‘classical differential geometry’, covering such topics as evolutes
and involutes, developable surfaces and ruled surfaces, envelopes, minimal
surfaces, parallel surfaces, and so on. None of these will feature very much in
this course, though there are many fascinating aspects to all of this.
The material covered in this course is almost all of much more recent
vintage, but serves as an excellent basis for the treatment of all the subjects
mentioned above. The notion of differentiable manifold unifies and simpli-
fies most of the computations involved in these more classical subjects, so
that they are now more sensibly treated in a second course, applying the
fundamental ideas developed here.

Hermann Weyl Hassler Whitney Carl Friedrich Gauss

The notion of a differentiable manifold was not clearly formulated until

relatively recently: Hermann Weyl first gave a concise definition in 1912 (in
2 Lecture 1. Introduction

his work making rigorous the theory of Riemann surfaces), but this did not
really come into common use until much later, after a series of papers by Has-
sler Whitney around 1936. However the idea has its roots much earlier. Gauss
had a major interest in differential geometry, and published many papers on
the subject. His most renowned work in the area was Disquisitiones generales
circa superficies curva (1828). This paper contained extensive discussion on
geodesics and what are now called ‘Gaussian coordinates’ and ‘Gauss curva-
ture’, which he called the ‘measure of curvature’. The paper also includes the
famous theorema egregium:
“If a curved surface can be developed (i.e. mapped isometrically) upon
another surface, the measure of curvature at every point remains un-
changed after the development.”
This result led Gauss to a fundamental insight:
“These theorems lead to the consideration of curved surfaces from a
new point of view ... where the very nature of the curved surface is
 by means of the expression of any linear element in the form
Edp2 + 2F dpdq + Gdq 2 .”
In other words, he saw that it is posible to consider the geometry of a
surface as defined by a metric (here he is locally parametrizing the surface
with coordinates p and q), without reference to the way the surface lies in
In 1854 Riemann worked with locally defined metrics (now of course
known as Riemannian metrics) in any number of dimensions, and defined
the object we now call the Riemann curvature. These computations were lo-
cal, and Riemann only gave a rather imprecise notion of how a curved space
can be defined globally.

Bernhard Riemann G. Ricci-Curbastro T. Levi-Civita

Despite the lack of a precise notion of how a manifold should be defined,

significant advances were made in differential geometry, particularly in de-
veloping the local machinery for computing curvatures — Christoffel and
Levi-Civita introduced connections (not precisely in the sense we will define
them in this course), and Ricci and Schouten developed the use of tensor
calculus in geometric computations. Henri Poincaré worked with manifolds,
but never precisely defined them.
Lecture 1. Introduction 3

Riemann’s work surfaced again in spectacular fashion in Einstein’s for-

mulation of the theory of general relativity – Einstein had been trying for
several years to find a way of expressing mathematically his principle of
equivalence, and had attempted to use Gauss’s ideas to encapsulate this.
In 1912 he learned from his friend Marcel Grossman about Riemann’s work
and its mathematical development using tensors by Christoffel, Ricci and
Levi-Civita, and succeeded in adapting it to his requirements after a further
three years of struggle. This development certainly gave great impetus to the
further development of the field, but Einstein still worked entirely on the
local problem of interpreting the equivalence principle, and never worked in
any systematic way on the global spacetime manifold.

E. Christoffel Albert Einstein

The definition of a manifold encapsulates the idea that there are no pre-
ferred coordinates, and therefore that geometric computations must be in-
variant under coordinate change. Since this is built automatically into our
framework, we never have to spend much time checking that things are geo-
metrically well-defined, or invariant under changes of coordinates. In contrast,
in the works of Riemann, Ricci and Levi-Civita these computations take some
considerable effort.
The abstract notion of a manifold, without reference to any ‘background’
Euclidean spaces, also arises naturally from several directions. One of these
is of course general relativity, where we do not want the unnecessary baggage
associated with postulating a larger space in which the physical spacetime
should lie. Another comes from the work of Riemann in complex analysis,
in what is now called the theory of Riemann surfaces. Consider an ana-
lytic function f on a region of the complex plane. This can be defined in a
neighbourhood of a point z0 by a convergent power series. This power series
converges in some disk of radius r0 about z0 . If we now move to some other
point z1 in this disk, we can look at the power series for f about z1 , and
this in general converges on a different region, and can be used to extend
f beyond the original disk. Using analytic extensions in this way, we can
move around the complex plane as long as we avoid poles and singularities
of f . However, it may happen that the value of the function that we obtain
depends on the path we took to get there, as in the case f (z) = z 1/2 . In this
4 Lecture 1. Introduction

case we can think of the function as defined not on the plane, but instead on
an abstract surface which projects onto the plane (if f (z) = z 1/2 , this surface
covers C\{0} twice). Another place where it is natural to work with abstract
manifolds is in the theory of Lie groups, which are groups with a manifold

1.1 Differentiable Manifolds

Definition 1.1.1 (Manifolds and atlases)

A manifold M of dimension n is a (Hausdorff, paracompact) topologi-
cal space1 M , such that every point x ∈ M has a neighbourhood which is
homeomorphic to an open set in Euclidean space Rn .
A chart for M is a homeomorphism ϕ : U → V where U is open in M
and V is open in Rn .
A collection of charts A = {ϕα : Uα → Vα | α ∈ I} is called an atlas for
M if ∪α∈I = M .

Next we want to impose some ‘smooth’ structure:

Definition 1.1.2 (Differentiable structures) Let M be an n-dimensional

manifold. An atlas A = {ϕα : Uα → Vα | α ∈ I} for M is differentiable if for
every α and β in I, the map ϕβ ◦ ϕ−1 2
α is differentiable (as a map between
open subsets of R ).


j jb

R Vb
Va R

If you are not familiar with these topological notions, it is sufficient to consider
metric spaces, or even subsets of Euclidean spaces. If you want to know more, see
Appendix A.
I will use the terms ‘differentiable’ and ‘smooth’ interchangeably, and both will
mean ‘infinitely many times differentiable’.
1.1 Differentiable Manifolds 5

Two differentiable atlases A and B are compatible if their union is also a

differentiable atlas — equivalently, for every chart φ in A and η in B, φ ◦ η −1
and η ◦ φ−1 are smooth.
A differentiable structure on a manifold M is an equivalence class of dif-
ferentiable atlases, where two atlases are deemed equivalent if they are com-
A differentiable manifold is a manifold M together with a differentiable
structure on M .

We will usually abuse notation by simply referring to a ‘differentiable

manifold M ’ without referring to a differentiable atlas. This is slightly dan-
gerous, because the same manifold can carry many inequivalent differentiable
atlases, and each of these defines a different differentiable manifold.

Example 1.1.1 Consider the set M = R (with the usual topology). This can be
made a manifold is many different ways: The obvious way is to take the atlas
A = {Id : R → R}. Another way is to take the atlas B = {x → x3 : R → R}. More
generally, any homeomorphism of R to itself (or to an open subset of itself) can be
used to define an atlas. The atlases A and B are incompatible because the union is
{x → x, x → x3 }, which is not an atlas because the first map composed with the
inverse of the second is the map x → x1/3 , which is not smooth. This example can
be extended to show there are infinitely many different differentiable structures on
the real line. This seems ridiculously complicated, but it will turn out that these
differentiable structures are all equivalent in a sense to be defined later.

Remark. Given a differentiable structure on a manifold M , we can in principle

choose a canonical atlas on M , namely the maximal atlas consisting of all
those charts which are compatible with some differentiable atlas representing
the differentiable structure. This is occasionally useful as a theoretical device
but is completely unworkable in practice, as such a maximal atlas necessarily
contains uncountable many charts.

Example 1.1.2: Euclidean space. A trivial example of a differentiable manifold

is the Euclidean space Rn , equipped with the atlas consisting only of the
identity map.

Example 1.1.3: An atlas for S n . The sphere S n is the set {x ∈ Rn+1 : |x| =
1}. Since this is a closed subset of Euclidean space, the topological require-
ments are satisfied. Define maps ϕ+ : S n \{N } → Rn and ϕ− : S n \{S} → Rn
as follows, where N is the “north pole“ (0, . . . , 0, 1) and S the “south pole”
(0, . . . , 0, −1): Writing x ∈ Rn+1 as (y, z) where y ∈ Rn and z ∈ R, we take
(2w,|w|2 −1)
ϕ+ (y, z) = 1−z y y
and ϕ− (y, z) = 1+z . Then we have ϕ−1
+ (w) = |w|2 +1 and
(2w,1−|w|2 )
− (w) = |w|2 +1 . It follows that ϕ± is a homeomorphism, since clearly
6 Lecture 1. Introduction

ϕ−1 n
± is continuous, and ϕ± is the restriction to S of a continuous map de-
fined on all of R n+1
. Also ϕ+ ◦ ϕ− (w) = |w|2 and ϕ− ◦ ϕ−1
−1 w w
+ (w) = |w|2 for
all w ∈ Rn \{0}. Since these maps are differentiable, the two charts ϕ± form
a differentiable atlas, and so define a differentiable manifold.


- R


The maps ϕ± in the last example are the stereographic projections from
the north and south poles. Next we consider an example which does not come
from a subset of Rn+1 :

Example 1.1.4: The real projective spaces. The n-dimensional real projective
space RP n is the set of lines through the origin in Rn+1 (an observer at the
origin sees anything along such a line as being at the same position in the
field of view – thus real projective space captures the geometry of perspective
drawing). Equivalently, RP n = (Rn+1 \{0})/ ∼ where x ∼ y ⇐⇒ x = λy for
some λ ∈ R\{0}. A point in RP n is denoted [x1 , x2 , . . . , xn+1 ], meaning the
equivalence class under ∼ of the point (x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) ∈ Rn+1 . We place a
topology on RP n by taking the open sets to be images of open sets in Rn+1
under the projection onto RP n . This topology is Hausdorff: Take any two non-
zero points x and y in Rn+1 not lying on the same line. Choose an open set U
about x which is disjoint from the line through y and the origin. Then choose
an open set V about y which is disjoint from the set {λz : z ∈ U, λ ∈ R}.
Then U/ ∼ and V / ∼ are disjoint open sets in RP n with [x] ∈ U/ ∼ and [y] ∈
V / ∼. Define subsets Vi of RP n for i = 1, . . . , n + 1 by Vi = {[x1 , . . . , xn+1 ] :
xi = 0}. Note that Vi is well-defined.  Define maps ϕi : Vi → R 
for i =
x1 x2 xi−1 xi+1 xn+1
1, . . . , n + 1 by ϕi ([x1 , . . . , xn+1 ]) = xi , xi , . . . , xi , xi , . . . , xi . This
has the inverse ϕ−1 i (x1 , . . . , xn ) = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xi−1 , 1, xi , . . . , xn ]. The maps
ϕ and their inverses are continuous; the open sets Vi cover RP n ; and (for
i < j)
x1 x2 xi−1 xi+1 xj−1 1 xj xn
ϕi ◦ ϕ−1
j (x1 , . . . , xn ) = , , . . . , , , . . . , , , , . . . ,
xi xi xi xi xi xi xi xi
1.1 Differentiable Manifolds 7

which is smooth on the set ϕj (Vi ∩ Vj ) = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) : xi = 0}. The case

i > j is similar. Therefore the maps ϕi form an atlas for RP n .
Exercise 1.1.1 Define CP n to be Cn+1 \{0} / ∼, where x ∼ y if and only
if x = λy for some λ ∈ C\{0}. Find a differentiable atlas which makes CP n
a 2n-dimensional smooth manifold.

Example 1.1.5: Open subsets. Let M be a differentiable manifold, with atlas

A. Let U be any open  subset of M . Then U is a differentiable manifold with

the atlas AU = {ϕ : ϕ ∈ A}. Any open set in a Euclidean space is trivially
a manifold. Other examples of manifolds obtained in this way are:
i). The general linear group GL(n, R) (the set of non-singular n×n matri-
ces) – this is an open set of the set of n × n matrices, which is naturally
identified with Rn ;
ii). The multiplicative group C\{0}, clearly open in C
R2 ;
iii). The complement of a Cantor set (i.e. The set of real numbers which do
not have a base 3 expansion consisting only of the digits 0 and 2).
Usually we will find ways to avoid things like the last example — by con-
sidering manifolds which are connected, or which satisfy some topological or
geometric condition (such as compactness).

Example 1.1.6: Product manifolds. Let (M n , A) and (N k , B) be two mani-

folds. Then the topological product M × N can be made a manifold with the
atlas A#B = {(ϕ, η) : ϕ ∈ A, η ∈ B}. Here (ϕ, η)(x, y) = (ϕ(x), η(y)) ∈
Rn+k for each (x, y) ∈ U × W , where ϕ : U → V is in A and η : W → Z is
in B.
Lecture 2. Smooth functions and maps

2.1 Definition of smooth maps

Given a differentiable manifold, all questions of differentiability are to be

reduced to questions about functions between Euclidean spaces, by using
charts compatible with the differentiable structure. This principle applies in
particular when we decide which maps between manifolds are smooth:

Definition 2.1.1 Let M n be a differentiable manifold, with an atlas A repre-

senting the differentiable structure on M . A function f : M → R is smooth
if for every chart ϕ : U → V in A, f ◦ ϕ−1 is a smooth function on V ⊂ Rn .
Let N k be another differentiable manifold, with atlas B. Let F be a map
from M to N . F is smooth if for every x ∈ M and all charts ϕ : U → V in
A with x ∈ U and η : W → Z in B with F (x) ∈ W , η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 is a smooth
map from ϕ(F −1 (W ) ∩ U ) ⊆ Rn to Z ⊆ Rk .




Remark. Although the definition requires that f ◦ ϕ−1 be smooth for every
chart, it is enough to show that this holds for at least one chart around each
point: If ϕ : U → V is a chart with f ◦ϕ−1 smooth, and η : W → Z is another
10 Lecture 2. Smooth functions and maps

chart with W overlapping U , then f ◦ η −1 = (f ◦ ϕ−1 ) ◦ (ϕ ◦ η −1 ) is smooth.

A similar argument applies for checking that a map between manifolds is

Exercise 2.1.1 Show that a map χ between smooth manifolds M and N is

smooth if and only if f ◦ χ is a smooth function on M whenever f is a smooth
function on N .

Exercise 2.1.2 Show that the map x → [x] from Rn+1 to RP n is smooth.

Example 2.1.1 The group GL(n, R). On GL(n, R) we have a natural family
of maps: Fix some M ∈ GL(n, R), and define ρM : GL(n, R) → GL(n, R) by
ρM (A) = MA. The trivial chart ι given by inclusion of GL(n, R) in Rn is the
map which takes a matrix A to its components (A11 , . . . , A1n , . . . , Ann ). To
check that ρM is smooth, we need to check that ι ◦ ρM ◦ ι−1 is smooth. But
this is just the map which takes the components of A to the components of
MA, which is
 

ι−1 ◦ ρM ◦ ι (A11 , A12 , . . . , Ann ) =  M1j Aj1 , M1j Aj2 , . . . , Mnj Ajn 
j=1 j=1 j=1

Each component of this map is linear in the components of A, hence smooth.

Exercise 2.1.3 Show that the multiplication map ρ : GL(n, R)×GL(n, R) →

GL(n, R) given by ρ(A, B) = AB is smooth.

Definition 2.1.2 A Lie group G is a group which is also a differentiable

manifold such that the multiplication map from G × G → G is smooth and
the inversion g → g −1 is smooth.

2.2 Further classification of maps

Definition 2.2.1 A map F : M → N is a diffeomorphism if it is smooth

and has a smooth inverse. F is a local diffeomorphism if for every x ∈ M
there exists a neighbourhood U of x in M such that the restriction of F to
U is a diffeomorphism to an open set of N .
A smooth map F : M → N is an embedding if F is a homeomorphism
onto its image (with the subspace topology), and for any charts ϕ and η for M
and N respectively, η ◦F ◦ϕ−1 has derivative of full rank. F is an immersion
if for every x in M there exist charts ϕ : U → V for M and η : W → Z for
N with x ∈ U and F (x) ∈ Z, such that the map η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 has derivative
which is injective at ϕ(x). F is a submersion if for each x ∈ M there are
charts ϕ and η such that the derivative of η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 at ϕ(x) is surjective.
2.2 Further classification of maps 11

Example 2.2.1 Let G be a Lie group, and ρ : G × G → G the multiplication

map. For fixed g ∈ G, define ρg : G → G by ρg (h) = ρ(g, h). This is a
diffeomorphism of G, since ρg is smooth and has smooth inverse ρg−1 .

Exercise 2.2.1 Show that if M is a manifold, and ϕ a chart for M , then

ϕ−1 is a local diffeomorphism.

Exercise 2.2.2 Consider the map π : S n → RP n defined by π(x) = [x] for

all x ∈ S n ⊂ Rn+1 . Show that π is a local diffeomorphism.

Remark. The definitions above reflect the fact that the rank of the derivative
of a smooth map between manifolds is well-defined: If we change coordinates
from ϕ to ϕ̃ on M and from η to η̃ on N , then the chain rule gives:
Dϕ̃(x) η̃ ◦ F ◦ ϕ̃−1 = Dη(x) η̃ ◦ η −1 Dϕ(x) η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 Dϕ̃(x) ϕ ◦ ϕ̃−1 .

The first and third matrices on the right are non-singular, so the rank of the
matrix on the left is the same as the rank of the second matrix on the right. I
will not dwell on this, because it is a simple consequence of the construction
of tangent spaces for manifolds, which we will work towards in the next few

Example 2.2.2 We will show that the projection [.] from Rn+1 \{0} to RP n
is a submersion. To see this, fix x = (x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) in Rn+1 \{0}, and assume
that xn+1 = 0. On Rn+1 \{0} we take the trivial chart ι, and onRP n we take
ϕn+1 : Vn+1 → Rn . Then ϕn+1 ◦ [.] ◦ ι−1 (x) = xn+1 x1
, . . . , xxn+1
, and
1 0 . . . 0 − xn+1
x1  
   0 1 . . . 0 − xx2   v2 
1  
Dx ϕn+1 ◦ [.] ◦ ι−1 v =   .. 
. .
 .. .. . . . ... . 
xn+1 .. 
0 0 . . . 1 − xxn+1n vn+1

This matrix has rank n, so the map is a submersion.

Exercise 2.2.3 Show that the multiplication operator ρ : G × G → G is a

submersion if G is a Lie group.

Exercise 2.2.4 Let M and N be differentiable manifolds. Show that for any
x ∈ M the map ix : N → M × N given by y → (x, y) is an embedding. Show
that the projection pi : M × N → M given by π(x, y) = x is a submersion.

Example 2.2.3 We will show that the inclusion map ι of S n in Rn+1 is an

embedding. To show this, we need to show that ι is a homeomorphism (this
is immediate since we defined S n by taking the subspace topology induced
by inclusion in Rn+1 ) and that the derivative of η ◦ ι ◦ ϕ−1 is injective.
12 Lecture 2. Smooth functions and maps

Here we can take η(x) = x to be the trivial chart for Rn+1 , and ϕ to be
one of the stereographic projections defined in Example 1.1.3, say ϕ− . Then
(2w,1−|w|2 )
η ◦ ι ◦ ϕ−1 (w) = 1+|w|2 . Differentiating, we find
∂(η ◦ ι ◦ (ϕ−1 )i ) 2 2wi wj
= δij −
∂wj 1 + |w|2 1 + |w|2
∂(η ◦ ι ◦ (ϕ−1 )n+1 ) 4wj
= − .
∂wj (1 + |w|2 )2
In particular we find for any non-zero vector v ∈ Rn
Dw (η ◦ ι ◦ ϕ−1 )(v)2 = |v|2 > 0.
(1 + |w|2 )2

Therefore Dw (η ◦ ι ◦ ϕ−1 ) has no kernel, hence is injective.

Exercise 2.2.5 Prove that CP 1

S 2 (Hint: Consider the atlas for S 2 given
by the two stereographic projections, and the atlas for CP 1 given by the two
projections [z1 , z2 ] → z2 /z1 ∈ C
R2 and [z1 , z2 ] → z1 /z2 . It should be
possible to define a map between the two manifolds by defining it between
corresponding charts in such a way that it agrees on overlaps).

Exercise 2.2.6 (The Hopf map) Consider S 3 ⊆ R4

C2 , and define
π : S 3 → CP 1
S 2 to be the restriction of the canonical projection (z1 , z2 ) →
[z1 , z2 ]. Show that this map is a submersion.

There is a nice way of visualising this map: We can think of S 3 as three-

dimensional space (together with infinity). For each point y in CP 1 the set
of points in C2 which project to y is a plane, and the subset of this in S 3 is
a circle. Thus we want to decompose space into circles, one corresponding to
each point in S 2 .
We can start with the north pole, and map this to a circle through infinity
(i.e. the z-axis, say). Then we map the south pole to some other circle (say,
the unit circle in the x-y plane). Next the equator: Here we have a circle of
points, each corresponding to a circle, so this gives us a torus (which is called
the Clifford torus):
2.2 Further classification of maps 13


More generally, consider a circle which moves from south to north pole on
S 2 . At each ‘time’ in this sweepout we have a corresponding torus in space,
which starts as a thin torus around the unit circle, grows until it agrees with
the Clifford torus as our curve passes the equator, and continues growing,
becoming larger and larger in size with a smaller and smaller ‘tube’ down
the middle around the z axis as we approach the north pole. This can be
obtained by rotating the following picture about the z axis:

Next we should think about how the circles line up on these tori. The
crucial thing to keep in mind is that this must be continuous as we move over
S 2 . In particular, as we approach the south pole the circles have to approach
the unit circle, so they have to wind around the torus ‘the long way’. On the
other hand, as we approach the north pole the circle must start to lie ‘along’
the z axis. These two things seem to contradict each other, until we realise
that we can wind our curves around the tori ‘both ways’:

Note that each of the circles corresponding to a point in the northern

hemisphere intersects the unit disk D1 in the x-y plane exactly once, and
14 Lecture 2. Smooth functions and maps

each circle corresponding to a point in the southern hemisphere intersects

the right half-plane D2 in the x-z plane exactly once. We can parametrize
each circle through D1 by an angle θ1 in such a way that the intersection point
with D1 has θ1 = 0, and similarly for D2 . Points on the northern hemisphere
of S 2 correspond to those circles which pass through a smaller disk D̃1 in D1 ,
and those on the southern hemisphere correspond to circles passing through
a disk D̃2 within D2 .
We can parametrize parametrize the boundary of D̃1 by an angle φ1
(anticlockwise in the x-y plane starting at the right) and that of D̃2 with
an angle φ2 (anticlockwise in the x-z plane starting at the right). Then the
angles θ1 and φ1 give the same point as θ2 = θ1 − φ1 and φ2 = π − φ1 . This
describes the 3-sphere as a union of two solid tori D̃1 × S 1 and D̃2 × S 1 ,
sewn together by identifying points on ∂ D̃1 × S 1 with points on ∂ D̃2 × S 1
according to (φ, θ) ∈ ∂ D̃1 × S 1 ∼ (π − φ, θ − φ) ∈ ∂ D̃2 × S 1 .

Exercise 2.2.7 Suppose we take two solid tori D1 × S 1 and D2 × S 1 and

glue them together with a different identification, say (φ, θ) ∈ ∂D1 × S 1 ∼
(φ, θ + kφ) ∈ ∂D2 × S 1 for some integer k. How could we decide whether
the result is or is not S 3 ? [This is hard — the answer really belongs to
algebraic topology. The idea is to find some quantity which can be associated
to a manifold which is invariant under homeomorphism or diffeomorphism
(examples are the homotopy groups or homology groups of the manifold).
Then if our manifold has a different value of this invariant from S 3 , we know
it is not diffeomorphic to S 3 . Going the other way is much harder, since it is
quite possible that non-diffeomorphic manifolds have the same value of any
given invariant].

One of the important questions in differential geometry is the study (or classi-
fication) of manifolds up to diffeomorphism. That is, we introduce an equivalence
relation on the space of k-dimensional differentiable manifolds by taking M ∼ N if
and only if there exists a diffeomorphism from M to N , and study the equivalence
classes. Among the results:
• There are only two equivalence classes of connected one-dimensional mani-
folds, namely those represented by S 1 and by R. In particular the different
differentiable structures on R introduced in Example 1.1.1 are diffeomorphi-
cally equivalent (the map x → x1/3 is a diffeomorphism between the two);
• The equivalence class of a compact connected two-dimensional manifold is
determined by its genus (an integer representing the number of ‘holes’ in the
surface) and its orientability (which will be defined later).
A more subtle question is the following: Given a topological manifold M , are all
differentiable structures on M related by diffeomorphism? If not, how many non-
diffeomorphic differentiable structures are there on a given manifold? The answer
is that in general there can be more than one differentiable structure on a mani-
fold: It is known that the spheres S n generally have more than one differentiable
structure if n ≥ 7, and in particular John Milnor proved in 1956 that there are 28
2.2 Further classification of maps 15

non-diffeomorphic differentiable structures on S 7 . Two-dimensional manifolds have

unique differentiable structures (this is a consequence of the classification theorem
mentioned above), and this is also known for three-dimensional manifolds (although
there is no classification of 3-manifolds known). In dimension four it is unknown
whether S 4 has more than one differentiable structure, but it is known (through
work of Simon Donaldson in the 1980’s) that there are four-dimensional manifolds
with several (infinitely many) non-diffeomorphic differentiable structures.

John Milnor Simon Donaldson Henri Poincaré

A related question is whether a given topological manifold carries any differ-

entiable structures at all. Again the answer is no, and in particular it is known
that there are topological manifolds of dimension 4 which carry no differentiable
structure. In dimensions five and higher there are also non-smoothable topologi-
cal manifolds. In two and three dimensions any manifold carries a differentiable
One further famous problem: Poincaré asked in 1904 whether a 3-manifold which
has the same homotopy groups as S 3 must be homeomorphic to S 3 — equivalently,
if M is a simply connected compact 3-manifold, is M homeomorphic to S 3 ? This is
the famous Poincaré conjecture, which remains completely open. Remarkably, the
analogous problem in higher dimensions — whether an n-manifold with the same
homotopy groups as S n is homeomorphic to S n — has been solved. Stephen Smale
proved this in 1960 for n ≥ 5 (similar results were also obtained by Stallings and
Wallace around the same time). The four-dimensional case was much harder, and
was proved by Michael Freedman in 1982 as a result of a truly remarkable theorem
classifying closed simply connected four-dimensional topological manifolds. Only
the three dimensional case remains unresolved!

Steven Smale Michael Freedman

Lecture 3. Submanifolds

In this lecture we will look at some of the most important examples of man-
ifolds, namely those which arise as subsets of Euclidean space.

2.1 Definition of submanifolds

Definition 3.1.1 A subset M of RN is a k-dimensional submanifold if

for every point x in M there exists a neighbourhood V of x in RN , an open
set U ⊆ Rk , and a smooth map ξ : U → RN such that ξ is a homeomorphism
onto M ∩ V , and Dy ξ is injective for every y ∈ U .

Remark. The meaning of ‘homeomorphism onto M ∩ V ’ in this definition

warrants some explanation. This means that the map ξ is continuous and 1 :
1, maps U onto M ∩ V , and the inverse is also continuous. The last statement
is to be interpreted as continuity with respect to the ‘subspace topology’ on M
induced from the inclusion into RN . Since open sets in the subspace topology
are given by restrictions of open sets in RN , this is equivalent to the statement
that for every open set A ⊆ U there exists an open set B ⊆ RN such that
ξ(A) = M ∩ B.

Example 3.1.2 Consider the following examples of curves in the plane, which
illustrate the conditions in the definition of submanifold above: The home-
omorphism property can be violated if the function ξ is not injective, for
example if ξ(t) = (t2 , t3 − t) for t ∈ (−2, 2):
18 Lecture 3. Submanifolds

Even if ξ is injective, it might still fail to be a homeomorphism, as in the

example ξ(t) = (t2 , t3 − t) for t ∈ (−1, 2):

This is not a homeomorphism since ξ((−0.1, 0.1)) is not the intersection

of the curve with any open set in R2 .
Finally, a smooth map ξ might fail to define a submanifold if the derivative
is not injective — in the case of curves, this means the derivative vanishes
somewhere. An example is ξ(t) = (t2 , t3 ), which describes a cusp:

3.2 Alternative characterisations of submanifolds

Often the definition we have given is not the most convenient way to check
whether a given subset of Euclidean space is a submanfold. There are several
alternative characterisations of submanifolds, which are given by the following

Proposition 3.2.1 Let M be a subset of Euclidean space RN . Then the

following are equivalent:
(a). M is a k-dimensional submanifold;
(b). M is a k-dimensional manifold, and can be given a differentiable struc-
ture in such a way that the inclusion i : M → RN is an embedding;
3.2 Alternative characterisations of submanifolds 19

(c). For every x ∈ M there exists an open set V ⊆ Rn containing x and

an open set W ⊆ RN and a diffeomorphism F : V → W such that
F (M ∩ V ) = (R × {0}) ∩ W ;
(d). M is locally the graph of a smooth function: For every x ∈ M there
exists an open set V ⊆ RN containing x, an open set U ⊆ Rk , an permu-
tation σ ∈ SN , and a smooth map f : U → RN −k such that
M ∩ V = {(y 1 , . . . , y N ) ∈ RN | (y σ(k+1) , . . . , y σ(N ) ) = f (y σ(1) , . . . , y σ(k) )}.
(e). M is locally the zero set of a submersion: For every x ∈ M there exists
an open set V containing x and a submersion G : V → Z ⊆ RN −k such
that M ∩ V = G−1 (0).

Our main tool in the proof will be the Inverse function theorem:

Theorem 3.2.2 (Inverse Function Theorem) Let F be a smooth function

from an open neighbourhood of x ∈ RN to RN , such that the derivative Dx F
is an isomorphism. Then there exists an open set A containing x and an open
set B containing F (x) such that F |A is a diffeomorphism from A to B.

For a proof of Theorem 3.2.2 see Appendix A.

Proof of Proposition 3.2.1: (b)=⇒(a) and (c)=⇒(a) are immediate, as are

(d)=⇒(c) and (c)=⇒(e).
Suppose (a) holds, and fix x ∈ M . Choose ξx : Ux → Vx with x ∈ M ∩ V
as given in the definition of submanifolds. Let y = ξx−1 (x). Since Dy ξx is
injective, we can choose a bijection σ : {1, . . . , N } → {1, . . . , N } such that
rows σ(1), . . . , σ(k) of Dy ξx are linearly independent. Define π : RN → Rk by
π(z 1 , . . . , z N ) = (z σ(1) , . . . , z σ(k) ). Then Dy (π ◦ ξx ) is an isomorphism, so by
the Inverse Function Theorem there are open sets A ⊆ U and B ⊆ π(V ) ⊂ Rk
and a smooth map ηx : B → A which is the inverse of π ◦ ξx |A .
Define A = {ϕx = ηx ◦ π : x ∈ M }. Each of these maps is a home-
omorphism, since it has a continuous inverse ξ|A . For x2 = x1 we have
ϕx2 ◦ ϕ−1 x1 = ϕx2 ◦ ξx1 , which is smooth. Therefore A is a differentiable atlas
making M into a differentiable manifold. Finally, the inclusion i : M → RN
is a homeomorphism, and for any chart ηx as above, we have Id ◦ i ◦ ηx−1 = ξx ,
which has injective derivative. Therefore i is an embedding, and we have es-
tablished (b). From the proof we can also establish (d), by taking f to be
components σ(k + 1), . . . , σ(N ) of ξ ◦ η.
Finally, suppose (e) holds. Let x ∈ M , and let G : V → RN −k be a
submersion as given in the Proposition. Let σ : {1, . . . , N } → {1, . . . , N }
be a bijection, such that columns σ(k + 1), . . . , σ(N ) of Dx G are indepen-
dent. Define F : V → RN by F (z) = (z σ(1) , . . . , z σ(k) , G(z)). Then Dx F
is an isomorphism, so there exists (locally) an inverse by the Inverse Func-
tion Theorem. Define f (z 1 , . . . , z k ) to be components σ(k + 1), . . . , σ(N ) of
F −1 (z 1 , . . . , z k , 0). Then (d) holds with this choice of f . 
20 Lecture 3. Submanifolds

This proposition gives us a rich supply of manifolds, such as:

(a). The sphere S n = {x ∈ Rn+1 : |x| = 1};
(b). The cylinder (x, y) ∈ Rm ⊕ Rn : |x| = 1};
(c). The torus T2 = (x, y) ∈ R2 ⊕ R2 : |x| = |y| = 1};
(d). The special linear group SL(n, R) consisting of n × n matrices with
determinant equal to 1 (what dimension is this manifold?);
(e). The orthogonal group O(n) consisting of n × n matrices A satisfying
AT A = I, where I is the n × n identity matrix (what dimension is this?)

Exercise 3.2.1 Consider the subset of R4 given by the image of the map
ϕ : R → R4 defined by
√ √
ϕ(t) = (cos t, sin t, cos( 2t), sin( 2t)).

Is this a submanifold of R4 ?

Definition 3.2.1 A subset M of a manifold N is a k- dimensional subman-

ifold of N if for every x ∈ M and every chart ϕ : U → V for N with x ∈ U ,
ϕ(M ∩ U ) is a k-dimensional submanifold of V .

Exercise 3.2.2 Show that if M ⊂ N is a submanifold of N then the restric-

tion of every smooth function F on N to M is smooth.

Exercise 3.2.3 Show that the multiplication map ρ : GL(n, R)×GL(n, R) →

GL(n, R) given by ρ(A, B) = AB is smooth.

Exercise 3.2.4 Let M and N be manifolds, and χ : M → N a smooth map.

Suppose Σ is a submanifold of M , and Γ a submanifold of N .
(i). Show that the restriction of χ to Σ is a smooth map from Σ to N .
(ii). If the χ(M ) ⊂ Γ , show that χ is a smooth map from M to Γ .

Example 3.2.1 The groups SL(n, R) and O(n). Each of these groups is con-
tained as a submanifold in GL(n, R). This implies that SL(n, R) × SL(n, R)
and O(n) × O(n) are submanifolds of GL(n, R) × GL(n, R). Therefore the
restriction of the multiplication map ρ on GL(n, R) × GL(n, R) to either
of these submanifolds is smooth, and has image contained in SL(n, R) or
O(n) respectively. Hence by the result of Exercise 3.2.2, the multiplication
on SL(n, R) and O(n) are smooth maps.
3.3 Orientability 21

3.3 Orientability

Definition 3.3.1 An atlas A for a differentiable manifold M is orientable

if whenever ϕ and η in A have nontrivial common domain of definition, the
Jacobian det D(η ◦ ϕ−1 ) is positive. A differentiable manifold is orientable
if there exists such an atlas. An orientation on an orientable manifold is an
equivalence class of oriented atlases, where two oriented atlases are equivalent
if their union is an oriented atlas.

Exercise 3.3.1 Show that every one-dimensional manifold is orientable.

Exercise 3.3.2 Show that every connected manifold has either zero or two

Example 3.3.1 Hypersurfaces of Euclidean space A submanifold of dimension

n in Rn+1 is called a hypersurface. An orientation on a hypersurface M is
equivalent to the choice of a unit normal vector continuously over the whole
of M : Given an orientation on the hypersurface, choose the unit normal N
such that for any chart ϕ in the oriented atlas for M ,
det Dϕ−1 (e1 ), . . . , Dϕ−1 (e2 ), . . . , Dϕ (en ), N > 0. (+)

This is continuous on M since it is continuous on overlaps of charts. Con-

versely, given N chosen continuously over all of N , we choose an atlas for M
consisting of all those charts for which (+) holds.

Exercise 3.3.3 Suppose F : Rn+1 → R has non-zero derivative everywhere

on M = F −1 (0). Show that M is orientable.

Example 3.3.2 The Möbius strip and the Klein bottle. The Möbius strip is the
topological quotient of R × R by the equivalence relation ∼ which identifies
(s, t) with (s+1, −t) for every s and t in R. M can be given an atlas as follows:
We take a chart ϕ1 : (0, 1) × R/ ∼→ (0, 1) × R to be the inverse of the map
which takes (s, t) to [(s, t)], and ϕ2 : (−1/2, 1/2) × R/ ∼→ (−1/2, 1/2) × R
similarly. Then

(s, t) if s ∈ (0, 1/2)
ϕ1 ◦ ϕ−1 (s, t) =
2 (s + 1, t) if s ∈ (−1/2, 0)

which is smooth on ((−1/2, 0) ∪ (0, 1/2)) × R. The other transition map is

22 Lecture 3. Submanifolds

The Möbius strip is not orientable. I will not prove this rigorously yet.
Heuristically, the idea is that if we take an oriented pair of vectors at some
point (s, 0), and ‘slide’ them around the Möbius strip to (s + 1, 0), then if
there were an oriented atlas it would have to be the case that the vectors
obtained in this way were still oriented with respect to the original pair. But
this is not the case.
The Klein bottle is another non-orientable surface, given by making the
following identifications on the square:

Example 3.3.3 The real projective space RP 2 is another example of a non-

orientable surface. One way to visualise RP 2 is as the semisphere with points
on the equator identified with their antipodal points.

Some general nonsense: Definition 3.3.1 is one of many similar definitions

for special classes of manifolds. More generally, suppose we have a class of maps
M = {ϕ : U → V } between open subsets of a Euclidean space Rn , such that
(*) M is closed under composition: If ϕ : U → V and η : W → Z are in M, and
V ∩ W is non-empty, then η ◦ ϕ : ϕ−1 (V ∩ W ) → Z is in M
then one can consider M-manifolds, by requiring the transition maps ϕ ◦ η −1 of an
atlas to be in the class M. Some examples are:
(1). The class of continuous maps. This gives rise to topological manifolds;
(2). The class of maps which are k times continuously differentiable. The resulting
manifolds are C k manifolds;
(3). The class of maps for which each component has a convergent power series
(i.e. is a real-analytic function). This gives real-analytic manifolds;
(4). The class of maps between open sets of Cn which are holomorphic – that is,
each complex component of the map is given by a convergent power series in
the n complex variables. This defines complex manifolds;
(5). The class of maps of the form x → Mx + v where M is in some subgroup
G of the general linear group GL(n, R) — such as SL(n, R) (which gives
affine-flat manifolds), or O(n) (which gives Euclidean manifolds or flat
(6). The class of maps F which have derivative DF in a subgroup G of GL(n, R).
and so on...
Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

4.1 The tangent space to a point

Let M n be a smooth manifold, and x a point in M . In the special case where

M is a submanifold of Euclidean space RN , there is no difficulty in defining a
space of tangent vectors to M at x: Locally M is given as the zero level-set of
a submersion G : U → RN −n from an open set U of RN containing x, and we
can define the tangent space to be ker(Dx G), the subspace of vectors which
map to 0 under the derivative of G. Alterntively, if we describe M locally as
the image of an embedding ϕ : U → RN from an open set U of Rn , thenwe
can take the tangent space to M at x to be the subspace rng Dϕ−1 (x) ϕ =
{Dϕ−1 (x) ϕ(u) : u ∈ Rn }, the image subspace of the derivative map.
If M is an abstract manifold, however, then we do not have any such
convenient notion of a tangent vector.
From calculus on Rn we have several complementary ways of thinking
about tangent vectors: As k-tuples of real numbers; as ‘directions’ in space,
such as the tangent vector of a curve; or as directional derivatives.
I will give three alternative candidates for the tangent space to a smooth
manifold M , and then show that they are equivalent:
First, for x ∈ M we define Tx M to be the set of pairs (ϕ, u) where
ϕ : U → V is a chart in the atlas for M with x ∈ U , and u is an element of
Rn , modulo the equivalence relation which identifies a pair (ϕ, u) with a pair
(η, w) if and only if u maps to w under the derivative of the transition map
between the two charts:
Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 (u) = w. (4.1)

Remark. The basic idea is this: We think of a vector as being an ‘arrow’

telling us which way to move inside the manifold. This information on which
way to move is encoded by viewing the motion through a chart ϕ, and seeing
which way we move ‘downstairs’ in the chart (this corresponds to a vector in
n-dimensional space according to the usual notion of a velocity vector). The
equivalence relation just removes the ambiguity of a choice of chart through
which to follow the motion.
Another way to think about it is the following: We have a local description
for M using charts, and we know what a vector is ‘downstairs’ in each chart.
24 Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

We want to define a space of vectors Tx M ‘upstairs’ in such a way that the

derivative map Dx ϕ of the chart map ϕ makes sense as a linear operator
between the vector spaces Tx M and Rn , and so that the chain rule continues
to hold. Then we would have for any vector v ∈ Tp M vectors u = Dx ϕ(v) ∈
Rn , and w = Dx η(v) ∈ Rn . Writing this another way (implicitly assuming
the chain rule holds) we have

Dϕ(x) ϕ−1 (u) = v = Dη(x) η −1 (w).

The chain rule would then imply Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 (u) = w.

Fig.1: A tangent vector

to M at x is implic-
itly defined by a curve
through x

The second definition expresses even more explicitly the idea of a ‘velocity
vector’ in the manifold: We define Mx to be the space of smooth paths in
M through x (i.e. smooth maps γ : I → M with γ(0) = x) modulo the
equivalence relation which identifies any two curves if they agree to first
order (as measured in some chart): γ ∼ σ ⇔ (ϕ ◦ γ) (0) = (ϕ ◦ σ) (0) for some
chart ϕ : U → V with x ∈ U . The equivalence does not depend on the choice
of chart: If we change to a chart η, then we have
(η ◦ γ) (0) = (η ◦ ϕ−1 ) ◦ (ϕ ◦ γ) (0) = Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 (ϕ ◦ γ) (0)

and similarly for sigma, so (η ◦ γ) (0) = (η ◦ σ) (0).

Finally, we define Dx M to be the space of derivations at x. Here a deriva-
tion is a map v from the space of smooth functions C ∞ (M ) to R, such that
for any real numbers c1 and c2 and any smooth functions f and g on M ,
v(c1 f + c2 g) = c1 v(f ) + c2 v(g) and
v(f g) = f (x)v(g) + g(x)v(f )
4.1 The tangent space to a point 25

The archetypal example of a derivation is of course the directional derivative

of a function along a curve: Given a smooth path γ : I → M with γ(0) = x,
we can define 
v(f ) = (f ◦ γ)  , (4.3)
dt t=0
and this defines a derivation at x. We will see below that all derivations are
of this form.

Proposition 4.1.1 There are natural isomorphisms between the three spaces
Mx , Tx M , and Dx M .

TM x a

c b


Proof. First, we write down the isomorphisms: Given an equivalence class

[(ϕ, u)] in Tx M , we take α([(ϕ, u)]) to be the equivalence class of the smooth
path γ defined by
γ(t) = ϕ−1 (ϕ(x) + tu). (4.4)
The map α is well-defined, since if (η, w) is another representative of the
same equivalence class in Tx M , then α gives the equivalence class of the
curve σ(t) = η −1 (η(x) + tw), and
(ϕ ◦ σ) (0) = (ϕ ◦ η −1 ) ◦ (η ◦ σ) (0)
= Dη(x) ϕ ◦ η −1 (η ◦ σ) (0)
= Dη(x) ϕ ◦ η −1 (w)

= (ϕ ◦ γ) (0),
so [σ] = [γ].
Given an element [γ] ∈ Mx , we take β([γ]) to be the natural derivation
v defined by Eq. (4.3). Again, we need to check that this is well-defined:
Suppose [σ] = [γ]. Then
(f ◦ γ)  = Dϕ(x) f ◦ ϕ−1 (ϕ ◦ γ) (0)
dt t=0
= Dϕ(x) f ◦ ϕ−1 (ϕ ◦ σ) (0)

= (f ◦ σ) 
dt t=0
26 Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

for any smooth function f .

Finally, given a derivation v, we choose a chart ϕ containing x, and take
χ(v) to be the
 element of Tx M given by taking the equivalence class [(ϕ, u)]
where u = v(ϕ1 ), . . . , v(ϕn ) . Here ϕi is the ith component function of the
chart ϕ.
There is a technicality involved here: In the definition, derivations were
assumed to act on smooth functions defined on all of M . However, ϕi is
defined only on an open set U of M . In order to overcome this difficulty, we
will extend ϕi (somewhat arbitrarily) to give a smooth map on all of M . For
concreteness, we can proceed as follows (the functions we construct here will
prove useful later on as well):
exp z21−1 for −1 < z < 1;
ξ(z) = (4.5)
0 for |z| ≥ 1.
and z
ξ(z  )dz 
ρ(z) = −1
1 . (4.6)
ξ(z  )dz 
• ξ is a C ∞ function on all of R, with ξ(z) equal to zero whenever |z| ≥ 1,
and ξ(z) > 0 for |z| < 1;
• ρ is a C ∞ function on all of R, which is zero whenever z ≤ −1, identically
1 for z > 1, and strictly increasing for z ∈ (−1, 1).


-1 0 1 x

Fig. 2: The ‘bump function’ or ‘cut-

off function’ ξ. Fig. 3: A C ∞ ‘ramp function’ ρ.

Now, given the chart ϕ : U → V with x ∈ U , choose a number r suffi-

ciently small to ensure that the closed ball of radius 4r about ϕ(x) is contained
in V . Then define a function ρ̃ on M by
ρ̃(y) = ρ 3 − r for y ∈ U ; (4.7)
0 for all other y ∈ M .

Exercise 4.1 Prove that ρ̃ is a smooth function on M .

4.1 The tangent space to a point 27

Note that this construction gives a function ρ̃ which is identically equal

to 1 on a neighbourhood of x, and identically zero in the complement of a
larger neighbourhood.
Now we can make sense of our definition above:

Definition 4.1.2 If f : U → R is a smooth function on an open set U of M

containing x, we define v(f ) = v(f˜), where f˜ is any smooth function on M
which agrees with f on a neighbourhood of x.

For this to make sense we need to check that there is some smooth function
f˜ on M which agrees with f on a neighbourhood of x, and that the definition
does not depend on which such function we choose.
Without loss of generality we suppose f is defined on U as above, and
define ρ̃ as above. Then we define

f (y)ρ̃(y) for y ∈ U ;
f˜(y) = (4.8)
0 for y ∈ M \U .

f˜ is smooth, and agrees with f on the set ϕ−1 (B2r (ϕ(x))).

Next we need to check that v(f˜) does not change if we choose a different
function agreeing with f on a neighbourhood of x.

Lemma 4.1.3 Suppose f and g are two smooth functions on M which agree
on a neighbourhood of x. Then v(f ) = v(g).

Proof. Without loss of generality, assume that f and g agree on an open set
U containing x, and construct a ‘bump’ function ρ̃ in U as above. Then we
observe that ρ̃(f − g) is identically zero on M , and that v(0) = v(0.0) =
0.v(0) = 0. Therefore

0 = v(ρ̃(f − g)) = ρ̃(x)v(f − g) + (f (x) − g(x))v(ρ̃) = v(f ) − v(g)

since f (x) − g(x) = 0 and ρ̃(x) = 1. 

This shows that the definition of v(f ) makes sense, and so our definition of
χ(v) makes sense. However we still need to check that χ(v) does not depend
on the choice of a chart ϕ. Suppose we instead use another chart η. Then we
have in a small region about x,

η i (y) = η i (x) + Gij (y)(ϕj (y) − ϕj (x)) (4.9)

for each i = 1, . . . , n, where Gij is a smooth function on a neighbourhood of

x for which Gij (x) = ∂z∂ j η i ◦ ϕ−1  . To prove this, consider the Taylor
expansion for η i ◦ ϕ−1 on the set V , where ϕ is the chart from U to V .
28 Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

Now apply v to Eq. (4.9). Note that the first term is a constant.

Lemma 4.1.4 v(c) = 0 for any constant c.

v(1) = v(1.1) = 1.v(1) = 1.v(1) = 2v(1) =⇒ v(1) = 0 =⇒ v(c) = cv(1) = 0.

v applied to η i gives

v(η i ) = Gij (x)v(ϕj ) + (ϕj (x) − ϕj (x))v(Gij )
∂  i 
= j
η ◦ ϕ  v(ϕj ).
∂z ϕ(x)

Therefore we have

n n
∂  i 
v(η i )ei = j
η ◦ ϕ  v(ϕj )ei
i=1 i,j=1
∂z ϕ(x)

= Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ i
v(ϕ )ei
n i
n i
and so [(ϕ, i=1 v(ϕ )ei )] = [(η, i=1 v(η )ei )] and χ is independent of the
choice of chart.
In order to prove the proposition, it is enough to show that the three
triple compositions χ ◦ β ◦ α, β ◦ α ◦ χ, and α ◦ χ ◦ β are just the identity map
on each of the three spaces.
We have
χ ◦ β ◦ α([(ϕ, u)]) = χ ◦ β [t → ϕ−1 (ϕ(x) + tu)]
= χ f → Dϕ(x) f ◦ ϕ−1 (u)
= ϕ, Dϕ(x) ϕ ◦ ϕ (u)ei
= [(ϕ, u)].
Similarly we have
α ◦ χ ◦ β([σ]) = α ◦ χ f → (f ◦ γ) 
dt t=0

=α ϕ, (ϕ ◦ γ) (0)
= t → ϕ−1 ϕ(x) + t (ϕ ◦ γ) (0) ,
4.2 The differential of a map 29

and this curve is clearly in the same equivalence class as γ.

Finally, we have

β ◦ α ◦ χ(v) = β ◦ α ϕ, i
v(ϕ )ei

=β t → ϕ−1 ϕ(x) + t v(ϕi )ei
= f → f ◦ϕ  i
v(ϕ ) .
∂z i ϕ(x)

We need to show that this is the same as v. To show this, we note (using the
Taylor expansion for f ◦ ϕ−1 ) that

f (y) = f (x) + Gi (y) ϕi (y) − ϕi (x)

for y in a sufficiently
 small neighbourhood of x, where Gi is a smooth function
with Gi (x) = ∂z∂ i f ◦ ϕ−1 |ϕ(x) . Applying v to this expression, we find

n n
v(f ) = Gi (x)v(ϕi ) = i
f ◦ ϕ  v(ϕi ) (4.10)
i=1 i=1
∂z ϕ(x)

and the right hand side is the same as β ◦ α ◦ γv(f ).

Having established the equivalence of the three spaces Mx , Tx , and Dx M ,

I will from now on keep only the notation Tx M (the tangent space to x at
M ) while continuing to use all three different notions of a tangent vector.

4.2 The differential of a map

Definition 4.2.1 Let f : M → R be a smooth function. Then we define the

differential dx f of f at the point x ∈ M to be the linear function on the
tangent space Tx M given by (dx f ) (v) = v(f ) for each v ∈ Tx M (thinking of
v as a derivation). Let F : M → N be a smooth map between two manifolds.
Then we define the differential Dx F of F at x ∈ M to be the linear map
from Tx M to TF (x) N given by ((Dx F ) (v)) (f ) = v (f ◦ F ) for any v ∈ Tx M
and any f ∈ C ∞ (M ).

It is useful to describe the differential of a map in terms of the other

representations of tangent vectors. If v is the vector corresponding to the
equivalence class [(ϕ, u)], then we have v : f → Dϕ(x) (f ◦ ϕ−1 )(u), and so by
the definition above, Dx F (v) sends a smooth function f on N to v(f ◦ F ):
30 Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

N f
g F(g)
x F(x)

j h

u w

Dx F (v) : f → Dϕ(x) f ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 (u)
= Dη(F (x)) f ◦ η −1 ◦ Dϕ(x) η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 (u)
which is the vector corresponding to η, Dϕ(x) η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 (u) .
Alternatively, if we think of a vector v as the tangent vector of a curve
γ, then we have v : f → (f ◦ γ) (0), and so Dx F (v) : f → (f ◦ F ◦ γ) (0),
which is the tangent vector of the curve F ◦ γ. In other words,

Dx F ([γ]) = [F ◦ γ]. (4.11)

In most situations we can use the differential of a map in exactly the

same way as we use the derivative for maps between Euclidean spaces. In
particular, we have the following results:

Theorem 4.2.2 The Chain Rule If F : M → N and G : N → P are

smooth maps between manifolds, then so is G ◦ F , and

Dx (G ◦ F ) = DF (x) G ◦ Dx F.

Proof. By Eq. (4.11),

Dx (G ◦ F )([γ]) = [G ◦ F ◦ γ] = DF (x) G([F ◦ γ]) = DF (x) G (Dx F ([γ])) .

Theorem 4.2.3 The inverse function theorem Let F : M → N be a

smooth map, and suppose Dx F is an isomorphism for some x ∈ M . Then
there exists an open set U ⊂ M containing x and an open set V ⊂ N con-

taining F (x) such that F  is a diffeomorphism from U to V .
Proof. We have Dx F ([(ϕ, u)]) = [η, Dϕ(x) η◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 (u)], so Dx F is an
isomorphism if and only if Dϕ(x) η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 is an isomorphism. The result
follows by applying the usual inverse function theorem to η ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 .
4.4 The tangent bundle 31

Theorem 4.2.4 The implicit function theorem (surjective form) Let

F : M → N be a smooth map, with Dx F surjective for some x ∈ M . Then
there exists a neighbourhood U of x such that F −1 (F (x)) ∩ U is a smooth
submanifold of M .

Theorem 4.2.5 The implicit function theorem (injective form) Let

F : M → N be a smooth map, with Dx F injective  for some x ∈ M . Then

there exists a neighbourhood U of x such that F  is an embedding.

These two theorems follow directly from the corresponding theorems for
smooth maps between Euclidean spaces.

4.3 Coordinate tangent vectors

Given a chart ϕ : U → V with x ∈ U , we can construct a convenient basis for

Tx M : We simply take the vectors corresponding to the equivalence classes
[(ϕ, ei )], where e1 , . . . , en are the standard basis vectors for Rn . We use the
notation ∂i = [(ϕ, ei )], suppressing explicit mention of the chart ϕ. As a
derivation, this means that ∂i f = ∂zi f ◦ ϕ ∂
 . In other words, ∂i is
just the derivation given by taking the ith partial derivative in the coordinates
supplied by ϕ. It is immediate from Proposition 4.1.1 that {∂1 , . . . , ∂n } is a
basis for Tx M .

4.4 The tangent bundle

We have just constructed a tangent space at each point of the manifold M .

When we put all of these spaces together, we get the tangent bundle T M of
T M = {(p, v) : p ∈ M, v ∈ Tp M }.
If M has dimension n, we can endow T M with the structure of a 2n-
dimensional manifold, as follows: Define π : T M → M to be the projection
which sends (p, v) to p. Given a chart ϕ : U → V for M , we can define a
chart ϕ̃ for T M on the set π −1 (U ) = {(p, v) ∈ T M : p ∈ U }, by
ϕ̃(p, v) = ϕ(p), v(ϕ1 ), . . . , v(ϕn ) ∈ R2n .

Thus the first n coordinates describe the point p, and the last n give the
components of the vector v with respect to the basis of coordinate tangent
vectors {∂i }ni=1 , since by Eq. (4.10),
32 Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

v(f ) = i
f ◦ϕ  i
v(ϕ ) = v(ϕi )∂i (f ) (4.12)
∂z ϕ(x)
for any smooth f , and hence v = i=1 v(ϕi )∂i . For convenience we will often
write the coordinates on T M as (x1 , . . . xn , ẋ1 , . . . , ẋn )
To check that these charts give T M a manifold structure, we need to
compute the transition maps. Suppose we have two charts ϕ : U → V
and η : W → Z, overlapping non-trivially. Then η̃ ◦ ϕ̃−1 first takes a 2n- 
tuple (x1 , . . . , xn , ẋ1 , . . . , ẋn ) to the element ϕ−1 (x1 , . . . , xn ), i=1 ẋi ∂i

of T M , then maps this to R2n by η̃. Here we add the superscript (ϕ) to
distinguish the coordinate tangent vectors coming from the chart ϕ from
those given by the chart η. The first n coordinates of the result are then just
η ◦ ϕ−1 (x1 , . . . , xn ). To compute the last n coordinates, we need to ∂i in

terms of the coordinate tangent vectors ∂j : We have
∂i f = Dϕ(x) f ◦ ϕ−1 (ei )
= Dϕ(x) (f ◦ η −1 ) ◦ (η ◦ ϕ−1 ) (ei )
= Dη(x) f ◦ η −1 ◦ Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 (ei )
 
= Dη(x) f ◦ η −1  Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 i ej 


= Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 i Dη(x) f ◦ η −1 (ej )

 j (η)
= Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 i ∂j f

for every smooth function f . Therefore

 j (η)
Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 i ∂j
ẋi ∂i =
i=1 i,j=1

η̃ ◦ ϕ̃−1 (x, ẋ) = η ◦ ϕ−1 (x), Dϕ(x) η ◦ ϕ−1 (ẋ) .
Since η ◦ ϕ−1 is smooth by assumption, so is its matrix of derivatives D(η ◦
ϕ−1 ), so η̃ ◦ ϕ̃−1 is a smooth map on R2n .
4.5 Vector fields 33



x M

Fig.4: Schematic depiction of the tan-

gent bundle T M as a ‘bundle’ of the
fibres Tx M over the manifold M .

4.5 Vector fields

A vector field on M is given by choosing a vector in each of the tangent

spaces Tx M . We require also that the choice of vector varies smoothly, in the
following sense: A choice of Vx in each tangent space Tx M gives us a map
from M to T M , x → Vx . A smooth vector field is defined to be one for which
the map x → Vx is a smooth map from the manifold M to the manifold T M .
In order to check whether a vector field is smooth, we can work locally.
In a chart ϕ, the vector field can be written as Vx = i=1 Vxi ∂xi , and this
gives us n functions Vx1 , . . . , Vxn . Then it is easy to show that V is a smooth
vector field if and only if these component functions are smooth as functions
on M . That is, when viewed through a chart the vector field is smooth, in
the usual sense of an n-tuple of smooth functions.
Our notion of a tangent vector as a derivation allows us to think of a
vector field in another way:

Proposition 4.5.1 Smooth vector fields are in one-to-one correspondence

with derivations V : C ∞ (M ) → C ∞ (M ) satisfying the two conditions
V (c1 f1 + c2 f2 ) = c1 V (f1 ) + c2 V (f2 )
V (f1 f2 ) = f1 V (f2 ) + f2 V (f1 )
for any constants c1 and c2 and any smooth functions f1 and f2 .

Proof : Given such a derivation V , and p ∈ M , the map Vp : C ∞ (M ) → R

given by Vp (f ) = (V (f ))(p) is a derivation at p, and hence defines an element
of Tp M . The map p → Vp from M to T M is therefore a vector field, and
it remains to check smoothness. The components of Vp with respect to the
coordinate tangent basis ∂1 , . . . , ∂n for a chart ϕ : U → V is given by
34 Lecture 4. Tangent vectors

Vpi = Vp (ϕi )

which is by assumption a smooth function of p for each i (since ϕi is a

smooth function and V maps smooth functions to smooth functions – here
one should really multiply ϕi by a smooth cut-off function to convert it to a
smooth function on the whole of M ). Therefore the vector field is smooth.
Conversely, given a smooth vector field x → Vx ∈ Tx M , the map

(V (f ))(x) = Vx (f )

satisfies the two conditions in the proposition and takes a smooth function
to a smooth function. 

A common notation is to refer to the space of smooth vector fields on

M as X (M). Over a small region of a manifold (such as a chart), the space
of smooth vector fields is in 1 : 1 correspondence with n-tuples of smooth
functions. However, when looked at over the whole manifold things are not
so simple. For example, a theorem of algebraic topology says that there are
no continuous vector fields on the sphere S 2 which are everywhere non-zero
(“the sphere has no hair”). On the other hand there are certainly nonzero
functions on S 2 (constants, for example).
Lecture 5. Lie Groups

In this lecture we will make a digression from the development of geometry

of manifolds to discuss an very important special case.

5.1 Examples

Recall that a Lie Group is a group with the structure of a smooth manifold
such that the composition from M ×M → M and the inversion from M → M
are smooth maps.

Example 5.1.1 The general linear, special linear, and orthogonal groups. The
general linear group GL(n) (or GL(n, R)) is the set of non-singular n × n
matrices with real components. The is a Lie group under the usual multipli-
cation of matrices. We showed in Example 2.1.1 that the multiplication on
GL(n) is a smooth map from GL(n) × GL(n) → GL(n). To show that GL(n)
is a Lie group, we nned to show that the inversion is also a smooth map.
GL(n) is an open subset of M n
Rn , so is covered by a single chart.
With respect to this chart, the inversion is given by the formula
 −1 j 1 τ (1) τ (2) τ (n−1) i τ (n)
M i
= sgnσ sgnτ Mσ(1) Mσ(2) . . . Mσ(n−1) δσ(n) δj
n! det M σ,τ

where δij = 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise, and the sum is over pairs of permuta-
tions σ and τ of the set {1, . . . , n}. Each component of M −1 is therefore given
by sums of productss of components of M , divided by the non-zero smooth
function det M :
1 τ (1) τ (2) τ (n−1) τ (n)
det M = sgnσ sgnτ Mσ(1) Mσ(2) . . . Mσ(n−1) Mσ(n)
n! σ,τ
and so M −1 i is a smooth function of the components of M , and GL(n) is
a Lie group.
From Example 3.2.1 we know that the multiplications on SL(n) and O(n)
are also smooth; these are both submanifolds of GL(n), so it follows that the
36 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

restriction of the inversion to each of these is smooth, so SL(n) and O(n) are
Lie groups.

Example 5.1.2 The group O(2). Recall that the orthogonal group O(n) (or
O(n, R) is the group of n × n matrices with real components satisfying
M T M = In . In particular O(2) is the group of orthogonal 2 × 2 matrices.
a b
M= is in O(2) if the rows (or columns) of M form an orthonor-
c d
mal basis:
a2 + b2 = 1;
c2 + d2 = 1;
ac + bd = 0.
In particular M is determined by its first row [a b] and its determinant δ =
det M = ±1:  
a b
M= .
−δb δa
This gives a natural map ϕ : O(2) → S 1 × {−1, 1} given by
a b
ϕ = ((a, b), ad − bc) ∈ S 1 × {−1, 1}.
c d
Then ϕ is smooth and has the smooth inverse
−1 a b
ϕ ((a, b), δ) = .
−δb δa

This shows that O(2) is diffeomorphic to S 1 × {−1, 1}. In geometric terms,

this map takes an orientation-preserving orthogonal transformation (i.e. a ro-
tation) to its angle of rotation, or an orientation-reversing orthogonal trans-
formation (i.e. a reflection) to twice the angle between the line of reflection
and the positive x-axis.

Example 5.1.3 The torus Tn The Torus Tn is the product of n copies of

S 1 = R/ ∼ where a ∼ b ⇔ a − b ∈ Z, with the group structure given by

([a1 ], . . . , [an ]) + ([b1 ], . . . , [bn ]) = ([a1 + b1 ], . . . , [an + bn ]).

This can also be naturally embedded as a subgroup of the group (C\{0})
(with the usual complex multiplication on each factor) by the map
F ([x1 ], . . . , [xn ]) = e2πix1 , . . . , e2πixn .

Remark. The previous example is one of an important class of examples of

groups (and more generally of manifolds) which arise in the following way:
Suppose M is a smooth manifold, and G is a group which acts on M – that
5.1 Examples 37

is, there is a map ρ : G × M → M , such that the map ρg : M → M given by

ρg (x) = ρ(g, x) is a diffeomorphism, and ρg ◦ ρh = ρhg . Equivalently, ρ is a
group homomorphism from G to the group of diffeomorphisms of M .
The action of G on M is called totally discontinuous if for any x ∈ M
there is a neighbourhood U of x in M such that ρg (U ) ∩ U = ∅ for g = e. For
example, the action of the group Zn on Rn given by

ρ((z1 , . . . , zn ), (x1 , . . . , xn )) = (x1 + z1 , . . . , xn + zn )

is totally discontinuous, but the action of Z on S 1 given by

ρ(k, z) = eikα z

is not totally discontinuous if α ∈ / Q.

If G acts totally discontinuously on M , then the quotient space M/ ∼ with
x ∼ y ⇔ y = ρg (x) for some g ∈ G can be made a differentiable manifold
with the same dimension as M , in a unique way such that the projection from
M onto M/ ∼ is a local diffeomorphism: Let A be an atlas for M . Construct
an atlas B for M/ ∼ as follows: For each [x] ∈ M/ ∼ choose a representative
x ∈ M , and choose a chart ϕ : W → Z in A about x. Choose U such that
ρg (U ) ∩ U = ∅ for all g = e, and take ϕ̃([y]) = ϕ(x) for each y ∈ (U ∩ W )/ ∼.
ϕ̃ is well-defined since y ∈ U ⇒ [y] ∩ U = {y}, and for the same reason ϕ̃ is
1 : 1 on W ∩U . The transition maps between these charts are just restrictions
of transition maps of charts in A, and so are smooth.
Note that the Klein bottle and the Möbius strip are given by the quotient
of the plane by totally discontinuous actions, and the real projective space
RP n is the quotient of the sphere S n by the totally discontinuous action of
Z2 generated by the antipodal map.

Example 5.1.4 The group SO(3). SO(3) is the group of orientation-preserving

orthogonal transformations of three-dimensional space. Note that an orthog-
onal transformation is a real unitary transformation, and so is conjugate to
a diagonal unitary transformation with spectrum closed under conjugation.
In the three-dimensional case this means that the spectrum consists of a pair
of conjugate points on the unit circle, together with 1 or −1. In the case of a
special orthogonal transformation, the spectrum must be {1, eiα , e−iα } for
some α ∈ [0, π]. In particular such a transformation fixes some vector in R3 ,
and is a rotation by angle α about this axis. Thus an element in SO(3) is
determined by a choice of unit vector v and an angle α.

Example 5.1.5 S 3 as a Lie group. The three-dimensional sphere S 3 can be

made into a Lie group as follows: We can think of S 3 as contained in R4 ,
which we identify with the quaterions H = {x0 + x1 i + x2 j + x3 k} where
i2 = j2 = k2 = −1 and ij = k, jk = i, and ki = j. We think of x in H as
having a real part x0 and a vector part x1 i + x2 j + x3 k corresponding to a
vector in R3 . The multiplication on H can be rewritten in these terms as
38 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

(x, x) · (y, y) = (xy − x · y, xy + yx + x × y) . (5.1)

Given x ∈ H, the conjugate x̄ of x is given by

(x, x) = (x, −x).

Then the identity (5.1) gives

(x, x) · (x, x) = x2 + x2

which is the same as the norm of x as an element of R4 . We also have

(x, x) · (y, y) = (xy − x · y, −xy − yx − x × y)
= (y, −y) · (x, −x)
= (y, y) · (x, x).
|x · y|2 = x · y · x · y = ȳ · x̄ · x · y = |x|2 |y|2 .
In particular, for x and y in S 3 we have xy ∈ S 3 . It follows that the restriction
of the multiplication in H to S 3 makes S 3 into a Lie group. This example
will reappear later in a more familiar guise.

Remark. We have seen two examples of spheres which are also Lie groups:
S 1 is a Lie group, and so is S 3 (one could also say that S 0 = {1, −1} is a 0-
dimensional Lie group). This raises the question: Are all spheres Lie groups?
If not which ones are? The following proposition, which also introduces some
important concepts in the theory of Lie groups, will be used to show that the
two-dimensional sphere S 2 can’t be made into a Lie group:

Proposition 5.1.1 Let G be a Lie group. Then there exist n smooth vec-
tor fields E1 , . . . , En on G each of which is everywhere non-zero, such that
E1 , . . . , En form a basis for Tx M for every x ∈ M .

Proof. Consider the left and right translation maps from G to itself given by
lg (g  ) = gg  and rg (g  ) = g  g for all g  ∈ G. These are smooth maps, and
(lg )−1 = lg−1 and (rg )−1 = rg−1 are smooth, so lg and rg are diffeomorphisms
from G to G. The derivative of a diffeomorphism is a linear isomorphism, and
in particular this gives us isomorphisms De lg , De rg : Te G → Tg G.
Choose a basis {e1 , . . . , en } for Te G. Then define Ei (g) = De lg (ei ) for
each i and each g ∈ G. The vector fields E1 , . . . , En have the properties
claimed in the proposition.

We say that a vector field V on a Lie group G is left-invariant if it

satisfies De lg (Ve ) = Vg for all g ∈ G. It is straightforward to show that the
set of left-invariant vector fields form a vector space with dimension equal
5.1 Examples 39

to the dimension of G (in fact {E1 , . . . , En } are a basis). Similarly one can
define right-invariant vector fields.
Now return to the 2-sphere S 2 . We have the following result from algebraic

Proposition 5.1.2 (“The sphere has no hair”) There is no continuous

non-vanishing vector field on S 2 .

Corollary 5.1.3 There is no Lie group structure on S 2 .

Proof (Sketch):
Suppose V is a non-vanishing continuous vector field on S 2 . Then in the
chart given by stereographic projection from the north pole, we have in the
neighbourhood of the origin (possibly after rotating the sphere about the
polar axis)3
(Dϕ+ (V )) (x) = (1, 0) + o(|x|) as x → 0.
Now look at this vector field through the chart ϕ− : The transition map is
(ϕ− ◦ϕ−1 2 2 2 2
+ )(x, y) = (x/(x +y ), y/(x +y )). Therefore Ṽ = Dϕ− (V ) is given
Ṽ (w, z) = D(w,z) (ϕ+ ◦ ϕ−1
− ) ((1, 0) + o(|x|))
z −w 2
−2wz 1 + o(|(w, z)|−1 )
−2wz w2 − z 2 o(|(w, z)|−1 )
z − w2
= + o(|(w, z)|) as |(z, w)| → ∞.
There can be no zeroes of the vector field Ṽ on R2 , so we can divide Ṽ by its
length at each point to obtain a continuous vector field V  which has length
1 everywhere, and such that
 z2 −w2 
V  (w, z) = w22wz
+z 2 + o(1) as |(w, z)| → ∞
− w2 +z2
For each r ∈ R+ , consider the restriction of V  to the circle of radius r
about the origin. Since V  has length 1 everywhere, this defines for each r a
continuous map fr from the circle S 1 to itself, given by

fr (z) = V  (rz)

for each z ∈ S 1 ⊂ R2 and each r > 0 in R. If we parametrise S 1 by the

standard angle coordinate θ, then we have

fr (cos θ, sin θ) = (sin2 θ−cos2 θ, −2 cos θ sin θ)+o(1) = −(cos 2θ, sin 2θ)+o(1)
We use the notation f (x) = o(g(x)) as x → 0 to mean limx→0  fg(x)  = 0. Another
 f (x) 
useful notation is f (x) = O(g(x)) as x → 0 to mean lim supx→0  g(x)  < ∞.
40 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

as r → ∞. Thus the limit as r → ∞ of the map fr is just the map that sends
θ to π−2θ. In other words, fr (θ) winds twice around the circle backwards as θ
traverses the circle forwards once: fr has winding number −2 for r sufficiently
But now consider what happens as r → 0: f0 (θ) is just the constant vector
V  (0, 0) ∈ S 1 , so limr→0 fr (θ) = θ0 , a constant. But this means that for r
sufficiently small the function fr (θ) does not traverse the circle at all as θ
moves around S 1 , and fr has winding number zero for r small. Now we use
the result from algebraic topology that the winding number of a map from
S 1 to itself is a homotopy invariant. The family of maps {fr } is a continuous
deformation from a map of winding number −2 to a map of winding number
0, which is impossible. Therefore there is no such vector field. 



Fig. 5.1: A vector field on S 2 , viewed in a region

near the centre of the chart ϕ+ , and in a region
near infinity in the chart ϕ− .

5.2 Examples of left-invariant vector fields

It is useful to see how to find the left-invariant vector fields for some examples:

Example 5.2.1 More on Rn . Let us consider the Lie group Rn under addition.
Then for any x ∈ Rn we have lx (y) = x + y, and so D0 lx (v) = v. Taking the
standard basis {e1 , . . . , en } for T0 Rn
Rn , we find that the left-invariant
vector fields are given by
(Ei )x = ei .
That is, the left-invariant vector fields are just the constant vector fields.
5.2 Examples of left-invariant vector fields 41

Example 5.2.2 Matrix groups Let G be a Lie subgroup of GL(n). Then we

have lM (N ) = M N for any M and N in G. Differentiating, we get

DI lM (A) = M A

for any A ∈ TI G. Therefore the left-invariant vector fields have the form

AM = M A

where A is a constant matrix in TI G.

Consider the case of the entire group GL(n): In this case, since GL(n) is
an open subset of the Euclidean space Mn
Rn , the tangent space TI GL(n)
is just Mn , and the left-invariant vector fields are given by linear combinations
(Eij )M = M eij
where eij is the matrix the a 1 in the ith row and the jth column, and zero
everywhere else.
Next consider the case G = SL(n): What is the tangent space at the
origin? Recall that SL(n) is a submanifold of GL(n), given by the level set
det−1 (1) of the determinant function. Therefore we can identify the tangent
space of SL(n) with the subspace of Mn given by the kernel of the derivative
of the determinant:
TM SL(n) = A ∈ Mn : det(M + tA) =0 .
dt t=0

In particular, we have

TI SL(n) = {A ∈ Mn : tr(A) = 0} .

Finally, consider G = O(n): This is also a level set of a submersion from

Mn , namely the map which sends M to the upper triangular part of M T M −I
(since M T M −I is symmetric, the entries below the diagonal are superfluous).
As before, the tangent space can be identified with the kernel of the derivative
of the submersion, and in particular

TI O(n) = {A ∈ Mn : B T = −B},

the vector space of antisymmetric matrices.

Example 5.2.3 The group C\{0}. The multiplicative group of non-zero com-
plex numbers is an open set in C
R2 , so we need not worry about charts.
We have
lz (w) = zw,
and hence D1 lz (v) = zv for all v ∈ R2 and z ∈ C\{0}. The left invariant
vector fields are linear combinations of the two vector fields (E1 )z = z and
(E2 )z = iz.
42 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

Fig. 5.2: Left-invariant vector fields on C\{0} corresponding to the

vectors 1, i, and 1 + i at the identity.

5.3 1-parameter subgroups

A 1-parameter subgroup Γ of G is a smooth group homomorphism from R

(with addition as the group operation) into G.
Given a one-parameter subgroup Γ : R → G, let E = Γ  (0) ∈ Te G. Then
(thinking of a vector as an equivalence class of curves) we have E = [t →
Γ (t)]. The homomorphism property is that Γ (s)Γ (t) = Γ (s+t). In particular
we have lΓ (s) (Γ (t)) = Γ (s + t), and D0 IΓ (s) (E) = Γ  (s). In other words, the
tangent to the one-parameter subgroup is given by the left-invariant vector
field Eg = D0 lg (E).
The converse is also true: Suppose E is a left-invariant vector field on G,
and Γ : R → G is a smooth map which satisfies Γ  (t) = Eγ(t) . Then Γ defines
a one-parameter subgroup.

Proposition 5.3.1 Let G be a Lie group. To every unit vector v ∈ Te G there

exists a unique one-parameter subgroup Γ : R → G with Γ  (0) = v.

This amounts to solving the ordinary differential equation

Γ (t) = Do lΓ (t) (v)
with the initial condition Γ (0) = 0. I will therefore leave the proof until
we have seen results on existence and uniqueness of solutions of ordinary
differential equations on manifolds in a few lectures from now.

Example 5.3.1: Non-zero complex numbers, revisited. In the case G = C\{0},

we have to solve the differential equation
ż = zw
z(0) = 1
5.3 1-parameter subgroups 43

for w ∈ C fixed, and this has the solution z(t) = etw . This gives the one-
parameter subgroups of C\{0}: If w = 1 we get the positive real axis, with
Γ (t) = et ; If w = i we get the unit circle, with Γ (t) = eit , and for other
complex numbers we get logarithmic spirals.

Example 5.3.2: Hyperbolic space. The two-dimensional hyperbolic space H2

is the upper half-plane in R2 , which we think of as a Lie group by identifying
it with the group of matrices
α β
: α > 0, β ∈ R
0 1
y x
by the diffeomorphism (x, y) → . The left-invariant vector fields are
0 1
as follows: To the vector
 (1, 0) in the tangent space of the identity (0, 1), we
0 1
associate the vector in the tangent space to the matrix group at the
0 0
identity. The left-invariant vector field corresponding to this is given by
d α β 1 t  0 α
(E1 ) =  = .
α β dt 0 1 0 1  0 0
0 1

This corresponds to the vector field (E1 )(β,α) = (α, 0). Similarly we get a left
invariant vector field (E2 )(β,α) = (0, α) corresponding to the vector (0, 1).
44 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

The one-parameter subgroups are lines through (0, 1), with Γ (t) =
(ab−1 (ebt − 1), ebt ).

Example 5.3.3: One-parameter subgroups of matrix groups We saw in Exam-

ple 5.2.2 that the left-invariant vector fields in subgroups of GL(n) are given
by AM = M A for some fixed matrix A ∈ TI G. Therefore the one-parameter
subgroups are given by the solutions of the differential equation

Ṁ = M A (5.2)

with the initial condition M (0) = I. This is exactly the problem which arises
in the process of solving a general linear system of ordinary equations: Recall
that to solve the system v̇ = Av with any initial condition v(0) = v0 , one first
solves the system (4.1) to obtain a matrix M (t). Then the required solution
is v(t) = M (t)v0 . The solution of (4.1) is denoted by eAt , and is given by the
convergent power series

At 1 n n
e = t A .
It is a consequence of our construction that the matrix exponential of a matrix
A ∈ Ti G is in G – in particular, if A is traceless then eAt ∈ SL(n), and if A
is antisymmetric then eAt ∈ SO(n).

Definition 5.3.1 The exponential map exp : Te G → G is the map which

sends a vector v ∈ Te G to Γ (1), where Γ : R → G is the unique one-parameter
subgroup satisfying Γ  (0) = v.

In particular, in the cases G = R+ , G = C\{0}, and G = GL(n), SL(n),

or SO(n), the exponential map is the same as the usual exponential map.
This is also true for the Quaternions, and for the subgroup S 3 of unit length
The theory of regularity for ordinary differential equations (which we will
discuss later) implies that the exponential map is smooth. Notice also that
if Γ is a one-parameter subgroup with Γ  (0) = v, then t → Γ (st) is also a
one-parameter subgroup, with tangent at the origin given by sv. Therefore
exp(sv) = Γ (s). This implies
d d
D0 exp(v) = exp(sv) = Γ (s) = Γ  (0) = v.
ds ds
In other words, D0 exp = I. In particular this implies that the exponential
map is a diffeomorphism in the neighbourhood of the identity.

Example 5.3.4: The exponential map on S 3 . The exponential map on S 3 can

be computed explicitly. First we derive an explicit formula for the exponential
of a quaternion x = x0 + x1 i + x2 j + x2 k. We need to solve the differential
5.3 1-parameter subgroups 45

ẇ = wx.
First note that dt w̄ = x̄w̄, and so
|w|2 = x̄w̄w + w̄wx = (x + x̄)|w|2 = 2x0 |w|2 .
Therefore |w(t)| = ex0 t . Now consider u(t) = |w(t)| :

d wx w w
u= − x0 |w| = (x − x0 ) = u(x − x0 ).
dt |w| |w|2 |w|
Therefore u(t) = exp(x − x0 ), the exponential of the ‘vector’ part of x. So
now assume x0 = 0. Then we can write
w1 (t) = (w̄i − iw)
d 1 1
w (t) = (−iwx + x̄w̄i) .
dt 2
Differentiating again with respect to t, we get
d2 1 1 
w (t) = −iwx2 + x̄2 w̄i .
dt 2
But now x has no real part, so x̄ = −x, and x2 = x̄2 = −|x|2 , giving
d2 1
w (t) = −|x|2 w1 (t),
and so (since w1 (0) = 0 and (w1 ) (0) = x1 ), w1 (t) = |x|
sin(|x|t). The other
components are similar, so we have (in the case |x| = 1)

exp(tx) = cos t + x sin t. (5.3)

Thus in general we have

exp(x0 + tv) = ex (cos t + v sin t)

whenever x0 is real and v is a unit length quaternion with no real part. In

particular, the tangent space of S 3 is just the quaternions with no real part,
so the exponential is given by Eq. (5.3). The one-parameter subgroups of S 3
are exactly the great circles which pass through the identity.

Exercise 5.3.1 Show that the following map is a group homomorphism and
a diffeomorphism from the group S 3 to the group SU (2) of unitary 2 × 2
matrices with determinant 1:
x + ix3 x1 + ix2
ϕ((x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 )) = .
−x1 + ix2 x0 − ix3
46 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

Remark. The idea behind this construction is the following: A matrix U ∈

SU (2) can be chosen by first choosing an eigenvector v (this is given by a
choice of any non-zero element of C2 , but is defined only up to multiplication
by an arbitrary non-zero  complex
 number, and hence is really a choice of
an element of CP 1 = C2 \{0} / (C\{0}). Given this, the other eigenvector
is uniquely determined by Gram-schmidt. To complete the specification of
U we need only specify the eigenvector of the first eigenvalue, which is an
arbitrary element eiθ of the unit circle S 1 . Then the eigenvalue of the other
eigenvector is e−iθ , since det U = 1.

Proposition 5.3.2 CP 1
S 2 .

Proof W e have natural charts ϕ± for S 2 , with transition map defined

on R2 \{0} by (x, y) → (x, y)/(x2 + y 2 ). We also have natural charts
η1 : CP 1 \{[1, 0]} → R2 given by η1 ([z1 , z2 ]) = z1 /z2 ∈ C
R2 and
η2 : CP 1 \{[0, 1]} → R2 given by η2 ([z1 , z2 ]) = z2 /z2 . The transition map
between these is then z → 1/z : C\{0} → C\{0}. We define a map χ from
S 2 to CP 1 by  −1
η1 (ϕ+ (x)), for x = N ;
χ(x) =
η2−1 (ϕ− (x)), for x = S.
This makes sense because in the overlap we have

η2−1 ◦ ϕ̄− = η1−1 ◦ (ϕ̄−1 −1 −1

− ◦ ϕ+ ) ◦ ϕ+ = η1 ◦ η

since η1 ◦ η2−1 = ϕ̄− ◦ ϕ−1

+ and these are involutions. Explicitly, we have

χ(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = [x1 + ix2 , 1 − x3 ] = [x1 − ix2 , 1 + x3 ]

where the second equality holds since

x1 + ix2 1 + x3 x2 + x22 − 1 + x23
− = 1 =0
1 − x3 x1 − ix2 (1 − x3 )(x1 − ix2 )

for (x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ S 2 . 

We then associate the matrix U with a point in S 3 by starting at the

identity (1, 0, 0, 0), and following the great circle in the direction χ([v]) ∈
S 2
T(1,0,0,0) S 3 for a distance α, and the resulting map is the map ϕ given
in Exercise 5.3.1.

Exercise 5.3.2 Show that the following map from SU (2) to SO(3) is a group
homomorphism, and a local diffeomorphism, but not a diffeomorphism:
1 
  −b2 − c2 b1 − c1
a1 + ia2 b1 + ib2 2 (a1 + d1 )
Ψ =  b2 + c2 1
2 (a1 + d1 ) d2 − a2  .
c1 + ic2 d1 + id2
c1 − b1 a2 − d2 1
2 (a1 + d1 )
Notes on Chapter 5: 47

Consider the composition of this with the map ϕ in Exercise 5.3.1: Deduce
that the group of rotations in space, SO(3), is diffeomorphic to RP 3 .

Remark. There is, similarly, a geometric way to understand this map: An

element of SO(3) is just a rotation of three-dimensional space, which can be
determined by specifying its axis of rotation v (an element of S 2 ) together
with the angle of rotation α about this axis. As before, this corresponds
to a point in S 3 by following a great circle from (1, 0, 0, 0) in the direction
v ∈ S 2 ⊂ R3
T(1,0,0,0) S 3 for a distance α/2.

 

S =CP

R =H
Fig. 5.5: A rotation of R3 is associated with a point in S 3 by following
the great circle through (1, 0, 0, 0) in the direction of the axis of rotation
v ∈ S 2 ⊂ T S 3 for a distance α equal to half the angle of rotation. This is
also naturally associated to the matrix U ∈ SU (2) which sends z to eiα z
for any z ∈ C2 with [z] = v ∈ CP 1
S 2 ⊂ T S 3 .

Notes on Chapter 5:

Lie groups are named after the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie (1842–
1899). He defined ‘infinitesimal transformations’ (what are now called Lie
algebras) first, as part of his work in describing symmetries of partial dif-
ferential equations, and then went on to develop his theory of ‘continuous
transformation groups’.
The classification of compact simple Lie groups was accomplished by Elie
Cartan in 1900 (building on earlier work by Killing).
48 Lecture 5. Lie Groups

Sophus Lie Elie Cartan Wilhelm Killing

Lecture 6. Differential Equations

Our aim is to prove the basic existence, uniqueness and regularity results for
ordinary differential equations on a manifold.

6.1 Ordinary differential equations on a manifold.

Any vector field on a differentiable manifold M is naturally associated with

a differential equation: If V ∈ X (M), and x ∈ M , the basic problem of ODE
theory is to find a smooth map γ : I → M for some interval I containing 0,
such that
γ  (t) = Vγ(t)
for all t ∈ I, and
γ(0) = x.
This is the general initial value problem. We would like to known several
things about this problem: First, that solutions exist; second, that they are
unique; and third, that the solutions depend in a smooth way on the initial
point x ∈ M . The following proposition incorporates all three aspects:

Proposition 6.1.1 Let V ∈ X (M) and x ∈ M . Then there exists δ > 0, a

neighbourhood U of x in M , and a unique smooth map Ψ : U × (−δ, δ) → M
which satisfies 4

Ψ (y, t) = VΨ (y,t)
Ψ (y, 0) = y
for all y ∈ U and t ∈ (−δ, δ). For each t ∈ (δ, δ), the map Ψt : U → M defined
by Ψt (y) = Ψ (y, t) is a local diffeomorphism, and

Ψt ◦ Ψs = Ψs+t

whenever both sides are defined.

Note that There is a natural vector field ∂t defined on on U ×(−δ, δ) by (∂t f )(x) =

f (x, t + s) . The ODE means that D(y,t) Ψ (∂t ) = VΨ (y,t) for all y and t.
50 Lecture 6. Differential Equations

The smoothness of Ψ as a function of y amounts to smooth dependence

of solutions on their initial conditions, and we get the added bonus that the
maps Ψt ( called the (local) flow of V for time t) are local diffeomorphisms,
and they form a “local group”: Ψt ◦Ψs = Ψs+t as one would expect for a group
of diffeomorphisms, but this might hold only on a rather restricted domain.

Example 6.1.1: Problems with V . This example demonstrates why we may

only be able to define the flow of a vector field locally, as in the proposition:
Take M = R, and take V to be the vector field

Vx = x2 ∂x .

Then for each x ∈ R we want to solve the equation

y  (t) = y(t)2 ;
y(0) = x.
This gives Ψ (x, t) = y(t) = 1−tx , on the time interval (1/x, ∞) if x < 0, or
(−∞, 1/x) if x > 0 (or (−∞, ∞) in x = 0). Thus the flow of the vector field
cannot be defined on R × (δ, δ) for any δ > 0, and cannot be defined on U × R
for any open subset U of R. Here the problem seems to arise because the
vector field V is not bounded.

Example 6.1.2: Problems with M . Next consider the example M = (0, 1) with
the vector field Vx = ∂x : Now we have the flow

Ψ (x, t) = x + t

which is defined on the region {(x, t) : t ∈ (−x, 1 − x)}. Again, this flow
cannot be defined on M × (−δ, δ) for any δ > 0, or on U × R for any U ⊂ M .
Here the problem seems to arise because the domain manifold has ‘edges’.

Remark. In fact the distinction between these types of difficulties is not so

clear. The two situations are in some sense the same, since a diffeomorphism
can take a bounded interval to an unbounded region, mapping a bounded
vector field to an unbounded one: For example, the map x → cot(πx) maps
(0, 1) to R and sends the bounded vector field ∂x to the unbounded vector
field −π/ sin2 (πx)∂x . When we come to add some further structure to our
manifolds in the form of metrics, we will have some notion of when a vector
field is unbounded and when a manifold has a boundary, but without this
the notions are not meaningful.

To begin the proof of Proposition 5.1.1, we will first reduce the problem to
an ordinary differential equation on Rn , by looking at the flow of the vector
field through a chart:
6.1 Ordinary differential equations on a manifold. 51

Proposition 6.1.2 Let V ∈ X (M), and suppose Ψ : U × (−δ, δ) → M

∂t Ψ (y, t) = VΨ (y,t) ;
Ψ (y, 0) = y;
for each (y, t) ∈ U × (−δ, δ). Let ϕ : W → Z ⊂ Rn be a chart for M such
that Ψ (U × (−δ, δ)) ⊂ W . Then u(z, t) = ϕ ◦ Ψ (ϕ−1 (z), t) defines a map
u : ϕ(U ) × (−δ, δ) → Z which satisfies

∂t uk (z 1 , . . . , z n , t) = Ṽ k (u1 (z 1 , . . . , z n , t), . . . , un (z 1 , . . . , z n , t))

uk (z 1 , . . . , z n , 0) = z k ,

for k = 1, . . . , n and all (z 1 , . . . , z n ) ∈ ϕ(U ) and t ∈ (δ, δ). Here

 −1 1
V ϕ n
(z , . . . , z ) = Ṽ k (z 1 , . . . , z n )∂k .

Conversely, if u satisfies (6.2) then Ψ (y, t) = ϕ−1 (u(ϕ(y), t)) defines a

solution of (6.1).

Proof. We have D(z,t) u(∂t ) = DΨ (ϕ−1 (z),t) ϕ ◦ D(ϕ−1 (z),t) Ψ (∂t ) = Dϕ (V ). By

definition Dϕ(∂j ) = ej for j = 1, . . . , n, so if V = Ṽ ∂k , then Dϕ(V ) =
Ṽ ek . 

We will prove Proposition 6.1.1 by constructing a unique solution for the

ODE (6.2) on a region of Rn .
52 Lecture 6. Differential Equations

6.2 Initial value problems.

We begin the proof of Proposition 6.1.1 by constructing solutions of initial

value problems:

Proposition 6.2.1 Let F : Z → Rn be smooth, where Z is an open set of

Rn . Assume supZ F  = M0 < ∞, and supZ DF  = M1 < ∞. Let z ∈ Z.
Then there exists a unique smooth γ : (−δ, δ) → Z satisfying
d i
γ (t) = F (γ 1 (t), . . . , γ n (t));
dt (6.3)
γ(0) = z
for i = 1, . . . , n. Here δ = M0 .

The curves constructed in this proposition are called the integral curves
of the vector field F i ∂i .

Proof. We use the method of successive approximations, or ‘Picard iteration’.

Begin with some approximation to the solution, say γ (0) (t) = z for all t ∈
(−δ, δ). Then we try to improve this approximation by iteration: Suppose
we have an approximation γ (k) . Then produce a new approximation by the
formula " t  
γ (k+1) (t) = z + F γ (k) (s) ds.

This is based on the following observation: The approximation γ (k+1) satisfies

the differential equation
d (k+1)
γ = F (γ (k) ),
so we are using the kth approximation to tell us the direction of motion for
the (k +1)st approximation. If this iteration converges to a limit, the required
ODE must be satisfied. Note that this iteration makes sense, because we have
γ (k) (t) − z ≤ |t|M0 < δM0 = d(z, ∂Z)
so γ (k) (t) is always an element of Z.
To show that the iteration converges, consider the difference between suc-
cessive approximations: We will prove that
M0 M1k |t|k+1
γ (k+1) (t) − γ (k) (t) ≤ (6.4)
(n + 1)!

for all k ≥ 0 and t ∈ (−δ, δ). This is true for k = 0, since γ (1) − γ (0)  =
 0 F (z)ds ≤ |t|M0 . We proceed by induction: Suppose the inequality holds
for k − 1. Then
6.2 Initial value problems. 53
# # # " t #
# (k+1) # # #
#γ (t) − γ (k) (t)# = #
# F (γ (k)
(s)) − F (γ (k−1)
(s)) ds #
" t # #  
 # #
≤  M1 #γ (k) (s) − γ (k−1) (s)# ds
 t M M k−1 |s|k 
 0 1 
≤ M1  ds
 0 k! 
M0 M1k |t|k+1
≤ .
(k + 1)!

This implies that the sequence {γ (k) } is a Cauchy sequence in the com-
plete space of continuous maps with respect to uniform convergence, and so
converges to a continuous limit γ. The continuity of F and the dominated
convergence theorem then imply that
" t
γ(t) = z + F (γ(s)) ds (6.5)

for all t ∈ (−δ, δ), so that γ is differentiable and satisfies the equation

γ  (t) = F (γ(t))

for each t, and the initial condition γ(0) = z. Smoothness follows, since
γ ∈ C (k) implies γ ∈ C k+1 by the identity (6.5) and the smoothness of F .
This establishes the existence of a solution.
To prove uniqueness, suppose γ and σ are two solutions of the initial value
problem. Then
#" t #
# #
γ(t) − σ(t) = ## F (γ(s)) − F (σ(s)) ds #
" t  (6.6)
≤ M1  γ(s) − σ(s) ds

Let C = sup γ − σ. Then an induction similar to that above shows that

CM1k |t|k
γ(t) − σ(t) ≤
for any k. Taking k → ∞ gives γ ≡ σ. 
54 Lecture 6. Differential Equations

6.3 Smooth dependence on initial conditions.

The result of the previous section produced the unique flow Ψ of the vector
field V , but did not address the smoothness of Ψ except in the t direction.
Since smoothness is measured by reference to charts, it is enough to show
smoothness of the map u from Proposition 6.1.2:

Proposition 6.3.1 The function u which takes a pair (z, t) to the solution
γ(t) of the initial value problem (6.3) is smooth on the open set
S = {(z, t) ∈ Z × R : |t| < d(z, ∂Z)/M0 } .

Proof. I will show that u is the C k limit of a family of smooth functions for
any k: Define u(0) (z, t) = z, and successively approximate using
" t  
u (z, t) = z + F u(k) (z, s) ds. (6.7)

Clearly u(k) maps S to Z for each k, u(k) is smooth for each k, and by (6.4)
we have
M0 M1k |t|k+1
u(k+1) (z, t) − u(k) (z, t) ≤ .
(k + 1)!
Differentiating (6.7) with t fixed gives
# # # #
" t #
" t # # 
# (k+1) # # # # (k) #
#Dz ut # = #I + DF ◦ Dz us ds# ≤ 1 + M1
#Dz us # ds
0 0

which gives by induction

# # k
M1j |t|j
# (k) #
#Dz t #
u ≤ ≤ eM1 |t|

independent of k. We also have ∂t u(k)  ≤ M0 for all k, so {u(k) } is uni-

formly bounded in C 1 . Similar arguments with higher derivatives give uni-
form bounds on {u(k) } in C j for every j.

Exercise 6.3.2 Show that a sequence of functions {u(k) } which converges in

C 0 and is bounded in C j converges in C m for m = 1, . . . , j − 1 [Hint: The
key to this is the following interpolation inequality: For any C j function u,
and any l ∈ {1, . . . , j − 1}, there is a constant C such that
1−l/j l/j
Dl uC 0 ≤ CuC 0 Dj uC 0 .
Prove this by first proving the case l = 1, j = 2, and then applying this
successively to get the other cases. Then apply the estimate to differences

u(k) − u(k ) ].
6.6 Global flow. 55

This completes the proof of Proposition 6.3.1, since Exercise 6.3.2 shows
that u = lim u(k) is in C j for every j. 

Remark. It is possible to show more explicitly that the approximations u(k)

converge in C j for every j, by differentiating the formula u(k+1) −u(k) j times.

6.4 The local group property.

Next we show that the flow Ψ we have constructed satisfies the local group
Ψt ◦ Ψs = Ψt+s
whenever both sides of this equation make sense.
This is very easy: Ψt ◦ Ψs and Ψt+s both satisfy the same differential
∂t Ψ = V ◦ Ψ,
and have the same initial condition at t = 0. Hence by the uniqueness part
of Proposition 6.2.1, they are the same.

6.5 The diffeomorphism property.

We need to show that DΨt is non-singular. Again, this is very easy: It is

true for t small (uniformly in space) mΨ is smooth and DΨ0 = I. But
by the local group property, Ψt = Ψt/m , so DΨt is a composition of m
non-singular maps, and hence is non-singular.
This completes the proof of Proposition 6.1.1.

6.6 Global flow.

Proposition 6.1.1 gives the existence of the flow of a vector field locally, and
we have seen that there are examples which show that one cannot in general
expect better than this. However there are some very important situations
where we can do better:

Proposition 6.6.1 Let V ∈ X (M) be a vector field with compact support

– that is, assume that suppV = {x ∈ M : V (x) = 0} is a compact subset of
M . Then there exists a unique smooth map Ψ : M × R → M satisfying
∂t Ψ = V ◦ Ψ ; Ψ (x, 0) = x.
The maps {Ψt } form a one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms of M .
56 Lecture 6. Differential Equations

Fig. 6.2: A vector field supported in the

unit disk.

Proof. Cover suppV by sets of the form ϕ−1 α (Brα /2 (0)) where ϕα : Wα → Zα
is a chart for M and Brα (0) ⊂ Zα . By compactness there is a finite subcover
{ϕ−1 N
i (Bri /2 (0))}i=1 . Let r = inf i=1,...,N ri /2 > 0.
Proposition 6.1.1 gives a local flow Ψi on each region ϕ−1 i (Bri /2 (0)) ×
(−δ, δ), where δ = inf i=1,...,N sup r Ṽ  > 0. The uniqueness of solutions
Zi i

implies that these local flows agree on the overlaps of these sets, so they
combine to give a local flow on the set M × (−δ, δ) (by taking Ψ to be the
identity map away from suppV ). The local group property implies that these
maps are diffeomorphisms,
 m since Ψt−1 = Ψ−t for |t| < δ. Finally, for any t ∈ R,
define Ψt = Ψt/m , where m is sufficiently large to ensure that |t|/m < δ.
Then Ψ satisfies the required differential equation and is defined on M × R.

In particular, a smooth vector field on a compact manifold M always has

a globally defined flow.

Exercise 6.6.1 Show that the exponential map on a Lie group G is a smooth
map defined on all of Te G [Hint: First prove existence in a neighbourhood of
the origin. Then use the one-parameter subgroup property to extend to the
whole of Te G].

An important feature of flows of vector fields (i.e. of solving differential

equations) is the possibility of substituting new variables in a differential
equation. We will formalise this as follows:
6.6 Global flow. 57

Fig. 6.3: Images of a standard grid at a sequence of times under the flow of the
vector field from Fig. 6.2

Definition 6.6.1 Let F : M → N be smooth. Vector fields X ∈ X (M ) and

Y ∈ X (N ) are F -related if, for every x ∈ X,
Dx F (Xx ) = YF (x) .
In particular, if F is a diffeomorphism, every X ∈ X (M ) has a unique F -
related N ∈ X (N ), which we denote F∗ (X), the push forward of X by F .

Proposition 6.6.2 Let F : M → N be smooth, and X ∈ X (M ), Y ∈ X (N )

F -related. Let Ψ be the local flow of X, and Φ the local flow of Y . Then
Φ(F (y), t) = F ◦ Ψ (y, t)
for all y sufficiently close to x and t sufficiently small.

Proof. The uniqueness of solutions of initial value problems applies, since

∂t (F ◦ Ψ ) (y, t) = DΨ (y,t) F (XΨ (y,t) ) = YF ◦Ψ (y,t) and F ◦ Ψ (y, 0) = F (y).

Lecture 7. Lie brackets and integrability

In this lecture we will introduce the Lie bracket of two vector fields, and
interpret it in several ways.

7.1 The Lie bracket.

Definition 7.1.1 Let X and Y by smooth vector fields on a manifold M . The

Lie bracket [X, Y ] of X and Y is the vector field which acts on a function
f ∈ C ∞ (M ) to give XY f − Y Xf .

To make sense of this definition we need to check that this does indeed
define a derivation. Linearity is clear, but we need to verify the Leibniz rule:
[X, Y ](f g) = X(Y (f g)) − Y (X(f g))
= X(f Y (g) + Y (f )g) − Y (f X(g) + X(f )g)
= f (XY g) + (Xf )(Y g) + (XY f )g + (Y f )(Xg)
− (Y f )(Xg) − f (Y Xg) − (Y Xf )g − (Xf )(Y g)
= f (XY g − Y Xg) + (XY f − Y Xf )g
= f [X, Y ]g + ([X, Y ]f )g.

It is useful to write [X, Y ] in terms of its components in some chart: Write

X = X i ∂i and Y = Y j ∂j (here I’m using the summation convention: Sum
over repeated indices). Note that

∂2   ∂2  
[∂i , ∂j ]f = ∂i ∂j f − ∂j ∂i f = f ◦ ϕ−1 − f ◦ ϕ−1 = 0.
∂i ∂j ∂j ∂i
Therefore we have

[X, Y ] = X i ∂i Y j ∂j − Y j ∂j X i ∂i = X i ∂i Y i − Y i ∂i X j ∂j . (7.1)

The Lie bracket measures the extent to which the derivatives in directions X
and Y do not commute. The following proposition makes this more precise:
60 Lecture 7. Lie brackets and integrability

Proposition 7.1.1 Let X, Y ∈ X (M), and let Ψ and be the local flow of X
in some region containing the point x ∈ M . Then
[X, Y ]x = (Dx Ψt ) YΨt (x)  .
dt t=0

The idea is this: The flow Ψt moves us from x in the direction of the
vector field X. We look at the vector field Y in this direction, and use the
map Dx Ψt : Tx M → TΨt (x) M , which is non-singular, to bring Y back to Tx M .
This gives us a family of vectors in the same vector space, so we can compare
them by differentiating. In particular, this gives us the nice interpretation:
The Lie bracket [X, Y ] vanishes if and only if Y is invariant under the flow
of X. For this reason, the Lie bracket is also often called the Lie derivative,
and denoted by LX Y .

Proof (Method 1): I will first give a proof which is quite illustrative, but which
has the drawback that we need to consider two separate cases. Fix x ∈ M .
Case 1: Suppose Xx = 0. I will construct a special chart about x as follows:
First take any chart ϕ : U → V about x, and by composition with a linear
map assume that Xx = ∂n (x). Let
Σ = ϕ−1 {(w1 , . . . , wn ) ∈ V : wn = ϕn (x)} .

Then Σ is a smooth (n − 1)-dimensional submanifold of M which passes

through x, and is transverse to the vector field X on some neighbourhood
of x (i.e. Ty Σ ⊕ RXy = Ty M for all y ∈ Σ sufficiently close to x). Now
consider the map Ψ̃ : Σ × (−δ, δ) → M given by restricting the flow Ψ of X
to Σ × (−δ, δ): We have
In−1 0
D(x,0) Ψ̃ =
0 1

with respect to the natural bases {∂1 , . . . , ∂n−1 , ∂t } for T(x,0) (Σ × R) and
{∂1 , . . . , ∂n−1 , ∂n = Xx } for Tx M . In particular, D(x,0) Ψ̃ is non-singular, and
so by the inverse function theorem there is a neighbourhood of (x, 0) in Σ ×R
on which Ψ̃ is a diffeomorphism. We take ϕ̃ to be the chart obtained by first
taking the inverse of Ψ̃ to obtain a point in Σ × R, and then applying ϕ to
the point in Σ to obtain a point in Rn−1 × R. The special feature of this
chart is that Xy = ∂n on the entire chart.
Now we can compute in this chart: The flow of X can be written down
immediately: ϕ̃ ◦ Ψt ◦ ϕ̃−1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (x1 , . . . , xn−1 , xn + t). If we write
Y = Y k ∂k , then we have
(Dx Ψt ) YΨt (x) = Y k (x1 , . . . , xn + t),

and so
7.1 The Lie bracket. 61

d  k  ∂Y k ∂Y k
(Dx Ψt ) YΨt (x)  = n
= Xj = [X, Y ]k
dt t=0 ∂x ∂xj
by (7.1), since ∂i X j = 0 for all j.
Case 2: Now suppose Xx = 0. Then we have Ψt (x) = x for all t, and the local
group property implies that the linear maps {Dx Ψt } form a one-parameter
group in the Lie group GL(Tx M )
GL(n). Hence Dx Ψt = etA for some A,
and we get
(Dx Ψt ) YΨt (x) = etA Yx ,
d  −1 
(Dx Ψt ) YΨt (x)  = −AYx .
dt t=0
It remains to compute A: Working in local coordinates,
A(∂j ) = ∂t ∂j Ψt = ∂j ∂t Ψt = ∂j X.
Therefore we get
(Dx Ψt ) YΨt (x)  = −Y j ∂j X k ∂k = [X, Y ]
dt t=0

by (7.1), since X k = 0 for all k. 

Proof (Method 2): Here is another proof which is somewhat more direct but
perhaps less illuminating: Choose any chart ϕ for M about x. In this chart
we can write uniquely X = X j ∂j and Y = Y k ∂k , and here the coefficients
X j and Y k are smooth functions on a neighbourhood of x. Then
d  j  


DΨt (x) Ψ−t YΨt (x)  = ∂t ∂k Ψ−t  Yxk + ∂k Ψ−t ∂t Y k (Ψt x)
dt t=0
  t=0 t=0
j  k j i k
= ∂k ∂t Ψ−t  Yx + δ X ∂ Y
k x i x
= −Yxk ∂k Xxj + Xxi ∂i Yxj
= [X, Y ]jx .

We could now deduce the following result on the naturality of the Lie
bracket directly from Proposition 7.6.2. However I will give a direct proof:

Proposition 7.1.2 Let F : M → N be a smooth map, X, Y ∈ X (M ), and

W, Z ∈ X (N ) with W F -related to X and Z F -related to Y . Then for every
x ∈ M,
[W, Z]F (x) = Dx F ([X, Y ]x ).

Think in particular about the case where F is a diffeomorphism: Then

the proposition says that the push-forward of the Lie bracket of X and Y is
the Lie bracket of the push-forwards of X and Y .
62 Lecture 7. Lie brackets and integrability

Proof. For any f : N → R, and x ∈ M , y = F (x) ∈ N ,

[W, Z]y f = Wy Zf − Zy W f
= Dx F (Xx )Zf − Dx F (Yx )W f
= Xx ((Zf ) ◦ F ) − Yx ((W f ) ◦ F )
= Xx (Y (f ◦ F )) − Yx (X(f ◦ F ))
= [X, Y ]x (f ◦ F )
= Dx F ([X, Y ]x )f.
Here we used the fact that for every p ∈ M ,

(Zf ) ◦ Fp = (Zf )F (p) = Dp F (Yp )f = Yp (f ◦ F ),

and similarly (W f ) ◦ F = X(f ◦ F ). 

7.2 The Lie algebra of vector fields.

The Lie bracket gives the space of smooth vector fields X (M ) on a manifold
M the structure of a Lie algebra:

Definition 7.2.1 A Lie algebra consists of a (real) vector space E together

with a multiplication [., .] : E × E → E which satisfies the three properties

[u, v] = −[v, u];

[au + bv, w] = a[u, w] + b[v, w];
[[u, v], w] + [[v, w], u] + [[w, u], v] = 0,
for all u, v, w ∈ E and a, b ∈ R.

The first two properties are immediate. The third (known as the Jacobi
identity) can be verified directly:

[[X, Y ], Z]f = [X, Y ]Zf − Z[X, Y ]f

= XY Zf − Y XZf − ZXY f + ZY Xf
[[X, Y ], Z]f + [[Y, Z], X]f + [[Z, X], Y ]f
= XY Zf − Y XZf − ZXY f + ZY Xf
+ Y ZXf − ZY Xf − XY Zf + XZY f
+ ZXY f − XZY f − Y ZXf + Y XZf
= 0.
The following exercise gives another interpretation of the Jacobi identity:
7.2 The Lie algebra of vector fields. 63

Exercise 7.2.1 Let X, Y, Z ∈ X (M ). Let Ψ be the local flow of Z near a

point x ∈ M . For each t proposition 7.1.2 gives

DΨt ([X, Y ]) = [DΨt (X), DΨt (Y )].

Differentiate this with respect to t to get another proof of the Jacobi identity.

Lie algebras play an important role in the theory of Lie groups: Consider
the space g of left-invariant vector fields on a Lie group G. We have already
seen that this is a finite-dimensional vector space isomorphic to the tangent
space at the identity Te G by the natural construction

v ∈ Te G → V ∈ g : Vg = De lg (v).

We will show that g is a Lie algebra. It is sufficient to show that the vector
subspace g of X (M ) is closed under the Lie bracket operation:

Proposition 7.2.2
[g, g] ⊆ g.

Proof. Let X, Y ∈ g. Then for any g ∈ G, Proposition 7.1.2 gives

[X, Y ] = [(lg )∗ X, (lg )∗ Y ] = (lg )∗ [X, Y ]

since X is lg -related to itself, as is Y . Therefore [X, Y ] ∈ g. 

The Lie algebra of a group captures the local or infinitesimal structure of a

group. It turns out that the group G itself can be (almost) completely recovered
just from the Lie algebra g – at least, g determines the universal cover of G. Different
groups with the same universal cover have the same Lie algebra.

Exercise 7.2.2 Show that:

(1). A smooth group homomorphism ρ : G → H induces a homomorphism
from the Lie algebra g of G to the Lie algebra h of H;
(2). If H is a subgroup of G, then h is a Lie subalgebra of g;
(3). A diffeomorphism of manifolds induces a homomorphism between their
vector field Lie algebras;
(4). A submersion F : M → N induces a Lie subalgebra of X (M ) (consisting
of those vector fields which are mapped to zero by DF ).
64 Lecture 7. Lie brackets and integrability

7.3 Integrability of families of vector fields

The significance of the Lie bracket, for our purposes, comes from its role in
indicating when a family of vector fields can be simultaneously integrated
to give a map: Suppose we have k vector fields E1 , . . . , Ek on M , and we
want to try to find a map F from Rk to M for which ∂i F = Ei for i =
1, . . . , k. The naive idea is that we try to construct such a map as follows:
Pick some point x in M , and set F (0) = x. Then we can arrange ∂k F = Ek ,
by setting F (tek ) = ΨEk (x, t) for each t. The next step should be to follow
the integral curves of the vector field Ek−1 from F (tek ) for time s to get the
point F (tek + sek−1 ):

F (tek + sek−1 ) = ΨEk−1 (ΨEk (x, t), s) ,

and so on following Ek−2 , ..., E2 , and finally E1 . Unfortunately that doesn’t

always work:

Example 7.3.1 Take M = R2 , E1 = ∂1 , and (E2 )(x,y) = (1 + x)∂2 . Following

the recipe outlined above, we set F (0, 0) = (0, 0), and follow the flow of E2
to get F (0, t) = (0, t), and then follow E1 to get F (s, t) = (s, t). However,
this gives DF (∂1 ) = E1 but not DF (∂2 ) = E2 . Note that if we change our
procedure by first integrating along the vector field E1 , then the vector field
E2 , then we don’t get the same result: Instead we get F (s, t) = (s, t + st).

In fact, there is an easy way to tell this could not have worked: If there
was such a map, then we would have

[E1 , E2 ] = [DF (∂1 ), DF (∂2 )] = DF ([∂1 , ∂2 ]) = 0.

But in the example we have [E1 , E2 ] = ∂2 = 0. It turns out that this is the
only obstruction to constructing such a map:

Proposition 7.3.2 Suppose E1 , . . . , Ek ∈ X (M ) are vector fields which com-

mute: [Ei , Ej ] = 0 for i, j = 1, . . . , k. Then for each x ∈ M there exists a
neighbourhood U of 0 in Rk and a unique smooth map F : U → M satisfying
F (0) = x and Dy F (∂i ) = (Ei )F (y) for every y ∈ U and i ∈ {1, . . . , k}.

Proof. We construct the map F exactly as outlined above. In other words,

we set
F (y 1 , . . . , y k ) = ΨE1 ,y1 ◦ ΨE2 ,y2 ◦ . . . ◦ ΨEk ,yk (x).
Where ΨEi ,t is the flow of the vector field Ei for time t. This gives immediately
that DF (∂1 ) = E1 everywhere, but DF (∂2 ) is not so clear.

Lemma 7.3.3 If [X, Y ] ≡ 0, then the flows of X and Y commute:

ΨX,t ◦ ΨY,s = ΨY,s ◦ ΨX,t .

7.3 Integrability of families of vector fields 65

Proof. This is clearly true for t = 0, since ΨX,0 (y) = y for all y. Therefore it
suffices to show that
∂t ΨX,t ◦ ΨY,s = ∂t ΨY,s ◦ ΨX,t .
The left-hand side is equal to the vector field X by assumption, while the
right is equal to DΨY,s (X). We have
" s
DΨY,s (X) = DΨY,0 (X) + DΨY,r (X) dr
0 dr
" s 
=X+ DΨY,r  DΨY,r (X) dr,
0 dr r  =0

where I used the local group property of the flow of Y to get DΨY,r+r =
DΨY,r ◦ DΨY,r . By Proposition 6.1.1, we have

DΨY,r (X) = −[Y, X] = 0,
r  =0

and so DΨY,s (X) = X. 

Thus we have for every j ∈ {1, . . . , k} the expression

F (y 1 , . . . , y k ) = ΨE j ,yj ◦ ΨE 1 ,y1 ◦ . . . ◦ ΨEj−1 ,yj−1 ◦ ΨEj+1 ,yj+1 ◦ . . . ◦ ΨEk ,yk (x)

and differentiation in the y j direction immediately gives DF (∂j ) = Ej . 

A closely related but slightly more general integrability theorem is the

theorem of Frobenius, which we will prove next.

Definition 7.3.4 A distribution D of k-planes on M is a map which asso-

ciates to each x ∈ M a k-dimensional subspace Dx of Tx M , and which is
smooth in the sense that for any V ∈ X (M ) and any chart with coordinate
tangent basis {∂1 , . . . , ∂n }, the vector field VD given by projecting V onto D
(orthogonally with respect to the given basis) is smooth.

Remark. One can make this definition more natural (i.e. with less explicit reference
to charts) as follows: Given a manifold M , there is a natural manifold Gk (T M )
constructed from M , called the Grassmannian bundle (of k-planes) over M
Gk (T M ) = {(x, E) : x ∈ M, E a k−dimensional subspace of Tx M } .
Note that the k-dimensional subspaces of Tx M are in one-to-one correspondence
with the space of equivalence classes of rank (n−k) linear maps from Tx M to Rn−k ,
under the equivalence relation
M1 ∼ M2 ⇐⇒ M1 = LM2 , L ∈ GL(n − k) :
We denote the equivalence class of M by [M ]. Given a k-dimensional subspace E,
we choose any n−k independent linear functions f1 , . . . , fn−k on Tx M which vanish
66 Lecture 7. Lie brackets and integrability

on E (for example, choose a basis {e1 , . . . , en } for Tx M such that {e1 , . . . , ek } is

a basis for E, and take fi to be the linear function which takes ek+i to 1 and all
the other basis elements to zero. Then f = (f1 , . . . , fn−k ) defines a rank n − k
linear map from Tx M to Rn−k vanishing on E. This correspondence is well-defined
as a map into the space of equivalence classes, since if we choose a different basis
{e1 , . . . , en } of this form, then it is related to the first by ei = A(ei ) for some

non-singular matrix, and we have fj = n−k 
m=1 Ak+j fm , i.e. f = Af ∼ F .

Conversely, given a rank n − k linear function M , we associate to it the k

dimensional linear subspace ker M . Clearly if M1 ∼ M2 then ker M1 = ker M2 .
Now we can choose charts for Gk (T M ): Let A be an atlas for M , ϕ : U → V a
chart of A. Define an open subset Ũ of Gk (T M ) by

Ũ = (x, [F ]) ∈ U × L(Tx M, Rn−k ) : F  nonsingular
span(∂1 ,...,∂n−k )

and define ϕσ : Uσ → Rn × Rk(n−k) as follows:

ϕσ (x, [F ]) = (ϕ, N )

where N ∈ Lk,n−k R is the (n − k) × k matrix constructed as follows: Set


Fij = F j (∂σ(i) ). Then by assumption the first (n − k) columns of the matrix F

form a non-singular (n − k) × (n − k) matrix, which we denote by G. Then we have
[F ] = [G−1 F ], and G−1 F has the form
[In−k N]
for some (n − k) × k matrix N . N is well-defined as a function of the equivalence
class [F ], since if F̃ = AF , then G̃ = GA−1 , so G̃−1 F̃ = G−1 F . Explicitly,
 τ (1) τ (n−k−1) τ (n−k) j
j σ,τ ∈Sn−k sgnσsgnτ Fσ(1) . . . Fσ(n−k−1) Fn−k+i δσ(n−k)
Ni =  τ (1) τ (n−k−1) τ (n−k)
σ,τ ∈Sn−k sgnσsgnτ Fσ(1) . . . Fσ(n−k−1) Fσ(n−k)

for i = 1, . . . , k and j = 1, . . . , n − k, where the sums are over all pairs of permuta-
tions of n − k objects.
Note that these charts cover Gk (T M ), because even if [F ] ∈ Gk (Tx M ) does not
have its first n − k columns non-singular with respect to the coordinate tangent
basis of ϕ, we can choose a new chart for which this is true, of the form A ◦ ϕ for
some A ∈ GL(n).
Then we can define a k-dimensional distribution to be a smooth map D from
M to Gk (T M ) such that Dx ∈ Gk (Tx M ) for all x ∈ M .

The question which the Frobenius theorem addresses is the following:

Given a distribution D, can we find a k-dimensional submanifold Σ through
each point, such that Tx Σ = Dx for every x ∈ Σ? This is what is meant by
integrating a distribution.
For convenience we will denote by X (D) the vector space of smooth vector
fields X on M for which Xx ∈ Dx for every x ∈ M (i.e. vector fields tangent
to the distribution).

Proposition 7.3.5 (Frobenius’ Theorem) A distribution D is integrable

if and only if X (D) is closed under the Lie bracket operation.
7.3 Integrability of families of vector fields 67

Proof. One direction is clear: Suppose there is such a submanifold N , embed-

ded in M by a map F . Then for any smooth vector fields X, Y ∈ X (D) there
are unique vector fields X̃ and Ỹ in X (N ) such that X is F -related to X̃ and
Y is F -related to Ỹ . Then Proposition 7.1.2 gives [X, Y ] = DF ([X̃, Ỹ ]) is in
X (D).
The other direction takes a little more work: Given a distribution of k-
planes D which is involutive (closed under Lie brackets), and any point x ∈
M , we want to construct a submanifold through x tangent to the distribution.
Choose a chart ϕ for M near x, and assume that Dx is the subspace of Tx M
generated by the first k coordinate tangent vectors. Then by the smoothness
of the distribution we can describe Dy for y sufficiently close to x as follows:
   
 k n 
Dy = ci ∂i + aji (y)∂j  : (c1 , . . . , ck ) ∈ Rk .
 
i=1 j=k+1

Here the functions aji are smooth functions on a neighbourhood of x, for

i = 1, . . . , k and j = k + 1, . . . , n. In particular we have k non-vanishing
vector fields E1 , . . . , Ek tangent to D, given by

(Ei )y = ∂i + aji (y)∂j .

Now we compute:
 

[Ei , Ej ] = ∂i + api (y)∂p , ∂j + aqj (y)∂q 
p=k+1 q=k+1
 

= ∂i apj − ∂j api + aqi ∂q apj − aqj ∂q api  ∂p .
p=k+1 q=k+1

But by assumption [Ei , Ei ] ∈ X (D), so it is a linear combination of the vector

fields E1 , . . . , Ek . But [Ei , Ej ] has no component in the direction ∂1 , . . . , ∂k .
Therefore [Ei , Ej ] = 0.
Proposition 7.3.2 gives the existence of a map F from a region of Rk into
M with DF (∂i ) = Ei for i = 1, . . . , k. In particular DF is of full rank, and
F is an immersion, hence locally an embedding, and the image of F is a
submanifold with tangent space equal to D everywhere. 

Example 7.3.2 The Heisenberg group In this example we investigate a situ-

ation where a distribution D is not involutive. Let G be the group of 3 × 3
matrices of the form  
1 x1 x3
 0 1 x2  ,
0 0 1
68 Lecture 7. Lie brackets and integrability

which we identify with three-dimensional space R3 . The left-invariant vector

fields corresponding to the standard basis {e1 , e2 , e3 } at the identity 0 ∈ R3
are given by
    
1 x1 x3 0 1 0 0 1 0
E1 =  0 1 x2   0 0 0  =  0 0 0 
e1 ;
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
    
1 x1 x3 0 0 0 0 0 x1
E2 =  0 1 x2   0 0 1  =  0 0 1 
e2 + x1 e3 ;
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
    
1 x1 x3 0 0 1 0 0 1
E3 =  0 1 x2   0 0 0  =  0 0 0 
e3 .
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
We take a distribution D on R3 to be the subspace at each point spanned
by E1 and E2 . Then D is not involutive, since we have
[E1 , E2 ] = [e1 , e2 + x1 e3 ] = e3 = E3 .
The behaviour in this case turns out to be as far as one could imagine from
that in the involutive case : If there were a submanifold tangent to the distri-
bution, then only points in that submaniofld could be reached along curves
tangent to the distribution. In contrst, we have

Proposition 7.3.6 For any y ∈ R3 there exists a smooth γ : [0, 1] → R3

with γ  (t) ∈ Dγ(t) for all t, γ(0) = 0, and γ(1) = y.

In other words, every point can be reached by following curves tangent

to D.

Proof. We consider curves tangent to the distribution, given by prescribing

the tangent vector at each point:
γ  (t) = α(t)E1 + β(t)E2 .
This gives the system of equations
x = α;
y  = β;
z  = xβ;
which gives " t
x(t) = α(s) ds;
" t
y(t) = β(s) ds;
" t " s
z(t) = β(s) α(s ) ds ds.
0 0
7.3 Integrability of families of vector fields 69

Then if y = (X, Y, Z) we make the choice α(t) = X + af (t) and

β(t) = Y + bf (t), where a and b are constants to be chosen, and f is
1 1
a smooth function which satisfies 0 f (t)dt = 0 and 0 tf (t)ds = 0, but
Γ = 0 0 f (t)f (s)ds dt = 0 (for example, f (t) = t2 − t + 1/6 will work).
Then we have x(1) = X, y(1) = Y , and z(1) = XY /2 + abΓ . Finally, we can
choose a and b to ensure that z(1) = Z (e.g. a = 1, b = (Z − XY /2)/Γ ). 

Example 7.3.3 Subgroups of Lie groups As an application of the Frobenius

theorem, we will consider subgroups of Lie groups. We have seen that the
left-invariant vector fields on a Lie group G form a finite-dimenensional Lie
algebra g. We will see that subspaces of g which are closed under the Lie
bracket correspond exactly to connected smooth subgroups of G. In one di-
rection this is clear: Suppose H is a Lie group which is contained in G, with
the inclusion map being an immersion. Then the Lie algebra h of H is nat-
urally included in g, since for any left-invariant Lie algebra V on H, we can
extend to a left-invariant Lie algebra Ṽ on G by setting
Ṽg = D0 lg (Ve ).
Ṽ agrees with V on H. The image of this inclusion is a vector subspace of g.
Furthermore, if X, Y ∈ h then [X, Y ]˜ = [X̃, Ỹ ] is in this subspace of g. So we
have a subspace of g which is closed under Lie brackets.

Proposition 7.3.7 Let h be any vector subspace of g which is closed under

Lie brackets. Then there exists a unique connected Lie group H and an in-
clusion i : H → G which is an injective immersion, such that Dh i(Th H) is
the subspace of Ti(h) G given by the left-invariant vector fields in h, for every
h ∈ H.

Proof. Since h is closed under Lie brackets, the distribution D defined by the
vectors in h is involutive: If we take a basis {E1 , . . . , Ek } for h, then any
X, Y ∈ X (M ) can be written in the form X = X i Ei , Y = Y j Ej for some
smooth functions X 1 , . . . , X k and Y 1 , . . . , Y k . Then we have
[X, Y ] = [X i Ei , Y j Ej ] = (X i Ei (Y j ) − Y i Ei (X j ))Ej + X i Y j [Ei , Ej ]
which is in D. By Frobenius’ Theorem, there is a submanifold Σ passing
through e ∈ G with tangent space D.
To show that Σ is a subgroup, we show that xy ∈ Σ for all x and y in Σ:
Write y = exp(sY ) for Y ∈ De . Then

d d 
(x exp(sY )) = (x exp(sY ) exp(rY ))  = D0 lx exp(sY ) Y ∈ D
ds dr r=0
for each s. Thus the curve s → x exp(sY ) starts in Σ and is tangent to
D = T Σ, and so stays in Σ. Therefore xy ∈ Σ, and Σ is a subgroup. 
Lecture 8. Connections

This lecture introduces connections, which are the machinery required to

allow differentiation of vector fields.

8.1 Differentiating vector fields.

The idea of differentiating vector fields in Euclidean space is familiar: If we

choose a fixed orthonormal basis {e1 , . . . , en } for Rn , then any vector field X
can be written in the form i=1 X i ei for some smooth functions X 1 , . . . , X n .
Then the derivative of X in the direction of a vector v is given by

Dv X = v(X i )ei .

In other words, we just differentiate the coefficient functions. The key point
is that we think of the vectors {e1 , . . . , en } as being constant.
When we are dealing with vector fields on a manifold, this no longer makes
sense: There are no natural vector fields which we can take to be ‘constant’.

Example 8.1.1 A failed attempt. One might think that a chart would supply
natural vector fields that we can think of as being constant – every vector
field can be written as a linear combination of the coordinate tangent vectors
{∂1 , . . . , ∂n }. Unfortunately, defining derivatives in terms of these does not
really make sense: The difficulty is that changing to a different chart would
give a different answer for the derivative of a vector field.
To see this, suppose we have two charts, ϕ and η, and that a vector field X
n (ϕ) n (ϕ)
is given by i=1 X i ∂i , and a vector v = i=1 v i ∂i . Then we can define
a derivative ∇v X by
(ϕ)   (ϕ)
v X = v j ∂j Xi ∂i .

(ϕ) n (η)
Now work in the chart η: We have ∂i = Λji ∂j , where Λ is the
matrix D η ◦ ϕ−1 . Therefore we have
72 Lecture 8. Connections

(η)   (η)
v X = v j Λkj ∂k X i Λli ∂l .

However, if we instead worked from the beginning in the chart η, we would

(η) (η)
have X = (X i Λji )∂j and v = (v i Λji )∂j , and so
(η)   (η) j i k (η)
 l  (η)
∇(η) j k
v X = v Λ j ∂k X i Λli ∂l = ∇(ϕ)
v X + v X Λ j ∂k Λ i ∂l .

So these two notions of derivative don’t agree if Λ is not constant (i.e. if the
second derivatives of the transition map do not vanish).

8.2 Definition of a connection.

Since there does not seem to be any particularly natural way to define deriva-
tives of vector fields on a manifold, we have to introduce extra structure on
the manifold to do this. The extra structure required is a connection on M .

Definition 8.2.1 Let M be a smooth manifold. A connection on M is a

map ∇ : T M × X (M ) → T M such that ∇v X ∈ Tx M if v ∈ Tx M , and
(1). ∇c1 v1 +c2 v2 X = c1 ∇v1 X + c2 ∇v2 X for all v1 and v2 in Tx M for any
x ∈ M , any real numbers c1 and c2 , and any X ∈ X (M );
(2). ∇v (c1 X1 + c2 X2 ) = c1 ∇v X1 + c2 ∇v X2 for every v ∈ T M , all real
numbers c1 and c2 , and all X1 and X2 in X (M );
(3). ∇v (f X) = v(f )X + f ∇v X for all v ∈ T M , f ∈ C ∞ (M ), and X ∈
X (M ).

It is simple to check that the differentiation of vector fields in Eudclidean

space satisfies these requirements. Condition (3) is the Leibniz rule for differ-
entiation of vector fields, which requires the differentiation to be consistent
with the differentiation of smooth functions.

Example 8.2.2 A natural connection for submanifolds of Euclidean space. Let

M be an n-dimensional submanifold of RN . We will use the inner product
structure of RN to induce a connection on M : Let {e1 , . . . , eN } be an or-
thonormal basis for RN . Then at a point x ∈ M , Tx M is an n-dimensional
subspace of Tx RN
RN . Denote by π the orthogonal projection onto this
subspace. N
Suppose v ∈ Tx M , and X ∈ X (M ). Then we can write X = α=1 X α eα .
Neα as being constant, so it
In this situation we can regard the vector fields
makes sense to define the derivative Dv X = α=1 v(X α )eα . This satisfies
all the requirements for a connection, expect that the result may not be a
vector in T M , only in RN . So, to remedy this we can take the orthogonal
projection of the result onto T M :
8.2 Definition of a connection. 73

∇v X = π α
v(X )eα .

Let us check explicitly that this is a connection: The linearity (with con-
stant coefficients) in each argument is immediate. The Leibniz rule also holds:

∇v (f X) = ∇v (f X α )eα

=π v(f X )eα

α α
=π (v(f )X + f v(X )) eα

= v(f )π X α eα + fπ v(X α )eα
α=1 α=1
= v(f )X + f ∇v X
since πX = X.

Remark. A particle moving subject to a constraint that it lies in the sub-

manifold (with no other external forces) moves as it would in free space,
except that any component of its acceleration in direction normal to the sur-
face are automatically cancelled out by the constraint forces. In other words,
the motion of the particle is determined by the equation
d x
π = 0.

Example 8.2.3 The left-invariant connection on a Lie group Let G be a Lie

group, and E1 , . . . , En a collection of left-invariant vector fields generated by
some basis for Te G. Thenn any vector field X can be written as a linear combi-
nation of these: X = i=1 X i Ei for some smooth functions X 1 , . . . , X n . We
can define a connection on G, called the left-invariant connection, by setting
the vector fields Ei to be constant:

∇v X = v(X i )Ei .

This connection is independent of the choice of the basis vector fields

E1 , . . . , En : If γ : I → G is a path with γ  (0) = v ∈ Tg G, then the con-
nection can be written in the form
d  −1
∇v X = De lg De lγ(t) Xγ(t) .
74 Lecture 8. Connections

This makes sense because (De lγ(t) )−1 Xγ(t) ∈ Te G for all t, and we know how
to differentiate vectors in a vector space.
Note that we could just as well have considered right-invariant vector
fields to define the connection. This gives the right-invariant connection on
G, which is generally different from the left-invariant connection if G is a
non-commutative Lie group.

8.3 Connection coefficients.

Suppose we are working in a chart ϕ : U → V ⊂ Rn for M , with correspond-

ing coordinate tangent vectors ∂1 , . . . , ∂n . The connection coefficients of a
connection ∇ with respect to this chart are defined by

∇∂i ∂j = Γij k ∂k .

Proposition 8.3.1 The connection is determined on U by the connection


Proof. Write X = X i ∂i . Then we have for any vector v = v k ∂k

∇v X = ∇v X i ∂i = v(X i )∂i + X i ∇v ∂i = v(X i )∂i + v k X i Γki j ∂j .

Exercise 8.3.2 Suppose we change to a different chart η. Write down the

connection coefficients with respect to η, in terms of the connection coeffi-
cients for ϕ, and the map Λji defined by D(η ◦ ϕ−1 )(ei ) = Λji ej .

8.4 Vector fields along curves

Let γ : I → M be a smooth curve. Then by a vector field along γ we will

mean a smooth map V : I → T M with V (t) ∈ Tγ(t) M for each t. The set of
smooth vector fields alonmg γ will be denoted by Xγ (M ).

Proposition 8.4.1 Let M be a smooth manifold and ∇ a connection on M .

Then for any smooth curve γ : I → M there is a natural covariant derivative
along γ, denoted ∇t , which takes a smooth vector field along γ to another.
This map satisfies:
(1). ∇t (V + W ) = ∇t V + ∇t W for all V and W in Xγ (M );

(2). ∇t (f V ) = df dt V + f ∇t V for all f ∈ C (I) and V ∈ Xγ (M );
(3). If V is given by the restriction of a vector field Ṽ ∈ X (M ) to γ, i.e.
Vt = Ṽγ(t) , then ∇t V = ∇γ̇ Ṽ , where γ̇ is the tangent vector to γ.
8.5 Parallel transport. 75

The main point of this proposition is that the derivative of a vector field
V in the direction of a vector v can be computed if one only knows the values
of V along some curve with tangent vector v.
The covariant derivative along γ is defined by
  dV i
∇t V i (t)∂i = ∂i + γ̇ j V i Γji k (γ(t))∂k
where γ̇ = γ̇ k ∂k . The first two statements of the proposition follow imme-
diately, and it remains to check that our definition is consistent with the
Let Ṽ be a smooth vector field in M . Then the induced vector field along
a curve γ is given by V (t) = Ṽγ(t) , or in terms of the coordinate tangent
basis, V (t) = V i (t)∂i , where Ṽx = Ṽ i (x)∂i , and V i (t) = Ṽ i (γ(t)).
∇γ̇ Ṽ = ∇γ̇ Ṽ i ∂i
= (Dγ(∂t )) (Ṽ i )∂i + γ̇ k Ṽ i Γki l ∂l
= ∂t Ṽ i ◦ γ ∂i + γ̇ k V i Γki l (γ(t))∂i
= ∇t V.

8.5 Parallel transport.

Definition 8.5.1 Let γ : I → M be a smooth curve. A vector field V ∈

Xγ (M ) is said to be parallel along γ if ∇t V = 0.

For example, the constant vector fields in Rn are parallel with respect to
the standard connection, and the left-invariant vector fields on a Lie group
are parallel with respect to the left-invariant connection.

Proposition 8.5.2 Let γ : I → M be a piecewise smooth curve. Then there

exists a unique family of linear isomorphisms Pt : Tγ(0) M → Tγ(t) M such
that a vector field V along γ is parallel if and only if V (t) = Pt (V0 ) for all t.

The maps Pt are the parallel transport operators along γ.

To prove the proposition, consider the differential equation that defines
when a vector field along γ is parallel, on an interval I where γ remains inside
some chart with corresponding connection coefficients Γkl m :
0 = ∇t V = + Γkl i γ̇ k V l ∂i .
This means that for i = 1, . . . , n,
76 Lecture 8. Connections

dV i
0= + Γkl i γ̇ k V l . (8.5.1)
This is a linear system of n first order ordinary differential equations for
the n functions V 1 . . . , V n along I, and so (since the coefficient functions
γ̇ k Γkl are bounded and piecewise continuous) there exist unique solutions
with arbitrary initial values V 1 (0), . . . , V n (0). We define Pt by Pt (V i (0)∂i ) =
V i (t)∂i , where V i (t) satisfy the system (8.5.1). We leave it to the reader to
check that this defines a linear isomorphism for each t.

Proposition 8.5.3 The covariant derivative of a vector field V ∈ Xγ (M )

along γ can be written as
d  −1

∇t V = Pt (Pt ) V (t) .

Proof. Choose a basis {e1 , . . . , en } for Tγ(0) M , and define Ei (t) = Pt (ei ) ∈
Tγ(t) M . Then we can write V (t) = V i (t)Ei (t) = V i (t)Pt (ei ) = Pt (V i (t)ei ),
or in other words
Pt−1 (V ) = V i (t)ei .
Therefore we have  
d  −1  d i
Pt V (t) = V ei ,
dt dt
d  −1  d i
Pt Pt V (t) = V (t) Ei (t).
dt dt
On the other hand we have
  d i d i
∇t V = ∇t V i (t)Ei (t) = V (t) Ei (t) + V i (t)∇t Ei = V (t) Ei (t)
dt dt
since Ei is parallel. 

This tells us that the connection is determined by the parallel transport

operators. The parallel transport operators give a convenient way to identify
the tangent spaces to M at different points along a smooth curve, and in some
ways this is analogous to the left-shift maps De lg on a Lie group. However,
it is important to note that the parallel transport operators depend on the
curve. In particular the parallel transport operators cannot be extended to
give canonical identifications of all the tangent spaces to each other (if we
could do this, we could construct non-vanishing vector fields, but we already
know this is impossible in some situations). Also, it does not really makes
sense to think of a parallel vector field as being “constant”, as the following
example illustrates:
8.5 Parallel transport. 77

Example 8.5.4 Parallel transport on the sphere. Let M = S 2 , and take the
submanifold connection given by Example 8.2.2. Then a vector field along a
curve in S 2 is parallel if and only if its rate of change (as a vector in R3 ) is
always normal to the surface of S 2 .
Consider the path γ on S 2 which starts at the north pole, follows a line of
longitude to the equator, follows the equator for some distance (say, a quarter
of the way around) and then follows another line of longitude back to the
north pole. Note that each of the three segments of this curve is a geodesic.
We compute the vector field given by parallel transport along γ of a vector
which is orthogonal to the initial velocity vector at the north pole.
On the first segment, the parallel transport keeps the vector constant as
a vector in R3 (this must be the parallel transport since it remains tangent
to S 2 , and has zero rate of change, so certainly the tangential component of
its rate of change is zero).
On the segment around the equator, we start with a vector tangent to the
equator, and parallel transport will give us the tangent vector to the equator
of the same length as we move around the equator: Then we have V = L dx dt
for some constant L (the length), and so

d2 x
V̇ = L = −Lx
since x(t) = (cos t, sin t, 0). In particular, V̇ is normal to S 2 .
On the final segment, the situation is the same as the first segment: We
can take V to be constant as a vector in R3 .

So parallel transport around the entire loop has the effect of rotating the
vector through π/2.
78 Lecture 8. Connections

8.6 The connection as a projection.

Another way of looking at connections is the following: Let us return to the

original problem, of defining a derivative for a vector field. Recall that a
vector field V ∈ X (M ) can be regarded as a smooth map V : M → T M for
which Vx ∈ Tx M for all x ∈ M . Since this is just a smooth map between
manifolds, we can differentiate it!
This gives the derivative map DV : T M → T T M . In other words, we
can think of the derivative of a vector field on M in a direction v ∈ T M
as a vector tangent to the 2n-dimensional manifold T (T M ). To get a bet-
ter understanding of this, look at the situation geometrically: We think of
T M as being a union of fibres Tx M . Thus a tangent vector to T M will have
some component tangent to the fibre Tx M , and some component transverse
to the fibre. In local coordinates x1 , . . . , xn , ẋ1 , . . . , ẋn , the tangent vectors
∂1 , . . . , ∂n corresponding to the first n coordinates represent change in posi-
tion in M , which means that motion in these directions amounts to moving
across a family of ‘fibres’ in T M ; the tangent vectors ∂˙1 , . . . , ∂˙n correspond-
ing to the last n coordinates (which are just the components of the vector in
T M ) are tangent to the fibres.
A vector field V can be written in these coordinates as V (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
(x , . . . , xn , V 1 , . . . , V n ). Then

Dv V = v i ∂i + v(V i )∂˙i .

The idea of the connection is to project this onto the subspace of T (T M )

tangent to the fibre, which we can naturally identify with the fibre itself (the
fibre is a vector space, so we can identify it with its tangent space at each
point). We will denote by V the subspace of T (T M ) spanned by ∂˙1 , . . . , ∂˙n
(note that this is independent of the choice of local coordinates), and we call
this the vertical subspace of T (T M ). This is naturally identified with T M by
the map ι which sends v i ∂˙i to v i ∂i .

Definition 8.6.1 A vertical projection on T M is a map ξ → π(ξ), where

ξ = (p, v) ∈ T M and π(ξ) is a linear map from Tξ (T M ) → Tp M such that
(1). π(ξ) = ι on V;
(2). π is consistent with the additive structure on T M : If we take γ1 and
γ2 to be paths in T M of the form γi (t) = (p(t), vi (t)), then

π(p,v1 ) (γ1 ) + π(p,v2 ) (γ2 ) = π(p,v1 +v2 ) (γ  )

where γ(t) = (p(t), v1 (t) + v2 (t)).

Given a vertical projection π, we can produce a connection as follows: If

X ∈ X (M ) and v ∈ Tp M , define

∇v X = π(p,Xp ) (Dv X) .
8.6 The connection as a projection. 79


T(p,v)(TM) TM


Conversely, given a connection, we can produce a corresponding vertical

projection by taking
π(p,X) (v i ∂i + v̇ i ∂˙i ) = ∇t V,
the covariant derivative
 i along  the curve γ(t) = ϕ−1 ϕ(p) + tv i ei of the
vector field V (t) = X + tv̇ i ∂i .



T(p,X)(TM) Dv X TM



It is interesting to consider the parallel transport operators in terms of

the vertical projections: Since π maps a 2n-dimensional vector space to an
n-dimensional vector space, and is non-degenerate on the n-dimensional ‘ver-
tical’ subspace tangent to the fiber of T M , the kernel of π is an n-dimensional
80 Lecture 8. Connections

subspace of T (T M ) which is complementary to the vertical subspace. We call

this the horizontal subspace H of T (T M ). A vector field X is parallel along a
curve γ if and only if Dt X lies in H at every point. We will come back to this
description when we discuss curvature. A vertical projection is uniquely de-
termined by the choice of a horizontal subspace at each point, complementary
to the vertical subspace and consistent with the linear structure.

8.7 Existence of connections.

We will show that every smooth manifold can be equipped with a connection
– in fact, there are many connections on any manifold, and no preferred or
canonical one (later, when we introduce Riemannian metrics, we will have a
way of producing a canonical connection).

Definition 8.7.1 Let M be a smooth manifold. A (smooth) partition of

unity on M is a collection of smooth functions {ρα }α∈I which are non-
negative, locally finite (i.e. for every x ∈ M there exists a neighbourhood
U of x on which only finitely many of the functions ρα are non-zero), and
sum to unity: α ρα (x) = 1 for all x ∈ M (note that this is a finite sum for
each x). Let {Uβ }β∈J be a locally finite covering of M by open sets. Then a
partition of unity {ρα } is subordinate to this cover if each of the functions
ρα has support contained in one of the sets Uβ .

We assume that our manifolds are paracompact – that is, every covering
of M by open sets has a refinement which is locally finite. In particular, we
have an atlas A for M which is locally finite (i.e. each point of M lies in only
finite many of the coordinate charts of the atlas).

Proposition 8.7.2 For any locally finite cover of M by coordinate charts

there exists a subordinate partition of unity.

Proof. By refining if necessary, assume that the coordinate charts have images
in Rn which are bounded open sets which have smooth boundary. Consider
one of these charts, ϕα : Uα → Vα . We can choose a number  > 0 such that
the distance function d(y) = d(y, ∂Vα ) to the boundary of Vα is smooth at
points where d(y) < ε. Then define

ψα = Fε ◦ d ◦ ϕα ,

where Fε : R → R is defined by Fε (t) = F1 (εt), and F1 is a smooth function

which is identically zero for t ≤ 0, monotone increasing for t ∈ (0, 1), and
identically 1 for t ≥ 1. It follows that ψα is smooth on Uα , extends smoothly
to M by taking zero values away from Uα , and is strictly positive on Uα .
Finally, define
8.7 Existence of connections. 81

ψα (x)
ρα (x) =  .
α ψα (x)

Proposition 8.7.3 For any smooth manifold M there exists a connection

on M .

Proof. Choose a cover of M by coordinate charts {Uα }, and a subordinate

partition of unity {ρα }. We will use this partition of unity to patch together
the connections on each chart given by coordinate differentiation: Recall that
on each coordinate chart Uα we have a derivative ∇(α) which is well-defined
on vector fields with support inside Uα . Then we define

∇v X = ∇(α)
v (ρα X) .

This makes sense because the sum is actually finite at each point of M . The
result is clearly linear (over R) in both v and X, and

∇v (f X) = ∇(α)
v (f ρα X)
= v(f )ρα X + f ∇(α)
v (ρα X)
= v(f )X + f ∇v X

where I used the fact that α ρα = 1 to get the first term in the last equality.

The following exercise is a another application of partitions of unity, to

show the existence of F -related vector fields. Recall that if F : M → N is
an smooth map, then X ∈ X (M ) and Y ∈ X (N ) are called F -related if
Dx F (Xx ) = YF (x) for every x ∈ M .

Exercise 8.7.2 Suppose F : M → N is an embedding. Show that for any

vector field X ∈ X (M ) there exists a (generally not unique) F -related vector
field Y ∈ X (Y ) [Hint: Cover N by coordinate charts, such that those con-
taining a portion of F (M ) are submanifold charts (i.e. ϕα : Uα → Vα such
that F (M ) ∩ Uα = ϕ−1α (R × {0})). Choose a partition of unity subordinate

to this cover. Use each submanifold chart to extend X from F (M ) to a vector

field on the chart in N , and take a zero vector field in all the other charts on
N . Patch these together using the partition of unity and check that it gives
a vector field with the required properties].
82 Lecture 8. Connections

8.9 The difference of two connections

Suppose ∇(1) and ∇(2) are two connections on a smooth manifold M . Then
we have the following important result:

Proposition 8.9.1 For any vector v ∈ Tx M and any vector field X ∈ X (M ),

the difference
v X − ∇v X

depends only on the value of X at the point x.

Proof. In local coordinates, writing v = v i ∂i and X = X j ∂j ,

(1) k (2) k
v X − ∇v X = v(X )∂j + v X Γji ∂k − v(X )∂v − v X Γji
(1) j j i j j i
(2) k (1) k
= v j X i Γji − Γji ∂k .

It follows that the difference of two connections defines a map for each
x ∈ M from Tx M × Tx M to Tx M , which varies smoothly in x and is linear
in each argument. We also have a kind of converse to this:

Proposition 8.9.2 Let M be a smooth manifold, and ∇ a connection on

M . Suppose Ax : Tx M × Tx M → Tx M is linear in each argument for each
x ∈ M , and varies smoothly over M (in the sense that A applied to two
smooth vector fields gives a smooth vector field). Then

x, X → ∇v X + A(v, X)

is also a connection on M .

The proof is a simple calculation to check that the Leibniz rule still holds.
It is easy to show that there are many such suitable maps A (for example, one
can write in a local coordinate chart A(ui ∂i , v j ∂j ) = ui v j Aij k ∂k where the
coefficient functions Aij k are smooth and have support inside the coordinate
chart. Then sums and linear combinations of such things are also suitable.
Thus there are many different connections on a manifold.
8.11 Geodesics and the exponential map 83

8.10 Symmetry and torsion

Given a connection ∇, we define its torsion in the following way: If X and Y

are two smooth vector fields, then we observe that

∇X Y − ∇Y X − [X, Y ],

evaluated at a point x ∈ M , depends only on the values of X and Y at the

point x. This follows because
∇f X (gY ) − ∇gY (f X) − [f X, gY ] = f g∇X Y + f X(g)Y
− f g∇Y X − gY (f )X
− f X(g)Y + gY (f )X − f g[X, Y ]
= f g (∇X Y − ∇Y X − [X, Y ]) .

This map is called the torsion T (X, Y ) of ∇ applied to X and Y . This can be
written in terms of its components Tij k , defined by ∇∂i ∂j − ∇∂j ∂i = Tij k ∂k .

Definition 8.10.1 A connection ∇ is called symmetric if the torsion of ∇

vanishes — i.e. ∇X Y − ∇Y X = [X, Y ] for every pair of vector fields X and
Y on M .

The standard connection on Rn is symmetric, as are submanifold connec-

tions. However, the left-invariant connection on a Lie group is typically not
symmetric: If X and Y are left-invariant vector fields, then ∇X Y = ∇Y X =
0, but if G is non-commutative then usually [X, Y ] = 0.

8.11 Geodesics and the exponential map

Definition 8.11.1 Let M be a smooth manifold, and ∇ a connection. A

curve γ : [0, 1] → M is a geodesic of ∇ if the tangent vector γ̇ is parallel
along γ:
∇t γ̇ = 0.

We can think of a path γ as the trajectory of a particle moving in M .

Then γ is a geodesic if the acceleration of the particle (measured using ∇)
is zero, so γ is in this sense the trajectory of a ‘free’ particle. This picture is
particularly relevant in the case where M is a submanifold of Eulidean space,
since then the geodesics are exactly the trajectories of particles which are
constrained to lie in M but are otherwise free of external forces.

Proposition 8.11.2 For any x ∈ M and any v ∈ Tx M there exists δ > 0

and a unique geodesic γ : (−δ, δ) → M such that γ(0) = x and γ̇(0) = v.
84 Lecture 8. Connections

Proof. Let ϕ : U → V be a chart for M about x. Then for any path γ : I →

M , we have    
∇t γ̇ = ∇t γ̇ i ∂i = γ̈ i + Γkl i γ̇ k γ̇ l ∂i ,
so a geodesic must satisfy the system of second order equations

γ̈ i + Γkl i γ̇ k γ̇ l = 0

for i = 1, . . . , n. Existence and uniqueness then follow from the standard

theory of second order ODE. Alternatively, we can rewrite as a system of 2n
first-order equations by setting v i = γ̇ i , which gives
d i
γ (t) = v i (t);
d i
v (t) = −Γkl i (γ 1 (t), . . . , γ n (t))v k (t)v l (t).
Then apply the ODE existence and uniqueness theorem from Lecture 6 to
deduce that there is a unique geodesic for some time starting from any point
x and any vector v (i.e. any values of γ 1 , . . . , γ n , v 1 , . . . , v n ). 

Using Proposition 8.11.2 we can define the exponential map on a smooth

manifold with a connection, by analogy with the exponential map on a Lie
group: Given x ∈ M and v ∈ Tx M , we define

expp (v) = exp(p, v) = γ(1),

where γ is a geodesic with initial position x and initial velocity v. Then we

know that the exponential map is defined on a neighbourhood of the zero
section {(x, 0) : x ∈ M } within T M . In order to determine the smoothness
propoerties of the exponential map, it is useful to interpret it using the flow
of a vector field so that we can apply the methods of Lecture 6. As we
saw above, the geodesic equation corresponds to a second-order system of
equations, and it turns out that this arises not from the flow of a vector field
on M , but from the flow of a vector field on the tangent bundle T M : Recall
that the tangent bundle can be given local coordinates x1 , . . . , xn , ẋ1 , . . . , ẋn .
Then let ∂1 , . . . , ∂n , ∂˙1 , ∂˙n be the corresponding coordinate tangent vectors,
and define a vector field G on T M by

G(x,v) = ẋi ∂i − Γkl i (x)ẋk ẋl ∂˙i .

Then our local calculations above show that the geodesic equation is given
exactly by the flow for time 1 of the vector field G. More precisely, it is given
by the projection onto M of this flow.

Exercise 8.11.3 Show that G, defined as above in local coordinates, is well-

defined (i.e. does not depend on the choice of coordinates).
8.11 Geodesics and the exponential map 85

It follows immediately that the exponential map is smooth, and that the
(x, v) → expx (v), expx (tv)
dt t=1

from T M to itself is a local diffeomorphism where defined.

Proposition 8.11.4 For any x ∈ M , the exponential map expx : Tx M → M

from x is a local diffeomorphism near 0 ∈ Tx M , onto a neighbourhood of x
in M .

Proof. The smoothness of the map is immediate since it is the composition

of the smooth flow of the vector field G on T M with the smooth projection
onto M . Next we calculate the derivative of this map at the origin in the
direction of some vector v: We have expx (v) = γ(1), where γ is the geodesic
through x with velocity v. But then also expx (tv) = γ(t), since s → γ(st) is
a geodesic through x with velocity tv. Therefore

D0 expx (v) = expx (tv) = γ  (0) = v
dt t=0

Therefore D0 expx is just the identity map (here we are identifying the tan-
gent space to Tx M at 0 with Tx M itself, in the usual way). In particular, this
derivative is non-degenerate, so expx is a local diffeomorphism. 

We can get a slightly stronger statement:

Proposition 8.11.5 For any x ∈ M there exists an open neighbourhood U

of x ∈ M , and an open neighbourhood O of the zero section {(y, 0) : y ∈ U }
such that for every pair of points p and q in U , there exists a unique geodesic
γqr with γqr (0) = 1, γqr (1) = r, and γ  (0) ∈ O.

Roughly speaking, this says that points which are sufficiently close to
each other can be joined by a unique “short” geodesic (we cannot expect to
drop the shortness condition – consider for example the case where M is a
cylinder or a sphere, when there are generally many geodesics joining any
pair of points.

˜ : T M → M × M defined by
Proof. Consider the map exp

˜ v) = (p, expp (v)).

Let us compute the derivative of this map at a point (p, 0): Breaking up the
2n × 2n derivative matrix into n × n blocks, the top left corresponds to the
derivative of the map (p, v) → p with respect to p, which is just the identity
map, and the bottom left block is the derivative of the same with respect
to v, which is zero. The top right block might be quite complicated, but as
86 Lecture 8. Connections

we calculated in the proof of proposition 8.11.4, the bottom right block is

the derivative of the exponential map from p with respect to v at the origin,
which is again just the identity map:
I ∗
D(p,0) exp
˜ = .
0 I
In particular, this is non-degenerate, so exp
˜ is a local diffeomorphism near
(p, 0) for any p. Choose a small neighbourhood O of (x, 0) in T M , and a
neighbourhood U of x in M sufficiently small that U × U ⊂ exp(O).
˜ These
then satisfy the requirements of the proposition. 

The following exercise gives an interpretation of the torsion of a connec-

tion in terms of geodesics and parallel transport:

Exercise 8.11.6 Let M be a smooth manifold with a connection ∇. Fix

p ∈ M , and vectors X and Y in Tp M . Let q(t) be the point of M constructed

as follows: First, follow the geodesic from p in direction X until time t, to
get a point p1 . Then parallel transport Y along that geodesic to get a vector
Y1 at p1 . Also, let X1 be tangent vector to the geodesic at time t (i.e. √
at the
point p1 ). Then follow the geodesic from p1 in direction Y1 until time t, to
get a point p2 , and parallel transport X1 and Y1 along this geodesic to get
vectors X2 and Y2 at p2 (Thus, Y2 is the tangent vector of the √ geodesic at
p2 ). Then take the geodesic from p2 in direction −X2 until time t, parallel
transporting X2 and Y2 along this to get vectors X3 and Y3 at√a point p3 .
Finally, follow the geodesic from p3 in direction −Y3 until time t, and call
the resulting point q(t).
Show that the tangent vector to the curve t → q(t) is given by the torsion
of ∇ applied to the vectors X and Y . In other words, the torsion measures
the extent to which geodesic rectangles fail to close up.


X3 Y2

q(t) X2

p X
p1 X1
Lecture 9. Riemannian metrics

This lecture introduces Riemannian metrics, which define lengths of vectors

and curves in the manifold.

9.1 Definition

There is one more crucial ingredient which we need to introduce for dealing
with manifolds: Lengths and angles. Given a smooth manifold, since we know
what it means for a curve in the manifold to be smooth, and we have a well-
defined notion of the tangent vector to a curve, all we need in order to have
a notion of distance on the manifold is a way of defining the speed of a curve
— that is, the length of its tangent vector.

Definition 9.1.1 A Riemannian metric g on a smooth manifold M is a

smoothly chosen inner product gx : Tx M × Tx M → R on each of the tangent
spaces Tx M of M . In other words, for each x ∈ M , g = gx satisfies
(1). g(u, v) = g(v, u) for all u, v ∈ Tx M ;
(2). g(u, u) ≥ 0 for all u ∈ Tx M ;
(3). g(u, u) = 0 if and only if u = 0.
Furthermore, g is smooth in the sense that for any smooth vector fields
X and Y , the function x → gx (Xx , Yx ) is smooth.

Locally, a metric can be described in terms of its coefficients in a local

chart, defined by gij = g(∂i , ∂j ). The smoothness of g is equivalent to the
smoothness of all the coefficient functions gij in some chart.

Example 9.1.2 The standard inner product on Euclidean space is a special

example of a Riemannian metric. Rn can be made a Riemannian manifold
in many ways: Let fij be a bounded, smooth function for each i and j in
{1, . . . , n}, with fij = fji . Then for C sufficiently large, the functions gij =
Cδij +fij are positive definite everywhere, and so define a Riemannian metric.
88 Lecture 9. Riemannian metrics

9.2 Existence of Riemannian metrics

Every smooth manifold carries a Riemannian metric (in fact, many of them).
We will prove this using an argument very similar to that used in showing
the existence of connections.
Choose an atlas {ϕα : Uα → Vα }, and a subordinate partition of unity
{ρα }. On each of the regions Vα in Rn , choose a Riemannian metric g (α) (as
in example 9.1.2). Then define

g(u, v) = ρα g (α) (Dϕα (u), Dϕα (v)) .

This is clearly symmetric; g(u, u) ≥ 0; and g(u, u) = 0 iff u = 0. Furthermore

it is smooth, and so defines a Riemannian metric on M .

9.3 Length and distance

Definition 9.3.1 Let γ : [a, b] → M be a (piecewise) smooth curve. Then

the length L[γ] of γ is defined by L[γ] = a gγ(t) (γ  (t), γ  (t))1/2 dt. Given
two points p and q in M , we define the distance from p to q by
*  +

d(p, q) = inf L[γ]  γ : [a, b] → M piecewise smooth, γ(a) = p, γ(b) = q .

Proposition 9.3.2 If M is a Riemannian manifold with metric g, then

M is a metric space with the distance function d defined above. The metric
topology agrees with the manifold topology.

Proof. The symmetry of the distance function is immediate, as is its non-

negativity. The triangle inequality is also easily established: For any curves
γ1 : [a, b] → M and γ2 : [a , b ] → M with γ1 (b) = γ2 (a ), we can define the
concatenation γ1 #γ2 : [0, b + b − a − a ] → M by

γ1 (t + a) for 0 ≤ t ≤ b − a;
γ1 #γ2 (t) =
γ2 (t + a − b + a ) for b − a ≤ t ≤ b + b − a − a .

Thus γ1 #γ2 is a curve with length L[γ1 ] + L[γ2 ]. Given points p, q, and r in
M , for any ε > 0 we can choose curves γ1 joining p to q and γ2 joining q to
r, such that L[γ1 ] < d(p, q) + ε and L[γ2 ], d(q, r) + ε. Therefore

d(p, r) ≤ L[γ1 #γ2 ] = L[γ1 ] + L[γ2 ] < d(p, q) + d(q, r) + 2ε,

9.4 Submanifolds 89

g q g
p g# g

which gives the triangle inequality when ε → 0.

We still need to check that d(x, y) = 0 only when x = y. Suppose we have
x = y with d(x, y) = 0. Choose a chart ϕ : U → V around x. Then we can
choose δ > 0 and C > 0 such that on Bδ (ϕ(x)) ⊂ V , g(u, u) ≥ C|Dϕ(u)|2 .
Therefore for points z in ϕ−1 (Bδ (ϕ(x)), we have d(x, z) ≥ C|ϕ(x) − ϕ(z)|.
So y cannot be in this set. But for y outside this set, any curve from x to
y must first pass through ϕ−1 (∂Bδ (ϕ(x))), and so has length at least Cδ,
contradicting d(x, y) = 0.
The claim that the metric topology is equivalent to the manifold topol-
ogy follows similarly: The metric restricted to charts is comparable to the
Euclidean distance on the chart. 

9.4 Submanifolds

An important situation where a manifold can be given a Riemannian metric

is when it is a submanifold of some Euclidean space RN . The inclusion into
RN gives a natural identification of tangent vectors to M with vectors in RN :
Explicitly, if we write the inclusion as a map F : M → RN , then we identify a
vector u ∈ T M with its image DF (u) under the differential of the inclusion.
The inner product on RN can then be used to induce a Riemannian metric
on M , by defining
g(u, v) = DF (u), DF (v).
Similarly, if N is a Riemannian manifold with a metric h, and F : M → N
is an immersion, then we can define the induced Riemannian metric on M
g(u, v) = h(DF (u), DF (v)).
Many important Riemannian manifolds can be produced in this way, in-
cluding the standard metrics on the spheres S n (induced by the standard
embedding in Rn+1 ), and on cylinders.
90 Lecture 9. Riemannian metrics

9.5 Left-invariant metrics

Let G be a Lie group, and choose an inner product h on Te G

g. This can be
extended to give a unique left-invariant Riemannian metric on G, by defining
u, vg = h (De lg )−1 (u), (De lg )−1 (v) .

Similarly, one can define right-invariant metrics; in general these are not the

Example 9.5.1 A metric on hyperbolic space. Recall that the hyperbolic plane
H 2
 is upper
 half-plane, identified with the group of matrices of the form
y x
for y > 0. If we choose an inner product at the identity (0, 1) such
0 1
that (0, 1) and (1, 0) are orthonormal, then the corresponding left-invariant
Riemannian metric on H2 is the one for which the left-invariant vector fields
E1 = (y, 0) and E2 = (0, y) are orthonormal. Thus in terms of the basis of
coordinate tangent vectors e1 = (1, 0) and e2 = (0, 1), the metric has the
form gij = y −2 δij .

Example 9.5.2 Left-invariant metrics on S 3 Recall that S 3 is the group of

unit length elements of the quaternions. The tangent space at the identity is
the three- dimensional space spanned by i, j, and k, and any inner product
on this space gives rise to a left-invariant metric on S 3 . If i, j, and k are
chosen to be orthonormal, the resulting metric is the standard metric on S 3
(i.e. it agrees with the induced metric from the inclusion of S 3 in R4 ). Other
choices of inner product give deformed spheres called the Berger spheres.

9.6 Bi-invariant metrics

A more stringent requirement on a Riemannian metric on a Lie group is that

it should be invariant under both left and right translations. Such a metric
is called bi-invariant.
Every bi-invariant metric is left-invariant, and so can be constructed in a
unique way from an inner product for Te G. This raises the question: Which
inner products on Te G give rise to bi-invariant metrics?
For any g, and any u, v ∈ Te G, we must have

u, ve = De lg (u), De lg (v)g = (De rg )−1 De lg (u), (De rg )−1 De lg (v)e .

The maps Adg = (De rg )−1 De lg : Te G → Te G are isomorphisms of Te G for

each g ∈ G, and give a representation of G on the vector space Te G, since
Adg Adh = Adgh for all g and h in G. Then the requirement that the inner
product give rise to a bi-invariant metric is the same as requiring that it be
9.7 Semi-Riemannian metrics 91

invariant under the representation Ad of G. If G is commutative, then Adg

is the identity map for every g, so this requirement is vacuous. In some cases
there may be no Ad-invariant inner product on Te G, but it can be shown
that any compact Lie group carries at least one.

Exercise 9.6.1 Show that the adjoint action of S 3 on its Lie algebra R3 gives
a homomorphism ρ : S 3 → SO(3) (compare Exercise 5.3.2 and the remark
following it). Deduce that the only bi-invariant metric on S 3 is the standard

9.7 Semi-Riemannian metrics

It is sometimes useful to consider a generalisation of Riemannian manifolds

which drops the requirement of positivity: A semi- Riemannian manifold is a
smooth manifold together with a smoothly defined symmetric bilinear form
gx on each tangent space Tx M , which is non-singular: gx (u, v) = 0 for all v
implies u = 0. If M is connected, then the signature of M is constant: One
can choose a basis {e1 , . . . , en } at each point of M such that gx takes the
form  
1 0 ... 0 0 0 ... 0
0 1 ... 0 0 0 ... 0 
. . . .. .. .. .. 
. . . .. 
. . . . . . . . 
 
0 0 ... 1 0 0 ... 0 
gx =  
 0 0 . . . 0 −1 0 . . . 0 
 
 0 0 . . . 0 0 −1 . . . 0 
. . . . . . .. . 
 .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. 
0 0 ... 0 0 0 . . . −1
with 1 occuring k times and −1 occuring (n − k) times, independent of x.
Of particular interest is the case of Lorenzian manifolds, in which k = n − 1;
when n = 4 these arise as spacetimes in general relativity.
In a semi-Riemannian manifold one can divide vectors into three cate-
gories: Spacelike vectors, for which g(v, v) > 0; timelike vectors, which have
g(v, v) < 0; and null vectors, for which g(v, v) = 0. A submanifold M of a
Lorenzian manifold is similarly called spacelike, timelike, or null if all of its
tangent vectors are spacelike, timelike, or null respectively. If M is a spacelike
submanifold of a semi-Riemannian manifold, then the induced metric makes
M a Riemannian manifold.

Example 9.7.1 Minkowski space. Let M = Rn+1 with variables x1 , . . . , xn , t,

with the constant semi-Riemannian metric gij = diag(1, . . . , 1, −1). The is
the Minkowski space Rn,1 . The geometry of the Minkowski space R3,1 is
the subject of special relativity. The null cone of directions with zero length
92 Lecture 9. Riemannian metrics

is the right circular cone |x|2 = t2 . Directions which point from the origin
above the upper surface or below the lower surface of this cone are timelike,
while those that point between the two surfaces are spacelike. In particular,
a hypersurface given by the graph of a function u over Rn × {0} is spacelike
if the gradient of u is everywhere less than 1 in magnitude.

R spacelike


Example 9.7.2 Hyperbolic space. The n-dimensional hyperbolic space arises

as a spacelike
hypersurface in the Minkowski space Rn,1 : Let Hn = {(x, t) ∈
R n,1
: t = 1 + |x|2 }. Thus H is one component of the set of vectors of

length −1 in Rn,1 ; thus it is an analogue of the sphere in this setting. We can

also describe Hn as the open unit ball in Rn with a particular Riemannian
metric: We identify Hn with the unit ball by stereographic projection – given
a point z ∈ Hn , we consider the line from z to the point (0, −1), and let ξ(z)
be the point of intersection of this line with the plane Rn × {0}. with the
unique point on the line from the origin to z which has t = 1. As z ranges
over Hn , ξ(z) ranges over the unit ball in Rn
Rn × {0}. This should be
though of as being analogous to stereographic projection from the north pole
in the usual sphere; here we are doing
 stereographic projection from the point
(0, −1). Explicitly, this gives z = 1−|x|2 , 1−|x|2 .

Exercise 9.7.3 Show that the induced Riemannian metric on the unit ball
in Rn by the stereographic projection described above is
gij = δij .
(1 − |x|2 )2

1−|x|2 −y 2
Exercise 9.7.4 Show that the map (x, y) → 2x
|x|2 +(y−1)2 , |x|2 +(y−1)2 for
(x, y) ∈ Rn−1
× R
R diffeomorphically maps the open unit ball to the

upper half space, and induces from the metric on the unit ball in exercise
9.7.3 the following metric on the upper half-space:
gij = δij .
9.7 Semi-Riemannian metrics 93

In the case n = 2, show that this is the same as the left-invariant metric on
H2 from example 9.5.1.


Lecture 10. The Levi-Civita connection

In this lecture we will show that a Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold

induces a unique connection.

10.1 Compatibility of a connection with the metric

Let M be a smooth Riemannian manifold with metric g. A connection ∇ on

M is said to be compatible with the metric on M if for every pair of vector
fields X and Y on M , and every vector v ∈ Tx M ,

v (g(X, Y )) = g (∇v X, Y ) + g (X, ∇v Y ) .

Here on the left hand side we are applying the vector v (as a derivation) to
the smooth function x → gx (Xx , Yx ). This is something which is well-defined
without reference to any connection. The right-hand side does depend on the

Example 10.1.1 Differentiation of vector fields on a vector space is compatible

with any inner product on the vector space: We have

Dv (X · Y ) = Dv X · Y + X · Dv Y.

Compatibility of the connection with the metric can be expressed in terms

of parallel transport: Suppose γ is a smooth curve in M , and E1 and E2 are
smooth vector fields along γ. Then
g(E1 , E2 ) = g(∇t E1 , E2 ) + g(E1 , ∇t E2 ).
In the special case where E1 and E2 are parallel along γ, this implies that
dt g(E1 , E2 ) = 0. Therefore vector fields which are parallel with respect to
a compatible connection have constant length (take E1 = E2 ) and make a
constant angle to each other. A particular consequence is that geodesics have
tangent vectors of constant length.
96 Lecture 10. The Levi-Civita connection

Exercise 10.1.2 Show that any connection for which the lengths and an-
gles between parallel vector fields are constant must be compatible with the

In particular it is very easy to parallel transport a vector along a geodesic

for a compatible connection on a two-dimensional manifold, since there is a
unique vector at each point which makes the same angle with the tangent
vector of the geodesic.

10.2 Submanifolds

Let M be a submanifold of Euclidean space RN , and induce on M the sub-

manifold connection (given by projecting the derivatives of vector fields onto
the tangent space of M ) and the submanifold metric (where the lengths of
tangent vectors to M are given by the lengths of their image in RN under
the inclusion map).

Proposition 10.2.1 The submanifold connection ∇ is compatible with the

induced metric g.

Proof. We compute directly:

vg(X, Y ) = vX α eα , Y β eβ 
= (Dv X α ) eα , Y β eβ  + X α eα , Dv Y β eβ 
= π (Dv X α ) eα , Y β eβ  + X α eα , π Dv Y β eβ 
= g (∇v X, Y ) + g (X, ∇v Y ) .

10.3 The Levi-Civita Theorem

Proposition 10.3.1 Let M be a smooth Riemannian manifold with metric

g. Then there exists a unique connection ∇ on M whicj is symmetric and
compatible with g.

The connection given by this proposition is called the Levi-Civita con-

nection, or sometimes the Riemannian connection. Note that the Levi-Civita
connection on a submanifold of Euclidean space (with the metric induced by
the standard inner product) is just the submanifold connection.

Proof. First we show uniqueness: Let X, Y , and Z be three smooth vector

fields on M . Then we must have the symmetry conditions
10.3 The Levi-Civita Theorem 97

∇X Y − ∇Y X = [X, Y ];
∇Y Z − ∇Z Y = [Y, Z];
∇Z X − ∇X Z = [Z, X],
and the compatibility conditions
g(∇X Y, Z) + g(Y, ∇X Z) = Xg(Y, Z);
g(∇Y Z, X) + g(Z, ∇Y X) = Y g(Z, X);
g(∇Z X, Y ) + g(X, ∇Z Y ) = Zg(X, Y ).
Take the sum of the first two of the latter equations, and subtract the third.
Then apply the symmetry conditions, yielding:
2g(∇X Y, Z) = Xg(Y, Z) + Y g(Z, X) − Zg(X, Y )
+ g(Z, [X, Y ]) + g(Y, [Z, X]) + g(X, [Z, Y ]).
This determines the inner product of ∇x Y with any vector field Z purely in
terms of the metric, and so implicitly determines ∇x Y . This completes the
proof of uniqueness. To prove existence, it is only necessary to check that the
formula above does indeed define a connection with the desired properties.
Denote the right-hand side of the formula by C(X, Y, Z). C is C ∞ in X
and in Z:
C(f X, Y, hZ) = f X (hg(Y, Z)) + Y (f hg(Z, X)) − hZ (f g(X, Y ))
+ hg(Z, [f X, Y ]) + g(Y, [hZ, f X]) + f g(X, [hZ, Y ])
= f hXg(Y, Z) + f hY g(Z, X) − f hZg(X, Y )
+ f (Xh)g(Y, Z) + f Y (h)g(Z, X)
+ hY (f )g(Z, X) − hZ(f )g(X, Y )
+ hf g(Z, [X, Y ]) + hf g(Y, [Z, X]) + f hg(X, [Z, Y ])
− hY (f )g(Z, X) − f X(h)g(Y, Z)
+ hZ(f )g(Y, X) − f Y (h)g(X, Z)
= f hC(X, Y, Z)

It follows that the map x → C(X, Y, Z)x depends only on Y and the values
Xx and Zx of the vector fields X and Z at x In the second slot we have
C(X, f Y, Z) = f C(X, Y, Z) + X(f )g(Y, Z) − Z(f )g(X, Y )
+ X(f )g(Z, Y ) + Z(f )g(X, Y )
= f C(X, Y, Z) + 2X(f )g(Y, Z).

Therefore if we define ∇X Y by requiring that g(∇X Y, Z) = 1

2 C(X, Y, Z),
then (∇X Y )x depends only on Xx and Y , and

g(∇X (f Y ), Z) = f g(∇X Y, Z) + X(f )g(Y, Z) = g(f ∇X Y + X(f )Y, Z),

98 Lecture 10. The Levi-Civita connection

so ∇ satisfies the Leibniz rule and defines a connection. 

In working with the Levi-Civita connection, it is often convenient to look

at the formula which defines it in terms of a local coordinate tangent basis:
Choose a local chart ϕ : U → V for M . Then the formula above, applied
with X, Y , and Z given by coordinate tangent vector fields ∂i , ∂j and ∂k ,
gives the following expression for the connection coefficients:
1 kl
Γij k = g (∂i gjl + ∂j gil − ∂l gij ) ,
where we denote by g ij the inverse of the metric gij .

Exercise 10.3.1 Suppose M is a smooth manifold, and N is a smooth Rie-

mannian manifold with metric h. Let F : M → N be an immersion. Then h
induces on M a metric g. For each x ∈ M let πx : TF (x)N → Tx M be the
map given by orthogonal projection onto Dx F (Tx M ), followed by application
of (Dx F )−1 . Define
∇v X = πx ∇DF (v) DF (X) ,

where ∇(h) is the Levi-Civita connection of the metric h on N . Show that this
is well-defined (i.e. makes sense even though DF (X) is only defined on the
image F (M ) ⊂ N ) and defines a connection on M , which is the Levi-Civita
connection on M .

As we have already observed, the geodesics of the Levi-Civita connection

have tangent vectors of constant speed, and parallel transport along any curve
preserves inner products between parallel vector fields.

10.4 Left-invariant metrics

Let G be a Lie group. Then we have a connection on G defined by taking the

left-invariant vector fields to be parallel. We have seen that this connection
does not give a symmetric connection, and so does not give the Levi-Civita
connection for a left-invariant metric. However, this connection is compatible
with any left-invariant metric.
Applying the formula above in the case of a left-invariant metric, we have
the following expression for the Levi-Civita connection: Let {E1 , . . . , En } be
left-invariant vector fields which are orthonormal for the metric. Then by
assumption the inner products g(Ei , Ej ) are constant, and the first three
terms become zero. This gives
∇Ei Ej = (cijk + ckij + ckji ) Ek ,
10.5 Exponential normal coordinates 99

where the structure constants of G are defined by

[Ei , Ej ] = cijk Ek .

In contrast the left-invariant connection would have ∇Ei Ej = 0.

10.5 Exponential normal coordinates

It is often convenient to use the exponential map of the Levi-Civita connection

to produce a chart for a Riemannian manifold.

Proposition 10.5.1 Let (M, g) be a smooth Riemannian manifold, and

∇ the Levi-Civita connection. Fix x ∈ M . Choose an orthonormal basis
{e1 , . . . , en } for Tx M , and define a chart ϕ on a neighbourhood U of x by
ϕ−1 x1 , . . . , xn = expx xj ej .
In these coordinates (called exponential normal coordinates) we have
gij (0) = δij ;
Γij k (0) = 0.

Proof. Recall that the derivative of the exponential map at the origin is just
the identity map. Therefore
gij (0) = g(∂i , ∂j ) = g(D0 expx (ei ), D0 expx (ej )) = δij
since the {ei } were chosen to be orthonormal.
We also have  
∇ai ∂i aj ∂j = 0
at the origin for any constants a1 , . . . , an , since ai ∂i is the tangent vector to
the geodesic through 0 in that direction. By symmetry we have at the origin
0 = ∇∂i +∂j (∂i + ∂j )
= ∇∂i ∂i + ∇∂j ∂j + ∇∂i ∂j + ∇∂j ∂i
= 2∇∂i ∂j .
for every i and j. Therefore all the connection coefficients vanish at the origin.

Remark. By the same proof, the connection coefficients at the origin vanish
with respect to exponential coordinates for a connection (not necessarily a
Levi-Civita connection) if and only if the connection is symmetric. This gives
another interpretation of the torsion of a connection.
Lecture 11. Geodesics and completeness

In this lecture we will investigate further the metric properties of geodesics

of the Levi-Civita connection, and use this to characterise completeness of a
Riemannian manifold in terms of the exponential map.

11.1 Geodesic polar coordinates and the Gauss Lemma

Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, and x ∈ M . Choose an orthonormal

basis {e1 , . . . , en } for Tx M , and induce an isomorphism from Rn to Tx M .
This in turn induces a map from S n−1 × (0, ∞) → M , by sending (ω, r) to
expx (rω). This is called geodesic polar coordinates from x.

Proposition 11.1.1 In geodesic polar coordinates the metric takes the form
g(∂r , ∂r ) = 1;
g(∂r , u) = 0,

for any u ∈ T S n−1 .

In other words, the image under the exponential map of the unit radial
vector in Tx M is always a unit vector, and the image of a vector tangent
to a sphere about the origin is always orthogonal to the image of the radial
vector. Think of a polar ’grid’ of radial lines and spheres in Tx M , mapped
onto M by the exponential map Tx M . Then this map says that the images
of the spheres are everywhere orthogonal to the images of the radial lines
(which are of course geodesics).
Proposition 11.1.1 is often called the Gauss Lemma.

Proof. The first part of the claim follows from the fact that ∂r is the tangent
vector to a geodesic, so ∇r ∂r = 0. Hence by compatibility,

∂r g(∂r , ∂r ) = 2g(∂r , ∇r ∂r ) = 0,

and the length of ∂r is constant in the r direction. But when r = 0 we have

|∂r | = 1.
102 Lecture 11. Geodesics and completeness

To prove the second part of the proposition, let γ : [0, r] × (−ε, ε) → M

be given by γ(r, s) = expx (rω(s)), where ω(s) ∈ S n−1 (0) ⊂ Tx M . Then in
Tx M , ω  (s) is tangent to a sphere about the origin, and we need to show that
the image ∂s of this vector is orthogonal to the radial vector ∂r :
∂r g(∂r , ∂s ) = g(∇r ∂r , ∂s ) + g(∂r , ∇r ∂s )
= g(∂r , ∇s ∂r )
= ∂s g(∂r , ∂r )
= 0,

since we know g(∂r , ∂r ) = 1 everywhere. But as before, we have g(∂r , ∂s ) = 0

when r = 0. 

Tx M


11.2 Minimising properties of geodesics

An important consequence of the Gauss Lemma is the fact that geodesics

of the Levi-Civita connection, restricted to sufficiently short intervals, have
smaller length than any other path between their endpoints.

Proposition 11.2.1 Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, and ∇ the Levi-

Civita connection of g. Let γ ,: I → M be -a ∇-geodesic. Then for any t ∈ I

there exists δ > 0 such that L γ [t −δ,t +δ] = d(γ(t0 − δ), γ(t0 + δ)).
0 0
11.2 Minimising properties of geodesics 103

Note that we cannot expect that geodesics minimise length on long inter-
vals – consider the example of the sphere S 2 : Geodesics are great circles, and
these achieve the distance between their endpoints on intervals of length no
greater then π, but not on longer intervals.


segments A non-minimising

Proof. Choose ε sufficiently small so that expγ(t0 −ε) is a diffeomorphism on

a ball of radius r > 2ε about the origin. For convenience we denote by p the
point γ(t0 − ε), and by q the point γ(t0 + ε).

g(t )

p q

Now let σ be any other curve joining the points p and q. Suppose first that
σ remains in the set Br (p) = expp (Br (0)). Then we can write σ(t) = r(t)ω(t)
where r > 0 and |ω(t)| = 1. The squared length of the tangent vector σ  is
|σ  (t)|2 = (r )2 g(∂r , ∂r ) + 2rr g(∂r , ω  ) + r2 g(ω  , ω  )
= (r )2 + r2 |ω  |2
≥ (r )2 ,
with equality if and only if ω  vanishes. Therefore we have
104 Lecture 11. Geodesics and completeness
L[σ] ≥ |r |dt ≥ 2ε,

with equality if and only if ω is constant and r is monotone, in which case σ

is simply a reparametrisation on γ.
The other possibility is that σ leaves the ball. But then the same argument
applies on the portion of sigma joining p to the boundary of the ball, giving
L[σ] ≥ r > 2ε.
Therefore L[σ] ≥ L[γ], with equality if and only if σ is a reparametrisation
of σ. 

Proposition 11.2.2 Suppose γ : [0, 1] → M is a piecewise smooth path for

which L[γ] = d(γ(0), γ(1)). Then γ = σ ◦ f , where f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] is a
piecewise smooth monotone increasing function, and σ is a geodesic.

Proof. First observe that γ achieves the distance between any pair of its
points: If there were some subinterval on which this were not true, then
replacing γ by a shorter path on that subinterval would also yield a shorter
path from γ(0) to γ(1).
For any t ∈ (0, 1), there is a sufficiently small neighbourhood J of t in [0, 1]
such that γ J is contained in a diffeomorphic image of the exponential map
from one of its endpoints, and so by the Gauss Lemma γ J is a reparametrised

This is a nice feature of the Levi-Civita connection: The geodesics of ∇

are precisely the length-minimising paths, re-parametrised to have constant

11.3 Convex neighbourhoods

We know that points which are sufficiently close to each other can be con-
nected by a unique ‘short’ geodesic. This result can be stated somewhat
more cleany in the special case of the Levi-Civita connection than it can in
the general case:

Proposition 11.3.1 Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, and ∇ the Levi-

Civita connection of g. Then for every p ∈ M there exist constants 0 < ε ≤ η
such that for every pair of points q and r in Bε (p) there exists a unique
geodesic γqr of length L[γqr ] < η such that γqr (0) = q and γqr (1) = r.
Furthermore, L[γqr ] = d(q, r).

Proof. The idea is exactly the same as the proof of Proposition 8.11.5: The
map exp
˜ is a local diffeomorphism from a neighbourhood of (p, 0) in T M to a
neighbourhood of (p, p) in M × M . Choose η sufficiently small to ensure that
11.3 Convex neighbourhoods 105

˜ is a diffeomorphism on O = {(q, v)| q ∈ Bη , |v| ≤ η}, and then choose ε

sufficiently small to ensure that Bε (p) × Bε (p) ⊂ expO.
This gives the existence of a geodesic γqr of length less than η joining
q to r. Also γqr achieves the distance between its endpoints, by the Gauss

We will improve the result slightly:

Proposition 11.3.2 For any p ∈ M there exists a constant ε > 0 such that
for every pair of points q and r in Bε (p), there exists a unique geodesic γqr
for which γ(0) = q, γ(1) = r, and d(p, γ(t)) ≤ max{d(p, q), d(p, r)} for all
t ∈ [0, 1]. Furthermore L[γqr ] = d(q, r).

Proof. By Proposition 11.5.1, Γij k (0) = 0 in exponential normal coordinates.

Therefore there is η > 0 such that  k,i,j xk Γij k ξ i ξ j  < 12 k ξ k pro-
vided k xk < 2η, and such that for some ε ∈ (0, η) the conditions of
Proposition 11.3.1 hold.
Then by Proposition 11.3.1 there is a geodesic γqr of length less than η
joining q to r; since p and q are within distance ε of p, the entire geodesic
γqr stays within distance 2η of p.
Now along γqr we compute:

d2 d 2  k 2
d(p, γ(t))2 = 2 x
dt dt
d  k k
=2 x ẋ
 2 d2 k
=2 ẋk +2 xk x
k k
k 2
=2 ẋ −2 xk Γij k ẋi ẋj
k k
 
  1  2
≥ 2 ẋk 
ẋk −
k [

≥ 0,

since we are within the ball of radius 2η about p. Therefore d(p, γ(t))2 is a
convex function along γqr , so the maximum value is attained at the endpoints.

106 Lecture 11. Geodesics and completeness

11.5 Completeness and the Hopf-Rinow Theorem

Now we are ready to prove the main result of this section:

Theorem 11.5.1 The Hopf-Rinow Theorem. Let (M, g) be a connected

Riemannian manifold. The following are equivalent:
(1). M is a complete metric space with the distance function d;
(2). exp is defined on all of T M (i.e. all geodesics can be extended indefi-
(3). There exists p ∈ M for which expp is definied on all of Tp M .
Furthermore, each of these conditions implies
(*). For every p and q in M , there exists a geodesic γ : [0, 1] → M for which
γ(0) = p, γ(1) = q, and L[γ] = d(p, q).

Proof. (2) =⇒ (3) trivially. We prove (1) =⇒ (2), and then (3) =⇒ (∗p ) and
((3) and (∗p )) =⇒ (1), where (∗p ) is the statement that every point q ∈ M
can be connected to p by a length-minimising geodesic.
Suppose (M, d) is a complete metric space. If (2) does not hold, then there
is p ∈ M , v ∈ Tp M with |v| = 1, and T < ∞ such that γ(t) = expp (tv) exists
for t < T but not for t = T .

Be (y)

But d(γ(s), γ(t)) ≤ |s − t|, so γ(t) is Cauchy as t approaches T . By com-

pleteness, γ(t) converges to a limit y ∈ M as t → T . Choose ε > 0 such
that the ball Bε (y) is convex in the sense of Proposition 10.3.2. Then for
s, t > T − ε we have γ(s) and γ(t) contained in this geodesically convex set,
and γ a geodesic joining them; therefore γ achieves the distance between γ(s)
and γ(t):
d(γ(s), γ(t)) = |t − s|, for t, s > T − ε.
Then we have by continuity of the distance function,

d(γ(t), y) = lim d(γ(t), γ(s)) = lim (s − t) = T − t = L[γ (t,T ) ].
s→T s→T

Therefore γ|(t,T ) is a minimising path, and must be a radial geodesic from y:

11.5 Completeness and the Hopf-Rinow Theorem 107

γ(t) = expy (w(T − t)).

But then γ can be extended beyond y by taking t > T in this formula. This
is a contradiction, so condition (2) must hold.
Next we prove (3) =⇒ (∗p ). Let p ∈ M be such that (3) holds, and
q ∈ M any other point. Choose ε > 0 such that expp is a diffeomorphism
on a set containing the closure of Bε (0). If q ∈ Bε (p) then we are done, so
assume not. Then Sε (p) = expp (Sε (0)) is the image of a compact set under a
continuous map, and so the function d(., q) attains its minimum on this set.
In other words, there exists r = expp (εv) such that d(r, q) = d(Sε (p), q) =
inf{d(r , q) : r ∈ Sε (p)}. Then we must have

d(p, q) = ε + d(r, q).

The inequality d(p, q) ≤ ε + d(r, q) follows by the triangle inequality since

d(p, r) = ε, and the other inequality follows because any path from p to q
must pass through Sε (p).
Define γ(t) = expp (tv).

p g
S (p)

Let A ⊂ [0, d(p, q)] be the set of t for which

d(p, q) = t + d(γ(t), q).

A is non-empty, as we have just shown; it is closed, by continuity of the

distance function and because γ can be extended indefinitely. We also have
that t ∈ A implies [0, t] ⊂ A: If s < t we have by the triangle inequality and
the fact that γ|[0,t] is a minimising path

d(p, q) = t + d(γ(t), q)
= s + (t − s) + d(γ(t), q)
≥ s + d(γ(s), q)
≥ d(p, q),
so equality must hold throughout, and s ∈ A.
Finally, we will prove that A is open in [0, d(p, q)]. This will imply A =
[0, d(p, q)], so in particular d(γ(d(p, q)), q) = 0, and γ(d(p, q)) = q.
Suppose T ∈ A, and write p = γ(T ). Choose δ > 0 such that expp is a
diffeomorphism on Bδ (0). If q ∈ Bδ (p ), then write q = expp (d(p , q)w), and
108 Lecture 11. Geodesics and completeness

γ(t), for t ≤ T ;
σ(t) =
expp ((t − T )w) for t ≥ T .
Then σ is a curve joining p to q, and by assumption

d(p, q) = T + d(p , q) = L[σ].

Therefore σ is a minimising curve, hence a geodesic, so σ(t) = expp (t) for all
t ∈ [0, d(p, q)] and we are done.
Otherwise, q ∈ / Bδ (p ), and we can choose r ∈ Sδ (p ) such that d(r , q) =

d(Bδ (p ), q). Then as before, we have

d(p , q) = δ + d(r , q),

and so by assumption

d(p, q) = d(p, p ) + d(p , q) = T + δ + d(r , q).

Let σ be the unit speed curve given by following γ from p to p , then following
the radial geodesic from p to r . Then L[σ] = d(p, p ) + δ. Therefore,

d(p, q) = L[σ] + d(r , q).

S (p')
g p'

It follows that L[σ] = d(p, r ), since if there were any shorter path σ  from
p to r , we would have

d(p, q) ≤ L[σ  ] + d(r , q) < L[σ  ] + d(r , q) = d(p, q)

which is a contradiction. Therefore σ is a geodesic, and σ(t) = γ(t); and

[0, T + δ] ⊂ A. Therefore A is open as claimed, and we have proved (∗p ).
Now we complete the proof by showing that (3) and (∗p) together
condition (1). For p satisfying (3) and (∗p ), let Mk = expp Bk (0) . This is
the image of a compact set under a continuous map, and so is compact. By
(∗p ) we have ∪∞
k=1 Mk = ∞.
Suppose {zi } is a Cauchy sequence in M . Then in particular {zi } is con-
tained in some Mk , and hence converges by the compactness of Mk .
This completes the proof of the Theorem. 
Lecture 12. Tensors

In this lecture we define tensors on a manifold, and the associated bundles,

and operations on tensors.

12.1 Basic definitions

We have already seen several examples of the idea we are about to introduce,
namely linear (or multilinear) operators acting on vectors on M .
For example, the metric is a bilinear operator which takes two vectors
to give a real number, i.e. gx : Tx M × Tx M → R for each x is defined by
u, v → gx (u, v).
The difference between two connections ∇(1) and ∇(2) is a bilinear op-
erator which takes two vectors and gives a vector, i.e. a bilinear operator
Sx : Tx M × Tx M → Tx M for each x ∈ M . Similarly, the torsion of a connec-
tion has this form.

Definition 12.1.1 A covector ω at x ∈ M is a linear map from Tx M to

R. The set of covectors at x forms an n-dimensional vector space, which we
denote Tx∗ M . A tensor of type (k, l) at x is a multilinear map which takes k
vectors and l covectors and gives a real number

Tx : Tx M × . . . × Tx M × Tx∗ M × . . . × Tx∗ M → R.
. /0 1 . /0 1
k times l times

Note that a covector is just a tensor of type (1, 0), and a vector is a tensor
of type (0, 1), since a vector v acts linearly on a covector ω by v(ω) := ω(v).
Multilinearity means that
 

T ci1 vi1 , . . . , cik vik , aj1 ω j1 , . . . , ajl ω jl 
i1 ik j1 jl .

i1 ik j1 jl
= c . . . c aj1 . . . ajl T (vi1 , . . . , vik , ω , . . . , ω )
i1 ,...,ik ,j1 ,...,jl
110 Lecture 12. Tensors

To elucidate this definition, let us work in a chart, so that we have a

basis of coordinate tangent vector fields ∂1 , . . . , ∂n at each point. Then we
can define a convenient basis for the cotangent space Tx∗ M by defining

dxi : Tx M → R

dxi (∂j ) = δji .
The notation here comes from the fact that dxi is the differential of the
smooth function xi , in other words

dxi (v) = v(xi ).

Similarly, for any f ∈ C ∞ (M ) we have a covector dx f ∈ Tx∗ M defined by

df (v) = v(f ).

12.2 Tensor products

Definition 12.2.1 Let T and S be two tensors at x of types (k, l) and (p, q)
respectively. Then the tensor product T ⊗ S is the tensor at x of type
(k + p, l + q) defined by

T ⊗ S(v1 , . . . , vk+p , ω1 , . . . , ωl+q ) = T (v1 , . . . , vk , ω1 , . . . , ωl )

× S(vk+1 , . . . , vk+p , ωl+1 , . . . , ωl+q )
for all vectors v1 , . . . , vk+p ∈ Tx M and all covectors ω1 , . . . , ωl+q ∈ Tx∗ M .

Proposition 12.2.2 The set of tensors of type (k, l) at x is a vector space

of dimension nk+l , with a basis given by

{dxi1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ dxik ⊗ ∂j1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ ∂jl : 1 ≤ i1 , . . . , ik , j1 , . . . , jl ≤ n.}

Proof. The vector space structure of the space of (k, l)-tensors is clear.
Note that a tensor T is completely determined by its action on the basis
vectors and covectors:
T (v1i ∂i , . . . , vkj ∂j , ωa1 dxa , . . . , ωbl dxb )
= v1i . . . vkj . . . ωa1 . . . ωbl T (∂i , . . . , ∂j , dxa , . . . , dxb ),
by multilinearity.
Then observe that this allows T to be written as a linear combination of
the proposed basis elements: Define

Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl = T (∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , dxj1 , . . . , dxjl )

12.2 Tensor products 111

for each i1 , . . . , ik , j1 , . . . , jl ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Then define T̂ by

T̂ = Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl dxi1 ⊗ . . . dxik ⊗ ∂j1 ⊗ . . . ∂jl .
i1 ,...,ik ,j1 ,...,jl =1

We claim that T̂ = T . To check this, we compute the result of acting with

T̂ on k elementary tangent vectors and l elementary covectors:

T̂ (∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , dxj1 , . . . , dxjl )

= Ta1 ...ak b1 dxa1 ⊗ . . . dxak⊗ ∂b1 ⊗ . . . ∂bl ∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , dxj1 , . . . , dxjl
a1 ,...,ak ,b1 ,...,bl =1
= Ta1 ...ak b1 dxa1 (∂i1 ) . . . dxak (∂ik )∂b1 (dxj1 ) . . . ∂bl (dxjl )
a1 ,...,ak ,b1 ,...,bl =1

= Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl

= T ∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , dxj1 , . . . , dxjl .
Therefore the proposed basis does generate the entire space.
It remains to show that the basis elements are linearly independent. Sup-
pose we have some linear combination of them which gives zero:

Ai1 ...ik j1 ...jl dxi1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ dxik ⊗ ∂j1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ ∂jl = 0.

Then in particular the value of this linear combination on any set of vectors
∂a1 , . . . , ∂ak and covectors dxb1 , . . . , dxjl must give zero. But this value is
exactly the coefficient:
Aa1 ...ak b1 = 0.
This establishes the linear independence, and show that we do indeed have a

For example, we can write the metric as

g = gij dxi ⊗ dxj ,

and the torsion T of a connection as

T = Tij k dxi ⊗ dxj ⊗ ∂k .

We denote the space of (k, l)-tensors at x by

2k 2l
Tx M ⊗ Tx∗ M.
112 Lecture 12. Tensors

12.3 Contractions

Let T be a tensor of type (k, l) at x, with k and l at least 1. Then T has

components Ti1 ,...,ik j1 ,...jl as before. Then there is a tensor of type (k−1, l−1)
which has components
Ti1 ...ik−1 a j1 ...jl−1 a .
This tensor is called a contraction of T (If k and l are large then there will be
many such contractions, depending on which indices we choose to sum over).
A special case is where T is a tensor of type (1, 1). This takes a vector
and gives another vector, and so is nothing other than a linear operator on
T M . There is a unique contraction in this case, which is just the trace of the
trA = Ai i .

12.4 Musical isomorphisms

If we have an inner product on T M , then there are natural isomorphisms

between tensors of types (k, l) and (m, n) whenever k + l = m + n. In particu-
lar, there is an isomorphism between the tangent space and the dual tangent
space, given by sending a vector v to the covector ω which acts on any vector
u to give the number u, v.
It is useful to have an explicit expression for this isomorphism in terms of
the standard bases for Tx M and Tx∗ M : A vector ∂i gets sent to the covector ωi
n acts on the vector ∂j to give the number g(∂i , ∂j ) = gij . Therefore ωi =
j i i j
j=1 gij dx . More generally, a vector v ∂i is sent to the covector v gij dx .
More generally, the isomorphism from (k, l) tensors to (k + l, 0)-tensors is
given as follows: A (k, l)-tensor T with coefficients Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl becomes the
(k + l, 0)-tensor T̃ with coefficients
T̃i1 ...ik ik+1 ...ik+l = Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl gj1 ik+1 . . . gjl ik+l .
Thus the metric acts to ‘lower’ an index by a tensor product followed by
a contraction. The inverse of this operation (‘rasing indices’) is given by
multiplying by the inverse matrix of the metric, (g −1 )ij , which defines a
tensor of type (0, 2). For convenience we will denote this by g ij , suppressing
the inversion. This is consistent with the fact that is we use the metric to
raise its own indices, then we get the tensor
g ij = gkl (g −1 )ik (g −1 )jl = (g −1 )ij .

Example 12.4.1 If T is a tensor of type (k, 1), then it takes k vectors and
gives another one, which we denote by T (v1 , . . . , vk ). The index-lowering map
12.6 Tensor bundles 113

should produce from this a map which takes (k + 1) vectors and gives a
number, which we denote by T (v1 , . . . , vk+1 ). Following the procedure above,
we see that this isomorphism is just given by

T (v1 , . . . , vk+1 ) = g(T (v1 , . . . , vk ), vk+1 ).

12.5 Tensor fields

A tensor field T of type (k, l) on M is a smooth choice of a tensor Tx of

type (k, l) at x for each x ∈ M . In particular a tensor field of type (0, 1) is
just a vector field, and a tensor field ω of type (1, 0) is given by a covector
ωx at each point. In this case smoothness is interpreted in the sense that for
every smooth vector field X on M , the function x → ωx (Xx ) is smooth. A
smooth tensor field of type (1, 0) is also called a 1-form. The space of 1-forms
is denoted Ω(M ).
More generally, smoothness of a tensor field T of type (k, l) is to be
interpreted in the sense that the function obtained by acting with T on k
smooth vector fields and l 1-forms is a smooth function on M .
Equivalently, a (k, l)-tensor field T is smooth if the component functions
Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl with respect to any chart are smooth functions.
It is straightforward to check that tensor products, contractions, and index
raising and powering operators go across from tensors to smooth tensor fields.

12.6 Tensor bundles

In analogy with the definition of the tangent bundle, we can define (k, l)-
tensor bundles:
2k 2l 3 2k 2l
TM ⊗ T ∗M = Tx M ⊗ Tx∗ M.

This is made into a manifold as follows: Given a chart ϕ for a region U of

M , we define a chart ϕ̃ for the region
3 2k 2l
Tx M ⊗ Tx∗ M

by taking for p ∈ U and T a (k, l)-tensor at p,

ϕ̃(p, T ) = (ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn , T1...1 1...1 , . . . , Tn...n n...n ) ∈ Rn+n .

If we have two such charts ϕ and η, the transition maps between them
are given by η ◦ ϕ−1 on the first n components, and by the map
114 Lecture 12. Tensors

Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl → Λai11 . . . Λaikk (Λ−1 )jb11 . . . (Λ−1 )jbll Ta1 ...ak b1

in the remaining components, where Λ = D(η ◦ ϕ−1 ) is the derivative matrix

of the transition map on M . In particular, these transition maps are smooth,
so the tensor bundle is a smooth manifold.
is common to denote
4l ∗ 
the space of smooth (k, l)-tensor fields on M by
Γ TM ⊗ T M , read as “sections of the (k, l)-tensor bundle”.

12.7 A test for tensoriality

Often the tensors which we work with will arise in the following way: We are
given an operator T which takes k vector fields and l 1-forms, and gives a
smooth function. Suppose that the operator is also multilinear (over R), so
that multiplying any of the vector fields or 1-forms by a constant just changes
the result by the same factor, and taking one of the vector fields or 1-forms
to be given by a sum of two such, gives the sum of the results applied to the
individual vector fields or 1-forms.

Proposition 12.7.1 The operator T is a tensor field on M if and only if it

is C ∞ -linear in each argument:

T (f1 X1 , . . . , fk Xk , g1 ω 1 , . . . , gl ω l ) = f1 . . . fk g1 . . . gl T (X1 , . . . Xk , ω 1 , . . . , ω l )

for any smooth functions f1 , . . . fk , g1 , . . . , gl , vector fields X1 , . . . , Xk , and

1-forms ω 1 , . . . , ω l .

We have already seen this principle in action, in our discussion of the

difference of two connections and of the torsion of a connection.

Proof. One direction is immediate: A (k, l)-tensor field is always C ∞ -linear

in each argument.
Conversely, suppose T : X (M )k × Ω(M )l → C ∞ (M ) is multilinear over

C (M ). Choose a chart ϕ in a neighbourhood of a point x ∈ M . Now
compute the action of T on vector fields X(j) = X(j) ∂i , j = 1, . . . , k, and
1-forms ω j) = ωi dxi , j = 1, . . . , l, evaluated at the point x:
T (X(1) , . . . , X(k) , ω (1) , . . . , ω (l) )
i1 ik (1) (l)  
= X(1) (x) . . . X(k) (x)ωj1 (x) . . . ωjl (x) T (∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , dxj1 , . . . , dxjl x
= Tx X(1) (x), . . . , X(k) (x), ω (1) (x), . . . , ω (l) (x)

where Tx is the (k, l)-tensor at x with coefficients given by

12.9 Differentiation of tensors 115

j1 ...jl  
(Tx )i1 ...ik = T (∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , dxj1 , . . . , dxjl ) x .

Example 12.7.2 The Lie bracket of two vector fields takes two vector fields
and gives another vector field. This is not a tensor, because

[f X, gY ] = f g[X, Y ] + f X(g)Y − gY (f )X = f g[X, Y ]

in general. Similarly, the connection ∇ takes two vector fields and gives a
vector field, but is not a tensor, because

∇X (f Y ) = f ∇X Y + X(f )Y = f ∇X Y

in general.

12.8 Metrics on tensor bundles

A Riemannian metric on M is given by an inner product on each tangent

space Tx M . This induces a natural inner product on each of the tensor spaces
at x. This is uniquely defined by the requirement that tensor products of basis
elements of T M are orthonormal, and that the metric by invariant under the
raising and lowering operators.
Explicitly, the inner product of two tensors S and T of type (k, l) at x is
given by

S, T  = g a1 b1 . . . g ak bk gi1 j1 . . . gil jl Sa1 ...ak i1 Tb1 ...bk j1 ...jl .

12.9 Differentiation of tensors

We can also extend the connection (defined to give derivatives of vector fields)
to give a connection on each tensor bundle – i.e. to allow the definition of
derivatives for any tensor field on M .
We want the following properties for the connection: ∇ should take a
tensor field T of type (k, l), and give a tensor field ∇T of type (k + 1, l), such
(1). The Leibniz rule holds for tensor products: If S and T are tensor fields
of type (k, l) and type (p, q) respectively, then

∇(S ⊗ T )(X0 , X1 , . . . , Xk+p , ω1 , . . . , ωl+q )

= ∇S(X0 , X1 , . . . , Xk , ω1 , . . . , ωl )T (Xk+1 , . . . , Xk+p , ωl+1 , . . . , ωl+q )
+ S(X1 , . . . , Xk , ω1 , . . . , ωl )∇T (X0 , Xk+1 , . . . , Xk+p , ωl+1 , . . . , ωl+q )
116 Lecture 12. Tensors

for any vector fields X0 , . . . , Xk+p and 1-forms ω1 , . . . , ωl+q .

(2). ∇ applied to a contraction of a tensor T is just the contraction of
∇T : More precisely, if T is the tensor with components Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl ,
and CT is the contracted tensor with components CTi1 ...ik−1 j1 ...jl−1 =
n j1 ...jl−1 i
i=1 Ti1 ...ik−1 i , then
C (∇T ) = ∇ (CT ) .
(3). If T is a tensor of type (0, 1) (i.e. a vector field) then ∇ is the same as
out previous definition:
∇T (X, ω) = (∇X T )(ω)
for any vector field X and 1-form ω.
(4). If f is a tensor of type (0, 0) (i.e. a smooth function) then ∇ is just the
usual derivative:
∇f (X) = X(f ).
Let us investigate what this means for the derivative of a 1-form: If X
is a vector field and ω a 1-form, then the contraction of X ⊗ ω is just the
function ω(X). By conditions 1, 2, and 4, we then have
∇v (ω(X)) = C ((∇v ω) ⊗ X + ω ⊗ ∇v X) .
Taking the special case X = ∂k and v = ∂i , we get ω(X) = ωk , where
ω = ωk dxk , and so
∂i ωk = (∇i ωk ) + Γik j ωj
where I used condition (3) to get ∇i ∂k = Γik j ∂j . This gives
∇i ωj = ∂i ωj − Γij k ωk .
We know already that the derivative of a vector field is given by
∇i X j = ∂i X j + Γik j X k .
Using these two rules and condition (1), and the fact that any tensor can
be expressed as a linear combination of tensor products of vector fields and
1-forms, we get for a tensor T of type (k, l),
∇i Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl = ∂i Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl
− Γii1 p Tpi2 ...ik j1 ...jl − . . . − Γiik p Ti1 ...ik−1 p j1 ...jl
+ Γip j1 Ti1 ...ik pj2 ...jl + . . . + Γip jl Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl−1 p .
In particular, we note that the compatibility of the connection with the
metric implies that the derivative of the connection is always zero:
∇i gjk = ∂i gjk − Γij p gpk − Γik p gjp = Γijk + Γikj − Γijk − Γikj = 0.
This implies in particular that the covarant derivative commutes with the
index-raising and lowering operators.
12.11 Computing derivatives of tensors 117

12.10 Parallel transport

As with the case of vector fields, the connection allows us to define derivatives
of tensors aloong curves, and parallel transport of tensors along curves (by
solving the first order linear ODE system corresponding to ∇t T = 0. As in
the case of vector fields, parallel transport preserves inner products between

12.11 Computing derivatives of tensors

Since the covariant derivative of a tensor is again a tensor, it is often conve-

nient to use the fact that it is determined by its components with respect to
any coordinate tangent basis. In particular, to compute the covariant deriva-
tive of a tensor at a point x, one can work in local coordinates in which the
connection coefficients Γij k vanish at the point x (for example, use exponen-
tial normal coordinates from x).
Then we have
∇i Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl x = ∂i Ti1 ...ik j1 ...jl (x).

One must take care, however, in computing second derivatives of tensors:

The expression obtained using geodesic coordinates at x is simple at the point
x itself, but not at neighbouring points; thus it cannot be used to get simple
expressions for second derivatives.
Lecture 13. Differential forms

In the last few lectures we have seen how a connection can be used to dif-
ferentiate tensors, and how the introduction of a Riemannian metric gives a
canonical choice of connection. Before exploring the properties of Rieman-
nian spaces more thoroughly, we will first look at a special class of tensors
for which there is a notion of differentiation that makes sense even without
a connection or a metric. These are called differential forms, and they play
an extremely important role in differential geometry.

13.1 Alternating tensors

We will first look a little more at the linear algebra of tensors at a point.
We will consider a natural subspace of the space of k-tensors, namely the
alternating tensors.

Definition 13.1.1 A k-tensor ω ∈ ⊗k Tx∗ M is alternating if it is antisym-

metric under interchange of any two of its arguments. Equivalently, for any
k vectors v1 , . . . , vk ∈ Tx M , and any permutation σ ∈ Sk ,

ω(vσ(1) , . . . , vσ(k) ) = sgnσω(v1 , . . . , vk ),

where sgnσ = 1 if σ is an even permutation, sgnσ = −1 is σ is an odd


The space of alternating k-tensors at x is denoted Λk T ∗ M . Note that

Λ Tx∗ M = Tx∗ M , so alternating 1-tensors are just covectors.

There is a natural projection A : ⊗k Tx∗ M → Λk Tx∗ M defined as follows:

AT (v1 , . . . , vk ) = sgnσT (vσ(1) , . . . , vσ(k) ).

Then T is alternating if and only if AT = T .

Example 13.1.1 The geometric meaning of this definition is probably not clear
at this stage. An illustrative example is the following: Choose an orthonormal
120 Lecture 13. Differential forms

basis {φ1 , . . . , φn } for Tx∗ M . Then we can define an alternating n-tensor A

by taking
A(v1 , . . . , vn ) = det[φi (vj )].
This is antisymmetric since the determinant is antisymmetric under inter-
change of any pair of columns. Geometrically, the result A(v1 , . . . , vn ) is the
(signed) n-dimensional volume of the parallellopiped generated by v1 , . . . , vn .

Given a basis {∂1 , . . . , ∂n } for Tx M , we can define a natural basis for

Λk Tx∗ M : For each k-tuple i1 , . . . , ik , we define
dxi1 ∧ dxi2 ∧ . . . dxik = k!A dxi1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ dxik .

Note that this is zero if the k-tuple is not distinct, and that if we change the
order of the k-tuple then the result merely changes sign (depending whether
the k-tuple is rearranged by an even or an odd permutation).
The factor k! is included in our definition for the following reason: If we
apply the alternating k-tensor dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik (where i1 , . . . , ik are distinct)
to the k vectors ∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik , the result is 1. If we apply it to the same k
vectors in a different order (say, rearranged by some permutation σ), then
the result is just the sign of σ. Any other k vectors yield zero.
These ‘elementary alternating k-tensors’ have a geometric interpretation
similar to that in Example 13.1.1: The value of dxI (v1 , . . . , vk ) is the determi-
nant of the matrix with (m, n) coefficient dxim (vn ), and this gives the signed
k-dimensional volume of the projection of the parallelopiped generated by
v1 , . . . , vk onto the subspace generated by ∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik . This relationship be-
tween alternating forms and volumes will be central in the next lecture when
we define integration of differential forms and prove Stokes’ theorem.

Proposition 13.1.1 
(1). dxi1 ∧. . .∧dxik = σ∈Sk sgnσ dxiσ(1)⊗. . .⊗dxiσ(k) = k!A(dxi1⊗. . .⊗dxik ).
(2). For each k, {dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik : 1 ≤ i1 < . . . < ik ≤ n} is a basis for
Λk Tx∗ M . In particular the space of alternating k-tensors at x has dimension
( nk ) = k!(n−k)!

Proof. (1) is immediate, since the value on any k-tuple of coordinate basis
vectors agrees. To prove (2), we note that by Proposition 12.2.2, any alter-
nating tensor can be written as a linear combination of the basis elements
dxi1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ dxik . Invariance under A shows that this is the same as a linear
combination of k-forms of the form A(dxi1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ dxik ), and these are all of
the form given. It remains to show the supposed basis is linearly independent,
but this is also immediate since if I = (i1 , . . . , ik ) then dxI (∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik ) = 1,
but dxJ (∂i1 , . . . , ∂ik ) = 0 for any increasing k-tuple J = I. 

It follows that any alternating k-tensor T can be written in the form

13.2 The wedge product 121

T = Ti1 ...ik dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
1≤i1 <...<ik ≤n

for some coefficients Ti1 ...ik . Some caution is required here, because T can
also be written in the form
T = Ti ...i dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
k! i ,...,i 1 k
1 k

where the coefficients are the same as above for increasing k-tuples, and to
be given from these by antisymmetry in other cases. Thus the coefficients in
this expression differ by a factor k! from those given in the expression after
Proposition 12.2.2.

13.2 The wedge product

The projection A immediately gives us a notion of product on alternating

tensors, which we have already implicity built into our notation for the basis
elements for Λk Tx∗ M :

Definition 13.2.1 Let S ∈ Λk Tx∗ M and T ∈ Λl Tx∗ M be alternating tensors.

Then the wedge product S ∧ T of S and T is the alternating k + l-tensor
given by
(k + l)!
S∧T = A(S ⊗ T ).

This may not seem the obvious definition, because of the factor on the
right. This is chosen to make our notation consistent with that in our def-
inition of the basis elements: Take an increasing k-tuple i1 , . . . , ik and an
increasing l-tuple j1 , . . . , jl , and assume for simplicity that ik < j1 . Then
we can form the alternating tensors dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik , dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl and
dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ∧ dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl , and we would like to know that the third
of these is the wedge product of the first two.

Proposition 13.2.1
The wedge product is characterized by the following properties:
(i). Associativity: f ∧ (g ∧ h) = (f ∧ g) ∧ h;
(ii). Homogeneity: (cf ) ∧ g = c(f ∧ g) = f ∧ (cg);
(iii). Distributivity: If f and g are in Λk Tx∗ M then

(f + g) ∧ h = (f ∧ h) + (g ∧ h);

(iv). Anticommutativity: If f ∈ Λk Tx∗ M and g ∈ Λl Tx∗ M , then

g ∧ f = (−1)kl f ∧ g;
122 Lecture 13. Differential forms

(v). In any chart,

(dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ) ∧ (dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl ) = dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ∧ dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl .

Proof. We start by proving (v). Choose a chart about x. Then

(dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ) ∧ (dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl )

(k + l)!  i1 
= A (dx ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ) ⊗ (dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl )
k!l!  
(k + l)! 
= A sgnσ sgnτ dxiσ(1)⊗. . .⊗dxiσ(k) ⊗dxjτ (1)⊗. . .⊗dxjτ (l)
σ∈Sk ,τ ∈Sl
= sgnσ sgnτ dxiσ(1) ∧ . . . ∧ dxiσ(k) ∧ dxjτ (1) ∧ . . . ∧ dxjτ (l)
σ∈Sk ,τ ∈Sl

= dx ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ∧ dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl .


The homogeneity and distributivity properties of the wedge product are im-
mediate from the definition. From this we can deduce the following expression
for the wedge product in local coordinates: For S = Si1 ...ik dxi1 ∧. . .∧dxik and
T = Tj1 ...jl dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl (summing over increasing k-tuples and l-tuples
S∧T = Si1 ...ik Tj1 ...jl dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ∧ dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl .
k!l! i
1 ,...,ik ,j1 ,...,jl

The associativity property can now be checked straightforwardly. Finally, we

derive the anticommutativity property (iv): If g = gi1 ...ik dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik and
f = fj1 ...jl dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl , then
g∧f = gi1 ...ik fj1 ...jl dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ∧ dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl
k!l! i
1 ,...,ik ,j1 ,...,jl

= gi ...i fj ...j dxj1 ∧ dxi1 ∧. . .∧dxik ∧ dxj2 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl
k!l!i ,...,i ,j ,...,j 1 k 1 l
1 k 1 l

= gi1 ...ik fj1 ...jl dxj1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxjl ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
k!l! i1 ,...,ik ,j1 ,...,jl

= (−1) f ∧ g.kl

13.4 The exterior derivative 123

13.3 Differential forms

Definition 13.3.1 A k-form ω on a differentiable manifold M is a smooth

section of the bundle of alternating k-tensors on M . Equivalently, ω associates
to each x ∈ M an alternating k-tensor ωx , in such a way that in any chart
for M , the coefficients ωi1 ...ik are smooth functions. The space of k-forms on
M is denoted Ω k (M ).

In particular, a 1-form is a covector field. We will also interpret a 0-form

as being a smooth function on M , so Ω 0 (M ) = C ∞ (M ).
By using the local definition in section 13.2, we can make sense of the
wedge product as an operator which takes a k-form and an l-form to a k +
l-form, which is associative, C ∞ -linear in each argument, distributive and

13.4 The exterior derivative

Now we will define a differential operator on differential k-forms.

Proposition 13.4.1 There exists a unique linear operator d : Ω k (M ) →

Ω k+1 (M ) such that
(i). If f ∈ Ω 0 (M ) = C ∞ (M ), then df agrees with the differential of f
(Definition 4.2.1);
(ii). If ω ∈ Ω k (M ) and η ∈ Ω l (M ), then

d(ω ∧ η) = (dω) ∧ η + (−1)k ω ∧ (dη);

(iii). d2 = 0.

Proof. Choose a chart ϕ : U → V with coordinate tangent vector fields

∂1 , . . . , ∂n .
We will first produce the operator d acting on differential forms on U ⊆ M .
On this region we have the smooth functions x1 , . . . , xn given by the compo-
nents of the map ϕ. The differentials of these are the one-forms dx1 , . . . , dxn ,
and in agreement with condition (iii) we assume that d(dxi ) = 0 for each i.
By induction and condition (ii), we deduce that d(dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ) = 0
for any k-tuple i1 , 
. . . , ik .
i1 ,...,ik fi1 ...ik dx ∧. . .∧dx . The linearity of d, together
1 i1 ik
Now let f = k!
with condition (ii) and condition (i), imply
df = ∂i fi ...i dxi0 ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik .
k! i ,i ,...,i 0 1 k
0 1 k
124 Lecture 13. Differential forms

One can easily check that this formula defines an operator which satisfies
the required conditions. In particular we can compute d2 to check that it
d2 ωi1 ...ik dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
= d ∂i ωi1 ...ik dxi ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
= ∂j ∂i ωi1 ...ik dxj ∧ dxi ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
1 ∂ 2 ωi1 ...ik ∂ 2 ωi1 ...ik
= − dxj ∧ dxi ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik
2 ∂xj ∂xi ∂xi ∂xj
= 0.
To extend this definition to all of M we need to check that it does not
depend on the choice of coordinate chart. Let η be any other chart, with
components y 1 , . . . , y n . On the common domain of η and ϕ, we have xi =
F i (y), where F = ϕ ◦ η −1 , and
∂F i j
dxi = dy .
∂y j
This implies that
∂F i1 ∂F ik j1
dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik = . . . dy ∧ . . . ∧ dy jk .
i1 ,...,ik ,j1 ,...,jk
∂y j1 ∂y jk

Now we can check that if we define the operator d in the y coordinates, then
d(dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik ) = 0:
 i1  ∂F ∂F ik j1
d dx ∧ . . . ∧ dx ik
= d ... dy ∧ . . . ∧ dy jk
∂y j1 ∂y jk

∂ 2 F im 5 ∂F ip j0
= jm ∂y j0 jp
dy ∧ . . . ∧ dy jk
∂y ∂y
I,J,j0 p =m
k 2
∂ F ∂ 2 F im
= − j0 jm
2 ∂y jm ∂y j0 ∂y ∂y
I,J,j0 m=1
 
5 ∂F ip
×  dy j0 ∧ . . . ∧ dy jk
∂y jp
p =m

It follows (by linearity and distributivity) that the differential operators de-
fined in the two charts agree. 

The differential operator may seem somewhat mysterious. The following

example may help:
13.5 Pull-back invariance 125

Example 13.4.1 (The exterior derivative on R3 ) The exterior derivative in

R3 captures the differential operators which are normally defined as part of
vector calculus: First, the differential operator of a 0-form (i.e. a function f )
is just the differential of the function, which we can identify with the gradient
vector field ∇f .
Next, consider d applied to a 1-form: For purposes of visualisation, we
can identify a 1-form with a vector field by duality: The 1-form ω = ω1 dx1 ∧
ω2 dx2 + ω3 dx3 is identified with the vector field (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 ). Applying d to
ω, we obtain
dω = d(ωi dxi )
= ∂j ωi dxj ∧ dxi
= (∂1 ω2 − ∂2 ω1 )dx1 ∧ dx2 + (∂2 ω3 − ∂3 dx2 )dx2 ∧ dx3
+ (∂3 ω1 − ∂1 ω3 )dx3 ∧ dx1 .
The result is a 2-form. We identify 2-forms with vector fields again, by sending
adx1 ∧ dx2 + bdx2 ∧ dx3 + cdx3 ∧ dx1 to the vector field (b, c, a). With this
identification, the exterior derivative on 1-forms is equivalent to the curl
operator on vector fields.
Finally, consider d applied to a 2-form (which we again associate to a
vector field V = (V1 , V2 , V3 )). We find
d V3 dx1 ∧ dx2 + V1 dx2 ∧ dx3 + V2 dx3 ∧ dx1
= ∂3 V3 + ∂1 V1 + ∂2 V2 )dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ dx3
= (divV ) dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ dx3 .
Thus the exterior derivative acting on 2-forms is equivalent to the divergence
operator acting on vector fields. The familiar identities from vector calculus
that the curl of a gradient is zero and that the divergence of a curl is zero
are therefore special cases of the identity d2 = 0.

13.5 Pull-back invariance

Now we will prove a remarkable result which really makes the theory of
differential forms work:

Proposition 13.5.1 Suppose M and N are differentiable manifolds, and

F : M → N is a smooth map. Then for any ω ∈ Ω k (N ) and η ∈ Ω l (N ),

F∗ (ω ∧ η) = F∗ (ω) ∧ F∗ η

d(F∗ ω) = F∗ (dω).
126 Lecture 13. Differential forms

Proof. The proof of the first statement is immediate from the definition. The
second statement is proved by an argument identical to that used to prove
that the definition of the exterior derivative does not depend on the chart in
Proposition 13.4.1, except that the map F may be a smooth map between
Euclidean spaces of different dimension. 

13.6 Differential forms and orientability

There is a useful relationship between orientability of a differentiable manifold

M n and the space of n-forms Ω n (M ):

Proposition 13.6.1 A differentiable manifold M is orientable if and only if

there exists an n-form ω ∈ Ω n (M ) which is nowhere vanishing on M .

Proof. Suppose there exists such an n-form ω. Let A be the set of charts
ϕ : U → V for M for which ω(∂1 , . . . , ∂n ) > 0. Then A is an atlas for M ,
since any chart for M is either in A or has its composition with a reflection
in A — in particular charts in A cover M . Furthermore A is an oriented
atlas: For any pair of charts ϕ and η in A with non-trivial common domain
of definition in M , we have
 j (ϕ)
∂i = Di η ◦ ϕ−1 i ∂j ,

and therefore by linearity and antisymmetry of ω,

ω(∂1 , . . . , ∂n(η) ) = det D(η ◦ ϕ−1 )ω(∂1 , . . . , ∂n(ϕ) ).

(η) (ϕ)

(η) (η) (ϕ) (ϕ)

By assumption, ω(∂1 , . . . , ∂n ) and ω(∂1 , . . . , ∂n ) are positive and non-
zero. It follows that det D(η ◦ ϕ−1 ) > 0.
Conversely, suppose M has an oriented atlas A = {ϕα : Uα → Vα }α∈A .
Let {ρβ }β∈J be a partition of unity subordinate to the cover {Uα : α ∈ I},
so that for each β ∈ J there exists α(β) ∈ I such that suppρβ ⊆ Uα(β) .
ω= ρβ dx1ϕα(β) ∧ . . . ∧ dxnϕα(β) .

Then ω is everywhere non-zero, since dx1ϕα(β ) ∧ . . . ∧ dxnϕα(β ) is a positive

1 1
multiple of dx1ϕα(β ) ∧ . . . ∧ dxnϕα(β ) for β1 = β2 . 
2 2

We can interpret this in a slightly different way: For each x ∈ M , let

Orx M be the set of equivalence classes of non-zero alternating n-tensors at
x, where ω ∼ η if ω is a positive multiple of η. Orx M has exactly two elements
for each x ∈ M . Then we take OrM = ∪x∈M Orx M , which is the orientation
bundle of M . On any chart ϕ : U → V for M , the restriction of this bundle
to U is diffeomorphic to U × Z2 , but this is not necessarily true globally.
13.7 Frobenius’ Theorem revisited 127

A slight modification of the proof of Proposition 13.6.1 gives the result

that M is orientable if and only if the orientation bundle of M is trivial (that
is, diffeomorphic to M × Z2 ).

13.7 Frobenius’ Theorem revisited

Differential forms allow an alternative formulation of the Theorem of Frobe-

nius that we proved in Lecture 7 (Proposition 7.3.5). In order to formulate
this, let D be a k-dimensional distribution on M . We relate this distribution
to differential forms by considering the subspace Ω0 (D) of Ω(M ) consisting
of differential forms which yield zero when applied to vectors in the distri-
bution D. This subspace is closed under C ∞ scalar multiplication and under
wedge products.

Proposition 13.7.1 The distribution D is integrable if and only if the sub-

space Ω0 (D) is closed under exterior differentiation.

Proof. First suppose D is integrable. Then locally we can choose charts ϕ :

U → V ⊆ Rk × Rn−k where the first k directions are tangent to D.
In such a chart, forms in Ω0l (D) have the form

ωi1 dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxil

where ωi1 = 0 whenever i1 , . . . , il ≤ k. This implies that ∂m ωi1 = 0 for
i1 , . . . , il ≤ k and arbitrary m. Applying the exterior derivative, we find

dω = ∂m ωi1 ...ik dxm ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik

which is clearly in Ω0l+1 (D).

Next suppose D is not integrable. Then by Frobenius’s theorem we can
find vector fields X and Y in X (D) such that [X, Y ] ∈/ X (D), say in particular
[X, Y ]x ∈/ Dx for some x ∈ M . Choose a 1-form ω ∈ Ω01 (D) such that
ωx ([X, Y ]x ) = 0 (How would you construct such a 1-form?)
Then we compute:

dω(X, Y ) = X i Y j (∂i ωj − ∂j ωi )
= X i ∂i (Y j ωj ) − Y j ∂j (X i ωi ) − X i (∂i Yj )ωj + Y j (∂j Xi )ωi
= Xω(Y ) − Y ω(X) − ω([X, Y ])
= 0 at x,

since ω(Y ) = 0 and ω(X) = 0 everywhere, and ω([X, Y ]) = 0 at x by

assumption. Therefore Ω0 (D) is not closed under exterior differentiation. 
128 Lecture 13. Differential forms

Exercise 13.7.1 The identity dω(X, Y ) = Xω(Y ) − Y ω(X) − ω([X, Y ]) for

the exterior derivative of a one-form generalises to an expression for exterior
derivatives of k-forms: If ω ∈ Ω k (M ), then

dω(X0 , . . . , Xk ) = (−1)i Xi ω(X0 , . . . , X̂i , . . . , Xk )

+ (−1)i+j ω([Xi , Xj ], X0 , . . . , X̂i , . . . , X̂j , . . . , Xk ).

Prove this identity.

Lecture 14. Stokes’ Theorem

In this section we will define what is meant by integration of differential forms

on manifolds, and prove Stokes’ theorem, which relates this to the exterior
differential operator.

14.1 Manifolds with boundary

In defining integration of differential forms, it will be convenient to introduce

a slightly more general notion of manifold, allowing for the possibility of a

Definition 14.1.1 A boundary chart ϕ : U → V for a topological space M

about a point x ∈ M is a continuous map from an open set U ⊆ M to a
(relatively) open subset V of Rn+ = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) : xn ≥ 0 with ϕ(x) ∈
Rn−1 × {0}.

Here the open subsets of Rn+ are the sets of the form W ∩ Rn+ where
W ⊆ Rn is open.

Definition 14.1.2 A smooth boundary atlas A for a topological space M

is a collection of maps ϕα : Uα → Vα each of which is either a chart or a
boundary chart for M , such that ∪Uα = M and such that ϕα ◦ ϕ−1 β is a
smooth map between open sets of Rn+ for each α and β.

Definition 14.1.3 A smooth manifold with boundary is a topological space

M equipped with an equivalence class of smooth boundary atlases, where
two boundary atlases are equivalent if their union is again a boundary atlas.

If M is a manifold with boundary, then the boundary ∂M of M is the

subset of M consisting of all those points x ∈ M for which there is a boundary
chart about x.

Proposition 14.1.1 If M is a smooth manifold with boundary of dimension

n, then ∂M is a smooth manifold of dimension n − 1, with atlas given by the
restriction to ∂M of all boundary charts for M .
130 Lecture 14. Stokes’ Theorem

Proof. Let ϕ : U → V and η : W → Z be boundary charts for M , and let

U0 = ϕ−1 (Rn ×{0}∩V ) and W0 = η −1 (Rn ×{0}∩Z). Assume that U0 ∩W0 is
non-empty. Then the associated charts for ∂M are ϕ0 = ϕ|U0 and η0 = η|W0 .
The transition map η0 ◦ ϕ−1
0 is given by the restriction of the smooth map
η ◦ ϕ−1 to Rn × {0}, and is therefore smooth. 

14.2 Induced orientation on the boundary

Suppose M n is an oriented manifold with boundary — that is, M is equipped

with a smooth boundary atlas A such that ϕα ◦ ϕ−1 β is an orientation-
preserving map for all α and β.

Proposition 14.2.1 ∂M is an orientable manifold of dimension n − 1.

Proof. Let A be an oriented boundary atlas for M . Then the correspond-

ing atlas for ∂M is automatically oriented: Any pair of overlapping oriented
boundary charts for M map Rlsn+ to Rn+ , and the derivative of a transition
map on the boundary must have the form
 D η0 ◦ ϕ−1 ∗
D η◦ϕ = 0
0 a

where a = D(η ◦ ϕ−1 )(en+1 ), en+1 ) > 0. Therefore η0 ◦ ϕ−1

0 is orientation-
preserving, and the atlas is oriented. 

Note that the orientation can be understood geometrically as follows: An

n-tuple of linearly independent vectors u1 , . . . , un tangent to ∂M is called
positively oriented if the (n + 1)-tuple u1 , . . . , un , ∂n+1 is oriented in M for
any boundary chart.
The orientation constructed on ∂M in the proof is called the induced
orientation on ∂M from the orientation on M (this is a matter of convention
— we could just as well have chosen the opposite orientation).
In the proof of the Proposition above we ignored the case n = 1 — the
boundary of a 1-dimensional manifold is a 0-dimensional manifold (i.e. a
collection of points). What does it mean to define an orientation on a zero-
dimensional manifold? Our original definition clearly makes no sense in that
case. However the equivalent definition in Proposition 13.6.1 does make sense:
We will say a 0-manifold N is oriented if it is equipped with a function (i.e.
a 0-form) from N to Z2 = {−1, 1} (this corresponds to the remarks after the
proof of Proposition 13.6.1: The orientation bundle in this case is just N ×Z2 .
In this case we also have to allow boundary charts for 1-manifolds which map
to (−∞, 0] as well as [0, ∞) (in higher dimensions we can always transform
charts into any half-plane via an orientation-preserving map to map into the
upper half-plane, but not if n = 1).
14.4 Integration of forms on oriented manifolds 131

14.3 More on partitions of unity

Now we want to extend our results on partitions of unity on manifolds to the

slightly more general setting of manifolds with boundary.

Proposition 14.3.1 Let M be a differentiable manifold with boundary. Then

there exists a partition of unity on M subordinate to any boundary atlas for

The proof of this result is identical to our result on existence of partitions

of unity on differentiable manifolds, except that we have to include functions
with support Brn (0) × [0, r). These can be constructed easily from the smooth
compactly supported functions we already know.

14.4 Integration of forms on oriented manifolds

Now we can give some further meaning to differential forms by defining what
is meant by integration of differential forms on oriented manifolds. A key
point to keep in mind here is that none of our definitions depend on us having
a metric on the manifold, so we do not in general have any notion of volume
of surface area or length. Nevertheless the structure of differential forms is
exactly what is required to produce a well-defined notion of integration.
Let M n be a compact, oriented differentiable manifold with boundary, 
and let ω ∈ Ω n (M ). Then we define the integral of ω over M , denoted M ω,
as follows: Let {ρα : α ∈ I} be a partition of unity subordinate to an
oriented boundary atlas for M , so that for each α there exists an oriented
chart (either a regular chart or a boundary chart) ϕα : Uα → Vα for M , such
that suppρα ⊂ Uα .
" "  
ω= (ϕ−1 1 n
α )∗ (ρα ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx . . . dx .
M α∈I Vα

To put this into words: We write ω as a sum α ρα ω of forms which are
supported in charts. Each of these can be integrated over the chart by inte-
grating the smooth function obtained by plugging in the coordinate tangent
vectors for that chart. Then we add the resulting numbers together to get
the integral of ω.
We need to check that this does not depend on the choice of partition
of unity. Suppose {φβ : β ∈ J } is any other partition of unity for M , with
corresponding oriented coordinate charts ηβ : Wβ → Zβ . Then we have
132 Lecture 14. Stokes’ Theorem

(ϕ−1 1
α )∗ (ρα ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx . . . dx

α Vα
= (ϕ−1 1 n
α )∗ (ρα φβ ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx . . . dx .
α,β ϕα (Uα ∩Wβ )

Fix α and β. Then by definition of the pull-back, we have for any form σ
(ϕα )∗ σ (e1 , . . . , en ) = (ηβ−1 )∗ σ (D(ηβ ◦ ϕ−1 −1
α )(e1 ), . . . , D(ηβ ◦ ϕα )(en )).

We apply the following useful Lemma:

Lemma 14.4.1 Let ω be an alternating n-tensor, and L a linear map. Then

ω(Le1 , . . . , Len ) = (det L)ω(e1 , . . . , en ).

Proof. We can assume that ω is non-zero. Consider the map from GL(n) to
R defined by
˜ : L → ω(Le1 , . . . , Len ) .
ω(e1 , . . . , en )
The denominator is non-zero by assumption.
The multilinearity and antisymmetry of ω imply det ˜ is linear in each row,
is unchanged by adding one row to another, and has the value 1 if L = I.
These are the axioms that define the determinant, so det ˜ = det. 

It follows that
(ϕα )∗ σ (e1 , . . . , en ) = det(D(ηβ ◦ ϕ−1
α )) (η β )∗ σ (e1 , . . . , en ).
We also know, since the charts are oriented, that the determinant on the
right-hand side is positive. The change of variables formula therefore gives
(ϕα )∗ (ρα φβ ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx1 . . . dxn
ϕα (Uα ∩Wβ )
= | det(D(ηβ ◦ ϕ−1 1
α ))| (ηβ )∗ σ (e1 , . . . , en ) dx . . . dx
ϕα (Uα ∩Wβ )
= (ηβ−1 )∗ σ (e1 , . . . , en ) dx1 . . . dxn .
ηβ (Uα ∩Wβ )

(ϕ−1 1
α )∗ (ρα ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx . . . dx

α Vα
= (ηβ−1 )∗ (φβ ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx1 . . . dxn ,
β Zβ

so the integral of ω is well-defined.

14.5 Stokes’ theorem 133

14.5 Stokes’ theorem

Now we are in a position to prove the fundamental result concerning integra-

tion of forms on manifolds, namely Stokes’ theorem. This will also give us a
geometric interpretation of the exterior derivative.

Proposition 14.5.1 Let M n be a compact differentiable manifold with

boundary, and let ω ∈ Ω n−1 (M ). Then
" "
dω = ω
M ∂M

where the integral on the right-hand side is taken using the induced orientation
on ∂Ω, integrating the restriction of ω to ∂M (i.e. the pull-back of ω by the
inclusion map).

In particular, if M is a compact manifold without boundary, then the

integral of the exterior derivative of any (n − 1)-form is zero.

Proof. Let {ρα } be a partition of unity on M , with each ρα supported in a

chart ϕα : Uα → Vα . We can write
" "
dω = d(ρα ω)
M α M
= ((ϕ−1 1
α )∗ (d(ρα ω)))(e1 , . . . , en )dx . . . dx

α Vα
= d (ϕ−1 1 n
α )∗ (ρα ω) (e1 , . . . , en ) dx . . . dx .
α Vα

For each α there are two possibilities: The chart ϕα is either a regular chart
or a boundary chart.
In the first case, Vα is an open set in Rn . Write ω in components in the
chart ϕα :
ω= ˆ j ∧ . . . ∧ dxn .
ωj dx1 ∧ dx

Then the integrand in the corresponding integral becomes

∂(ρα ωj )

Applying Fubini’s theorem and the fundamental theorem of calculus, and

noting that ρα = 0 on the boundary of our domain, we find that the resulting
integral is zero.
In the second case the value of the corresponding integral is
134 Lecture 14. Stokes’ Theorem

n "
" " 0
∂(ρα ωj ) 1 ∂(ρα ωn ) n 1
dx . . . dxn = dx dx . . . dxn−1
j=1 Vα ∂xj Rn−1 ×{0} −∞ ∂xn
= ρα ωn dx1 . . . dxn−1
Rn−1 ×{0}
= ρα ω.

Note that verifying the last line here involves checking

 that the orientation
on ∂M is correct. Summing over α and noting that α ρα = 1, we obtain
the result. 

Turning the result of Stokes’ theorem around, we can interpret the exterior
derivative in the following way: Let ω be a k-form in a manifold M . Fix
linearly independent vectors v1 , . . . , vk+1 in Tx M , and choose any chart ϕ
about x. Write vj = vjl ∂l in this chart. For r small we can define smooth
maps xr from the k-dimensional sphere S k into M , by
xr (z i ei ) = ϕ−1 (ϕ(x) + rz i vik ek ).
Using Stokes’ theorem, we can deduce
dω(v1 , . . . , vk+1 ) = lim (xr )∗ ω
r→0 r k+1 |B k+1 | Sk

where |B k+1 | is the volume of the unit ball in Rk+1 . In this sense the exterior
derivative measures the ‘boundary integral per unit volume’ of a form (where
‘volume’ is measured in comparison to that of the parallelepiped generated
by v1 , . . . , vk+1 , not using any notion of measure or metric on the manifold).
This is easy to understand in the case of a 0-form (i.e. a function). Then
the ‘boundary integral’ becomes ‘difference in values at the endpoints’, while
‘per unit volume’ means ‘per unit time along a curve with velocity v1 ’. So this
just recaptures the usual notion of the directional derivative of a function in
terms of difference quotients.

Example 14.5.2 (The case of 1-manifolds)

Let f be a 0-form on a compact 1-manifold M . Note that M is a union of
circles {Si1 } and closed intervals Ii with endpoints x+ i
i and x− . An orientation
on M amounts to choosing a direction (‘left’ or ‘right’) on each component
of M , and the induced orientation on ∂M (i.e. the endpoints x± i ) is given by
assigning an endpoint the value 1 if the orientation direction of M points out
of M there, −1 if it points inwards. Each of the closed interval components Ii
of M therefore has one endpoint with orientation +1 (say x+ i ) and the other
with orientation −1. Stokes’ theorem becomes

df = i ) − f (xi ).
f (x+
M i
14.5 Stokes’ theorem 135

Example 14.5.3 (Regions in R2 )

Let V be a vector field on an bounded open set U in R2 with smooth
boundary curves. We can write V = V i ei . There is a corresponding 1-form
ω defined by
ω(v) = V, v
for all vectors v. Explicitly, this means ω = ωi dxi where ωi = ω(ei ) =
V, ei  = V i . The exterior derivative is then
∂V i j ∂V 2 ∂V 1
dω = dx ∧ dxi
= ( − )dx1 ∧ dx2 ,
∂xj ∂x1 ∂x2
which we recognize as the curl of the vector field V times dx1 ∧ dx2 . The
integral of dω over U is then
" "
dω = curlV dx1 dx2

and the integral of ω around the boundary is

" "
ω= V, T 
∂U ∂U

where T is the unit tangent vector to ∂U , taken to run anticlockwise on those

parts of the boundary that lie on the ‘outside’ of U , and clockwise on parts
that are ‘inside’ U . Stokes’ theorem tells us that these two are equal. This
recaptures the classical Stokes’ theorem in the plane.

Example 14.5.4 (Vector fields in space).

The same argument as above applies if V is a vector field in R3 and M
is a two-dimensional submanifold with boundary: There is a corresponding
1-form ω defined as above, and this can be restricted (i.e. pulled back by the
inclusion map) to M . The exterior derivative of the resulting form is the curl
of V in the normal direction to M , times the volume form on M . So applying
out general Stokes’ theorem in this case gives that the flux of the curl of the
vectgor field V through the surface M is equal to the circulation of V around
the boundary of M , which is the classical Stokes’ theorem.
There is another way to associate the vector field V with a form: If V =
V i ei is a vector field, then we can take ω to be a 2-form defined by

ωij = εijk V k

where ε is the alternating tensor, defined by

 1 if (i, j, k) is an even permutation of (1, 2, 3),
εijk = −1 if (i, j, k) is an odd permutation of (1, 2, 3),

0 otherwise.
Explicitly this gives
136 Lecture 14. Stokes’ Theorem

ω = V 3 dx1 ∧ dx2 − V 2 dx1 ∧ dx3 + V 1 dx2 ∧ dx3 .

Taking the exterior derivative gives

∂V i
dω = dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ dx3 .

This is just the divergence of the vector field V times the volume form.
Stokes’ theorem then says that the integral of dω over a region U (i.e. the
integral of the divergence of V over U ) is equal to the integral of the 2-form
ω over ∂U . The latter is equal to the integral of V, n over ∂U , where n
is the outward-pointing unit normal vector. This is just the classical Gauss
theorem (or divergence theorem).
Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

In this lecture we will show how differential forms can be used to define topo-
logical invariants of manifolds. This is closely related to other constructions
in algebraic topology such as simplicial homology and cohomology, singular
homology and cohomology, and Čech cohomology.

15.1 Cocycles and coboundaries

Let us first note some applications of Stokes’ theorem: Let ω be a k-form on

a differentiable manifold M . For any oriented k-dimensional compact sub-
manifold Σ of M , this gives us a real number by integration:
ω : Σ → ω.

(Here we really mean the integral over Σ of the form obtained by pulling
back ω under the inclusion map).
Now suppose we have two such submanifolds, Σ0 and Σ1 , which are
(smoothly) homotopic. That is, we have a smooth map F : Σ × [0, 1] → M
with F |Σ×{i} an immersion describing Σi for i = 0, 1. Then d(F∗ ω) is a
(k + 1)-form on the (k + 1)-dimensional oriented manifold with boundary
Σ × [0, 1], and Stokes’ theorem gives
" " "
d(F∗ ω) = ω− ω.
Σ×[0,1] Σ1 Σ1

In particular,
 if dω = 0, then d(F∗ ω) = F∗ (dω) = 0, and we deduce that
ω = Σ0
This says that k-forms with exterior derivative zero give a well-defined
functional on homotopy classes of compact oriented k-dimensional submani-
folds of M .
We know some examples of k-forms with exterior derivative zero, namely
those of the form ω = dη for some (k − 1)-form η. But Stokes’ theorem then
gives that Σ ω = Σ dη = 0, so in these cases the functional we defined on
homotopy classes of submanifolds is trivial.
138 Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

This leads us to consider the space of ‘non-trivial’ functionals on homotopy

classes of submanifolds: Each of these is defined by a k-form ω with exterior
derivative zero, but is unchanged if we add the exterior derivative of an
arbitrary (k − 1)-form to ω.
We call a k-form with exterior derivative zero a k-cocycle, and a k-form
which is an exterior derivative of a form is called a k-coboundary. The space
of k-cocycles on M is a vector space, denoted Z k (M ), and the space of k-
coboundaries is then dΩ k−1 (M ), which is contained in Z k (M ).

15.2 Cohomology groups and Betti numbers

We define the k-th de Rham cohomology group of M , denoted H k (M ), to be

Z k (M )
H k (M ) = .
dΩ k−1 (M )

Thus an element of H k (M ) is defined by any k-cocycle ω, but is unchanged

by changing ω to ω + dη for any (k − 1)-form η, which agrees with the
notion we produced before of a ‘nontrivial’ functional on homotopy classes of
An element of H k (M ) is called a cohomology class, and the cohomology
class containing a k-cocycle ω is denoted [ω]. Thus

[ω] = {ω + dη : η ∈ Ω k−1 (M )}.

Since the exterior derivative and Stokes’ theorem do not depend in any
way on the presence of a Riemannian metric on M , the cohomology groups
of M depend only on the differentiable structure on M . It turns out that
they in fact depend only on the topological structure of M , and not on
the differentiable structure at all — any two homeomorphic manifolds have
the same cohomology groups5 . The groups H k (M ) are therefore topological
invariants, which can be used to distinguish manifolds from each other: If two
manifolds have different cohomology groups, they cannot be homeomorphic
(let alone diffeomorphic).
The k-the cohomology group H k (M ) is a real vector space. The dimension
of this vector space is called the kth Betti number of M , and denoted bk (M ).

The de Rham theorem states that the de Rham cohomology groups are isomorphic
to the singular or Čech cohomology groups with real coefficients, and these are
defined in purely topological terms. It is also a consequence of this theorem that
the cohomology groups are finite dimensional.
15.4 The group H 1 (M ) 139

15.3 The group H 0 (M )

The group H 0 (M ) is relatively easy to understand: The space Z 0 (M ) is just

the space of functions on M with derivative zero, which is the space of locally
constant functions. We interpret Ω −1 as the trivial vector space. Therefore
H 0 (M )
Z 0 (M ) = RN where N is the number of connected components of
M . Thefore b0 (M ) is equal to the number of connected components of M .

15.4 The group H 1 (M )

The group H 1 (M ) is closely related to the fundamental group π1 (M ). We

will examine some aspects of this relationship:

Proposition 15.4.1 Suppose M is connected. If ω ∈ Z 1 (M ) and [ω] = 0 in

H 1 (M ), then there exists a smooth curve γ : S 1 → M such that
ω(γ) := γ ∗ ω = 0.

Proof. We will prove that if ω(γ) = 0 for every smooth map γ : S 1 → M ,

then [ω] = 0 in H 1 (M ).
On each connected component of M choose a ‘base point’ x0 . We define a
function f ∈ C ∞ (M )
Ω 0 (M ) by setting f (x0 ) = 0 and extending to other
points of M according to "
f (x) = γ∗ω

for any γ : [0, 1] → M with γ(0) = x0 and γ(1) = x. This is well-defined,

since if γ1 and γ2 are two such curves, then the curve γ1 #(−γ2 ) obtained
by concatenating γ1 and −γ2 (i.e. γ2 with orientation reversed) gives a map
from S 1 to M , so by assumption
" " "
∗ ∗
0= (γ1 #(−γ2 )) ω = γ1 ω − γ2∗ ω,
S1 S1 S1

and so the value of f (x) is independent of the choice of γ. Finally, df = ω,

since in a chart ϕ about x,
d 1+t ∗
df (∂i ) = ∂i f = γ ω = ω(∂i )
dt 0
where γ(1 + t) = ϕ−1 (ϕ(x) + tei ).
This shows that ω = df , so that [ω] = 0 in H 1 (M ). 
140 Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

Corollary 15.4.2 If M has finite fundamental group then H 1 (M ) = 0. In

particular if M is simply connected, then H 1 (M ) = 0.

Proof. Let ω ∈ Ω 1 (M ) with dω = 0. Then for any closed loop γ : S 1 → M , we

have [γ]n = 0 in π 1 (M ) for some integer n. Therefore we have a homotopy
F : S 1 × [0, 1] → M from γ#γ . . . #γ to the constant loop c, and Stokes’
theorem gives
" " "
0= F ∗ dω = (γ# . . . #γ)∗ ω − c∗ ω = nω(γ).
S 1 ×[0,1] S1 S1

Since this is true for all closed loops γ, Proposition 15.4.1 applies to show
[ω] = 0 in H 1 (M ), and so H 1 (M ) = 0. 

The same argument tells us something more: In fact H 1 (M ) is a subspace

of the dual space of the vector space G ⊗ R, where G is the abelianisation of
π1 (M ), which is the abelian group given by taking π1 (M ) and imposing the
extra relations aba−1 b−1 = 1 for all elements a and b. In particular, b1 (M )
is no greater than the smallest number of generators of π1 (M ). In fact it
turns out (at least for compact manifolds) that H 1 (M ) is isomorphic to the
torsion-free part of the abelianisation of π1 (M ), as described above. We will
not prove this here.

15.5 Homotopy invariance

In this section we will prove a remarkable topological invariance property

of cohomology groups: They do not change when the space is continuously
More precisely, suppose M and N are two manifolds, and F is a smooth
map from M to N . Then the pullback of forms induces a homomorphism of
cohomology groups: If ω ∈ Ω k (N ) is a cocycle, then so is F ∗ ω ∈ Ω k (M ),
since d(F ∗ ω) = F ∗ (dω). Also, is ω = dη then F ∗ ω = F ∗ dη = d(F ∗ η), so this
map is well-defined on cohomology.

Proposition 15.5.1 Let F : M × [0, 1] → N be a smooth map, and set

ft (x) = F (x, t) for each t ∈ [0, 1]. Then ft∗ is independent of t.

Proof. Let ω ∈ Ω k (N ) be a cocycle. Then we can write

F ∗ ω = ω0 + dt ∧ ω1
where ω0 ∈ Ω k (M ) and ω1 ∈ Ω k−1 (M ) for each t. Then ft∗ ω = ω0 for each
t. Since F ∗ ω is a cocycle, we have
0 = dF ∗ ω = dt ∧ − dM ω 1 + . . .
15.6 The Poincaré Lemma 141

and therefore
" 1 " 1 " 1
f1∗ ω − f0∗ ω = ω0 (1) − ω0 (0) = dt = dM ω1 dt = dM ω1 dt.
0 ∂t 0 0

Therefore f1∗ ω and f0∗ ω represent the same cohomology class. 

Corollary 15.5.2 If the smooth map f : M → N is a homotopy equivalence

(that is, there exists a continuous map g : N → M such that f ◦ g and g ◦ f
are both homotopic to the identity) then f ∗ is an isomorphism.

15.6 The Poincaré Lemma

We will compute the cohomology groups for a simple example: A subset B

in Rn is star-shaped (with respect to the origin) if for every point y ∈ B, the
interval {ty : t ∈ [0, 1]} is in B.

Proposition 15.6.1 (The Poincaré Lemma). Let B be a star-shaped open

set in Rn . Then H k (B) = {0} for k = 1, . . . , n.

Proof. We need to show that for k > 0 every k-cocycle is a k-coboundary.

In other words, given a k-form ω on B with dω = 0, we need to find a
(k − 1)-form η such that ω = dη. We will do this with k replaced by k + 1.
Write ω = ωi0 ...ik dxi0 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik . For y ∈ B write y = y j ej and define
" 1
ηi1 ...ik = y j tk (ωty )ji1 ...ik dt.

This defines a k-form η on B. We compute the exterior derivative of η at y:

(dη)i1 ...ik = (−1)p ∂ip ηi0 ...iˆp ...ik

k " 1
= (−1)p tk (ωty )ip i0 ...iˆp ...ik dt
p=0 0

k " 1
+ (−1)p y j tk+1 ((∂ip ω)ty )ji0 ...iˆp ...ik dt.
p=0 0

We rewrite the last term using the fact that dω = 0: This means
0 = (dω)ji0 ...ik

= ∂j ωi0 ...ik − (−1)p ∂ip ωji0 ...iˆp ...ik .
142 Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

This gives (by the antisymmetry of the components of ω)

" 1
(dη)i1 ...ik = (k + 1) tk (ωty )i0 ...ik dt
" 1
+ yj tk+1 ((∂j ω)ty )i0 ...ik dt
" 1
= (k + 1) tk (ωty )i0 ...ik dt
" 1

+ tk+1 (ωty )i0 ...ik dt
0 ∂t
= (ωy )i0 ...ik

by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Thus dη = ω, and H k+1 (B) = {0}.

Remark. Now that we have seen the explicit proof of the Poincaré Lemma,
I remark that there is a very simple proof using the homotopy invariance
result of Proposition 15.4.1: First, the cohomology of R0 is trivial to compute.
Second, there is a smooth homotopy equivalence f : B → R0 = {0} defined
by f (x) = 0: If we take g : R0 → B to be given by g(0) = 0, then we
have f ◦ g equal to the identity on R0 , and g ◦ f (x) = 0 on B. The latter is
homotopic to the identity under the homotopy F : B × [0, 1] → B given by
F (x, t) = (1 − t)x. Corollary 15.5.2 applies.

15.7 Chain complexes and exact sequences

In this section we will discuss some algebraic aspects of cohomology.

The algebraic situation we are dealing with is the following: We have a
complex Ω ∗ consisting of a sequence of real vector spaces Ω k , together with
linear operators d : Ω k → Ω k+1 satisfying d2 = 0. In any such situation we
can define the cohomology groups of the complex as H k (Ω) = kerdk /imdk−1 .
We will call such a complex a co-chain complex, the elements of the complex
as co-chains, co-chains in the kernel of d as cocycles, and those in the image
of d as coboundaries.
Suppose we have two chain complexes A∗ and B ∗ . A chain map f from
A to B ∗ is given by a sequence of linear maps f k from Ak to B k such that

df k = f k+1 d for any k.

A chain map induces a homomorphism of cohomology groups: If ω ∈ Ak
with dω = 0, then f k ω ∈ B k with df k ω = 0. If we take another representative
of the same cohomology class, say η = ω + dµ, then f k η = f k ω + df k−1 µ
is in the same cohomology class as f k ω. Therefore we have a well-defined
homomorphism of cohomology groups, which we also denote by f .
15.7 Chain complexes and exact sequences 143

Of particular interest here is the situation where we have three chain

complexes, say A∗ , B ∗ and C ∗ , with chain maps f : A∗ → B ∗ and g : B ∗ →
C ∗ forming a short exact sequence — that is, for each k, f k is injective, g k is
surjective, and the kernel of the map g k coincides with the image of the map
f k.
It follows that we have a sequence of maps f from H k (A) to H k (B) and
g from H k (B) to H k (C), and that the kernel of g coincides with the image of
f . Let us consider those cohomology classes in H k (C) which are in the image
of g. If ω is a C-cocycle, then we know that ω = gη for some cochain η in
B k , by the assumption of surjectivity of g. However, we cannot deduce that
η is a cocycle. However we can deduce that gdη = df η = dω = 0, and since
the kernel of g coincides with the image of f it follows that dη = f µ for some
cochain µ ∈ Ak+1 . Then we have f dµ = df µ = ddη = 0, and the injectivity
of f implies dµ = 0. Therefore µ represents a cohomology class in H k+1 (A).
In the case where ω is the image of a cocycle in B under g, we have dη = 0
and hence µ = 0. Conversely, if [µ] = 0 then µ = dσ, hence d(η − f σ) = 0,
and ω = g(η − f σ), so [ω] = g[η − f σ] is in the image of g.
This suggests that we have a homomorphism from H k (C) to H k+1 (A)
with kernel coinciding with the image of g. To verify this we need to show
that the cohomology class of µ does not depend on our choice of η or on our
choice of representative of the cohomology class of ω.
Independence of the choice of η is easy to check: η can be replaced by
η + f σ for arbitrary σ ∈ Ak . Therefore dη is replaced by dη + df σ = dη + f dσ,
and µ is placed by µ + dσ which is in the same cohomology class as µ.
Independence of the choice of representative in the cohomology class of ω
also follows easily: If we replace ω by ω + dα, then η is replaced by η + dβ,
and dη is unchanged, so µ is unchanged.
The homomorphism we have constructed is called the connecting homo-
morphism. Finally, we note that the image of the connecting homomorphism
coincides with the kernel of f : If µ arises from some cohomology class ω,
then we have by construction f µ = dη, so [f µ] = 0 in H k+1 (B). Conversely,
if [f µ] = 0, then f µ = dη for some η, and then µ is given by applying the
connecting homomorphism to [gη] (note that dgη = gdη = gf µ = 0, so gη
does represent a cohomology class).
We have therefore produced from the short exact sequence of chain com-
plexes a long exact sequence of cohomology groups:

. . . → H k (A) → H k (B) → H k (C) → H k+1 (A) → . . .

In the next few sections we will see some example of these long exact
sequences in cohomology and their applications.
144 Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

15.8 The Meyer-Vietoris sequence

Next we want to discuss a way to compute the cohomology of complicated

manifolds by cutting them up into simpler pieces. Suppose M is a manifold
which is the union of two open subsets U and V , and suppose that we know
the cohomology groups of U , V and the intersection U ∩ V . We want to
relate the cohomology groups of M to these. We will do this by constructing
an exact sequence relating the cohomology groups of M , U , V and U ∩ V .
Let ω be a k-cochain on M . Then the restriction of ω to U and to V are
also k-cochains. This defines a chain map i from Ω k (M ) to Ω k (U ) ⊕ Ω k (V ),
given by
i(ω) = (ω|U , ω|V ).
Similarly, if α and β are k-cochains on U and V respectively, then we
can consider their restrictions to the intersection U ∩ V , and these are again
k-cocycles. We consider the map j from Ω k (U ) ⊕ Ω k (V ) → Ω k (U ∩ V ) given
(α, β) → α|U ∩V − β|U ∩V .
This is again a chain map.
These two chain maps define a short exact sequence: The map i is injec-
tive, j is surjective, and the image of i coincides with the kernel of j.
By the argument of the previous section, this short exact sequence of
cochain complexes gives rise to a long exact sequence of cohomology groups.
This long exact sequence of cohomology groups is called the Meyer-Vietoris
sequence for de Rham cohomology:
i j η i
H 0 (M ) → H 0 (U ) ⊕ H 0 (V ) → H 0 (U ∩ V ) → H 1 (M ) → . . .
i j η i
. . . H k (M ) → H k (U ) ⊕ H k (V ) → H k (U ∩ V ) → H k+1 (M ) → . . .

15.9 Compactly supported cohomology

The algebraic discussions of section 15.7 allow us to extend our notion of

cohomology to more general situations where we have chain complexes. Here
we introduce the notion of compactly supported cohomology:
Let M be a smooth manifold. Then we denote by Ωck (M ) the space of
differential k-forms on M with compact support. This is a subspace of Ω k (M )
which is closed under exterior differentiation, and hence forms a cochain
complex. The cohomology of this complex is called the compactly supported
cohomology of M , and denoted Hck (M ).
Next we will give another useful example of a long exact sequence relating
compactly supported cohomology to the usual cohomology.
Suppose M is a smooth manifold, and Σ is a submanifold within M . Then
we have a natural chain map from H ∗ (M ) to H ∗ (Σ) given by pulling back
15.9 Compactly supported cohomology 145

forms via the inclusion map i. This map is surjective. The kernel consists
of those forms ω on M which have i∗ ω = 0. This is again a chain complex,
since i∗ (dω) = di∗ ω = 0 if i∗ ω = 0. This gives us a short exact sequence
relating the cohomologies of M , Σ, and the chain complex Ω0k (M, Σ) = {ω ∈
Ω ∗ (M ) : i∗ ω = 0}.
We will now show that the cohomology of the latter is isomorphic to the
compactly supported cohomology of M \Σ.
To see this, we note that Ωck (M \Σ) ⊂ Ω0k (M, Σ). We denote by C k the
quotient space Ω0k (M, Σ)/Ωck (M \Σ). We define an operator d : C k → C k+1
by d[ω] = [dω]. If η ∈ Ωck (M \Σ), then d(ω+η) = dω+dη ∈ dω+Ωck+1 (M \Σ),
so this operator is well defined and satisfies d2 = 0. Therefore the complex C
is a cochain complex, and we have a short exact sequence of chain complexes

0 → Ωc∗ (M \Σ) → Ω0∗ (M, Σ) → C → 0.

This induces a long exact sequence in cohomology:

. . . → Hck (M \Σ) → H0k (M, Σ) → H k (C) → Hck+1 (M \Σ) . . .

We will prove that H k (C) = 0 for all k, and the long exact sequence above
then implies that Hck (M \Σ)
H0k (M, Σ).
Suppose ω ∈ Ω0k (M, Σ) satisfies d[ω] = 0, that is,

dω = η

for some η ∈ Ωck+1 (M \Σ). We want to show that [ω] = d[σ] for some [σ] ∈
C k−1 , which means we want to show that ω − dσ ∈ Ωck (M \Σ).
Since Σ is a smooth compact submanifold, the nearest-point projection
p (defined using any Riemannian metric on M ) is a smooth map from a
neighbourhood T of Σ in M to Σ, and is homotopic to the identity map on
T . We can assume that du = 0 on T since du ∈ Ωck+1 (M \Σ). Therefore by
the homotopy invariance we have

ω − p∗ ω = dv

for some v ∈ Ω0k−1 (T, Σ). But we also have p = i ◦ p and so p∗ ω = p∗ i∗ ω = 0

since ω ∈ Ω0k (M, Σ), and we have ω = dv. Now let ϕ be a smooth function
on M which is identically 1 in a neighbourhood of Σ, but identically zero in a
neighbourhood of M \T . Then ϕv ∈ Ω0k−1 (M, Σ), and ω−d(ϕv) ∈ Ωck (M \Σ).
Therefore [ω] − d[ϕv] = [ω − d(ϕv)] = 0 in C k , and H k (C) = 0 as claimed.
Therefore we have a long exact sequence in cohomology:

. . . Hck (M \Σ) → H k (M ) → H k (Σ) → Hck+1 (M \Σ) → . . .

146 Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

15.10 Cohomology of spheres

We will use the Meyer-Vietoris sequence to deduce the cohomology groups of

the spheres S n for any n. We start with the circle S 1 : We can think of this as
a union of two intervals U and V , such that U ∩ V is a union of two disjoint
Now we can apply the Meyer-Vietoris sequence to compute the cohomol-
ogy of S 1 = U ∪ V : The sequence becomes

0 → R → R2 → R2 → H 1 (S 1 ) → 0

which implies that H 1 (S 1 ) = R (this could be computed directly by seeing

what the cocycles are on S 1 explicitly). Clearly H k (S 1 ) = {0} for k > 1
because S 1 is a 1-manifold.
Now consider the cohomology of the sphere S 2 : We observe that S 2 =
U ∪ V where U and V are diffeomorphic to disks and U ∩ V is diffeomorphic
to S 1 × (0, 1). By homotopy invariance S 1 × (0, 1) has the same cohomology
as S 1 . So the sequence in this case becomes:

0 → R → R2 → R → H 1 (S 2 ) → 0 → R → H 2 (M ) → 0.

It follows that H 1 (S 2 ) = {0} and H 2 (S 2 ) = R.

Proceeding in the same way for higher dimensions, we find H k (S n ) = R
if k = 0 or k = n and H k (S n ) = 0 otherwise.

15.11 Compactly supported cohomology of Rn

Proposition 15.11.1

0, k<n
Hck (Rn ) =
R, k = n.

Proof. For k = 0 the result is immediate because constants are not compactly
supported in Rn .
 n = 1 the result is also immediate: If ω = ω1 dx , then
For k = 1 and
ω = df implies R ω1 = 0, and conversely.
We will use the long exact sequence from section 15.9 together with the
results on cohomology groups of spheres from section 15.10: The sphere S n
contains an equatorial S n−1 as a submanifold, and the complement S n \S n−1
is diffeomorphic to two copies of Rn . Therefore the long exact sequence be-
comes (for n > 1)
15.12 The group H n (M ) 147

→Hc1 (Rn )2 → 0 → 0
→Hcn−1 (Rn )2 → 0 → R
→Hcn (Rn )2 → R → 0
It follows that Hck (Rn ) = 0 for k = 1, . . . , n − 1 and Hcn (Rn ) = R. 

Furthermore, it is immediate that the n-coboundaries of compactly sup-

ported cohomology are precisely those that have integral zero: This contains
the n-coboundaries (by Stokes’ theorem), and has codimension 1.

15.12 The group H n (M )

If M is a compact manifold of dimension n, then we always know what the

nth cohomology group is:

Proposition 15.8.1 If M is a compact connected manifold of dimension

n, then H n (M ) = R if M is orientable, and H n (M ) = {0} if M is not

Proof. First suppose M is oriented. Choose an atlas for M consisting of co-

ordinate regions Uα , α = 1, . . . , N , each of which is diffeomorphic to Rn . Let
{ρα } be a smooth partition of unity with ρα supported in Uα .
Define a map ξ : Ω n (M ) → RN by
" "
ξ(ω) = ( ρ1 ω, . . . , ρN ω).

Now consider the subspace X of R N

defined by

X = {ξ(dv)| v ∈ Ω n−1 (M )}.

 ξ(ω) ∈ X. Conversely, if ξ(ω) ∈ X then we have

If ω is exact, then clearly
v ∈ Ω n−1 (M ) such that M ρα (ω − dv) = 0 for every α. Now ρα (ω − dv) is a
compactly supported form in Rn , with integral zero, and hence by Proposition
15.11.1 there exists vα ∈ Ωcn−1 (Uα ) such that ρα (ω − dv) = dvα . Summing
over α, we find
ω − dv = ρα (ω − dv) = dvα
α α

and hence
ω = d(v + vα )
148 Lecture 15. de Rham cohomology

and ω is exact.
The subspace X is defined by a finite collection of equations cjk xk = 0,
j = 1, . . . , K. Therefore an n-form ω on M is exact if and only if
(cjk ρk )ω = 0

for j = 1, . . . , K. Suppose that cjk ρk is non-constant for some j. Then in

one of the regions Uα we can find an n-form ω supported in Uα with integral
zero such that Uα cjk ρk ω is non-zero. But then it follows that ω is not exact,
contradicting Proposition 15.11.1. Therefore
 cjk ρk is constant for each j, and
ω ∈ Ω n (M ) is exact if and only if M ω = 0.
Next suppose M is not orientable. Let M̃ be the double cover of M , which
we can define as follows: Define an equivalence relation on Λn Tx∗ M \{0} for
each x ∈ M by taking ω ∼ η iff ω = λη for some λ > 0. The quotient space
at each point consists of two points, and the quotient bundle P Λn T ∗ M =
{(x, [ω]) : ω ∈ Λn Tx∗ M } is a Z2 -bundle over M . Fix x ∈ M and ω = 0
in Λn Tx∗ M . Then we take M̃ to be the connected component of (x, [ω]) in
P Λn T ∗ M . If M is orientable then there is a global non-vanishing section of
Λn T ∗ M , so M̃ is diffeomorphic to M , while if M is not orientable then M̃
covers M twice (if M is connected), and there is a natural projection π from
M̃ to M given by π(x, [ω]) = x. M̃ is always orientable, since T( x, [ω])M̃

Tx M , hence Λn T(x,[ω]) M̃
Λn Tx∗ M , and so [ω] ∈ P Λn Tx∗ M gives a global
section of P Λn T ∗ M̃ .
In the case where M is not orientable, there is a natural involution i of
M̃ induced by the map ω → −ω of Λn T ∗ M , and this is orientation-reversing.
Since π ◦ i = π, a differential n-form ω̃ on M̃ arises from pull-back by π of a
differential form ω on M if and only if i∗ ω̃ = ω̃. But then we have
" " "
ω̃ = − i∗ ω̃ = − ω̃
M̃ M̃ M̃

since i is orientation-reversing, and hence M̃ ω̃ = 0. It follows from the case
we have already considered that ω̃ = dη for some η ∈ Ω n−1 (M̃ ). Then let
η̃ = (η + i∗ η)/2. Then we have i∗ η̃ = η̃, so η̃ = π ∗ η  for some η  ∈ Ω n−1 (M ),
and dη̃ = (dη + di∗ η)/2 = (ω̃ + i∗ ω̃)/2 = ω̃. It follows that dη  = ω, so ω is
exact. Therefore H n (M ) = 0, as claimed. 
15.13 Cohomology of surfaces 149

15.13 Cohomology of surfaces

In this section we will use the results we have developed above about coho-
mology groups to compute the cohomology of compact surfaces.
We already know the cohomology groups of S 2 . Next we will compute
the cohomology groups of the torus T2 = S 1 × S 1 . This can be written as
the union of open sets U and V , where U and V are each diffeomorphic to
S 1 ×R, and U ∩V is diffeomorphic to two copies of S 1 ×R. We therefore know
H 0 (T2 ) = H 0 (U ) = H 0 (V ) = R, H 0 (U ∩ V ) = R2 , H 1 (U ) = H 1 (V ) = R
and H 1 (U ∩ V ) = R2 , and H 2 (U ) = H 2 (V ) = H 2 (U ∩ V ) = 0, H 2 (T2 ) = R.
Thus we have the long exact sequence
0 → R → R2 → R2 → H 1 (T2 ) → R2 → R2 → R → 0 → 0
which implies that H 1 (T2 ) = R2 .
We will proceed by induction on the genus of the surface: A surface Mg+1
of genus g + 1 can be written as the union of sets A and B, where A is diffeo-
morphic to T2 \{p}, B is diffeomorphic to Mg \{q}, and A∩B is diffeomorphic
to S 1 × R. To use this we first need to find the cohomology groups of T2 \{p}
and Mg \{p}.

Proposition 15.13.1 Let M be a compact oriented manifold of dimension

n > 1, p ∈ M . Then H n (M \{p}) = 0.

Proof. Let ω be an n-form on M \{p}. Then we can write ω = ω0 + ω1 , where

ω0 is compactly supported in M \{p} and has integral equal to zero, and ω1
is supported in a region diffeomorphic to S 1 × (0, 1), and is identically zero
on S 1 × (0, 1/2).
ω0 extends to a form on M with integral zero, so there exists η0 ∈
Ω n−1 (M ) such that ω0 = dη0 .
By the proof of the Poincaré Lemma, there also exists a form η1 ∈
Ω n−1 (S 1 × (0, 1)), vanishing on S 1 × (0, 1/2), such that ω1 = dη1 .
Therefore ω = dη0 + dη1 is exact, and H n (M \{p}) = 0. 

From this we can deduce the cohomology of Mg \{p} as follows: Mg is the

union of U and V , where U
Mg \{p}, V
R2 , and U ∩ V
S 1 × R.
From this we obtain the long exact sequence
0 → R → R2 → R → H 1 (Mg ) → H 1 (Mg \{p}) → R → R → 0
which implies that H 1 (Mg \{p})
H 1 (Mg ).
Finally, we can apply the Meyer-Vietoris sequence to A and B as above,
0 → R → R2 → R → H 1 (Mg+1 ) → H 1 (Mg ) ⊕ R2 → R → R → 0
which implies that H 1 (Mg+1 )
H 1 (Mg ) ⊕ R2 .
By induction, we deduce that the cohomology groups of the surface of
genus g are given by H 0 (Mg ) = R, H 1 (Mg ) = R2g , and H 2 (Mg ) = R.
Lecture 16. Curvature

In this lecture we introduce the curvature tensor of a Riemannian manifold,

and investigate its algebraic structure.

16.1 The curvature tensor

We first introduce the curvature tensor, as a purely algebraic object: If X, Y ,

and Z are three smooth vector fields, we define another vector field R(X, Y )Z
R(X, Y )Z = ∇Y (∇X Z) − ∇Y (∇Y Z) − ∇[Y,X] Z.

Proposition 16.1.1 R(X, Y )Z is a tensor of type (3, 1).

Proof. R is tensorial in the first two arguments, because we can write

R(X, Y )Z = (∇∇Z) (Y, X) − (∇∇Z) (X, Y ),

and each of the terms of the right is a tensor in X and Y . This leaves one
further calculation:
R(X, Y )(f Z) = ∇Y (f ∇X Z + X(f )Z) − ∇X (f ∇Y Z + Y (f )Z)
− [X, Y ](f )Z − f ∇[X,Y ] Z
= f ∇Y ∇X Z + Y (f )∇X Z + Y X(f )Z + X(f )∇Y Z
− f ∇X ∇Y Z − X(f )∇Y Z − XY (f )Z − Y (f )∇X Z
− [X, Y ](f )Z − f ∇[X,Y ] Z
= f ∇Y ∇X Z − ∇X ∇Y Z − ∇[X,Y ] Z
+ (Y X(f ) − XY (f ) − [X, Y ](f )) Z
= f R(X, Y )Z.

Remark. Note that this calculation does not use the compatibility of the
connection with the metric, only the symmetry of the connection. Thus any
152 Lecture 16. Curvature

(symmetric) connection gives rise to a curvature tensor. However, we will

only be interested in the case of the Levi-Civita connection from now on.

As usual we can write the curvature tensor in terms of its components in

any coordinate tangent basis:

R = Rikj l dxi ⊗ dxk ⊗ dxj ⊗ ∂l .

Then an application of the metric index-lowering operator gives a tensor of

type (4, 0) defined by

R(u, v, w, z) = g(∇v ∇u w − ∇u ∇v w − ∇[v,u] w, z).

The components of this are Rijkl = Rijk p gpl .

Proposition 16.1.2 (Symmetries of the curvature tensor)

(1). Rikjl + Rkijl = 0;
(2). Rikjl + Rkjil + Rjikl = 0;
(3). Rikjl + Riklj = 0;
(4). Rikjl = Rjlik .

The second identity here is called the first Bianchi identity.

Proof. The first symmetry is immediate from the definition of curvature. For
the second, work in a coordinate tangent basis:
Rikjl + Rkjil + Rjikl = g (∇k ∇i ∂j − ∇i ∇k ∂j , ∂l )
+ g (∇j ∇k ∂i − ∇k ∇j ∂i , ∂l )
+ g (∇i ∇j ∂k − ∇j ∇i ∂k , ∂l )
= g (∇k (∇i ∂j − ∇j ∂i ) , ∂l )
+ g (∇j (∇k ∂i − ∇i ∂k ) , ∂l )
+ g((∇i (∇j ∂k − ∇k ∂j ) , ∂l )
by the symmetry of the connection.
The third symmetry is a consequence of the compatibility of the connec-
tion with the metric:
0 = ∂i ∂j gkl − ∂j ∂i gkl
= ∂i (g(∇j ∂k , ∂l ) + g(∂k , ∇j ∂l ))
− ∂j (g(∇i ∂k , ∂l ) + g(∂k , ∇i ∂l ))
= g(∇i ∇j ∂k , ∂l ) + g(∇i ∂k , ∇j ∂l ) + g(∇j ∂k , ∇i ∂l ) + g(∂k , ∇i ∇j ∂l )
− g(∇j ∇i ∂k , ∂l ) − g(∇j ∂k , ∇i ∂l ) − g(∇i ∂k , ∇j ∂l ) − g(∂k , ∇j ∇i ∂l )
= Rjikl + Rjilk .
16.2 Sectional curvatures 153

Finally, the last symmetry follows from the previous ones:

Rikjl =(2) −Rkjil − Rjikl

=(3) Rkjli + Rjilk
=(2) −Rjlki − Rlkji − Riljk − Rljik
=(3),(1) 2Rjlik + Rlkij + Rilkj
=(2) 2Rjlik − Rkilj
=(1),(3) 2Rjlik − Rikjl .

Note that if M is a one-dimensional Riemannian manifold, then the cur-

vature is zero (since it is antisymmetric). This reflects the fact that any
one-dimensional manifold can be locally parametrised by arc length, and so
is locally isometric to any other one-dimensional manifold. The curvature
tensor is invariant under isometries.
Next consider the two-dimensional case: Any component of R in which the
first two or the last two indices are the same must vanish, by symmetries (1)
and (3). There is therefore only one independent component of the curvature:
If we take {e1 , e2 } to be an orthonormal basis for Tx M , then we define the
Gauss curvature of M at x to be K = R1212 . This is independent of the
choice of basis: Any other one is given by e1 = cos θe1 + sin θe2 and e2 =
− sin θe1 + cos θe2 , so we have
R1 2 1 2 = R(cos θe1 + sin θe2 , − sin θe1 + cos θe2 , e1 , e2 )
= cos2 θR(e1 , e2 , e1 , e2 ) − sin2 θR(e2 , e1 , e1 , e2 )
= R(e1 , e2 , e1 , e2 )
= R(e1 , e2 , e1 , e2 )
= R(e1 , e2 , e1 , e2 )
= R1212 .

More generally, we see that (in any dimension), if {ei } are orthonormal,
then Rijkl depends only the (oriented) two-dimensional plane generated by
ei and ej , and the one generated by ek and el .

16.2 Sectional curvatures

The last observation motivates the following definition:

If Σ is a two-dimensional subspace of Tx M , then the sectional curvature
of Σ is K(σ) = R(e1 , e2 , e1 , e2 ), where e1 and e2 are any orthonormal basis
for Σ. This is indepedent of basis, by the calculation above.
154 Lecture 16. Curvature

Proposition 16.2.1 The curvature tensor is determined by the sectional


Proof. We will give an explicit expression for a component Rijkl of the curva-
ture tensor, in terms of sectional curvatures. We work with an orthonormal
basis {e1 , . . . , en } at a point of M .
For convenience we will refer to the oriented plane generated by e1 and
ej by the notation ei ∧ ej . We compute the sectional curvature of the plane
2 (ei + ek ) ∧ (ej + el ):

(ei + ek ) ∧ (ej + el ) 1
K = R(ei + ek , ej + el , ei + ek , ej + el )
2 4
1 1 1 1
= K(ei ∧ ej ) + K(ei ∧ el ) + K(ej ∧ ek ) + K(ek ∧ el )
4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1
+ Rijil + Rijkj + Rilkl + Rklkj
2 2 2 2
1 1
+ Rijkl + Rkjil .
2 2
Now add the same expression with ek and el replaced by −ek and −el :
(ei + ek ) ∧ (ej + el ) (ei − ek ) ∧ (ej − el )
Rijkl + Rkjil = K +K
2 2
1 1 1 1
− K(ei ∧ ej ) − K(ei ∧ el ) − K(ej ∧ ek ) − K(ek ∧ el ).
2 2 2 2
Finally, subtract the same expression with ei and ej interchanged: On the
left-hand side we get

Rijkl + Rkjil − Rjikl − Rkijl = 2Rijkl − Rjkil − Rkijl = 3Rijkl

by virtue of the Bianchi identity. Thus we have

1 (ei + ek ) ∧ (ej + el ) 1 (ei − ek ) ∧ (ej − el )
Rijkl = K + K
3 2 3 2
1 (ej + ek ) ∧ (ei + el ) 1 (ej − ek ) ∧ (ei − el )
− K − K
3 2 3 2
1 1 1 1
− K(ej ∧ el ) − K(ei ∧ ek ) + K(ei ∧ el ) + K(ej ∧ ek ).
6 6 6 6

16.5 The curvature operator 155

16.3 Ricci curvature

The Ricci curvature is the symmetric (2, 0)-tensor defined by contraction of

the curvature tensor:
Rij = δlk Rikj l = g kl Rikjl .
This can be interpreted in terms of the sectional curvatures: Given a unit
vector v, choose an orthonormal basis for T M with en = v. Then we have

R(v, v) = R(ei , v, ei , v) = Rinin = K(v ∧ ei ).
i=1 i=1 i=1

Thus the Ricci curvature in direction v is an average of the sectional curva-

tures in 2-planes containing v.

16.4 Scalar curvature

The scalar curvature is given by a further contraction of the curvature:

R = g ij Rij = g ij g kl Rikjl .
R(x) then (except for a constant factor depending on n) the average of
the sectional curvatures over all 2-planes in Tx M .

16.5 The curvature operator

The full algebraic structure of the curvature tensor is elucidated by construct-

ing a vector space on which it acts as a bilinear form.
At each point x of M we let Λ2 Tx M be the vector space obtained by
dividing the space Tx M ⊗ Tx M by the relation
u ⊗ v ∼ −v ⊗ u.
This is a vector space of dimension n(n − 1)/2, with basis elements
ei ∧ ej = [ei ⊗ ej ]
for i < j. More generally, if u and v are any two vectors in Tx M , we denote
u ∧ v = [u ⊗ v] .
This is called the wedge product of the vectors u and v.
In particular, if u and v are orthogonal and have unit length, then we
identify u ∧ v ∈ Λ2 Tx M with the two dimensional oriented plane in Tx M
156 Lecture 16. Curvature

generated by u and v. The construction of Λ2 Tx M simply extends the set

of two-dimensional planes in Tx M to a vector space, to allow formal sums
and scalar multiples of them. We refer to the space Λ2 Tx M as the space of
2-planes at x (even though not everything can be interpreted as a plane in
Tx M ), and the corresponding bundle is the 2-plane bundle of M . We extend
the metric to Λ2 T M by taking {ei ∧ ej | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} to be an orthonormal
basis for Λ2 Tx M whenever {e1 , . . . , en } is an orthonormal basis for Tx M .
A 2-plane which can be expressed in the form u ∧ v for some vectors u
and v is called a simple 2-plane, and such a plane corresponds to a subspace
of Tx M .

Exercise 16.5.1 Show that every 2-plane is simple if n = 2 or n = 3, but

not if n ≥ 4.

The importance of the 2-plane bundle is the following:

Proposition 16.5.2 The curvature tensor defines a symmetric bilinear form

on the space of 2-planes Λ2 Tx M , by

R(Aij ei ∧ ej , B kl ek ∧ el ) = Aij B kl Rijkl .

Here the sum is over all i and j with i < j, and all k and l with k < l.
In particular, this curvature operator, since symmetric, can be diago-
nalised. It is important to note that the eigenvalues of the curvature operator
need not be sectional curvatures! The sectional curvatures are the values of
the curvature operator on simple 2-planes, but there is no reason why the
eigen-vectors of the curvature operator should be simple 2-planes. In partic-
ular, it is possible to have all the sectional curvatures positive (or negative)
at a point, while not having all of the eigenvalues of the curvature operator
positive (negative).
In the special case of three dimensions, however, every 2-plane is simple,
and so the eigenvalues of the curvature operator are sectional curvatures.
In this case we refer to the eigenvectors of the curvature operator as the
principal 2-planes, and the eigenvalues the principal sectional curvatures.

16.6 Calculating curvature

Suppose we are given a metric g and wish to calculate the curvature. In

principle we have all the ingredients to do this, but in practice this can get
very messy:
First, in local coordinates we can write down the connection ceofficients,
which are smooth functions on the coordinate domain, such that
16.6 Calculating curvature 157

∇∂i ∂j = Γij k ∂k .

From these we can calculate the second derivatives:

∇k ∇i ∂j = ∇k Γij l ∂l
= ∂k Γij l ∂l + Γij l Γkl p ∂p .
This gives the expression for the curvature:

Rikj l = ∂k Γij l − ∂i Γkj l + Γij q Γkq l − Γkj q Γiq l .

Let us consider a simple case, namely when the parametrisation is con-

formal, so that the metric takes the very simple form

gij = f δij

for some function f . Then the inverse metric is also easy to compute:

g ij = f −1 δ ij .

Therefore a connection coefficient is given by

1 kl
Γij k = g (∂i gjl + ∂j gil − ∂l gij )
= f −1 δ kl (∂i f δjl + ∂j f δil − ∂l f δij )
1 k 
= δj ∂i log f + δik ∂j log f − δij δ kl ∂l log f .
This gives the following
√ expression for the curvature tensor components,
where we write u = log f :

Rikj l = δjl ∂k ∂i u + δil ∂k ∂j u − δij δ lp ∂k ∂p u

− δjl ∂i ∂k u − δkl ∂i ∂j u + δkj δ lp ∂i ∂p u
+ δjq ∂i u + δiq ∂j u − δij δ qp ∂p u δql ∂k u + δkl ∂q u − δkq δ lm ∂m u
− δjq ∂k u + δkq ∂j u − δkj δ qp ∂p u δql ∂i u + δil ∂q u − δiq δ lm ∂m u
= δil ∂k ∂j u − δij δ lp ∂k ∂p u − δkl ∂i ∂j u + δkj δ lp ∂i ∂p u
+ |Du|2 δjk δil − δij δkl
+ δkl ∂i u∂j u + δij δ lq ∂q u∂k u − δil ∂j u∂k u − δj kδ lq ∂q u∂i u.
Taking the trace over k and l gives the Ricci curvature:
Rij = −δij ∆u + (n − 2)|Du|2 − (n − 2) (∂i ∂j u − ∂i u∂j u) ,

where ∆u = δ kl ∂k ∂l u is the Laplacian of u. Finally, multiplying by f −1 δ ij

gives the scalar curvature:
158 Lecture 16. Curvature
R = −(n − 1)f −1 2∆u + (n − 2)|Du|2 .

Example 16.6.1 We will compute the curvature of the left-invariant met-

ric gij = y −2 δij on the upper half-plane Hn in Rn , with coordinates
(x1 , . . . , xn−1 , y), y > 0. If this case we have f = y −2 , so u = − log y. There-
fore ∂i u = −y −1 δin , and ∂i ∂j u = y −2 δin δjn . Also |Du|2 = y −2 . The equation
above therefore gives

Rikjl = y −4 δil δjn δkn + δjk δin δln − δij δkn δln − δkl δin δjn
+ (δjk δil − δij δkl )

+ δkl δin δjn + δij δkn δln − δjk δin δln − δil δkn δln
= y −4 (δjk δil − δij δkl ) .

An orthonormal basis is given by {yei }, which gives for any sectional curva-
K = −1.
Thus hyperbolic space has constant negative curvature.

16.7 Left-invariant metrics

Another situation in which is it possible to conveniently write down the cur-

vature of a metric is when it arises as a left-invariant metric for a Lie group.
Let G be a Lie group, with a left-invariant metric g, and an orthonormal
basis of left-invariant vector fields E1 , . . . , En . Write [Ei , Ej ] = cij k Ek . Then
we have
1 l 
∇Ei Ej = cij + cl ij + cl ji El ,
and so
1 l 
∇ k ∇ i Ej = cij + cl ij + cl ji (ckl p + cp kl + cp lk ) Ep .
Also, we have
1 l
∇[Ek ,Ei ] Ej = cki l ∇l Ej = cki (clj p + cp lj + cp jl ) Ep .
Combining these:
1 l 
Rikj p = cij + cl ij + cl ji (ckl p + cp kl + cp lk )
1 l 
− ckj + cl kj + cl jk (cil p + cp il + cp li )
1 l
− cki (clj p + cp lj + cp jl ) .
16.7 Left-invariant metrics 159

Example 16.7.1 This gives us another method to compute the curvature of

the metric on the upper half-plane: We think of this as the Lie group G of
matrices of the form
 
vn v1 v2 . . . vn−1
 0 1 0 ... 0 
 
 0 0 1 ... 0 
 . . . . 
 .. .. .. . . . .. 
0 0 0 ... 0
with vn > 0. We identify this with the upper half-space of Rn by associating
the above matrix with the point (v1 , . . . , vn ). We take the left-invariant metric
for which the usual basis at the identity (0, . . . , 0, 1) is orthonormal. The
corresponding left-invariant vector fields are:
 
0 0 . . . 0 vn 0 . . . 0
0 0 ... 0 0 0 ... 0
(Ei )v =  
 ... ... . . . ... ... ... . . . ...  ∼ vn ei
0 0 ... 0 0 0 ... 0
for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, and
 
vn 0 ... 0
 0 0 ... 0
(En )v = 
 ... .. . . .  ∼ vn en .
. . .. 
0 0 ... 0
Therefore the corresponding metric is gij = x−2 n δij . The structure coefficients
cij k can be computed as follows: If 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n − 1, then [Ei , Ej ] = 0; If
1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, then
[Ei , En ] = −vn Ei .
cij k = −δjn δik + δin δjk .
This gives (since with respect to the basis {Ei }, gij = δij )
Rikjl = − δjn δkp − δkn δjp + δkn δjp − δpn δjk + δjn δkp − δpn δjk
× δpn δil − δin δpl + δin δpl − δln δip + δpn δil − δln δip
1 n 
+ δj δip − δin δjp + δin δjp − δpn δji + δjn δip − δpn δji
× δpn δkl − δkn δpl + δkn δpl − δln δkp + δpn δkl − δln δkp
+ (δkn δip − δin δkp ) δjn δlp − δpn δjl + δpn δjl − δln δjp + δjn δjp
= −δjn δkn δil + δjn δln δik + δil δjk − δin δln δjk
+ δjn δin δkl − δjn δln δik − δkl δij + δkn δln δij
+ δkn δjn δil − δkn δln δij − δin δjn δkl + δin δln δkj
= −δkl δij + δjk δil .
160 Lecture 16. Curvature

Hence the curvature operator has all eigenvalues equal to −1, and all of the
sectional curvatures are −1.

16.8 Bi-invariant metrics

The situation becomes even simpler if we have a bi-invariant metric:

Proposition 16.8.1 If g is a bi-invariant metric on a Lie group G, then for

any left-invariant vector fields X, Y , and Z,

g([X, Y ], Z) = g([Z, X], Y ).

Proof. g must be left-invariant, so that for any h ∈ G,

gh (De lh (X), De lh (Y )) = ge (X, Y ).

Similarly, g must be right-invariant, so

gh (De rh (X), De rh (Y )) = ge (X, Y ).

Together these imply that

ge ((De rh )−1 De lh (X), (De rh )−1 De lh (Y )) = ge (X, Y ).

We will denote by Adh the isomorphism of Te G given by (De rh )−1 De lh .

Then Ad is a representation of the group G on the vector space Te G, called
the adjoint representation: If γ has tangent vector X, then

d −1 −1 
Adk Adh (X) = (rk ) lk (rh ) lh (γ(t))
dt t=0
d  −1 −1 

= khγ(t)h k 
dt t=0
= Adkh (X).

So we have g(Adh (X), Adh (Y )) = g(X, Y ), or g is Ad-invariant. But now

differentiate this equation with h = etZ , at t = 0. In doing so we differentiate
the maps Adh .

Definition 16.8.2 The derivative at the identity of the map Ad : G →

GL(Te G) is denoted ad : Te G → L(Te G, Te G).

The map ad is a representation of the Lie algebra g of G: It is a linear

map such that
[ad(X), ad(Y )] = ad([X, Y ]),
16.8 Bi-invariant metrics 161

where on the left hand side the Lie bracket is to be interpreted as the com-
mutator of the linear transformations Ad(X) and Ad(Y ).
Now when we differentiate the Ad-invariance condition, we get:

0 = g(ad(Z)(X), Y ) + g(X, ad(Z)(Y )).

Lemma 16.8.3
ad(X)Y = [X, Y ].

Proof. By definition we have

d d d  tX sY −tX  
ad(X)Y = (AdetX Y ) |t=0 = e e e  .
dt dt ds s=t=0
 tX sY −tX 
This makes sense because ds d
e e e |s=0 is a vector in Te G for each
t, and so can be differentiated with respect to t. The identification between
this and the Lie bracket comes from a more general statement:

Lemma 16.8.4 Let M be a smooth manifold, X and Y in X (M ), and

x ∈ M . Then if ΨX,t and ΨY,t are local flows of the vector fields X and Y
near x,  
∂ ∂  
(ΨY,t ΨX,s ΨY,−t (x))   = [X, Y ](x).
∂t ∂s s=0 t=0

Proof. In local coordinates near x (say, with xk = 0), we have

X k (z) = X k (x) + z i ∂i X k (x) + O(z 2 ).

Therefore by definition of the local flow,

(ΨX,t (z))k = z k + t(X k (x) + z i ∂i X k (x) + O(z 2 )) + O(t2 )

= z k + tX k (x) + tz i ∂i X k (x) + O(tz 2 , t2 ).
From this we can compute:

(ΨY,−t (x))k = −tY k (x) + O(t2 ),

(ΨX,s ΨY,−t (x)) = −tY k (x) + sX k (x) − stY i (x)∂i X k (x) + O(st2 , s2 )

and finally,
(ΨY,t ΨX,s ΨY,−t (x)) = −tY k (x) + sX k (x) − stY i (x)∂i X k (x) + O(st2 , s2 )
+ tY k (x) + t(−tY i (x) + sX i (x))∂i Y k (x) + O(st2 , t2 )
= sX k (x) − st Y i (x)∂i X k (x) − X i (x)∂i Y k (x)
+ O(s2 , t2 ).
162 Lecture 16. Curvature

Differentiating with respect to s and t when s = t = 0 gives

∂t ∂s (ΨY,t ΨX,s ΨY,−t (x))  = X i (x)∂i Y k (x) − Y i (x)∂i X k (x)
= ([X, Y ](x)) .

In the present case, we have

etX = ΨX,t (e);

And by left-invariance,
d d  tX 
ΨX,t (h) = Xh = De lh Xe = he ,
dt dt
so that
ΨX,t (h) = hetX .
etX esY e−tX = ΨX,−t etX esY = ΨX,−t ΨY,s ΨX,t (e).

So Lemma 16.8.4 gives the result. 

This completes the proof of Proposition 16.8.1. 

Corollary 16.8.5 If G is a Lie group and g a bi-invariant Riemannian met-

ric, then
1 1
Rijkl = cijp cklp = (cikp cjlp − cjkp cilp ) .
4 4

Proof. By Proposition 16.8.1 we have cijk = cjki , and we also have the sym-
metry cijk = −cjik . Therefore
1 kl
∇Ei Ej = g (cijl + clij + clji ) Ek
= g kl (cijl + cijl + cjil ) Ek
1 kl
= g cijl Ek .
Rikjl = g ∇k ∇i Ej − ∇i ∇k Ej − ∇[Ek ,Ei ] Ej , El
1 1 1
= ckpl cijp − cipl ckjp − ckip cpjl
4 4 2
Now we note that the Jacobi identity (cf. Lecture 6) gives
16.8 Bi-invariant metrics 163

0 = [Ei , [Ej , Ek ]] + [Ej , [Ek , Ei ]] + [Ek , [Ei , Ej ]]

= cipl cjkp + cjpl ckip + ckpl cijp
which gives the result, including the equality between the two expressions.

Example 16.8.6 We will apply this to a simple example, namely the Lie group
S 3 : Here the metric for which i, j and k are orthonormal at the identity is
easily seen to be bi-invariant, and we have the structure coefficients

[i, j] = ij − ji = 2k;

and similarly [j, k] = 2i and [k, i] = 2j. This gives, if we label E1 = i, E2 = j,

and E3 = k,
c123 = c231 = c312 = 2
c213 = c321 = c132 = −2,
and all others are zero. Thus we have
1 1
R1212 = c12p c12p = c2123 = 1;
4 4
and similarly R1313 = R2323 = 1. Also
R1213 = c12p c13p = 0,
and similarly R1223 = R1323 = 0. Therefore the curvature operator is just the
identity matrix with respect to the basis E1 ∧ E2 , E2 ∧ E3 , E3 ∧ E1 , and all
the eigenvalues are equal to 1. In particular all the sectional curvatures are
equal to 1.
Lecture 17. Extrinsic curvature of

In this lecture we define the extrinsic curvature of submanifolds in Euclidean


17.1 Immersed submanifolds

By an immersed submanifold of Euclidean space RN I will mean a differen-

tiable manifold M together with an immersion X : M → RN . Note that for
any x ∈ M there is a neighbourhood U of x such that X|U is an embedding.
A particular case of an immersed submanifold is an embedded submanifold.
The inner product ., . on RN induces a metric g and corresponding
Levi-Civita connection ∇ on M , defined by

g(u, v) = DX(u), DX(v)

∇u v = πT M (Du (DX(v))) .
A particular case of this is an immersed hypersurface, which is the case
where M is of dimension N − 1. We will develop the theory of extrinsic
curvature first for the simpler case of hypersurfaces, and then extend this to
the more general case of immersed submanifolds.

17.2 The Gauss map of an immersed hypersurface

Let M n be an oriented immersed hypersurface in Rn+1 . Then for each point

x ∈ M there is a well-defined unit normal n to M (more precisely, to X(M ))
at x. This is defined by the requirements n, n = 1, n, DX(u) = 0
for all u ∈ Tx M , and if e1 , . . . , en are an oriented basis for Tx M then
DX(e1 ), . . . , DX(en ), n is an oriented basis for Rn+1 .
This defines a smooth map n : M → S n ⊂ Rn+1 , called the Gauss map
of M .
166 Lecture 17. Extrinsic curvature of submanifolds

17.3 The second fundamental form of a hypersurface

Having defined the Gauss map of an oriented immersed hypersurface, we can

define a tensor as follows:
h(u, v) = Du n, DX(v).
This is called the second fundamental form on M , and is a tensor of type
(2, 0).
The second fundamental form has an alternative expression, which we
can deduce as follows: Let U and V be smooth vector fields on M . Since
n, DX(V ) = 0, we have
0 = U n, DX(V )
= Du n, DX(V ) + n, DU DX(V )
= h(U, V ) + n, DU DX(V )
and therefore
h(U, V ) = −DU DV X, n.
From this we can deduce a useful symmetry:
h(U, V ) = −DU DV X, n = −DV DU X + D[U,V ] X, n = −h(V, U )
since D[U,V ] X = DX([U, V ]) is tangential to M , hence orthogonal to n.
Therefore the second fundamental form is a symmetric bilinear form on the
tangent space Tx M at each point.
Since h is symmetric, it can be diagonalized with respect to the met-
ric g — that is, we can find a basis e1 , . . . , en for Tx M and real numbers
λ1 , . . . , λn such that h(ei , u) = λi g(ei , u) for all vectors u ∈ Tx M . The num-
bers λ1 , . . . , λn are called the principal curvatures of M at x.
The mean curvature H is the trace of h with respect to g: H = g ij hij . This
can also be expressed in terms of the principal curvatures: H = λ1 + . . . + λn .
The Gauss curvature K 7nis the determinant of h with respect to g, which
is therefore also equal to i=1 λi .
In the case where M is not orientable, it is not possible to choose a unit
normal vector continuously on M , and so n, and hence h and the principal
curvatures λi are defined only up to sign.

Remark. It is very easy to get a geometric understanding of the second fun-

damental form of a hypersurface: Fix z ∈ M . Assume that the origin of Rn+1
is at X(z) and choose an orthonormal basis e1 , . . . , en+1 for Rn+1 such that
DX(Tz M ) = span{e1 , . . . , en }. By the implicit function theorem, X(M ) can
be written locally in the form {xi ei : xn+1 = u(x1 , . . . , xn )}. Then near z we
have in the coordinates x1 , . . . , xn
∂i X = ei + en+1
17.5 Vector Bundles 167

n(z) = en+1 .
∂i ∂j X = en+1
∂xi ∂xj
and so at z,
hij = − .
∂xi ∂xj
To put this another way, we have
u(y) = − hij (z)y i y j + O(y 3 )
as y → 0. This says that the second fundamental form gives the best approx-
imation of the hypersurface by a paraboloid defined over its tangent plane.

17.4 The normal bundle of an immersed submanifold

Now we go on to the general case of an immersed submanifold M n in RN .

Then at each point of M , rather than having a single unit normal vector, we
have a normal subspace Nx M = {v ∈ RN : v ⊥ DX(Tx M )}. This defines the
normal bundle N M of M : N M = {(p, v) : p ∈ M, v ⊥ DX(Tp M )}. This is a
differentiable manifold of dimension N .

17.5 Vector Bundles

The normal bundle (and indeed the tangent bundle and the tensor bundles we
have already defined) is an example of a more general object called a vector
bundle. A vector bundle E of dimension k over M is defined by associating
to each x ∈ M a vector space Ex (often called the fibre at x), and taking
E = {(p, v) : p ∈ M, v ∈ Ep }. We require that E be a smooth manifold, and
that for each x ∈ M there is a neighbourhood U of x in M such that there
are k smooth sections φ1 , . . . , φk of E (i.e. smooth maps φi from M to E
such that π ◦ φi = id) such that φ1 (y), . . . , φk (y) form a basis for Ey for each
y ∈ U (it follows that the restriction of the bundle E to U is diffeomorphic
to U × Rk ).
We denote the space of smooth sections of E (i.e. smooth maps from M
to E which take each x ∈ M to the fibre Ex at x) by Γ (E).
A connection on a vector bundle E is a map which takes a vector u ∈ Tx M
and section φ ∈ Γ (E) and gives an element ∇u φ ∈ Ex , smoothly in the sense
that if U ∈ X (M ) and φ ∈ Γ (E) then ∇U φ ∈ Γ (E), which is linear in the
first argument and satisfies a Leibniz rule in the second:
168 Lecture 17. Extrinsic curvature of submanifolds

∇u (f φ) = f ∇u φ + u(f )φ

for all f ∈ C ∞ (M ), u ∈ Tx M and φ ∈ Γ (E).

We can also define tensors which either act on E or take their values in
E, to be C ∞ -multilinear functions acting on sections of E or its dual E ∗ , and
the connection extends to such tensors.

17.6 Curvature of a vector bundle

If E is a vector bundle over M with a metric ., . and a connection ∇ which

is compatible with the metric:

∇u φ, ψ = ∇u φ, ψ + φ, ∇u ψ.

Then we can define the curvature of the bundle E as follows: If X, Y ∈ X (M )

and φ, ψ ∈ Γ (E), then we take

R(X, Y, φ, ψ) = ∇Y ∇X φ − ∇X ∇Y φ − ∇[Y,X] φ, ψ.

This is tensorial in all arguments — that is, the value of the resulting function
when evaluated at any point x ∈ M depends only on the values of X, Y , φ
and ψ at x. The proof of this is identical to the proof that the curvature of M
is a tensor (Lecture 16). This can be considered as an operator which takes
Λ2 Tx M to Λ2 Ex , since it is antisymmetric in the first two and the last two

17.7 Connection on the normal bundle

We can define a connection on the normal bundle as follows: If V is a section

of the normal bundle, and U is a smooth vector field on M , then we define

∇U V x = πNx M (DU V ) .

This is a connection: For any f ∈ C ∞ (M ), we have

∇U (f V ) = πN M ((U f )V + f DU V )
= U (f )πN M V + f πN M DU V
= U (f )V + f ∇U V
so the Leibniz rule holds. This connection is compatible with the metric
induced on N M by the inner product on RN . By the argument above, this
defines a curvature tensor acting on Λ2 T M ⊗ Λ2 E, which we denote by R⊥
and call the normal curvature of M .
17.8 Second fundamental form of a submanifold 169

17.8 Second fundamental form of a submanifold

The second fundamental form is defined in an analogous way to that for the
hypersurface case: Given U, V ∈ X (M ) define

h(U, V ) = −πNx M (DU DV X) = −DU DV X + DX(∇U V ).

This does in fact define a tensor field, since

h(f U, gV ) = −πNx M (Df U DgV X)
= −πNx M (f gDU DV X + f (U g)DV X)
= f gh(U, V )
since DV X ⊥ Nx M . h therefore defines at each x ∈ M a bilinear map from
Tx M × Tx M to Nx M .
We can also define an operator W from Tx M × Nx M to Tx M as follows:

W(u, φ) = πTx M (Du φ)

for u ∈ Tx M and φ ∈ Γ (N M ). This is again tensorial, since

W(u, f φ) = πTx M (Du f φ) = πTx M (f Du φ + (uf )φ) = f W(u, φ).

This is related to the second fundamental form as follows:

0 = vφ, Du X = Dv φ, Du X+φ, Dv Du X = W(v, φ), Du X−h(v, u), φ

and so W(v, φ), Du X = h(v, u), φ for any u and v in Tx M and φ in Nx M .

The second fundamental form of a submanifold can be interpreted in a
similar way to the hypersurface case: If we fix z ∈ M , then X(M ) can be
written locally as the graph of a smooth function from Tx M to Nx M — that
is, if we choose a basis e1 , . . . , eN such that DX(Tz M ) = span{e1 , . . . , en }
and Nz M = span{en+1 , . . . , eN }, then for some open set U containing z,

X(M ) = {X(z) + xi ei : xj = f j (x1 , . . . , xn ), j = n + 1, . . . , N }.

Then we find
f j (x1 , . . . , xn ) = − hkl (z), ej xk xl + O(x3 )
as x → 0. Thus the second fundamental form at z defines the best approxi-
mation to X(M ) as the graph of a quadratic function over DX(Tz M ).
Lecture 18. The Gauss and Codazzi equations

In this lecture we will prove the fundamental identities which hold for the
extrinsic curvature, including the Gauss identity which relates the extrinsic
curvature defined via the second fundamental form to the intrinsic curvature
defined using the Riemann tensor.

18.1 The fundamental identities

The definitions (from the last lecture) of the connection on the normal and
tangent bundles, and the second fundamental form h and the associated
operator W, can be combined into the following two useful identities: First,
for any pair of vector fields U and V on M ,

DU DV X = −h(U, V ) + DX(∇U V ). (18.1)

This tells us how to differentiate an arbitrary tangential vector field DV X,

considered as a vector field in RN (i.e. an N -tuple of smooth functions). Then
we have a corresponding identity which tells us how to differentiate sections of
the normal bundle, again thinking of them as N -tuples of smooth functions:
For any vector field U and section φ of N M ,

DU φ = DX(W(U, φ)) + ∇U φ. (18.2)

Since we can think of vector fields in this way as N -tuples of smooth

functions, we can deduce useful identities in the following way: Take a pair
of vector fields U and V . Applying the combination U V − V U − [U, V ] to
any function gives zero, by definition of the Lie bracket. In particular, we can
applying this to the position vector X:
0 = (U V − V U − [U, V ])X
= −h(U, V ) + DX(∇U V ) + h(V, U ) − DX(∇V U ) − DX([U, V ]).
Since the right-hand side vanishes, both the normal and tangential com-
ponents must vanish. The normal component is h(V, U ) − h(U, V ), so this
establishes the fact we already knew that the second fundamental form is
symmetric. The tangential component is DX(∇U V − ∇V U − [U, V ]), so the
172 Lecture 18. The Gauss and Codazzi equations

vanishing of this tells us that the connection is symmetric (as we proved


18.2 The Gauss and Codazzi equations

We will use the same method as above to deduce further important identities,
by applying U V − V U − [U, V ] to an arbitrary tangential vector field.
Let W be a smooth vector field on M . Then we have
0 = (U V − V U − [U, V ])W X
= U (V W X) − V (U W X) − [U, V ]W x
= U (−h(V, W ) + (∇V W )X) − V (−h(U, W ) + (∇U W )X)
− −h([U, V ], W ) + (∇[U,V ] W )X
= −DX(W(U, h(V, W ))) − (∇h(U, V, W ) + h(∇U V, W ) + h(V, ∇U W ))
+ DX(W(V, h(U, W ))) − (∇h(V, U, W ) + h(∇V U, W ) + h(U, ∇V W ))
+ U (∇V W )X − V (∇U W )X + h([U, V ], W ) − (∇[U,V ] W )X
= −DX(W(U, h(V, W ))) − (∇h(U, V, W ) + h(∇U V, W ) + h(V, ∇U W ))
+ DX(W(V, h(U, W ))) − (∇h(V, U, W ) + h(∇V U, W ) + h(U, ∇V W ))
− h(U, ∇V W ) + (∇U ∇V W )X + h(V, ∇U W ) − (∇V ∇U W )X
+ h([U, V ], W ) − (∇[U,V ] W )X
= DX (R(V, U )W − W(U, h(V, W )) + W(V, h(U, W )))
+ ∇h(U, V, W ) − ∇h(V, U, W ).
In deriving this we used the definition of curvature in the last step, and
used the symmetry of the connection to note that several of the terms cancel
out. The tangential and normal components of the resulting identity are the
R(U, V )W = W(U, h(V, W )) − W(V, h(U, W )) (18.3)
∇h(U, V, W ) = ∇h(V, U, W ). (18.4)
Note that the tensor ∇h appearing here is the covariant derivative of the
tensor h, defined by

∇h(U, V, W ) = ∇U (h(V, W )) − h(∇U V, W ) − h(V, ∇U W )

for any vector fields U , V and W . Here the ∇ appearing in the first term on
the right-hand side is the connection on the normal bundle, and the other
two terms involve the connection on T M .
18.3 The Ricci equations 173

Equation (18.3) is called the Gauss equation, and Equation (18.4) the
Codazzi equation. Note that the Gauss equation gives us a formula for the
intrinsic curvature of M in terms of the extrinsic curvature h.
It is sometimes convenient to write these identities in local coordinates:
Given a local chart with coordinate tangent vectors ∂1 , . . . , ∂n , choose also
a collection of smooth sections eα of the normal bundle, α = 1, . . . , N − n,
which are linearly independent at each point. Let g be the metric on T M and
g̃ the metric on N M , and write gij = g(∂i , ∂j ) and g̃αβ = g̃(eα , eβ ). Then we
can write
h(∂i , ∂j ) = hij α eα
W(∂i , eβ ) = Wiβ j ∂j .
The relation between h and W then tells us that Wiβ j = g jk g̃βα hik α .
The Gauss identity then becomes
Rijkl = hjk α hil β − hjk β hil α g̃αβ (18.5)

If we write ∇h = ∇i hjk α dxi ⊗ dxj ⊗ dxk ⊗ eα , then the Codazzi identity

∇i hjk α = ∇j hik α . (18.6)
Since we already know that hij is symmetric in j and k, this implies that
∇k hij is totally symmetric in i, j and k.

18.3 The Ricci equations

We will complete our suite of identities by applying U V − V U − [U, V ] to an

arbitrary section φ of the normal bundle:
0 = (U V − V U − [U, V ])φ
= U (W(V, φ)X + ∇V φ) − V (W(U, φ)X + ∇U φ)
− (W([U, V ], φ)X + ∇[U,V ] φ)
= −h(U, W(V, φ)) + (∇W(U, V, φ) + W(∇U V, φ) + W(V, ∇U φ))X
+ h(V, W(U, φ)) − (∇W(V, U, φ) + W(∇V U, φ) + W(U, ∇V φ))X
+ U ∇V φ − V ∇U φ − W([U, V ], φ)X − ∇[U,V ] φ
= −h(U, W(V, φ)) + (∇W(U, V, φ) + W(V, ∇U φ))X
+ h(V, W(U, φ)) − (∇W(V, U, φ) + W(U, ∇V φ))X
+ W(U, ∇V φ)X + ∇U ∇V φ − W(V, ∇U φ)X − ∇V ∇U φ − ∇[U,V ] φ
= R⊥ (V, U )φ − h(U, W(V, φ)) + h(V, W(U, φ))
+ (∇W(U, V, φ) − ∇W(V, U, φ)) X.
174 Lecture 18. The Gauss and Codazzi equations

As before, this gives us two sets of identities, one from the tangential
component and one from the normal component. In fact the tangential com-
ponent is just the Codazzi identities again, but the normal component gives
a new identity, called the Ricci identity, which expresses the curvature of the
normal bundle in terms of the second fundamental form:
R⊥ (U, V )φ = h(V, W(U, φ)) − h(U, W(V, φ)). (18.7)
In local coordinates, with a local basis for the normal bundle as above, this

identity can be written as follows: If we write Rijαβ = g̃(R⊥ (∂i , ∂j )eα , eβ )
and hijα = g̃(h(∂i , ∂j ), eα ), then we have

Rijαβ = g kl (hikα hjlβ − hjkα hilβ ). (18.8)

18.4 Hypersurfaces

In the case of hypersurfaces the identities we have proved simplify somewhat:

First, since the normal bundle is one-dimensional, the normal curvature van-
ishes and the Ricci equations become vacuous.
Also, the basis {eα } for N M can be taken to consist of the single unit
normal vector n, and the Gauss and Codazzi equations become
Rijkl = hik hjl − hjk hil
∇i hjk = ∇j hik .
The curvature tensor becomes rather simple in this setting: At any point
x ∈ M we can choose local coordinates such that ∂1 , . . . , ∂n are orthonormal
at x and diagonalize the second fundamental form, so that

λi , i = j
hij =
0, i = j

Then we have an orthonormal basis for the space of 2-planes Λ2 Tx M , given

by {ei ∧ ej : i < j}. The Gauss equation gives for all i < j and k < l

λi λj , i = k, j = l
Rm(ei ∧ ej , ek ∧ el ) =
0, otherwise.

In particular, this basis diagonalizes the curvature operator, and the eigen-
values of the curvature operator are precisely λi λj for i < j. Note that all of
the eigenvectors of the curvature operator are simple planes in Λ2 T M . It fol-
lows that if M is any Riemannian manifold which has a non-simples 2-plane
as a eigenvector of the curvature operator at any point, then M cannot be
immersed (even locally) as a hypersurface in Rn+1 .
18.4 Hypersurfaces 175

Example 18.4.1 (Curvature of the unit sphere). Consider the unit sphere S n ,
which is a hypersurface of Euclidean space Rn+1 (so we take the immersion
X to be the inclusion). With a suitable choice of orientation, we find that
the Gauss map is the identity map on S n — that is, we have n(z) = X(z)
for all z ∈ S n . Differentiating this gives

DX(W(u)) = Du n = DX(u)

so that W is the identity map on T S n , and hij = gij . It follows that all of
the principal curvatures are equal to 1 at every point, and that all of the
sectional curvatures are equal to 1. Therefore the unit sphere has constant
sectional curvatures equal to 1.

Example 18.4.2 (Totally umbillic hypersurfaces). A hypersurface M n in Eu-

clidean space is called totally umbillic if for every x ∈ M the principal cur-
vatures λ1 (x), . . . , λn (x) are equal — that is, the second fundamental form
has the form hij = λ(x)gij . The Codazzi identity implies that a connected
totally umbillic hypersurface in fact has constant principal curvatures (hence
also constant sectional curvatures by the Gauss identity):

(∇k λ)gij = ∇k hij = ∇i hkj = (∇i λ)gkj

for any i, j and k. Fix k, and choose j = i = k (we assume n ≥ 2, since

otherwise the totally umbillic condition is vacuous). This gives ∇k λ = 0.
Since k is arbitrary, this implies ∇λ = 0, hence λ is constant. There are two
possibilities: λ = 0 (in which case M is a subset of a plane), or λ = 0 (in
which case M is a subset of a sphere).

Example 18.4.3 Spacelike hypersurfaces in Minkowski space The definitions

we have made for the second fundamental form were given for submanifolds of
Euclidean space. However the same definitions work with very minor modifi-
cations for certain hypersurfaces in the Minkowski space Rn,1 : A hypersurface
M n in Rn,1 is called spacelike if the metric induced on M from the Minkowski
metric is Riemannian — equivalently, if every non-zero tangent vector u of M
has u, uRn,1 > 0. This is equivalent to the statement that M is given as the
graph of a smooth function with slope less than 1 over the plane Rn × {0}.
Given a spacelike hypersurface, we can choose at each x ∈ M a unit
normal by taking the unique future-pointing vector n which is orthogonal to
Tx M with respect to the Minkowski metric, normalized so that n, n = −1.
The definitions are now identical to those for hypersurfaces in Euclidean
space, except that the metric on the normal bundle is now negative defi-
nite. The Codazzi identity is unchanged, and the Gauss identity is almost
unchanged: The one difference arises from the presence of the g̃ term in
Equation (18.5), which is now negative instead of positive. This gives

Rijkl = − (hik hjl − hjk hil ) . (18.9)

176 Lecture 18. The Gauss and Codazzi equations

We can now compute the second fundamental form for a very special
example, namely Hyperbolic space Hn , which is the set of unit future timelike
vectors in Minkowski space. In this case we have n(z) = z for every z ∈ Hn ,
since 0 = Du z, z = 2Du z, z = 2u, z. Differentiating, we find (exactly as
in the calculation for the sphere in Example 18.4.1 above) that hij = gij , so
that the principal curvatures are all equal to 1. The Gauss equation therefore
gives that the sectional curvatures are identically equal to −1.
More generally, a hypersurface with all principal curvatures of the same
sign (i.e. a convex hypersurface) in Minkowski space has negative curvature
operator, while a hypersurface with all principal curvatures of the same sign
in Euclidean space has positive curvature operator.
Lecture 19. The Cartan Moving Frame

In this lecture we will explore the use of differential forms to compute con-
nection coefficients and curvatures for given Riemannian metrics.
We start with a technical Lemma (Cartan’s Lemma):

Lemma 19.1 Let ωi , i = 1, . . . , n be a collection of 1-forms on a region

U which form a basis for the space of covectors at each point. Suppose ηij ,
1 ≤ i, j ≤ n be a collection of 1-forms which satisfy

ηij ∧ ωj = 0

for each i, and

ηij + ηji = 0
for each i and j. Then ηij = 0 for all i and j at every point of U .

Proof. We can write uniquely

ηij = aijk ωk .

The identity ηij ∧ ωj then becomes

aijk − aikj = 0

for each i, j and k. The second identity gives

aijk + ajik = 0.

Thus we have

aijk = −ajik = −ajki = akji = akij = −aikj = −aijk ,

so that aijk = 0 and ηij = 0. 

To proceed, suppose we have a manifold M equipped with a Riemannian

metric g, such that there is a smoothly defined orthonormal collection of
vector fields e1 , . . . , en . Let ω1 , . . . , ωn be the dual basis of 1-forms.
178 Lecture 19. The Cartan Moving Frame Method

Then we have the following result:

Proposition 19.2 There exists a unique collection of 1-forms ωij for 1 ≤

i, j ≤ n such that
dωi = ωij ∧ ωj
ωij + ωji = 0.

Proof. We start by proving uniqueness: Suppose that ω̄ij is any other collec-
tion of one-forms satisfying the same conditions. Then let ηij = ω̄ij − ωij .
Then we have

ηij ∧ ωj = ω̄ij ∧ ωj − ωij ∧ ωj = dωi − dωi = 0

ηij + ηji = 0.
By Lemma 19.1, we have ηij = 0, and therefore ωij = ω̄ij .
Now we prove existence. We set ωij = g(∇ek ei , ej )ωk , where ∇ is the
Levi-Civita connection of g. We use the identity

dω(X, Y ) = Xω(Y ) − Y ω(X) − ω([X, Y ])

from section 13.7. Applying this with ω = ωi , X = ej and Y = ek , we find

(noting ωi (ej ) = δij ) that

dωi (ek , el ) = −ωi ([ek , el ]) = −ωi (∇ek el − ∇el ek ) = −Γkli + Γlki


ωij ∧ ωj (ek , el ) = g(∇ek ei , ej )δjl − g(∇el ei , ej )δjk = Γkil − Γlik .

The fact that these two agree follows from the compatibility of the connection
with the metric, which gives

0 = ek δij = Γkij + Γkji .

The same identity shows that ωij + ωji = 0. 

The 1-forms ωij are called the connection 1-forms corresponding to the
frame {ei }. Once these have been computed, we can compute the curvature
as follows:

Proposition 19.3 For any orthonormal frame {ei }, the curvature 2-form
Ωij = − Rijkl ωk ∧ ωl
can be computed from the connection 1-forms as follows:
Lecture 19. The Cartan Moving Frame Method 179

Ωij = dωij − ωik ∧ ωkj .

Proof. From the proof of the previous proposition, we have ωij (ek ) =
g(∇ek ei , ej ). Taking the exterior derivative, we find

dωij (ek , el ) = ek ωij (el ) − el ωij (ek ) − ωij ([ek , el ])

= ek g(∇el ei , ej ) − el g(∇ek ei , ej ) − g(∇[ek ,el ] ei , ej )
= g(∇ek ∇el ei , ej ) + g(∇el ei , ∇ek ej )
− g(∇el ∇ek ei , ej ) − g(∇ek ei , ∇el ej )
− g(∇[ek ,el ] ei , ej )
= −Rijkl + ωip (el )ωjp (ek ) − ωip (ek )ωjp (el )
= (Ωij + ωip ∧ ωpj )(ek , el )

An important special case to keep in mind is the following: If n = 2, then

we have the simple set of equations
dω1 = ω12 ∧ ω2
dω2 = −ω12 ∧ ω1
Ω12 = dω12 .
In this case it is very easy to find the connection 1-form ω12 , since if we write
ω12 = aω1 + bω2 , then
dω1 (e1 , e2 ) = a
dω2 (e1 , e2 ) = −b
so that
ω12 = dω1 (e1 , e2 )ω1 − dω2 (e1 , e2 )ω2 .
The connection 2-form is also particularly simple in this case, since the
curvature tensor has only one component up to symmetries: R1212 = K, the
Gauss curvature. Thus we have

Ω12 = −Kω1 ∧ ω2 .

Example 19.4 We will compute the curvatures of the Riemannian metric gij =
f 2 δij on a region of Rn , where f = f (xn ).
Here we have an obvious orthonormal frame given by ei = f −1 ∂i , and the
corresponding basis of 1-forms ωi = f dxi . Computing exterior derivatives,
we find
dωi = d(f dxi ) = f  dxn ∧ dxi .
This gives the equations
180 Lecture 19. The Cartan Moving Frame Method

ωij ∧ ωj = f  /f 2 ωn ∧ ωi

for i < n, and

ωnj ∧ ωj = 0.
Now define 1-forms ηij by taking ηij = ωij for i < j < n, ηin = ωin + f  /f 2 ωi
for i < n, and requiring ηij + ηji = 0. Then the equations read:

ηij ∧ ωj = 0.

Therefore by Cartan’s Lemma, ηij = 0 everywhere, and we deduce that

ωij = 0 for i < j < n and ωin = −f  /f 2 ωi .
Taking exterior derivatives, we find:

dωij = 0

for i < j < n, and

dωin = −(f  /f ) /f 2 ωn ∧ ωi .
Also we have
ωik ∧ ωkn = 0
since the sum over k has either k = n, hence ωkn = 0, or k < n, hence
ωik = 0. On the other hand we have

ωik ∧ ωkj = ωin ∧ ωnj = −(f  )2 /f 4 ωi ∧ ωj .

Combining these identities, we find

Ωij = (f  )2 /f 2 ωi ∧ ωj

for i < j < n, and

Ωin = (f  /f ) /f 2 ωi ∧ ωn .
This shows that
Rinin = −(f  /f ) /f 2 ,
for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, and and

Rijij = −(f  )2 /f 4

for 1 < i < j < n, while (except for symmetries) all other curvature compo-
nents are zero.
An important special case of this example is where f (x) = x−1 . Then we
find (f  /f ) /f 2 = 1 and (f  )2 /f 4 = 1, and therefore all sectional curvatures
of this metric are equal to −1.
Lecture 20. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

In this lecture we will prove two important global theorems about the geome-
try and topology of two-dimensional manifolds. These are the Gauss-Bonnet
theorem and the Poincaré-Hopf theorem.
Let us begin with a special case:
Suppose M is a compact oriented 2-dimensional manifold, and assume
that there exists a vector field V on M which is nowhere zero. Now let g
be any Riemannian metric on M . Then we can produce an orthonormal
frame globally on M by taking e1 = V /g(V, V )1/2 , and taking e2 to be the
unique unit vector orthogonal to e1 such that e1 and e2 are an oriented basis
at each point. The dual basis ω1 , ω2 is then also globally defined, and we
have a globally defined 1-form ω12 on M such that dω1 = ω12 ∧ ω2 and
dω2 = −ω12 ∧ ω1 . Then we have −K(g)ω1 ∧ ω2 = dω12 .
Stokes’ Theorem then applies to give
" "
− K(g)dV ol(g) = Ω12 = 0.

So we have the remarkable conclusion that the integral of the Gauss curvature
over M is zero for every Riemannian metric on M .

Remark. In fact the existence of a non-vanishing vector field implies M is

diffeomorphic to a torus S 1 × S 1 . A corollary of the computation above is
that S 2 does not admit a nonvanishing vector field (as we have already seen),
since if it did the integral of Gauss curvature would be zero for any metric,
but we know that the standard metric on S 2 has Gauss curvature 1.

The result we proved above is a special case of the famous Gauss-Bonnet
theorem. The general case is as follows:

Theorem 20.1 The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem Let M be a compact oriented

two-dimensional manifold. Then for any Riemannian metric g on M ,
K(g) dV ol(g) = 2πχ(M )

where ξ(M ) is the Euler characteristic of M .

182 Lecture 20. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

Here the Euler characteristic is an integer associated to M which de-

pends only on the topological type of M . If M admits a triangulation (i.e.
a decomposition into diffeomorphic images of closed triangles, such that the
intersection of any two is either empty, a common vertex, or a common edge)
then the Euler characteristic is equal to V + F − E, where V is the number of
vertices in the triangulation, F is the number of faces, and E is the number
of edges.
The second important theorem we will prove gives an alternative method
of computing the Euler characteristic. To state the result we first need to
introduce some new definitions.

Definition 20.2 Let M be a two-dimensional oriented manifold, and V a

vector field on M . Suppose y ∈ M , and assume that there exists an open
set U containing y such that there are no zeroes of V in U \{y}. Then the
index I(V, y) of V about y is equal to the winding number of V around the
boundary of a simply connected neighbourhood of y in U .

Example 20.3 Here are some vector fields in the plane with nontrivial index
about 0:


–2 –1 0 1 2



V = (x, y), I(V, 0) = +1



–2 –1 0 1 2



V = (x, −y), I(V, 0) = −1



–2 –1 0 1 2



V = (x2 − y 2 , 2xy), I(V, 0) = +2

Lecture 20. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 183


–2 –1 0 1 2



V = (x2 − y 2 , −2xy), I(V, 0) = −2



–2 –1 0 1 2



V = (x3 − 3xy 2 , 3x2 y − y 3 ), I(V, 0) = +3



–2 –1 0 1 2



V = (x3 − 3xy 2 , y 3 − 3x2 y), I(V, 0) = −3

Now we can state the Poincaré-Hopf theorem:

Theorem 20.4 Let M be a compact oriented two-dimensional manifold, and

let V be any vector field on M which has all zeroes isolated — that is, if y
is any zero of V then there is a neithbourhood U of y in M such that V is
nonzero on U \{y}. Label the zeroes of V as x1 , . . . , xN . Then

I(V, xi ) = χ(M ).

We will prove that the sum of the indices of the vector field V at its
zeroes is independent of V , and the result can then be taken to define the
Euler characteristic. To see that this definition of the Euler characteristic
agrees with the one given above in terms of triangulations, suppose that we
are given a triangulation of M . Then choose a vector field as sketched below
with zeroes at the centre of each face, the middle of each edge, and at each
vertex. This vector field points outwards from the centre of each face, so has
index 1 there, and points inwards at each vertex, so also has index 1 there.
At the middle of each edge the vector field has index −1. Therefore the sum
of the indices equals F + V − E, agreeing with our previous definition of the
Euler characteristic.
184 Lecture 20. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

We will prove the Gauss-Bonnet theorem and the Poincaré-Hopf theorem

at the same time, by showing that for any Riemannian metric g on M and
any vector field V with isolated zeroes, we have
K(g) dV ol(g) = 2π I(V, xi ).
M i=1

If we keep V fixed and vary g, we deduce that the left-hand side is independent
of g, and if we keep g fixed and vary V , we deduce that the right-hand side is
independent of V , so we can define the Euler characteristic and deduce both
So let V and g be given, and let x1 , . . . , xN be the zeroes of V . About
each of these zeroes we can choose a small neighbourhood Ui of xi (say, given
by the image of a ball under some chart) such that V is nonvanishing on
M̃ = M \ ∪N i=1 Ui . Let γi be the boundary of Ui , parametrised anticlockwise
in some oriented chart.
Now M̃ is a compact oriented manifold with boundary, and V is nonva-
nishing on M̃ . Define e1 = V /g(V, V )1/2 , and take e2 to be the unit vector
orthogonal to e1 which is given by a positive right-angle rotation of e1 . Denote
the dual frame by ω1 and ω2 , and let ω12 be the corresponding connection
one-form. Then we have
Ω12 = dω12 ,
and Stokes’ theorem gives
" " "
− K(g) dV ol(g) = Ω12 = ω12 .
M̃ M̃ ∂ M̃
Lecture 20. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 185

The boundary of M̃ is the union of the circles γi , parametrized clockwise.

" N "
− K(g) dV ol(g) = − ω12 .
M̃ i=1 γi

Now on each of the regions Ui we can choose a non-vanishing frame ē1 ,
(i) (i)
ē2 .This gives a corresponding connection one-form ω̄12 , and we have for
each i " " " "
(i) (i)
− K(g) dV ol(g) = Ω12 = dω̄12 = ω̄12 .
Ui Ui Ui γi

Combining these results, we get

" N "
− K(g) dV ol(g) = ω̄12 − ω12 .
M i=1 γi

To interpret the integral of ω̄12 − ω12 around γi , we need to consider
the relationship between the frames e1 and ē1 . Since these are both unit
vectors, they are related by a rotation. Therefore there exists a map from γi
to SO(1)
S 1 ⊂ R2 , say x → z = (α, β) ∈ S 1 , such that
ē1 = αe1 + βe2
ē2 = −βe1 + αe2 .
Then we have
ω̄1 = αω1 + βω2
ω̄2 = −βω1 + αω2 .
Since α2 + β 2 = 1, we have β −1 dα = −α−1 dβ = dθ. Applying the exterior
derivative we find
dω̄1 = dα ∧ ω1 + αdω1 + dβ ∧ ω2 + βdω2
= −(ω12 − β −1 dα) ∧ βω1 + (ω12 + α−1 dβ) ∧ αω2
= (ω12 + dθ) ∧ ω̄2 .
and similarly
(i) (i)
dω̄2 = −(ω12 + dθ) ∧ ω̄1 .
It follows that ω̄12 − ω12 = dθ, and so
" "
ω̄12 − ω12 = dθ
γi γi

is 2π times the winding number of the map z : γi → S 1 . This is equal to the

(i) (i)
difference betweeen I(ē1 , xi ) and I(e1 , xi ). But ē1 is nonvanishing in Ui , so
I(ē1 , xi ) = 0, and by construction I(e1 , xi ) = I(V, xi ). Thus
186 Lecture 20. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
ω̄12 − ω12 = −I(V, xi ).

We have proved
− K(g) dV ol(g) = −2π I(V, xi ),
M i=1

and the proofs of the Gauss Bonnet and Poincaré-Hopf theorems are com-

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