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Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases

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Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases


• Passage of loose, liquid or

watery stools.
• Liquid stools >3 times/day

• Recent change in Consistency

and character of stool - More
important than no. of stools.
Clinical type of Diarrhoeal Diseases

1. Acute watery diarrhoea-

– Few hours to days
– Dangers-
• dehydration &
• weight loss
– Pathogens-
• V. cholerae
• E.coli
• rotavirus
Clinical type of Diarrhoeal Diseases
2. Acute bloody diarrhoea-
• Also called dysentery
• Dangers-
• Damage to intestinal mucosa
• Sepsis
• Malnutrition
• Dehydration
• Visible blood in stools
• Pathogen-
• Shigella
Clinical type of Diarrhoeal Diseases

3. Persistent diarrhoea-
– Last 14 days or longer
– Dangers-
• Malnutrition
• Dehydration
– Disease-
Clinical type of Diarrhoeal Diseases

4. Diarrhoea with severe malnutrition-

• Marasmus or Kwashiorkor
– Dangers-
• Severe systemic infection
• Dehydration
• Heart failure
• Vitamin & Mineral deficiency
Problem Statement-World

• Diarrhoea causes 11 % of child death worldwide.

• In children under five years of age- Median of 3

episodes of diarrhea per child year.
Problem Statement-India
• Diarrhoea causes 8 % of U5 deaths.
• Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death during
emergencies & natural disasters b/o-
– Displacement of population in temporary,
overcrowded shelters.
• Polluted water source
• Inadequate sanitation
• Poor hygiene practices
• Contaminated food
• Malnutrition
1. Infectious:
– Digestive origin
– Non- digestive origin- ENT infections, Resp and urinary
infections, malaria
2. Noninfectious - abnormal mucosa
– Inflammatory Bowel disease
– Celiac disease, microscopic colitis, eosinophilic and allergic
gastroenteritis, radiation enteritis
3. Inborn error of metabolism- congenital enzyme
Infectious diarrhea
• Mostly feco-oral route-

• Bacterial
• Viral
• Parasitic
• Watery
– Enterotoxigenic-
• Vibrio cholera
• Enterotoxigenic E.coli
– Food borne toxins-
• Bacillus cereus
• Clostridium perfringens
• Bloody
– Invasive
• Campylobacter jejuni
– Destructive
• Shigella
• Enteropathogenic E.coli
• Clostridium difficile
• Rotavirus
– Children less than 2 years
– Most common cause of diarrhea in children all over the
• Norwalk
– Older children and adults
• These viruses injure the small intestinal mucosa
• Watery diarrhea
– Immuno-compromised
• Protozoa
– Giardia lamblia
– Entamoeba histolytica
– Cryptosporidium
• Helminths
– Ascaris lumbricoides
– Ancylostoma
– Strongyloides stercoralis
– Trichinella spiralis
– Capillaria philippensis
In Immuno-compromised Hosts
• Besides the common pathogens,
– Giardia
– Legionella
– Candida albicans
– Cryptosporidium species
– Mycobacterium avium-intralcellulare
Reservoir of Infection
• Human-
– Shigella
– V. Cholerae
– Giardia lamblia
– E.histolitica
• Animals
– Campylobactor jejuni
– Salmonella
– Y. enterocolitica
Host factors
• Most common age group- 6 m to 2 yrs
• Highest in 6-11 months at weaning b/o-
– Decline level of acquired maternal antibodies
– Lack of active immunity in infants
– Introduction of contaminated foods
– Direct contact with human & animal faeces due
to start crawling
– Infants feeds on Cow milk or infant feeding
Host factors
• Malnutrition-Infection-Diarrhoea
• Poverty
• Prematurity
• Immunodeficiency
• Lack of personal & domestic hygiene
• Incorrect feeding practices
Environmental factors
• In general-
– Virus-Winter season
– Bacteria-warm season
• In India-
– Rotavirus-through the year, increases in
frequency in drier, cool months
– Bacterial- Warm & rainy season
Mode of Transmission

• Faecal-oral route-
– Water borne
– Food borne
– Direct transmission
• Finger
• Fomites
• Dirt
Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases

• Components of Diarrhoeal disease control

programme (1980 by WHO)-
1. Short term-
1. Appropriate clinical management
2. Long term-
1. Better MCH practices
2. Preventive strategies
3. Preventing diarrhoeal epidemics
• Fluid therapy
• Persons with moderate to severe diarrhea lose large
amounts of Na, Cl, K, HCO3 & H20
• Pre renal azotemia, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis
– IV Fluids
Oral Rehydration Therapy
• Na+ absorption is impaired in the diarrhoeal state
• If the Na+ is not absorbed water cannot be absorbed.
• Excess Na+ in the lumen of the intestine causes
increased secretion of water and the diarrhoea worsens
• Aim of ORT: To prevent dehydration and reduce
– .
Glucose –correct the electrolyte and water deficits
•Absorbed through the intestinal wall and is
unaffected by the diarrhoeal disease state
•Sodium is carried in conjunction through by a co-
transport coupling mechanism.
•This occurs in a 1:1 ratio, one molecule of glucose
co-transporting one sodium ion (Na+).
Citrate: Corrects acidosis and enhances the
absorption of water and electrolytes
Composition of Reduced
Osmolarity ORS- (Jan.2004)
Reduced Osmolairty ORS Grams/ litre

Sodium Chloride 2.6 grams

Tri-sodium citrate 2.9 grams
Potassium Chloride 1.5 grams
Glucose 13.5 grams
Total weight 20.5 grams
Composition of Reduced
Osmolarity ORS
Reduced Osmolairty ORS mmol/ litre
Sodium 75
Chloride 65
Glucose, Anhydrous 75
Potassium 20
Citrate 10
Total Osmolarity 245
Assessment of Dehydration
Sunken abdomen, dehydration
Guidelines for Oral Rehydration Therapy
(for all ages) during first four hours
• If the child’s weight is known, ORS required in first 4
hours = 75 ml/ kg
• IF weight unknown, then determine on the basis of age

Age Under 4 4-11 1-2 2-4 5-14 15 years

months months years years years or over
Weight Under 5 5-7.9 8-10.9 11-15.6 16-29.9 30 or
(Kg) above
ORS 200-400 400-600 600-800 800- 1200- 2200-
solution 1200 2200 4400
Guidelines for Oral Rehydration
• Children <2 years: Give a teaspoon every 1- 2
• Older children: Offer frequent sips out of a cup.
• Adults may drink as much as they like.
• Try to give the estimated required amount within a
4-hour period.
Guidelines for Oral Rehydration
• As a general guide, after each loose stool, give –
• Children <2 years: 50-100 ml (a quarter to half a
large cup) of fluid;
• Children 2-10 years : 100-200 ml (a half to one
large cup);
• Older children and adults : As much fluid as they
Guidelines for Oral Rehydration
• If the child vomits, wait for 10 minutes, then try
again, giving the solution slowly - a spoonful
every 2 to 3 minutes.
• If the child wants to drink more ORS solution than
the estimated amount, and does not vomit, there
can be no harm in feeding him/her more.
Guidelines for Oral Rehydration
• If the child refuses to drink the required amount
and signs of dehydration have disappeared,
rehydration is completed.
• The treatment plan for non-dehydrated diarrhoeic
children is then resumed.
• If the child is breast-fed, nursing should be
pursued during treatment with ORS solution.
Home treatment of dehydration
• Simple mixture consisting of table salt (one level
teaspoon) and sugar (6 level teaspoon) dissolved in
one litre of drinking water
• Rice water; unsalted soup, yoghurt drinks, green
coconut water
• Avoided: Tea, Coffee (purgative)
• Sweetened with sugar: Osmotic Diarrhoea &
Hypernatremia: eg. Commercial carbonated
beverages, commercial fruit juices
IV Fluids

• Only for the initial rehydration of severly dehydrated

• Ringer’s lactate:
– Supplies adequate concentrations of sodium and potassium
– Lactate yields bicarbonate for correction of the acidosis.
• Diarrhoea Treatment Solution (DTS):
– Ideal Polyelectrolyte solution for intravenous infusion.
– It contains in one litre, sodium chloride 4 g, sodium acetate
6.5 g, potassium chloride 1 g and glucose 10 g.
Treatment plan for Rehydration Therapy

Age First give 30 Then give 70

ml/kg in mi/kg in
Infant (Under 12 1 hour 5 hours
Older 30 minutes 2 hour & 30
• Initial Rehydration should be fast
• Examine at intervals during rehydration
• If eyelids become puffy, IV fluid should be stopped
Maintenance Therapy
Amount of Diarrhoea Amount of Oral Fluid
Mild diarrhoea • 100 ml/ kg body
•not more than one stool every 2 weight per day until
hours or longer, or diarrhoea stops
•less than 5 ml stool per kg per
Severe diarrhoea • Replace stool losses
•more than one stool every 2 volume For volume;
hours, or • If not measurable give
•more than 5 ml of stool per kg 10-15 ml/kg body
per hour) weight per hour
Appropriate Feeding
• Normal food Intake
• Do not withhold food, even for one or two days, greatly
exacerbates the malnutrition
• Newborn infants with diarrhoea who show little or no
signs of dehydration can be treated by breast-feeding
• Those with moderate or severe dehydration should receive
oral rehydration solution.
• Breast-feeding is continued along with oral rehydration
solution given after each liquid stool.
•Diarrhoea due to cholera:
– Drug of choice is doxicycline, tetracycline,
TMP-SMX and erythromycin.
•Diarrhoea due to shigella:
– Drug of choice is ciprofloxacin
Antimotility agents
• Should be avoided
• Concern for promoting bacterial invasion or
prolonging the infection
Zinc Supplementation
• Reduces the episode's duration and severity
• Infants under 6 months of age: 10 mg/ day
for 10-14 days
• Children older than 6 months: 20 mg/ day
for 10-14 days
Better MCH care practices
• Maternal nutrition-
– Reduce low birth weight of baby
– Improve quality of breast milk
• Child nutrition-
– Promotion of breast feeding
– Appropriate weaning practices
– Complementary feeding
– Vit. A supplementation
Preventive Strategies
• Sanitation-
– Improve water supply
– Improve excreta disposal
– Improve domestic & food hygiene
– Improve personal hygiene
• Hand washing
• Health Education-
– Breast feeding
– Improved weaning
– Clean drinking water
– Use of latrine
– Proper disposal of toddlers stool
Preventive Strategies
• Immunization-
– Measles
– Rotavirus vaccine
Rotavirus vaccine – Two live oral vaccines
Rotarix (GSK Bio) Rota Teq (Merck)
Origin Human monovalent Bovine pentavalent
Vaccine 2 doses- oral 3 doses- oral
Schedule With Penta-1 and Penta- 2 With Penta-1, Penta- 2
and Penta- 3
Age First dose not later than 12 First dose, 6- 12 weeks
restrictions weeks Last dose before 32
Second dose not later than weeks
24 weeks
Presentation Lypophilized, reconstituted Liquid
or liquid
Side effects Intussusception Intussusception
Prevention of diarrhoeal
epidemics-Primary Health Care
• The Integrated Global Action Plan for the
Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and
– Reduce mortality from diarrhoea in U5 children <1 per
1000 live births;
– Reduce the incidence of severe diarrhoea by 75% in U
5 children compared to 2010 levels;
– Reduce by 40% the global number of U 5 children who
are stunted compared to 2010 levels.
Diarrhoeal Diseases Control Programme
• Started in 1978-
– Reducing mortality & morbidities due to diarrhoea
• 1985-86- National Oral rehydration therapy
– Case management of diarrhoea
– Improve maternal knowledge for home based
fluid,ORS and continued feeding
• 1992-93-CSSM
• 1997- RCH
• 2005- NRHM under IMNCI
Monitorable treatment and Diarrhoea
Prevention Indicators
A. Diarrhoea Prevention Indicators
1. Percentage of population using :
– Improved drinking water sources
– Improved sanitation facilities
2.Percentage of one year old immunized against
3.Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (per
cent full coverage) 6 to 59 months
Monitorable treatment and Diarrhoea
Prevention Indicators
4. Percentage of children who are
– under-weight
– stunted
– exclusively breast-fed
– breast-fed with -complementary food (6 to 9
months age)
– still breast-feeding
Monitorable treatment and Diarrhoea
Prevention Indicators
B. Diarrhoea Treatment Indicators
• Percentage of children under five years with
diarrhoea receiving:
1. ORT with continuous feeding
2. ORS packet
3. Recommended home made fluids
4. Increased fluids
5. Continued feeding
Monitorable treatment and Diarrhoea
Prevention Indicators
C. Use of oral rehydration therapy
• Percentage of children U5 with diarrhoea
receiving oral rehydration therapy
1. Gender –
2. Residence-
3. Wealth index quintiles- Poorest, second,
middle, fourth, richest
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