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Global Issues That Concern Schools and Society

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Global Issues That Concern

Schools and Society

Chapter 5
• The world has become a global village. We have become a citizen of a
global community.
• What takes place in one part of the globe no matter how far affects us.
Top 10 World Issues Top 10 Current Global 17 SDGs 2015-2030

Climate change Climate change End poverty in all its forms

Large scale conflict Pollution End hunger, achieve food security
and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture
Inequality Violence Ensure healthy lives and promote
well-being for all ages
Poverty Security and well being Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education
Religious conflicts Lack of education Achieve gender equality and
empower all women and girls
Government accountability and Unemployment Ensure availability and
transparency sustainability management of water
and sanitation
Top 10 World Top 10 Current 17 SDGs 2015-2030
Issues Global Issues
Food and water security Government corruption Ensure access to
affordable, reliable,
sustainable, and modern
energy for all
Lack of education Malnourishment & hunger Promote sustained,
inclusive & sustainable
economic growth, full &
productive employment
Safety/security/well being Substance abuse
Lack of economic terrorism
The Top Ten Global Issues and How They
Can be Address
Climate Change

• The global temperatures are raising

• By 2100 there is an increase of temperature from
2.6 degrees Celsius to 4.8 degrees Celsius.
The Effects

• Severe weather
• Crises of food & resources
• Spread of diseases
The Solution

• Reduction of green emissions

• Spreading of education on the importance of
going green
• Encouraging reforestation

• substance or thing that has

harmful or poisonous effects.
Ocean litter

also known as marine litter,

is human-created waste
that has deliberately or
accidentally been
released in a sea or
pesticides & fertilizers

• The pesticides cause collateral

harm to other organisms. The
pesticides are also toxic to
human beings and also to useful
insects like bees. When talking
about the harm of fertilizers, it
flows into the ground water
which can pollute the water.

•  defined as the presence

of toxic chemicals or
compounds (including
those of biological
origin) in the air, at
levels that pose a health
light & noise

• Noise pollution can be

harmful to animals and
humans as it disrupts sleep
and causes stress. Light
pollution is defined as
excessive or disturbing light
that may be harmful to
animals or humans

• clean
Sad Reality

•More than 1 billion people

don’t have access to clean

• Found in the social, cultural and economic aspects

of the world.
• Conflict that has broken out in the city
• Hatred targeted at a certain group
• Sexual harassment
Physical violence

• Occurs when
someone uses a part
of their body or an
object to control a
persons actions.
Sexual violence

• Occurs when a
person is forced to
unwillingly take part
in sexual activity
Sexual violence
Clearly, it is now acknowledged that rape, as a form of
sexual violence, exists within marriage. A man who
penetrates her wife without her consent or against her
will commits sexual violence upon her, and the
Philippines, as a State Party to the CEDAW and its
accompanying Declaration, defines and penalizes the
act as rape under R.A. No. 8353.
Emotional violence

• a way to control another

person by using emotions
to criticize, embarrass,
shame, blame, or otherwise
manipulate another person.
Psychological violence

• occurs when Maong

someone uses sunda ko

threats and causes

fear in an individual
to gain control.
Spiritual violence

• Occurs when someone

uses an individual’s
spiritual beliefs to
manipulate, dominate
or control that person.
Cultural violence

• Occurs when in individual

is harmed as a result of
practices that are part of
her or his culture, religion
or tradition.
Security & Well Being

• The U.N. is a perfect example of what

should be done to prevent the lack of
security & well being a serious global
Lack of Education

• 72 million uneducated children.

• Attributed to inequality and
marginalization as well as poverty.

• Work directly with the issue of

education in providing the proper
tools and resources to aid schools
Improving functional literacy in the Philippines

• the Philippines has consistently

made a significant stride in its
functional literacy rate.
Functional Literacy

• defined by the National Statistics

Authority is the level of literacy which
includes not only reading and writing but
also numeracy skills that would help
people cope with the daily demands of
Functional Literacy, Education and Mass
Media Survey (FLEMMS) 2013

• the country registered a 90.3%

rate, which means that nine out of
every 10 Filipinos aged 10-64
were functionally literate.

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