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Social Issues in The Philippines of Todays Society

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- 7.3 million girls become pregnant before 18 each year

- 2.3 million girls aged 15 or younger give birth each year
- Half of pregnancies among girls aged 15-16 living in
developing regions are unintended
- 2nd highest cause of death pregnancy and childbirth
complications for girls aged 15 to 19
- 3 million girls undergo abortions every year
in the Philippines

- One of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world every

hour, 24 babies are born to teenage mothers
- One in ten young Filipino women aged 15 to 19 is already
a mother or pregnant with first child
- One in five (19%) young adult women age 18 to 24 years
initiated their sexual activity before age 18

 peer pressure, drugs and substance abuse leading to

compromised decisions;
 irresponsible sexual behavior that frequently occurs in youth
who do not have basic information about sex and contraception;
 early marriage and child bearing among adolescent females;
 problems in parent-child relationship, poverty and material
deprivation that may push young people into survival sex in
exchange for money and food;
 exposure to suggestive or explicit media, films, magazines,
music that may influence adolescent sexual behavior, causing
them to engage in sexual activity before they are ready; and
 failure to comply with religious principles and commandments
prescribed by religious ethics.
Behavioral Causes

 Engagement in unprotective sex

 Engagement in sex with multiple partners
 Transactional or commercial sex
 Health risks for pregnant teenagers
 premature births
 babies born with a lower birth weight
 problems with breastfeeding
 anemia, or low iron levels, during pregnancy high blood pressure
 emotional and mental health problems
 substance misuse
Preventive Practices

 Personal values about sex and abstinence Perception of peer

 norms and sexual
 Behavior
 Knowledge of sexual issues, HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy
 (including methods of prevention)
 Perception of HIV risk
 Attitudes towards condoms
 Individual ability to refuse sex and to use condoms
Preventive Practices

Aims to:

 make young people like and respect themselves;

 help learners see sexuality as a natural and
 positive part of life; teach skills to make informed and
 responsible decisions; and
 explore different values and attitudes.
Protective factors

 Intent to abstain from sex or limit number of partners.

 Communication with parents or other adults about sex,
condoms and contraception.
 Individual's ability to avoid HIV/STD risk and risk behaviors.
 Avoidance of places and situations that might lead to sex.
 Intent to use a condom.


 Seek prenatal care.
 Get tested for sexually transmitted
 infections (STIs).
 Eat a healthy diet.
 Stay physically active.
 Gain weight wisely.
 Avoid risky substances.


• Parents may experience shock, disappointment, anxiety, anger and

sometimes a sense of guilt or responsibility.
• There may be a loss of their dreams for their daughter (or son).
• Some of the choices available could go against parents' values. If their
daughter does not tell them for a long time, there can be considerable
disappointment that she feared their response so much.
There may be concerns about what friends and other family members think.
Poverty is the deprivation of food, shelter, money and clothing when
people can't satisfy their basic needs. Poverty can be understood simply as
a lack of money or more broadly in terms of barriers to everyday human
According to Mobile Orshansky who developed the poverty measurements
used by the U.S. government," Poor is to be deprived of those goods,
services and pleasures which others around us take for granted."
According to David Kurten, Poverty also involve social disintegration and
environmental degradation which he describe as forming the threefold
human crisis in the world today.
types of poverty

(1) Absolute Poverty: (Destitution) It refers to the state of severe deprivation of basic human needs.
(2) Relative Poverty: It is defined contextually as Economic inequality in location or society in which
people live.

Poverty is the other economic problem facing most of the nations in the world. There is no unique
definition of poverty. This is based on the national definition as well as the international standards of
US $1/day/person and US $2/day/person. Lately poverty definition is changed to US $4/day/person.

It is often used to represent income distribution, where it shows for the bottom x% of households,
what percentage y% of the total income they have. The percentage of households is plotted on the x-
axis, the percentage of income on the y-axis.
types of poverty

• It can also be used to show distribution of assets. In such use, many economists consider it to be a
measure of social inequality. It was developed by Max O. Lorenz in 1905 for representing inequality of
the wealth distribution.

• The concept is useful in describing inequality among the size of individuals in ecology, and in studies
of biodiversity, where cumulative proportion of species is plotted against cumulative proportion of
individuals. It is also useful in business modeling.

• E.g. In consumer finance, to measure the actual delinquency Y% of the X% of people with worst
predicted risk scores.
Facts and Figure

The world bank estimated that,

1) Around 1.29 billion people were in absolute poverty in 2008.
2) About 400 million people in absolute poverty in India and 173 million people in china.
3) Sub-saharan Africa at 47% had the highest incidence rate of absolute poverty in 2008.
4) Between 1990 and 2010, about 663 million people moved above the absolute poverty level.
5) Every year 11 million children living in poverty die before their 5th birthday. 6) 1.02 billion
people go to bed hungry every night.

The World bank's "Voice of the poor", based on research with over 20,000 poor people in 23
countries, identifies a range of factors which poor people identify as part of poverty are:
(1) Precious livelihoods
(2) Excluded location
(3) Physical limitation
(4) Gender relationship
(5) Lack of security
(6) Problems in social relationship
(7) Weak community organization
poverty line

The poverty threshold or poverty line is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a given country.

In practice, like the definition of poverty, the official or common understanding of the poverty line is
significantly higher in developed countries than in developing countries.

The common international poverty line has in the past been roughly $1 a day. In 2008, the World Bank came
out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power parity.

Determining the poverty line is usually done by finding the total cost of all the essential resources that an
average human adult consumes in one year.

The largest of these expenses is typically the rent required to live in an apartment, so historically, economists
have paid particular attention to the real estate market and housing prices as a strong poverty line effector.
Characteristics of Poverty
Effects of poverty also be causes and creating a "Poverty cycle" operating across multiple levels, individual, national, global.
(1) Health: one third of deaths are due to poverty related causes.. Those living in poverty suffer from life expectancy.

According to the World Health Organization, hunger and malnutrition are the single gravest threats to the world's public
health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases.

Almost 90% of maternal deaths during childbirth occur in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, compared to less than 1% in the
developed world.

(2) Hunger: Rises in the living cost making poor people less able to afford items. Poor people spend most of the portion of
their budget on to food than richer person.

(3) Education: Poor children are suffering from hunger, irritability, headache, viral infection, colds. It is safe to state that
children who live at or below the poverty level will have far less success educationally than children who live above the
poverty line. Poor children have a great deal less healthcare and this ultimately results in many absences from the academic

Additionally, poor children are much more likely to suffer from hunger, fatigue, irritability, headaches, ear infections, flu, and
colds. These illnesses could potentially restrict a child or student's focus and concentration.

• Education i the most powerful weapon which you

can use to change the world.

This is the first major issue that the Philippine government should resolve but
somehow it is recently improving. The quality of Philippine education has declined
a few years ago due to poor results from standard entrance tests conducted among
elementary and secondary students, as well as the tertiary levels.
The results were way below the target mean score. High dropout rates, a high number of repeaters, low passing
grades, lack of particular language skills, failure to adequately respond and address the needs of people with
special needs, overcrowded classrooms, and poor teacher performances, have greatly affected the quality of
education in the Philippines.
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Lack of education has serious effects on everyone, not only people who are under-educated, People who lack
education have trouble getting ahead in life, have worse health, and are poorer than the well-educated. Major
effects of lack of education include poor health, lack of a voice, shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation,
and gender inequality. For so many people, education is an escape route from poverty in the Philippines. In
places like the Philippines, has clearly not been the case, as millions of Filipinos find the education route
blocked. and thus the lack of education causes poverty,
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For so many people, education is an Lack of Education


Nov. 04, 20211 like 218 views escape route from poverty in the Philippines. In places like the Philippines, has
clearly not been the case, as millions of Filipinos find the education route blocked, and thus the lack of
education causes poverty. It is no secret that poverty is the biggest enemy of education on every level. Students
from poor homes are bound to fall victim to health issues The poverty lifestyle limits the youths ability to study
and learn.

Getting the right education can not only lift people from poverty, but it can also improve their health issues,
financial crisis, and change their lives

in the process A lack of education can be defined as a state where people have a below- average level of
common knowledge about basic things that they would urgently need in their daily life.For instance, this could
include basic knowledge in math, writing, spelling, etc. Especially in poor developing countries, educational
inequality is quite prevalent.

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