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CHAPTER 3 Biodiversity

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 The wide variety of organisms on Earth is known
as biodiversity or biological diversity.

 The variety of organims can be classified using an

appropriate classification method.
Classification of organims
 Sorting organisms into groups is called

 Classification of organism is usually done by

grouping organisms of different species which carry
the common characteristics.

 Animals are divided into 2 main groups: those with

backbones ( vertebrates) & those without
Vertebrates Aspects Invertebrates
With backbones Presence of Without
backbones backbones
Main support is Body support Main support is
endoskeleton exoskeleton
which consist of (such as hard
bones. skin) & fluid
Fish, amphibians, Examples Insects, spiders,
reptiles, birds & crabs, prawns.
mammals Worms &
molluscs ( such
as snails)
 Cold blooded animals
 Can live both on land & in water
 Most amphibian adults live on land
 They return to water only to lay eggs
 The eggs are fertilised outside the female’s body (external
 The young amphibians live in water & breathe through their gills
 The adults breathe with their lungs when on land & through their
skin when in water.
 The adults have loose & moist skin.
 Examples: frogs, toads (kodok), salamander, newts
 Have bodies that are well adapted for life under water
 Their skin is covered with hard & slimy scales (sisik
berlendir) for protection.
 They have fins & tails to swim.
 They absorb dissolved oxygen in the water through their gills.
 Most of them lay eggs that are fertilised outside their bodies.
 Fish are cold blooded animals
 This means that their body temperature changes with their
surrounding temperature.
 Examples: sharks(ikan yu), stingrays (ikan pari), eels (belut) ,
mackerels (ikan pelata)
 Only animals with feathers
 Have beaks & wings but not all of them can fly
 They breathe with their lungs
 Warm blooded animals
 This means that their body temperature remain
constant & does not change with the environment
 Their eggs, which are fertilised internally (internal
fertilisation) have hard shells & are laid in their nests.
 Examples: Kiwis, pigeons, eagles, parrots.
 Most live on land except whales & dolphins
 Body is covered with hair or fur
 Skin has sweat glands
 Warm blooded
 Females have mammary glands to provide milk for young
 The females give birth to live young except platypus which
lay eggs
 Breathe through lungs
 Examples: human, monkeys, rabbit, dogs, cows, giraffe,
whales, bats
 Had dry & scaly skin
 Most lay eggs
 Cold blooded
 Most have 2 pairs of legs except snakes
 Breathe through lungs
 Examples: crocodiles, tortoises(penyu) , turtles,
lizards, snakes. Monitor lizards (biawak)
 Scientist classify plants into 2 big groups: flowering
plants & non-flowering plants.

1. Flowering plants:
-Flowers are reproductive organs of flowering plants
-Can be divided into 2 groups: monocotyledons &
dicotyledons (depending on the number of
cotyledons in the seeds)
-Cotyledons is the main seed leaf for the germination of
new seedlings.
2.Non-flowering plants
 Plants that do not produce flowers
 Need to reproduce by other means, for example,

through spores (spora)

 Can be divided into 4 groups

-Algae (alga)
-Mosses (lumut)
-Conifers (konifer)
-Ferns (paku pakis)
Is it important to maintain biodiversity?

 Biodiversity is important to maintain a balanced environment

1. Source of food
2. Source of materials
3. Source of medicine
4. Clean water
5. Air to breathe

 Several ways to protect endangered wildlife:

1. Setting up natural resources (menubuhkan hutan simpan)
2. Enforcing legislation (menguatkuasakan undang-undang)
3. Protecting the habitat of wildlife

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