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S6 - Q2 - Week 4

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Science 6, Quarter 2, Week 4

Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Learning Objective:

Determine the distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and

invertebrates. (MELC CODE: S6LT-lle-f-3)

Unpacked Competencies:
 Identify the different classes of vertebrates.
 Describe the different characteristics of vertebrates.
 Classify animals according to classes of vertebrates.
 Identify the characteristics of invertebrates.
 Classify the given invertebrates according to characteristics.

Key Concepts
(Science 6 LM pp. 93-105)

Animals with backbones are called vertebrates. There are five
subgroups of vertebrates; namely, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Fishes live in water and take air and food from their surroundings.
They have gills for breathing. They reproduce either by internal or external
fertilization of the egg. Internal fertilization occurs in a female reproductive
tract. The sperm cell enters the female body to meet the egg cell to produce
living organisms. External fertilization occurs when the sperm cell and egg
cell unite without physical contact with the mate. The union of the egg cell
and sperm cell occurs outside the body of the animal. Their body temperature
changes with the environment. Therefore, they are called cold blooded. Some
examples of animals under this group are milkfish (bangus), mudfish (dalag),
tuna and galunggong.

Amphibians have moist, smooth skin that must remain moist in order
to survive. Their moist skin allows exchange of gases. They have strong legs
for walking, leaping, and swimming. The male amphibians fertilize the eggs
laid by the female amphibians; thus, fertilization is external. When young they
breathe through gills and as adults they breathe through their lungs. They

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
are also cold blooded animals. Some examples of this group are frog, lizard,
and salamander.

Reptiles are terrestrial animals that lay eggs. Their bodies are covered
with horny scales or plates which are waterproof. Reptiles have lungs for
breathing. Their body temperature can get along with that of their
surrounding and are therefore cold-blooded animals. Examples of reptiles are
crocodile, alligator, sea turtle (pawikan), monitor lizard (bayawak), and

Birds are usually fliers. However, birds like chickens fly. Some
ostriches, and penguins cannot fly at all. The body of a bird is covered with
feathers. Their bodies are suited for flight and they have hallow bones that
keep them light.

Birds of prey are birds having strong and curved beaks to tear their
prey into pieces. They have talons or sharp claws to grasp and hold their prey.
Eagles and hawks are birds of prey.

Mammals represent the most advanced group. They all have fur or
hair and mammary glands. Mammals are usually born in a whole form. They
develop inside the mother’s womb.

Mammals are the vertebrate groups to which men belong. Their skin is
covered with fur or hair and has sweat glands. They breathe with their lungs.
Young are born alive and are fed with secretion by mammary glands of the
mother. This is the characteristic for where this sub-group is named.
Mammals manage to live almost everywhere. Some examples of this sub
groups are dogs, cats, rabbits, dolphins, whales and bats.

Some mammals give births to their offspring by other means, such as

the monotremes. Monotremes such as the spiny anteater and duck-billed
platypus are egg-laying mammals. They share more characteristics with
reptiles than mammals. Their mammary glands are also not as developed.

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
Animals without backbone are called invertebrates. However, the
absence of a backbone does not hinder or affect their survival. In fact,
invertebrates make up roughly 97% of all animals on earth, while vertebrates
make up only 3%.

Sponges are many-celled invertebrates. The

body of a sponge is full of small holes called pores
thus also called poriferans. A narrow canal
connects the pores to one another. The shape of a
sponge depends on its skeleton; however, some
sponges do not have a skeleton.
Sponges are the simplest form of animals. They spend their lives
attached to rocks or underwater surfaces.

Cnidarians are formerly known as coelenterates. There are over 10,000

kinds of these marine animals. They are mostly found in the oceans, no
matter what depth or location, but few are found in freshwater. Cnidarians
are diverse, but can be classified into three groups: hydra, jellyfish, corals
and sea anemones.
These animals have stinging structures called nematocysts. These are
barbed threads tipped with poison, which are ejected like a dart to paralyze
a prey or to defend the cnidarians against other animals. This is why jellyfish
stings are very painful and can even be fatal.

Flatworms are called such because of their flat and ribbon like bodies.
They do not have body cavities that contain developed circulatory organs.
They feed by sucking our juices from the body of their prey. Their digestive
cavity has only one opening for taking in food and excreting waste.

Some flatworms, such as tapeworms and flukes are parasitic. A

tapeworm’s body is a series of segments. Each segments has both male and
female sex organs. This arrangement makes reproduction fast and
convenient. They get nourishment from their hosts.

Roundworms are also called nematodes. They have long, smooth, and
rounded bodies, which often have rings, bristles, or ridges that aid in
locomotion or protection. They are found in water, in the soil, or in other
plants and animals as parasites.

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
Nematodes - consist of animals called roundworms.

 *Roundworms are unsegmented worms that have long, thin, round

bodies pointed at both ends and are covered by a tough cuticle
 *Have muscles that run the length of their body. These muscles
cause the worms’ body to move in a thrashing manner as one
muscle contracts and another relaxes

Segmented Worms are also called annelids.

Annelids - animals belong to this group are segmented worms.

 They live in salt water, fresh water and in the soil. They are the most
complex among the worms.
 Their bodies are divided into segments. Examples of the animals in
this group are the earthworms and leeches.
 The earthworm has no respiratory system but absorbs oxygen and
gives off carbon dioxide through its thin skin, which must be keep

Mollusks are invertebrates with soft bodies. Some mollusks have hard
shells to protect their bodies while others do not have this protective shell.
Among the mollusks are snails, mussels, squids, and octopus.

Echinoderms are invertebrates that are found only in the sea. They are
covered with rough and spiny skin. Most echinoderms have thousands of
tubed feet on the underside of their bodies. These allow them to catch prey
and cling to rocks. Most echinoderms have a great number of suckers. Among
the echinoderms are starfishes, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers.

Arthropods are joint legged invertebrates that can be grouped

according to the number of legs they have. Insects are arthropods that have
six legs. Arachnids are arthropods that have eight legs. Crustaceans are
arthropods that have ten legs. Myriapods are arthropods that have more than
ten legs. Among the arthropods are insects, arachnids, crustaceans, crabs
and ants.

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
Exercises/ Activities

Activity 1: Describe Me

Directions: Identify the vertebrates that is being described by the

statement. Write the letter of your choice before the number.

F- Fish A- Amphibian R- Reptile B- Bird M- Mammal

_______1. Its body is covered with moist and slimy skin.

_______2. Its bones are lightweight and hollow.
_______3. Its skeleton is either cartilaginous or bony.
_______4. Its body is covered with dry skin and scales.
_______5. It nourishes its young with milk from the mammary glands.
_______6. It has a very light body which consists of hollow bones.
_______7. It doen’t have ears and only “hears” by sensing vibrations.
_______8. Named as “double lives”.
_______9. Bodies are protected with scales and fins for movement.
_______10. Gives birth to their offspring which develop inside the
female’s body.

Directions: Identify the characteristics of the different vertebrates by
completing the chart using the following description.
 Classification: - fish, bird, reptiles, amphibians, mammals
 Body covering: - scales, hair, skin, feather
 Movement: - swim, walk, and run, hop and jump, fly, crawl

Animals Classification Body covering Movement

1. crocodile
2. Toad
3. Bat
4. Maya
5. Yellow fin

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
Activity 3A: I Belong

Directions: Encircle the name of the animal/s that does/do not belong to
the group according the its classification.

Classification Animals
Fish shark rays tilapia hagfishes turtles

Amphibian salamanders worms lampreys frogs

Reptile snakes lizard turtles geese sparrows

Bird tortoise woodpeckers maya larks

Mammal monkey cats dogs eagle hawks

Activity 3B: My Groupmates

Directions: Classify each animal below according to its sub-group. Write the
names of the animals in the corresponding columns.

cats dogs eel eagle frogs

geese hagfishes hawks lampreys larks
lion lizard maya monkey rays
salamanders shark snakes sparrows tilapia
tortoise turtles woodpeckers worms zebra

Mammals Reptiles Birds Amphibians Fishes

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
Activity 4A- Describe Me
Directions: Read the content background and fill out the table.

Invertebrate Distinguishing Characteristics

1. Arthropods
2. Sponges

3. Mollusks

4. Echinoderms
5. Coelenterates

Activity 4B- Complete Me

Directions: Complete the description by supplying the correct word from the
word bank.

Arachnids Arthropods body covering

Insects many legs myriapods

1.____________ are jointed legs. There are four groups of animals in this group.
Crustaceans have a hard outer 2. ___________ divided into sections.
3._________ have three pairs of walking legs, one or two pairs of wings and a
pair of antennae. 4.__________ possess spinnerets which they spin threads
into webs. Myriapods are the animals with 5.__________.

Activity 5A: Match Me

Directions: Tell what animal is being described. Choose from the animals in
Column B. Write the name or draw the animal in your notebook.

A. B.
1. I can fly. I am colorful,
I have no backbone
Who am I?
2. I am soft. I live in the sea.
I have no backbone.
What am I?
Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
3. I move slowly. I have a shell.
I have no backbone.
What am I?

4. I look like a star. I live in the sea.

I have no backbone.
What am I?

5. I am soft. I burrow in the earth

I have no backbone.
What am I?

6. Water can pass through me.

I lie on rocks in the ocean
I have no backbone.
What am I?

What conclusion can you draw from the data above?


3 – Idea is clearly stated, and reasons are strong. Supports idea with
clear and thorough example.
2 – Idea is clearly stated, and reasons are stated. Example with explanation is
also stated.
1 – Idea is not clear. No examples and explanation stated

In this time, people love collecting things as a hobby for entainment
and fun. Wild animals are detached from their natural habitat and placed in
cages. Write three (3) view points about this situation.
Rubric for Scoring
Score Description
3 Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to the concepts
and has no misconception
2 Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to the concepts
but with minimal misconceptions.
1 Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to the concepts
but with misconceptions
0 No discussion

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:

Lilia M. Rabagao, ., Sarte, E, Garcia, E.,Lopez, E;, dela Cruz, M.,Arradaza,

H., Science Beyond Borders, Quezon City: Department of Education,

Misosa Materials, Department of Education

LRMDS Image Bank.

Author: Hope D. Maligmat
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
School Division: Bayugan City Division
email address:
email address:
School Division: Bayugan City Division
School/Station: Wawa Elementary School
Author: Hope D. Maligmat
Activity 5A Butterfly 2. Jellyfish 3.
Snail 4. Starfish 5. Earthworm 6.
Tunicates Activity 3A
1. Turtles
2. Lampreys
Activity 4B
3. Geese,sparrows
1. Arthropods 2. Body covering 3.
Insects 4.arachnids 5. Many 4. Tortoise
legs 5. Eagles, hawks
Activity 4A
1. Arthropods- are joined legged
Activity 2
2. Sponges- are many-celled animals. The
body is full of small holes called pores.
3. Mollusks-have soft bodies. Some have 1. Crocodile- reptiles- scales – crawl
hard shell to protect their bodies while 2. Toad – amphibians- skin – hop
others do not have. 3. Bat – mammals – hair – fly
4. Echinoderms- live in the sea. They are 4. Maya – bird – feathers – fly
covered with rough and spiny skin. 5. Yellow fin tuna – fish – scales –
5. Coelenterates-is a hallow-intestine swim
invertebrate that lives in the water. Its
body is shaped like a hollow sac that is
open at one end round.
Activity 1
1. A
2. B
3. F
4. R
5. M
6. F
7. R
8. A
9. F
Activity 3B
Answer Key

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