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The Animal Kingdom Autor NUST Namibia University of Science and Technology

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 The student will be able to know about animal

kingdom vertebrates

 The student will be able to understand the

classification of animal

 The student will be able to give examples of each of

the 7 main classes of Chordata
The Animal Kingdom

 Most complex of all kingdoms

 Multicellular (made of many cells)

 They obtain food from OUTSIDE SOURCES

 They move from place to place to get food

 They swallow their food and they digest

food inside the body.
Lack cell walls.
Presence of nervous and muscle
Reproduce sexually
Classification of Animals

Scientists have divided the Animal

Kingdom into two main groups:

vertebrates invertebrates
(animals with a and (animals without a
backbone) backbone)

Animals without a backbone.

There are eight phylum of invertebrates
Members of Phylum Chordata have a backbone
(they are vertebrates).
CLASS: Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
Phylum Chordata can be subdivided into 7 classes:

OSTEICHTHYES (ectothermic)

AVES Warm-blooded
MAMMALIA (endothermic)
Class Agnatha includes jawless fish such as
lampreys. They are parasites on other fish.
Class Chondrichthyes includes fish whose skeletons are
made of cartilage, such as sharks, rays, and skates.
The mouth is in a ventral position, and the gill slits
open separately to the exterior.
Class Osteichthyes includes fish whose skeletons are
made of bone.
Most abundant class of all vertebrates 49,000
The mouth is terminal and gills are covered by a
bony flap called operculum.
Flattened scales. Eg., Tuna, Salmon
Fish - skeleton
• Are cold-blooded
• The word amphibian
means two-life (semi-
• Lead a “double” life with
time spent on land and
• They must return to
the water to breed.
Lay jelly coated eggs.
Have a smooth, moist skin.
All amphibians begin their life in water with gills
and tails. As they grow, they develop lungs and
legs for their life on land.
Frog embryos develop into tadpoles,
which undergo metamorphosis to
become adults.
Modern amphibians include
salamander, frogs and toads
Frog - skeleton
Class Reptiles includes snakes, lizards, turtles,
crocodiles, alligators and iguanas.
They have dry, scaly skin with horny scales.
• Are cold-blooded
• Reptiles are amniotes
• Lay leathery shelled
• They lay their eggs on
• Kidneys are good at
conserving water
Snake - skeleton
Lizard - skeleton
• Reptiles (including birds) and
mammals are amniotes. The major
derived character of this class is
the amniotic egg, inside of which
the embryo develops within a
protective, fluid-filled sac called
AVES (Birds)
• Are warm-blooded
• Have wings and
• Light, hollow bones and
large lungs allow for flight.
• They all lay hard-
shelled eggs.
• Scales are on the
lower parts of their
• They excrete solid
metabolic wastes
(uric acid)
• Birds have a well
developed nervous
system and excellent
vision and hearing
• Birds communicate
with simple calls and
complex songs, as
well as with colour
and behaviour
AVES (Birds)
• Birds alone have feathers, which they use in
flight, in heat conservation, and in socially
significant communication displays.
Bird - skeleton
• Are warm-blooded
• Give birth to live
• Feed their babies
with their own milk.
• Are more or less
covered with hair.
• Differentiated teeth.
• Advanced nervous
Dog - skeleton
Human skeleton
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a mammal. My body is warm and furry. I

feed my babies on milk. I give birth to live
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or

I am a mammal. My body is covered in hair, or

fur. I feed my babies on milk. I give birth to
live young.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am an amphibian. My body is moist and

smooth. I lay eggs. I like to live in or near to
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a bird. My body is warm and

covered with feathers. I lay eggs which
hatch out into chicks.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

Although I have wings, I am in fact a mammal.

My body is covered in hair, not feathers. I
feed my babies on milk. I do not lay eggs.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a reptile. My body is covered in dry

scales. I lay eggs.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a bird. My body is warm and

covered with feathers. I lay eggs which
hatch out into chicks.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a reptile. My body is covered in dry

scales. I lay eggs.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a fish. My body is cold to touch and is

covered in scales. I lay eggs. I use gills to
breathe with under water.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a mammal. If you stand very close to me,

you will see I have hairs on my body. I feed
my babies on milk. I do not lay eggs.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a reptile. My body is covered in dry

scales. I lay eggs.
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am an amphibian. My body is moist and

smooth. I lay eggs. I like to live in or near to
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a mammal. My body is warm and furry. I

feed my babies on milk. I give birth to live
What am I?
Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian or Reptile?

I am a fish. My body is cold to touch and is

covered in scales. I lay eggs. I use gills to
breathe with under water.
• Agnatha, the jawless fishes, includes
the lampreys and hagfishes.
• Chondrichthyes, the cartilaginous
fishes, includes the sharks, rays, and
skates. These fishes have jaws, two
pairs of fins.
• Osteichthyes, the bony fishes includes
freshwater and saltwater.
• Amphibians return to water to reproduce,
have moist skin.
• Reptiles are amniotes, most terrestrial, has
a dry skin with horny scales.
• Birds have many adaptations for flight,
including feathers, wings, and light, hollow
bones containing air spaces.
• Mammals have hair, mammary glands, and
differentiated teeth.
• Reptiles
• Aves amniotes
• Mammals
• List the classes of the phylum chordate.
• What are two hallmarks of mammals?
• What does the word “amphibian” mean?
• Give the main characteristics of birds.
• What is the difference between a
reptile and an amphibian?
• What group of animals was the first to
make a partial transition from water to

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