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Digital Marketing: - Prof. Rashmi Jain

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Digital Marketing

- Prof. Rashmi Jain

Let us know each other…

• Name
• Qualification
• Work-ex if any
• Career aspirations
• Exciting areas in Marketing you
would like to pursue
Expectations from the course?
Objective of the course

Functional Executive
The course will include…

• Thorough conceptual understanding

• Practical, hands-on projects

• Industry experts interactions

• Cases, videos, projects etc.

• Detailed Session plan provided.

Class protocols

• No Mobiles unless asked to use

• No late entry in class after 10 mins of scheduled time

• Do not hesitate to ask questions?

• Submission deadlines are sacrosanct

• Do not discuss amongst friends/neighbors. However, feel free

to discuss any concern with me.

• Lets together make interactive sessions!

Are we ready to
US Media Spends
India Media Spends
Why is it gaining so much momentum?

Which country has the largest Internet users?

Between India and US who has larger base of internet users?

Why Digital Marketing gaining Importance?
Why Digital Marketing gaining
Internet Penetration

90% 87%




50% 46%


19% 21.00%

8.30% 9.50%

India US China

Internet Penetartion (%) Share of world Internet users

• however, penetration in India is just about 15% compared to 87% of US

• What is driving internet penetration in India?
Why Digital Marketing gaining
• no. of 3G connections far
higher than fixed broadband

• 40% of overall searches

happen through mobile

• 30% of FB users are mobile


India took a decade to move from 10Mn internet users to 100 Mn and only
3 years to double it!!!!
What kind of firms use Digital marketing?

Should it be…..

• Pure net companies – rediff, youtube??

• E-retailers?

• Bloggers?

• businesses using e-transactions?

• Traditional businesses?


Industries using Digital Marketing

No marketing campaign is incomplete without digital!

• What are the advantages of using Digital Marketing?
Advantages of Digital Marketing

• Available 24/7

• Available whenever required by customer

• Cuts across boundaries

• can be used by the customer’s pace

Advantage of Digital channels
• Available 24/7

• Available whenever required by customer

• Cuts across boundaries

• can be used by the customer’s pace

• Provides (overall) low cost for promotion and transaction

• Provides focused attention of the user

• It is interactive enabling 2 way dialogue!!!

• Can provide real time data

• Easier to track and measure customer behavior

•Provides a test-bed for products / campaigns

What are the various problems
associated with Digital Marketing?
• high cost of internet/broadband

• Low speeds

• Literacy

• Over-dependence on English

• privacy issues

• security concerns – virus, worms, phishing

• poor levels of customer service fulfillment and customer care

• Being free acts as a double edged sword

• poor credibility

• Cant provide an experience

So many problems then why use
digital marketing?
Leverage the strength and minimize the impact of
problems and realizing the mktg objectives in most
optimal manner
Is Digital marketing same as Online
C’s Of Digital marketing

3.Convenience 4.
Competition 5. Communications


Culture 1.Customer 6.Consistency  

9.Control Content

• Is at the heart of all marketing campaigns

• achieve high levels of satisfaction

• satisfaction leads to loyalty

• loyalty leads to improved profitability thru’ upselling and cross-selling

• customer getting powerful due to search, comparison websites etc

• marketer should consider customer behavior and consumption patterns

• Ex: teens text much more than make calls

•Ex: Forties use web at more at office than at home

Corporate Culture

• type of campaign stems from the corporate culture

• some look for instant result Vs some look at long term engagement

• Digital mktg is more than just having a website

• Needs constant investments


• Flexibility

• freedom from timing , travel etc

• Ex: traditionally call based service like Just Dial now moving to website and

• Ex: grocery shopping for working women

• Ex: Online Railway/ Airline ticket purchase


• What is TOI’s competition?

• Internet can increase competition eg: Huawei

• customers not restricted to retailers within a geography

• Internet facilitates information gathering and hence facilitates switching

• re-sellers. Ex: olx & quikr


•How should the message be delivered to the customers?

• Should it be in the face like a pop-up?

• or should it be a sponsored story on FB liked by a friend?


• Marketing campaigns are not designed for Channels, They are designed for

• Organizations need to deliver consistent message in both physical and digital


• Digital campaigns should also reflect the brands personality and positioning.

• Customers come to internet for content

• Content should be updated, informative, relevant

• “Site stickiness” is a KPI measuring the amount of time user has spent on the

• Information should be available with lowest no. of clicks possible

• provides near real-time data

• most suited to test new product or campaign

• various forms of data and analytics can be generated

Levels of Web Presence
• Level 0 No site of web presence
• Level 1 Minimal presence domain only
• Level 2 Basic presence with company & product
• Level 3 Basic interaction (e-mail)
• Level 4 Site developed to handle sales transactions
• Level 5 Fully interactive with all stages of the buying
process integrated
Digital Marketing

“The use of Internet and related digital information and communications
technologies to achieve marketing objectives”.

“Digital marketing is achieving the marketing objectives using digital

What are various marketing Objectives
for a company?
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
clients, partners, and society at large. (AMA July 2013)

What are the possible marketing objectives?

 launching new product

 offering discounts/ sales promotions
 creating awareness
 advertising
 creating new sales channel
 increase sales
 get better ROI
Marketing Objectives thru’ Digital

• Product Information
• Customer Engagement – FB pages
• Channel – Flipkart, myntra
• Sales Promotion – Mc Donald App
• Is a product itself - Naukri, Linkedin, Indiatimes
Can all type of mktg objectives for an
organization be achieved through
digital mktg??

• Customers buy music online?

• customers buy mobile phones online?

• customers buy groceries online?

• customers buy BMW online?

• customers buy newly launched perfume online?

• customers buy a house online?

• Croma set up a online store?

• HUL set up its own store to sell its products?

Digital marketing’s objective
depends on the respective products’
customer behavior
What activities you would undertake
before buying a Mobile device?
Consumer buying decision process

Problem recognition

Information search

Evaluation of alternatives

Purchase decision

Post-purchase behaviour
Online Buyer Behaviour

Although all steps in the consumer buying process might be affected by the
Internet, “… it’s biggest impact is in the decision making process is at
the research stage.” (Yahoo! Inc. and OMD 2006)

The study cites three key determinants in the online information search as:
1. Trusted sites
2. Choice of brands to compare
3. Competitive prices
What is your impression of Digital
The Purchase Behaviour Matrix
In the Internet age, information about products is available from a
myriad of off- and online sources. Furthermore, the purchase is
not necessarily made from the vendor who provides the most
significant information.
Online B2C Buyer Behaviour

Two key aspects can be monitored to help assess that customer’s online
1. Explicit behaviour based on:
– Data provided by the user; eg. a profile for registration to a site.
– Any recorded actions on the site; eg. signing up for an e-newsletter or placing an

2. Implied behaviour based on data derived from the observation of a

user’s actions as they interact with the site.

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