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Organisational Behaviour: Surprise Test I and II Dr. M.K. Badri Narayanan

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Organisational Behaviour

Surprise Test I and II

Dr. M.K. Badri Narayanan
Surprise Test I
1. Organizational behaviour is best defined as a
field of study that investigates the impact that
the following three components have upon
behaviour in organizations:
a. Groups, teams, systems
b. Groups, teams, structure
c. Individuals, teams, departments
d. Individuals, groups, structure
2. Which behavioural science would be most
useful in helping to understand individual
a. Psychology
b. Social psychology
c. Sociology
d. Political science
3. A process by which individuals organize and
interpret their sensory impressions in order to
give meaning to their environment is called:
a. Outlook
b. Environmental impact.
c. Perception.
d. Interpretation.
4. The tendency to arrive at conclusions based
on one’s own interests, background, experience
and attitudes
a) Halo Effect b)Self Serving bias c)
Stereotyping d) Selective perception
5. The Physiological, Safety and Social needs
were called by Herzberg as
a) Motivators b) Hygiene c) Creators d)
6. When perception patterns occur repeatedly,
there is a tendency to form a/an _______ about
something or someone.
a) bias (b) preconceived notion (c) attitude (d)
stereotypical view
7. Degree to which group members are attracted
to each other and are motivated to stay in a group.
This phenomena is known as ___________
a) Group conflict b) Social attraction c) Group
cohesiveness d) group demography
8. The phenomenon in which the norm for
consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of
alternative courses of action.
a) Group cohesiveness b) Group demography
c) Group think
9. Which of the following is NOT a key
component of emotional intelligence?
a) Self-awareness b) Self-management c)
Commitment d) Empathy
10. Conflict a mother feels between being a
friend to their children and also being a
disciplinarian explains which of the following
type of conflict?
a) Intergroup Conflict b) Interpersonal Conflict
c) Interrole Conflict d) Intrarole Conflict
11. What is generally the result of groupthink?
a) Higher quality decisions b) More risky
decisions c) Less critical analysis d) Unpopular
12. When an organization introduces step by
step small routines changes then it is called
a) Radical change b) Incremental change c)
Reactive change d) Anticipatory change
13. Asim telephones her employee, Nadeem,
to let him know that today’s meeting has been
moved to one o’clock. In the communication
process, Asim is
b) The sender b) The receiver c) The channel d)
The encoder
14. Which of the following is one of the relationships
proposed in expectancy theory?
a) Reward-satisfaction relationship
b) Satisfaction-performance relationship
c) Rewards-personal goals relationship
d) Effort-satisfaction relationship
15. Which of the following terms is part of the definition of
a strong culture?
e) Low behavioral controls
f) Narrowly shared values
g) Deeply held values
h) Weakly held values
16. Which of the following has proven to be a
particularly good predictor for jobs that require
cognitive complexity?
a) Intelligence tests b) Integrity evaluations c) Work
sampling (d) job evaluation
17. All of the following are true about learning
EXCEPT that it :
a) Can have a very short duration
b) Requires a change in behavior
c) Requires some form of experience
d) Affects aptitude
18. _____ is a measure of how organizations
are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of
gender, race, and ethnicity. Select correct
a) Workforce diversity
b) Affirmative action
c) Organizational culture
d) Operational homogeneity
19. The degree, to which a person identifies
with his or her job, actively participates in it, and
considers his or her performance as being
important to self-worth is __________. Select
correct option:
a) Job satisfaction
b) Job involvement
c) Job stability
d) Job enrichment
20. The degree to which decision making is
concentrated at a single point in the
a) Centralisation b) Decentralisation c)
Concentration d) Dispersion
Surprise Test II
21. A personality dimension that describes
someone who is good-natured, cooperative, and
trusting ____
a) Extroversion b) Agreeable c) open to
experience d) emotionally stable

22. The degree to which people believe that

they are masters of their own fate
a) Machiavellianism b) Dogmatic c) Hypocritical
d) Locus of Control
23. The tendency for individuals to attribute
their own success to internal factors and
blaming for failures on external factors is called
b) Halo Effect b)Self Serving bias c)
Stereotyping d) Selective perception
24. The proponent of Expectancy Theory of
motivation was
b) Maslow b) Herzberg c) Vroom d)
25. A situation in which an individual is
confronted by divergent role expectations
a) Role clarity b) Role conflict c) Job
enrichment d) Job enlargement
26. The tendency for individuals to expend less
effort when working collectively than when
working individually
a) Chaos b) Laziness c) Social goofing d)
Social Loafing
27. Degree to which group members are attracted
to each other and are motivated to stay in a group.
This phenomena is known as ___________
a) Group conflict b) Social attraction c) Group
cohesiveness d) group demography
28. The phenomenon in which the norm for
consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of
alternative courses of action.
a)Group cohesiveness b) Group demography c)
Group think
29. Which of the following is NOT a key
component of emotional intelligence?
a) Self-awareness b) Self-management c)
Commitment d) Empathy
30. Conflict a mother feels between being a
friend to their children and also being a
disciplinarian explains which of the following type
of conflict?
a) Intergroup Conflict b) Interpersonal Conflict
c) Interrole Conflict d) Intrarole Conflict
31. What is generally the result of groupthink?
a)Higher quality decisions b) More risky
decisions c) Less critical analysis d) Unpopular
32. An idea generation process in which the
quantity of ideas generated are important than
to that of their quality is called as
a) Delphi technique b) Group think c) Focused
Group Discussion d) Brainstorming
33. The organisation’s informal communication
network is called as
a) Chain b) Wheel c) All channel d) Grapevine
34. A sender’s manipulation of information so
that it will be seen more favourably by the
a) Information overload b) Filtering c)
Selective perception d) apprehension
35. According to which of the following theories
that is the leader’s job to assist followers in
attaining their goals and to provide the
necessary direction and/or support to ensure
that their goals
a) Leader participation b) Leader member
Exchange c) Path-Goal theory
36. The phenomenon of followers making attributions
of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when
they observe certain behaviours
a) Dictatorial b) Benevolent c) Charismatic d)

37. The phenomenon of followers making attributions

of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when
they observe certain behaviours
a) Dictatorial b) Benevolent c) Charismatic d)
38. A senior employee who sponsors and supports a
less-experienced employee is called
a) Leader b) Manager c) Superior d) Mentor
39. The power of a person received as a result of his or
her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization
a) Coercive power (b) Reward power c) Legitimate
40. A third party to a negotiation who has the authority
to dictate an agreement
a) Mediator (b) arbitrator (c) conciliator (d) consultant

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