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Intellectual Property Copyright Fair Use Guidelines

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01. 02.
Intellectual Copyright
Property RA 8293

03. Use
Fair 04.
Guidelines RA 10175
RA 8293
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

1 Copyright and Related Rights

2 Trademarks and Service Marks
3 Geographic Indications
4 Industrial Designs
5 Patents
6 Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits; and
7 Protection of Undisclosed Information.
technology transfer arrangements

● refers to contracts or agreements involving the transfer of systematic

knowledge for the manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or
rendering of a service including management contracts; and the transfer,
assignment or licensing of all forms of intellectual property rights, including
licensing of computer software except computer software developed for mass
World Intellectual Property Organization
The ff are protected by IP rights:
• Copyright legislation is
part of the wider body of • literary, artistic and scientific works;
law known as intellectual • performances of performing artists, phonograms and
property (IP) which refers broadcasts;
• inventions in all fields of human endeavor;
broadly to the creations of
• scientific discoveries;
the human mind. IP rights • industrial designs;
protect the interests of • trademarks, service marks, and commercial names
innovators and creators by and designations;
giving them rights over • protection against unfair competition; and
their creations. • “all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in
the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields”.
Two Branches of IP
Industrial Property Copyright
copyright is referred to as
• including patents for inventions, authors’ rights.
industrial designs (aesthetic creations
related to the appearance of industrial The expression copyright refers
products), trademarks, service marks, to the act of copying an
layout-designs of integrated circuits, original work which, in
commercial names and designations, respect of literary and artistic
geographical indications and protection creations, may be done only
against unfair competition. by the author or with the
author’s permission.
Rights Protected by Copyright

Economic Rights
Moral Rights
Rights of reproduction, distribution, rental and importation
Rights of public performance, broadcasting, communication
to the public and making available to the public

Translation and adaptation rights

Examples of free use include:
Free Use
● quoting from a protected work,
provided that the source of the
quotation and the name of the author
are mentioned, and that the extent of Free Use for Reproduction
the quotation is compatible with fair free reproduction in certain special cases
practice; where that act does not conflict with the
● use of works by way of illustration for normal exploitation of a work and does
teaching purposes; and not unreasonably prejudice the
● use of works for the purpose of news legitimate interests of the author. For
reporting. example, many national laws allow
individuals to reproduce a work
exclusively for their personal, private
and non-commercial use.
Fair Use
● These broad, general limitations or exceptions allow the use of works
without the right owner’s permission, taking into account factors such as
the nature and purpose of the use, including whether it is for commercial
purposes; the nature of the work used; the amount of the work used in
relation to the work as a whole; and the likely effect of the use on the
potential commercial value of the work.

● Non-voluntary (compulsory) licenses allow the use of works in certain

circumstances without the right owner’s permission, but require that
compensation be paid for that use.
Duration of Copyright

● The period or duration of copyright begins from the moment the work is
created or, under some national laws, when it is expressed or “fixed” in
tangible form.
● Copyright protection continues, in general, until a certain time after the
death of the author.
● Berne Convention and some countries’ law - the life of the author plus not
less than 50 years after the author’s death.
● Works that are no longer subject to copyright protection enter the public
Related Rights
Traditionally, related rights have been granted to three categories of
● performers;
● producers of sound recordings (also referred to as phonograms); and
● broadcasting organizations.

The duration of protection of related rights under the Rome Convention is 20

years from the end of the year in which:
(a) The recording is made, in the case of sound recordings and performances
included in sound recordings;
(b) The performance took place, in the case of performances not incorporated
in sound recordings; or
(c) The broadcast took place, for broadcasts.
References you used in your concept plan.
Cite using APA 7th edition.
Deadline: Nov. 14, 2020 (submit in GC)
Project: 3-5 minute video of your
Advocacy Campaign
-MIL related topics
- deadline: Nov. 28-29, 2020

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