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Media and Information Literacy: Quarter 1 - LAS 6

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Senior High School

Media and
Quarter 1 – LAS 6:
Present an issue in varied ways to
disseminate information using the
codes, convention, and language


DepEd Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner : ___________________________________________________

Grade Level : ___________________________________________________
Section / Strand : ___________________________________________________
Date : ___________________________________________________

Media and Information Literacy

Learning Area

Codes, Conventions, and Language of Media


Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)

 Present an issue in varied ways to disseminate information using the codes,
convention, and language of media

As a learner of this learning activity sheets, you are expected to:

 define genres, codes, conventions, and language of media;
 identify the codes and conventions presented;
 appreciate the importance of using the codes and conventions of media in
presenting an issue.

 Activity Notebook
 Ballpen

Today, media has become very powerful and influential. As a learner, it is

not enough that you can read the information given to you. It is also important to
understand media and information codes and conventions to help you better
understand the message that media professionals are communicating. According to
Ute Schaeffer as cited by (Sylvia Braesel, Media and Information Literacy A
practical guidebook for trainers, 2018) “People need to be media literate. This
involves knowing where to find relevant information, how media shape popular
culture and opinion and influence personal choices, and how to navigate the Internet
and ensure personal privacy in the cyber world.”

What is a genre?

comes from the French word meaning “type” or “class”

can be recognized by its common set of distinguishing features (codes
and conventions)

What are codes and conventions?


are systems of signs, which create meaning

Types of Code

 Technical – ways in which equipment is used to tell the story

(camera techniques, framing, depth of fields, lighting, etc. (Ping,

Camera Techniques
 Symbolic – show what is beneath the surface of what we see
(objects, setting, body language, clothing, color, etc. (,
Young, R. 2017)
 Written – use of language style and textual layout (headlines,
captions, speech bubbles, etc. (, Young, R. 2017)

are the generally accepted ways of doing something

Types of Conventions

 Form conventions – are the expected ways of how media codes

are arranged. In the newspaper, for example, the most
important news will be on the front page while sports news is
found on the back page.
 Story conventions – are common narrative structures and
understandings in storytelling media products like cause and
effect, character construction, and point of view.
 Genre conventions – are the common use of tropes, characters,
settings, or themes in a particular type of medium. They can be
formal or thematic.

You are now familiar with the different codes and conventions used by
media professionals to deliver the message that they want their audience to
receive. Your understanding of the technical, symbolic, and written codes will
make your media and information literate.

Activity 1. Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down?

Directions: Read the quote then answer the questions that follow. Write your
answer in your answer/piece of paper.

“Language may be a source of misunderstanding” by Marshall McLuchan,

1. Does the receiver’s/audience’s background or experience affect the
interpretation of the message?
2. Is it possible that different individuals interpret differently the message they
both received?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Express your answer by drawing
the symbol thumbs-up if you agree or draw the thumbs-down symbol if you

Draw here:

Activity 2. Match Me

Directions: On the left column are pictures of different movies. On the right
column are movie genres. Match the picture on the left to its correct movie genre on
the right. Write the letter of your correct answer in your activity notebook.

______ 1. A. Action

______ 2. B. Drama

______ 3. C. Horror

______ 4. D. Science Fiction

______ 5. E. Comedy
Guide Questions:

1. How important is using symbols to convey a message or information?

2. What are the elements that helped you identify its kind?

Activity 3. Sounds Familiar

Directions: Analyze the following picture and answer the questions that follow.

Are you familiar with this?

Answer the following questions:

1. What information do you get from the symbol?

2. How is the symbol presented in terms of color, fonts, and design?



The information that you get looking at the symbol is the message of the symbol
itself. Understanding the language of media is a skill that you must acquire.
Remember the following terms:

• Language pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes

and conventions that media and information professionals may select
and use to communicate ideas, information, and knowledge.

• Media languages are the codes, conventions, formats, symbols, and

narrative structures that indicate the meaning of media messages to
an audience.
• Messages are the information sent from a source to a receiver.

Source: Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy. (Ferdinand B.
Pitaagan, Ph.D., Virginia P. Andres, Louis Mark N. Plaza, Conrado C. Rotor, Ph.D., Aurelio P. Vilbar,
Ph.D., Cheryl F. Villanueva, 2016)
Multiple Choice. Read the following statements and choose the best answer. Write
your answer on a sheet of paper/ activity notebook.

1. These are the systems or signs which create meaning to the receiver.

A. Codes C. Language
B. Convention D. Message

2. It is the code to tell the story.

A. Media C. Technical
B. Symbolic D. Written

3. Body language, clothing, colors are examples of what code?

A. Media C. Technical
B. Symbolic D. Written

4. Information or data are stored. What do media practitioners use as

communication channels through which they disseminate them?

A. Codes C. Language
B. Convention D. Media

5. In movies, what colors are usually used to symbolize evil?

A. Black and White

B. Black and Gray
C. Black and Red
D. Black and White

6. Sounds and lightings are examples of what kind of code?

A. Media C. Technical
B. Symbolic D. Written

7. Sound is one of the most commonly used codes in media. When a movie scene
has the sound of a wind, what does it signify?

A. Something awful will happen

B. Something memorable will happen
C. Something terrifying will happen
D. Something unpredictable will happen

8. Letters, handbills, posters, and billboards are examples of what kind of code?

A. Media C. Technical
B. Symbolic D. Written

9. In a newspaper, the most important news is written with different fonts.

Where is this news usually placed?

A. Back page C. Entertainment page

B. Center page D. Front page

10. In a fantasy film, one would expect to see magic wands, demons, colorful
settings, basically things that are fictional and unreal in our world. What is
this widely recognized way of doing things which has to do with content,
style, and form?

A. Codes C. Genre
B. Convention D. Symbols

11. Camera shots are used differently to capture the message that the
photographer wants to tell the audience. When he wants to give the
audience a bit of context or location of the subject, what kind of shot will he

A. Close-up shot C. Over the Shoulder shot

B. Medium or Long shot D. Unusual/ Alternative shot

12. What kind of shot will a cameraman employ, if he wants to project the
strong emotion and tension present in the scene?

A. Close up shot C. Over the Shoulder shot

B. Medium or Long shot D. Unusual/ Alternative shot

13. Over the Shoulder Shot is an example of what code?

A. Media C. Technical
B. Symbolic D. Written

14. These are the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and conventions
use by media and information professionals. What do media information
professionals select and use to communicate ideas, information, and
A. Language C. Message
B. Media Codes D. Style

15. What type of code is used to emphasize a particular occasion stated in the
invitation card?

A. Media C. Technical
B. Symbolic D. Written
Directions: Explain what you have learned and what you need to know more in
this learning activity sheets. Write your reflections using the following
paragraph starters on your activity notebook.

Concepts Learned:

I learned that



Concepts Unlearned:
I need to know more about



 Boots C. Liquigan, DIWA Senior High School Series MEDIA AND

 MIL MELC by DepEd
 http://media-studies.tki,orgnz/Teaching-media-studies/Media-
Activity 1.
(Answers may vary, however the learners should
be able to answer in line with the topic.)
Activity 2.
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. E
Activity 3.
Answers may vary, however the learners should be able to answer in line with the topic.
(To be checked by your subject teacher. This part will be both recorded and graded. This will serve as your summative
Development Team of the School-based Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Writer: Gina B. Mahinay | Tandag National Science High School

Editor: Kit Jude Q. Minion, MT-I

Reviewer: Jennipher P. Curada, SST-III

Illustrator: Mia O. Laorden, MT-II

Management Team: Romulo T. Laorden, P-I

Mia O. Laorden, MT-II
Joeyconsly L. Valeroso, MT-I
Adonis Don G. Oplo, MT-I
Kit Jude Q. Minion, MT-I

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:



Tabon-tabon, Quezon, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur

Telephone: 214-5827

Email Address:

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