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Upper Extremities: DR Suryanto L Sprad

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Upper extremities

dr Suryanto L SpRad
• Tulang/kerangka
• Otot
• Tulang rawan (cartilago)
• Ligamen
• Tendon
• Fascia
• Bursae
• Persendian
• Matriks
• Kalsium
• Magnesium
• Fosfat
• karbonat
• Bagian luar disebut Periosteum
• Bagian dalam diisi dengan sumsum
kuning dan sumsum merah
Fungsi tulang
• Menahan jaringan tubuh dan
memberi bentuk kepada kerangka
• Melindungi organ –organ tubuh
• Untuk pergerakan
• Merupakan gudang untuk
menyimpan mineral
• Hematopoiesis
• Tulang panjang : tulang paha ,tulang
lengan atas
• Tulang pendek : carpals
• Tulang ceper : tulang tengkorak
• Bentuk yang tidak beraturan :
1. Head
2. Anatomical Neck
3. Lesser Tubercle
4. Intertubercular Groove
5. Greater Tubercle
6. Surgical Neck
7. Deltoid Tuberosity

Right Humerus - Proximal End

(Anterior Aspect)
1. Radial Fossa
2. Lateral Epicondyle
3. Capitulum
4. Trochlea
5. Medial Epicondyle
6. Coronoid Fossa
7. Olecranon Fossa
Right Humerus - Distal End
(Anterior & Posterior Aspects)
Left humerus. Anterior view
Left humerus. Posterior view
Left scapula. Costal surface
Left scapula. Dorsal surface
Left scapula. Lateral view
Upper Limbs:Shoulder Bones

1 Scapula.
2 Humerus.
3 Clavicle.
4 Coracoid Process.
Shoulder -- External Rotation View
Shoulder -- Axillary View
1. Olecranon Process
2. Semilunar Notch
3. Coronoid Process
4. Tuberosity
5. Radial Notch
6. Ulna (Shaft)
7. Head of Ulna
8. Styloid Process

Right Ulna - Proximal & Distal End

(Anterior Aspect)
Upper extremity of left ulna. Lateral aspect
1. Head of Radius
2. Neck of Radius
3. Radial Tuberosity
4. Radius (Shaft)
5. Styloid Process
6. Ulnar Notch

Right Radius - Proximal & Distal

End (Anterior Aspect)
Bones of left forearm. Anterior aspect
Bones of left forearm. Posterior aspect
Left View:
1 Humerus.
2 Radius.
3 Ulna.
4 Olecranon Process of the
5 Leteral Epicondyle.
6 Olecranon Fossa.

Right View:
1 Humerus.
2 Radius.
3 Ulna.
4 Olecranon process.
Elbow -- Anteroposterior (AP) View
Elbow -- Lateral View
Forearm -- Anteroposterior (AP) View
Forearm -- Lateral View

Anteroposterior (AP) View of the Forearm

Lateral View of the Forearm

1. Styloid Process of Radius
2. Navicular (Scaphoid)
3. Lunate
4. Triquetral
5. Pisiform
6. Trapezium
7. Trapezoid
8. Capitate
9. Hamate
10. Metacarpal
11. Proximal Phalange
12. Middle Phalange
13. Distal Phalange
14. Styloid Process of Ulna

Bones of the Right Hand (Dorsal Surface)

1. Navicular (Scaphoid)
2. Lunate
3. Triquetral
4. Pisiform
5. Trapezium
6. Trapezoid
7. Capitate
8. Hamate
9. Metacarpal
Proximal Phalange
Middle Phalange
Bones of the Right Hand (Palmar
12 Surface)
Distal Phalange
Bones of the left hand. Volar surface
Bones of the left hand. Dorsal surface
Posteroterior (PA) View
Wrist -- Posteroterior (PA) View
Wrist -- Lateral View
Hand -- Posteroanterior (PA) View
Upper Limbs:Wrist Bones:
Upper Limbs:Wrist Bones Two hands
Upper Limbs:Wrist Colles Fracture

1 Radial Growth Plate.

2 Fracture Site at the Lower end of
the Radius.
Upper Limbs: Wrist Hand X ray

1 Joint Between Radius and Navicular

(Scaphoid) bones (Radiocarpal
2 Joint Between Trapezium and First
Metcarpal Bones (carpometacarpal
3 First Metacarpophalangeal Joint.
4 Interphalangeal Joint of the Thumb.
5 Second metacarpo-phallangeal
6 Proximal inter-phallangeal joint.
7 Distal inter-phallangeal joint.
Lateral View
Posteroanterior (PA)

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