Revisit: Resistance and Capacitance MOSFET Model For Digital Circuits
Revisit: Resistance and Capacitance MOSFET Model For Digital Circuits
Revisit: Resistance and Capacitance MOSFET Model For Digital Circuits
Figure plots the simulated VTC of the inverter, as well as its derivative, the gain.
Effective Switching Resistance Revisited
Long-channel (scale factor is 1 um)
If the input node changes to VDD and the output node transitions to
ground, the charge on the capacitor is
The total charge supplied by the input or output voltage source to
the capacitor after the transition is then
Calculation of Delay Times ( and (
High-to-low ( Transition:
The, input and output voltage waveforms during this high-to-low ( transition are
illustrated in figure.
When the NMOS transistor starts conducting, it initially operates in the saturation region.
When the output voltage falls below (VDD - VT), the NMOS transistor starts to conduct in the
linear region.
First, consider the NMOS transistor operating in saturation
At t = t1', the output voltage will be equal to (VDD - VTn) and the transistor will be at
the saturation-linear region boundary.
Combining eq. (1) and (2) as
For VOH = VDD and VOL= 0, as is the case for the CMOS inverter,